The Art of “Soft-Power”
Imagine – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, defines “soft power” as follows:
Soft power is the ability to attract and co-opt, rather than coerce (hard power). Soft power is the ability to shape the preferences of others through appeal and attraction. A defining feature of soft power is that it is non-coercive.
Imagine for a moment you’re in an audience attending a live TV Bible quiz program where ten pastors from various denominations are asked questions on biblical doctrine, and toward the end the questionnaire poses the following question: “How would you define biblical doctrine when given only two options to voice your opinion? The two options are ‘hard power’ and ‘soft power.’ In which one of these two ‘powers’ would you place biblical doctrine?” I guess it won’t be too difficult to imagine what most, if not all, would answer when we turn to Bible prophecy in respect of the end-times. Let’s do that now and turn our attention to Paul’s second epistle to Timothy.
I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. (2 Timothy 4:1-4).
You can almost hear Paul’s gasps of intense anxiety and exasperation on behalf of everyone who dares to tone down or soften God’s doctrines when he reminds Timothy that God and the Lord Jesus Christ’s judgment of the living and the dead is around the proverbial corner. . . and, furthermore, that his kingdom on earth is at hand? Both these things – impending judgment and kingdom – ought to embolden preachers to preach the Word in and out of season, to reprove, rebuke, exhort with endless patience, – and INTUITIVE IMAGINATION?
The observant reader may have noticed that I have changed Paul’s exhortations ever so slightly to fit into the modern-day mold of biblical exposition. And why shouldn’t we when several examples from the past prove that man’s intuitive imagination is so vastly powerful that it can alter an already divinely prophesied cosmic disaster into a preferable future. It happened in the days of Noah when God commanded him to build an ark according to His divine blueprint so that he and his family (eight souls) could escape the Great Flood God sent to wipe out all remaining flesh.
Nonetheless, Noah who was the perfect prototype of our modern-day mind-blowing soft-power, imaginative thinking creatures, taught the antediluvian earthlings how to eliminate God’s deterministic thoughts of destruction by replacing it with their own intuitive imagination of a brighter and preferable future. Does this seem too far-fetched in your thinking? Why should it be when anything in the realm of fables is possible, even the weirdest re-imagining or refabricating of Bible narratives?
Isn’t that what Paul meant when he wrote, “they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables.” Note carefully, he did not say they will shun Bible truths altogether. In fact, they will piously use Bible truths to fabricate their own fables. It is at this point, as we shall see later in this article, where the so-called “soft-power” psychosis comes into play. Paul summed it up well when he said:
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; (Romans 1:18).
They know the truth and, therefore, cannot pretend to be ignorant of the things God revealed to them in his Word and in them (verse 19). They cannot possibly run away or hide from the truth. The only thing they can do is to hold or retain God’s truth in unrighteousness (in their iniquitous imaginations). You ain’t seen nothing yet. Wait till you hear the ultimate mind-bending lyrics of one of the bestselling songs ever written to see how God’s truths are turned into fables through imaginative thinking.
The world was in awe when John Lennon’s song “Imagine” was released in 1971. Its lyrics encourage the listener to imagine a world at peace without the barriers of borders or the divisions of religion and nationality and to consider the possibility that the whole of humanity would live unattached to material possessions.
Imagine there’s no Heaven.
It’s easy if you try.
No Hell below us.
Above us only sky.
Imagine all the people
Livin’ for today.
Aaa haa.
Imagine there are no countries.
It isn’t hard to do.
Nothing to kill or die for.
And no religion too.
Imagine all the people
Livin’ life in peace.
Yoo hoo.
You may say I’m a dreamer.
But I’m not the only one.
I hope someday you’ll join us.
And the world will be as one.
Imagine no possessions.
I wonder if you can.
No need for greed or hunger.
A brotherhood of man.
Imagine all the people
Sharin’ all the world.
Yoo hoo.
You may say I’m a dreamer.
But I’m not the only one.
I hope someday you’ll join us.
And the world will live as one.
Amazingly, the first two stanzas very rapidly found a niche in the Emergent Church. Of course, the emergent fraternity would deny this. However, their terminology, sayings, and everyday axioms clearly point to an origin that cannot be traced to the God of the Bible. Bible-believing Christians know that there are only one of two destinations available to man – heaven or hell.
Despite many clear-cut examples in Scripture of the literalness of both these destinations, emergent pastors deliberately shy away from preaching on these important biblical doctrines. They prefer to enunciate the earthly journey, the re-creation of the earth (Kingdom Now Theology) and “liven for today” (living in the now) rather than the destination.
Living in The Now (Echoed in Lennon’s Lyrics “Livin for Today”)
One of the foremost American devotees to Eastern mysticism (and in particular, Buddhism) was Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) who began his adult life as a Unitarian and later became one of the most notable Transcendentalists in 19th Century American history. He described his non-dual (“all is one”) awakening experience in his first book which he called “Nature,” published in 1836.
In the woods, we return to reason and faith. There I feel that nothing can befall me in life, — no disgrace, no calamity, (leaving me my eyes,) which nature cannot repair. Standing on the bare ground, — my head bathed by the blithe air, and uplifted into infinite space, — all mean egotism vanishes. I become a transparent eye-ball; I am nothing; I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or particle of God.
The mystical metaphorical language, which is solidly embedded in Eastern mysticism and its meditation techniques, is vibrantly clear in his words, “I become a transparent eyeball.” It alludes to the awakening of the third eye allegedly located in the forehead, a practice used to advance intuitive, non-rational thinking. The preference of subjective intuition over objective empiricism is the hallmark of Transcendentalism.
The site provides several ways to open the third eye of which the following are some of the more important ones.
- Exercise your intuition; it’s the main function of the third eye.
- Nurture silence to hear the wisdom of the third
eye; listen, the 3rd eye’s sound is more like a whisper. - Dream work, dream interpretation, lucid dreaming.
- Visualizations.
- Guided meditation, silent meditation.
- Let your imagination loose.
- See, focus on the space “in between” things.
- Be curious about symbolic meanings, symbols around you in different cultures and time periods.
- Commune with nature and the energy of the elements.
- Enjoy creative crafts.
- Practice contemplation.
- Cultivate your psychic abilities.
Please note that the Moasïek Kerk supports and encourages their congregation to practice all the abovementioned.
It goes on to encourage its readers to:
- Foster the silence of the mind, whether it’s through meditation, just sitting calmly in nature, or being absorbed in your favorite art or sports practice.
