Why Jonathan Cahn and His Revelations Must be Ignored
Why Jonathan Cahn, His Mysteries, Keys and Revelations Must be Ignored
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has been bothering me with his “The Harbinger” and now “The Mystery of the Shemitah” ‘revelations‘. Who is he exactly? Is he a born again Christian or is far worse than just your plain run of the mill false teacher?
He calls himself a Rabbi yet the bible says:
Matthew 23:8 “8 But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.”
He has been labelled a modern day prophet as he brings a prophetic message with The Harbinger where he blatantly implies that America is treading the same path for judgment as ancient Israel and connects Isaiah 9:10 to America. The Harbinger was published by FrontLine, an imprint of Charisma House which used to be known as Strang Communications run by Steve Strang who is part of the New Apostolic Reformation.
Israel and a New World…
The main problem with The Harbinger is that Jonathan Cahn equates America to be a replacement of Israel, a New Israel. He says in his book:
The Prophet: “But there was one other-a civilization also conceived and dedicated to the will of God from its conception . . . America. In fact, those who laid its foundations . . .”
Noriel Kaplan: “The Founding Fathers.”
The Prophet: “No, long before the Founding Fathers. Those who laid America’s foundations saw it as the new Israel, an Israel of the New World. And as it was with ancient Israel, they saw it as in covenant with God.“
This is unbiblical. Jonathan Cahn is claiming that the Pilgrims (America’s founders who were Puritans – Calvinists) constituted America to be in a covenant relationship with God like Israel is in a covenant with God. This is of course a lie, but they believed it never the less. He claims that America replaces Israel as the new Israel for a New World…Order. Israel is the only nation in a covenant relationship with God that was established through Abraham.
Here he says it again on Glen Becks show. Glen Beck is a Mormon. Why would a christian like Jonathan Cahn appear on a Mormon’s show?
2 Corinthians 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
Jonathan Cahn On Glenn Beck’s TV show (A Mormon)
Another country who also believes they are the New Israel is Britain, with the British Royal Family believing that they are descendants of King David. This is of course a lie. But they believe it never the less. This is called British Israelism (also called Anglo-Israelism).
Freemasons, other occultists and unbelievers can’t stand the fact that Israel is God’s chosen nation and will do anything to replace Israel, literally and spiritually.
The King Solomon connection
Jonathan Cahn says in The Harbinger:
Kaplan: “Some link between this city and the ancient vow,” I said. “Somehow Isaiah 9:10 has to be connected to Washington DC.” (p.61)

George Washington – Freemason
The Prophet: “Solomon was the king of Israel. Washington was the first president of the United States. There was something in the linking of ancient Israel and America, as with all the other mysteries.”(p.109)
King Solomon was appointed by God Himself to be king. George Washington was elected via vote to be President. There is a big difference between the two. George Washington was also a Freemason. When George Washington spoke of God, he was referring to Lucifer, not the God of the bible. Freemasons are besotted with claiming Israel for themselves. The Pilgrims who proclaimed a false covenant with God were most likely Freemasons as well hence they could come up with such nonsense as to claim America to be the New Israel.
Freemasons also worship King Solomon who they believed to be the greatest magus (sorcerer) of all time. Is that why Jonathan Cahn connects King Solomon to George Washington because it’s a satanic connection?
“The purpose of Masonry’s veneration of Solomon is not to advance an alternate view of history, but to present, however subtly, the archetype of the future human being — men and women who truly possess Solomon’s Key — the power to master our own demons and redirect their destructive energy to build the Temple of our own evolving soul.” —Lon Milo DuQuette, The Key to King Solomons Keys – Is this the lost symbol of Masonry, Second Edition
So who is Jonathan Cahn then and what does he believe?
Well if you go to his website it says:
“Jonathan Cahn is President of Hope of the World ministries, Senior Pastor and Messianic Rabbi of the the Jerusalem Center/ Beth Israel in Wayne, New Jersey. He is also the author of the best selling book ‘The Harbinger‘. His teachings are broadcast daily over hundreds of radio stations throughout the United States and the world and on television. He ministers, as did the first Jewish messengers of the Gospel, sharing the message of Messiah to Jew and Gentile, Israel, and the nations. He has ministered before mass gatherings in India, Nigeria, Cuba, Mizoram, Honduras, Haiti, & throughout the world. His teachings are widely known for revealing the deep mysteries of God’s word and for the restoring of the new covenant message to its original biblically Jewish richness and power.” [Emphasis added] —http://www.bethisraelworshipcenter.org/aboutjonathan.htm
That is very interesting. So Jonathan Cahn knows the deep mysteries of God’s Word that Christians don’t know? And only Jonathan Cahn can reveal these mysteries to us? Jonathan Cahn’s plan is also to restore the message that Jesus Christ preaches to it’s original Jewish richness and power. So until Jonathan Cahn came along all born again believers for the last 2000+ years that have been reading the Scriptures were reading a bible that had no value and no authority what-so-ever. Isn’t that nice, that Jonathan Cahn came to save the day.
What does he mean by all ‘richness and power’? Does he mean that we need to infuse the Bible with Kaballah mysticism in order to understand it properly?
Here is another version of his biography that was on his website but the link has now been removed:
“Jonathan Cahn is President of Hope of the World ministries….Descended of the line of Aaron, he has been asked to sound the Jubilee trumpet and minister among the nations, a prophetic ministry of and to the Jew and the Gentile in the last days. His teachings include the revealing of ancient mysteries, the depth and wonders of God’s Word, and the restoration of the Gospel message in its original Biblically Jewish context, richness, and power.”
