Music: Compromising God’s Standards to Accommodate Youth

Music: There is a growing tendency among the Evangelical churches throughout the world to compromise the presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in order to draw the youth. The idea of attracting or drawing them into the church is perhaps very commendable. No one, who has a burning desire to obey our Master’s command to go into the entire world and make disciples of all peoples, will deny this.
The question, however, is not whether we should draw the youth, but rather how we should draw them. Having said this, I would like to stress from the very outset that no method or mode we apply can or will be successful. Jesus categorically stated that no man is able to come to Him unless His Father who sent Him draws him. (John 6:44; 12:32).
He alone draws mankind with cords of love by means of the cross (substitutionary death) of His Son. God will honour nothing else except the cross where His righteousness was vindicated and His love was satisfied. The preaching of the cross is the drawing power of God . . . only to those who are and are being saved. (1 Corinthians 1:18).
Only those who realize that they are lost sinners, who desperately need to be pardoned, will respond to God’s drawing power. The rest who regard the cross as mere foolishness will be eternally lost. No wonder Paul so emphatically declared that he resolved to know nothing among men except Jesus Christ and him crucified. (1 Corinthians 2:2).
He was extremely careful not to deprive the cross of its power with ulterior motives. (1 Corinthians 1:17). Contrary to Paul’s resolve, many modern-day preachers seem to minimize the cross by giving it a secondary position with no apparent conscientious objections. Their sermons regularly contain references to the cross and they often encourage their listeners to “be born again, but with subtly hidden overtones. The preaching of the cross becomes a mere instrument to entice people into accepting another gospel that completely annuls the demands of the cross. (Luke 9:23-25). To say the least, these subtle ulterior motives are tantamount to an outright rejection of the cross of Jesus as mere foolishness.
The church as the body of Christ consists of believers who have been called out of the world to be separated unto the Lord as a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people with the specific intent of showing forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: (1 Peter 2:9).
Paul’s appeal in 2 Corinthians 6:11-18 that God’s children should separate them from the world and not to touch the unclean thing, ought to reverberate through the churches with thunderous fervor. The prerequisite for God to be your Father and for you to be accepted as His sons and daughters is separation. We dare not call Him Father if we persist in our rebellious and compromising attitude toward the world.
Especially the youth regard it as very restricting and narrow-minded when ministers of the word confront them with God’s demand for separation. Their immediate reaction is “Why shouldn’t I” or “What is the harm in it” or “What is wrong with this or that”. In Romans 12 verses 1 & 2 Paul, with a heart full of endearment, draws our attention to the mercies of God: Look! he says, at all the magnanimous mercies God has bestowed on us. Think for a moment! – He showers His mercies on us while we do not deserve it.
His mercies are embodied in His only Son Jesus Christ who gave Himself over for us as a holy sacrifice unto His Father. With these immeasurable mercies in mind, we too should present ourselves and our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God. Let’s turn the coin around for a moment. If the mercies of God mean very little to you; if you regard His mercies as just another religious experience in your life; if His mercies are not a reality in your life – then you will find it very difficult to present your body as a living sacrifice to the Lord.
Is this not perhaps the reason why so many “Christians” so frivolously present their bodies unto the pleasures of the world? Is this the reason why so many Christians begin to argue the validity of it all when they are confronted with God’s righteous demands on their lives and capriciously say, “but what is wrong with a little enjoyment on the dance floor?”, “what is wrong with a little indulgence in the theatres of the world?”
Those who question God’s demands on their lives with “what is wrong with this and what is wrong with that” will never present their bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to the Lord. Paul’s uncompromising stance in regard to this particular doctrinal truth urged him to weather many a violent storm on behalf of his Lord. He refused to please men for the sheer pleasure of drawing them into the church, for he realized that he would forfeit his servitude to Christ. (Galatians 1:10). Are today’s ministers of the word compromising their servitude to Christ in order to draw the youth in ways that are clearly more common to the world?
