Jack Hibbs “In The Daze of Deception” – A Critique

Living in the Daze of Deception


Jack Hibbs.

What is deception?

Deception is the act of twisting the truth to make it appear as if it is the truth, to enhance the deceiver’s image among their followers (Luke 6:26; Acts 20:30), or to extract large amounts of money from them (2 Peter 2:1-3). In both cases, the deceived individuals are being led astray towards paths that lead to destruction (2 Peter 3:16).

Here’s a thought-provoking question for our readers: Can witnessing a UFO sighting mislead a person to the extent that it can steer them away from God? And here’s another one: Could Jesus’ warning in Matthew 24:4, “Take heed that no one deceives you,” be referring to the possibility of UFOs and the return of the Nephilim on earth during the last days? Stay tuned to find out.

There are two main ways to prepare a sermon. The first one is the most common method, where the preacher starts by reading and analyzing a passage (or more) of the Bible. This way, the audience knows right away what the preacher intends to communicate, without any hidden meanings or agendas that they need to figure out before they can fully understand.

The second approach is to select a theme or a topic and keep it hidden until the end of the sermon. The intention behind this is to gather enough evidence from both biblical and secular data before revealing the primary theme of the sermon at the end. This helps to give it more credibility and to convince the audience that whatever the pastor is saying is the truth and nothing but the truth. In this critique of his series, which he named “In The Daze of Deception,” we will see how Jack Hibbs is adept at this technique.

Jack Hibbs

Jack Hibbs, the senior pastor and founder of Calvary Chapel at Chino Hills, which is based in Southern California, has created a series of three YouTube videos called “In the Daze of Deception”. In part two of the series, he expressed disappointment and concern that many attendees who were present during one of his sermons on this topic walked out. He believes that they left because they couldn’t handle the truth. However, could there perhaps be another reason why they walked out?

Jack Hibbs began his second video on “In The Daze of Deception” with a warning,

Indeed, the Bible is completely true and always has been. However, it’s possible to misinterpret it, which is why Brother Peter warned.

Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures [including Genesis 6:1-6 and Hebrews 6:4-6)], to their own destruction.
Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. (2 Peter 3:15-18; NKJV).

“I would like to point out that I disagree with Jack Hibbs’ statement that deception causes a daze, fear, and confusion. While it is certainly true that the Bible is 100% accurate, this does not give anyone the right to misinterpret it. Jack Hibbs’ handling of the Bible is questionable, and I do not agree with it.”

The Bible never states that deception causes a state of confusion, fear, and daze. Not even once. On the contrary, according to Paul’s description of deception in 2 Timothy 4:3, those who fall prey to it have intentionally abandoned sound doctrine. They do so because they want to hear heresies that gratify their desires rather than the truth.

They surround themselves with a large number of teachers who say only what they want to hear to satisfy their own desires. This is not confusing or fearful, don’t you agree, Jack? However, to fit your bizarre stories of fallen angels controlling and seducing married women, you feel the need to use alarming words such as confusion, fear, and daze. That’s not appropriate, Jack.

From the Word of God, it can be proven without fail that salvation and damnation are solely based on one’s belief or disbelief in Jesus Christ and everything that is said about Him in the Gospel.

So, how can something so weird (a word Jack Hibbs often uses in his series of sermons on the Nephilim), have any bearing on salvation, and how can anything that has nothing to do with salvation, let alone a weird and whacky theory that fallen angels are once again going to deceive people as in the days of Noah, have any deceptive qualities?

Yes, of course, it may deceive the last days’ generation into believing that aliens have removed Christians from the earth when the Rapture occurs, but it does not ultimately “cause souls to be stolen from the grace of God.”

To reiterate what I said earlier, there is only one thing that will cause the last days’ generation to be robbed of the grace of God, and that is unbelief — headstrong, willful, reckless, obstinate, and determined unbelief, nothing else.

Indeed, unbelief usually leads to all kinds of other ungodly things but to include something so weird as marriages between fallen angels and human women as the prime reason for God to have judged the world with a flood in the time of Noah, and sent those who allegedly participated in this weird thing to hell —

Do our readers see any mention of weird marriages between fallen angels and human women in this passage of Scripture?

In Part 1 Jack Hibbs talks about God’s command in the Old Testament to kill false prophets because they were leading his people astray and causing them to worship false gods. “We don’t do that anymore these days,” he says, “but we are supposed to expose the evil of false teachers. Spot on Jack, so let’s do it.

For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thessalonians 2:7-12).

Jack Hibbs proceeds to say, “There are a lot of people who cannot make things out, even now, even though these stuff,” as he calls it, “have been going on for many thousands of years. People still can’t see what is happening in these end-time days. They just cannot handle it.”

It is of the utmost importance to pinpoint the exact moment many people walked out on Jack Hibbs’ sermon on “In The Daze of Deception.” That moment came after Jack had spoken about the American Congressional hearing held in July 2023 on the proliferation of UFO sightings. If you have the grit to sit through the hearing to which Jack referred, here is the link to the YouTube video.

That moment came when Jack drew a connection between Jesus Christ’s words in Matthew 24:4 (“Take heed that no one deceive you”) and the findings of a Congressional hearing. This article aims to explore Jack’s assertion that Jesus’ warning is relevant to the recent sightings of UFOs.

Already here, in the first part of the series, he hints at some strange things which he casually calls “stuff.” “Stuff” can be anything from a basket full of bad eggs to a scrap yard full of rusty old jet planes. However, Hibbs has a specific agenda, with his mind set on only one thing, as we shall see later on. 

Next, Hibbs goes into lecturing mode by telling the people that the phenomenon of deception comes from the Greek word “planao” which means to wander away from the path, to go astray, become misguided, or to fall away from the truth.

I suppose there’s nothing wrong in lecturing but as soon as you tell people stuff about stuff that has been going on for thousands of years, and of which Jesus Himself warned us, without giving the slightest hint of what these stuffs are from the word go, you need to start asking serious questions. 

What kind of stuff is Jack Hibbs talking about that allegedly has been going on for thousands of years? 

Here in his own words, we learn what the stuff is. 

What I’m talking about and what I believe, is some form of a bizarre unleashing of demonic activity, what Jesus warned about and what the prophets warned about prior to the advent of the Antichrist, the tribulation period, and then ultimately the Second Coming of Christ to establish his Kingdom. There is a demonic ministry, mission, that is now going public.  . . . Jesus says this is no laughing matter, so control yourself when you feel like laughing. 

Here Jack Hibbs opens the curtain a bit more claiming that the 1% verified sightings in the skies and on earth are a demonic ministry or mission that is now going public. Instead of going to the Bible first and reading it word for word, Hibbs uses the most bizarre video of Barack Obama explaining that America has footage of strange objects in the sky that we don’t know exactly what they are.

The most distressing thing about Hibbs’s effort to substantiate his claim that the video seems to prove that we are in the throes of demonic activity is that he uses an unbeliever’s views to clarify the so-called sightings of UFOS.  

Bear in mind, that the author of this article is not denying that there is such a phenomenon as demonic activities. It has been around for centuries and is commonplace among people who dabble in the occult, like seances, out-of-body experiences, Ouija board talking, astrology, alchemy, divination, magic, witchcraft, and sorcery . . .. Yes, and even phenomena like slain-in the spirit, speaking in tongues and false healing ministries that is rampant in Pentecostal churches.

Are there any examples in the Bible of Satan and his demons manifesting themselves in human form or as UFOs? 

In Part 3 of his series, Jack Hibbs’s evinces the silly Obama video with something more scientific and methodical, if we may call it so when he shows a short video clip of a former astrophysicist and professional astronomer, Hugh Ross, who maintains that 99% of sightings are either natural phenomena, a hoax or secret government activities, and only 1% seems to be demonic activity.  

Let it be known that Jack Hibbs is particularly interested in the 1% sightings that lend themselves to demonic activities, only going public now, as he says.

A quick examination of some of the main features Hugh Ross mentions in the video provides the following data.

