Jacob Prasch & Chuck Missler – Demonic Nephilim

Jacob Prasch and his friend Chuck Missler both teach the the same demonic Nephilim teaching that angels came down to earth and had sexual relations with human women who somehow miraculously gave birth to ginormous babies who grew to be around 450 feet tall. Imagine that! The poor woman must have died giving birth, oh wait…what about carrying a baby that big? *Let’s all laugh together shall we*
The thing is, this is false teaching, it’s a pack of demonic lies, yet Jacob Prasch continues to tells us ‘his opinion’ over and over and over again, brainwashing an unsuspecting audience. Why does he not examine the Bible only to find the truth of the matter? Instead of look at occult sources for answers, and then try and fit the bible into his occult conclusions. What is so important about this false demonic Nephilim teachingthat he must keep mentioning it? And no one bothers to question him because they are all too scared for fear of the backlash. (See bottom of article regarding backlash by Jacob Prasch). Well here at DTW we are not scared. We will ask Jacob Prach why he preaches this doctrine.
Now we understand that Jacob Prasch used Midrash (which contains many fantastical tales relating to the Bible and secret knowledge), to help him come to his conclusions, and we know that Midrash is EXTRA BIBLICAL! (See this article: Moriel Ministries and MIDRASH)
Lets have a look and see what Jacob Prasch has to say regarding the demonic Nephilim.
The Future History of the Church, Part 1
by James Jacob Prasch
A typological and midrashic examination of what will happen in the future of the church by seeing how the past history of the church is recapitulated eschatologically; how past events happen again in the Last Days. What to expect, and what to prepare for. [Emphasis added]
The demonic Nephilim Then and Now
When I was a young Christian, I was a hippie who got saved out of the drug culture. We used to witness eight hours a day sometimes because we thought Jesus was coming next week, so what did anything else matter? I met so many people who said their beliefs were based on gods on other planets, UFOs and such.
When Jimmy Carter became President of the United States, he declassified something called The Blue Report that was put together by the American Air Force, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the Central Intelligence Agency. It was not all declassified, but Carter declassified a major portion of it. They found no evidence from exobiology for extraterrestrial life, but they had innumerable cases of people using parapsychology to conjure up extraterrestrial phenomena; there were even cultists who could make these things appear. Similar studies were done in Great Britain. Reading the Blue Report can be quite frightening. There is no scientific basis for belief in extraterrestrials, but a firmly recorded basis in the occult. Uri Geller, the Israeli spoon-bender, said that there were people on other planets trying to persuade him to be the Messiah.
The demonic Nephilim, the fallen ones, are strange characters in Genesis. It would appear that they survived the Flood; whether the demonic Nephilim who were in the land of Canaan when the Jews came to it are a different demonic Nephilim from the ones who were spoken of before the flood is an issue over which theologians are divided; no one is really certain. Some say they are the same ones, some say they’re different. If they are the same, it would mean they had survived the deluge somehow. Nonetheless, these things are “the fallen ones”, and we’re told in Scripture that they copulated with human women. [Emphasis added]
[DTW note: No one is divided over this issue, only false teachers who want to tickle the ears of their followers want to divide the truth into error. Please read below under the heading of The Truth about the Sons of God, the Daughters of Men and the demonic Nephilim to understand the Biblical truth of the demonic Nephilim.]
Now, most of the popular “deliverance ministry” going around today is a lot of Ghostbusters-type nonsense with no Scriptural basis; I would seriously question whether most of these people could handle real demon possession if it ever faced them – it’s no joke. But I once cast a demon out of a black necromancer who was having sexual relations with demons.
There was a witch in England on television in America, who gave her testimony when she got saved and told of having intercourse with a devil; people witnessed this. This kind of activity was around in the days of Noah, and it will be around again in the Last Days. Somehow demonoids – they were virtual monsters – will exist on the earth again, as they did in Noah’s day. We will see an increase in occult activity, but particularly in this kind of high Satanism; even to the point of people having relations with demons. It already goes on, but it’s going to increase. [Emphasis added]
[DTW note: To compare a testimony of someone who had sexual relations with the devil to that of Genesis 6 is pure speculation. First note that people today who have relations with demons do not fall pregnant – never have and never will. Will we see an increase in demonic activity, yes, but to say that we will see a rise of the demonic Nephilim again in the end times as was back in the days of Noah is not the truth.]
Man is utterly fallen. I studied science in university, and I have no problem with science. However, it remains that man is fallen. So while I have no problem with science, I know what happens when you put science into the hands of fallen man. It is easy to visualize the kinds of atrocities that can be accomplished with biogenetic engineering; people can eventually take DNA, clone it, and re-create Josef Stalin or a whole race of Josef Stalins. There are things happening right now in genetics that when I studied biology in university would have seemed like science fiction; they no longer are.
I have no doubt – I am not teaching this doctrinally, this is my own opinion – that the world is being set up for a huge spiritual seduction in which UFOs and extraterrestrials along with other things of this type will play a role. It can be seen in David Bowie’s albums and in Stephen Spielberg’s movies, for example. The Bible talks about “the fallen ones”; the ones who fell from heaven, the demonic Nephilim. The cosmos needs to be cleansed. I am quite convinced that extraterrestrial phenomena will be a large part of the spiritual seduction that is on its way. I am also quite afraid of the developments in biogenetic engineering – not the developments themselves, but seeing that kind of technology in the hands of fallen man. When combined with the occult, which scientology and other of these types of groups are already doing, the ramifications are terrible. Somehow, there was a physical manifestation of demons in the days of Noah; that will recur in some way in the Last Days before the Return of Jesus. I won’t speculate on it further, but I do see the way things are heading. This is the kind of world that we have to prepare our children to live in; think about that and then tell me you don’t believe in Christian school! [Emphasis added]
[DTW note: First Jacob Prasch says he has no doubt, but then goes on to tell you that this is NOT BIBLICAL DOCTRINE, it’s only HIS OPINION. If it’s his opinion, then why oh why is he preaching his opinion as if it were doctrine! Jacob Prasch preaches this demonic Nephilim teaching on very video I’ve watched, practically ever conference I’ve watched, and mentions it in practically every book he writes. Why? Why is he so enthusiastic on getting this lie out to the people? So they can run over to Chuck Missler’s website and be ensnared in the trap that has been set up for them there? He says “the fallen ones” meaning “those who fell from heaven”, instead it actually means “apostates”, it is a passive form of “ones who have fallen”. “The cosmos needs to be cleansed” he says? What a load of nonsense. [Emphasis added]
He says we have to prepare our children to live in a world with demon monsters walking around before Jesus returns (presumably before the rapture). No my dear readers, prepare you and your children for a lot worse; for men (who don’t look like monsters at all), but who come to you as wolves in sheep’s clothing preaching doctrines contrary to scripture leading you and your children to hell.
Yes there will be an increase in demonic activity in the atmosphere, it is increasing daily as Satan’s time nears an end and people’s minds are caught up in doctrines of demons – Christianity no longer exists, Paganism is now the religion of choice, just as it was in the Days of Noah – wickedness abounds and will increase to unprecedented proportions. Just as it was in the Days of Noah and before that, there were extremely wicked people ruling, like we have today; family’s of statue (Rothchilds, Rockerfellers, etc) dictating Satan’s way forward into a NWO.
Source: (link no longer online)
The Truth about the Sons of God, the Daughters of Men and the Nephilim
Are the demonic Nephilim demonic monsters or are they not? The reason I am so passionate about the answer to this question is because of the rise in interest in the supernatural, i.e, aliens, trans-humanism etc. There are stories running abound that during the end-times demons will be free to do as they please on earth, producing offspring like the demonic Nephilim. The bible is very clear that we are to not let our minds be captured by occult imagination because when human minds get hold of unbiblical ideas it runs free and causes all sorts of havoc.