It is an indisputable fact that unity among the members of a church is of the utmost importance. In His High Priestly prayer, Jesus prayed that His disciples might be one, in the same way as His Father is in Him and He in His Father and that they also might be made one in them. (Johan 17:21). Jesus did not pray for an institutional unity or an ecumenical unity in which the truth may be used as a trade-off to maintain unity at all cost. He was praying for the unity of love, a unity of obedience to God and His Word, and a united commitment to His will.
It is a unity that God alone can bring about by sanctifying His disciples in His truth, which is His Word. (John 17:17). Unfortunately, preachers and ministers of the Word are often prepared to employ their own methods to obtain unity. Because it is a manufactured kind of “unity” one is very reluctant to refer to it as unity in the true Biblical sense of the word, and therefore I would rather use the word “congeniality” or the expression “a going together well togetherness”. This modern-day church “congeniality” will be discussed under the following headings.
Music has become the single most important factor in the lives of young people throughout the world today. Its enormous powers on the psyche of young men and women are evident from the vast throngs of teenagers who habitually attend pop concerts and spend vast amounts of money on records or CDs. It is an entertainment medium that enables mass audiences to have the same experience instantaneously and simultaneously.
Its mesmerizing hold on the youth is something unprecedented. It is a well-known fact that many youngsters regard these concerts as congenial for the advancement of love, togetherness, solidarity, oneness, and inter-dependency. In fact, music with a strong repetitive rhythm (or beat as it is commonly referred to) is able to sway youngsters en masse into a united assembly of like-minded people. In this state of euphoric uniformity, they are easily influenced and manipulated. It is this very spirit of congeniality in music that is presently being carried into the church of Jesus Christ.
The same euphoric bliss that pervades the minds and hearts of the youth in the secular musical world is being used to draw the youth into the church. The essential concept of worship in Scripture is service to God with reverential fear, awe, and wonder. As Jesus explained to the Samaritan woman in John 4, worshipping God involves a great deal more than the mere gathering of believers at a particular venue. God who is Spirit desires to be worshipped in spirit and in truth.
Anything else we conceive to be pleasing to Him will not suffice. In fact, nothing that is designed to gratify the flesh is acceptable to God. Bearing in mind that secular pop music with its extreme emphasis on rhythm, emotional impact, and theatrical display is designed to evoke feelings of vivacity and gaiety in the psyche of youngsters, it becomes evident that gospel rock music (despite the spiritual content of the lyrics) will have the same impact on the youth in the church.
From this, one may conclude that it is not a Holy Spirit infused desire to worship God that draws the youth, but the entertainment value of the music. The well-known adage that such and such a church is dead – although it may be true of many churches today – merely becomes a ready-handed excuse to join another church where the music is lively and its members are more demonstrative in their worship of God. Financial deficits and dwindling members often compel a church to introduce ways and means to draw new members, especially the youth.
Salvation is the complete translocation of a sinner who has been washed in the blood of Christ, from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of His Son Whom he loves. (Colossians 1:13). Everything that is characteristic of the kingdom of darkness cannot accompany the redeemed sinner. It must remain behind. The notion that Satan usurped music for his own evil purposes and that Christians should reclaim it for God, is the main reason why secular pop music with all its peculiar traits (except the lyrics) has been brought into the church. Things of the world clothed in religious raiment are nothing less than instruments in the hands of Satan who disguises himself as an angel of light.
No one can deny that music plays an integral part in the worship of God. In Revelation the redeemed of Christ burst out in joyous chorale singing to express their eternal thanks for God’s great redemptive work on the cross of Calvary.
It must be emphasized from the outset that emotion cannot be divorced from worship. The redeemed in Christ will sing with exuberant joy the praises of Him who accomplished such a great salvation. It is, however, a joy that is orchestrated by the Spirit of God in every true believer who worships God in spirit and in truth. The joy emanates from the innermost being (spirit) that is controlled and led by the Holy Spirit.