- Let your creativity flow freely by focusing on specific activities or letting your imagination loose. For instance, start learning a new art or craft; don’t try to be perfect, just let your inspiration run through your hands and be ready to be surprised by the results. Why? Creativity is a very efficient way to loosen your rational mind – you know, the mental chatter that comments every step you make to see whether it’s right or wrong, that tends to control every action with a specific agenda and intended outcome. When you calm the part of your mind that wants to be in charge of how reality should be and leverage your creativity to open up possibilities, your third eye capacity has more space to unfold and blossom.
- Just Breathe. Mindful breathing can calm the mind and, in turn, cleanse and open the Third Eye. Being conscious of your breathing not only allows for cleansing but also balances the chakra system.
- Dream it. The Third Eye is crucial in dreaming and dream recall. Engage and activate your Third Eye chakra by keeping a dream journal.
The aforementioned concepts (the art of “soft-power,” “chakras,” “the opening of the third eye,” and “living in the now”) have gained a significant foothold in many churches in South Africa of which the Mosaiek Kerk in Fairlands, Randburg, has taken a leading role. It is all part and parcel of the end-time apostasy the Bible warns us about.
One of Mosaiek’s most recent series of sermons called “Deeper, Further, Nearer,” mirrors their apostasy very well. Although their explanation of these three movements, as they call it, is supposed to be based on biblical principles, they are actually movements into gross apostasy. It reflects the movements of “DEEPER INTO APOSTASY,” “FURTHER FROM GOD,” and “NEARER TO THEIR DESTRUCTION.”
Mystics would have you believe that it is the hiatus or space between being connected or disconnected from the present moment in your life that causes you to feel miserable, discontented, unhappy, tensed, stressful, worried, at unease, disgruntled, restless and anxious.
Only when this space is narrowed down or completely eradicated, can a conscious connectedness to the present or the now be established. They contend that when your mind is preoccupied with the past and the future you will always miss the gifts God wants to present you in the now, the best of which is the now-presence of God in your body (regardless of whether you are a believer or a non-believer).
Heavily armed with many passages from Scripture, which they usually quote out of context or from the abominable New Age Bible, The Message, by Eugene H Peterson, they gently persuade (soft-power) their audiences to accept their methodologies on how to live in the now. The magic wand to the achievement of the power of now is, of course, the many kinds of meditation available to its practitioners. One such practitioner writes:
Instead of “watching the thinker,” [a phrase coined by Eckhart Tolle, the author of the best-seller “The Power of Now” on how to listen to your ongoing thoughts impartially, i.e. without judging) you can also create a gap in the mind stream simply by directing the focus of your attention into the Now. Just become intensely conscious of the present moment.
This is a deeply satisfying thing to do. In this way, you draw consciousness away from mind activity and create a gap of no-mind in which you are highly alert and aware but not thinking. [Read here].
This [no thinking] is the essence of meditation. In your everyday life, you can practice this by taking any routine activity that normally is only a means to an end and giving it your fullest attention, so that it becomes an end in itself.
For example, every time you walk up and down the stairs in your house or place of work, pay close attention to every step, every movement, even your breathing. Be totally present. (Source).

Willem Nicol – RSA’s Topmost Shaman
Willem Nicol, the doyen of mystical spirituality and contemplative meditation in the ranks of the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa (Calvinism), is the Director of the Centre for Spirituality, Meditation and Prayer (Dutch Reformed Church, South East Pretoria). He is a much sought-after speaker who travels the breadth and width of our beloved country, teaching his audiences how to adopt and worship another Jesus, accept another gospel and to receive another spirit. (2 Corinthians 11:4).
Dare I make such a claim? I sure do, considering the fact that he conducted a meditation séance in the Mosaiek Church on 15 July 2018. I call it a meditation séance in view of the ritual he encouraged his audience to perform with him to teach them how to come into the “now” and to reside in the “present now”. On closer scrutiny, his ritual meticulously resembled the Eastern meditation technique practiced by Eastern mystics and New Agers to open the alleged seven chakras in your body and ultimately the third eye where intuition, awareness, and imagination reside and are set free through meditation.

First, he asked his audience, “Can I talk to you about where you are now – your body?” Then he invited them to close their eyes and feel their bodies from below, starting with their feet and moving upward to the seat of the chair, and next to the backrest of the chair.
“It’s a nice feeling” he said and gently nudged his audience to acknowledge that the connection between awareness and the body is essential to be in the now. In Hindu and Buddhist mysticism the seven chakras in the body are pools of energy which need to be opened from below, starting with the root chakra (red). Its purpose is to make the meditator feel relaxed and comfortable (a nice feeling, as Willem Nicol vaingloriously announced while he smugly rubbed his hands together as if to warm them).
It heightens your sense of presence to everything happening right now and enhances your connection to your physical body. Above all, it enriches your connectedness with others around you and makes you feel at one with everyone, erasing any feeling of distrust that may arise in you.
False teachers in the realm of meditation and mystic experiences will never admit that their teachings are based on Eastern mysticism and the New Age. During his entire meditation session Willem Nicol never once referred to the chakras in the body but very slyly made his audience believe that the nice and comfortable experience they had, was induced by the seat and the backrest of their chairs.
How to feel God’s presence in your body

As if that was not enough to delude his audience into accepting an Eastern mystic meditation technique, Willem Nicol once more invited his audience to close their eyes and put their ten fingertips together with the corresponding fingers of both hands touching one another. This, he said, proves that God is present in everybody’s body (including the most extreme blasphemers and Sangomas, according to Theo Geyser).
However, there is more to it than meets the eye. Only those who have said “yes” to God, asserted Willem Nicol, receive the three ingredients that are necessary for proper behavior (conduct). He gives the insight into what’s good, the power to do it and also the liking to do it. If this is Willem Nicol’s Magna Carte of redemption, then not only he but also those who follow his teachings are not saved and still lost unless they repent and believe the Gospel.
To con his gullible audience even more, Willem Nicol called Paul of Tarsus to serve as a witness to the veracity of his teaching. He quoted a section of Paul’s sermon on the Areopagus in Athens. False teachers are extremely sharp-witted when they need to substantiate their views with Scripture. Willem Nicol is no exception.