Who asked him to sound the Jubilee trumpet? And what does that mean exactly? Here he states that his ministry is a prophetic ministry. As Christians we know that there is no such thing as a prophetic ministry. People will only begin to prophesy again in the last days (during the Tribulation):
Acts 2:17-18 “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:” 18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:” (Joel 2:28)
There is a movement called the ‘Hebrew Roots Movement’ where they believe that you cannot understand the bible unless you go back to your Hebrew ways (become like the Jews) and read extra biblical sources such as the Midrash, Zohar and the Talmud etc., to gain a higher enlightenment of the Scriptures.
The Berean Call says:
“The late Jewish scholar and researcher of first century life in Israel, David Flusser, said rightly; “Jesus was a Jew in every way” ( Jewish Sources in Early Christianity , Adama Books, New York, 1987, p.7). There is absolutely no denying that Jesus was born a Jew and lived an observant Jewish life. He did this to fulfill completely every demand of the law, He did it for us (Romans:8:1-4), and He continues to do it in us if we are true believers.
So if we want to be like Jesus, does that mean that we must become observant Jews, as some allege? Is that what being like Jesus really means? Should Gentile believers try to be Messianic Jews? Can they? Should Gentiles don a yarmulke, worship in a synagogue, blow a shofar, wear a prayer shawl, call Jesus Yeshua or Yeshu, keep the Old Testament feasts and dietary laws, and give their pastors the title of Rabbi, even though Matthew:23:8 says otherwise? Are Jewish ceremonies and practices efficacious?
Do we need to restore first century or later Jewish practices to really be good Christians? The Pharisees practiced all the ceremonies, but theirs is a cautionary tale since Jesus told them that they did these things in vain (Matthew:15:7-9, See also Matthew 23).
So, is Jewishness next to godliness? One very modern movement would answer the question with a loud-“yes, more or less!” This growing movement is called the Hebrew Roots Movement (HRM). Unfortunately, it lacks a shared, coherent, consistent theology, an internal mechanism of doctrinal control, and it is filled with mavericks who seem to be making it up as they go along in terms of attachment to Jewish accoutrements.” Continue to read this article: Bewitching Believers Through the Hebrew Roots Movement
Did the Zohar greatly shaped Jonathan Cahn’s writings?
I had no idea we needed to be taught NEW revelations from Gnostics books such as the Zohar (part of the Kabbalah). In this video below we see Jonathan Cahn preaching new revelations about the Bible from an extra-biblical source the Zohar.
The Zohar (Hebrew: זֹהַר, lit. “Splendor” or “Radiance”) is the foundational work in the literature of Jewish mystical thought known as Kabbalah.[1] It is a group of books including commentary on the mystical aspects of the Torah (the five books of Moses) and scriptural interpretations as well as material on mysticism, mythical cosmogony, and mystical psychology. The Zohar contains discussions of the nature of God, the origin and structure of the universe, the nature of souls, redemption, the relationship of Ego to Darkness and “true self” to “The Light of God”. Its scriptural exegesis can be considered an esoteric form of the Rabbinic literature known as Midrash, which elaborates on the Torah. — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zohar
Watch Jonathan Cahn: Zohar – Golgotha (1)
Jonathan Cahn’s response regarding his quoting the Zohar (Q&A from here):
Question: It is stated that Jonathan Cahn “says that Zohar, an extra biblical, mystical source from which the occult and mystical Kabbalah is derived, greatly influenced his writing.”
Answer: “Unfortunately this kind of statements represents some of the extreme and bizarre opposition to The Harbinger – It is an extreme false accusation. No. I have never in my life said that the Zohar has greatly influenced my writing – nor has it ever. What this accusation is taken from and twisted out of recognition from – Is that I have in some special teachings shared quotes found in the rabbinic writings which unwittingly bear witness of the truth of the Gospel – things that most Jewish people have no idea of – such as Isaiah 53 being about the Messiah, or God being Three in One, Messiah dying for our sins [DTW Note: Isaiah 53 in our Bible clearly describes the suffering of Jesus Christ. Why does Cahn need to appeal to occult, mystic Jewish documents like the Zohar/Kabbalah to get Jewish people to listen? Isn’t reading the Bible itself sufficient for Cahn?], or a connection made between the mercy of God and the word “Golgotha.” These things can be used to share the Gospel. This has been a standard method of apologetics and evangelism for ages. Rabbinical writings, mystical or otherwise, have been quoted for ages, in Bible commentaries, apologetics, works such as The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, etc. To take this and then present it as if I or any Christian pastor or scholar is a secret follower of such things because they used a quote to bear witness of the Gospel is, as, one minister friend of mine would say – shameful at best. It should not have even appeared in print.
The apostle Paul actually quoted from a pagan hymn to Zeus in order to share the truth of the Gospel at Mars Hill. [DTW Note: This argument has used by many heretics to justify their quoting Catholics, Buddhists, etc.] If we were to then to accuse him of being into Zeus worship, or that pagan writings were behind the epistles, or accuse of him of being secretly pagan – I would think we would need to repent. It’s called bearing false witness.”
Sorry, for me the logic does not follow. If Cahn is the born again Christian that he claims, he should condemn the ungodly, occult Zohar/Kaballah. He should not quote it, except in condemnation of its passages.
Let’s look at it another way – would a born again, biblically sound Christian:
… quote from a Catholic document to evangelize Catholics because it seemed to contain some Christian thoughts?
… quote from a Mormon document to evangelize Mormons because it seemed to contain some Christian thoughts?
… quote from a Jehovah’s Witnesses document to evangelize Jehovah’s Witnesses because it seemed to contain some Christian thoughts?