It cannot be evoked by an external medium that has its roots in the world, no matter how religious or pious the lyrics may sound. A joy inspired by the Holy Spirit alone will hold out against the severest persecutions and tribulations. All the prisoners heard the resounding voices of Paul and Silas when they sang praises to God at midnight. Their circumstances were not favorable to emotions of joy but they were able to express the most profound feelings of blessedness because the Holy Spirit cantered their emotions in Christ.
I am not suggesting that music has no part to play in the expression of a Christian’s emotions of joy and happiness. David’s Psalms are set to music for the lyre. In Revelation chorale praises to God and His Son are accompanied by harps. The question is not whether music is able to amplify one’s inner emotions, but rather what kind of emotions it exemplifies.
Apart from music, visual entertainment media such as the theatre (movies) and television have an enormous impact on the molding of young people’s emotions. The definition of romantic love with all its negative ramifications is determined by Hollywood images on our screens. It matters very little when couples on screen commit adultery or have a premarital sexual affair as long as they love one another.
Viewers unashamedly shun moral issues, as long as the two lovers are something to look at. While viewers look spellbound at their favorite romantic heroes, the soothing voices of world-renown pop artists ensure that these images of unmitigated fornication remain locked in their minds long after they have exited the movie theatres. Young girls and women flock to the stores to purchase their CD’s and recordings so that they may relive the emotions they experienced while watching these movies (Titanic).
Because religion has become a booming business enterprise in our day and age, the forging of congenial or well-matched emotions among members through music has become very profitable. Though Gospel music or Gospel rock cannot be equated with secular music in its lyrical content, the melodic and rhythmic similarities are quite evident.
The same emotionally charged melodic structures together with extremely articulated rhythms are capable of invoking emotions that reach no deeper than the soul, the seat of everything that embraces “self”. The music gives rise to a self-centered religion that is characterized by boisterous shouting, jumping, clamoring and an inordinately raucous atmosphere.
Paul forewarned that the last days would be marked by a deceptive, hypocritical or counterfeit kind of Christianity, so much so that its members would have a form of godliness. How often have you heard someone refer to someone else as a true Christian because so and so is such a wonderful person? These assumptions are purely based on the outward appearance of people. Goodness, kindness, even compassion are the qualities of many piously religious persons, but this does not necessarily make them disciples of Jesus.
They might have all these qualities and deny the power of the Gospel. In fact, Paul says in 2 Timothy 3, that their outward godliness means nothing because of their denial or rejection of the power of the Gospel. The Spirit of God always operates within the parameters or within the realm of the power of God. Anything acting outside of these parameters is a counterfeit spirit or “another spirit” as Paul defines it in the eleventh chapter of second Corinthians.
What is the power of God? Paul emphatically declares that the cross of Christ and the unadulterated preaching thereof is the power and wisdom of God. It was on Calvary’s cross where God’s righteous judgments and His immeasurable holiness were vindicated and His immutable love was satisfied. No wonder King David sings in Psalm 85:10. “Mercy and loving-kindness and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.” This is undoubtedly one of the most unique verses in the Bible.
It is unique in the sense that it refers to only one single event in the entire history of the world. It COULD only refer to a single event in the history of mankind because nowhere else could God’s righteousness, truth, mercy peace and loving-kindness meet each other; and nowhere else could you and I benefit from such a kiss, – THAN ON THE CROSS OF CALVARY WHERE JESUS CHRIST THE SON OF GOD WAS PUT TO DEATH 2000 YEARS AGO.
This simply means that everyone who desires to know what the righteousness of God entails, what His loving-kindness, His mercy, His truth, His peace encompasses, needs to come to the cross of Jesus. You will never benefit from the life-changing power of God if you do not come to His cross and you will never experience a continuous relationship with Him if you do not allow the Holy Spirit to effectuate or carry out the changing power of His cross in your life.