He piously quoted Acts 17:25 to prove to his audience that the pulsating or tingling feeling they felt in the tips of their fingers when they held their fingertips together one against the other, was indeed the presence of God in the body. Was that what Paul meant when he said, “seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things?” There is no value in quoting Scripture when you willfully distort it to further your own agendas. Even the Luciferic Theosophist, Alice Bailey quoted Acts 17:28 and wrote:
I would remind you that I write as one who believes in the great spiritual realities and who regards the unfolding spirit of man as the unshatterable evidence of the existence of “the One in Whom we live and move and have our being.” I speak as one who believes in and loves the Christ and who knows Him to be the Master of all the Masters and the Teacher alike of angels and of men. (The New World Religion – 1943).
The angel of light is no fool when he cunningly uses his ministers to quote Scripture and to present them to the world as ministers of righteousness. (2 Corinthians 11:15). Imagine Paul having preached on the Areopagus (Mars Hill) and having said to the Athenian idolaters, …
“I have noticed that you are very religious and built an altar to THE UNKNOWN GOD which you worship in your ignorance. It is this God I wish to introduce to you as the One who is present in your bodies, and to prove to you that he is indeed in you, I wish to invite you to copy me in a little exercise I learned from the Hindu gurus in India where I was involved in missionary work. It is called meditation.
Please close your eyes and put all your fingertips together like I am doing now. It helps to get rid of the clutter of thoughts in your mind and to focus on the present, the now. An acute awareness of your body helps to bring you into the now. You can now open your eyes and again look at me. Did you feel the wonderful flow of life pulsating through your body? That, my dear idolatrous Athenians, is the presence of God in your bodies.
The good news is that there are more advantages for those who say ‘YES’ to God. Please take an awareness check on your understanding. I did not say who said “NO” to God but ‘YES, YES, YES.’ They are the ones who receive the three ingredients that are necessary for proper conduct (like the urge to build an altar to THE UNKNOWN GOD). The three ingredients are: He gives you the insight to know what is good; the power to do good; and the desire to do good.”
You may press your ten fingertips together in a meditative contemplative manner until the cows come home; you will never feel or experience God’s presence in your body. God cannot be experienced through touch, smell, hearing and seeing in the bodies of either unbelievers or believers. The notion that you can feel God’s presence in your body is an affront to God’s requirement to believe in Him. (Romans 1:17; Hebrews 11:1, 6).
It presents unbelievers the opportunity to say God is in them without having to abide by the biblical requirement of faith. Unbelievers are dead in their trespasses and sins. Jesus made this clear when he said to the man who wanted to bury his father first before he was willing to follow Jesus, “let the dead bury their dead.” (Matthew 8:22).
A spiritually dead person cannot feel or experience the presence of God in his physical body. What he or she feels is the mundane temporal life God has given every human being that pulses through the body. The same divine life-giving substance is present in all living creatures, including animals.
Does it mean that animals also experience God’s presence in their bodies? Mystics like Willem Nicol would say yes because he is a Panentheist who believes that God is in all and all is in God. The “YES”-salvation Willem Nicol and his mystical shamans at the Moaiek Church promote and preach echoes the extreme wickedness of the Emergent Church protagonists.
Willem Nicol’s ten fingertip meditation technique is not new. During his meditation seance at Mosaiek Kerk, he thanked his audience for not objecting to his presentation. He told them about an incident in a DRC where he did a Lectio Divina session. However, the moment he mentioned “breathing” an elder put up his hand and said, I object, this is New Age.” He was right. Check this out.
If this had been the content of Paul’s message on the Areopagus, he would have been the worst shaman (witch doctor) on the planet and a perfect candidate for an eternity in hell. In fact, he would have been a protégé of Kundalini Yoga meditation. The mystic, Morton Kelsey with whom Trevor Hudson wrote the book, “Journey of the Spirit: Meditations of the Spiritual Seeker” called his fellow-practitioners of contemplative spirituality shamans (mediums, soothsayers, witch doctors, magicians, spiritualists, druids). So, please don’t get mad at me for calling them shamans.
. . . Almost all Christians who were true disciples were something like shamans in the style of their master. Jesus not only used powers [of the shaman] Himself but He passed the same powers of superhuman knowledge, healing and exorcism on to his followers.
Please tell us, Mr. Willem Nicol, the high priest of Christianized shamanism in South Africa, is that the reason why Jesus Christ was made a curse for us and died on a cursed tree (Galatians 3:13), to give us the insight into what is good, how to do good and the desire to do good? Willem Nicol is no less a Luciferian than Alice Bailey who wrote in her book “From Bethlehem to Calvary.” (1937).

P. 273: The kingdom of God is not some one particular church with its own peculiar doctrines, its particular formulations of truth, its specialized method of government upon earth and of approach to God.
[DTW comment: Johan Geyser said on 27th January 2019: “We [the Mosaiek Church] are not Reformed, Charismatic or Contemplative; We want to bring them all together into a one well-knit unit].
The true Church is the kingdom of God on earth, divorced from all clerical government and composed of all, regardless of race or creed, who live by the light within, who have discovered the fact of the mystical Christ in their hearts, and are preparing to tread the Way of Initiation.
The kingdom is not composed of orthodox theologically minded people. Its citizenship is wider than that and includes every human being who is thinking in larger terms than the individual, the orthodox, the national and the racial. The members of the coming kingdom will think in terms of humanity as a whole; and as long as they are separative or nationalistic, or religiously bigoted, or commercially selfish, they have no place in that kingdom.
To work for the whole; to be occupied with the aiding of the group; to be cognizant of One Life pulsing through all forms, and to work in the consciousness that all men are brothers — these are the initial qualities which a citizen of the kingdom must show.
The human family is individually self-conscious and this stage of the separative consciousness has been a needed and useful one; but the time has arrived when we are aware of greater contacts, of wider implications, and of a more general inclusiveness. P. 279-280: No man who cannot attain to the consciousness of the true values is yet ready for the immortality which is the prerogative of the sons of God.
The building of that inner structure which is the spiritual body is carried on by means of purification, perfecting, meditation and initiation, and above all else, by service. There is no other way. The true values to which the initiate gives his life are those of the spirit, of the kingdom of God, those which concern the whole and which lay no primary emphasis upon the individual.
They are expressed through expansion, service and conscious incorporation in the whole. They are to be summed up in the one-word Service. They are expressed through inclusiveness and non-separateness. It is here that the Church, as usually understood, meets its major challenge. Is it spiritual enough to let go of theology and become truly human? Is it interested enough to widen its horizon and recognize as truly Christian all who demonstrate the Christ spirit, whether they be Hindu, Mohammedan, or Buddhist, whether they are labeled by any name other than that of orthodox Christian? Another basic thought emerges out of all that we have considered.