… quote from a New Age document to evangelize New Agers because it seemed to contain some Christian thoughts?
… quote from a Wiccan document to evangelize Wiccans because it seemed to contain some Christian thoughts?
… quote from a Satanic document to evangelize Satanists because it seemed to contain some Christian thoughts?
The answer is an emphatic NO, a born again Christians does not use and does not need extra biblical sources to preach the gospel.
Is Jonathan Cahn possibly a Freemason?
Who do we as Christian know that delve into Gnostic teachings such as the Kabbalah etc? Freemasons of course. Is Jonathan Cahn a Freemason? A picture is worth a thousand words:
Do you need some more proof? The picture below shows Jonathan Cahn showing the Hebrew letter for Shin ( ש) hand sign in Kabbalah, made popular by Dr Spok in Star Trek also known as the Vulcan salute. See here as Nelson Mandela does the same Freemason hand sign.
The Shemitah 2015
The Berean Call says:
This imposed Shemitah judgment was very specific and involved only the nation of Israel . Since no Gentile nations were ever obligated to keep the Shemitah, there is no scriptural basis for suggesting that any other nation would ever experience an imposed Shemitah judgment. Yet, this is precisely what Jonathan Cahn suggests that America has experienced.
Cahn also wrongly implies that the Shemitah is essentially a universal principle that is somehow integrated into the order of the universe. Cahn makes the following assertion in his book:
[KAPLAN] “Seven years-the biblical period of time that concerns a nation’s financial and economic realms.” [This and all quotes are taken from: Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger (Lake Mary, FL: Frontline, Charisma Media/Charisma House Book Group, 2011)]
Although Israel was on a seven-year economic cycle, no biblical passages support Cahn’s idea that natural economic cycles of seven years exist for nations in general. Furthermore, financial experts have not identified any seven-year economic cycle. —http://www.thebereancall.org/content/october-2014-extra-shemitah
If anything happens during The Shemitah (September 2015), it’s not because of God and a connection to Isaiah 9:10, it’s because the Freemasons who control this world are pushing the buttons and they are making things happen (in cycles of 7 as it’s a ‘magic’ number) for their own purposes to further the progress of a New World Order.
Here is Christine Lagarde from the IMF who tells us that the Illuminati are also very interested in the number 7 and cycles of 7.
Jonathan Cahn is using these Harbinger and Shemitah fables to catch millions of unsuspecting Christians into thinking that it’s God’s timing and God’s hand at work, when in fact it’s Satan’s timing, and Satan’s hand at work.
Occult Teachings:
Title: Jonathan Cahn on TBN: God of all Nations
Why would a Christian like Jonathan Cahn appear on the Vatican’s television channel called TBN?
God is not God of all nations, he is not God of this world. Satan is god of this world.
2 Corinthians 4:4 “In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.”
Satan is the prince of this world:
John 12:31 “Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out.”
We read that Satan influences the unsaved people of this world, he influences unbeliever’s hopes, dreams, ideals and opinions etc.
Ephesians 2:2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:
So then who is the God of all nations? None other than Satan of course.
2 Kings 17:29 “Howbeit every nation made gods of their own, and put them in the houses of the high places which the Samaritans had made, every nation in their cities wherein they dwelt.”
For Jonathan Cahn who claims to be a Christian to not know who the god of this world is, is shocking to say the least. His god is Satan, and his god is ruling this world.
I have chosen below a couple of videos from this list on Cahn’s website and found the corresponding video on Youtube where Jonathan teaches occult teachings:
Title: The Alpha Light
So who is this Alpha light Jonathan Cahn is speaking about? The Bible says about God, “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.” (Revelation 22:13) It does not say I am the Alpha light. Cahn also says “From the beginning of creation to the incarnation and the resurrection, it all begins with light” This is a lie, it all began with the Word. The bible says,
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1)
Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet. Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet. In modern usage it would mean “from A to Z”. By combining the two, Alpha and Omega it signifies completeness. In reference to Jesus Christ it signifies His completeness and demonstrates Him to be the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Jesus is complete. He was with God in the beginning and He will be with God in the end. Jesus is the beginning and the ending.
Who then is this Alpha light who was at the beginning according to Jonathan Cahn. The bible refers to Satan as being an “angel of light” in 2 Corinthians 11:14-15. Lucifer is a Latin word that means “light bearer”. It comes from the translation of Isaiah 14:12 where Satan is called (hay-lale’) in hebrew meaning “the morning-star” (in the sense of brightness) and it’s root word means “to shine”. So as we can see Satan is seen as someone who gives light. Satan tried to usurp God’s throne, the bible says:
Isaiah 14:13-14 “13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.”
Now we can see why Satan in Luciferianism refers to himself as the Alpha light because he is still trying to be higher than God. Jonathan Cahn says, “Learn the secret of using the Alpha Light in every circumstance to change everything”. What he is saying is this, learn to use Satan the Alpha light, instead of Jesus Christ – the way, the truth and the life.