This is why Jesus said that “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self?” (Luke 9:23-25).
Humanistic Inventions
The power of the cross of Jesus is increasingly being exchanged for all kinds of humanistic inventions to meet the needs of people. Motivational teaching, one of the fastest growing usurpers of the gospel of Jesus Christ, encourage people to look for the solution of their problems within themselves. They only need to tap into their own energy and resources to lift the burdens of life from their shoulders and to be successful.
Encouragement or motivation is not wrong in itself, but when it is used to enhance man’s inherent egotistic or self-centered mindset in order to gain or accomplish anything that he desires or wants, it becomes an enemy of the cross of Jesus. In this world that is bent on destruction, mankind daily experiences profound heartaches, pain and suffering. The young people are particularly prone to the relentless ill-treatments of our so-called adult world. This filth-infested earth has become a world “only for adults”.
No wonder so many young people try to shut out the mess with music, drugs and ulterior lifestyles. Can one blame them for becoming a chip off the old block? Instead of leading them to the cross of Jesus where they can experience the life-changing power of God, they are presented with the same worldly things cloaked in religious raiment. The Spirit of God cannot and will not associate with a cross-less or bloodless gospel. (The words “crucify” or “crucified” or “cross” do not appear in the lyrics of any of the 15 songs on Chris Tomlin’s album called “Passion: God’s Great Dance Floor.” They are presenting a crossless and bloodless Gospel which is no gospel at all).
The spirit that binds the young people into a congenial group of “Christians” through means other than the cross of Jesus Christ is not the Spirit of God. It is another spirit that presents another gospel and another Jesus.
A very dangerous duality or multiplicity has crept into the ranks of the church. For the elderly, the gospel is presented in a more subdued way in contrast to its presentation to the youth who prefer to be more demonstrative in their worship. Henceforth, the older people and the youngsters are separated so that the youth may enjoy their more demonstrative worship with raucous music, and very often the youngsters begin to look down with disdain on the elderly by labeling them “spiritually dead” and “old-fashioned”.
Do they gather to listen to sound doctrine or do they come together merely to entertain their own fleshly appetites? Paul admonished his youthful brother, Timothy, to devote him to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and teaching and to set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity (moral cleanliness) (1 Timothy 4:11-13).
There are many youngsters whose lives have been devastated by all kinds of ill-fated experiences – divorced parents, premarital pregnancies, drug abuse, child abuse, are commonplace. How do we reach them for Christ? Do we cater for their fleshly whims by drawing them into the church with means and ways that are more common to the world, or do we lead them to the cross of Jesus where the “Man of sorrows” (Isaiah 53:3) who was wounded for our transgressions and smitten of God is waiting to heal them for all eternity?
The Church should return to the old hymns which are sermons in themselves instead of the new songs with their strong rhythms and repetitive words such as “Jesus we worship you . . . we worship you . . . we worship you.”
Author: Isaac Watts; Chorus: Ralph E. Hudson
Composer: Ralph E. Hudson
Tune: Hudson (Hudson)
Scripture: Romans 5:8; John 19:34
1 Alas, and did my Savior bleed,
And did my Sov’reign die?
Would He devote that sacred head
For such a worm as I?
2 Was it for crimes that I had done
He groaned upon the tree?
Amazing pity, grace unknown,
And love beyond degree!
3 Well might the sun in darkness hide,
And shut his glories in,
When Christ the mighty Maker died
For man, the creature’s sin.
4 Thus might I hide my blushing face
While Calvary’s cross appears,
Dissolve my heart in thankfulness,
And melt mine eyes to tears.
5 But drops of grief can ne’er repay
The debt of love I owe;
Here, Lord, I give myself away,
‘Tis all that I can do.
Chorus:At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light,
And the burden of my heart rolled away
It was there by faith I received my sight,
And now I am happy all the day!
