Fleeing religious persecution of Protestants in France after the 1685 revocation of the Edict of Nantes (which had guaranteed their rights), 200 000 French Huguenots emigrated to countries such as Switzerland. Germany, England, America, and South Africa.
Amongst the first Huguenots to come were Francois Villion (Viljoen) and the du Toit brothers, Francois and Guillaume. Actually, the very first was Maria de la Quellerie, Jan van Riebeeck’swife. Between 1688 and 1689 a large-scale emigration programme of Huguenots who had fled to the Netherlands was organised to the Cape of Good Hope – then a colony of the Dutch East India Company, which needed more settlers to provide food for the passing fleets. It began on December 31, 1687, and in total some 180 Huguenots from France, and 18 Walloons from the present-day Belgium, eventually settled at the Cape of Good Hope, comprising about one sixth of the free burgher population. Individuals continued to arrive sporadically until the termination of the state subsidised emigration in 1707. By 1720 about 270 French refugees had settled in the Cape. [1]
The Huguenots are characterised by their intrinsic pride, diligence and honesty. Although they strove to maintain their own identify at first, they soon intermarried with the other colonists to fully become just South Africans. Within two generations even their home language, French, largely disappeared.
As a group the Huguenots arrived at a very early stage of the settlement at the Cape when the white population was still relatively small in numbers . What they experienced as children of the Reformation in their own country, they brought as spiritual assets to their new country of choice.
Perhaps their most important influence on South Africa, is the fact that they – like their Dutch compatriots – were supporters of Calvinism. In his work Het leven van Johannes Calvijn (“The life of John Calvin”) D’Arbez concludes:
“Nowhere on earth is the legacy of Calvin stronger than in South Africa, where the spirit of Calvin has not waned due to the influence of the twentieth century, as has been the case, and still is the case, in the countries of Europe”. [1a]
So as we can see the Huguenots were proud Calvinists. Calvinism is a false gospel that God predestined mankind before the foundation of the world to either be Elect and go to heaven or a Reprobate and burn in hell. Please read all articles on John Calvin here:
In the following articles it has been shown that the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa, since the beginning of it’s history has been Calvinistic and Masonic. Piet Retief was a Freemason and the Pretoria Voortrekker monument is actually an altar for Sun Worship. Please read all articles on this shocking information here:
Now because we know that Calvinism and Freemasonry go hand in hand, if we look right back to the beginning of the time when the Huguenot’s settled in South Africa it is safe to say that many Huguenots were Freemasons. And it shows in all their emblems and monuments.
I have a pamphlet at home that tells the history of the Huguenots that came to South Africa. It’s a very old pamphlet and written in Afrikaans. While browsing through this pamphlet, as I am of Huguenot decent looking for info on my family name, I came across the Huguenot’s Crest. I took a photo of it from the pamphlet (See below left). I went onto the internet and spent hours researching what this entire crest stands for. We are told it is Christian. However, the Huguenot crest and the Huguenot monument in Franschoek stands for something other than what we are told to believe.
A Huguenot would wear this Huguenots Cross as a confirmation of his faith – that being Calvinism. The cross supposedly symbolises the following things:
But what does this Hugenot’s cross really stand for?
You will notice my numbering is a bit odd as I look at each one of the above individually. I do not look at point 1) as I honestly don’t know what those little circles really stand for. I however start with number 3)
3) The Maltese cross:
Designed in the mid 16th century. This cross has arms which narrow towards the center, and are indented at the ends. This makes an eight-pointed cross with no curved lines. The eight outer points of this cross are symbolic of regeneration, and are sometimes said to represent the eight beatitudes. The cross was the emblem of the Knights of St. John, who were driven from Rhodes to the island of Malta by the Turks. [Emphasis added] [2] The Knights of Malta is a Freemason order. The Maltese Cross is generally associated with fire.
4) The Fleur-de-Lis
Fleur de Lis
They say it signifies the twelve apostles on the Huguenot cross. But this is not true. The Fleur-de-Lis is actually the Tree of Life of the Kabbalah and is represented in Freemasonry. The fleur-de-lis in French means “lily flower”. However, I must point out that this symbol you see on flags, royal crowns and every where else actually represents the “Trinity of the Brotherhood” or “Blood line of the the Blessed Trinity”.
This occultic emblem represents a blood line of so called divine majesty and it symbolises a particular royal Brotherhood that had existed long before the foundations of Rome. The Nile is where this same brotherhood originated. The fleur-de-lis is modeled after the lotus flower in Egypt. They choose an ancient Egyptian symbol for “plant” also meaning “Tree of Life”. It is now that the fleur-de-lis symbol has replaced the ancient Egyptian plant that were 3 sacred lotus lilies. The Tree of Life now symbolises the royalty of this occult Brotherhood that gives honour to the 3 three sacred lilies of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. However Jesus, Mary and Joseph in Egyptian occultism is none other than Isis, Horus and Osiris/Set – this is the occult Trinity of the Brotherhood.
5) The Inverted Dove:
They say this dove is supposed to represent the Holy Spirit, but this is actually the Freemason inverted dove which symbolizes destruction.
Order of the Easter Star
Trinity Broadcasting Network
2) The open heart space between the Maltese cross and the Fleur-de-Lis:
This is indeed suggesting the seal of John Calvin. See pictures below:
If you look at the above Geneva coin by John Calvin it is the Sun (Eye of Horus/Ra) that radiates rays down touching The Catholic Sacred Heart.
Was John Calvin possibly a Freemason?
Lets look at this logo on the left that represents the University of Geneva that was established by John Calvin himself in 1559.
University of Geneva
University of Geneva
a) The Pheonix
This is the Freemason Phoenix Bird of Ancient Egyptian Mythology. Most people think they are eagles, but they are not. Look at the below Masonic double headed Phoenix logo’s. The image of one half of the phoenix is represented in John Calvin’s University emblem.
b) What is the meaning of the key?
Many say it is the “Keys of the Kingdom” which is to represent the authority of the Church to forgive sins in Jesus’ name. Two keys represent dual authority to open Heaven to repentant sinners and to lock Heaven to the unrepentant. This is also a common emblem of St. Peter.” [3] [Emphasis added]. However these are also the Keys to Freemasonry. See images below. If you look at the University of Geneva image above you will see that only one of the Keys of Freemasonry is being represented in the emblem. I doubt John Calvin was using the key on the emblem to represent the Roman Catholics ability to forgive people of their sins. The other option is more viable that they are the Keys to Freemasonry considering he has also used the Freemason double headed phoenix.
Keys to FreemasonryMasonic Apron – Keys to Freemasonry
3) At the top of the Universities seal you have the SUN.
This represents not only Sun worship but the sun is representative of the All Seeing Eye or Eye of Horus/Ra.
4) And then you have the letters IHS in the Sun.
We are told that this monogram IHS stands “Iesus Hominum Salvator – Jesus the Savior of men” – The S is sometimes written with a Greek letter as it is done in the University of Geneva’s emblem.The Jesuits (Freemasons), or members of the Society of Jesus, use IHS in their official seal, adding three nails (but not necessarily) below the H surrounding the whole monogram with a SUN that radiates outward depicting Sun worship and the Eye of Horus.
“IHS” stands for “Isis, Horus, Set” – the Egyptian trinity.
Now you can see why ‘IHS’ is always set in the middle of the Sun.
Reformation Monument: William Farel, John Calvin, Theodore Beza, and John Knox. At the bottom you see the Jesuit “IHS” logo
Most definitely, he was a very intelligent man and I seriously doubt he would have established a University in Geneva and had no input as to what the emblem should be. In fact John Calvin ran the city of Geneva like a tyrant, making sure every single element of Genevian society met his grade of religious piety and that every person living in Geneva stuck to his laws and regulations otherwise one faced being sent to jail or being set on fire at the stake.
Freemason John Calvin and the “Supreme Architect” or “Architect of the Universe“
John Calvin, in his Institutes of the Christian Religion (1536), repeatedly calls the Christian God “the Architect of the Universe”, also referring to his works as “Architecture of the Universe”, and in his commentary on Psalm 19 refers to the Christian God as the “Supreme Architect”.
John Calvin said:
“He will not say that chance has made him differ from the brutes that perish; but, substituting nature as the architect of the universe, he suppresses the name of God.”
“The repetition which he makes in the second clause is merely an explanation of the first. David shows how it is that the heavens proclaim to us the glory of God, namely, by openly bearing testimony that they have not been put together by chance, but were wonderfully created by the supreme Architect.”
“As soon as we acknowledge God to be the supreme Architect, who has erected the beauteous fabric of the universe, our minds must necessarily be ravished with wonder at his infinite goodness, wisdom, and power.”
Vatican sponsored breakaway to form the system of Protestantism!
“The Cabalist Sanhedrin, through the Illuminati and the Vatican, sponsored the entire masonic, Mary worshipping Protestant Reformation, (and also John Calvin, the father of Calvinism and its Dutch and other Reformed Churches,) to supposedly ‘break away’ from the Vatican to establish the equally destructive, religious system of Protestantism. Martin Luther was also a pawn of the Vatican’s masonic Reformation. ‘Sola Scriptura’ was their creed, (Scripture only,) but they based their false Protestant, (Calvinist, Lutheran, etc.) doctrines on some of the most prominent teachings of their idolatrous spiritual mother, the Roman Catholic Church, and added many monsters of their own.”
A New Reformation: Religiously, politically and economically!
“It is, therefore, widely believed that with the Reformation, the capstone on the masonic pyramid, the Jewish Cabalist Sanhedrin, (in combination with their powerful workhorse the Illuminati,) secretly sponsored John Chauvin and all the other Reformers to ‘break away’ from Catholicism to found Protestantism – a new religion that would transform the world not just religiously and politically, but economically as well.
The Rise of Capitalism and the Protestant Reformation
Between the 9th and 15th century A.D., the oppressive Feudal System crushed Europe under poverty and virtual slavery. The Feudal System was a two-class system akin to communism where the State possessed everything. Everything belonged to the corrupt super rich elite at the top, (the king and pope, and their ‘managers’ the nobility,) while the populations of Europe’s Feudal countries and their colonies became super-poor. Instead of despotic military units in armored cars, Feudal kingdoms were policed and controlled by Roman Catholic, Royal Knights on horseback. Coupled with the relentless but very costly inquisitions and crusades, medieval Europe was disintegrating under anarchy and the economic oppression of the joint, so-called ‘divine right’ rule of Europe’s monarchies and their Roman Catholic papacies. To overturn the Feudal System, and more importantly, to strengthen the depleted world economy, thereby establishing the worldwide rule of the underground Illuminati, necessitated a worldwide religious and economic revolution.
