God’s Covenant, Israel, and anti-semitic ‘Christians’

God’s Covenant – Many self-proclaimed Christians assert that the Jewish nation no longer exists because God has rescinded or retracted all his promises to them, particularly his promise regarding their Promised Land.
Let me say this from the very outset with so much passion and earnestness that it probably will offend some of you who read this critique. To begin with, God the Father has solidified forever all his promises, ALL HIS PROMISES, in his beloved only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. What do I mean by this?
Turn with me to 2 Corinthians 1:20 in the King James translation of the Bible, “For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.” Jesus, being the essence of truth, as He also is the essence of love, ratified, confirmed, and solidified his Father’s intrenchment of all his promises in Him by his death and resurrection.
Having said this, we need to turn to Isaiah 53 and verse 10 to understand something I will explain a bit later more clearly. Here we are told that it was God the Father who dealt the final blow that killed his Son on the cross. “Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.”
The word used here for “bruised” is dâkâ’. It is a very strong word and means “to beat to pieces,” “break in pieces,” or “to crush, to destroy.” Bear this in mind, when later I will refer you to another passage in Scripture where an ancient custom pertaining to “break in pieces” or to “beat in pieces” will clarify 2 Corinthians 1:20 much better.
Suffice it to say at this stage, is that those who believe that God has rescinded all his promises to Israel are doing 3 horrific things.
- They are denying that God has solidified all his promises in Jesus Christ with an unchangeable yea and amen to the glory of his Name.
- And they are denying that Jesus ratified all his Father’s promises by his death and resurrection.
- They cannot possibly say “amen” to the glory of God. In short, they are inept in glorifying God. They can lift their hands and sing “Glory to God” every single Sunday in church, but it means nothing to God because they are demeaning his Son who permanently ratified his promises in Him on the cross by being beaten to pieces unto death (Isaiah 53:10 again).
My question for them would be, “Are you serving and worshiping the real Jesus of the Bible or another Jesus? (2 Corinthians 11:4). The Jesus you are following is hopeless to ratify every single promise He made to the Jews, by a resounding yea and amen which cannot possibly be to the glory of God the Father. That’s it! It’s another Jesus. See, I told you that I am going to offend you, and that’s a good thing because it might just be the spark to make you think again about who you are following. (2 Corinthians 13:5). The Holy Spirit will never inspire you to believe that God has retracted his promises, including that of the Promised Land, – NEVER!
Just as much as it is impossible for God to rescind or retract the death, burial, and resurrection of his Son, Jesus Christ, in the very same way it is impossible for Him to rescind or retract ALL his promises to Israel. What gave God the mandate to make all his promises to Israel irrevocably sure? What is so profoundly and steadfastly important that occurred in the past (Old Testament) that gave/gives God the sole authority to promise the Promised Land for an inheritance to Israel and no other nation despite her rebellion, disobedience, and waywardness throughout history?
While pondering the question, you may do well to remember the word “dâkâ’” (bruised) in Isaiah 53:10 (to be cut in pieces) for it is the key to a correct understanding of God’s promises to Israel. Before we get into that, I must briefly say something about the various covenants God made with Israel. Here’s another question for you to ponder. What was it that inspired Jews like Simeon and Anna to wait for the consolation of Israel? The answer is very simple; they completely trusted God to fulfill every iota and tittle of all his promises (unconditional covenants) to Israel.
There are four non-abrogated covenants God made with Israel.
- Abrahamic Covenant.
- Davidic Covenant.
- Promised Land Covenant
- New Covenant
God made two kinds of covenants with Israel: conditional and unconditional. The first has an “if” attached to it which means that the covenantor could only fulfill his obligation if the benefactor or receiver of that promise obeyed its conditions. No “ifs” are attached to God’s unconditional covenants with Israel.
And here’s the punchline: All God’s covenants with Israel are unconditional except for the Mosaic Covenant. The unconditional nature of the Abrahamic Covenant is ratified by its eternality, for God alone can make things eternal (Genesis 17:7, 13, 19; 1 Chronicles 16:17; Psalm 105:10). The Promise Land Covenant is also called an everlasting covenant (Ezekiel 16:60). And so too is the Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7:13; 16, 19; 1 Chronicles 7:12; 22:10; Isaiah 55:3; Ezekiel 37:25). Likewise, the New Covenant with Israel is eternal (Isaiah 61:8).
All their promises were given to demonstrate that God meant business with Israel when He made these covenants with them. Nonetheless, we still need to pinpoint the reason why God had/has the mandate to make Israel the receiver and benefactor of all his unconditional covenants. To do this, we need to turn to Genesis 15:1-18 with emphasis on verse 17.