  1. Of the 2000 (1%) residual sightings of UFOs none of them produced sonic booms. 
  2. None of them had any heat friction on their tail when entering Earth’s atmosphere. 
  3. When it hit the earth, it caused a small crater. 
  4. There were no artifacts, debris, or any other kind of physical evidence that showed it could have been caused by a solid substance. 
  5. The vegetation around the crater was incinerated. 

Dr. Hugh Ross is convinced that the residual sightings that make up the 1% of the 2000 documented cases are demonic. What needs to be considered, however, is how the non-physical demonic entities and their activities can directly lead people astray into paths contrary and hostile to biblical doctrine. Can they be part of the deception Jesus refers to in Matthew 24:4?

Ironically, Dr. Hugh Ross argues that we should take the Bible very seriously but that it should not be read literally. What kind of scientific reasoning is that? It must not be taken literally, meaning, of course, that you may take it metaphorically, but your metaphorical reading of the Bible must be a matter of the utmost serious concern. Could this have been one of the deceptions the 1% demonic apparitions have incurred a stronghold on the minds of highly educated persons “that is now going public?”

Going back to the question in the heading above whether the Bible provides any evidence of fallen angels having appeared as human beings with fully functional reproductive organs to reproduce their own kind, it must be answered with an unequivocal NO! 

There is not a single instance in God’s Word where fallen angels are portrayed or introduced as humans made in the image of God. No other creature, other than man, was made in the image of God with the capacity to create offspring in their own image, consisting of a body soul, and spirit. These attributes make humans to be human. Had it been anything less or something other than this, Jesus would have had to be incarnated into something different from what God had created in the beginning when He made Adam and Eve.

Isn’t this what constitutes a human being, the crown and glory of God’s creation fashioned in his image? The slightest thought that fallen angels could have been changed into male humans, fashioned in the image of God to produce offspring with human females, goes far beyond human reasonableness.

It is akin to blasphemy because it implies that either the fallen angels had creative powers to change themselves into image-bearing human beings or that God Himself had changed them thus.

Before we dig deeper into Jack’s Chino Hills UFO trip, it is beneficial to see how Jack bases much of his sermon on Dr. Hugh Ross’ views on UFO sightings. So, let us familiarize ourselves with Dr Hugh Ross and his astrophysical mindset. 

Hugh Ross, astrophysicist, and astronomer


Wikipedia reports, 

Ross believes in progressive creationism, a view which holds that while the Earth is billions of years old, life did not appear by natural forces alone but that a supernatural agent formed different lifeforms in incremental (progressive) stages, and day-age creationism, a system of reconciling a literal Genesis account of creation with modern scientific theories on the age of the universe, the Earth, life, and humans.

Note carefully that the Word of God which Jesus affirmed as Truth and not just A Truth among many other truths [John 17:17], must be reconciled with modern scientific THEORIES. The word “theory comes from the Greek word, theorin, which means “to look at” or “to observe” or “to speculate.”

That term comes, in turn, from the Greek theoros, “a spectator,” which comes from thea, meaning “theater.” Perhaps this connection to the theater is part of the reason the word theory is sometimes used to suggest that something not completely realistic is going on. Unlike the scientific definition, the common definition leaves room for speculation. It implies that something isn’t proven, that it’s just a hunch. 

Wikipedia continues:

He rejects the young-Earth creationist positions that the earth is younger than 10,000 years and that the creation “days” of Genesis 1 represent literal 24-hour periods. Ross instead asserts that these days (translated from the Hebrew word yom[) are historic, distinct, and sequential, but not 24 hours in length nor equal in length.

Ross agrees with the scientific community that any version of intelligent design is inadequate if it does not provide a testable hypothesis which can make verifiable and falsifiable predictions, and if not, it should not be taught in the classroom as science.

Genesis 1 teaches something quite different. The repeated phrase, “And God said . . . and it was so” and the last verse of chapter 1, “And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good,” refutes the notion of a progressive creation over a billion years.

Let’s pause here for a second to try and understand why Jack Hibbs uses Hugh Ross’s suppositions concerning UFOs to validate his sermons and book “In the Daze of Deception.” If God created the present heavens and earth over billions of years in incremental (progressive) stages, how is He going to create the new heavens and the new earth? In the same way – over billions of years?

Imagine the agony and anxiety the saints and the holy angels will have to go through whilst having to wait for another billion years to go by before they can enjoy the bliss of God’s new heavens, new earth, and new Jerusalem. So, what I would like to know from Jack is, why is he using lies to verify his mantra “I’m telling you the truth. I’m telling the truth.”

As soon as God had finished speaking, at that very nanosecond, that precise moment, the things He created were immediately there in all its visible splendor. Furthermore, to understand the word “good” in this context, we must turn to the incident where a certain ruler asked Jesus, “Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” and Jesus answered him saying, “No one is good – except God alone.” (Luke 18:19).

What did He mean? Well, it is pretty obvious what He meant, and that is that “good” means to be without blemish, flaws, and imperfections, and, therefore, there is no need for a progressive timespan of a billion years before He could say, “very good.”

With God there are no degrees of comparison between good, better, very good, and best. His “good” is already perfect for the simple reason that He is perfect in all his divine attributes, and also in his creative powers. 

As mentioned, Hugh Ross is an old-earth creationist who insists that a biblical creation-day in Genesis metaphorically represents (or is at least compatible with) a billion years  . . .  and says that the flood was about 22 feet deep which means that it covered a mere 0.129% of Mount Ararat’s (16 946 feet high) surface, while the Bible asserts that the entire earth’s surface was covered in water, including the highest mountains.

If Hugh Ross’s calculation of 22 feet was correct, Noah would have not needed the waters to recede, and first send out a raven and then a dove to test the surroundings, and to ensure a safe landing for his family and the animals on dry land.  

In the article “Does Genesis Say the Floodwaters Covered All the High Mountains?” Hugh Ross writes that “2 Peter 2:5 states that God brought the flood on the world of the ungodly,” and that “2 Peter 3:6 declares that the world of that time perished when it was flooded,” and concludes that “In both these passages in 2 Peter, the Greek word kosmos is qualified, implying less than the entirety of Earth.”

Hugh Ross is not being honest in his application of the adjectives that precede and describe the word “kosmos.” The word “archaios” (old)  “kosmos” (world) is a reference to the original or primordial world God created in the beginning and evidently encompassed the entire Earth. Yet, Hugh Ross limits the same word in the very same verse to only a part of the world, and a portion “less than the entirety of the Earth” when the adjective “archaios” precedes “kosmos.”

Can we attribute his deceptive conclusions to demonic UFO sightings or is it just a slight glitch of his own imagination? I suppose one can say that a scientific demon is playing havoc with his mind, but you cannot say that a UFO sighting of the third kind caused the glitch and consequently led him astray.

What boggles the mind, and perhaps not that much, is that Jack Hibbs salutes and reveres him as a great scientist. Once again, I must ask, why is Jack using lies to verify his mantra “I’m telling you the truth. I’m telling the truth?” Perhaps it is time for Jack Hibbs to learn that truth and lies are completely and utterly incompatible.

Two other kingpins who serve as pillars of wisdom in Jack’s video are Henry M Morris (author of “The Genesis Record”) and Robert Govett (whose dissertation “The Rise and Rise Again of the Nephilim” is well-known among the Nephilim proponents).

Both Ross and Govett profess to know with certainty that the Nephilim were the offspring of marriages between fallen angels and the daughters of men. Henry M Morris on the other hand advanced the viewpoint that the godly lineage of Seth (described in Genesis 4:25-5:32) intermarried the daughters of the ungodly lineage of Cain (Genesis 4:1-24). (From the book, “The Bible Has the Answer” by Henry M. Morris and Martin E. Clark).

Why Jack Hibbs included Henry M Morris’ “The Genesis Record” in his sermon is anyone’s guess. I can only assume that he wanted to brag somewhat about his habit of reading books 50+ millimeters thick notwithstanding Morris’ views on the Nephilim. Jack Hibbs says,

I wanna remind you that I am not now practicing church growth tactics I am giving you the truth, and people, pastors, theologians will squirm and fight, and go through incredible gyrations to explain it away. Friends, I want you to know I have read them all. Over the last 45 years I have read them all. There’s no other way to put it. [That fallen angels married the daughters of men and had huge giants, Nephilim, as their kiddies].