Let’s hear what Freemasons have to say:
“Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable, blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not!” [Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, p. 321, 19th Degree of Grand Pontiff; Red Emphasis added]
What a revelation! From the first degree, the first Initiation, the Mason is urged mightily to “seek the Light“! The average Mason is continually saying that he is “seeking the Light”, and will spend his entire life “moving toward the Light”. Almost every person in Western Civilization will assume that this “Light” is the revelation of the God of the Bible; indeed, this statement is held up continuously to try to convince us that Masonry is Christian. Yet, here, Albert Pike is saying that Lucifer is the One who bears the Light of Freemasonry! Lucifer is the Light-bearer of Freemasonry —http://www.cuttingedge.org/free11.html
Title: The State of Onement
A state on onement? Jonathan Cahn says: “…the bible itself is about becoming one with God. Most believers never enter it, but you can” This is clearly a higher level of spirituality of some kind, because until now only some Christians have attained it. Jonathan Cahn will give you the secret on how you can enter into a state of becoming one with God. Occultists like to take the word “atonement” and break it down to another word “at-one-ment”.A truly born again child of God does not need to become “at-one-ment” or figure out how to find the “state of onement” with God because Jesus said,
John 14:20 “In that day [His resurrection] you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you.”
When you come born again, He made us one with Himself, His (our) Father and the Holy Spirit. You don’t have to figure out how to become at-one with God and neither do you become a god because of this.
New Agers believe that “you are not separate from God; every person is born a piece of God.” In order to be “at-one-ment” with God you need to meditate and believe that God is in everyone and everything including yourself. A “state of oneness” means that you need to find the Christ within, and become a God.
Jonathan Cahn teaches that he will give you the keys on how to enter in becoming one with God after you are saved – those who teach that people need to become one with God are proclaiming another Gospel, another Jesus and another spirit.
Please read this article that explains more about At-one-ment or Oneness theory: Guilt by Association
Jonathan Cahn is a Freemason leading million of Christians astray with his new revelations, keys and mysteries. He appears on every false teachers TV show and tickles peoples ears with this false teachings. People need to ignore this man and his teachings. We are living in the last of the last days and I believe there are going to be more men like Jonathan Cahn (possibly from a messianic stand point) coming to the forefront however they will be even more charismatic and even more deceiving, so much so that if it were possible even the Elect would be deceived. Please note, he does not believe in the Rapture and believes Christians are going to go through the Tribulation.
Matthew 24:24 “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”
Please read all comments below (I know there are a lot) as Jonathan Cahn is exposed even more.
Dear Mind your own / Kat
I love it when people like yourself come and insult me but never point to anything specific doctrinal wise that is incorrect. People behave like this when they can’t prove using the bible that what I’ve said is wrong. Their last and only hope is to call me names and say I’m unloving. Shame.
[Deleted by DTW – your Hebrewroots false teaching is not welcome]
I concur with billy humphreys remarks. The facts of this article are pretty weak and down right unsubstantial. I’m no Cahn fan by any stretch of the imagination, but one who have hard core proof, facts, evidence to prove one’s point or claim against another, and this article failed miserably. Alas, gone are days of sound, polished journalism.
toni pugh
It’s got nothing to do with journalism. It’s about this,
You are not testing the spirits because you think you know so much about journalism. The latter cannot keep you out of heaven; false doctrine can.
toni pugh
Just shows you what the blind and deceived actually see. Nothing.
If we would spend more time in the Word for ourselves and prayer and seek the Holy Spirit for counsel and understanding we wouldn’t have time to sit there and write articles like this. We should be busy occupying, spreading the gospel, being witnesses to those who are lost.
I have listened to many like Jonathan Cahn, and there are many others coming. You need to be in the Word and prayer to discern the spirits. It’s not our job to spend all this time on these issues. If we spend time doing what Jesus told us to do we wouldn’t have time to write these types of articles.
I think God can handle the exposing of false prophets that are out there. Be careful what you do and what you say.
Dear James
Well by golly then, what are you doing spending time reading our article for, you’ve got so much time on your hands, criticizing us, writing silly comments to us when you should be out there “busy occupying, spreading the gospel, being witnesses to those who are lost.”
I wonder, if your were around in the time when Jesus walked the earth, you would be the one telling Jesus Christ where to get off for WARNING his disciples about the Pharisees (like Rabbi Cahn) that they preached falsely.
Luke 20:45-47
45 Then in the audience of all the people he said unto his disciples, 46 Beware of the scribes, which desire to walk in long robes, and love greetings in the markets, and the highest seats in the synagogues, and the chief rooms at feasts; 47 Which devour widows’ houses, and for a shew make long prayers: the same shall receive greater damnation.
Most of the New Testament (if you had read it) is spent on WARNING about false teachers and their teaching. When the Apostles WARNED us, were they wrong? According to you, ‘Yes’! They wasted their time when they should have been out there ‘busy occupying, spreading the gospel, being witnesses to those who are lost.’
You said “I have listened to many like Jonathan Cahn, and there are many others coming.”
We know there are many more coming, the bible prophesied so: Matthew 24:11 “And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.”
Run along now go ‘occupy, spread and be a witness’ to your false gospel you preach.
By the way: ‘occupy’ is Kingdom Now teaching – the building of the ‘Kingdom of God’ on earth before Christ returns (which is none other than Satan’s Kingdom) – just thought I needed to point that you to you. :nod:
You said “Be careful what you do and what you say.”
I don’t see the big deal with Jonathan saying that the rabbis are saying things from God. The gospels say the high priest prophesied concerning Jesus.
Dear Doug R
So this verse is no big deal?
Matthew 23:8 KJV “8But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.”
Matthew 23:8 ESV “But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all brothers.”
What else in the bible is no big deal?
You said “The gospels say the high priest prophesied concerning Jesus.”
Indeed Doug, that was the Old Testament, we are under a New Covenant, Jesus Christ is our High Priest, we don’t follow Rabbi’s who are under the Law…like Jonathan Cahn.
I see from your website you have some very strange teachings.
Quick what to do? The Ancient Hebrew letters are full of Mason symbols! God wrote using Mason symbols!