It is whether or not we are today transiting out of the age of authority into the age of experience, and whether this transition does not indicate that the race is rapidly preparing for initiation [aka occult meditation]. We are revolting from doctrines, having very little use for them, and the reason, Dr. Dewey tells us, is that “… adherence to anybody of doctrines and dogmas based upon a specific authority signifies distrust in the power of experience to provide, in its own ongoing movement, the needed principles of belief and action. Faith in its newer sense signifies that experience itself is the sole ultimate authority.” (Reality and Illusion, by Richard Rothschild, p. 320.)
[DTW comments: Christianized shamans like Stephan Joubert, Johan Geyser, Theo Geyser, Melissa van Biljon, Jacques Bornmann, Trevor Hudson,Herman du Plessis and the rest of Mosiek Kerk’s fraternity were apparently influenced by Alice Bailey and her demon Djwal Kuhl).
Sometimes it seems as if the two extremes lived on in the consciousness of man—the notorious and ambitious, and the great world servers. Hitherto the sequence has been: service of ourselves, of our family, of those we love, of some leader, some cause, some school of politics or religion.
The time has come when service must expand and express itself on broader and more inclusive lines, and we must learn to serve as Christ served, to love all men as He loved them and, by the potency of our spiritual vitality and the quality of our service, stimulate all we meet so that they too can serve and love and become members of the kingdom.
When this is seen clearly, and when we are ready to make the needed sacrifices and renunciations, there will be a more rapid manifestation of the kingdom of God on earth. The call is not for fanatics or for the rabid devotee who, in attempting to express it, has so marred divinity.
The call is for sane and normal men and women who can comprehend the situation, face what must be done, and then give their lives to expressing for the world the qualities of the citizens of the kingdom of Souls: love, wisdom, silence, non-separateness, and freedom from hatreds and partisan, creedal beliefs. When such men can be gathered together in large numbers (and they are gathering rapidly) we shall have the fulfillment of the angels’ song at Bethlehem, “On earth peace, good will toward men.”
“Not of Works, Lest Any Man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:9)
And that, my dear friends, is why Willem Nicol and his buddies at the Mosaiek Church have very little or no regard for God’s doctrines and his prophecies. They have shrewdly changed the doctrine of salvation into a works-based gospel which requires of you to say a mere “YES” to the Lord so that you may receive insight into what is good, and the power and desire to do good in the service of mankind. This is a cross-less gospel akin to the Luciferian and Theosophist, Alice Bailey’s gospel.
“I believed in the power of Christ to save then and I believe in it a thousand fold more today. I know that people can turn from the error of their ways and I have seen them again and again find that reality in themselves which St. Paul calls “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Upon that knowledge I stake my eternal salvation and the salvation of mankind. I know that Christ lives and that we live in Him and I know that God is our Father and that, under God’s great Plan, all souls eventually find their way back to Him.
I know that the Christ life in the human heart can lead all men from death to immortality. I know that because Christ lives, we shall live also and that we are saved by His life. But I question our human techniques very often and I believe that God’s way is often the best and that He often leaves us to find our own way home [*by experiencing our own journey], knowing that in all of us there is something of Himself which is divine, which never dies, and which comes to knowledge.
I know that nothing in Heaven or hell can come between the love of God and His children. I know that He stays on guard watching “until the last weary pilgrim has found his way home.” I know that all things work together for good to those who love God, and this means that we do not love some far off, abstract Deity but that we love our fellowmen. Loving our fellowmen is evidence – undefined, maybe, but just as sure – that we love God.” (The Unfinished Autobiography of Alice Bailey, pp. 60, 61). (* Parenthesis added).
Whenever you fail and deliberately refrain from bringing the unadulterated Gospel of salvation to the lost, you are not serving mankind. You are serving Satan and his demons. Jesus said:
“But woe (judgment is coming) to you, [self-righteous] scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you shut off the kingdom of heaven in front of people; for you do not enter yourselves, nor do you allow those who are [in the process of] entering to do so. (Matthew 23:13; Amplified Bible).
Johan Geyser – RSA’s Second Topmost Shaman

And now, we come to the best bit of our journey with today’s Christianized shamans, Johan Geyser of the Mosiek Church who claims to hold the key to an imaginary preferable future. As an introduction, I would like to quote Stephan Joubert, arguably today’s best deceiver of multitudes of people in South Africa who once said:

You need an imaginary world. Don’t you think that if you start reading the book of Revelation, not as the book of little prophecies that you can pick out with a little tweezer, but as the story that will open up your imagination, what will happen? We need imagination if we want to understand. Use it well. God gave it to you. (Source).
Joubert’s notoriously dangerous reference to the Book of Revelation as “the book of little prophecies that you can pick out with a little tweezer” (Revelation 22:19) is symptomatic of the present-day mystics’ blatant derision and hatred of God’s prophecies in the Book of Revelation. Johan Geyser calls it too deterministic in a sermon he delivered in the Mosaiek Kerk on 21 December 2018. “What Was, What Is, and What is to come.”
Before we examine Johan Geyser’s brilliant imaginative sermon, let us first look at what God thinks about man’s imagination. There are fourteen occurrences of the word “imagination” in the Bible (KJV) and every single one refers to the wickedness and evil of man’s heart,
Genesis 6:5; And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Genesis 8:21; And the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more everything living, as I have done.
Deuteronomy 29:19; And it come to pass, when he heareth the words of this curse, that he bless himself in his heart, saying, I shall have peace, though I walk in the imagination of mine heart, to add drunkenness to thirst:
Deuteronomy 31:21; And it shall come to pass, when many evils and troubles are befallen them, that this song shall testify against them as a witness; for it shall not be forgotten out of the mouths of their seed: for I know their imagination which they go about, even now, before I have brought them into the land which I sware.
Jeremiah 3:17; At that time they shall call Jerusalem the throne of the LORD; and all the nations shall be gathered unto it, to the name of the LORD, to Jerusalem: neither shall they walk any more after the imagination of their evil heart.
Jeremiah 7:24; But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear, but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart, and went backward, and not forward.