His way of putting it is the only way of putting it. Therefore anyone else’s putting it is the wrong way of putting it.

Come on, Jack! Whenever you claim to give people the truth, you’d better make doubly sure that you are indeed giving them the truth. Jack’s boastful claim that in the last 45 years, he has read all the books, dissertations, articles, and academic papers on Genesis 6:1-6 and Jude verse 6 is, putting it bluntly, a lie.

Has he read Dave Hunt’s articles on the subject in The Berean Call, and all the articles on the Website Discerning the World? If he can lie about his reading habits, he can surely lie about Genesis 6:1-6.

Jack Hibbs goes on to say, “We are talking about deception in the last days and we’re answering that the last days’ deception will no doubt include unexplainable things, unexplainable phenomena whether they are flying or are under the water, whether they manifest or not – maybe even technology, maybe even the AI – unexplainable things that are all part of or will be used by the great grand deception of the days (daze) of deception.”

Can anything that is viewed to be unexplainable, “whether they are flying or under the water, whether they manifest or not, maybe technology, maybe even the AI,” deceive anyone? The things Jack defines as “unexplainable” will only deceive you when you try to explain the unexplainable in terms of your personal observations and description of them, without any verifiable reference to the real nature or substance of the unexplainable.

Deception can only kick in when you have dependable, verifiable, and explainable facts before you, given to you by a higher authority or authorities, and you change or read into them pseudo-facts that look like the real facts but are not, to mislead and draw away disciples after you.

We may call it hermeneutics of deception. Luke summed it up very well when he wrote, “Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things (distorting, misinterpreting, corrupting the truth) to draw away disciples after them.” (Acts 20:30).

When Jesus warned his disciples to “take heed that no man deceive you” (Matthew 24:4), in response to their question “Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” it could not have been a warning against unexplainable things like UFOs or demons masquerading as unidentified objects in the air and under the water. It must have been something commonplace among all of mankind since the very beginning right up to the end of the world. Deception is not limited to only certain timespans.

It could not have been something appearing and then remaining hidden for millennia just to appear again to deceive mankind. Jesus Christ’s use of the present tense (deceive) underscores the fact that it remains relevant for “you” the reader and “me” the author at whatever time you may have read, are reading, and shall be reading his warning in Matthew 24:4.

At any rate, in the very next verse 25 Jesus qualifies the scope of the deception in the end-time when He said, “For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.” This kind of deception was never perpetrated by unexplainable flying objects that are now being interpreted by Christians as demons manifesting themselves as UFOs “now going public” as Jack said,

The abominable evil of deception started in the Christian church, whether you like it or not. Why? Because the dependable, verifiable, and explainable facts (truths), were granted by God to the church to guard, teach, and spread so that sinners may be saved.

That’s precisely what deception is – to pose as representatives of Jesus Christ who seem to be preaching the unadulterated Gospel but stealthily permeate it with doctrines of devils, one of them being that “ye are gods.” (Psalm 82:6; John 10:34).

This is what Jesus warned against in the last days and not a comic book version of Genesis 6:1-6 when fallen angels allegedly married the daughters of men to produce the Nephilim once more in the last “daze.” Even if the evil fallen angels could by the slightest margin of good mannerliness show respect, love, and poise in their relationship with earthly women, they still could not possibly have married them.

Jack Hibbs, having been married to his wife for more than 40 years, should at least know that God who instituted the marriage bond between one man and one woman, said that they would become one flesh. It follows that a marriage, which the sons of God (fallen angels) and the daughters of men supposedly consummated, could never have been a marriage resulting in one flesh, unless the fallen angels were all incarnated, either by their power or by the power of God. Both these scenarios are unthinkable. To say the least, it maligns the unique incarnation of Jesus Christ, as we have already pointed out earlier.  

Jack’s argument that the “wives” in Genesis 6 are not married women in the normal sense of the word but women of ill-repute whose purpose it was to arouse the sexual desires of fallen angels, is not only weak but completely at variance with every good and reliable dictionary.

The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Lexicon:

‘ishshâh / nâshı̂ym

1) woman, wife, female

1a) woman (opposite of man)

1b) wife (woman married to a man)

The great, grand deception – Is it marriages between fallen angels or a man pretending to be Jesus Christ?

I can just about hear Jack Hibbs protesting and saying, “I am talking about “the great grand deception of the days (daze) of deception.” Bear in mind that Jesus was speaking to his disciples, born-again Christians, and not unbelievers.

There is no need to deceive unbelievers because they are already deceived. They are void of any truth. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12). Take heed, from the latter passage in brackets, that the deception will not be a comic book kind of horror story depicting fallen angels marrying earthly women once more as in the days of Noah, and producing huge giants endowed with immense strength and supernatural prowess.

The deception will be far more cunning when a man presents himself to the world as the long-awaited Messiah, “who’s coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.”

They can receive and love the truth that they may be saved but have wilfully refused to receive the gift of salvation. None of them will ever be able to protest God’s righteous judgment on them and say, “You can’t judge me. I am innocent. I was wickedly deceived by a fallen angel who promised me the world when I married him. We even had four kids of whom the 3 boys are huge giants who play in a giant team of Nephilim rugby players.

Guess what God will say to them. “Stop listening to preachers who are misrepresenting many passages in my Scriptures and leading many astray. You know the truth of how to be saved by grace alone, but your hardened heart led you to refuse and cast to the dogs my free offer of salvation. You alone have made your choice to go to hell. I’m only giving you what you wanted.”

This line of thinking will only be presented to God by the womenfolk who married fallen angels. What about the women who did not marry fallen angels? David Pawson, another Nephilim protégé, believes that not all the women married fallen angels, and neither did the menfolk. Will God also judge them to an eternity in hell, and would it not be an unrighteous thing for Him to do if He did?

What was it that was so evil that caused God to wipe out the entire antediluvian world except for Noah and his family?

We have already seen, according to Scripture, that most of the end-time generation will not be saved because they received not the love of the truth to be redeemed. The reason for their unresponsiveness to the truth cannot be attributed to anything else but their rejection of the truth.

If Jesus is the very essence of the truth, which, of course, He is (John 14:6), then it is painfully evident that they rejected Jesus Christ as the only Saviour of mankind. In the same sense, the Nephilim hypothesis is demonstrably an outright rejection of the Gospel of God, claiming that something else than a childlike faith in God’s truth barred the entire antediluvian generation from heaven, and that is, as silly as it may sound, a marriage certificate signed by fallen angels and the daughters of men.

Unbelief is not merely a void or lack of trust in God. Mankind, having been made in the image of God, has the divinely embedded desire for something higher and superior to himself which drives him or her on to seek God. (Jeremiah 29:13).

Unfortunately, the majority of people do not find God because they seek out ways and means they think will bring them to God. Jesus Himself once said, “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. (Matthew 7:13-14).

Have you noticed that He said it twice to emphasize the fact that this is the only reason why people miss out on heaven? If this is the only reason, then it must have been so during Noah’s days as well, and indeed Noah preached the Gospel of God to the antediluvian crowd for 120 years.

They jolly well knew what salvation was all about. Hence, their damnation cannot be blamed on fallen angels but on their outright rejection of the only way to be redeemed. How did they enact their unbelief and rejection of the truth?

Unbelief, faithlessness, rebellion, and disobedience always lead to idolatry. God sees no difference between the sins of disobedience and witchcraft and between stubbornness and idolatry. (1 Samuel 15:23). Stubbornness is to foolheartedly persist in one’s rebellion and disobedience, which explains why Noah’s preaching of the Gospel for 120 years fell on deaf ears and had no effect on them.

Their consciences were seared to the point that they married beautiful women who tempted them to take part in the most horrific acts of phallic worship and child sacrifices imaginable. (Read here).