Note: Articles posted by DTW are not an endorsement of the author, their website, ministry or any links therein. Readers are cautioned to use discernment at all times and test everything by the Word of God. DTW endorses this below article only.
By Pastor Anton Bosch – Permission received by Anton Bosch to re-publish his article.
The Hebrew word Nephilim is translated “giants” in the Old Testament. It only appears twice in Genesis 6:4 and Numbers 13:33. A whole series of doctrines have been built around this word, in spite of the fact that the word only appears rarely. These doctrines on the Nephilim are based on Genesis 6:1-4. (It must be noted that most speculators lean very heavily on extra-biblical writings for most of their information.) The theories can basically be summed up as follows:
Demons / angels (sons of God) had illicit relationships with women (the daughters of men) and these perverted relations produced genetically mutated beings known as Nephilim (giants). God then imprisoned some of the angles who did this and in order to purify the bloodline of man God brought on the Flood. Through genetic engineering these demonic Nephilim will be resurrected, one of which will be the Antichrist[i]. To these people, the demonic Nephilim are also connected to so-called extra-terrestrial forms of life.
Since these theories are gaining ground and a number of books have been published based on this hypothesis, it is necessary to examine Genesis 6 again and see what exactly it teaches. We will discover that the proponents of these theories break every principle of hermeneutics. Here is the text:
“Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose. And the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown”. (Genesis 6:1-4)
Sons of God
The first problem revolves around who in the passage are the “sons of God”. Some make the connection with Job 1:6; 2:1. “Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them.” (Job 1:6). It is obvious, and not contested, that the “sons of God” in Job were angels. But does that mean that this term in Genesis 6:2 also refers to angels?
First, the normal meaning of “sons of God” is “believers”. “But as many as received him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name” (John 1:12). Job 1:6 (a poetic book) is the only place where angels are called “sons of God”. It is logical and reasonable therefore that the normal meaning be attached to the term here, rather than the exception, as found in Job, unless there were something in the text that made a connection between Genesis 6 and Job 1 – which is absent.
Second Jesus explicitly said that “in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God in heaven.” (Matthew 22:30) (See also Luke 20:34-36). Therefore in Jesus’ own words, angels are asexual and do not procreate.
So here is the problem. Genesis is obscure about who had the relations. Jesus said angels do not have relations. So either Jesus was mistaken or the “sons of God” were not angels. You choose! It is really as simple as that – there are no other options.
Some try to get around this by saying that the angels inhabited (possessed) human bodies to do this. That sounds good. But here is the question: A Christian man has the Holy Spirit in him. When that man produces a child by his wife, what is the child? God or man? Clearly, it is a man. There are multitudes of people in the world who are demon possessed and who procreate. What do they produce? Human babies or mutants? Obviously human babies. So why should Genesis 6 be any different. If demons entered into men to produce offspring the children would be human, and only human.
One of the principles of hermeneutics is that the Old Testament is interpreted in the light of the New Testament and not the other way round. In order to say that the “sons of God” in Genesis 6 are angels (or demons) we must discard the light of the NT and that should never happen.
The nature of the relationships
The next problem is that it is claimed that the angels had illicit relations with women. Yet the text is very clear: “they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose” (Genesis 6:2b). The phrase “took wives for themselves” only, and always, means marriage. It never refers to casual, illicit or adulterous relationships. (See Genesis 11:29 &Ruth 1:4). To suggest otherwise is reading into the text that which is simply not there.
The theory goes that the giants were the product of these illicit relationships. We have shown that the text does not refer to illicit relationships and that the fathers could not be angels.
Genesis 6:4, again is very clear: “There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them.” Notice that it says there were giants (fact number 1) and afterwards the sons of God came into… (fact number 2). There is NO connection between the fact that there were giants and the fact that people had children.
It is exactly like me saying: “There is milk in the supermarket and eggs are $1.50 a dozen” Milk has no effect on the price, or even the existence, of eggs and the other way around. I am simply stating two facts that describe things about food in the supermarket.
In Genesis 6 Moses is describing the state of the world before the flood. He makes no connection between the demonic Nephilim and the sons of God and daughters of men. If the sentence had been reversed as follows: “The sons of God came into the daughters of men and they bore demonic Nephilim then you could postulate some theory about the nature of this process. But the text does not give us any room to connect the demonic Nephilim with these marriages.
Genesis 6:4 does say that the children that were produced “were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown“. “Mighty men” is a term which is used 154 times in the OT and simply refers to powerful men, either physically or politically. Just like there are many mighty men today and some are men of God and others are worldly and unsaved, so there were mighty men in those days, of which Noah was one.
“Men of old” also holds no mystique, these were simply the heroes of bygone days.
“Men of renown” is also used in Numbers 16:2 and Ezekiel 23:23. These are famous men, or well-known men. The Hebrew term literally means “men with a name” meaning they had “made a name” for themselves.
The descendants of these relationships were not monsters, mutants, or anything extraordinary. Some were ordinary people and some were powerful, some were little known and others had made a name for themselves. Genesis 6:5 (the next verse) goes on to describe these people as wicked and worthy of God’s judgment.
Furthermore, the translation of the word demonic Nephilim in Genesis 6:4 as “giants” is very arbitrary. There are many other possible ways this word could be translated here: “Bullies”, “mighty ones” or “tyrants”. At least one dictionary states that the demonic Nephilim in Genesis and in Numbers were two different peoples[ii]. Once again, we cannot build an entire doctrine on a word which we cannot translate or explain with any measure of certainty.
Genesis 6:4 is simply a description of life before the flood and not a commentary on mysterious genetic mutant life forms. Jesus obviously has this verse in mind when he says: “But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” (Matthew 24:37-39) (note the reference to marriage in both verses).
One of the most important principles of hermeneutics is that the verse has to be read in its context. The context is clear, that life was going on as usual, people were becoming more and more self-absorbed and sinful but judgment was coming. This is the same point Jesus was making in Matthew 24 – people will be self-absorbed and fixated on every-day life and will not be ready for His coming.
The cause of the Flood
Those who speculate about the demonic Nephilim connect them with the reason for the Flood. Once again, there is no connection there. Genesis 6 describes life on earth. Yes, there were Nephilim, but more significantly, people were marrying and having children and becoming more wicked. Genesis 6:5-6 cannot be clearer. God’s judgment fell because of the wickedness of man. This had absolutely nothing to do with demons, angels or mutants. Look at these verses again: “Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. So the LORD said, “I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them.”(Genesis 6:5-7).
If the flood had anything to do with anything other than man’s sinfulness, either Moses or Jesus would have said something in that regard, but both are silent about demons, angels and mutants. The flood had nothing to do with clearing the gene pool. It was all about clearing the earth of sinful and wicked people. Even Sunday school children should be able to tell you that.
If the flood had anything to do with God wanting to destroy the giants because they were “contaminated seed” or to purge the gene pool then, Noah and his sons should have been destroyed also. Noah and his sons carried the gene from which giants were formed. This is obvious since giants (demonic Nephilim) are born after the flood and were present in the Land when the spies were sent to scout out the land (Numbers 13:33). These giants were descendants of Noah since all of humankind after the flood descended from Noah.
Extra-biblical evidence
These speculators quote the Book of Enoch (and other apocryphal books) in support of their ideas as though they are Scripture. Yet, Enoch and the rest of the Apocrypha are not part of the canon of Scripture for obvious reasons – they are not, and have never been regarded as inspired except by apostate churches and false teachers.