Jeremiah 9:14; But have walked after the imagination of their own heart, and after Baalim, which their fathers taught them:
Jeremiah 11:8; Yet they obeyed not, nor inclined their ear, but walked everyone in the imagination of their evil heart: therefore I will bring upon them all the words of this covenant, which I commanded them to do; but they did them not.
Jeremiah 13:10; This evil people, which refuse to hear my words, which walk in the imagination of their heart, and walk after other gods, to serve them, and to worship them, shall even be as this girdle, which is good for nothing.
Jeremiah 16:12; And ye have done worse than your fathers; for, behold, ye walk everyone after the imagination of his evil heart, that they may not hearken unto me:
Jeremiah 18:12; And they said, There is no hope: but we will walk after our own devices, and we will everyone do the imagination of his evil heart.
Jeremiah 23:17; They say still unto them that despise me, The LORD hath said, Ye shall have peace; and they say unto everyone that walketh after the imagination of his own heart, No evil shall come upon you.
Luke 1:51; He hath shewed strength with his arm; he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. (Emphasis added throughout).
In each of these passages, “imagination” is always associated with evil, an evil heart and idolatry. Yet, Stephan Joubert claims that God has given us a wonderful imagination, suggesting that God Himself gave us our evil hearts and the propensity to commit idolatry (spiritual adultery and whoredom).
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! (Isaiah 5:20). (Emphasis added).
Given that that they are Kingdom-Now protagonists and believe that they are kings and priests who are co-workers with Jesus Christ in the reconstruction of the world (to make it a better place to live in right now by virtue of their service to mankind), they must of necessity tone down or completely blot out the hard facts set out in God’s Word and imagine (visualize) a preferable future. In fact, Johan Geyser cheerfully quoted CS Lewis and George Barna in an attempt to anoint man’s evil imagination with holy water. Geyser quoted C.S. Lewis incorrectly, as saying:
Reason is the organ for understanding and imagination is the organ for meaning.
The correct quote is:
I am a rationalist. For me, reason is the natural organ of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” (1939).
There is a vast difference between “understanding” and “truth.” You may understand the intricacies of the human brain and yet know nothing about truth. If reason was the natural organ of truth and imagination the organ that gives meaning to the truth, every Tom, Dick, and Harry could use his imagination to whimsically extract the meaning of God’s truth within the framework of his own imagination. It rules out the requirement to believe the Gospel. You only need to activate your imagination.
This is the very reason why God’s Truth (his Word) links imagination to man’s evil heart. (Jeremiah 17:9). Everyone, according to this manmade philosophy, is free to interpret the truth within the confines of his own personal imagination. We are exhorted to guard our hearts with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life. (Proverbs 4:23).
Show me a man who can do this by means of his imagination and not through God’s Word (Psalm 119:9). In the end, man’s downfall will be initiated by their imagination when they are going to imagine that peace, safety, and prosperity prevails in the world when sudden destruction befalls them. (1 Thessalonians 5:3).
To illustrate how your imagination can influence and even create a desirable future, Johan Geyser quoted George Barna who said:
A vision is a picture of a preferable future. It’s imparted by God and it’s based on an accurate understanding of yourself and your circumstances.
To simplify it a little more, we may summarize his maxim in the following way.
God wants to give the whole world (every individual from whatever spiritual persuasion) a better (more preferable) future. However, his gift of a better future is dependent on an accurate understanding of who you are and your circumstances.
Whenever asked to define “a preferable future,” most people immediately say two words to express their idea of a better future, and they are, “PEACE” and “LOVE.” A Google search of the words “peace” and “love” produced a result of 15,900,000 and 32,200,000 respectively. The requirements to know yourself and what your circumstances are, are made very clear in the following quotes from some of the books by Alice Bailey, who was a Luciferian and Theosophist par excellence. Indeed. Satan and his demon, Djwal Khul, were working overtime when they inspired Alice Bailey to write the following.
“Christ stood as a symbol and also as an example … and showed us the pattern upon which we should mould our lives. “The kingdom and the service!… “We must grasp this; we must realize that we shall find release only in the service of the kingdom. We have been held too long by the dogmas of the past, and there is today a natural revolt against the idea of individual salvation through the blood sacrifice of Christ.… It is essential that today we face the problem of the relation of Christ to the modern world, and dare to see the truth, without any theological bias.… It is quite possible that Christ is far more inclusive than we have been led to believe … We have preached a God of love and have spread a doctrine of hate. We have taught that Christ died to save the world and have endeavored to show that only believers could be saved … But Christ founded a kingdom on earth, wherein all God’s children would have equal opportunity of expressing themselves as sons of the Father. This, many Christians find impossible to accept … [DTW comment: Here, I would like to remind our readers what another Christianized shaman, by the name of Jannie Pelser of the DRC in Rant en Dal, Krugersdorp, said about the Kingdom. Here are his own words: Quote: If Good Friday (aka the crucifixion of Jesus Christ) is so good, brothers and sisters, where do we see the goodness of Good Friday in our world?” . . . “What sense is there in the events surrounding the crucifixion if the world around us does not change and hasn’t changed for more than 2000 years? What does it help when the whole world goes to heaven but has hell on earth?” . . . “What merit is there in a faith that says ‘Hang in there’, someday it will be better? If we do not experience something of it [the Kingdom of God on earth] right now, who says the promise of a better future is at all true?” . . . “I dare you to show me where Jesus commanded people to make sure they will go to heaven. Show me one place where Jesus commands us to make sure that people go to heaven. The command is to go and tell people that heaven has arrived on earth and that it is breaking through to every part of the world. And you and I, my, our calling is to set up the signs of God’s approaching glory on earth and not to focus peoples’ eyes on a pie in the sky when you die while the world around us goes lost in everyday’s struggle to exist.”‘ . . . “Jesus did not come to save peoples’ souls. He came to establish God’s rule on earth.” (End quote). (Kruiskyk 29 April 2012 ).
“Individual salvation is surely selfish in its interest and its origin. We must serve in order to be saved, and only can we serve intelligently if we believe in the divinity of all men and also in Christ’s outstanding service to the race. The kingdom is a kingdom of servers, for every saved soul must without compromise join the ranks of those who ceaselessly serve their fellow men.” (Alice Bailey, From Bethlehem to Calvary, Chapter Five – The Fourth Initiation, The Crucifixion).