Please read our articles on the Emerging Church
Hi again 🙂
I listened to another song by Jeremy Camp to see if other of his songs are okay or not according to God’s Word. It is this one. I can’t find anything scripturally wrong with it. Please correct me if I am wrong in Jesus Christ.
In answer to your previous questions for me to search my heart about:
Do you listen to this type of music because you are emotionally entertained by the music?
I usually listen to this music when I either am hurting, need encouragement in Christ, or to praise and worship the Lord Jesus Christ. Having said that however, I am usually affected emotionally by the music.
Do you feel more alive, more spiritual?
I feel sometimes convicted and renewed in Christ, but not because of anything of me, but because of the Lord Jesus. I feel in awe of Him (Jesus Christ) and more thankful (often with thankful tears) for His Great Love, for I am helpless without Him.
Does listening to this music get you through the day?
No. The Holy Spirit and recognizing and glorying our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ are what gets me through the day, and sometimes He helps through others whether directly or indirectly with a word of scripture, or certain songs, etc. I need His strength daily. It’s such a tough world “out there” and it hurts to live in it. Without Jesus, I would be crushed. I’m afraid for my grandchildren, and I have such a great responsibilty to point them to Jesus and pray for their protection from evil … there is so much evil.
Do you feel better when listening to this music?
Sometimes I do. Mostly I cry though because I feel either in awe of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and I see how weak I am and how mighty He is.
I feel prayer, bible scripture from the Word of God, Christian music, and Christian fellowship are all helpful to my walk in Christ … to stay focused on Jesus Christ and in obedience to God.
Great stuff Linda :hi5:
I’m so glad you spotted it yourself :clap:
You can go to for Dave Hunt’s teachings and books. However ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS be on the lookout for strange teachings. Test all things.
That song might be ok, I haven’t listened to it, however 1% poison in water will kill you. Whether he is deceived and does not know what he is saying, or if he fully understands what he is saying is of no consequence, he is still saying it. If your kids listen to his music and like him because I gotta say he is very good looking (he has huge sex appeal) and they hear that ‘you need to breath God in’, and then they hear from someone else similar teaching and they get taught in school the same thing and they think wow my Christian pop idol (Jeremy Camp) said the same thing…it all adds up and just now you have kids who are spiritually in trouble.
Repetition in songs, because you listen to the song over and over drives in the message to your subconscious that they are subtly pushing.
Dear Linda
Every thought of writing your own love songs to Jesus Christ and sing them to your own tune? It doesn’t matter if you can’t sing, neither can I Wink/ . That way it’s YOUR WORDS, not someone else’s words and possible false teaching. When King David sang to God it was his words, his praises, his song.
Dear Linda
Now hear is a question I wanted to ask but have put off till now. What is it about Rock music that you like?
Dear Deborah, Hi 🙂
Thank you for your postings! I briefly looked into and bookmarked the link you gave. All very helpful, Thank you!
I agree with all you say here about this, and I like your suggestion about writing my own love songs to Jesus Christ (I kind of do that a little bit throughout the day – I sometimes hum a little made up tune every now and then as I am going about the day). However, it is for my adult son and a couple of grandson’s that I am looking for some good Christian music for them (I don’t think they would listen to grammy’s tunes and singing, hehe).
My son and grandsons are into this kind of music BUT worse I am sorry to say – it’s not Christian … and they like rap mostly more-so than rock, (ugghhh … it concerns me terribly which is why I am looking for something they might listen to instead) and I was trying to think of some possible Christian musicians to possibly get them interested in that would point to Jesus instead.
For myself, I tend to like soft ballad sounds and/or cheerful sounds for melody, but what is most important to me are the words … and I did think the two I mentioned that I sometimes listen to myself were okay in that area until you pointed out some very important concerns; and as I mentioned, I did have some apprehension about and is why I also decided to ask a few other Christian’s about it. So thanks again! 🙂
So I’ve decided not to buy my son and grandsons those CD’s because I agree with what you say about 1% poison can kill, and the rest of what you mention here (and it is repetitive sometimes, so yes, I agree with you); AND I will be more careful also of what I listen to!