Once again they break one of the fundamentals of Evangelical and Reformed hermeneutics: We hold only to Scripture and do not add, nor subtract from it (Revelation 22:18; Deuteronomy 4:2; 12:32). It is especially reprehensible to formulate an entire doctrine on extra-biblical evidence as these people are doing.
The fact is that there is overwhelming evidence in very old writings that the Hebrew sages never regarded the “sons of God” as angels or demons. But we dare not use that as evidence lest we sink to the same level as these speculators.
Jude 6 is quoted in support of the theories. This verse says:
- “And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day” (Jude 1:6).
Once again, there is absolutely nothing in the verse, or the context, that connects it with Genesis 6. There is nothing in the context that gives rise to understand that “not keep(ing) their proper domain” has anything to do with having relations with women. These angels sinned by overstepping their boundaries – that is evident. But what those boundaries were can be any of a hundred things. We just cannot draw connection between Genesis 6 and Jude 6, except that the chapter number is the same as the verse number!
2 Peter 2:4-5
Verse 4 is similar to Jude 6:
- “For if God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved for judgment and did not spare the ancient world, but saved Noah, one of eight people, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly.” (2 Peter 2:4-5).
To those who pluck verses out of their context there appears to be a connection between the sinning angels and the flood. But look at the context:
- 2 Peter 2:1-3 There were, and will be, false teachers and they will “bring upon themselves swift destruction“.
- 2 Peter 2:4 Angels sinned and God “reserved them for judgment“
- 2 Peter 2:5 The ancient world sinned and God judged them by the flood but spared Noah
- 2 Peter 2:6-8 Sodom and Gomorrah sinned and God judged them but spared Lot
- 2 Peter 2:9 Therefore in the future, the Lord will judge the unjust and save the godly.
The angels and the pre-flood world are simply two of four examples that Peter quotes to show that God will punish sin. The connections between the sinning angels and the flood are the same connection with false teachers and Sodom – the connections have nothing to do with gene mutation but is all about sin and the consequences thereof.
The purpose of this brief article is not to provide answers to all the questions that surround Genesis 6. In fact, we do not have all the answers and those who claim they have a full and detailed explanation for these verses are speculating. The point of the text in Genesis 6, and 2Peter 2 is to warn that God will not tolerate sin and will judge it.
But what we are certain of is that the theories about angels producing mutant life forms are not Biblical and that the conclusions derived from this theory are fictional, at best.
- “…charge some that they teach no other doctrine, nor give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which cause disputes rather than godly edification which is in faith“. (1 Timothy 1:3-4).
- “But reject profane and old wives’ fables, and exercise yourself toward godliness.”(1 Timothy 4:7).
- “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.” (2 Timothy 4:3-4)
[i] This is a very brief and highly sanitized summary of some very extreme and bizarre teachings. But it must also be noted that those who hold to these teachings differ greatly amongst themselves as to how far they take their conclusions.
[ii]Thomas, R. L. (1998). New American Standard Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek dictionaries : Updated edition. Anaheim: Foundation Publications, Inc.
More important notes:
1) David and Goliath –

Yes, there were giants but not in the sense of the pictures of Jack and the beanstalk. Goliath was anywhere between 6’9” to 10′ tall. The oldest manuscripts – the Dead Sea Scrolls text of Samuel, the first-century historian Josephus, and the fourth century Septuagint manuscripts – all give his height as “four cubits and a span”, about six feet, nine inches tall (two meters), but later manuscripts have it as “six cubits and a span,” which would make him almost ten feet tall (three meters). The average height of the LA Lakers basketball team is 6’4″, with a few of them at 6’9″.
Andre the Giant from the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) stood at 7’4″ while the Great Khali currently stands at 7’1″. [Note that DTW has never referred to the dead-sea scrolls for information, but to help explain Goliath in this instance, it is very necessary.]
Saul stood “head-and-shoulders” above the rest of the people and David (it seems) could fit into his armour. David appears extra small to Goliath because he was just a youth when he fought and killed Goliath. However when David grew up he was able to use Goliath’s sword (1 Sam 21). So as adults David and Saul were almost as big as Goliath! – now that’s a revolutionary thought!
The same goes for the Canaanites, they were giant men, but not from another world. There is no possible way that these giants were of an extraterrestrial nature because the bible does not say so – the bible does say there were giants before the flood and their DNA must have been in Noah because the DNA is carried forward to beyond the flood. We need to remain silent on the things the Bible is silent on – we can’t go around and make wild speculations as many well known pastors are doing. To again speculate that angels came down again to have relations with human women to produce more giants after the flood is just nonsense.
2) Those giant skeletons they supposedly found in Greece and Middle East –
Image 4 Image 3 Image 2 Image 5
There is a good reason we haven’t heard about this epic discovery in the New York Times, Scientific American, or any other legitimate publication, and that is that these photos, like the one circulating since 2004 purporting to show a giant skeleton found in the Middle East, are fakes.
As if it weren’t preposterous enough to claim that one 15-foot-tall fossilized human skeleton had turned up without media fanfare, we’re asked to believe that archaeologists recently dug up four of them in a single location (Greece). In point of fact, each of the photos appears to have been taken at a different time and place.
So far I’ve only been able to locate the original of one of them, but it serves as clear proof that Photoshopping took place. Image #4 was created by inserting an outsized human skull into a photo of a 1993 University of Chicago dinosaur dig in Niger, Africa (see the original here). If you look at a blow-up of the doctored image, the skull appears flattened and unnatural (and one of the workers actually appears to be standing on it!).
Moreover, the same cut-and-pasted skull was used to create image #2 (see side-by-side comparison). A blow-up of image #2 with brightness and contrast enhanced reveals unnaturally dark “shadows” around the skull. The skull in Image #3 is marked by incongruously bright highlights on the teeth and around the edges of the gaping temple wound. And in image #5 the shadows coming off the skeleton fall more or less toward the camera, while the worker’s shadow falls due left, suggesting that elements of two different photos were combined.
Finally, despite frequent references to “giants” in ancient mythology and English translations of the Bible, there is no generally accepted scientific or historical evidence that such beings ever actually existed (unless you consider the Weekly World News a reliable source).
See here for more giant skeletons pictures and why they are a hoax as well: http://yowcrooks.blogspot.com/2008/12/giant-skeleton-hoax.html
3) A greater understanding of Jude 5-10:
- And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day” (Jude 1:6)
Jude 6 is quoted in support of their theories connecting it to Genesis 6 that angels came down and had relations with women. Once again, there is absolutely nothing in the verse, or the context, that connects it with Genesis 6. There is nothing in the context that gives rise to understand that “not keep(ing) their proper domain” has anything to do with having relations with women. These angels sinned by overstepping their boundaries – that is evident. But what those boundaries were can be any of a hundred things. We just cannot draw connection between Genesis 6 and Jude 6, except that the chapter number is the same as the verse number!
To explain Jude 5 – 8 properly, it contains a number of separate examples of God judging sin. Just like paprables where there is a central truth and the only connection between the parables is that truth (e.g. That which was lost is found: lost coin, lost sheep, lost son). Here there are four examples showing the same truth that God judges sin. The examples are: 1) Israel’s unbelief in not crossing into the land, 2) angels who did not keep their proper domain, 3) Sodom and Gomorrah’s sexual sin and 4) false teachers.
If there is a sexual connection between Sodom and the angels (the angels sinned in a sexual way) then there must also be a connection between Sodom and Israel and between Israel and the angels. But that is not the link here. The link is SIN. In the case of Israel it is unbelief (Hebrews 3 & 4), in the case of Sodom and Gomorrah it is homosexuality and in the case of the angels it was rebellion when Satan was cast down from heaven and 1/3 of the angels followed.