“Our need today is to see the hidden thread of purpose … This [‘spiritual’] awakening is already here, and the will to good is present. The teaching of Christ … needs only to be rescued from the interpretations of the theologies of the past, and taken at its simple face value, which is an expression of the divinity of man, of his participation in the kingdom which is in process of being brought into recognition, and of his immortality as a citizen of that kingdom. What we are in reality passing through is ‘a religious initiation into the mysteries of Being,’ … and from that we shall emerge with a deepened sense of God immanent in ourselves and in all humanity.…“The vital need is to return to the simple fundamental instruction which Christ gave, and to learn to love our brother.… It is a love which realizes that the world needs love, and that a spirit of love (which is a spirit of inclusiveness, of tolerance, of wise judgment and farsighted vision) can draw all men together into that outward unity which is based upon a recognized inner relationship.” —Alice Bailey (Emphasis added) (Ibid., Chapter Seven – Our Immediate Goal, The Founding of the Kingdom).“
When the consciousness which is Christ’s has been awakened in all men, then we shall have peace on earth and goodwill among men… The expression of our divinity will bring to an end the hatred rampant upon earth and break down all the separating walls which divide man from man, group from group, nation from nation, religion from religion. Where there is goodwill there must be peace; there must be organized activity and a recognition of the Plan of God, for that Plan is synthesis; that Plan is fusion; that Plan is unity and at-one-ment.… “The realization of this is needed today. Christ in God. God in Christ. Christ in you and Christ in me. This is what will bring into being that one religion which will be the religion of love, of peace on earth, of universal goodwill, of divine understanding, and of the deep recognition of God.” Alice Bailey, Chapter Two – The First Initiation, The Birth at Bethlehem.
All the ingredients – let me repeat that – ALL the ingredients and elements of Alice Bailey’s occult and satanic books match those in the sermons of Johan Geyser, his brother, Theo Geyser, Trevor Hudson, Willem Nicol, and Melissa van Biljon. Nothing they say can be said to be original or new; they all copy the same spirit of Antichrist who inspired Alice Bailey to write her books.
They are doing precisely what Bailey asked them to do which is: “The teaching of Christ … needs only to be rescued from the interpretations of the theologies of the past, and taken at its simple face value, which is an expression of the divinity of man, of his participation in the kingdom which is in process of being brought into recognition, and of his immortality as a citizen of that kingdom.”
One of the major theologies that need to be rescued from the interpretations of the past, is biblical prophecy, and especially the book of Revelation because it does not fit into the contemplative mystics’ world of beautiful dreams and visions. In fact, in order to present the Kingdom as something that is already in our midst (the Kingdom-Now hypothesis) and that we can create a wonderful preferable future for ourselves and the entire world through visions, dreams, visualizations, meditations, service, and oneness, Johan Geyser with exuberant boyishness said the following in the light of what the apostle John experienced during his imprisonment on the island of Patmos.
Like the rest of the sermons in a series delivered by several preachers in the Mosaiek Kerk, Johan Geyser’s sermon “which is, and which was, and which is to come” was based on Revelation 1:4. The simplicity of the verse is so captivatingly beautiful that any child of God will tell you that it describes Christ Jesus’ eternality, his majesty on high, and his glorious omnipotence and omniscience. In short, it affirms that Jesus Christ is JAHWEH. Albert Barnes comments as follows on this verse:
From him who is everlasting – embracing all duration, past, present, and to come. No expression could more strikingly denote eternity than this. He now exists; he has existed in the past; he will exist in the future. There is an evident allusion here to the name Yahweh, the name by which the true God is appropriately designated in the Scriptures. That name יהוה Yahweh, from היה haayah, to be, to exist, seems to have been adopted because it denotes existence, or being, and as denoting simply one who exists; and has reference merely to the fact of existence. The word has no variation of form, and has no reference to time, and would embrace all time: that is, it is as true at one time as another that he exists. Such a word would not be inappropriately paraphrased by the phrase “who is, and who was, and who is to come,” or who is to be; and there can be no doubt that John referred to him here as being himself the eternal and uncreated existence, and as the great and original fountain of all being.
That’s it! It simply describes the majesty of Jesus Christ and his supreme prerogative (birthright) to reveal the things which are to come. That’s precisely why it is called the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw. Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. (Revelation 1:1-3).
Yet, Johan Geyser shifts the focus from Christ to man by stating that “is,” “was,” and “is to come” involve every individual’s present time, past and future. In reality it means that every individual should find (acquire, obtain, capture) Jesus Christ in that which was in his/her life, is presently in his/her life, and is to come in the future in his/her life in a practical way, because He (Jesus) is the essence of it all. It certainly reeks of the abominable doctrine of Panentheism (God is in all and all is in God) and a universal salvific arrangement.)
From this point onward in his sermon, Johan Geyser turns Jesus Christ’s Revelation on its head and instead of a proper exegesis of the things which must be hereafter (after John had been given a vision of Christ seated on his throne in heaven in Revelation 4), he highlights the vision itself to prod his audience into cultivating their own visions for the future.
The apostle John did not generate his own vision for the future to present it as a gift to his readers; it was given to Him by God. Contrary to what Jesus Christ revealed to his servant John, Johan Geyser fabricated the following story, mimicking the lies of the angel of light in a way only his ministers of righteousness can do. (2 Corinthians 11:14-15). Geyser said:
And then John grants two big gifts, actually one big thing that is crucial for the future. What John tries to give to his churches is a vision which is the biggest and most important thing you can have for the future.
Credit must be given to the “angel” (“star” – Revelation 1:10) of the Mosaiek Church, Johan Geyser, for his dazzling way to soft-power his congregation into believing that the future is entrenched in their own personal vision of the future (“that which is to come”). He underpins his “vision” meanderings with snippets from Scripture, some of which can only be understood in the light of preceding or following passages.
For example, he skips from Revelation 4:1 to Revelation 1:6 to imply that the Kingdom of God is already on earth with Jesus ruling from his throne in heaven and his followers functioning as co-rulers (kings and priests) on earth. Revelation 1:5 is vitally important for a correct understanding of Revelation 1:6. Christ never casually makes anyone and everyone kings and priests. Faith in the cleansing power of Jesus Christ’s shed blood on the cross is the only means by which saved sinners are made kings and priests. All the same, Johan Geyser made a blank statement that all the members of his church are kings and priests without any reference to the importance of Christ’s blood in Revelation 1:5.