John Calvin studied with Ignatius Loyola the founder of the Jesuits at College Montaigu in Paris.
1) Below are is a picture of Ignatius of loyola, a Masonic Jesuit giving the very same hand sign that John Calvin gives in the below pictures:
Ignatius of loyola, a Jesuit
John Calvin
John Calvin
John Calvin
John Calvin
2) Below is the Masonic Left Hand Path Gesture above the Heart forming the Sign of Fidelity or “the claw” also known as the “devil’s claw.” or “‘lions paw”.
John Calvin – Masonic Lions Paw
3) Below is the Freemason heart sign or sign of fidelity. The Image is of John Calvin
John Calvin – Masonic Sign of Fidelity
Masonic Sign of Fidelity
4) Below is the Masonic meaning to pointing of the fingers: Pointing the finger away from the body is known in occult circles as “the sign of faith”, while pointing upward is the “sign of preservation”.
John Calvin – Masonic Sign of Preservation
Masonic Sign of Preservation
Let’s go back to the Hugenot’s cross. Here is another version:
Hugenot’s cross with Inverted Dove
The order decoration of the Order of the Holy Spirit (Chevaliers du Saint-Esprit) which Henry III established in 1578.
“Other predecessors of the Huguenot Cross include the so-called Languedoc Cross, and the order decoration of the Order of the Holy Spirit which Henry III established on December 31st, 1578 (above, right). It was the most exclusive order in France until 1789. Because the members, royalty included, were awarded with the Cross of the Holy Spirit, which hung from a blue ribbon, they were called “Cordon Bleus”. The sumptuous banquets accompanying their award ceremonies became legendary, and the “Cordon Bleu” award for excellence in cuisine took it name from the blue ribbon.” [2a]
Let’s now look at the Huguenot Monument in Franschhoek:
If you look at my original picture of the Huguenots crest and the Huguenot Monument in Franschhoek you will notice there are 3 arches that surround the Huguenots crest and 3 arches that surround the woman standing on the earth.
Huguenot Monument in Franschhoek
Huguenot Crest
According to the Huguenot Society of South Africa the monument stands for the following things:
The Huguenot Memorial Monument in Franschhoek was inaugurated on April 17th, 1948. With its simplicity and elegance of line the monument displays a historic French character.The female figure, with the Bible in her right hand and broken chain in her left hand, personifies the spirit of religious freedom. The fleur-de-lis (French lily) on her robe represents a noble spirit and character. She discards the cloak of suppression to triumph above the earth globe in its own spiritual space. Her gaze is fixed on a majestic vision of coming things. On the portrayed Southernmost point of Africa to where the frail ships transported the Huguenots, the symbols of their religion (the Bible), art and culture (the harp), the agriculture and viticulture (the sheaf of corn and grape vine) and industry (spinning wheel) are portrayed.
he three lofty arches is a symbol of the Holy Trinity. Above it the Sun of Righteousness shines, and above that the Cross as symbol of Christian faith is mounted. The water pond, reflecting the colonnade behind it, expresses the undisturbed tranquility of mind and spiritual peace the Huguenots experienced after much conflict and strife. [2c] [Emphasis added]
What are these 3 arches?
We are told that they symbolise the Holy Trinity; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. But this is not true. These 3 arches are actually called a Triptych. The occult meaning behind the Triptych is as follows:
“The abundant occurrence of the Triptych across the ancient world is not a random coincidence. The Triptych represents more than merely an architectural element; the Triptych is the chief symbol of an advanced Universal Religion that was once shared globally in Antiquity, mainly by the pyramid cultures. The discovery of the Triptych provides, for the first time, conclusive evidence that ancient cultures worldwide shared the same spiritual beliefs. It also indicates that these cultures did not evolve independently, but were probably descended from the same more remote parent source. The Universal Religion symbolized by the Triptych was banned in the West 2,000 years ago by the Catholic Church, but nonetheless it has continued into modern times, surviving in the beliefs of Secret Societies and their art and architecture. Look, for example, at the headquarters of the Freemasons, the Skull & Bones, the Shriners and the Knights of Pythias. Each building’s facade depicts an unmistakable Triptych pattern:
The Triptych pattern is visible on the facades of the most famous Secret Society headquarters.
The problem is, we have amnesia of our immortal godhood Self (capital S) because it is covered up by our mortal animal bodily self (lowercase s) while we live our lives on earth…
You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.”–C.S. Lewis
By following a careful set of instructions-encoded in the Triptych-we can transcend our body and see our real god Self within. This has long been the goal of alchemists, occultists, spiritualists and philosophers, and it is achieved by an age-old spiritual practice known as “Awakening Our Third Eye,” with the Third Eye being a vestigial organ of spiritual illumination that lies hidden in the human forehead. Whereas the two eyes see outward at material things, the single Third Eye sees inward at the inner soul.
As it turns out, this too has been encoded into buildings that contain a Triptych. As we shall see in a moment, the Third Eye is symbolized by the center door of the Triptych:
Left: Triptych entrance with luminous Third Eye above the center door, The Museum of Television & Radio in New York City. Right: Triptych pattern with Third Eye above the center door on a dome of a key building of the Bronx Zoo in New York City.
The Third Eye is well-known in esoteric circles and has been variously described throughout history as the “Divine Eye,” “All Seeing Eye,” “Mind’s Eye,” “Eye of the Soul,” and “Inner Eye.” While the name for it differs, what remains constant throughout the esoteric doctrines is that the Third Eye is not a metaphor, symbol, or analogy. It is affirmed to be a real, physical part of the body able to strengthen or atrophy as much as any other muscle; by exercising it, one slowly but steadily increases their awareness of their natural spiritual powers.
Here’s how the Triptych works: Our bodies are perfectly symmetrical from side-to-side, made of two equal and opposing halves-a right-side half and a left-side half. We all have two hands, two arms, two legs, two hands, two feet, two shoulders, two eyes, two ears, and so on. According to the Universal Religion of the ancients, our right-side half is solar (and male) and our left-side half is lunar (and female).
Male / Female Duality
Baphomet – Female Breasted, Male Phallus. In order to transcend spirituality, be awakened, you need to be homosexual (male and female)
This duality of opposites present in the human body is actually a microcosm of the duality of opposites present in the entire universe. The sun and moon, for example, are perfect opposites.
The SUN stands for DAY–the MOON stands for NIGHT.
In the DAY it’s HOT and LIGHT–at NIGHT it’s COLD and DARK.
In the DAY things are DRY–at NIGHT things are MOIST.
The sun and the moon are simply one of the most prominent examples, and this “pairs of opposites” wisdom forms the “lost key” to all the Mystery school teachings in history. Because man lives inside the universe and not apart from it, we too are composed of these same pairs of opposites–“as above, so below,” says the famous Emerald Tablet. The key is not just to understand this sun/moon duality of the human body. The key is to “unify” or “balance” the twin opposing sides and thus “transcend” the bodily duality. It’s precisely the Third Eye’s awakening.
So the secret of the Triptych and the ancient Universal Religion which it symbolizes is that by balancing our bodily duality we can awaken our Third Eye and see the “god” at the center of ourselves, which is who we really are. This wisdom has been hidden from the masses, yet given to initiates of Secret Societies like the Freemasons, whose esoteric drawings depict a single centered Eye symbol that is always flanked by the sun and the moon:
Masonic regalia. The Third Eye symbol is always placed in the middle, balanced between sun and moon.
This formula for awakening the Third Eye is hidden in plain sight in the Triptych entrances of countless buildings constructed throughout the West during the past 2,000 years.”
So as we can see the occult meaning of the 3 arches on the Huguenot crest and the Huguenot Monument in Franschhoek is nothing but an esoteric message that if understood properly will lead one to an awakening of the third eye and the discovery of ones divine self.
The sun at the top of the arch represents the awakening of the Third Eye, All seeing Eye, the Eye of Horus or Ra the Sun God.
Read this bit of occult teaching to understand what the Eye of Ra (Horus) is reallyall about:
They say, “The female figure, with the Bible in her right hand and broken chain in her left hand, personifies the spirit of religious freedom. The fleur-de-lis (French lily) on her robe represents a noble spirit and character. She discards the cloak of suppression to triumph above the earth globe in its own spiritual space. Her gaze is fixed on a majestic vision of coming things” [2c]
But this could be further from the truth. This lady is none other than the pagan Mary (Queen of Heaven) or Isis as she stands on the earth. We know this because on the monument, her robe is adorned with the fleur-de-lis. We know from previous investigation that the fleur-de-lis is the Tree of Life that now symbolises the royalty of the occult Trinity that gives honour to the 3 three sacred lilies of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.
The Huguenot monument sits on the edge of a small pond of water, the reflection of the Huguenot Monument in the water symbolises “As above, So Below”.
It has been proven beyond reasonable doubt that John Calvin was a Freemason who concocted the horrific false doctrine of Calvinism. Calvinism’s god is none other than Lucifer – who thinks he has the ability to send people to hell or Elect others with a one way trip into paradise. One can only expect that a person who believes in the evil false teaching of Calvinism will easily follow Freemasonry. Of the Huguenots who came to South Africa, many were Freemasons and they were all Calvinists. South Africa’s history has been run from beginning to end by Masonic Calvinists. The past Apartheid Government were none other than Freemason Calvinists who believed they were Elect and the black population was reprobate – hence the past government did what they did and established segregation among the whites and the blacks.
“We [the Illuminati] are the Fathers of all Revolutions – even of those, which sometimes happen to turn against us. We are the supreme Masters of Peace and War. We can boast of being the Creators on the REFORMATION! Calvin was one of our Children; he was of Jewish descent, and was entrusted by Jewish authority and encouraged with Jewish finance to draft his scheme in the Reformation”
Deborah Ellish is the author of the above article.
Discerning the World is an internet Christian Ministry based in Johannesburg South Africa. Tom Lessing and Deborah Ellish both own Discerning the World. For more information see the About this Website page below the comments section.