I’ve been trying to find something for my son and grandsons that they would listen to, but I guess all I can do is continue to pray for them and remember that the Holy Spirit changes hearts and minds … not grammy 🙂
I’m just very concerned for them of course. I see them getting bombarded from every direction (me too) with the things of this world (school, movies, and video games even that they are in to as well), and how it is taking hold in their lives bit by bit; and I have trouble not being discouraged about it. We would have “little” talks about it (my grandsons are more receptive than my son, and they ask a lot of questions still … and they are getting all kinds of different “advice”/guidance from adults – parents, teachers, etc.).
My grandsons have professed to have received Jesus as their Savior at Vacation Bible School last year, but other than VBS which is only one week in a year, the only time I know of that they are around other Christians and hear the Word of God is when they come over. They are coming up with all kinds of beliefs (mostly of the humanistic and New Age variety). I am the grandmother so I have to be careful to not overstep my boundries as I am not their parent. The boy’s mother and father (my son) are not together. My son professed Christ as his Savior some years back and was attending a gospel preaching church for awhile, but is no longer. The boys say their mom doesn’t want or like to talk about “religion” because it causes controversy, and it sounds like their mom is going along with the whole “tolerance” theme that is going on these days; although they boys have mentioned a lot of other beliefs (all humanistic and New Age types) they are hearing from somewhere.
I have been asking the Lord to show me ways I might be able to help combat against the huge tide in their lives that seems so consuming. Prayer, the Love of Christ, and just being as good an example as am able to in my walk with Christ (also not easy as I am daily being tested and sanctified yet still), are what I doing. I guess I was trying to find something to make it a little easier … and it doesn’t always, not even usually I suppose, work that way.
Deborah (Discerning the World) wrote:
What about “He must become greater; I must become less” (John 3:30)? I think this conversation is nuts! So many young people have come to Christ and now listen to K-Love (right from the Bible) and Christians are still complaining. Makes me very sad!!!
Dear Amy
You said: What about “He must become greater; I must become less” (John 3:30)
This is NOT “So come and empty me So that it’s you I breath in”
When we are born again the Holy Spirit comes to LIVE IN US PERMANENTLY and there after we are continuously FILLED with the Holy Spirit on a daily basis, Jesus Christ does not EMPTY US so we can then BREATH in the Holy Spirit, this is New Age occult teaching.
Young people are coming to a false Christ through all this rebellious rock music with band members wearing black covered with tattoos.
Jaco wrote:
I agree with Josh. Yes, there are some obvious evil bad metal bands out there. Does that mean churches should only play music that is 250 years old? Is it not holy to share in sacred worship in a song that is let’s say 2 years old? There are a lot of musical rhythms and I suppose if one feels heavy beats are not holy then that leaves a myriad of other types of rhythms that might considered. Or is holier just to use 3/4 time? It just doesn’t make sense to me. There is purity and there is holiness in sacred modern music.
Dear Kathleen
You said “Yes, there are some obvious evil bad metal bands out there”
Right let’s break this down. You agree that there are some obviously evil metal bands out there…and then there are some metal songs that are written by evil people/bands but are not obviously evil, they sound pretty great don’t they, in other words it’s difficult to tell. Now tell me, how do you tell the difference between a genuinely Christian song vs. one that sounds Christian but actually isn’t?
Let me show you something…now keep in mind this is a hymn that is very very old, and very beautiful. I Know That My Redeemer Lives Composer: John Hatton, (c. 1710-1793) Author: Samuel Medley, (1738-1799)
Tell me,
1) What church denominations have this song included in their hymn books?
2) Are these church’s Christian churches?