His deliberate omission of Revelation 1:5 is no coincidence. The Emergent Church, which is deeply steeped in contemplative mysticism, often very resourcefully derides the blood atonement of Jesus Christ so that the unsuspecting listener cannot so easily discern their deception, and in other cases brazenly calls it Christian vampirism and a slaughterhouse religion. I have yet to hear the pastors of the Mosaiek Kerk preach a sermon on the blood of the cross.
Whenever they do mention the cross, it is always to advance the views which the liberal theologian Harry Emerson Fosdick ( 1878-1969) laid out in his book “The Modern Use of the Bible” the Cross as “a slaughterhouse religion” and should rather be looked upon as an example of a life of service and sacrifice (It echoes the words of Alice Bailey quoted earlier, “The time has come when service must expand and express itself on broader and more inclusive lines, and we must learn to serve as Christ served, to love all men as He loved them and, by the potency of our spiritual vitality and the quality of our service, stimulate all we meet so that they too can serve and love and become members of the kingdom.”). She wrote:
The world has outlived the thought of a wrathful God who demands a blood sacrifice. Intelligent people today must agree that “… modern thought does not clash with primitive Christian ideas; but in regard to the propitiation for these evil inclinations, the case is different. We can no longer accept the appalling theological doctrine that for some mystic reason a propitiatory sacrifice was necessary. It outrages either our conception of God as almighty or else our conception of Him as all-loving. “Humanity will accept the thought of a God who so loved the world that He sent His Son to give us the final expression of the cosmic sacrifice and to say to us, as He did [188] upon the Cross: “It is finished.” We can now “enter into the joy of the Lord.” Men are learning to love, and they will, and do, repudiate a theology which makes of God a force of hardness and cruelty in the world, unparalleled by men. A new world order came into being when Christ came to earth, and from that time on we have moved steadily forward towards a new age wherein men inevitably will live as brothers because Christ died, and the true nature of the kingdom of God will find expression on earth. Of this, past [176] progress is the guarantee. The immediacy of this happening is already faintly understood by those who, as Christ has said, have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. Inevitably we are moving forward towards greatness, and Christ emphasized this in His life and work. We have not yet achieved this greatness, but the signs of it can be seen. Already there are indications of the coming of this new era, and the dim outlines of a new and more nearly ideal social structure, based on perfected humanity, are discernible. It is this perfection which is of importance. One of the first things that it seems essential to recognize is the fact, the definite fact, that Christ’s Crucifixion must be lifted out of the realm of its purely individual application, into the realm of the universal and the whole. It may perhaps cause some consternation when we emphasize the necessity of realizing that the death of the historical Christ upon the Cross was not primarily concerned with each individual man who claims to profit by it. It was a great cosmic event. Its implications and its results concern the masses of humanity and do not concern specifically the individual. We are so apt to take to ourselves, as a personal affair, the many implications of Christ’s sacrifice. The selfishness of the spiritual aspirant is often very real. It is surely evident, if one approaches the subject intelligently, that Christ did not die in order that you and I might go to heaven. He died as the result of the very nature of the service which He rendered, of the note which He struck, and because He inaugurated a new age and told men how to live as sons of God. (Alice Bailey: From Bethlehem to Calvary – Chapter Five: The Fourth Initiation – Part 1)
We have been held too long by the dogmas of the past, and there is today a natural revolt against the idea of individual salvation through the blood sacrifice of Christ. This latter is the outer and more obvious teaching—but it is the inner meaning which really concerns us, and this we can sense only when we ourselves come face to face with that which dwells within. (Alice Bailey: From Bethlehem to Calvary – Chapter Five: The Fourth Initiation – Part 1).
Many evangelicals in the mystical contemplative fold and the Emergent Church have followed suit, some of whom are Brian McLaren, Tony Jones, Alan Jones, Tony Campolo, Josh McDowell, and Brennan Manning, to name but a few. The worst derision of the blood atonement of Jesus Christ comes from the lips of Alan Jones who said:
The Church’s fixation on the death of Jesus as the universal saving act must end, and the place of the cross must be reimagined in Christian faith. Why? Because of the cult of suffering and the vindictive God behind it.” Alan Jones – Reimagining Christianity, p. 132
“The other thread of just criticism addresses the suggestion implicit in the cross that Jesus’ sacrifice was to appease an angry god. Penal substitution [the Cross] was the name of this vile doctrine.”— Ibid, p. 168
In 1991, William Shannon, (author of “Silence on Fire” – about Thomas Merton, one of Trevor Hudson’s and his buddies’ great revered heroes) said this:
He is the God who exacts the last drop of blood from His Son, so that His just anger, evoked by sin, may be appeased. This God whose moods alternate between graciousness and fierce anger — a God who is still all too familiar to many Christians — is a caricature of the true God. This God does not exist. This is not the God whom Jesus Christ reveals to us. This is not the God whom Jesus called “Abba.” (p. 110).
The blood of Jesus Christ is closely related to the literalness of the prophecies in the book of Revelation. The following passages from Revelation illustrate how closely interconnected the blood of Christ is with the literalness of the book.
And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them. (Revelation 7:14-15).
And they overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. (Revelation 12:11). (Emphasis added)
These and many other passages are not codes and allegories the early persecuted churches used to escape the prying eyes of the authorities and their strict censor laws, as Johan Geyser said. They are prophetic utterances of factual things that are still to come. Nevertheless, Johan Geyser alleged that the apostle John never intended to give the seven churches revelations of factual occurrences in the near future, because it is too deterministic. If the words “must come to pass” in Revelation 1:1 does not ring true to the meaning of “determination,” “resolve,” and “fortitude” then God is a liar and cannot be trusted.
Moreover, the Angel Gabriel, who God sent to the prophet Daniel to tell him everything He has determined to take place in the end time, was also an infamous liar when he said, “Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.” (Daniel 9:24).
Even worse, Jesus Christ would also have lied when He predicted the coming of a seven-year tribulation on the earth when He said: “When ye, therefore, shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)” . . . “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.” (Matthew 24:15, 21).
Note carefully, the angel Gabriel did not say “to seal up the vision;” he said, “to seal up the vision and the prophecy” which shows that both the vision and the prophecy are inseparable. Nevertheless, Johan Geyser audaciously asserts that you have creative powers because you are kings and priests, therefore, coworkers together with God who is presently working in the world to set up his Kingdom on earth.