No one can deny that the phenomenon of deception could never have been a potent reality without knowing the truth first. For instance, could Satan have deceived Eve without knowing the truth that she and Adam would die spiritually if God had not given them the command not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? Satan heard God giving Adam and Eve the command and could, therefore, use it to deceive them to the extent of convincing them that “thou shalt surely not die.”

This is the very essence of deception; it is to convince people that God’s Word (the Truth) often says something else than what they have been familiar with as the truth. In short, it is called adding or taking away from the Word of God (Ephesians 4:14; Revelation 22:18-19). Jack Hibbs is a boffin in convincing people he is telling them the truth while he wanders deeper into erroneous doctrines.  

That said, we must ask ourselves whether the five points Hugh Ross described to verify the existence of paranormal activities, known as UFOS, can lead people astray and set them on a path contrary to the Word of God. If they could, Hugh Ross, a Christian and formidable astrophysicist, and astronomer would probably have been misled a long time ago.

Why do these paranormal activities have the slightest likelihood of conveying the truth or the lack of it? Jack calls it, “. . . a demonic ministry, mission, that is now going public.” And warns people,  . . . “Jesus says this is no laughing matter.” It is pure conjecture to say they are demonic entities who are only now going public.

Nevertheless, Jack seems to know how to link these bizarre things that are only now going public with things written many thousands of years ago. The Nephilim hypothesis, in my opinion, is diverting many Christians from the real and more dangerous deception in their churches which is the shameful twisting of the Gospel (the Good News) with all kinds of pseudo-Christian doctrines (Keep in mind, not UFO sightings but straightforward pseudo-Christian doctrines).

Sensationalism has always taken a front seat in peoples’ minds because it is more exciting, and exhilarating, while pep-talk tactics usually do excite the imagination of people, the very thing Jack Hibbs’s warns against. Tallyho, the true objective of Jack’s sermon is on the horizon and slowly moving into plain sight.

At long last, we now come to Jack’s real objective which we may call “Jack in a Nephilim UFO” 

Like all the Nephilim adherents who believe fallen angels married, cohabited, had sexual relationships, and produced giant kiddies (Nephilim) with earthly women, Jack Hibbs uses the same passages in Scripture – Genesis 6:1-6 and Jude 1:5-7 – to corroborate these views.

And, not surprisingly so, they all say the same things. They parrot one another’s lies and deceit with gusto. These are some of the things they continually say. 

According to the Nephilim allies the description “bene ha Elohim” always refers to holy and fallen angels in the Old Testament, and never to human beings. In his second video, Jack Hibbs quotes Job 38:3-7 with emphasis on verse 7 to prove that all of the Old Testament’s “the sons of God.” always refer to angels.

Well, sorry to say, this is not true. Referring to judges, the psalmist, Asaph, uses “Elohim” to confirm that they are all children (sons and daughters) of God. (Exodus 21:6; 22:8; Psalm 82:1, 6). Assuming that these judges had sons, we may call them “sons of Elohim” or “Bene Ha Elohim,” can’t we?

In the New Testament, the evangelist Luke calls Adam “the son of God” (Luke 3:38). If “Bene ha Elohim” always and only refers to angels – including the fallen angels – in the Old Testament, why aren’t the devils in the New Testament referred to as the sons of God?

The six times the term “sons of God” appears in the New Testament, it only refers to believers and never to the fallen angels who are mentioned 51 times in 44 verses in the Old Testament. 

Did they lose their sonship in the New Testament? Perhaps we should assume that, whereas the fallen angels lost their sonship, the believers gained their sonship in the New Testament. As such, it causes somewhat of an anomaly with the Old Testament’s “bene ha Elohim.”

Surely, we can’t refer to the fallen angels as “the sons of God” in the New Testament when the Holy Spirit never inspired the authors of the New Testament to refer to them as “the sons of God.” Furthermore, if the Nephilim hypothesis in the New Testament (is “a demonic ministry, mission, that is now going public”), and is the precise replica of the activities of the fallen angels “as in the days of Noah,” then they should still be called “the sons of God.”

What brought about the change? If we argue that it was the new birth in Christ that brought about this change, we should immediately ask, “What about Abraham the father of all true believers?”Was he not a direct creation of God, i.e. in the spiritual sense of the word? 

Was he not a son of God through the new birth in Christ Jesus although he is never specifically called a son of God in the Old Testament? He was the archetype of all the true believers in the New Testament who are all called “sons of God.” Certainly, we cannot dismiss the father of all believers as a son of God when his spiritual children are all called “the sons of God.”  

Abraham knew and acknowledged that God is a righteous God who never will punish the righteous together with the unrighteous, as we learn from his prayer pleading with God on behalf of a possible 50, 45, 40, 30, 20, and 10 righteous people in Sodom and Gomorrah. (Genesis 18:16-33). Jack Hibbs, the knowledgeable pastor that he is, refutes Abraham’s compassion and humility. Only the daughters of men sinned against God, and not the men. Were all the daughters of men taken as wives by the fallen angels?  

Like the angels of God in heaven

Jack Hibbs negates Jesus Christ’s words in Matthew 22:30 “For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage but are like angels of God in heaven,” because,” as he says, “we, the believers, are already married to Jesus Christ.”

Hibbs, despite his abhorrence of evil imaginations, happily uses his own evil imagination when he interprets this passage in terms of the spiritual bond (a marriage), with emphasis on “spiritual and not “physical,” between Jesus Christ and his saints, while the Sadducees who asked Him the question about the woman who had seven husbands and all died, had nothing whatsoever to do with a spiritual marital bond in heaven.

How do we know? In verse 2 of this passage, they asked Him, “Master, Moses said, If a man dies, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.” The word for “seed” in verse 2 is the Greek word “sperma” from which the English word “sperm” comes.

Any educated adult man or woman in their right mind will tell you that sperm is the product of a physically healthy male and female person’s productive organs. Jack Hibbs seems to think that Jesus misunderstood them and deliberately changed the subject to a spiritually explainable phenomenon, that of marriage to Jesus Christ, with the intent of validating the Nephilim hypothesis.

The Nephilim hypothesis proclaims that the angels in heaven who are all male entities could get married but in obedience to God and in reverence for the saints who are married to Jesus Christ, they never left their first estate.

The fallen angels, on the other hand, left their first estate of not craving marriage and maliciously opted to get married. Having had no female angels in heaven with whom they could cohabitate and have kiddies, they maliciously turned their attention to the beautiful females on earth and married them. 

I don’t think that Jesus was so uninformed that he misunderstood the Sadducees’ physically intoned question. However, Jack Hibbs and all the other Nephilim cronies must of necessity invent some kind of doohickey stuff to fully corroborate their Hollywoodian nonsense, even to the extent that the fallen angels already had reproductive organs, (strange flesh), to be fully functional macho men for marriage.

Strange flesh – Jude 1:5-17. If fallen angels went after strange flesh, what kind of flesh did the fallen angels have, or did they have intercourse with human women as spirit beings? 

As we’ve seen from the previous section, Jesus did not use marriage in the spiritual sense of the word as the primary example to explain to the Sadducees the saints’ status in heaven. His main point of departure was that in the resurrection believers will be like the angels in heaven. Jack Hibbs explains that the angels in heaven are all male and are never portrayed as female in Scripture, suggesting that this is the only reason why the angels in heaven never marry. What is he really saying?

How do you reconcile the fact that the saints in heaven are like the angels in heaven whilst the angels in heaven are not married but the saints in heaven are married to Christ Jesus? What kind of likeness is there between the one group that is not married, and the other group that is?

Is he trying to prove that the angels in heaven are capable of getting married but deliberately abstain from doing so to make Jesus’ words in Matthew 2:30 ring true? Unfortunately, this line of thinking leads to another rather weird and wacky development.

When considering that the marriage of the Lamb will only take place after the Rapture (Revelation 19:7), of which we have no knowledge when it is going to happen, we must ask ourselves what the already deceased saints in heaven can be likened to while the marriage of the Lamb has not yet been consummated in heaven.