Note that the text must be read in its context and we cannot simply make connections and draw conclusions that are not there. Now concerning the statement “who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode”. People connect that to Sodom and say that this means angels had relations with women. But we need to examine the statement carefully. The first word “proper domain” according to Thayer means:
– Original: oiketerion
– Transliteration: Arche
– Phonetic: ar-khay’
– Definition:
1. beginning, origin
2. the person or thing that commences, the first person or thing in a series, the leader
3. that by which anything begins to be, the origin, the active cause
4. the extremity of a thing
a. of the corners of a sail
5. the first place, principality, rule, magistracy
a. of angels and demons
Note the word is “Arche” from which we get “arch-enemy”, “arch-rival” etc. This has nothing to do with sexual orientation but with primacy, authority etc. The second is “abode”. This is also a very common word: (oiketerion) which simply means house, habitation or abode.The verse then teaches that the angels did not remain in their proper authority and left their place. This could be construed to mean they had relations with the daughters of men. But it forces and construes a meaning that is NOT obvious to the sentence.
A more natural interpretation is that the angels rebelled against God’s authority at the very beginning when Satan was cast out of heaven and left their place in the order and hierarchy of God. The English Standard version (ESV) is one of the best translations available. The ESV has the verse as follows: “And the angels who did not stay within their own position of authority, but left their proper dwelling, he has kept in eternal chains under gloomy darkness until the judgment of the great day-
This is supported by June 9-10 which speaks about false preachers who do not know their proper place when dealing with the Devil and demons (and yes, Satan is a “dignitary” – powerful person.
What we do not know is why some of these angels (demons) were chained in the “abyss” and others were left to roam the earth. We can only surmise that some sinned more grievously than others. But it also seems that the Lord can (and probably does) throw more of them into the abyss for whatever reason:
- Luke 8:30-32 30 Jesus asked him, saying, “What is your name?” And he said, “Legion,” because many demons had entered him. 31 And they begged Him that He would not command them to go out into the abyss. 32 Now a herd of many swine was feeding there on the mountain. So they begged Him that He would permit them to enter them. And He permitted them.
Now for Jude 7: The cities around them refers to Admah and Zeboim:
- Deuteronomy 29:23 “And that the whole land thereof is brimstone, and salt, and burning, that it is not sown, nor beareth, nor any grass groweth therein, like the overthrow of Sodom, and Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboim, which the LORD overthrew in his anger, and in his wrath:”
- Hosea 11:8 “How shall I give thee up, Ephraim? how shall I deliver thee, Israel? how shall I make thee as Admah? how shall I set thee as Zeboim? mine heart is turned within me, my repentings are kindled together.”
The words “similar manner to these” can only refer to the most recently mentioned subjects – the cities. There is no way, at all that it can refer to the Angels. No language works like that.
When we say “Tom went to church and John went to the mall and Jerry went to the beach and he got sunburned.” The “he” can only refer to the most recent subject – Jerry.
So the meaning is very clear and obvious that Sodom and Gomorrah gave themselves over to immorality and Admah and Zeboim did likewise. There is no other possibility.The problem here is that it all begins with a bad exegesis is Genesis 6. If you read Genesis 6 to mean that Angels had relations with women (and reject the words of Jesus that they cannot) then you have to find further support. Once you have jumped to that conclusion, it is easy to misread and misinterpret Jude 6 & Jude 7. But if you do not make assumptions about relations between angels and women, then there is no way you can read that into Jude. So, you have to force the meaning of Gen 6 and then you have to force the meaning of Jude 6 to come to a conclusion.

Some false teaching by Chuck Missler.
‘And Also After That’:
The Return of the Nephilim?
by Chuck Missler – September 1997 Personal Update NewsJournal.
In the last article, “Mischievous Angels or Sethites?” we explored the importance of understanding Genesis 6. The straightforward presentation of the text seems to clearly portray a strange union of fallen angels with women to produce a hybrid race called the “Nephilim,” or fallen ones. [Emphasis added]
[DTW NOTE: The straightforward presentation of the text clearly states that it was the marriages of the seed of godly Seth with the daughters of ungodly Cain. Not angels with women.]
We enumerated the reasons we accept the “angel” view and why the liberal “Sethite” view is inadequate.
[DTW note: Oh so you do not accept the Sethite view simply because then you can’t make up a whole new false doctrine.]
Far beyond simply a misunderstanding of the forthright presentation of the text, the “Sethite” view also obscures apprehension of the prophetic Scriptures.
Post-Flood Occurrences
Regarding the Nephilim, Genesis 6:4 also includes the haunting phrase, “…and also after that….” Apparently these strange events were not confined just to the period before the Flood. [Emphasis added]
[DTW note: Nothing haunting about it, the fact is people turned wickedly evil again after the flood.]
We find that there seems to be some recurrence of those things which resulted in unusual “giants” appearing in subsequent periods later in the Old Testament narrative, specifically the giant-races of Canaan. [Emphasis added]
There were a number of tribes such as the Rephaim, the Emim, the Horim, and Zamsummim, that were giants.1 The kingdom of Og, the King of Bashan, was the “land of the giants.”2 Later, we also find Arba,3 Anak, and his seven sons (the “Anakim”) also as giants, along with the famed Goliath4 and his four brothers.5
[DTW note: Unusual giants, yes, but not demonic Nephilim. None of the verses state that the tribes of Rephaim, Emim, Horim and Zamsummin were demonic Nephilim. King Og was a giant, Arba was a giant, Anak and his seven sons were also Giants and so was Goliath and his 4 brothers. What is a giant? A very big person. Not a demonic offspring. Moses was big enough himself that he could smite them and cast giants out of their own land. (Joshua 13:12) “All the kingdom of Og in Bashan, which reigned in Ashtaroth and in Edrei, who remained of the remnant of the giants: for these did Moses smite, and cast them out.”]
When God had revealed to Abraham that the land of Canaan was to be given to him, Satan had over 400 years to plant his “mine field” of Nephilim!6
[DTW note: Again he is surmising and reading into the scripture what is NOT THERE.
- Genesis 15:13; 13 And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years;
All this means is that the Israelites are going a land that belongs to them, but they will for 400 hundred years have to serve the current inhabitants of the land. So they will be a stranger in their own land. No where does it say anything about Nephilim.]
When Moses sent his twelve spies to reconnoiter the Land of Canaan, they came back with the report of giants in the land.7 (The term used was Nephilim.) Their fear of those terrifying creatures resulted in their being relegated to wandering in the wilderness for 38 years.
[DTW note: No the term Nephilim was NOT USED. My goodness. Lets have a look at the verse.
Below we are looking at the KJV 1611 translation and not some other funky version like Chuck Misslers Blue letter bible which puts in words that should not be there.
- Numbers 13:33 “And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.”
The name Anak is derived from the son of Arba who was a great man among the Arabians (Jos 15:14) who possibly got his title because he used to wear a chain or splendid collar around his neck. The word “giant” here in the above scripture actually refers to STATURE ( See Genesis 6:4). The Anakims were more than likely a very distinguished family, or a chosen group of warriors, selected for their extraordinary size.
When the Israelites came back to report to Moses they exaggerated the physical strength of the Canaanites. “We were in our own sight as grasshoppers” is based on ‘strong Orientalism’, meaning this is how they would described the situation in their manner, their mannerism.]