Really? God wrote in these symbols long before the Masons. All you need to do is learn the pictographs behind these Early Semitic letters. Go look at Jeff Benner and Frank Seekins work.
Better yet look at a lexicon. An old one. Go to the first page and you’ll find out the first letter of the Hebraic alphabet is alef and means ox. The pictograph equivalent is literally an ox.
Why did the Israelites worhsip Baal? Because the word EL (god or God) is made of the letter alef (ancient picture of ox) and lammed (ancient picture of staff).
You really need to be careful. Our alphabet is derived from these Phoenician pictographs. The letter A is an ox looking up. Yeshua (Jesus’ name) also has the letter shin in it.
These symbols have dual functions. It has God’s fingerprints on them but satan wants to twist and pervert the knowledge of God to his own meanings.
Learn Hebrew. You’ll find a lot of interesting yet controversial things as you learn. I know I have.
Dear Lena
Not sure I understand who your comment is aimed at. 🙂
When an Israelite or anyone for that matter writes in Hebrew it’s his language used to communicate with, but when a Freemason or other cultists use Hebrew letters as symbols it becomes satanic. Just because Jonathan Cahn is supposed to be a Christian and an Israelite now doesn’t make what he does and says ok and it doesn’t make the use of Hebrew letters to convey satanic messages ok either.
Hi Deborah,
I think you misunderstand. The Hebrew, Greek and Roman alphabet come from Phoenician/Early Semitic/Early Canaanite symbols or pictures. The English (Roman) alphabet is derived from those forgotten symbols. All you need to go is to study the origin or these scripts. The 10 commandments were written in an Early Semitic script by God and that script is like the hieroglyphs of the Egyptians.
As for the Hebrew letters not being able to convey satanic messages depends on the point of view. If you don’t believe me, I suggest you look for the Hebrew word witness (ad) or knowledge (da) and look at the Hebrew word picture for those words. You can find it Jeff Benner’s Lexicon. Looking in to this might shake your world – if you understand why I’m saying this. I know I got nauseous after finding this out because it’s so clear how satan uses the things of God for his own purposes.
The Bible quotes satan’s words like when Jesus was tempted. In return, satan can quote the Bible and twist its meaning. There was an news interview that I saw a journalist who interviews a satanist and the satanist claims he quoted Psalms in the Bible as curses. My pastor cast out a demon before that quoted the Bible. Satan knows the Bible extremely well and his purpose is to twist it.
Can Israelites really not be Christians? Lord Jesus was called the King of the Jews. We are adopted into the vine and become part of His kingdom. Doesn’t that make us part of His Jewish Kingdom? Judah simply means praise. Do we not praise God’s name? Personally, I want to know God better so I started studying Hebrew and Greek. I don’t really call myself a Messianic Jew but the literal meaning of those words is “anointed praise.” Are we not anointed to praise the name of Lord Jesus?
Lord Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. He does not change. Lord Jesus is the Truth. He is the Word and His words do not change. Lord Jesus and the Father are one. There is a truth in the law and the prophets that does not change. It’s a spiritual truth. I get the feeling most Christians have a problem with Christians upholding His law. Its true we are under grace but through the Spirit of God we are to be transformed in the image of Lord Jesus day by day and keep the law. It’s our willing submission to God’s Spirit in us – the more control you give the Spirit of God, the more you cannot help but obey the law because the Spirit inside you cannot help it.
Sorry I said “You can find it Jeff Benner’s Lexicon” but it won’t be clear. If you are going to look it, you need to find the derived written form of the letter dalet. The ayin is clear but look up the Early Semitic script for the letter dalet.
Dear Lena
You said “I think you misunderstand.”
I understand completely, you misquote what I said.
I am trying to figure out of you are pro Jonathan Cahn. Which it seems you are, am I correct?
You said “I think you misunderstand. The Hebrew, Greek and Roman alphabet come from Phoenician/Early Semitic/Early Canaanite symbols or pictures.”
I agree and understand totally. But if you notice, you typed that sentence: “I think you misunderstand. The Hebrew, Greek and Roman alphabet come from Phoenician/Early Semitic/Early Canaanite symbols or pictures.” in an English Alphabet that is derived from Ancient Phonetician symbols/pictures. Is the sentence you typed satanic? Nope it isn’t, it’s being used as a language to communicate. When you use the letters of any Alphabet to communicate another meaning other than what it was meant for, i.e., using the first letter of the Hebraic alphabet ‘alef’ (ancient picture of a ‘ox’) and ‘lammed’ (ancient picture of a ‘staff’) to denote a cryptic message of worship to Baal then it becomes satanic.
Where our languages are derived from is not going to cause me as a Christian to stop writing using the English Alphabet, and neither am I communicating a satanic message typing this paragraph. If I however said to you “I believe in ٦٦٦”, that would be me sending you a cryptic message in Hebrew, or I could just come out and express my belief of “666” to you in English numerals for it to be satanic, however if I typed the following in English: “The numbers 666 according to scripture is the mark of the beast” that is a sentence and it’s not satanic.
You said “As for the Hebrew letters not being able to convey satanic messages depends on the point of view. If you don’t believe me”
I said they do, re-read.
You said “Can Israelites really not be Christians?”
I never said that or implied that, re-read.
A Jew can become a Christian – HALLELUJAH!! Just like EVERYONE in the world can become a Christian. A Jew that is born again is most precious as far as I am concerned. However Jonathan Cahn is not a Christian, he is a Rabbi. Most if not all Rabbi’s are deeply spiritually embedded in the Kabbalah. If he was a Christian he would have denounced all Jewish mysticism/witchcraft and stopped being a Rabbi, instead he teaches using the Zohar; the kabbalah and part of it was written in the Zohar.