We do not know when the angels were created. Job 38 verses 4 and 7 suggest that they must have been created somewhere before the creation of the earth. “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding. . . when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?”

Thousands of thousands of years must have gone by between the creation of the angels and the marriage of the Lamb which is an indeterminable future event. It follows that the likeness of the saints who are already in heaven to the angels in heaven cannot possibly be connected to the marriage of the Lamb, least of all to prove that they will have no need to get married in heaven because they are already married to Christ Jesus.

Therefore, the likeness of the saints to the angels in heaven can only be explained in terms of a likeness in their mutual make-up, if you will, concerning marriage and procreation. At any rate, Brother John emphatically states “Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.” (1 John 3:2).

As you may have noticed, the example Jesus used in Matthew 22:30 was only to show man’s likeness to angels in terms of marriage and procreation and nothing else. The saints at the resurrection will be like Him. Angels in heaven are not like Him, never have been, and never shall be.

Jack Hibbs accuses those who do not believe in the Nephilim in the way he does as squirming and fighting among one another. He declares,

[They] squirm and fight and will go through incredible gyrations to try to explain this away. Friends, I want you to know, I’ve read them all. Over the last 45 years, I’ve read them all. There’s no other way to put it. “Now it came to pass when men (humans), mankind began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men that they were beautiful, and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose, and the Lord said my Spirit,” notice God’s response, “my spirit shall not strive with man forever for he is indeed flesh yet his days shall be 120 years.” Whatever happened between these sons of God and the daughters of men caused God to say “That’s it! Times up! I’m going to wipe this thing clean.”

Jack Hibbs seems to be squirming and going through incredible gyrations a lot more than those whom he accuses of squirming and gyrating to and fro. Isn’t it odd for him to have tentatively said that “whatever happened between these sons of God and the daughters of men caused God to say, “That’s it! Times up! I’m going to wipe this thing clean,” while he repeatedly boasted that he was telling his congregation the truth and nothing but the truth.

His words “whatever happened” suggest that he doesn’t know what happened but takes a long shot and gyrates to the point when he says, “There’s no other way to put it.” His boasting about telling the truth gets worse when he says, “Friends, I want you to know, I’ve read them all (referring to other authors). Over the last 45 years, I’ve read them all. There’s no other way to put it.”

If he can lie about his reading habits, he can surely lie about Genesis 6:1-6. No one has ever read all the articles, papers, dissertations, and penned-down debates about the Nephilim. What Jack said in reality, is “No one can argue with me. I have all the facts under my brow because I have read them all.” Really? Wow! 

Can angels have sex with earthly women?

The primary question that usually pops up in peoples’ minds when dealing with the subject of the Nephilim is, can angels have sex with humans? I suppose they can in your wildest dreams by twisting Scripture. Well, ultimately it is the only way to do it.

That’s precisely how Jack Hibbs goes about it to prove that the Nephilim (the offspring of the alleged marriages between fallen angels and humans) existed in Noah’s days and that the UFO sightings are nothing else than demonic beings posing as aliens, biding their time to manifest themselves visibly and to marry and have sex with earthly women as in the time of Noah.  

In case some have forgotten, it is necessary to remind some Christians that physically and spiritually there are huge differences between angels and humans. In Psalm 104:4 we are told that “God “makes his angels spirits, His ministers a flame of fire,” and Hebrews 1:14 confirms this fact: “Are angels not all ministering spirits?” If God made them spirits, they would remain spirits for all eternity, good or bad. For what reason would God have wanted to change fallen angels into visible entities when He originally made them spirits – to marry and have sex with earthly women? That’s ridiculous if not blatant sacrilege at its very worst.

What prompted God to send judgment and destruction on the entire antediluvian world except on Noah and his family? Was it the alleged marriages between fallen angels and the daughters of men, or was it something more about the biblical standard of salvation?

The answer is rather simple when we consider what saved Noah from destruction. In verse 9 of Genesis 6 we see that “Noah was a righteous man [one who was just and had right standing with God], blameless in his [evil] generation; Noah walked (lived) [in habitual fellowship] with God.”

If Noah was saved because of his righteousness, then the antediluvian hordes who were drowned in the flood were destroyed for their unrighteousness, nothing more and nothing less. The righteousness of God can only be imputed to someone who believes, nothing more and nothing less (Genesis 15:6).

The Nephilim adherents, like Jack Hibbs, would probably contend that the unrighteousness of the antediluvian world was that the daughters of men allowed themselves to be given in marriage to fallen angels. That was the real nucleus of their unrighteousness and not their lack of faith, is what Jack suggests.  

Ironically, Jack Hibbs accuses God, the only One who imputes righteousness to those who believe, of unrighteousness. That’s a very hefty statement, some would say. No, it is not, and I can prove it. I have already proven it earlier in this article.

For those who may have forgotten, here it is again. When God decided to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah Abraham stood in the gap and interceded for Sodom and Gomorrah’s possible righteous inhabitants. “Far be it from You to do such a thing as this, to slay the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous should be as the wicked; far be it from You! Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?” (Genesis 18:25). 

Please bear in mind, while you read the following, that the Nephilim adherents base their illusional “facts” only on a single event that allegedly occurred in the time of Noah to substantiate their view that this particular event prompted God to wipe out the antediluvian earthlings with a flood.

Jack Hibbs makes this very clear when first he reads Genesis 6 1-6 to his congregants and then says, “Whatever happened between these sons of God and the daughters of men, caused God to say “That’s it! Times up! I’m going to wipe this thing clean.”

Allow me to repeat Jack’s absurd, anti-Gospel, and anti-Christ gobbledygook. “THAT’S IT! TIMES UP! I’M GOING TO WIPE THIS THING CLEAN.” In short, Jack circumvents and shreds to pieces the true Gospel of Jesus Christ by his omission of the two main elements that constitute God’s final decision (“that’s it”) in judgment – faith and unfaith (belief and unbelief).  

There is too much factual evidence in Genesis 6:1-6 that makes it impossible for fallen angels to have played the role of loving husbands and had intercourse with their wives to produce giants (Nephilim). A key phrase in Genesis 6 is “And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years.”

The Hebrew word for “strive” means to plead with or to judge as an umpire a cause, the cause being the command to return to God in times of apostasy and idolatry. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see that the Spirit pleaded God’s cause with mankind of flesh and blood and not fallen angels who also would have had to be flesh and blood like unto that of mankind (made in the image of God, (body soul, and spirit) if it had been at all possible to strive with demons. That’s impossible and absurd.  

But what if the fallen angels were so adept in changing themselves from invisible spirit beings into benevolent human beings that beautiful women cannot detect who or what they really are? Jack Hibbs thinks this is possible when he surmises that “The Bible says that Satan’s demons have the ability to appear in our world without detection, even as good people.” (Chapter and verse, please Hibbs).

Oh, I see. That’s why the beautiful women could happily get married to demons thinking that they were marrying dashing and handsome, and loving young men. Little did they know that Mr. Daemonica could reverse his image and turn back into a spirit on their wedding night leaving Mrs. Daemonica with nothing but feelings of sublime ecstasy (literally and metaphorically speaking).

Sorry, but I just had to put it so crassly to prove that the Nephilim is nothing more than a laughable pagan hoax based on Greek and Roman mythology which is replete with stories of gods having sex with earthly women and producing demigods like Hercules, Achilles, Perseus, Aeneas, Theseus, Asclepius, and Beautiful Helen, to name a few.  

Here, once more, we need to turn to Moses’ prayer in Genesis 18 reminding God that He was consistently a righteous judge who would never judge the innocent together with the wicked. If the women could not detect the real identity of their bridegrooms and tag them as demons on their tailormade tuxedos, how could God judge them and commit them to a watery death and ultimately cast them into hell, while the real culprits (undetected demons) remained unjudged?  

Moreover, Jack Hibbs’s interpretation of Genesis 6:1-6 confirms, whether he likes it or not, that the daughters of men whom the fallen angels took as wives could not have been guilty of the sin perpetrated in the time of Noah.

