Category: Stephan Joubert

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Stephan Joubert’s Censorship of Paul and Deconstruction of Christianity

Stephan Joubert is constantly criticizing the Church. In his newest blog commentary on echurch he says that the Church needs simple Simons to cure the Church. Cure the Church of what and to which Church is he actually referring?  –...

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Latter Rain NAR – Has it Poured into Your Church?

What are the tell tale signs to know if your church is following Latter Rain / NAR / Manifest Sons of God teaching: Here from is an explanation of what Latter Rain teaching is. Sounds very Christian, sounds even...

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Wholebrain Christianity

Wholebrain Christianity The phrase never the twain shall meet, as Rudyard Kipling used it in his Barrack-room ballads, 1892: “Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,” has become something of a non sequitur...

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Dries Cronje – In and Out, Right or Wrong, Which one are you?

Dries Cronje – Your In and your Out… Would you penalize me when I change a certain Bible verse very slightly? Yes? Ok! so here goes: He who possesses the Truth has the only Truth; he who does not possess...

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Elza Meyer – Hearing God’s Voice the Contemplative Way

Elza Meyer is part of the New Apostolic Reformation and is a minister at Moreletapark Church and Dutch Reformed Church’s and is big friends with Angus Buchan (Shalom Ministries), Stephan Joubert, Isak Burger, Graham Power (Transformation Africa), Bennie Mostert (Jericho Walls), et el.  Elza...

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Crazy In Love With Jesus

The Mosaïek Church in Fairlands, Johannesburg and the Moreleta Park Dutch Reformed Church in Pretoria are rapidly becoming veritable lift-off pads for all kinds of strange fires to be unleashed on the unsuspecting South African ecclesiastics. In 2010, when they...

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The Fragrance of Christ

IS THE ETERNAL SALVATION OF THE LOST THE ONLY OBJECT OF THE CROSS? Paul admonished his younger brother in Christ to rightly divide the Word of God. Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to...

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Stephan Joubert’s JOY and Yet

“JUIG,” the Afrikaans edition of “JOY” published an interview with Stephan Joubert in May this year in which he reflects on his faith. JUIG/JOY is a South African Christian magazine which is based on “True life, True people and True...

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The Emergent-100%-Money-Back-Guaranteed-Church

The “money-back-guarantee” promise usually applies when you have already received a manufacturer’s product but you’re not satisfied with it and demand your money back. The Emergent Mosaiek Church in Fairlands, Johannesburg, has a new kind of money back guarantee. They...

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Idolatry: Can the blind lead the blind? – Part 3

Please read Idolatry: Can the blind lead the blind – Part 2 and Part 1  In the Emerging Church’s pantheon of idols there is one chief idol that overshadows all the others. His/her/its name is PARADOX. On page 32 of his book “New...