Bernard Bresson, in his extensive historical study of Medieval Pentecost, cites sources indicating Calvin’s reformation experiences were a product of his association with the Huguenots who repeatedly manifested the gifts of the Holy Spirit in their meetings.12 When Calvin was at last well-established in Geneva, he secretly supported in every way those persecuted Protestant Huguenots in France.13 Thus, the Huguenots became an important link in the chain of events that awakened thewholeProtestant movement to larger vistas of New Testament doctrine. So while Luther’s revival in Germany was progressing, similar convictions began to appear in France. This occurred, at least in part, because of the widespread circulation in France of Luther’s writings, even influencing — as has been cited above — John Calvin’s sudden conversion. Officially, of course, France was a Catholic stronghold, and the royals — the monarchs of that nation — were ever under pressure from Rome to keep it Catholic, at any cost. Once Protestantism was introduced into France, it grew by leaps and bounds, to the great alarm of both Rome and the Catholic royal families. By 1559, the Huguenots were strong enough to declare their first Protestant Council (Synod) in spite of the objections from the Catholic authorities. Indeed, by that time, Marguerite of Navarre, a sister of the king, had become a follower of Huguenot teachings. Many others of the ruling noblemen of France had also become believers, among them Admiral Coligny and Henry of Navarre. In 1561, the Cardinal of Sainte-Croix, greatly alarmed, wrote to the Pope, complaining that “The kingdom [of France] is already half Huguenot.” At the same time, Micheli, the ambassador from Venice, wrote back to his government that no province in France was free from Protestants.14 As a consequence, the Catholics, imagining themselves seriously threatened by the Huguenots, contemplated ominous countermeasures. The Huguenots were willing to coexist with the Catholics. Through the years several compromises had been worked out. But neither the Pope nor the Catholic clerics could endure for very long the prickly presence of, or the aggressive evangelizing by, the Huguenots. Hundreds of nominally Catholic adherents were turning Protestant. King Philip II of Spain felt it was his holy calling to exterminate Protestants wherever they were found — and by whatever means available. As a consequence, his shadowy influence was felt in France as it had been in England and other European countries. Since Protestants were usually considered as vermin to be destroyed, Catholic factions easily ignored agreements. Murder was often considered a viable option. Thus, although the Catholic leadership initially resorted to harassment, it soon evolved into martyring undesirable Protestants. This in turn exploded into outright massacring of the hated Huguenots. The first Huguenot was burned at the stake in 1523. And amazingly, the Huguenots’ religious freedom was not fully restored until after the French revolution in 1789, after 266 years of persecution with only occasional intermissions.15 Brave believers, indeed. One example of these deceptive intermissions occurred on St. Bartholomew’s Day, 1572. As the day approached, circumstances between the Protestants and the Catholics seemed relatively peaceful. Many Huguenot nobles had gathered in Paris for the festive occasion. In fact, an important wedding was planned for a leading Huguenot nobleman, Henry of Navarre, and Marguerite of Valois, Charles IX’s sister.16 But Catherine de Medici, the mother of the youthful king, had been in connivance with other Catholic leaders to take advantage of the unsuspecting Huguenots gathering in Paris for the occasion. The Catholics initiated a nighttime attack that ultimately massacred 8,000 of the visitors to the capital. Admiral Coligny, a reputable leader of the Huguenots and a respected politician, was among those assassinated by the Catholic deception. During the days that followed this surprise attack, Catholics systematically exterminated thousands more Huguenots throughout the provinces of France. Catholics declared open season everywhere on the Protestant Huguenots. It has been conservatively estimated that over 70,000 were unconscionably martyred. And ironically, the Pope, now convinced that all the Catholics who were involved had at last accomplished the will of God, “sent congratulations to Catherine and both thought they were done with the Huguenots.”17 Many Huguenots, however, lived on, perhaps to die yet another day — but alive, nonetheless, and still committed to their strong faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. In spite of the supposed demise of the Huguenots, there were survivors of that terrible massacre. These survivors fled to the Alpine region of the Cevennes mountains, where the troubled remnant cried out to God for grace to endure. A loving Heavenly Father answered by pouring out His Spirit, thereby comforting those harassed believers. (Continue)
The St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre was the origin of the now famous Cevennes prophets, to which John Wesley later referred. God strengthened these survivors with Pentecostal experiences by theHoly Spirit, the heavenly “Comforter” Jesus had promised His believers. In his text, The Life and Letters of St. Paul, author David Smith observes that during this time of severe persecution in 1685, as the Huguenots earnestly sought the Lord for consolation “the spiritual gifts of the Apostolic Church reappeared — miracles of healing, prophecy, and talking in tongues.”18 By 1689, Pentecostal experiences were quite common among the Huguenots of the Cevennes. James Hastings, in his Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, provides further valuable information about these retiring, godly outcasts: “An infectious ecstasy seized people of all ages and of both sexes. They heard supernatural voices. They spoke with tongues. … uneducated persons gave utterance, when ‘seized by the spirit,’ to prophecies in the purest French, when all they knew was the patois Romanesque language of the Cevennes.”19 Some historians claim that all of their leaders were prophets and that [the gift of] prophecy was what held them together for 200 years.”20 Bresson’s research further claims that when under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the Huguenots would quote “long passages of Scripture correctly, talked in tongues, prophesied coming events which were to occur a long distance from them and afterward the event(s) happened as foretold.”21 Through the years of persecution, many Huguenots, including members of the French Prophets of the Cevennes, fled to England, America, and other countries, carrying with them the good news of salvation and of the ministry of the Holy Comforter and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. For example, referring to these French Prophets in England, M’Clintock and Strong call attention to their charismatic and Pentecostal-like activities: “[These ‘French Prophets’] came over to England about 1706, and brought with them the ‘gift of prophecy.’ They soon made converts in England [many from the upper classes of English society]. The great subject of their predictions was the speedy establishment of Messiah’s kingdom. Their message was (and they were to proclaim it as heralds to every nation under heaven) that the grand jubilee “the acceptable year of the Lord,” the accomplishments of those numerous Scriptures concerning the new heavens and the new earth, the kingdom of the Messiah, the marriage of the Lamb, the first resurrection, and the New Jerusalem … was now even at the door.”22 Further in this report, these Encyclopedists make it clear that these French Huguenots anticipated having a part in the fulfillment of their end-time prophecies. They expected this to be accomplished by means of the “inspiration of the mighty Gift of the Spirit,” and that this mission would also be “witnessed to by signs and wonders from heaven”23 Many certainly recognize these pronouncements of the Pentecostal-like French Prophets as similar to the present-day preachments of modern charismatics, particularly Pentecostals. Near the end of their article, M’Clintock and Strong offer some personal evaluations that reveal their unfortunate inclinations to scandalize the manifestations of miracles in modern times. They base these, it seems, on the same philosophy that prompted Dr. Middleton’s assertion that the miraculous no longer occurs, since the apostles are dead. We see this bias in the following passage of M’Clintock and Strongs’s report on the French Prophets. “These prophets also pretended [?] to the gift of languages [tongues], of miracles, of … discerning the secrets of the heart; the power of conferring the same spirit on others by the laying on of hands, and the gift of healing. To prove they were really inspired by the Holy Ghost, they alleged [?] the complete joy and satisfaction they experienced, the spirit of prayer which was poured forth upon them, and the answer of their prayers by the Most High.”24 Pretended? Alleged? Could not their own documented report of 18th-century prophets just as easily have been describing events that occurred in the Book of Acts. Their theological prejudices — obviously present in their report — do not mean the events they describe did not really happen, although they seem anxious to imply these Pentecostal experiences were imagined. In fact, the M’Clintock and Strong report indicates that some sort of unusual spiritual experiences were happening, evidenced by the fact people were being changed for the better — even the numerous prominent upper-class believers who became Huguenots. These theological doubters — like those of Jerusalem in Acts 2 — offered rationalistic criticisms, which turned out to be totally false. The deception employed on Saint Bartholomew’s Day was not the first — nor was it to be the last — of the premeditated and persistently planned extermination of the Protestants. Although the Huguenots were pacifists theologically, they soon learned that the only possibility of survival was to resort to armed resistance when negotiations failed. The reason? The Huguenots were willing to arrange coexistence, but the Catholics would never comply. Because of the Romanist’s repeated efforts to expurgate the Protestants from the kingdom, at least eight major civil wars took place from 1559 through the late 1700s.25 After further harassing the Huguenots, “In 1715 King Louis XIV announced that he had [at last] ended all exercise of the Protestant religion in France.”26. During that time, however, thousands upon thousands of Huguenots had fled the tribulations of France for the relative security of other countries. But the massive emigration of Huguenot artisans and nobilityseriously impacted the French national economy. By the mid-1700s the general population of France had grown increasingly weary of the meaningless, murderous mayhem caused by the personal prejudices of their rulers. As a result, the French Revolution of 1789 ensued, and the ironic results were the complete restoration of religious freedoms for the Huguenots. Late in the 17th century, France declined from being the most powerful and rich nation in Europe to a country pressed to hold its own against powerful foes. Possibly, just possibly, one event above all helps explains this decline. On October 18, 1685, King Louis XIV revoked the Edict of Nantes. In doing so, he drove hundreds of thousands of his best citizens abroad. The Edict of Nantes was a promise of religious toleration. It was granted in 1598 to the French Protestants known as Huguenots after years of civil wars. The Calvinist Huguenots came into being around 1550 when preachers brought Bibles to France from Switzerland. The growth of this reform movement in Gallic lands was astonishingly rapid. Within five years the new church held its first synod. Within a century it boasted a million and a half adherents. Conflict seemed inevitable from the start. The Roman Catholic church was concerned at its loss of control over souls; the government feared Protestant demands for local rule. The government’s concerns certainly appeared justified when powerful nobles such as the Condés attempted to employ Protestant strength for their own political advancement against the powerful Guise family. War began in 1562 when a number of Huguenots were massacred by the Guises in a church at Vassy. The Huguenots were only a twentieth of the total French population, yet fought so fiercely they were able to win concessions from the Roman Catholic majority. In 1572 a peace was arranged. St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre This was shattered when Catherine de Medici, the power behind the French throne, ordered the assassination of the brilliant Huguenot Admiral Coligny. The attempt left him wounded but not dead. Catherine panicked and ordered the massacre of all Huguenots, including Coligny. The slaughter began in Paris on the evening of St. Bartholomew’s