Joyce Meyer – Shocking False Teachings and Quotes
Joyce Meyer is a Word of Faith Charismatic / New Age teacher who preaches along the lines of Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, Fred Price, Charles Capp, Benny Hinn, Paul and Jan Crouch, and those who appear on Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), etc.
Listen to the audio below for a full a list of all her most serious heresies: (Jesus tortured in hell, Jesus first born again man, Jesus became sin on the cross and stopped being the son of God, our sins atoned in hell and not on the cross, etc., and Joyce Meyer teaches that she is sinless.]
[audio:|titles=Joyce Meyer – Shocking Heresies]Note: Audio above posted by DTW is not an endorsement of the author, their website, ministry or any links therein. Readers are cautioned to use discernment at all times and test everything by the Word of God.
Joyce Meyer also teaches that we are little gods, see this article: Joyce Meyer is a Little God With a Big Christ Consciousness.
But this is one of the latest quotes (2010) from Joyce Meyer and quite an incredible statement:
[audio:|titles=Joyce Meyer – All Seeing Eye – 31/5/2010]Transcript:
Time: 00:14:19 “We’re never going to mature and develop godly character until we learn to live….. with the All-Seeing eye on us all the time.” — [Joyce Meyer – Transcript – Enjoying Everyday Life – Be Imitators of God – 7/10/2010]
This symbol of theAll-Seeing eye is the single most important symbol of the Illuminati, for it exemplifies the supernatural power they wield from Satan himself. The All-Seeing eye CANNOT be interpreted as being that of the Christian God. No where in the bible do we read about the All-Seeing eye , but we do know about the All-Seeing eye in the occult….
“The All-Seeing eye represents the Egyptian Osirus, let’s look at who Osiris is. He committed incest with his sister, Isis, which resulted in the birth of Horus … the Egyptian god of the dead as well as a Sun God .. Osiris is known by many other names in other countries … In Thrace and Greece, he is known as Dionysus, the god of pleasures and of partying and wine … Festivals held in Dionysus’ honor often resulted in human sacrifices and orgiastic sexual rites. The Phrygians know Osiris as Sabasius where he is honored as the solar deity (a sun god) who was represented by horns and his emblem was a serpent. In other places, he is know by other names: Deouis, The Boy Jupiter, The Centaur, Orion, Saturn, The Boy Plutus, Iswara, The Winged One, Nimrod, Adoni, Hermes, Prometheus, Poseidon, Butes, Dardanus, Himeros, Imbors, Iasius, Zeus, Iacchus, Hu, Thor, Serapis, Ormuzd, Apollo, Thammuz, Atus, Hercules, Shiva, Moloch, and believe it or not, BAAL!” —-Burns, Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated, pg. 359 [Emphasis in the original]
God condemns Baal worship in no uncertain terms, a worship associated with the All-Seeing Eye.
Jer 32:35; “And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.” [KJV 1611]
To continue with my last comment:
I have done a Bible study search on “God’s eyes” There are references to God’s eyes (plural) but NOTHING for God’s eye (singular).
Here are some scripture verses backing this up:
Proverbs 15:3 “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.”
2 Chronicles 16:9 “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth”
Amos 9:8 “Behold, the eyes of the Lord God are upon the sinful kingdom”
So when someone says “the ‘all seeing’ eye” it is DEFINITELY a reference to occultists description of Lucifer or said in ignorance – because they have heard it said by masons before. Why would they have heard it from masons? Is it because they have links? Why would a true born again believer (especially an minister of the gospel) have links with freemasonry?
