Hoera! Ons het uiteindelik iemand gevind wat besig is om die Onse Vader gebed van Jesus te vervul. Danksy Stephan Joubert en ekerk se goeie werke hang die hemel tans sowat ’n halwe kilometer, of selfs miskien ’n bietjie minder, bokant die aarde. Daar is selfs sprake dat hy en sy ekerk nog net een of twee keer aalmoese moet uitdeel om die vyande van God onmiddellik in vriende van Jesus te verander, en siedaar, die Koninkryk is HIER.
Hoe lyk hierdie koninkryk van Stephan Joubert? Die Global Citizen berig.
- From Ukraine to Yemen, conflict is taking a devastating toll.
- Nuclear arsenals are swelling. Conflict is on the rise. Millions are displaced. International law is disregarded with impunity, as criminal and terrorist networks profit from the division and violence. This is the situation the world finds itself in today.
- The reasons for the outbreak of conflict range from territorial disputes and regional tensions to corruption and dwindling resources due to climate change.
- Conflicts disrupt access to basic services like food and water, and force people into extreme poverty, with the poorest and the most vulnerable paying the highest price. In addition to taking lives and devastating infrastructure in the short term, conflict and its consequences are profound and enduring, reversing progress towards achieving Global Goals.
- There are at least 27 live conflicts right now.
- 2 billion people currently live in conflict-affected areas.
- Children in Yemen are so hungry they’re eating their own hands.
- The conflict in Myanmar is the longest ongoing civil war in the world.
- Only one case of rape has ever been successfully prosecuted by the International Criminal Court.
En dan het dié vent, by name Stephan Joubert, die vermetelheid om te “brag” dat hy en sy ekerk besig om die hemel af te bring aarde toe met hulle beste werke. Waar is Jan van der Watt en Ferdi Mulder? Kan hulle hierdie man nie voor stok kry oor al sy God-onterende uitsprake en artikels nie?
Miskien moet Joubert dadelik sy goedjies pak en na Swede gaan om die Koninkryk van God dáár terug te bring.
- For the first time, crime tops the list of voters’ most important concerns in the run-up to the elections.
- Of the more than 8,200 people the Swedish police counted as being members of criminal gangs by late 2021, almost 15% were under the age of 18.
- Sweden has in just two generations gone from being one of the safest countries in the world to be one of the most dangerous countries in Europe. During the same time, mass immigration has dramatically altered Sweden’s population. 1.2 million of those eligible to vote in the elections in September 2022 were born outside Sweden…
- Basem Mahmoud is an imam operating in the heavily Muslim-dominated area of Rosengård in Malmö. He has called Jews “the offspring of pigs and apes,” said he was “only quoting the Koran,” and is looking forward to “the great battle” when all non-Muslims will be forced to submit themselves to Muslims.
‘n Nederige vragie
Wanneer WAS die hemel op aarde sodat Stephan Joubert en sy ekerk dit NOU moet terugleef?