So, you can already now, by living in the now, participate with God in the future. You can influence the future right NOW. How? Well through a vision and by getting an idea of a better future. So, in the light of who you are (what is happening in your life) and your past (what was in your life), you can use your imagination and dream of a preferable future. You can allow your imagination to run wild (in perfect sync with the site) and get pictures and images of something better in the future (what is to come). Hence George Barna’s fabulous self-fabricated fable, “A vision is a picture of a preferable future. It’s imparted by God and it’s based on an accurate understanding of yourself and your circumstances.”
Morton Kelsey, one of Trevor Hudson’s buddies wrote:
I discovered that my dreams were wiser than my well-tuned rational mind … These strange messengers of the night offered suggestions on how to find my way out of my lostness.
The strange messengers of the night who offered him suggestions on how to find his way out of his lostness cannot possibly have been sent by God. They must have been demons, for the simple reason that God will never offer anyone suggestions (plural) of how to find his way out of his lostness. He has already shown the way out of lostness through his Son, Jesus Christ (John 14:6).
Carlos Casteneda (dubbed by the Los Angeles Times as one of the “godfathers of the New Age movement”), classified the art of dreaming as the most vital method of the sorcerer’s armory and the most dangerous. After indulging in this practice for many years, Castaneda recalled, “In my daily state I was nearly an idiot, and in the second attention [altered state of consciousness] I was a lunatic.”
And so, my dear friends, this is how Johan Geyser steamrollered God’s determined prophecies for the future with his own magnanimous imagination. I would like to suggest that he and his colleagues, Trevor Hudson, Stephan Joubert, Theo Geyser, Melissa van Biljon, Jacques Bornmann and Herman du Plessis share the stage of their church with a present-day forerunner of the Antichrist, the Maitreya, and give him an opportunity to speak to their congregation about “IMAGINATION.” He does a better job than anyone of them can in their wildest dreams.
Card #42 – Imagination (Maitreya)
Creation begins with imagination. The world you are in is what you have created with your thoughtful imagination. Imagination connects to your thought process. When you think, your mental energy is initiated and waiting for its manifestation. When you imagine, you begin to manifest that thought. Many people do not realize that they are the creator of their own reality; they are not aware that they hold the key to success, and that they have the power to manifest all they desire with positive intention and imagination. If you think and imagine all the negative and “bad” things that could happen in your life, then you will create in your life what exactly you have imagined.
If you have past life issues related with imagination and creativity, you will find it even more difficult to imagine and to create. Imagination is connected to your intuition and your right brain. Imagination has no logic, it is not conditioned or rigid; imagination is spontaneous, it lives in the now moment, and it comes from your own heartfelt inspiration. When you truly let go of conditioning, fear, and rigidity, you can allow your imagination to resurface to be used for creation. [DTW comment: Johan Geyser also said that you should let go the bad things in your life and remember the good things].
The most amazing thing about their mystic shenanigans is that it evidences the fact that Maitreya, Johan Geyser, Willem Nicol and all their buddies in the Mosaiek Kerk speak out of one mouth. Who is plagiarizing who? Or perhaps we should ask, who is the ventriloquist and who are his puppets? There is only one answer to these questions. Every single one of them was inspired by the same demon that moved the Maitreya to say the God-dishonoring things he said.
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; (1 Timothy 4:1-2).
May God have mercy on their pitiful souls.
Hi Tom, was wondering where you & Deborah were! Missed you while you were on a sabbatical! Or maybe I’m wrong? But I hadn’t noticed any new postings since last fall.
SIGH… can the “church” get any worse in pushing us over a cliff than with all their weird, way out teachings? (which are anything but Biblical!!) And boy, Alice Bailey was “something else” wasn’t she? Founded the “Lucifer Publishing Company”!! OH MY!! :nope:
BTW, was also thinking the “fingertip touching” sign [you mention taught by Nicol] is masonic as well..? Or is that only when the thumbs are joined thus forming the triangle? (EX: Angela Merkel)
Yet another sign of false teaching (getting pretty popular here in the middle of the U.S.) is teaching/preaching on Hebrews 11, the “faith chapter” and then after the reading of this Scripture, which explains how people chose to live in dens & caves & even be sawn in half for their faith, for looking forward to something better (heaven!) — “some how” that’s INTERPRETTED to tell the congregation “now go out & live EXEMPLARY, exhilarting, exciting lives!!” In other words, (think: Rick Warren) “do something big & important with your life!!”
heh, I don’t “read that into” Hebrews 11 myself. Goodness, why can’t people understand the Bible says what it means and means what it says without trying to go out on a limb & “teach” something it DOES NOT mean!
False teachers, false preachers, false prophets every where we look! Sure is sad. Yet we are filled with hope in knowing heaven’s trumpet will soon sound & we will (not have to find or make our best life HERE!!) because we will be transported to where Jesus is…. to FOREVER be with Him, where righteousness dwells & abominations are not allowed in!! Amen (and MARANATHA!!) Thanks for the article! Let’s stay faithful to the Word!
Hi RJ. I phoned Deborah yesterday. She’s had a rough time but is coping, by the grace of God. I too had my ups and downs. Getting older with all the aches and pains, and fatigue are good friends. I tire very easily but am also coping, by the grace of God.
And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. (2 Corinthians 12:9).
Keep your eye fixed on Jesus Christ.
Hi Tom. Sorry to hear of Deborah’s trials and your own.
Last year was one of the most difficult of my life. Some (now ex) friends who are zealous for WOF doctrine informed me that my difficulties are the judgment of God for leaving the charismatic movement and forsaking the teaching on ‘faith’ which I once believed! Most edifying! Won’t go into further details. We can be thankful for God’s sustaining grace and the joy of being taken out of the deception which is rampant in the professing church. Someone on a forum website I post on recently said “I think the most dangerous places to be at present are in the womb and in the church”(!) My best, Mike
Hi Tom /Deborah , I also missed you presence on DTWsince October 24 last year. After having read the contributions from others , I understand. My wife is a living model of pain , 74 ,and she also says the grace of the Lord is sufficient. Wishing you and Deborah speedy and painless recoveries and looking forward to your 2019 agenda. Kind Regards
Hi Benjamin. You and are in the same boat. My wife is in constant pain but never complains. Indeed his grace is sufficient.
Dear Benjamin
Thank you so much for your comment, it made me realise more how important DTW is. I will be back full time within next 2 weeks. For the time being I have a few IT issues to deal with that have accumulated in my absence.
Shocking… my grand daughter just attended one of these “imagine” camps. I forwarded this link to her mom.