Johnathan Cahn is very dangerous. He is fooling gentile Christians into believing he is a Jewish Christian and even worse he is fooling Jewish Christians into believing that he is Christian because he is a Rabbi. He is dragging Gentile Christians under the Law, and he is dragging Jewish Christians back under the law.
I’m glad you understand and I can see your point of view why new believers might get swept away in a wrong direction.
I got swept away with simply going to church that created a message out of a few verses in the Bible. “No depth,” I thought at 13. “What’s the point of going to church? I could have read more in the time he spoke his sermon.” I’ve read through the whole Bible when I was 12. The church I went to were inept for someone like me. If I remained going to a church that didn’t teach the whole Bible but some portions, I would have long stopped going to church. Thank God for my pastor, even with his faults, he has taught me so much.
I’m one who goes into the danger zone. I never liked being told no and it was partially because my dad was a corrupt father figure. I still don’t trust authority. I’m extremely rebellious in thought even though I was one of those good note takers in the church. I could show you faithful notes I took as a child to this day. I knew the Bible more than most but developing a relationship with God took a lot of time.
Have you evangelized to Muslims, Hindus or Sikhs? Being a daughter of those who came from an eastern background, I know. One way you would evangelize to them are through their own books. The ones who came from that background are the most effective witnesses.
You can throw aside all Jewish teaching because you think it’s dangerous. I agree. A lot of it is dangerous. But there are those who will learn from the one who knows them.
Is my pastor better than the pastor that taught me fluff? No. It depends on the person. The pastor that taught fluff had many going to his church and the ones that regularly go may be extremely thankful to him. Many have left my church because of the difficult teaching of my pastor and grown more in the Lord at another church than mine.
Jewish mysticism/witchcraft is wrong. But quoting from certain books doesn’t mean he’s condoning mysticism/witchcraft. Even if he was, I like to listen to people. You never know what God can tell you while your reading or listening to something controversial.
My pastor’s read through the major religion’s books, even the satanic bible. Has taught was certain cults believe. I always got the impression I could do the same.
I’m extremely grateful for that.
Before, I hated people. I would imagine the most vile and evil people and then I’d think that God loves them and I should do the same. I didn’t want to and couldn’t until I didn’t hate God for reaching out his hand to a murdering rapist and pedophile and telling them that He would forgive them. I now love that part of Him. It is one of the reasons I can freely go out an evangelize – even though perhaps one day I’ll meet someone like that.
God hasn’t called us to be afraid but go into the danger zone with Him.
Many new believers might get lost and fall but those who persevere are the ones who will get stronger.
Be blessed and grow in the Lord. May God strengthen your relationship with Him. If you are in good conscience before God, then it is enough. I simply wanted to share my thoughts.
Also, I love the law even though it irritated me to no end when I was younger. I simply want to know and understand it from the perspective of God. If I’m convicted to obey the law, I’ll wrestle with God much like everything He’s taught me over the years. I’m one stubborn student. I love that He is patient with me. Praise God for His longsuffering kindness!
Correction: “Has taught what* certain cults believe.” Lest you think my pastor is a cultist, he isn’t. He’s a zealous reader. Reads Christian autobiographies in his spare time. Read many of the Christian reformers of old. Told us to read books like “Foxes Book of Martyrs” or books from Luther, Spurgeon or Westley over the years. A pastor who also has engineering degree and works at a high end car company. A crazy man who sleeps 4 hours a day because he wants to spend time with God in his early mornings.
Oh my word… here it comes. Luther?…Spurgeon? .. John Wesley? :shocked:
How crazy did you say he was Lena?
How to mix Wesley and Charly.. :thinking:
Being a zealous reader of the books of the reformers do not make you a born-again Christian – never has and never will. So too a 4 hour a day sleep makes no difference.
To Robbie, I threw some names in that I didn’t spell right but yes he quote from a lot of people. I’ve heard their names in sermons and some parts of the biographies. I haven’t read those books. Just listened to his lectures on the reformers. But yeah, read things from Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, history books like the fall of the Roman empire. etc. I don’t really keep track but I remember from the notes I wrote. My church is a Punjabi English church and has translation, I have time to take detailed notes because of the translation. He’s South Indian and I think he’s crazy. Very contentious. I am too. I’ve gotten into heated arguments with him. I don’t agree with everything he’s taught just like he doesn’t teach everything a single church reformer has written.
To Tom, I agree. It doesn’t but I said so to illustrate a point of his zeal.
Dear Lena :hi:
What doctrine does your church follow? Do they have a website? Please give me the name of your pastor please. 🙂
You said “Told us to read books like “Foxes Book of Martyrs” or books from Luther, Spurgeon or Westley over the years”
and “I said so to illustrate a point of his zeal.”
That is not good advice. Luther was a rebellious catholic who hated Jews with a passion, Charles Spurgeon was a Calvinist and Calvinism/Reformed Theology/Reformation is an an evil cult doctrine disguised as Christianity and is supposed to represent Christianity in it’s purest form, and Wesley founded Methodism and they believe that everyyyyoneeeee goes to heaven, especially if you are a confirmed Methodist then your chances are 100%.
If you are reading these books just for the sake of understanding their doctrine and knowing they and their doctrine is evil that’s one thing, but to read these peoples work to find little ‘gems’ of truth amist all the lies, is totally wrong and not zealous at all.