Day and spread to the countryside on the following days. Between 40,000 and 100,000 Huguenots were butchered in cold blood. Surviving Huguenots fled to their fortresses. A weary round of wars followed until the Huguenot prince, Henry of Navarre, became heir-elect to the throne of France. In order to gain the throne, Henry found he must convert to Catholicism. This he did. The Huguenots saw this as a betrayal. To quiet their fears, Henry issued the Edict of Nantes, protecting Huguenot rights. The Huguenots continued to defend themselves with arms when necessary, but eventually they came to distrust the use of weapons. Their leaders decided that it is better to suffer than to fight for rights. Thus, when the rebellion called “the Fronde” erupted, the Huguenots refused to join their natural allies but instead supported the young Louis XIV. He in turn gravely acknowledged their loyalty and confirmed the Edict of Nantes. All the same, he did not want France divided in faith. Bit by bit he gave ground to churchmen who called for him to strip Huguenot privileges. Laws were passed making it hard for Protestants to enter the guilds. If a child of fourteen converted from Protestantism to Catholicism, the child could leave its Huguenot parents who nonetheless must support it. Huguenots were forbidden to establish new colleges. For a Huguenot to attempt to leave France was made punishable by condemnation to the galleys. On the other hand, any Huguenot who converted to Catholicism was paid an endowment. In 1682 Louis XIV threatened the Huguenots with terrible evils if they did not convert. His religious training, harsh upbringing, and cruel advisers, led him to believe he could not be saved unless he wiped out heresy. He destroyed 570 of the Protestants’ 815 churches. Huguenots who met secretly in the woods were subject to savage reprisals and immediate death.One of the king’s officials protested. Finance minister Colbert warned Louis that he was destroying the economy by these measures which disrupted trade. Unrestrained Savagery The religious wars of France, once fought on battlefields, now moved into homes. The government sent dragoons, selected from the basest elements of the army, into Protestant areas with orders not to be gentle to the Huguenots with whom they were quartered. Being soldiers and also bullies, they were only too glad for a little “fun.” They bounced old Huguenots in blankets, made the Protestants dance until they collapsed from exhaustion, beat their feet with rods and poured scalding water down their throats. They robbed Huguenots and raped their women. Huguenots had no redress from the law, for they were not permitted to bring cases into court. To Louis’ credit, when he heard what was being done, he ordered it stopped. The violence continued but the facts were hidden from the king. He was told that all Protestants had either converted or fled. Convinced by the lies of his courtiers, he revoked the Edict of Nantes. It had become little more than a scrap of paper anyhow, for church and state had conspired to evade its provisions. With even the illusion of protection gone, many Huguenots felt they must flee their homeland. Conditions at home were so intolerable that the risk seemed worthwhile. Four hundred thousand escaped. Remaining Huguenots were forced to take mass. Any who spat out the wafer were burned alive. KEY EVENTS IN HUGUENOT HISTORY 1533 John Calvin flees Paris, becomes pastor in Geneva in 1536 and maintains strong ties and influence with French reform movement until his death in 1564 1550’s Calvinism comes to France, wins thousands of converts 1559 First Huguenot synod held, in Paris 1559 Attempt to replace the Catholic Guises with the Huguenot Condé as regent 1560 Huguenots petition the king and threaten revolt if persecution persists 1562 Massacre at Vassy begins the French religious wars 1562 Huguenots sign a manifesto saying they were forced to take arms 1565 Huguenot colony massacred at St. John, Florida by Pedro Mendendez 1572 Catherine de Medici orders an attempt to assassinate Huguenot leader Coligny 1572 St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre kills as many as 100,000 Huguenots 1585 Huguenots and other Protestants are ordered expelled from France (most stay) 1593 Huguenot Henry IV converts to Catholicism to gain the throne 1598 Edict of Nantes promises protection to Huguenots 1685 Revocation of the Edict of Nantes leaves Huguenots defenseless; 400,000 flee THEIR LIVES a POWERFUL TESTIMONY [Sheldon’s Church History provides a description of the Huguenots from Florimond de Raemond, a Roman Catholic historian in the late 16th century. He observed the life and behavior of the Huguenots and summarized his impressions.] They comported themselves as the pronounced enemies of luxury, of public festivities, and of the follies of the world, which were all too prevalent among the Catholics. In their societies and at their banquets, one found neither music nor dancing, but discourses from the Bible, which lay upon the table, and spiritual songs, especially the Psalms as soon as they were brought into rhyme. The women, with their modest apparel and bearing, seemed like sorrowing Eves or penitent Magdalens, repeating in their lives the description which Tertullian gave of the (Christian) women of his age. The men appeared dead to the world, and filled with the Holy Spirit. Each was a John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness. The outward demeanor expressed only humility and obedience. They sought to gain a place for themselves, not by cruelty but by patience, not by killing but by dying, so that in them Christianity in its primitive innocence seemed to be restored. Mysterious Name The origin of the name Huguenot is not known. It may be a French adaptation of the German word Eidgenossen, which means Confederates. Others speculate that it was derived from “a legendary King Hugon whose spirit was thought to haunt a part of Tours where Protestants met secretly in the early years of the movement,” according to R. D. Linder in Inter Varsity Press’ Dictionary of Christianity.
Double Blow to France: The flight of Huguenots was a double blow to France. The hardworking Huguenots were among the most prosperous citizens of France. Their work ethic had made them masters of the crafts in which France excelled. When they fled, they left behind most of their possessions but carried with them their skills. France’s enemies were taught techniques of weaving, lace-making, silkwork, and hattery, once the exclusive possession of the French. Many Huguenots enlisted in the English, Dutch and German armies and fought France. Sadly, those people who might have put up the greatest resistance to the atheistic elements within the Enlightenment were expelled. The French Revolution was perhaps now almost inevitable. According to some historians, its cruelties were not nearly so terrible as what the Huguenots had suffered.
The true history of the Huguenot is definitely not as portrayed by the “Museum” in Franschoek. The emblems portraying them bowing in respect in front of the Pope is history altered by the freemansons and those ill-minded towards them such as the Roman Catholic church. It is a farce. 70 000 conservatively estimated Huguenots were butchered by these organisations. I seriously doubt they were in on it. Theses emblems are French – not Huguenot. They (the Huguenot) were true friends of Yahweh.
The St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre was the origin of the now famous Cevennes prophets, to which John Wesley later referred. God strengthened these survivors with Pentecostal experiences by theHoly Spirit, the heavenly “Comforter” Jesus had promised His believers. In his text, The Life and Letters of St. Paul, author David Smith observes that during this time of severe persecution in 1685, as the Huguenots earnestly sought the Lord for consolation “the spiritual gifts of the Apostolic Church reappeared — miracles of healing, prophecy, and talking in tongues.”18 By 1689, Pentecostal experiences were quite common among the Huguenots of the Cevennes.
James Hastings, in his Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, provides further valuable information about these retiring, godly outcasts: “An infectious ecstasy seized people of all ages and of both sexes. They heard supernatural voices. They spoke with tongues. … uneducated persons gave utterance, when ‘seized by the spirit,’ to prophecies in the purest French, when all they knew was the patois Romanesque language of the Cevennes.”19 Some historians claim that all of their leaders were prophets and that [the gift of] prophecy was what held them together for 200 years.”20
Persecution was a common occurrence among Christians during the years leading up to Constantine’s rule in Rome. And never do I see in Scripture that those Christians were comforted or held together by glossolalia, miracles, and inordinate prophecies, let alone through hearing supernatural voices. The only prophecy that held them together was the one Paul reminded them of.
But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words. (1 Th 4:13-18).
David Smith and James Hastings have opened a dangerous can of worms. Charismatics and Pentecostals will easily use this to sanction their own glossolalia, so-called miracle and prophecies.
I know about the French Prophets – they were not Huguenots (I think). And they did speak in Tongues, do supposed miracles, and speak prophecies, they would convulse and lay on the ground as if slain in the spirit. The french Prophets if I am not mistaken started through children manifesting strange Kundilini manifestation and it spread.
I agree with all this information, I’ve read a lot about my Huguenot history and it’s disheartening to say the least. But the fact remains, they were Calvinists and some of these Huguenots were Freemasons.
Hi, Debs. Very interesting article. I must take time to think about all that. I did not know that Hugenots or Calvin were involved in Freemasonry. It’s sad to discover such things. I knew that the woman on the globe representing the earth was from Catholicism. As a schoolchild, I saw statues of her on the globe and crushing a serpent with her feet. We were told, I think, by either the nuns of Marist Brothers, perhaps both–it was fifty-something years ago so I can’t remember clearly–that Mary was to crush the devil. This of course, was a promise that Jesus Christ would do bruise Satan’s head and Satan would bruise His heel [Genesis 3:15], not Mary. Besides, the Mary of Catholicism is Isis and also Seriramis. It’s amazing how many pagan religions have used this idol. Sadly it is ofen used in Christmas Cards as the mother-and-child–later versions of Horus and Isis/ Semiramis and Tammuz. Besides Mary is not to be worshiped–we shouldn’t worship idols anyway [Gen 20:4]–and given the place Catholicism has given to her. At the wedding feast at Cana [John 2:1-2] note Jesus’ reply to His mother [verse 4]. Mary told the stewards to do what Jesus told them. Even in that sense they were to look to Him, not his mother [Luke 11:27:-28]. Jesus plus anything else or minus anything else does not lead to Salvation. It is so sad that man thinks he can do anything His way. Without Him we can do nothing [John 15:5].
Hi Deborah, No – I am not a calvinist. I despise the dark forces of religion, and especially ones disguised as the truth. I try not to fall into any traps and make assumptions on anything anybody simply writes or says; since as a newborn believer back in ’96 I have been taught (church and bibleschool) and simply soaked up a lot of nonsense through naivety and blind trust. I also despise secret organisations such as the freemasons, broederbond and their partners in religion. I did not grow up with any faith or true christianity – in fact I witnessed and experienced plenty abuse, manipulation, violence and deceit. At the age of 12 I made up my mind that there were no goodwill or truth in the then calvinist church I attended – only through force. I turned my back and never went there again. You did not need to be saved to see the nonsense and fake superiority back then in 1980. Since I became a christian in ’96 it took me a few years to start seeing the “new better well disguised” calvinism in the local churches I attended. Probably because most who went there came from calvinism. I support and fiercely advocate your mission to expose the lies – It became my mission as well the past 2 years since I started reading your blog. It is however important to make very sure that we do not accuse anyone falsely. I did a lot of research in the synergy of these organisations, and especially concerning the devastating influence of kundalini and jezebel – since I witnessed both in action (legal right and bloodlines), and still do regularly – in my life and those around me. Thank you both Thomas and yourself for your replies (I will go and study both article and replies in depth) – and please excuse my lengthy posts – it is only to contribute and ask questions to come to the truth.
