Category: Churches

Church most commonly refers to: Christian Church: body of Christians, or Bride of Christ taken as a whole. Church (congregation): a local congregation of a Christian denomination. Church service: a formalized period of Christian communal worship. Church (building): a building used for Christian religious worship service

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A PERFECT SPECIMEN OF THE NEW ISRAEL Having demonstrated through his books and YouTube videos that Stephan Joubert has a strong affinity for symbolism, I thought it would be a great idea to create a composite photo of Joubert that...

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Who Are The True People of God? Part 1

Important note: It is imperative that you watch this video from beginning to its end. Introduction Who Are The True People of God? – Although Stephan Joubert is adept at communicating valuable biblical insights, he notably fails to implement those...

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Wie is die Ware Volk van God? Deel 1

Inleiding Wie is die Ware Volk van God? – Alhoewel Stephan Joubert vaardig is om waardevolle Bybelse insigte te kommunikeer, slaag hy nie daarin om daardie insigte in die praktyk te implementeer wanneer die meer diepgaande kwessies wat verband hou...

Leon du Preez and Encounter Church 1

Encounter Church and Leon Du Preez

In the beginning of this year we were approached by a journalist from a prominent media house company to answer a few questions on Encounter Church and Leon Du Preez. They were looking to do a segment on Leon du...

What’s your story – Narrative Therapy 0

“Narrative Therapy” The Beautiful Deception of Storytelling

Introduction: Tell Me Your Story. “Narrative Therapy” – Besides the various mystical practices churches, in general, have latched onto in the past few decades, several psychological techniques and procedures have taken the church by storm, claiming that it can help...

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Jack Hibbs “WHO DO YOU SAY THAT I AM?” Part 2

THE HIDDEN FAITH OF AMERICA’S FOUNDING FATHERS The Prayer at Valley Forge During a visit to the Museum of the Bible in Washington DC, Pastor Jack Hibbs commended George Washington, the first founding father of America, as a genuine Christian...

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WHO ARE THOSE WHO CAN NEVER BE SAVED? INTRODUCTION Jack Hibbs created a collection of YouTube videos titled “Who are Those Who Can Never be Saved” and authored a book named “Living in the Daze of Deception,” which he further expounded upon in a...

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Ekerk’s Spiritual Movie Critics

The Corleone Jesus Bear in mind the following Scripture while you read this conversation. For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall...

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Introduction Stephan Joubert is not the only person who loves to disparage the truth, and, as I have already pointed out in one of my previous FB posts and DTW articles, he cannot seem to shake off the idea that...

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Wees nederig: Moenie fout vind nie.

Stephan Joubert is alewig besig om wêreldse “omvattende studies” (Jakobus 4:4) waarvan die meeste skrywers en outeurs ongelowiges en uitgesproke God-haters is, te gebruik om God se waarhede te rugsteun, so asof die Here nie in staat is om ons...