Now I am not saying the hymn was composed by an evil person to lure people to another Christ with another gospel, what I am trying to point out is this; that it’s difficult to tell if the church you are attending is non Christian when they have songs like this in their hymn books. Now, if you can’t tell off hand if a 280 year old hymn is Christian or not, how on earth can you tell if a song written 2 years ago with a metal rhythm is Christian at all and the church that allows such music is Christian and not some other strange denomination that preaches strange doctrines that actually oppose Jesus Christ?
Josh said “i don’t think is wrong if it helps you get closer to God” and you agree with this statement…
1) Is your litmus test for “holiness” how a song makes you feel i.e, how much the musical rhythm appeals to you, how melodic the song is, how many goosebumps you get, how the words appeal to your spirit or how it emotional the song makes you feel?
2) Can you show me one verse in the bible where it states that music helps us get closer to God?
3) In your own words please tell me what does keep us close to Jesus Christ?
Unscrupulous pastors love the contemporary musical trash, often played at ear-splitting volume levels, because it makes people easier to manipulate and because it frees the pastor from having to meet any standards in or out of the pulpit. The music of the great masters such as Bach, Mozart, Handel, Mendelssohn, et alia, empowers listeners to think for themselves, and sets a high bar that forces the pastor to measure up or suffer badly by comparison with the top-shelf music. A pastor unable or unwilling to survive matchups with the great music should either raise his game or at the very least should not attempt to pull the music down to his level. I have seen firsthand, and heard convincingly secondhand, of outright trashing of standards and persecution of choirs and choir directors by religion hustlers long on religious affectation and short on ethics and integrity. Both fundie and liberal pastors perpetrate such jackbootings.
Then there is also Michael W. Smith who is hiding behind the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, while he builds his own earthly fame and glory in heresy and vanity.
I pray that the Lord God would keep our eyes open and vision clear so we can watch out for wolves like Smith.
Should we pray and have fellowship with Christians who are okay with such worship? Thank you so much…
Hi Lila :hi:
You said “Should we pray and have fellowship with Christians who are okay with such worship?”
The answer to this question is no and a possible maybe. Why do I say this. We have to test the spirits (1 John 4:1-6) of each Christian we become friends with. Some are not Christian and others are Christian just deceived. Those who are not Christian you will find will argue with you regarding contemporary Christian music and that it’s of God and then those who are just deceived will take the time to pray and think about it after you have explained to them that it’s not of God. The Christian ‘maybes’ will be convicted by the Holy Spirit that it is indeed totally of this world and not of God. The false convert will be convinced it is of God and that you are not Christian and reject Jesus because of it.
You will find 9/10 time that the person who loves this type of music is involved in some kind of Purpose Driven or ‘seeker friendly’ movement where the so called Christian messages preached are based on secular popular culture, such as popular music styles. The emphasis on appealing to the unchurched (through seeker friendly means) automatically turns the church’s focus toward a consumer mentality. If the goal is providing something to make the “consumer” a happy customer, then the church changes from its important role as God’s pillar of truth (1 Timothy 3:15) to another business based on human principles.
There are many born again Christians out there who are baby Christians like yourself, who are still deceived in a few areas of their life. But when they hear the gospel truth, the Holy Spirit lets them know and, and the Christian is quick to realise the error, repent and through the power of Jesus Christ and Him alone change their ways.
So, the conclusion to this answer is that sometimes we meet people and it takes a bit time to find out what they REALLY believe. The Word of God is a litmus test for everything in life and the people we meet. So don’t turn you back on someone just because they listen to this music. Tell them the truth and see what happens after that. But whatever you do, don’t let them change your mind on the matter. Satan is very cunning that way.
One of the main reasons why wordly pop music has infiltrated the churches is because they are told that it is a way to worship God. It is not! Jessus said,
“in spirit” means that only the truly saved can worship God the way it pleases Him because they are indwelt by his Holy Spirit. “In truth” is self-evident. Most churches that love to make a lot of noise and say they are worshiping God, do not proclaim the truth but outright heresy.