Interesting read. Some may sound fanciful like an RCC backlash, but common points keep coming around. I actually happened on your site while researching pastor John MacArthur and Freemasonry that shot over to Southern Baptist Convention and o a whim thought, well what about John Calvin.
Thanks for popping by,! It makes sense that John MacArthur would he hosting ‘pagan’ camp getaways for church youth when he is a full blown Freemason and his alter ego is John Calvin (another freemason).
Thank you all for your information and insights about Calvinism and freemasonry. I have just begun a thorough research study and happened upon this blog site for which I am grateful. We certainly must live closely and carefully by the truth of the Bible and the words of Jesus and His disciples/apostles in the New Testament that clearly reflect the Old. Seems evident that Jesus is coming to get His Bride soon and all of Revelation will unfold quickly as we are all seeking and asking questions, delving into Bible Study as compared with history and present-day events. God have mercy on us and give us wisdom by the power of His Spirit! God’s blessings on each of you! Thank you very much!!
Thank you Gerhard for correcting the slanderous account on this website. I have read some of Calvin’s work, it’s far cry from the Freemasonry being thrown upon him. Aside from this nonsensical symbolism. Most of the Protestant or his so-called members are well knowledgeable and have sound interpretation of the scriptures. But our good Lord has given us enough commonsense to decipher His message in the Good word, as guided by the Holy Spirit.
What is the religion of this discerningtheworld.com anyway??? So we can understand better the motives behind. Who ever you are, have some decency, you should be ashamed, a lot of martyrs died on St.Bartholomew’s Day, just for being a member of a better religion, who’s got the most sensible interpretation of the Word of God. God have mercy!
Can I tell you a little secret? Calvinism is worse than Freemasonry. It is dragging millions of people who believe they are saved because they were elected (chosen) unto salvation long before the creation of the world into hell.
You said “a lot of martyrs died on St.Bartholomew’s Day, just for being a member of a better religion”
You see that is the biggest mistake of all, Christianity is not a religion, it’s a way. Jesus said, I am the WAY, the truth and the life. Calvinism is indeed a religion, made by a man called John Calvin; a murderer and a freemason.
Thank you Gerhard for correcting the slanderous account on this website. I have read some of Calvin’s work, it’s far cry from the Freemasonry being thrown upon him. Aside from this nonsensical symbolism. Most of the Protestant or his so-called members are well knowledgeable and have sound interpretation of the scriptures. But our good Lord has given us enough commonsense to decipher His message in the Good word, as guided by the Holy Spirit. What is the religion of this discerningtheworld.com anyway??? So we can understand better the motives behind. Who ever you are, have some decency, you should be ashamed, a lot of martyrs died on St.Bartholomew’s Day, just for being a member of a better religion, who’s got the most sensible interpretation of the Word of God. God have mercy!
Have you also read Calvin’s “Institutes of the Christian Religion”? In this book John Calvin refers to God using expressions like “ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE”, “SUPREME ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE”. He does the same in his “Commentary on Psalms”.
If John Calvin was a Freemason; when and where did he join? What degrees did he complete?, what lodge was he in? without these important historical details this article is pure speculation.
John Calvin, in his Institutes of the Christian Religion (1536), repeatedly calls the Christian God “the Architect of the Universe”, also referring to his works as “Architecture of the Universe”, and in his commentary on Psalm 19 refers to the Christian God as the “Great Architect” or “Architect of the Universe”.
Masonic historians such as William Bissey,[4] Gary Leazer (quoting Coil’s Masonic Encyclopaedia),[5] and S. Brent Morris,[6] assert that “the Masonic abbreviation G.A.O.T.U., meaning the Great Architect of the Universe, continues a long tradition of using an allegorical name for the Deity.” They trace how the name and the abbreviation entered Masonic tradition from the Book of Constitutions written in 1723 by the Reverend James Anderson. They also note that Anderson, a Calvinist minister, probably took the term from Calvin’s usage.
The concept of the Great Architect of the Universe occurs in gnosticism. The Demiurge is The Great Architect of the Universe, the God of Old Testament, in opposition to Christ and Sophia, messengers of Gnosis of the True God. For example: Gnostics such as the Nasoræans believe the Pira Rabba is the source, origin, and container of all things, which is filled by the Mânâ Rabbâ, the Great Spirit, from which emanates the First Life. The First Life prays for companionship and progeny, whereupon the Second Life, the Ultra Mkayyema or World-constituting Æon, the Architect of the Universe, comes into being. From this architect come a number of æons, who erect the universe under the foremanship of the Mandâ d’Hayye or gnôsis zoês, the Personified Knowledge of Life.[8] — https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Architect_of_the_Universe
Right now my fluxs capacitor is broken on my time travel machine, so going back in time to ask Calvin what lodge he was at and his degree etc is a bit impossible. Maybe you can see if you can find out 🙂 do some research will ya?
Calvin’s origin in Freemasonry is fixed in the symbolism he endorsed. If one knows anything about Freemason symbolism its easy to discern truth from lie.
Many many thanks for this fantastic article. I have listened to Eben Swart of (Trumpetcall Ministries) DVD’s about “Die Valse Priesterdom” which was fantastic and his 5 part series on the origins of Freemasonry, but your article just hit the nail on the head.
You are a blessing. Please keep on doing your research and help liberating those who have been blinded by religion all these years.
I am from a Huguenot family and I am also a 32nd degree Freemason. I don’t doubt anything anyone states. All I would like to add is, I truly believe I am a good person and obode by all the laws of wherever I live. I respect my life and In the event of my death I am sure my maker will put me right to all the wrongs I may of made. We are a much diverse race. We share a lot but alas we all can’t seem to live free and together. This I feel is the real issue, I don’t care what religion animal or deity you find you need to feel attached to. This is your freedom of choice, it is not down to me or anyone else to try and do the work of the almighty power. I am sure if the almighty was not happy with the diverse mix we would feel the wrath.
You see back in the day it was different, we have hopefully moved on a bit and grown as human beings. If the almighty made man, what did he make man for? Is there an Actual book of instructions? Writtin in the hand of the Almighty? All I know is Hell must be a lot bigger than Heven because there are a lot of diffremt religions and diverse nations in the world and not everyone speaks from the same book.
So anyway, I am very privileged and proud that my anscesters fled France back in the day and took a scary laborious jorney across to a non native speaking county so that I could be here with my wonderful family and have such a diverse life. I am also very proud that I am a Freemason, and against what you may believe we do not behead sheep or do the devils work, nor do I work with any “illuminati” to try and take over with some new world order. in fact I am just a regular working class person on a small wage but I have met many friends from across the world from EVERY religion, that are Freemasons. I have love and admiration for everyone in life and believe eventually in time people will look back at us and think how prehistoric we actually are.
Be safe people and remember we will never be worthy or clever enough to understand much about life and it’s beginning and we can speculate as much as we like. My suggestion is if you make someone smile or help someone have a great day they hopefully they will pass that on and you will be rewarded all ways. There will always be angry cruel people, that’s our animal instinct that is inbread, evolution will hopefully sort that out, if we can survive that long.
I am from a Huguenot family and I am also a 32nd degree Freemason. I don’t doubt anything anyone states. All I would like to add is, I truly believe I am a good person and obode by all the laws of wherever I live.
God wrote:
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. (Eph 2:8-9)
For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith. (Gal 3:10-11)
I think you know very well who you serve because by the time you reach 32 degrees you should know it’s Lucifer. If you don’t know yet that it’s Lucifer who is your ‘G’od who gives you enlightenment to know that you are a god then by golly there is something seriously wrong. When outsiders know what you believe and you don’t then I truly think you are not a Freemason or trying to fool us which is most probably the case as this is what you are taught in Freemasonry – to fool others and to keep its secrets.
In fact you know fully well you believe you are a ‘god’ as you gave it away in your comment you said, “we have hopefully moved on a bit and grown as human beings.”
Why did God make us? Because God is love (1 John 4:8) and HE LOVES US. “I have loved you with an everlasting love” (Jeremiah 31:3)
How do you know the bible is the final authority on ALL things? Well because it says so:
“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” (2nd. Tim. 3:16-17)
“Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” Matthew 24:35.
“Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4
I just know I am a descendant of Huguenot Dr.Pierre Chastain who arrived in 1700 in Manakin Co Virginia. His father Estienne and grandfather Jaque were notaries to the Royal Burgundy, France.
wow you guys are all so concerned with who is right and who is wrong that you can’t see we are all humans and we are in this together.
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Quoted piece concerning the French Huguenots
Bernard Bresson, in his extensive historical study of Medieval Pentecost, cites sources indicating Calvin’s
reformation experiences were a product of his association with the Huguenots who repeatedly manifested
the gifts of the Holy Spirit in their meetings.12 When Calvin was at last well-established in Geneva, he
secretly supported in every way those persecuted Protestant Huguenots in France.13
Thus, the Huguenots became an important link in the chain of events that awakened thewholeProtestant
movement to larger vistas of New Testament doctrine. So while Luther’s revival in Germany was
progressing, similar convictions began to appear in France. This occurred, at least in part, because of the
widespread circulation in France of Luther’s writings, even influencing — as has been cited above — John
Calvin’s sudden conversion. Officially, of course, France was a Catholic stronghold, and the royals — the
monarchs of that nation — were ever under pressure from Rome to keep it Catholic, at any cost.
