Category: Churches

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Hipnose – Christelike Terapie of Duiwelse Okkultisme?

Hipnose – Christelike Terapie of Duiwelse Okkultisme? Christene wat beoog of van plan is om ‘n psigiater of ‘n sielkindige te besoek, sou beter doen om ‘n sangoma of ‘n toordorkter wat langs hulle ingetrek het, te besoek. Hier volg...

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Johan Geyser and The “Mosaiek” Seat of Moses

Johan Geyser and The “Mosaiek” Seat of Moses In 1926 a unique stone seat was found near the southern wall of the Chorazin synagogue. Since then it has been called the “Chair of Moses.” The Chair of Moses is a special...

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Reconciliation: Spiritual & Economic Poverty in South Africa

RECONCILIATION: FAKES, FRAUDS AND IMPOSTORS Lo and behold, South Africa had scarcely lain her greatest son, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela to rest, after a ten days period of mourning, dignitaries who attended his funeral, politicians, important civil servants and people at...

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Stephan Joubert – What You Think, Is What You Are

Stephan Joubert … What You Think, Is What You Are God says that our thoughts are mirror images of what we truly are in our deepest innermost being. “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and...

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Stephan Joubert’s Censorship of Paul and Deconstruction of Christianity

Stephan Joubert is constantly criticizing the Church. In his newest blog commentary on echurch he says that the Church needs simple Simons to cure the Church. Cure the Church of what and to which Church is he actually referring?  –...

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Wholebrain Christianity

Wholebrain Christianity The phrase never the twain shall meet, as Rudyard Kipling used it in his Barrack-room ballads, 1892: “Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,” has become something of a non sequitur...

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An Ecumenical, Post Modern, Post Apartheid, Missional Church

Since the Conference hosted by the Faculty of Theology at the University of Stellenbosch and Communitas from 18-20 May 2009 on the theme “What can we learn from the book of Acts about being a Missional Church?” the Book of...

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Dries Cronje – In and Out, Right or Wrong, Which one are you?

Dries Cronje – Your In and your Out… Would you penalize me when I change a certain Bible verse very slightly? Yes? Ok! so here goes: He who possesses the Truth has the only Truth; he who does not possess...

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Charles Spurgeon: The Prince of Preachers

“I do not come into this pulpit hoping that perhaps somebody will of his own free will return to Christ. My hope lies in another quarter. I hope that my Master will lay hold of some of them and say,...

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Elza Meyer – Hearing God’s Voice the Contemplative Way

Elza Meyer is part of the New Apostolic Reformation and is a minister at Moreletapark Church and Dutch Reformed Church’s and is big friends with Angus Buchan (Shalom Ministries), Stephan Joubert, Isak Burger, Graham Power (Transformation Africa), Bennie Mostert (Jericho Walls), et el.  Elza...