You say you go to a Punjabi English church, but in one of your earlier comments you said “I don’t really call myself a Messianic Jew”, why would you want to call yourself a Jew when you are in fact Indian and a Christian? I am a South African and a Christian. I am not Jewish, only Jews are Jews, just like Elephants are born Elephants – and you can’t be one even if you wanted too. :nod:
You said in an earlier comment which I wanted to just make a note on, you said “Jewish mysticism/witchcraft is wrong. But quoting from certain books doesn’t mean he’s condoning mysticism/witchcraft.”
Jonathan Cahn was quoting or PREACHING from the Zohar giving it the thumbs up, he was condoning it. He was using it as an aid to the Bible and this is wrong. It’s one thing to quote from someone like we do here on DTW to EXPOSE the lies being told, it’s another to preach and teach from false doctrine and lift it up and lay it side by side with what the Bible has to say, or use it to confirm things in the bible.
You said “Even if he was, I like to listen to people. You never know what God can tell you while your reading or listening to something controversial.”
If you went there knowing that the people you were listening too were evil, and you went to to learn the doctrine they preach so that you can warn others about it, that’s one thing, but to go there to listen to try find some interesting truth amidst the lies is just plain foolish. And the only thing God would tell you through His Holy Spirit is to ‘get up and leave!’
Revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
Wow. Someone has spilled a whole lot of leaven on your point of view of history and the reformers. You can’t put God into a box and neither can you put a Christian into the place of God and expect them to get everything right.
It is your loss if you isolate yourself from anyone who doesn’t have the same perspective as you.
It really tells me a lot about your relationship with God.
Do you not listen to God or can you not hear God when you listen to preachers? Does God not give pop ups confirming or disconfirming from the Bible when you are listening to someone? Can you really not go where there is evil and not hear God as clear as day? Does God not tell you why evil is the way it is? Does God not explain to you why evil people think a certain way?
Can you not listen to evil words and hear God contradicting and telling you what He thinks?
I might have been born to an Indian family but that doesn’t mean I call myself Indian. A lot of Indian immigrants who try to convince me that I’m Indian get irritated when I tell them I’m Canadian. I was born and raised in Canada. I live in Canada. I’m Canadian. I don’t fully identify with Canadian culture because it’s multicultural nor do I consider myself fully Indian even though it’s the place where my parents have come from. I’ve picked up Japanese and Korean because I have no problem with getting hindered by what is expected of me. I’ll learn Hebrew and Greek if I want to before I properly learn how to read Hindi or Punjabi – which many have encouraged me to do.
I’m Christian but if I wanted to use the Hebraic version of the word and call myself Messianic, I will. Both words mean to be anointed. If I want to call myself a Jew which basically means to praise because I praise God, I can. I look at the meaning behind the words. I don’t care about your definitions or the world’s definitions but God’s definitions.
I don’t have a denomination – the etymology of the word basically means to have a name. The modern meaning of the word is attached to the history of where your beliefs have come from. Since I go to Church where most people have converted from other religions, we don’t have a history. We put the Bible first. We test doctrines by the fact that they are consistent with the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.
I don’t get hooked on what a preacher’s denomination is but the content of what he’s preaching. I have learned to discern and test preachers – mostly because my pastor has an irritating habit of asking questions and then telling us to answer with verses from the Bible. If we answer without having a verse, he’ll ask “where is it written?”
I haven’t met or listen to a preacher that I agree 100% but that doesn’t mean I won’t listen. I might get a speck of knowledge or other times I’ll get a whole lot of popup from God and the Bible in my mind contradicting what the preacher is saying.
I’ve talked about myself too much. Hearing me repeat “I” is getting irritating.
Praise God for being who is! How can people not love Him! Who is like Him? No one. It is better to sit at the feet of God who is a Teacher above all teachers. Blessed are those who are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little: For with stammering lips and another tongue will He speak to this people. Blessed are those who hear and understand!
Dear Lena
It’s not nice to waste someone’s precious time after they have been completely nice to you for you to come back raging like a bull at them and tell them not to point fingers and that we have it all wrong when they themselves point fingers and have have it all wrong.
You said “If I want to call myself a Jew which basically means to praise because I praise God, I can. I look at the meaning behind the words. I don’t care about your definitions or the world’s definitions but God’s definitions.”
Lena; Jews are Jews, Gentiles are Gentiles (You and I are Gentiles). Gentiles are spiritual Children of Abraham, we are not Israel or Jews and will never be. Males are Males and Females are Females, many males want to call themselves females but can’t because they are NOT and vice versa. You are being downright silly to think otherwise.
Galatians 3:29 And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Again I repeat: Gentiles are spiritual children of Abraham, in other words, we Christians are children of God through our faith in Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:26), and this makes us spiritual descendants of Abraham and co-heirs of the promised blessings
I pray you stop following the false doctrines from all the false pastors you like to learn from, like Jonathan Cahn. Saying you can learn truth, any amount of truth from false teachers (Satan’s ministers of righteousness) is saying you can learn truth from Satan. Really? I beg to differ!
2 Corinthians 11:14-15 14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
If you insist you want to call yourself a Jew when you are not then read this verse and think:
Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
[DELETED BY DTW – Thankfully we have a delete button]
Deborah (Discerning the World) wrote:
🙂 Deb, I thought that was a funny one! Yes, Amen Deb. Lots are going to hell & it is not funny at all.
Sorry, but I couldn’t get through all of your article. As soon as I started reading falsehoods, I stopped. You said our first President was a free Mason and prayed to Satan? This is a lie.
I’ve read all of Johnathan Cahn’s books. I am a biblical scholar and follower of truth. I study scripture 4-5 hours every day! Do you?