Once Protestantism was introduced into France, it grew by leaps and bounds, to the great alarm of both
Rome and the Catholic royal families. By 1559, the Huguenots were strong enough to declare their first
Protestant Council (Synod) in spite of the objections from the Catholic authorities. Indeed, by that time,
Marguerite of Navarre, a sister of the king, had become a follower of Huguenot teachings. Many others of
the ruling noblemen of France had also become believers, among them Admiral Coligny and Henry of
In 1561, the Cardinal of Sainte-Croix, greatly alarmed, wrote to the Pope, complaining that “The kingdom
[of France] is already half Huguenot.” At the same time, Micheli, the ambassador from Venice, wrote back
to his government that no province in France was free from Protestants.14 As a consequence, the
Catholics, imagining themselves seriously threatened by the Huguenots, contemplated ominous
The Huguenots were willing to coexist with the Catholics. Through the years several compromises had
been worked out. But neither the Pope nor the Catholic clerics could endure for very long the prickly
presence of, or the aggressive evangelizing by, the Huguenots. Hundreds of nominally Catholic adherents
were turning Protestant.
King Philip II of Spain felt it was his holy calling to exterminate Protestants wherever they were found —
and by whatever means available. As a consequence, his shadowy influence was felt in France as it had
been in England and other European countries. Since Protestants were usually considered as vermin to be
destroyed, Catholic factions easily ignored agreements. Murder was often considered a viable option.
Thus, although the Catholic leadership initially resorted to harassment, it soon evolved into martyring
undesirable Protestants. This in turn exploded into outright massacring of the hated Huguenots. The first
Huguenot was burned at the stake in 1523. And amazingly, the Huguenots’ religious freedom was not
fully restored until after the French revolution in 1789, after 266 years of persecution with only occasional
intermissions.15 Brave believers, indeed.
One example of these deceptive intermissions occurred on St. Bartholomew’s Day, 1572. As the day
approached, circumstances between the Protestants and the Catholics seemed relatively peaceful. Many
Huguenot nobles had gathered in Paris for the festive occasion. In fact, an important wedding was
planned for a leading Huguenot nobleman, Henry of Navarre, and Marguerite of Valois, Charles IX’s
sister.16 But Catherine de Medici, the mother of the youthful king, had been in connivance with other
Catholic leaders to take advantage of the unsuspecting Huguenots gathering in Paris for the occasion.
The Catholics initiated a nighttime attack that ultimately massacred 8,000 of the visitors to the capital.
Admiral Coligny, a reputable leader of the Huguenots and a respected politician, was among those
assassinated by the Catholic deception.
During the days that followed this surprise attack, Catholics systematically exterminated thousands more
Huguenots throughout the provinces of France. Catholics declared open season everywhere on the
Protestant Huguenots. It has been conservatively estimated that over 70,000 were unconscionably
martyred. And ironically, the Pope, now convinced that all the Catholics who were involved had at last
accomplished the will of God, “sent congratulations to Catherine and both thought they were done with
the Huguenots.”17
Many Huguenots, however, lived on, perhaps to die yet another day — but alive, nonetheless, and still
committed to their strong faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. In spite of the supposed demise of the
Huguenots, there were survivors of that terrible massacre. These survivors fled to the Alpine region of
the Cevennes mountains, where the troubled remnant cried out to God for grace to endure. A loving
Heavenly Father answered by pouring out His Spirit, thereby comforting those harassed
part 2
The St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre was the origin of the now famous Cevennes prophets, to which
John Wesley later referred. God strengthened these survivors with Pentecostal experiences by theHoly Spirit, the heavenly “Comforter” Jesus had promised His believers. In his text, The Life and Letters
of St. Paul, author David Smith observes that during this time of severe persecution in 1685, as the
Huguenots earnestly sought the Lord for consolation “the spiritual gifts of the Apostolic Church
reappeared — miracles of healing, prophecy, and talking in tongues.”18 By 1689, Pentecostal
experiences were quite common among the Huguenots of the Cevennes.
James Hastings, in his Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, provides further valuable information about
these retiring, godly outcasts: “An infectious ecstasy seized people of all ages and of both sexes.
They heard supernatural voices. They spoke with tongues. … uneducated persons gave
utterance, when ‘seized by the spirit,’ to prophecies in the purest French, when all they knew
was the patois Romanesque language of the Cevennes.”19
Some historians claim that all of their leaders were prophets and that [the gift of] prophecy
was what held them together for 200 years.”20 Bresson’s research further claims that when
under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the Huguenots would quote “long passages of Scripture
correctly, talked in tongues, prophesied coming events which were to occur a long distance
from them and afterward the event(s) happened as foretold.”21
Through the years of persecution, many Huguenots, including members of the French Prophets of the
Cevennes, fled to England, America, and other countries, carrying with them the good news of salvation
and of the ministry of the Holy Comforter and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. For example, referring to these
French Prophets in England, M’Clintock and Strong call attention to their charismatic and Pentecostal-like
activities: “[These ‘French Prophets’] came over to England about 1706, and brought with them the ‘gift
of prophecy.’ They soon made converts in England [many from the upper classes of English society]. The
great subject of their predictions was the speedy establishment of Messiah’s kingdom. Their message was
(and they were to proclaim it as heralds to every nation under heaven) that the grand jubilee “the
acceptable year of the Lord,” the accomplishments of those numerous Scriptures concerning the new
heavens and the new earth, the kingdom of the Messiah, the marriage of the Lamb, the first resurrection,
and the New Jerusalem … was now even at the door.”22
Further in this report, these Encyclopedists make it clear that these French Huguenots anticipated having
a part in the fulfillment of their end-time prophecies. They expected this to be accomplished by means of
the “inspiration of the mighty Gift of the Spirit,” and that this mission would also be “witnessed to
by signs and wonders from heaven”23 Many certainly recognize these pronouncements of the
Pentecostal-like French Prophets as similar to the present-day preachments of modern charismatics,
particularly Pentecostals.
Near the end of their article, M’Clintock and Strong offer some personal evaluations that reveal their
unfortunate inclinations to scandalize the manifestations of miracles in modern times. They base these, it
seems, on the same philosophy that prompted Dr. Middleton’s assertion that the miraculous no longer
occurs, since the apostles are dead. We see this bias in the following passage of M’Clintock and Strongs’s
report on the French Prophets. “These prophets also pretended [?] to the gift of languages
[tongues], of miracles, of … discerning the secrets of the heart; the power of conferring the
same spirit on others by the laying on of hands, and the gift of healing. To prove they were
really inspired by the Holy Ghost, they alleged [?] the complete joy and satisfaction they
experienced, the spirit of prayer which was poured forth upon them, and the answer of their
prayers by the Most High.”24
Pretended? Alleged? Could not their own documented report of 18th-century prophets just as easily have
been describing events that occurred in the Book of Acts. Their theological prejudices — obviously
present in their report — do not mean the events they describe did not really happen, although they
seem anxious to imply these Pentecostal experiences were imagined. In fact, the M’Clintock and Strong
report indicates that some sort of unusual spiritual experiences were happening, evidenced by the fact
people were being changed for the better — even the numerous prominent upper-class believers who
became Huguenots. These theological doubters — like those of Jerusalem in Acts 2 — offered rationalistic
criticisms, which turned out to be totally false.
The deception employed on Saint Bartholomew’s Day was not the first — nor was it to be the last — of
the premeditated and persistently planned extermination of the Protestants. Although the Huguenots
were pacifists theologically, they soon learned that the only possibility of survival was to resort to armed
resistance when negotiations failed. The reason? The Huguenots were willing to arrange coexistence, but
the Catholics would never comply.
Because of the Romanist’s repeated efforts to expurgate the Protestants from the kingdom, at least eight
major civil wars took place from 1559 through the late 1700s.25 After further harassing the Huguenots,
“In 1715 King Louis XIV announced that he had [at last] ended all exercise of the Protestant religion in
During that time, however, thousands upon thousands of Huguenots had fled the tribulations of France
for the relative security of other countries. But the massive emigration of Huguenot artisans and nobilityseriously impacted the French national economy. By the mid-1700s the general population of France had
grown increasingly weary of the meaningless, murderous mayhem caused by the personal prejudices of
their rulers. As a result, the French Revolution of 1789 ensued, and the ironic results were the complete
restoration of religious freedoms for the Huguenots.
Late in the 17th century, France declined from being the most powerful and rich nation in Europe to a
country pressed to hold its own against powerful foes. Possibly, just possibly, one event above all helps
explains this decline. On October 18, 1685, King Louis XIV revoked the Edict of Nantes. In doing so, he
drove hundreds of thousands of his best citizens abroad.
The Edict of Nantes was a promise of religious toleration. It was granted in 1598 to the French
Protestants known as Huguenots after years of civil wars. The Calvinist Huguenots came into being
around 1550 when preachers brought Bibles to France from Switzerland. The growth of this reform
movement in Gallic lands was astonishingly rapid. Within five years the new church held its first synod.
Within a century it boasted a million and a half adherents.
Conflict seemed inevitable from the start. The Roman Catholic church was concerned at its loss of
control over souls; the government feared Protestant demands for local rule. The government’s
concerns certainly appeared justified when powerful nobles such as the Condés attempted to employ
Protestant strength for their own political advancement against the powerful Guise family.
War began in 1562 when a number of Huguenots were massacred by the Guises in a church at Vassy.
The Huguenots were only a twentieth of the total French population, yet fought so fiercely they were
able to win concessions from the Roman Catholic majority. In 1572 a peace was arranged.
St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre
This was shattered when Catherine de Medici, the power behind the French throne, ordered the
assassination of the brilliant Huguenot Admiral Coligny. The attempt left him wounded but not dead.
Catherine panicked and ordered the massacre of all Huguenots, including Coligny. The slaughter began
in Paris on the evening of St. Bartholomew’s Day and spread to the countryside on the following days.
Between 40,000 and 100,000 Huguenots were butchered in cold blood.
Surviving Huguenots fled to their fortresses. A weary round of wars followed until the Huguenot prince,
Henry of Navarre, became heir-elect to the throne of France. In order to gain the throne, Henry found
he must convert to Catholicism. This he did. The Huguenots saw this as a betrayal. To quiet their fears,
Henry issued the Edict of Nantes, protecting Huguenot rights.
The Huguenots continued to defend themselves with arms when necessary, but eventually they came
to distrust the use of weapons. Their leaders decided that it is better to suffer than to fight for rights.
Thus, when the rebellion called “the Fronde” erupted, the Huguenots refused to join their natural allies
but instead supported the young Louis XIV. He in turn gravely acknowledged their loyalty and confirmed
the Edict of Nantes.