When Joshua and the nation Israel later entered the land of Canaan, they were instructed to wipe out every man, woman and child of certain tribes.8 That strikes us as disturbingly severe. It would seem that in the Land of Canaan, there again was a “gene pool problem.” [Emphasis added]
[DTW note: No, it’s not a ‘gene pool problem’, but a ‘wickedness of mankind problem‘. The Canaanites were idolaters of the worst kind, enslaved to the most horrible sins. God had enough; that the righteous judgment of God might sweep them away by the sword, this included famines and pestilences. There was however mercy shown, that while judgment was being employed by sword as punishment against one place, time was afforded for others at other places to repent. Do you think God would offer demonic offspring time to repent? A gene-pool that has ‘lost it’s soul‘ through demonic intercourse time to repent? No. Because this gene pool/demonic offspring story is a load of nonsense. ]
These Rephaim, Nephilim, and others seem to have been established as an advance guard to obstruct Israel’s possession of the Promised Land. Was this also a stratagem of Satan? [Emphasis added]
[DTW note: No Chuck Missler, you have an active imagination. No demonic beings, no obstruction, just wicked people that had the opportunity to repent, other wise God would smite them down with the sword, which he did because of their wicked ways.]
The Days of Noah
Perhaps the most direct prophetic reference involving these things was the peculiar warning of our Lord Jesus Himself: And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. [Emphasis added]
Luke 17:26
What does that mean? He also warned:
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. [Emphasis added]
Luke 21:25,26 (emphasis added)
(The late Walter Martin loved to include a “flying saucer” gesture with his hand when quoting this verse!)
Is it possible that the UFOs – and their occupants – are part of an end-time scenario?
[DTW note: Lets have a look at that verse properly shall we.
- Luke 21:25-26 – Amplified Bible (AMP) 25 And there will be signs in the sun and moon and stars; and upon the earth [there will be] distress (trouble and anguish) of nations in bewilderment and perplexity without resources, left wanting, embarrassed, in doubt, not knowing which way to turn] at the roaring (the echo) of the tossing of the sea, 26 Men swooning away or expiring with fear and dread and apprehension and expectation of the things that are coming on the world; for the [very] powers of the heavens will be shaken and caused to totter.
Chuck Missler mis-reads the verse. If we look at the Amplified bible it helps us explain it better. Men are fearful and apprehensive and their expectation is dread because they do not know what kinds of things going to come onto the world. And ‘things’ in this verse is not ‘aliens or demons’. There is a semicolon in the verse, and after this semicolon it tells us these things are. The powers of the heavens will be shaken and caused to totter.]
The Miry Clay of Daniel 2
The famous dream of Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel Chapter 2 appears to lay out all of Gentile history until God ultimately intervenes and sets up His own kingdom.
The various metals which make up the image in the dream are well known to serious students of prophecy.9> Even our common expression, “the idol has feet of clay,” comes to us from this classic passage.
But what is represented by the “miry clay” in this image? It seems to be strangely mixed-but not completely-with the iron in the dream. The term “miry clay” refers to clay made from dust,10 a Biblical idiom which suggests death.11 )
When Daniel interprets this for us he makes an especially provocative allusion in verse 43:
And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. [Emphasis added]
Daniel 2:43
As he switches to a personal pronoun, they, “shall mingle themselves with the seed of men…” This is extremely suggestive when viewed in light of the warning of our Lord in Luke 17:26, ostensibly directing us to look more closely at Genesis 6.
Just what (or who) are “mingling with the seed of men?” These would seem to refer to some beings who are not the seed of men themselves!
Could this be a hint of a return to the mischief of Genesis 6? It staggers the mind to consider the potential significance of Daniel’s passage and its implications for the future global governance.
Are these “aliens” so prolific that they constitute a political constituency?
Will there be UFO incidents as part of a carefully orchestrated program to lead us toward a political agenda? Or has it started already? Are the UFOs, and the increasingly widespread abductions, part of the preparations for this scenario?
[DTW note: No Mr Missler. Again you twist scripture to suit your own purposes. Let’s look at this verse properly shall we…
- Daniel 2:43 Amplified Bible (AMP) 43 And as you saw the iron mixed with miry and earthen clay, so they shall mingle themselves in the seed of men [in marriage bonds]; but they will not hold together [for two such elements or ideologies can never harmonize], even as iron does not mingle itself with clay.
The last re-establishment of the Roman Empire is described as iron mixed with miry clay, which is nothing but brittle pottery. This speaks of the attempted UNION between imperialism and democracy. In the end this Roman Empire so easily shattered when Jesus Christ returns.]
UFO Abductions?
There seems to be a growing concern within the psychiatric community from the strange (and far too frequent) reports from people who claim to have been “abducted” by the occupants of UFOs. These reports are too bizarre to accept, and yet too frequent-and consistent-to ignore. What is particularly disturbing is the estimate from some national polls that as much as 3% of the population may be involved!
Perhaps the most well-known researcher in this area is Dr. John E. Mack, who is professor of psychiatry at The Cambridge Hospital, Harvard Medical School. A contributor to over 150 articles in professional (peer-reviewed) journals and a former Pulitzer Prize winner, he certainly appears to have impressive credentials.
He has been involved in almost a hundred of these cases personally, and has shocked the professional community by declaring that he believes these beings may be real and that they appear to have an agenda to develop a hybrid race!12
At a professional conference on abductions at M.I.T., Dr. Mack asked the provocative question, “If what these abductees are saying is happening to them isn’t happening, then what is?”13
Could all this involve a return to the strange events of “the Days of Noah?”
[DTW note: Demons exist and people who have had these abduction experiences have experienced, just that, an altered state of consciousness where they have come face to face with demonic entities who create a reality for them that seems so real. The exact same can be said of someone who experiences a ‘trip to heaven’, they see, touch, taste and smell ‘heaven or hell’ but it’s not real.]
Can A Christian Be “Abducted?”
In our publication, The Return of the Nephilim, I ventured the opinion, based on demonology considerations, that a Christian cannot be abducted. In response, I have received several letters of rebuttal, and also an interesting phone call from a senior executive at Universal Studios who apparently has extensive background in this area.
He indicated that he had participated with Dr. John Mack in some of his sessions, as well as with other researchers, and declared that I was wrong. He suggested that I investigate the Andreasson affair.
The Andreasson case involved a spirit-filled Christian; however, the reports indicate that she accepted an invitation to participate.14 It still appears to me that a Christian cannot be abducted unwillingly.
This opens up the entire subject of demonology and is beyond our scope here. (Our book does include a “Checklist for Potential Abductees” for those who are concerned with this issue.) [Emphasis added]
[DTW note: NEVER. A genuine Born Again Christian will NEVER be abducted, EVER. Chuck Missler’s theology leaves little to be desired as he is a Dominionist, so I would not for one second believe him when he says the person in The Andreasson case was a genuine believer.]
Dr. Mark Eastman and I have just published a new book, “Alien Encounters.”
Which attempts to explore the Biblical implications of the increasing reports of UFOs and their occupants, and their potential prophetic significance.
It will prove to be the most controversial thing we have done and we truly request your prayers! [Emphasis added]
source: http://www.khouse.org/articles/1997/22/
Jacob Prasch does not like to be questioned and he attacks in the most brutal of manner. Where as I question a person’s doctrine, Jacob Prasch and those at Moriel Ministries (who support him) go for the jugular vein, attack you personally and threaten you.
Please read the following articles where I question Preasch doctrine, please read the comments BY Jacob Pracsh himself: Jacob Prasch – Twisting Scripture the Midrash Way, Jacob Prasch the Railer, Moriel Ministries and MIDRASH, Jacob Prasch – But By The Grace of God [those Calvinists] . . . Tell The Truth!
- Genesis 14:5; 15:20; Deuteronomy 2:10-12, 22.