There are too many pick and choose scripture readers, who invent their own religions. You must read the Bible from cover to cover. Then read it again and again and again and again. Take notes as you’re reading it. Memorize as much as you can. Then you can read outside books and discern their good from the bad.
Johnathan Cahn has led many souls to Christ through these books. How many souls have you led to Christ through your criticisms?
That being said, no one should ever follow a man! Let me repeat that…NO ONE should ever follow a MAN, but in order to know God, we MUST follow ALL of His teachings. THE BIBLE.
I noticed in your writing, you made some judgement calls on Glen Beck and his religion. I’m not a Mormon, I am a true Christian that walks with Christ daily. I may have my personal opinions but I would never make a judgement call on these people. Let me rephrase that. Since I’ve been saved, I’ll not make a judgement call on the Mormons. The scriptures tell us that all who have called upon the Lord thy God shall be saved. Scriptures then goes on to tell us in detail what Christ told His disciples to do to be Saved and have life everlasting. Accept Christ as your Lord and Savior, repent of your sins (turn away from them) be baptized for the remission of your sins and to gain the gift of the Holy Ghost.
I wouldn’t dare make a judgement call on another. That would make me a Pharisee. Pharisees were good people. They thought they had all the t’s crossed. They followed all the Jewish laws but they were lost. Why? They failed to see God, when He stood right before them!
Johnathan Cahn is just a man. But like our President Trump, who is just a man also, they are both being used by God to send us a message. We ARE living in the end days. Let those with ears hear. Let those who cleave to God and deny their self righteousness learn the truth and know our only one God. The Holy trinity.
May God bless you and may you please open your eyes to truth and look in the mirror. Perhaps there you will find the piece of clay you need to be working on. I had to do this and it’s hard, especially when you think you know all the answers. It’s harder for them than anyone else.
Christ didn’t just go to those who were saved but He reached out to those who were unsaved. What better place for God to place his tools (the men who have voiced proclaiming His word) than on shows, who have audiences that might be unsaved.
Please don’t be a stiff neck. I’m very familiar with stiff necks. Until they look in the mirror and start criticizing themselves , their clay, will never be workable. It’s hard. It’s really hard to do. But if you call upon the Lord, He will help you. He did me. Now I can’t absorb enough of His word. Only wish I had started earlier in life. I will educate myself on as many voices proclaiming my God, as possible. If I see one off track, I pray for them. There is nothing stronger than prayer. That is…if you truly believe…
God Bless
Dear Jane
You said “You said our first President was a free Mason and prayed to Satan? This is a lie.”
Really can you prove I am lying? Or can I prove you are deceived? Let me show you:
FREEMASONS ARE SATANISTS. FREEMASONS WORSHIP LUCIFER. Stop reading a Jewish Rabbi by the name of Jonathan Cahn who is a FREEMASON.
You said “I’ve read all of Johnathan Cahn’s books. I am a biblical scholar and follower of truth. I study scripture 4-5 hours every day! Do you?’
Whoohooooo 4-5 hours a day??? Tell me, are you born again, do you have the Holy Spirit to lead you into all truth…or are you just someone who studies for 4-5 hours a day “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (2 Timothy 3:7)
You said “I noticed in your writing, you made some judgement calls on Glen Beck and his religion. I’m not a Mormon, I am a true Christian that walks with Christ daily. I may have my personal opinions but I would never make a judgement call on these people. Let me rephrase that. Since I’ve been saved, I’ll not make a judgement call on the Mormons.”
That’s incredible…you wont judge anyone else, not a simgle person accoring to you…no mormon, not even the Pope…not a single person, but you judge me. You went out of your way to call me a liar, falsely accusing me in fact. What would you have said to the Apostle Peter when he openly declared Simon Peter Magus a FALSE CHRISTIAN, a liar, a deceiver, a sorcerer… Acts 8:9–24. What would you have said Jane? Humor me.
Let’s see what the Bible says regarding judging and testing, instead of what ‘Jane’ says shall we?
4) Please read: Testing the Spirits – True Spiritual Discernment
Dear Jane
Oh one last VERY important thing, you said “The scriptures tell us that all who have called upon the Lord thy God shall be saved. Scriptures then goes on to tell us in detail what Christ told His disciples to do to be Saved and have life everlasting. Accept Christ as your Lord and Savior, repent of your sins (turn away from them) be baptized for the remission of your sins and to gain the gift of the Holy Ghost.’ [Emphasis added by DTW]
You get baptized for the remission of your sins? Really now?
Tell me Jane, the reason why you wont judge a Mormon is because…you are one yourself?
LDS book of Moroni chapter 8:11 “And their little a children need no repentance, neither baptism. Behold, baptism is unto repentance to the fulfilling the commandments unto the remission of sins.”
:clap: david Hornstein wrote:
I agree with you.
Christians need to wake up. They are missing the revival that is going on.
The Father is bringing restoration.
Everyone should see Identity Crisis by James Staley and Joseph Dumond’s teaching on the 10 lost Tribes. Where did those 10 tribes go when they were cast out of the land of Israel? What happened to their descendants?
The United States in Menasheh/Menasseh. Britain and all her former/current territories is Ephraim. France is Reuben. Germany is Gad. South Africa is Asher. And so on…
The reasons christians don’t know the full truth is that they were kept from knowing the Name of the Creator, the Name of the Messiah (the real name), and from knowing the front of the book and how they are the lost sheep of the House of Israel. Read, study the whole book, from the front to the back. Get a restored name translation. And, let YaHuWaH teach you by His Ruach HaQodesh.
Dear Darla
I am formulating a comment for you, please don’t think you have not been heard, I heard you. I have a few pertinent questions for you to answer.