Can a woman who has been violently raped be held responsible and guilty for the heinous sin of her rapists? I can assure my readers that Jack would never in his entire lifetime blame the young women who had been viciously raped at the Nova Festival in Israel on 7th October 2023 for the sin of their rapists. Hamas terrorists and a host of lunatics in the West who support them may think so but I can assure you that God would NEVER do such an unrighteous thing.

And yet, Jack Hibbs seems to think the women in the time of Noah were as much to blame as their rapists. His cock-eyed Hebrew semantics and absurd explanation of the meaning of the word “took” in Hebrew as an act of violent seizure, capture, and control of the women, even to the extent that it could be likened to a wild and barbaric jumping on the women, speaks volumes of Jack’s wild imaginations.

In an ignominious effort to make the women fellow culprits of the fallen angels’ abominable sin, he interprets the word “beautiful” as women who “went to great lengths to endow themselves” and “to heap up to themselves tremendous amounts . . . of . . . of . . .  uh . . ., eye stimulating procedures.” “Maybe it’s makeup, maybe is wardrobe, we don’t know,” he says.

Jack may not know, but what we do know is that he is trying to pin the guilty tag on the women by presenting themselves as harlots who enticed the fallen angels to have sex with them so that God had a very good reason to find them guilty and judge them to an eternal inferno of fire in hell.

How else is Jack going to defend God’s righteous judgments on the women who were completely oppressed, intimidated, and harshly controlled by the fallen angels? It gets even worse when Jack tries to associate the Hebrew word for “wives” with the sexual act of intercourse, and in defense of his relentless abuse of innocent women, he says, “Something really wild is going on here” [but] “What’s wrong with that? Nothing, when it’s in the right context. In fact, designed by God, when it’s in the right context.”

If this does not make your hair stand on end, his “Hebraic” interpretation of the word “chose” might just do that. In Jack’s Nephilim mindset “chose” in this context does not relate to a free-will decision to willingly select someone you love to be your lifetime partner in marriage. He translates the word “chose” into “sexual arousal.” In Jack Hibbs’s perverted mind Genesis 6:1-6 should rather have been translated as follows: “

Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they “went to great lengths to endow themselves,” and “to heap up to themselves tremendous amounts … of … of … uh …, eye stimulating procedures.” “Maybe it’s makeup, maybe is wardrobe, we don’t know,”; and they violently seized, captured, and controlled the women, even to the extent that it developed into a wild and barbaric jumping on the women to have sexual intercourse with them, all whom they aroused to a sexual frenzy. And the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not strive with a woman forever, for she is indeed flesh; yet her days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” (GenHibbs 6:1-3).

Does the word “chose” in its right context as God designed it (aka Jack Hibbs) mean to be sexually aroused? The word “bâchar” (chose) appears 24 times in 22 verses in the Old Testament, and in no instance at all is it used to convey the physical phenomenon of sexual arousal. To spare Jack Hibbs having to break out in more tepid bumps of hypocrisy, I will only use one verse from Scripture to show how impudently stupid it is to translate “chose” as “sexual arousal.”

I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore be sexually aroused, that both thou and thy seed may live: (Deuteronomy 30:19).

Whoever changes the meaning of words to fit the context is playing a dangerous game. The game is called “adding or taking away” from God’s Word. (Revelation 22:18-19).

Fallen angels, unjudged, did you say?

All the Nephilim adherents connect Genesis 6:1-6 to Jude verse 6 to strengthen their views on their Nephilim proposition, making a big issue of two phrases in verses 6 and 7, “And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation” and “giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh.”

The weirdest aspect of their linking of the two passages is the fact that they have deliberately been ignoring Jude’s affirmation that they are being kept in chains in the gloom of darkness (the abyss and not hell itself) until the final Day of Judgment in Revelation 20:11-15.

These angels haven’t had any chance whatsoever to put a foot on earth since their confinement. Aha, but what about the two angels that were sent to Sodom and Gomorrah to rescue Lot and his family? Does that not prove that angels, good and evil, can and do visit Earth in human form?  

Before we go there, we should clarify a very important thing that debunks Jack Hibbs’s statement that Satan and his fallen angels can appear in our world without detection even as benevolent or benign human beings.

He firmly claims that the Bible says so and that he is telling his congregants the truth. He often tells them that he is telling them the truth. It’s for this very reason that he links the fallen angels who have left their first estate (verse 6) with the godly angels in verse 7 which declares that the sodomites in Sodom and Gomorrah went after strange flesh.

The word for “strange” in verse 7 is “heteros” which means a “different” or “another kind” of flesh than what we as humans are accustomed to. The angels who visited Lot in Sodom and Gomorrah were donned in a kind of flesh that Jude calls “strange flesh.”

The sodomites did not recognize them as godly angels having only one thing in mind and that was to have sex with the men. The NIV Bible translates Genesis 19:5 as follows, “They called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.”

They looked like normal human beings but had another kind or different kind of (strange) flesh, a kind of flesh that we as humans cannot describe or understand. It is completely unknown to us. However, the likeness of these godly angels was so perfectly human that the sodomites perceived them as normal human beings with a body, soul, and spirit made in the image of God.

“Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares”. (Hebrews 13:2). This verse is based on the stories of Abraham and Lot in Genesis 18-19, who hosted mysterious visitors who turned out to be messengers from God. 

The verse encourages believers to show hospitality to strangers and to remember those who are suffering. The two angels and Jesus who appeared to Abraham in Genesis 18 to tell him that his wife Sarah would have a son at her advanced age, were all clothed, if you will, in this strange kind of flesh to make them visible to the eyes of human beings.  

This begs the question, “Can, did, do, and will fallen angels and Satan appear in visible human form to human beings again in the future? Can they appear in the same form of strange flesh as the godly angels, to the extent that they were perceived as normal human beings made in the image of God? Note carefully, that I am not saying that their strange flesh appearances are exactly like humans consisting of a body, soul, and spirit, but that in their appearances they were perceived as human beings made in the image of God. The disciples must have been familiar with angels’ appearance in the form of human beings.

 Firstly, the only person who is capable of such a supernatural feat to change invisible spirits into visible beings donned in strange flesh is God. Neither Satan nor his fallen angels can change themselves from a spirit to the kind of strange flesh the godly angels can appear with to be perceived as normal human beings made in the image of God. 

 Jack Hibbs, as usual, denies that God alone can change invisible beings into visible humanlike men, made in the image of God when he says,

[The] coming angels and demons have powers that you and I don’t have a clue about, and I will give you a hint as I did last time when we were together, how (when) Moses was in confrontation with Pharao, Pharao’s magicians threw down their rods and their staffs became snakes by demonic power. The Bible says that demons can appear in our world without detection even as good people, it says even as angels. 

The following quote from BioLogos is quite interesting even though they are old earth creationists.

Mankind was made in the image of God. If bearing God’s image requires a particular role with particular capacities, those species that lack those capacities and therefore cannot act in that role are not image bearers of God.” (“Evolution and Image Bearers, Part 1,” BioLogos, April 13, 2015.).

Ask yourself whether fallen angels can act as benevolent and holy (set apart) human beings made in the image of God. Even more important is the question: Would God even think of changing fallen angels into image-bearing humans enabling them to marry them and produce kids of their own?

Another question Jack Hibbs may want to ponder, is why didn’t Satan, the chief archangel among the fallen angels not marry some of the daughters of men and have giant kiddies with them? Surely, he was the first to abandon his first estate in heaven. It debunks Hibbs’s example of Pharaoh’s magicians who could change their staffs into living snakes.


Indeed, they could create living things, but they were nowhere near image-bearing creatures God alone can create. Had Satan and his fallen angels been able to create image-bearing human beings with the ability to procreate, they would have had to be endowed with the very same creative powers God alone possesses.

Isn’t this what Satan wanted to be since iniquity was found in his heart – to be like God in all aspects of his being? Knowing full well that he cannot be like God, he will always try to imitate what God has achieved in the creation of image-bearing human beings.