- Deuteronomy 3:11, 13; Joshua 12:4;13:12.
- Joshua 14:15; 15:13; 21:11.
- 1 Samuel 17:4ff.
- 2 Samuel 21:16-22.
- Genesis 15:13-21.
- Numbers 13:33.
- 8. Joshua 6:21; 9:24; 10:28, 39; 11:24; Deut 2:34; 7:2, 3; 20:16-17; et al. Cf. 1 Sam 15:3, 8, 18, 19; Ps 137:8, 9.
- See our briefing package Iron Mixed With Clay (out of print – see An Empire Reborn?)for a complete discussion.
- Mire [Aramaic in the text] is from a root meaning to be swept away; thus, dust, dirt.
- Rephaim (giants) also translated “dead”: Ps 88:10; Prov 2:18; 9:18; 21:16; Isa 14:9; 26:14.
- John E. Mack, Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens, Ballantine Books, NY, 1994, p.411.
- C.D.B. Bryan, Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind: Alien Abduction, UFOs, and the Conference at M.I.T., Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1995, p.4.
- Jim Marrs, Alien Agenda, HarperCollins Publishers, New York, p.213-218.
DTW, since you are probably not tending this thread at the moment, I would like to suggest that you, at your convenience, study the use of the Hebrew word “asher” in the context of the Genesis 6:4 verse. When responding to my initial question above, let me know what you may or may not find in regard to the use of this word in that context. I sought out a good Hebrew-English transliteration of the Book of Genesis on the internet so that I could do my own reading of the verse in controversy in the Hebrew text. The transliteration I found is based upon the Masoretic text.
Pat Brown wrote:
It couldn’t have been fallen angels because Jesus is not a liar.
The first thing we need to clarify is, when were these fallen angels cast into Tartarus (a place of dense darkness)? Jude tells us they were cast into Tartarus after they abandoned their original or first estate (habitation) in heaven and that they will be confined to it in everlasting chains until the day of judgment. The term “first estate” simply means that they abandoned their original position as holy angels (separated unto God to love, obey and worship Him), and chose to follow Satan, the mastermind of the rebellion against God. They turned their backs on the purpose God originally had for them and in stead followed Satan. If these angels had been cast into Tartarus after they had fallen from their first estate and have since been kept in chains in Tartarus until the Day of Judgment, they could not possibly have come to earth to cohabit with earthly women to allegedly produce giants (Nephilim).
The alternate scenario is that they sinned (left their first estate in heaven), came to earth, had sex with earthly women and were then cast into Tartarus. This is what the corrupt NET (New English Translation of the Bible), suggests. “So also Sodom and Gomorrah and the neighbouring towns, since they indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire in a way similar to these angels, are now displayed as an example by suffering the punishment of eternal fire.” The NET Bible is the only translation that says it in this way. If it were true that the fallen angels had sex with women, their relationship would have been a heterosexual one because they allegedly produced offspring. Homosexual relationships cannot produce offspring. It is therefore extremely odd for the NET Bible to say that homosexuals in Sodom indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire in a way similar to the fallen angels.
The true meaning of Jude 1:6-7 is very simple. The first estate of the angels relates to God’s will for them and that was to love, obey and worship Him only. Similarly, the first or original estate God intended for men and women, was to have a normal, natural relationship within the confines of a marital bond in an atmosphere of love and respect for, and obedience to God. The men in Sodom and Gomorrah overstepped these bounds, left their original estate and pursued an unnatural relationship with other men. Therefore, the similarity between the fallen angels and the men in Sodom must not be sought in their respective sexual relationships – the angels’ alleged heterosexual relationship with women and the sodomites’ same sex relationships – but in their respective estates (God’s original purpose for them) which they willfully abandoned.
At any rate, Jesus’ own words in Mark 12:24 and 25 entirely debunks the doctrine of fallen angels having had sexual relationships with women. “Jesus said to them, Is not this where you wander out of the way and go wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God? For when they arise from among the dead, [men] do not marry nor are [women] given in marriage, but are like the angels in heaven.” The simple reality is that spirit beings like angels cannot procreate, unless, of course, the fallen angels developed sexual organs after their fall to have sex with earthly women.
This infamous doctrine is very dangerous. If spirit beings like angels were able to have sex with women and produce offspring, then it is but a step away to believe that the Holy Spirit had sex with Mary to bring forth Jesus. Indeed, there are many who believe this extremely blasphemous lie.
Pat Brown
Nimrod is said to have been a mighty hunter before God. His hunting and killing sprees were not limited to animals but to other men. Why? Because he believed that he was almighty God. He was renowned for this because he and his wife (Semiramis) and his son (Tammuz) were worshiped as gods. As such they were completely possessed and controlled by demons. They were not giants in stature (physique) but in superiority, conceitedness, pride, egotism, self-importance (you name it). If you go back to your Hebrew-English transliteration of the book of Genesis, you will see that “Nephilim” is not translated as giants in stature (physique) but as properly a feller, that is, a bully and tyrant. The dictionary defines feller as follows:
fell3 [fel] Show IPA
fierce; cruel; dreadful; savage.
destructive; deadly: fell poison; fell disease.
Who or what made them like this? Their own sinful nature and above all the demons who possessed them.
Let’s look at this from a logical point of view.
1) God created man and woman to become an inseparable bond of unity (one flesh) in marriage.
2) The main reason for this marital bond (as one flesh in marriage) is to bring forth children who are to be reared in the fear of the Lord.
3) It follows that heterosexual relationships within the confines of a marital bond is not sinful because God made man and woman each with his and her own sexual organs and particular functions to produce offspring (This is common knowledge, isn’t it?)
4) If angels (spirit beings) were able to have sex with female earthlings (flesh and blood), the most obvious thing to assume, is that God must have created these angels with the means to have sex with flesh and blood. They could not have miraculously developed sexual organs after their fall. Only God can create and call things that are not into existence. Kapisch? Unless, of course, spirit beings like angels are able to have sex without sexual organs and produce offspring.
5) Let’s assume that God created angels to have sex with female earthlings. Common sense tels us that they would then have been made for heterosexual relationships. Having already seen that a heterosexual relationship between a man and a woman within the confines of a marital bond is not sinful, why then would it have been a sin for angels to take unto themselves wives and have sexual relations with them? How on earth can a spirit being like an angel and a female earthling of flesh and blood become one flesh? That’s ridiculous.
6) We know from Matthew 22:30 that the angels were not made to have sex with anybody. Therefore we must conclude that the sons of God in Genesis 6 do not refer to angels.
The doctrine that fallen angels married female earthlings and had children with them is a pagan, Neo-Gnostic, New Age teaching.
Not only Christians are enamored with The Book of Enoch. New Agers are equally head over heels in love with it. Elizabeth Clare-Prophet, New Ager and founder of the Church Universal and Triumphant, wrote a book called “Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil: Why Church Fathers Suppressed The Book Of Enoch And Its Startling Revelations”
She wrote:
If, as Elizabeth Clare-Prophet asserts, fallen angels are among us today in the flesh and holding sway over every human enterprise from politics to banking to the church, it follows that they must have been incarnated. In essence it defames Jesus Christ’s first advent in the flesh and suggests that his incarnation was not unique and just one of many. Furthermore, it downplays the fall of Adam and Eve and subsequently the entire human race into sin. Fallen angels who allegedly now live in the flesh among us are to blame for all the wrongs and chaos in the world and not the personal sin of every individual.
The following passage from Scripture serves to prove that the sons of God in Genesis 6 were not fallen angels but the seed of godly Seth who married ungodly women. It also proves how serious God regards marriage between a believer and an unbeliever (2 Cor. 6:14-16). Someone once said that when a child of God marries an unbeliever, Satan becomes his/her father in law.