All the same, he did not want France divided in faith. Bit by bit he gave ground to churchmen who called
for him to strip Huguenot privileges. Laws were passed making it hard for Protestants to enter the
guilds. If a child of fourteen converted from Protestantism to Catholicism, the child could leave its
Huguenot parents who nonetheless must support it. Huguenots were forbidden to establish new
colleges. For a Huguenot to attempt to leave France was made punishable by condemnation to the
galleys. On the other hand, any Huguenot who converted to Catholicism was paid an endowment.
In 1682 Louis XIV threatened the Huguenots with terrible evils if they did not convert. His religious
training, harsh upbringing, and cruel advisers, led him to believe he could not be saved unless he wiped
out heresy. He destroyed 570 of the Protestants’ 815 churches. Huguenots who met secretly in the
woods were subject to savage reprisals and immediate death.One of the king’s officials protested. Finance minister Colbert warned Louis that he was destroying the
economy by these measures which disrupted trade.
Unrestrained Savagery
The religious wars of France, once fought on battlefields, now moved into homes. The government sent
dragoons, selected from the basest elements of the army, into Protestant areas with orders not to be
gentle to the Huguenots with whom they were quartered. Being soldiers and also bullies, they were only
too glad for a little “fun.” They bounced old Huguenots in blankets, made the Protestants dance until
they collapsed from exhaustion, beat their feet with rods and poured scalding water down their throats.
They robbed Huguenots and raped their women. Huguenots had no redress from the law, for they were
not permitted to bring cases into court.
To Louis’ credit, when he heard what was being done, he ordered it stopped. The violence continued
but the facts were hidden from the king. He was told that all Protestants had either converted or fled.
Convinced by the lies of his courtiers, he revoked the Edict of Nantes. It had become little more than a
scrap of paper anyhow, for church and state had conspired to evade its provisions.
With even the illusion of protection gone, many Huguenots felt they must flee their homeland.
Conditions at home were so intolerable that the risk seemed worthwhile. Four hundred thousand
escaped. Remaining Huguenots were forced to take mass. Any who spat out the wafer were burned
1533 John Calvin flees Paris, becomes pastor in Geneva in 1536 and maintains strong ties
and influence with French reform movement until his death in 1564
1550’s Calvinism comes to France, wins thousands of converts
1559 First Huguenot synod held, in Paris
1559 Attempt to replace the Catholic Guises with the Huguenot Condé as regent
1560 Huguenots petition the king and threaten revolt if persecution persists
1562 Massacre at Vassy begins the French religious wars
1562 Huguenots sign a manifesto saying they were forced to take arms
1565 Huguenot colony massacred at St. John, Florida by Pedro Mendendez
1572 Catherine de Medici orders an attempt to assassinate Huguenot leader Coligny
1572 St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre kills as many as 100,000 Huguenots
1585 Huguenots and other Protestants are ordered expelled from France (most stay)
1593 Huguenot Henry IV converts to Catholicism to gain the throne
1598 Edict of Nantes promises protection to Huguenots
1685 Revocation of the Edict of Nantes leaves Huguenots defenseless; 400,000 flee
[Sheldon’s Church History provides a description of the Huguenots from Florimond de Raemond, a
Roman Catholic historian in the late 16th century. He observed the life and behavior of the Huguenots
and summarized his impressions.]
They comported themselves as the pronounced enemies of luxury, of public festivities, and of the follies
of the world, which were all too prevalent among the Catholics. In their societies and at their banquets,
one found neither music nor dancing, but discourses from the Bible, which lay upon the table, and
spiritual songs, especially the Psalms as soon as they were brought into rhyme. The women, with their
modest apparel and bearing, seemed like sorrowing Eves or penitent Magdalens, repeating in their
lives the description which Tertullian gave of the (Christian) women of his age. The men appeared dead
to the world, and filled with the Holy Spirit. Each was a John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness.
The outward demeanor expressed only humility and obedience. They sought to gain a place for
themselves, not by cruelty but by patience, not by killing but by dying, so that in them Christianity in its
primitive innocence seemed to be restored.
Mysterious Name
The origin of the name Huguenot is not known. It may be a French adaptation of the German word
Eidgenossen, which means Confederates. Others speculate that it was derived from “a legendary King
Hugon whose spirit was thought to haunt a part of Tours where Protestants met secretly in the early years of the movement,” according to R. D. Linder in Inter Varsity Press’ Dictionary of Christianity.
Double Blow to France:
The flight of Huguenots was a double blow to France. The hardworking Huguenots were among
the most prosperous citizens of France. Their work ethic had made them masters of the crafts in
which France excelled. When they fled, they left behind most of their possessions but carried
with them their skills. France’s enemies were taught techniques of weaving, lace-making, silkwork,
and hattery, once the exclusive possession of the French. Many Huguenots enlisted in the
English, Dutch and German armies and fought France.
Sadly, those people who might have put up the greatest resistance to the atheistic elements
within the Enlightenment were expelled. The French Revolution was perhaps now almost
inevitable. According to some historians, its cruelties were not nearly so terrible as what the
Huguenots had suffered.
part 3 Notes
1.Williston Walker, A History of the Christian Church (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1929),
2.R. Kuntze, Geschichte der Chrislichen Kirche fur Schule und Haus, trans. 3d book (Dresden: R.
Kuntzes, 1859 & 1882), 400 & 406.
3.Walker, 350–53.
4.A.J. Gordon, The Ministry of Healing (Chicago: Fleming H. Revell, 1882), 92; quoted by Donald
Lee Barnett and Jeffrey P. McGregor, Speaking in Other Tongues (Seattle: Community Chapel
Publications, 1986).
5.Ibid., 93–95; quoted by Barnett and McGregor, 239.
6.Bruce Shelley, Church History in Plain Language, 2d ed. (Dallas: Word Publishing, 1995), 249.
7.Robert Hastings Nichols, The Growth of the Christian Church (Philadelphia: The Westminster
Press, 1941), 201–05.
8.William R. Estep, The Anabaptist Story (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1963), 11.
9.Shelley, 247–49.
10.Walker, 391.
11.Ibid., 389–401.
12.Bernard L. Bresson, Studies in Ecstasy (New York: Vantage Press, 1966), 40,52.
13.Encyclopaedia Britannica, Micropaedia III, (1980), 674.
14.John M’Clintock and James Strong, Cyclopedia of Biblical Theological and Ecclesiastical
Literature IV (New York: Harper & Brothers, Publishers, 1894), 391.
15.Encyclopaedia Britannica, Micropaedia V, (1980), 189.
16.Walker, 435.
17.Nichols, 212.
18.David Smith, The Life and Letters of St. Paul (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1919), 299.
19.James Hastings, ed., Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, VII, (New York: Charles Scribner’s
Sons, 1908–27), 480.
20.Bresson, 41.
21.Ibid., 42.
22.M’Clintock and Strong, III, 661, col. 2.
25.Ibid., IV, 39–97
26.Britannica, Micropaedia, V, 189 (1980).
27.Bresson, 68.
28.W.C. Braithwaite, The Message and Mission of Quakerism (Philadelphia: John C. Winston,
Company, 1912), 16; quoted in Bresson.
29.Nichols, 274,75.
30.Walker, 507–18.
31.Nichols, 275.
32.Walker, 513.
33.Stanley H. Frodsham, With Signs Following (Springfield, Missouri: Gospel Publishing House,
1941), 258.
34.Thomas Jackson, ed., “The More Excellent Way,” sermon #89, in The Sermons of John
Wesley, 1872 edition.
35.John Emory, ed., The Works of John Wesley, vol. 6, (Methodist Book J. Emroy & B. Waught,
1831), 556.
36.Arnold Dallimore, Forerunner of the Charismatic Movement: The Life of Edward
Irving (Chicago: Moody Press, 1983), 47; quoted in Donald Lee Barnett and Jeffrey P.
McGregor, Speaking in Other Tongues (Seattle: Community Chapel Publications, 1986), 243.
37.M’Clintock & Strong, IV, 662–65.
38.M’Clintock & Strong, IV, 662, col. 2.
39.Bresson, 96.
40.Britannica, XII, 694, and Bresson, 100.
41.M’Clintock & Strong, IV, 665.
42.Charles Finney, Autobiography of Charles Finney (New York: Fleming H. Revell, 1908), 20.
43.Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation,
copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois
The point of sharing the above information:
The true history of the Huguenot is definitely not as portrayed by the “Museum” in Franschoek.
The emblems portraying them bowing in respect in front of the Pope is history altered by the freemansons and those ill-minded towards them such as the Roman Catholic church.
It is a farce. 70 000 conservatively estimated Huguenots were butchered by these organisations. I seriously doubt they were in on it. Theses emblems are French – not Huguenot. They (the Huguenot) were true friends of Yahweh.
Gerhard Bouwer,
Persecution was a common occurrence among Christians during the years leading up to Constantine’s rule in Rome. And never do I see in Scripture that those Christians were comforted or held together by glossolalia, miracles, and inordinate prophecies, let alone through hearing supernatural voices. The only prophecy that held them together was the one Paul reminded them of.
David Smith and James Hastings have opened a dangerous can of worms. Charismatics and Pentecostals will easily use this to sanction their own glossolalia, so-called miracle and prophecies.
Tom / Gerhard
I know about the French Prophets – they were not Huguenots (I think). And they did speak in Tongues, do supposed miracles, and speak prophecies, they would convulse and lay on the ground as if slain in the spirit. The french Prophets if I am not mistaken started through children manifesting strange Kundilini manifestation and it spread.
The Huguenots however were Calvinists.
I agree with all this information, I’ve read a lot about my Huguenot history and it’s disheartening to say the least. But the fact remains, they were Calvinists and some of these Huguenots were Freemasons.
Are you a Calvinist?
Baie dankie Gerhard, vir hierdie insiggewende geskiedenis. Prys die Here vir sulke getroue volgelinge van Hom en hul kosbare nalatenskap aan ons.
Hi, Debs. Very interesting article. I must take time to think about all that. I did not know that Hugenots or Calvin were involved in Freemasonry. It’s sad to discover such things.
I knew that the woman on the globe representing the earth was from Catholicism. As a schoolchild, I saw statues of her on the globe and crushing a serpent with her feet. We were told, I think, by either the nuns of Marist Brothers, perhaps both–it was fifty-something years ago so I can’t remember clearly–that Mary was to crush the devil. This of course, was a promise that Jesus Christ would do bruise Satan’s head and Satan would bruise His heel [Genesis 3:15], not Mary.