One hardly needs to be a brilliant scientist, to see that the Nephilim hypothesis is precisely just that, a ploy Satan devised to present himself as a godlike creator who can fashion invisible spiritual beings into full-blown image-bearing humans, who can marry and produce much better and stronger kids than the ones God created – GIANTS.


  1. The Nephilim hypothesis demeans the Gospel of God, implying that the incarnation of Jesus Christ was not unique and that fallen angels could change themselves into human beings, with a body, soul, and spirit so that they could not be detected as fallen angels.
  2. The fallen angels’ transformation of themselves was so brilliant that they could produce offspring (giants) in the image of God consisting of a body, soul, and spirit. One of the important purposes of a divinely ordained marriage between a man and a woman is to become one flesh and to produce offspring in their image with a body, soul, and spirit.
  3. It suggests that God is an unrighteous judge because He unlawfully judged the men who never married fallen angels and had sex with them to produce the Nephilim. Remember, the fallen angels saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, not the men.
  4. I was recently informed that Amir Tsarfati, Mike Golay, and Barry Stagner (BeholdIsrael) think that Genesis 6:1-6 is a reference to fallen angels who married earthly women, and produced giants called Nephilim.

When asked by Mike Golay, “Who are these Nephilim? And what was going on in those days when they were having relationships with humans?” Amir Tsarfati responded as follows”

Look, it’s a very complicated question that can take two hours to answer. I, personally, believe these are fallen angels. I know that angels did fall, I mean, they collaborated with Satan. They tried to sabotage the work of God and create a new breed. (DTW comment: Satan had no need to create a new breed because a new breed was already in the making when he deceived Adam an Eve into disobeying God to believe that they were gods in the making). That obviously didn’t turn out that great.

Naphal in Hebrew is “fell down”. Nephilim, those who fell down. Their name is telling us they did not come from regular intercourse of two humans. They are actually fallen creatures. And they come from fallen creatures. So that’s my opinion, my personal opinion on it. I believe that this is one reason why there was a need for a flood.

The Nephilim were allegedly the offspring of the marriages between fallen angels and beautiful earthly women, i.e. daughters of men according to the Bible. Being the offspring of these marriages the Nephilim’s fetal origin and development in the wombs of the daughters of men could not possibly have designated them as “fallen from heaven.” Not even the babies who were supposedly produced by fallen angels, could have been born as fallen creatures.

How do we know? Well, first of all, God is the same yesterday today, and forevermore which renders his statutes concerning a marriage immutable, including the fact that two of the opposite sexes become one flesh. Capiche? Anything less than this is not a marriage. How do spirits marry women of flesh and blood unless the spirits turn themselves into humans? It not only debunks the alleged marriages between fallen angels and earthly women but also the blasphemous claim that the fallen angels had creative powers (were gods) who changed their spirit-endowed form, which God created (Psalm 104:4), from spirit to flesh, blood, and bones.

It follows, hypothetically speaking, that the Nephilim babies were all born in sin, as we all are, but never as fallen beings. Surely, a baby whose capability to reason and make choices has not yet reached the age of accountability, and, therefore, cannot fall. It cannot fall from one position to another as did the fallen angels. Anyone who argues that choice was not involved in the fall of the fallen angels is heavily deceived. Indeed, the only fallen beings in Genesis 6 were the disobedient angels who followed Satan when he highmindedly said, “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High.”(Isaiah 14:12-14), and were subsequently cast out of heaven.

In Genesis 17:17 the very same word “naphal” is used to describe Abraham having fallen on his face and laughed when God told him, “And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her.” Does that put Abraham in the same category as the Nephilim? Perish the thought.

Amir Tsarfati, Mike Golay, and Barry Stagner, said nothing convincing to favor the hypothesis that fallen angels married earthly women and produced giants called Nephilim. By the way, Goliath was 9 feet and 9 inches tall. Was he a Nephilim kiddo?

“We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought” – John F. Kennedy

John F Kennedy once said,

The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie—deliberate, contrived and dishonest—but the myth—persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. Too often we hold fast to the cliches of our forebears. We subject all facts to a prefabricated set of interpretations.  We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.

Two of the most distressing things these gentlemen said, are “So that’s my opinion, my personal opinion on it” and “I think we just need to show some grace towards the various opinions because I don’t know that we can do anything beyond what we’re told in Scripture.”

Our personal opinions cannot at the very least mean anything to God. In fact, it is as rotten as our fleshly nature (Romans 7:18). God sent his Holy Spirit to guide us in all his truth (John 16:13) and not to teach us how to rely on our own opinions.

God is not interested in our opinions. How do you show grace to someone’s opinions that are not in harmony with God’s Word? Have they shown grace toward Jack Hibbs’s unbiblical book “Living in the Daze of Deception?” That’s not showing grace. That’s more like helping someone from falling from the frying pan into the fire and encouraging others to do the same. What the heck, why should we be concerned about something so petty as this while we are living in a time where there are no absolutes and everyone can voice his own opinion?

Another rather weird statement Barry Stagner made is this:

So this indicates that that’s a phrase [referring to “Sons of God] that is common to describe the angelic realm. And then there are those who make the argument that we don’t have a lot of information about angels, but they all seem to be presented in the masculine form. Therefore, when we’re told that we’ll be like the angels of heaven, neither marrying nor given in marriage, there are some who make the argument that angels wouldn’t have procreative capacities, since they are all male. . . . Well, what would be the point of having them [male organs] [and not] be able to procreate?

Let’s face it. Amir Tsarfati has a huge following among multitudes of Christians throughout the world, the main reason being that he is a Jew whose first language is Hebrew (aka Mike Golay). It follows that in the eyes of most of his followers, he is the best person to unravel complicated biblical issues. One can understand this because Gentile churches have been ignoring the importance of prophecy for centuries since most of them are anti-Rapture protagonists and Amillennial creatures. Henceforth, His opinions have an immense impact on those Christians whose thoughts are comfortably tempered to fit his opinions.

The un-opinionated and unbiased wisdom of an AI Monster

We can only understand Genesis 6 in light of God’s magnanimous and awesome creative powers. True believers will never deny that God spoke things into existence. (Genesis 1; John 1:3). Whatever he commanded and had spoken into existence was immediately there in all its completed splendor. It follows that whatever He did not say or command, never came into existence. It never came to pass. It is nonexistent. Could one of our illustrious and well-educated brethren show us from Scripture where God commanded and said to the angels when He created them, “Be fruitful and multiply?” I asked the AI monster the same question and it answered as follows:

No, the phrase “Be fruitful and multiply” is found in the Bible, but it was not directed at angels. This command was given by God to Adam and Eve in Genesis 1:28. It was a directive for mankind to increase their population by having and raising children. The same command was repeated to Noah in Genesis 9:7. The phrase “Be fruitful and multiply” is not associated with angels in any biblical context. It’s important to note that angels, as spiritual beings, do not procreate according to biblical teachings. (Emphasis added).

Wow! Now fancy that. An AI monster quotes from the Bible and proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that God the Creator of all things never once said to the angels, “Be fruitful and multiply” – NEVER ONCE. Yet, Barry Stagner has the chutzpah to say “Well, what would be the point of having them [procreative capacities] [and not] be able to procreate?” in an effort to silence those who base their views on Matthew 22:30, arguing that since angels are all male they wouldn’t have procreative capacities. Someone writing a satire would probably depict it as follows.

Listen up, you guys and gals. There are only male angels in heaven that render them unproductive since they have no female angels to have sex with. Yep, they have procreative capacities but no female angels to satisfy their pro creativity. However, the Bible teaches in Genesis 6:1-6 and Job 1:6 and 2:2 that a third of these male angels who had been cast out of heaven onto the earth with Satan were captivated by the blinding beauty of female earthlings and developed a huge sexual desire for them. In order to give legal credence to their oversexed desires, they took some of the most beautiful women and married them. Yep, believe it or not, the evil fallen angels had the decency to marry them and they had little kiddies with them who grew into giant male dudes of great stature (Genesis 6:4).