Thank you, TL. You at least made an effort to answer the question concerning who the “sons of God” are without repetitively reasserting who they could not possibly be. My personal interest in this thread is not the laudable and necessary exposing of false teachers but rather the possibility of getting to the truth. I personally made a living out of exposing doctrinal error and false prophecy a la Dr. Walter Martin. However, I found through time that it was not my gifting and I was, unlike Dr. Martin, just indulging my carnal nature. So admittedly my primary interest here is coming to a conclusion concerning the issue in controversy- Who are the “sons of God” mentioned in Genesis 6:4?
It is a large creation and attempting to identify by elimination can be exhausting. We are given all we need for life and godliness; so if there is no definitive explanation of these beings in the Holy Word of God, then I will patiently wait for its revelation. In the meantime, I will examine the scriptural evidence for the sons-of-Seth possibility.
Also, does anyone have an opinion based upon scripture concerning the use of the Hebrew “asher” in Genesis 6:4?
I am enjoying this communication and I will wait upon the Lord.
Pat Brown,
Why is the word “ahser” so particularly interesting to you?
I think we should take Jesus’ words in Matthew 22:30 very seriously.
…line upon line, precept upon precept…
Etymologists have translated the Hebrew word, “asher”, into the English word “when” in Genesis 6:4. Agreed? That translation should be determined by context since the Hebrew word asher has over a dozen possible definitions i.e. see link above.. Perhaps the dedication of some to the idea that there were giants upon the Earth in those days and afterward because the sons of God took unto themselves wives from the daughters of man is because one of the possible definitions of asher is “because of.” According to the resource I linked to above, asher is used with that meaning in several other texts, one of which is in Isaiah.
There should be a contextual rule that determines asher as “when” and not as “because of.”
Now for the sake of argument, let us say the contextual rule is not clear in this citation. Let us then also contemplate the possibility that the “sons of God” can only be angels based on Job. The result is that the approved translation “when” is totally dependent upon the belief that the “sons of God” are angels. Ergo, absent some kind of Mormon heresy or a possible sons-of-Seth explanation, the Nephilim cannot be offspring because of a union between sons of god and daughters of men.
So, at this point I am just trying to make sure that the translators did in fact use that logic in deciding that “because of” (causal)would be problematic where as “when” (co-incidental)would not.
I have learned through the years that translators benignly take liberties when faced with conundrums which they believe might cause stress or confusion for the reader.
Pat Brown,
I have noticed that you haven’t once commented on Matthew 22:30. It is a pivotal text in a correct understanding of Genesis 6:4. Spirit beings like angels cannot produce offspring. It’s as simple as that.
Adam Clarke rightly divides the Word of God when he says:
Jesus didactically clear there (Matthew 22:30) that the resurrected saints will not be allowed or will not be able to engage in physical union in their glorified bodies as is the case with the angels IN HEAVEN. What we must not do is make a leap about why the angels IN HEAVEN do not marry nor appear to have a gender reference or sexual function. This begs the question, Who are the “sons of God” mentioned in Genesis 6:4. Are they angels? Are they angels visiting Earth? Are they angels on Earth because they were cast out of heaven? Are they angels who voluntarily followed Satan and by so doing left their first estate which may mean that their last estate included a change in their essence and/or form? Are they the first generations of man? The Holy Word of God does not address such questions; therefore the best explanation under the illuminated text is that whoever the sons of God were they were not the angels IN HEAVEN. Anything beyond this appears to me to be rational conjecture at best. After some study, I must also believe that attributing the origin of the “sons of God” to Seth is also at best only a rational conjecture.
As you know, a number of the theories floating about which concern these issues are derived from extra-biblical or non-canonical texts i.e. The Book of Enoch. Some of their proponents do not reference these sources but I have my suspicions.
Finally, I do not have the answer; but I must submit to the Holy Word of God without reading between the lines.
I have got a lot to learn and look forward to that day when we see Him face to face. Until then, I am confident that we have all we need for life and godliness.
Pat Brown,
I think you are a bit confused.
This is a supposition:
“As there is a distinction made here between men and those called the sons of God, it is generally supposed that the immediate posterity of Cain and that of Seth are intended.”
It is generally supposed by whom?
I am only attempting to point out that there is way to much supposition going on instead of true contextual exegesis? Such always leads to confusion. It isn’t embarrassing to have to admit that we sometimes just don’t have an answer; and pardon me, but I don’t think you or I have an answer to the question, “Who are the sons of God referred to in Genesis 6:4.
I apologize for some of my convoluted and rambling exposition.
Pat brown,
Your problem is you don’t believe what Jesus says in Matthew 22:30. Why don’t you believe Him? Is He a liar?
TL, please don’t put words in my mouth. I have already affirmed above the teaching of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, concerning our glorified state after the resurrection i.e. that we. like the ANGELS IN HEAVEN, will not engage in conjugal relations. My question to you is do you believe that your interpretation of the Genesis passage conforms with orthodox guidelines for an exegesis of the canon of scripture?
I don’t think so; so I must conclude that your view is exegetically unacceptable. I will also say that while it meets the test of orthodoxy in that it does not compromise the faith and doctrine taught by our Lord and taught His holy apostles and prophets; it fails, however, to submit to the laws of interpretation of scripture which DO NOT INCLUDE SUPPOSITION.
Eisegesis is not exegesis! Eisegesis is what you claim is being done by the proponents of the Serpent Seed teaching and the Giant Race teaching who you are inveighing against; and I agree with you on that. Keep on inveighing against them. But please don’t engage in that same approach to scripture that they are engaging in to make your point.
My only purpose in joining this thread was to point out our limitations. Unless the Lord, through the illumination of the Holy Spirit, makes known to us this mystery of scripture; then it remains a mystery. Most of the great divides in the body derive from pride and/or prejudice. Let us avoid that; and rather let that same mind be in us which was in Christ Jesus. Let us agree with the inspired words Paul who said that God has and is abounding toward us in all wisdom and prudence having made known to us His will according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself: That in the dispensation of times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth; even in Him.. Ephesians 1:8-10 That’s not ecumenism; that’s God doing something only He can do.
Once again, my response is not an argument; for me, it is only the question that remains unanswered, Who are the Sons of God referenced in Genesis 6:4? Explaining who they are not is not answering the question unless you first make an assertion of who only they might possibly be and then by elimination reduce that set of possibilities down to one and only one possibility. Sounds easy but it ain’t!
May God bless you and keep you in His peace.
May God bless you and keep you…
Pat Brown,
And still you refuse to believe Jesus who said: “For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.” (Mat 22:30).
Ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate your mind so that you may understand and accept Jesus’ words in Matthew 22:30. Stop being so stubborn.
I am angry. You said Jacob Prasch mentions the Nephilim in ‘practically every’ video, book & conference.
That is an absolute lie.
I have listened to masses of his talks, read his books & been at conferences, & your statement is absolutely UNTRUE.I even had great difficulty in finding a reference to nephilim when searching countless U.Tubes.
Also, on you page you indicate that he says women fell pregnant to these nephilim. Re. read his words.He said that they had intercourse with them – Yes, in occult, weird possessed people DO – practise this vile act.
If he warns of the coming increase in the manifestation of demons, then he is not wrong.
You have done great damage both to Jacob Prasch’s reputation & also to mine when recommending his works to others & being ridiculed – because of your article.
Janet Sangha wrote:
Who are you going to believe – Jesus Christ or Jacob Prasch?