And it came to pass, that, when the sun went down, and it was dark, behold a smoking furnace, and a burning lamp that passed between those pieces. (Genesis 15:17).
Did you notice the word pieces? To impress on Abraham (the Chaldean) the solemnity of the unconditional and eternal nature of the covenants, God condescended to follow a custom of the Chaldeans. The body parts of slain animals were laid opposite each other so that the persons making the covenant may pass through them.
However, God made one exception. Instead of both God and Abraham passing through the pieces of the offering that were lain out on either side, God put Abraham to sleep and passed through alone, indicating that He and He alone would be the sole Covenantor of the covenants, and that man would have no part in fulfilling the covenants whatsoever. (Genesis 15:17).
When Jesus died on the cross while being broken in pieces and went through the agony of being forsaken by His Father when He cried out “Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabachtani,” (“My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me”), He passed through his own offering for sin ALONE. Having done this alone and having tasted the hell of hell when He was forsaken by His Father in those moments, He not only became the Saviour of a lost world at large but also the sole Covenantor and Benefactor of all God’s promises He made to his people the Jews, without it being contingent on how Israel obeyed or disobeyed his commandments. Hence the magnanimous decree “For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us,” and the equally magnanimous truth that He died on the cross while we were yet sinners. (Romans 5:8).
Think for one moment, if God had forsaken Israel and transferred all his promises to the church, then the church should have been dispersed throughout the entire world as outcasts because she is none the better than the Jews, (apostasy, idolatry, disobedience, flagrant homosexualism and the commiseration thereof is rife, and not least of all, anti-Semitism – 1 Corinthians 10:1-11) and also should have been miraculously brought back to God’s homeland in Israel in 1948.
Furthermore, the church should have been in Israel fighting for her very existence instead of Israel doing it on her behalf, and not raising hands to the glory of God while they are hypocritically being anti-Semitic. Hey, remember. Jesus is a Jew. The one you are serving and worshiping is NOT the real Jesus of the Bible. It is another Jesus with another spirit presenting another Gospel.
Dankie Tom Dit was van die eerste leringe wat my diep gepla het was die feit dat God in die OT praat van ewige beloftes aan Israel maar die ‘kerke’ maak asof Israel nie meer bestaan nie.
Dear Friends, I have just discovered your work since I am a member of Zane Laws outstanding initiatives to organise communities in SA against the coming turbulence, being as we are indeed in the end times. I am an anthroposophist and am deeply concerned that I/we don’t get lumped with the Satanic and Luciferic attacks on humanity now being waged. I admire your work to elucidate true Christian lifestyle and understanding of Scripture and am an avid bible student, though not anywhere near as competent as some of the folks in this group, I am sure. These days, even the word Love is contested! I feel certain the Antichrist is already here and will appear in physical form sooner rather than later. But I fear that good Christians like yourselves might at some point, target anthroposophy as from the Devil and Satan. We too have been attacked but manage always to fend them off, one at a time. It’s tiring work. I am writing this entirely in my personal capacity, however. since I have no mandate from any organisation regarding my representations. I do this as part of my own private research, as a Social Artist. For that is what I am, first and foremost. Secondly, I am a bio dynamic organic expert advisor to both peasant and commercial farmers, and Co founder of Abalimi Bezekhaya Ngo. Website below. I am also an Ashoka Fellow, since 2002. I have been working in what I call the Social Farming field since 1979, starting in Soweto and then countrywide. So I also call myself a Social Farming Artist. This for of art is not well known, or represented in the formal education system, but it has been around as long as human beings have! To me, Jesus Christ our Lord is the Master Artist, with Father God and the Holy Spirit. And humanity at large, the whole of creation in fact, is a work of divine Art. I am not a Freemason nor do I belong to any sect or dogma, but was raised as a Roman Catholic. Now I am an active member of the Christian Community for religious renewal and like to attend services also at other churches, particularly within the Anglican movement. Since they are a very broad church and my younger brother is an Anglican priest. I am divorced twice, but retain cordial relations with my ex wives and my children are all grown and flown and we all love each other, although being a strong leader type and a man, I was too dominant (never violent but often angry) and both my wives asked for divorce. I feel I must be 100% open with you here. I am not a partisan in any political movement, though I did try and join every main political party, to try get insider understanding of each, but only the ANC accepted my application! There is nothing about my life that I need to hide. Thanks for your patience and consideration.
Rudolf Seiner was not saved. He understood the Christ as a being that unifies and inspires all religions, not belonging to a particular religious faith. To be “Christian” is, for Steiner, a search for balance between polarizing extremes and the ability to manifest love in freedom.
You had two wives who divorced you. Are you married now?