Besides, the Mary of Catholicism is Isis and also Seriramis. It’s amazing how many pagan religions have used this idol. Sadly it is ofen used in Christmas Cards as the mother-and-child–later versions of Horus and Isis/ Semiramis and Tammuz.
Besides Mary is not to be worshiped–we shouldn’t worship idols anyway [Gen 20:4]–and given the place Catholicism has given to her. At the wedding feast at Cana [John 2:1-2] note Jesus’ reply to His mother [verse 4]. Mary told the stewards to do what Jesus told them. Even in that sense they were to look to Him, not his mother [Luke 11:27:-28].
Jesus plus anything else or minus anything else does not lead to Salvation.
It is so sad that man thinks he can do anything His way. Without Him we can do nothing [John 15:5].
Hi Deborah,
No – I am not a calvinist. I despise the dark forces of religion, and especially ones disguised as the truth.
I try not to fall into any traps and make assumptions on anything anybody simply writes or says; since as a newborn believer back in ’96 I have been taught (church and bibleschool) and simply soaked up a lot of nonsense through naivety and blind trust.
I also despise secret organisations such as the freemasons, broederbond and their partners in religion.
I did not grow up with any faith or true christianity – in fact I witnessed and experienced plenty abuse, manipulation, violence and deceit. At the age of 12 I made up my mind that there were no goodwill or truth in the then calvinist church I attended – only through force. I turned my back and never went there again. You did not need to be saved to see the nonsense and fake superiority back then in 1980.
Since I became a christian in ’96 it took me a few years to start seeing the “new better well disguised” calvinism in the local churches I attended. Probably because most who went there came from calvinism.
I support and fiercely advocate your mission to expose the lies – It became my mission as well the past 2 years since I started reading your blog.
It is however important to make very sure that we do not accuse anyone falsely. I did a lot of research in the synergy of these organisations, and especially concerning the devastating influence of kundalini and jezebel – since I witnessed both in action (legal right and bloodlines), and still do regularly – in my life and those around me.
Thank you both Thomas and yourself for your replies (I will go and study both article and replies in depth) – and please excuse my lengthy posts – it is only to contribute and ask questions to come to the truth.
Thanks Gerhard! 🙂
Interesting read. Some may sound fanciful like an RCC backlash, but common points keep coming around. I actually happened on your site while researching pastor John MacArthur and Freemasonry that shot over to Southern Baptist Convention and o a whim thought, well what about John Calvin.
The symbolism is huge. Thanks for the info.
Thanks for popping by,! It makes sense that John MacArthur would he hosting ‘pagan’ camp getaways for church youth when he is a full blown Freemason and his alter ego is John Calvin (another freemason).
Not all called Huguenots are or were Calvinists, and not all are or were Masons. Calvin had opposition.
You are correct.. but majority were Calvinists, hence the strong foot hold of the Dutch Reformed Church in SA.
Thank you all for your information and insights about Calvinism and freemasonry. I have just begun a thorough research study and happened upon this blog site for which I am grateful. We certainly must live closely and carefully by the truth of the Bible and the words of Jesus and His disciples/apostles in the New Testament that clearly reflect the Old.
Seems evident that Jesus is coming to get His Bride soon and all of Revelation will unfold quickly as we are all seeking and asking questions, delving into Bible Study as compared with history and present-day events. God have mercy on us and give us wisdom by the power of His Spirit! God’s blessings on each of you! Thank you very much!!
Hi Carol. Thank you for your comment. It is much appreciated. ?
Thank you Gerhard for correcting the slanderous account on this website.
I have read some of Calvin’s work, it’s far cry from the Freemasonry being thrown upon him. Aside from this nonsensical symbolism. Most of the Protestant or his so-called members are well knowledgeable and have sound interpretation of the scriptures. But our good Lord has given us enough commonsense to decipher His message in the Good word, as guided by the Holy Spirit.
What is the religion of this discerningtheworld.com anyway??? So we can understand better the motives behind.
Who ever you are, have some decency, you should be ashamed, a lot of martyrs died on St.Bartholomew’s Day, just for being a member of a better religion, who’s got the most sensible interpretation of the Word of God. God have mercy!
Can I tell you a little secret? Calvinism is worse than Freemasonry. It is dragging millions of people who believe they are saved because they were elected (chosen) unto salvation long before the creation of the world into hell.
You said “a lot of martyrs died on St.Bartholomew’s Day, just for being a member of a better religion”
You see that is the biggest mistake of all, Christianity is not a religion, it’s a way. Jesus said, I am the WAY, the truth and the life. Calvinism is indeed a religion, made by a man called John Calvin; a murderer and a freemason.
Kristine wrote:
Have you also read Calvin’s “Institutes of the Christian Religion”? In this book John Calvin refers to God using expressions like “ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE”, “SUPREME ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE”. He does the same in his “Commentary on Psalms”.
If John Calvin was a Freemason; when and where did he join? What degrees did he complete?, what lodge was he in? without these important historical details this article is pure speculation.
Dear Simon
John Calvin, in his Institutes of the Christian Religion (1536), repeatedly calls the Christian God “the Architect of the Universe”, also referring to his works as “Architecture of the Universe”, and in his commentary on Psalm 19 refers to the Christian God as the “Great Architect” or “Architect of the Universe”.
Masonic historians such as William Bissey,[4] Gary Leazer (quoting Coil’s Masonic Encyclopaedia),[5] and S. Brent Morris,[6] assert that “the Masonic abbreviation G.A.O.T.U., meaning the Great Architect of the Universe, continues a long tradition of using an allegorical name for the Deity.” They trace how the name and the abbreviation entered Masonic tradition from the Book of Constitutions written in 1723 by the Reverend James Anderson. They also note that Anderson, a Calvinist minister, probably took the term from Calvin’s usage.
The concept of the Great Architect of the Universe occurs in gnosticism. The Demiurge is The Great Architect of the Universe, the God of Old Testament, in opposition to Christ and Sophia, messengers of Gnosis of the True God. For example: Gnostics such as the Nasoræans believe the Pira Rabba is the source, origin, and container of all things, which is filled by the Mânâ Rabbâ, the Great Spirit, from which emanates the First Life. The First Life prays for companionship and progeny, whereupon the Second Life, the Ultra Mkayyema or World-constituting Æon, the Architect of the Universe, comes into being. From this architect come a number of æons, who erect the universe under the foremanship of the Mandâ d’Hayye or gnôsis zoês, the Personified Knowledge of Life.[8] — https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Architect_of_the_Universe
Read more here: http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/False%20Religions/Freemasonry/great_architect.htm
Right now my fluxs capacitor is broken on my time travel machine, so going back in time to ask Calvin what lodge he was at and his degree etc is a bit impossible. Maybe you can see if you can find out 🙂 do some research will ya?
Calvin’s origin in Freemasonry is fixed in the symbolism he endorsed. If one knows anything about Freemason symbolism its easy to discern truth from lie.
Many many thanks for this fantastic article. I have listened to Eben Swart of (Trumpetcall Ministries) DVD’s about “Die Valse Priesterdom” which was fantastic and his 5 part series on the origins of Freemasonry, but your article just hit the nail on the head.
You are a blessing. Please keep on doing your research and help liberating those who have been blinded by religion all these years.
I am from a Huguenot family and I am also a 32nd degree Freemason. I don’t doubt anything anyone states. All I would like to add is, I truly believe I am a good person and obode by all the laws of wherever I live.
I respect my life and In the event of my death I am sure my maker will put me right to all the wrongs I may of made.
We are a much diverse race. We share a lot but alas we all can’t seem to live free and together. This I feel is the real issue, I don’t care what religion animal or deity you find you need to feel attached to. This is your freedom of choice, it is not down to me or anyone else to try and do the work of the almighty power. I am sure if the almighty was not happy with the diverse mix we would feel the wrath.
You see back in the day it was different, we have hopefully moved on a bit and grown as human beings. If the almighty made man, what did he make man for? Is there an Actual book of instructions? Writtin in the hand of the Almighty? All I know is Hell must be a lot bigger than Heven because there are a lot of diffremt religions and diverse nations in the world and not everyone speaks from the same book.
So anyway, I am very privileged and proud that my anscesters fled France back in the day and took a scary laborious jorney across to a non native speaking county so that I could be here with my wonderful family and have such a diverse life. I am also very proud that I am a Freemason, and against what you may believe we do not behead sheep or do the devils work, nor do I work with any “illuminati” to try and take over with some new world order. in fact I am just a regular working class person on a small wage but I have met many friends from across the world from EVERY religion, that are Freemasons. I have love and admiration for everyone in life and believe eventually in time people will look back at us and think how prehistoric we actually are.
Be safe people and remember we will never be worthy or clever enough to understand much about life and it’s beginning and we can speculate as much as we like. My suggestion is if you make someone smile or help someone have a great day they hopefully they will pass that on and you will be rewarded all ways.
There will always be angry cruel people, that’s our animal instinct that is inbread, evolution will hopefully sort that out, if we can survive that long.
Mark wrote:
God wrote:
Dear Mark
I think you know very well who you serve because by the time you reach 32 degrees you should know it’s Lucifer. If you don’t know yet that it’s Lucifer who is your ‘G’od who gives you enlightenment to know that you are a god then by golly there is something seriously wrong. When outsiders know what you believe and you don’t then I truly think you are not a Freemason or trying to fool us which is most probably the case as this is what you are taught in Freemasonry – to fool others and to keep its secrets.
In fact you know fully well you believe you are a ‘god’ as you gave it away in your comment you said, “we have hopefully moved on a bit and grown as human beings.”
Why did God make us? Because God is love (1 John 4:8) and HE LOVES US. “I have loved you with an everlasting love” (Jeremiah 31:3)
How do you know the bible is the final authority on ALL things? Well because it says so:
“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” (2nd. Tim. 3:16-17)
“Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” Matthew 24:35.
“Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4
I just know I am a descendant of Huguenot Dr.Pierre Chastain who arrived in 1700 in Manakin Co Virginia. His father Estienne and grandfather Jaque were notaries to the Royal Burgundy, France.
Thanks Joyce.
wow you guys are all so concerned with who is right and who is wrong that you can’t see we are all humans and we are in this together.