Jesus said: “For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven. (Mat 22:30)
Now, if you go back to Genesis 6:2 you will notice (so please put on your new set of glasses) that it does not only mention intercourse but marriage. They actually took wives and married them. You and Jacob Prasch seem to think that the women in those days were so stupid to marry spirit beings (fallen angels) they could not see, touch, smell and cuddle. Your view of Genesis 6 leads to the bizarre situation where the women says to her invisible husband. “Honey, I really want a baby from you. Where are you? Oh there you are, giggle . . . giggle. Oh dear, there you go again. I am serious. I want a baby from you because I just love to give birth to BIIIIIG GIANTS. Don’t worry, we will find a gynaecologist who can deliver BIIIIG GIANTS from normal size wombs.
I am sick and tired of Christians who don’t know why God instituted marriage between a man and a woman. Now, listen very carefully in case you don’t know yet. It is NOT, I repeat NOT to only have intercourse but to have LITTLE BABIES, TODDLERS, KIDS, OFFSPRING, BROODS. KAPISCH???
Prasch’s silly notion that the Nephilim (fallen angels, spirit beings, demons) only had intercourse with the women (they must have used some kind of contraceptive that prevented the women from falling pregnant) completely makes a mockery of Genesis 6:2. WAKE UP or make an effort to attend some kind of marriage counselling sessions to learn what marriage is all about. You will probably learn that it is not only about having intercourse as Jacob Prasch foolishly asserts BUT PRMARILY TO BEGIN A HAPPY LITTLE FAMILY (God willing).
Jacob Prasch says:
To even suggest that the Nephilim survived the Great Flood is an outright denial of:-
1) God’s omnipotence. If the so-called Nephilim survived the Flood it would mean that God failed in his purpose and resolve to judge and execute the entire fallen world, except righteous Noah and his family. Is God a liar?
The Bible clearly says that only eight souls were saved in the Flood. Is the Bible lying?
2) Jesus Christ’s unique salvific work on the cross. If the Nephilim survived the Flood without the Ark, it would mean that some sinners are going to survive God’s Last Judgment without Jesus Christ who is our Ark of Salvation.
Note carefully Prasch says:
“These things are the ‘fallen ones???'” Really? Were they the only “fallen ones?” Adam and Eve and their entire posterity are/were “fallen ones” and none of them survived the Flood except Noah and his family, eight souls in total, and they were definitely NOT giants.
The discussion of the Nephillim is a topic that has no winners. To get angry over it allows for the enemy to sneak in and make Christians angry. Anger is sinful. So who is the winner? Satan.
There are 3 schools of thought on the Nehillim so those who think differently should allow each and very one to have their own thoughts on the matter as it does not change who we are in Christ Jesus. It does not make you unborn again as once saved always saved is my belief.
Often we listen to well know teachers and we allow their thinking and teaching to persuade us instead of us doing our own research. Study to show yourself approved and trust the Holy Spirit to show you once you stop operating in the flesh by demanding your way is the only right way and wait upon the Lord to teach you all things.
Debating this issue is pointless and very harmful to the body and it brings division amongst us.
There is no cut and dry answer to the “Fallen Angel” situation and I for one would hate to put my will onto another.
We have to pick up our cross and follow Jesus and not to allow this kind of debating to interfere with the real goal which is to bring the word of the Lord to the lost.
Brothers and Sisters in Christ its a very sad day when I see you fight amongst each other. Don’t do it. Walk away, repent and forgive each other and allow each other to have their own view point. Let God do the rest.
take care .
There is the Truth and then there is the lie. The Truth is from God and the lie from Satan. Which of these do you prefer to follow?
You said:
Rubbish! The cut and dry answer is in Matthew 22:30 but you refuse to believe Jesus and his Truth. So, go ahead, you are welcome to follow Satan’s lies.
Paul of Tarsus ceaselessly debated and refuted false teachers. Since when is debating pointless?
If you think “contending for the faith (the Truth)” is a matter of winning or losing, then you have no idea what the cross of Jesus Christ is about. Don’t you remember that He died on the cross so that we may be saved for eternity, but also that we may be made free from everything that pertains to Satan and his lies?
One of the most dangerous things about a wrong reading of Genesis 6:1-4 is that it diverts the attention from the truth in regard to the Fall of mankind in Genesis 3 and its remedy in John 3:16. It is no longer the sin of Adam and Eve and their offspring (every individual human being born of women) that plunged the world in death, mayhem and chaos but the sins of the hybrids (giants, Nephilim) who were allegedly born of fallen spirit beings and women of flesh and blood. If it were true that these hybrids (Nephilim) were born of fallen angels (spirit beings) and women of flesh and blood, they must have been part of the world and as such Jesus died and paid the ransom for their sins as well. Can you see how the belief in the Nephilim, being the offspring of fallen angels and women, distorts the Gospel in John 3:16? It forces one to say that Jesus died for every single person in the world accept the hybrids (Nephilim) born of fallen angels and women. With this doctrine the ball is again back in the court of the Calvinists who believe that Jesus did not die for every single human being but only for the elect. No wonder Jacob Prasch could say those sweet things about John MacArthur before he showed his true colours in his statement that saints may take the mark of the beast and still be saved.
The doctrine of the Nephilim being hybrids born in wedlock between fallen spirit beings and women of flesh and blood demeans, vilifies and slanders the cross of Jesus Christ. It is a very dangerous doctrine and belongs in Tartarus where some of the fallen angels are kept in chains until the Day of Judgment.
>>I want a baby from you because I just love to give birth to BIIIIIG GIANTS. Don’t worry, we will find a gynaecologist who can deliver BIIIIG GIANTS from normal size wombs.
ROFTL – That was the funniest comment ever, Thomas! Yes, why don’t people think!
>> I am angry. You said Jacob Prasch mentions the Nephilim in ‘practically every’ video, book & conference. That is an absolute lie. I have listened to masses of his talks, read his books & been at conferences, & your statement is absolutely UNTRUE
Then you are not paying attention, just like you are not paying attention to the bible regarding the truth about the Nephilim.
Your problem is that you do not believe what Jesus said in Matthew 22:30. Is He a liar?
Thomas Lessing (Watch and Pray / Waak en Bid) wrote:
@ THOMAS Well Thomas.. I have this problem when I talk to Muslims.. About The word begotten. They say “How can G-D “impregnate a woman”.
well since all heavenly bodies are neither male or female in sex.
you know the answer. You should think through it your self.
my answer will be, found in your reply to my question.
How if heavenly bodies are neither male or female. how could a virgin be impregnated by a spirit?
The natural man can only see things carnally 1 Corinthians 2:14.
You are doing exactly what I warned against in one of my previous comments and that is to believe that the Holy Spirit had sex with Mary. The dangerous and infamous lie that fallen angels impregnated women to produce giants on earth, has led to this equally infamous and blasphemous lie. Carnal men who cannot discern the truth can only see things carnally, as you said. (1 Corinthians 2:14). If the shoe fits you, wear it. I must say, the shoe fits you 100% because you are thinking carnally 100%.
Good Afternoon, What these fellows are preaching and using as evidence – photshopped photos – brings Christianity into disrepute making Christians no better than the cheats and liars who are pushing their own agenders so people will not even want to know Jesus Christ. Christians follow CHRIST and no wehere in the life of Jesus can anyone find He has told any lies so we should be His example on earth. This means TRUTH should always be told – then people like Stephen Hawkens of this world would have nothing to ridicule CHRISTianity
Chuck and Jacob are correct. The Scriptural evidence is overwhelming and yet stupid people rage against it. Why? Because they are blind. The truth will OUT so you WILL see it and soon. They have well defended their points so I will not bother adding to it.