God the Creator of all things must have given these male angels the very same command He had given humankind, “Be fruitful and multiply.” Capiche? If He hadn’t given them this command, they would never have had the capacity to procreate, unless they themselves developed these awesome creative powers, after they had fallen from heaven. Capiche? You don’t capiche? Well, that’s OK. We should at least show some kind of ecumenical and compromising grace toward others who have different opinions, and write books like “In the Daze of Deception” to deceive others. Anyhow, that’s what the world expects of us because that’s what grace truly is. So, go fer it at your hearts delight and demean God as the only Creator of all things by attributing to fallen angels the same creative powers.

Two of the most quoted verses from the Bible to verify the Nephilim hypothesis are Job 1:6 and 2:2, “Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the LORD. (Job 2:1). Jews ought to know that the phenomenon of their men appearing before their Lord and their God was to thank HIm for his redemption, especially from their slavery in Egypt.

Three times a year all your males shall appear before the Lord your God in the place which He chooses, at the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Passover) and at the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) and at the Feast of Booths (Tabernacles), and they shall not appear before the Lord empty-handed. Every man  shall give as he is able, in accordance with the blessing which the Lord your God has given you.

Reading this in tandem with Deuteronomy 32:8-9 proves that the children of Israel, and neither the sons of Adam nor the angels (holy and fallen), are the sons of God in these passages.

When the most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel. For the LORD’S portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance.

Note that the same word בֵּן (bên) appears twice in the above passage of Scripture – the one describing the sons of men and the other the sons of Israel (Jacob) who is God’s portion and not the portion of man. In this sense, Israel can easily be identified as the sons of God. The expression in verse 10 “the apple of his eye” connotes a deeply cherished and highly valued relationship between a father and his son. God has never had this kind of relationship with any other nation other than Israel.

What does that prove? It proves that Israel as a nation is called the sons of God. In the very next verse, God affirms that “the LORD’s portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance.” The uninvited appearance of Satan among the sons of God (not fallen or holy angels) in Job 1:6 and 2:2 was for one reason only, and that was to do what he has been doing day and night since his fall, accusing the brethren before God. How do we know this? Well, read Revelation 12:10.

Now the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom (dominion, reign) of our God, and the authority of His Christ have come; for the accuser of our [believing] brothers and sisters has been thrown down [at last], he who accuses them and keeps bringing charges [of sinful behavior] against them before our God day and night. [Note carefully. Satan is an accuser of the brethren and not of holy or fallen angels].

What manner or kind of accusations can Satan bring against God’s holy angels and what kind or manner of accusations would he want to bring against his demon followers? If the latter could be answered as a “yes he can accuse his demon followers,” then we would need to scrap Jesus’s words in Mark 3:22-26 from the Bible. I think the question concerning the holy angels is obvious.

Moreover, the conversation that followed between God and Satan concerning Job makes this very clear. God already knew why Satan gate-crashed God’s meeting with his sons and prodded him to explain the reason for his coming among the sons of God to hear it from his own lips, as it were.

Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan (adversary, accuser) also came among them. The Lord said to Satan, “From where have you come?” Then Satan answered the Lord, “From roaming around on the earth and from walking around on it.” The Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered and reflected on My servant Job? For there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God [with reverence] and abstains from and turns away from evil [because he honors God].” Then Satan answered the Lord, “Does Job fear God for nothing? Have You not put a hedge [of protection] around him and his house and all that he has, on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands [and conferred prosperity and happiness upon him], and his possessions have increased in the land. But put forth Your hand now and touch (destroy) all that he has, and he will surely curse You to Your face.”

The New Age Nephilim Connection

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, the New Age founder of the “Church Universal and Triumphant” wrote a book called “Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil: Why Church Fathers Suppress the Book of Enoch and Its Startling Revelations.” It is no surprise that a New Ager endorses a book like the Gnostic Book of Enoch, but it is shocking to see how many “Christians” approve of it.

“The question that has become the subject of my research is this: If evil angels used to be around on earth and, as Scripture seems to indicate, and wore the guise of men, why couldn’t they still be around? “Given the state of affairs on planet Earth, where would we find them today? Do they manipulate our government? Mismanage the economy?” “Therefore, I am prepared to prove and document that they (Nephilim) are with us today in positions of power in church and state as prime movers in matters of war and finance, sitting in the banking houses and on policy – ” . . . Councils that determine the actual fate of mankind by population control and genetic engineering, the control of energy and commodities, education and the media, and by ideological and psycho-political strategies of divide and conquer on all fronts.” “The untold story of men and angels is a crack in the door of the full and final exposé of the Manipulators and the manipulated, the Oppressors and the oppressed.” “When I shall have penned the last word of the last volume of my ongoing essay, it will be clear, by the grace of God and his Holy Spirit – my Comforter and Teacher – that the embodied fallen angels, who are the main subject of Enoch’s prophecy, have been from the beginning the spoilers of the dreams of God and man.”

Final summation


Is God the only Creator of everything visible and invisible? (John 1:3).

How did God create everything visible and invisible? (Colossians 1:16); The phrase “And God said” appears 10 times in Genesis 1 proving that He spoke everything into existence.

Did God use his magnanimous creative powers to say to the angels (holy and fallen) “Be fruitful and multiply?” It was never directed at angels. The phrase “Be fruitful and multiply” is not associated with angels in any biblical context. So, how the hell could they have made children and how the hell are they going to make children again in the end-time? Aha, Jack Gibbs, free from any daze of deception, explains with a magician’s aplomb how demons can change themselves and appear as humans on the earth when he takes us on a tour to Pharraoh’s court, and says the following:

Jack says: “[The] coming angels and demons [in future] have powers that you and I don’t have a clue about, and I will give you a hint as I did last time when we were together, how (when) Moses was in confrontation with Pharao, Pharao’s magicians threw down their rods and their staffs became snakes by demonic power. The Bible says that Satan can appear in our world without detection even as good people, it says even as angels.”

Jack Hibbs magically jumps from snakes to humans suggesting that the turning into snakes equals the turning into humans who have a body, soul, and spirit created in the image of God. What he deliberately omitted from his brilliant little bit of proof to verify that fallen angels have creative powers, is that Pahraoh’s magicians could replicate Moses’s miracles only up to a certain point. They could replicate Moses’s rod turning into a snake, the river Nile turning into blood, and frogs from the Nile. As the miraculous plagues continued, the magicians could no longer duplicate or simulate them.


QED: The notion that fallen angels married and produced Nephilim (giants) with the daughters of men is a complete farce, a deception close to blasphemy because it infers that fallen angels have creative powers. Given the inference that the same horrid things that occurred in the time of Noah are going to happen again in the end-time, the fallen angels must of necessity retain the presumed creative powers they had in the time of Noah to enable them to marry human females, have physical intercourse with them and produce a new breed of Nephilim.

In light of the indictments above, I would like to suggest that Jack Hibbs retract all his videos and his book “In the Daze of Deception” and offer the huge number of people he has deceived an apology for his dazed deceptions. Of course, the last days’ generation may be deceived into believing that aliens have removed Christians from the earth when the Rapture occurs. However, this will not ultimately “cause souls to be stolen from the grace of God.”

A must see video.


While Jack Hibbs believes he is cautioning others against deceit, he is perpetuating deception himself.

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Tom Lessing (Discerning the World)

Tom Lessing is the author of the above article. Discerning the World is an internet Christian Ministry based in Johannesburg South Africa. Tom Lessing and Deborah Ellish both own Discerning the World. For more information see the About this Website page below the comments section.

3 Responses

  1. blank Twanette Fourie says:

    Thank you for the article. It is problematic to see how pastors like Ps Hibbs are slipping on proper research, studying the Word of God and preparation to be able to teach.

  2. blank Deborah says:

    Awesome article Tom.
    I pray the team at Behold Israel read this article and change their minds on this blasphemous gnostic false doctrine.

    Ps, ‘go forth and multiply” 😁

  3. blank Lorraine du Pisani says:

    Brilliant post! I am always grateful for your perspective.

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