Well actually, if you look into the background history of “Word of Faith” heresy, you will find that its origins WERE in the occult. For more info and evidence on this please take a look at these articles:
I am a person who was born a chritian but did not know much about Jesus. It was during a very depressing moment of my life, I woke up early morning unable to sleep, switched on the TV and happened to hear this woman with a quirky voice preaching and praying. I had a sudden urge to pray with her and soon the TV program was over. I woke up the next day and listened to her teachings, now I have been doing this for the past 4 years. The Jesus she is proclaiming in her message is now my true friend and I have a personal relationship with Jesus. I wake up every morning wanting to pray, praise and thank him. I has changed my life & I cannot explain the joy it has brought into my life, I have been able to sort the troubles in my life by trusting in his love for me and this would never have been possible without preachers like Joyce Meyer, opening up their lives in front of millions, because that is the will of God for them. I have been able to sort my relationship issues, my personality problems everything with the help of my Lord. But he used Joyce to work this miracle in my life. Thank you Lord. May I request people never to judge others, so that you may not be judged too. We all have to stand before the Almighty Judge one day (as true as your breath), and we never know which side of God we are going to be, left-side or right-side. It would be too late, if it happens that the people we judged as ‘wolves’ are standing on the right-side of father, and we the self-righteous on the left-side. For Mathew 16:26 says, what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
Hi Lotus Yamba,
Perhaps you are referring to the “living Everyday Life” series, which is largely anecdotal and general advice-giving stuff. Some of it is good advice, obedience to God, and so on. But there is no question that some of her teaching has no Biblical ground, especially the teaching on “Jesus’ suffering in Hell and being tortured by demons” for us. Also, how can she say that belief in this ‘fact” is essential for salvation? She is in error. Also, she has refused to “unteach” or retract what she has said in the past, when corrected on doctrinal issues.
As for the “all-seeing-eye” comment….yes, taken on it’s own is open to interpretation, but in conjunction with heretical teaching, has to be at the very least, slight;y suspicious.
>> I am a person who was born a chritian but did not know much about Jesus.
This is impossible. You can’t be born a Christian. Born again, yes.
With all due repesct Rose, Joyce Meyer does not teach the truth, yes she teaches some truth but most of it is lies. You might be very sincere and I pray you are, so much so that you seek alternate study material that is NOT Joyce Meyer.
Rose, it is apparent that you do not understand the Gospel. The reason for saying that is that you say you were “born a Christian”. One has to be “born again” to be a Christian. If you are referring to a christening when you were a baby, this does not have any biblical basis. Babies cannot make a conscious decision and parents cannot do that for children.
Certainly God may have used Joyce Meyer to help you, but instead of giving the teacher the credit, it is because of the Word of God. But you have also taken in lies as she mixes truth and error. You should be thankful for those who have taken the time to sort out the lies and given the alert. You make a big mistake to rely upon Joyce Meyer’s programs and her materials.
This is the sad thing about false teachers, they are so beguiling. They often teach alot of truth. I used to listen to Joyce Meyer when I was caught up with WOF thinking. I even bought a few of her books, but I must say that I found something about her ‘off’, even then when I knew no better. She seemed quite abrasive too. These people (like Joyce Meyer) set themselves up as ‘gurus’, and people swallow their every word, taking it for ‘gospel’ over the TRUE Word of God. Many people are deceived into buying all their books/DVD’s/CD’s etc, and this in itself distracts people from reading the Bible, which is what they want to happen. Eventually, people are brainwashed into loyalty towards that ‘teacher’ instead of loyalty to God. ANYONE who is proud enough to think they cannot be tricked by satan, should think again. In these end of church days, satan is pulling out all the stops to deceive believers. To not be deceived you have to know what the Bible says and you need to be close to the Lord, walking with a humble heart. Forget your own opinions. Ask the Lord DAILY to show you truth and keep you on the straight and narrow. It is a hard road, but a worthwhile one.
I am quite new to this site, having commented a little before. I have read a few of the comments. Spencer and Debs [ if I may call you so], very often we cannot transfer our sound and attitude on paper, and others who read it, might hear it quite differently to what we intended. Spencer, one can give facts in a very honest and direct way, yet meaning it soft and earnestly, but on paper it can sound critical and abrupt – when I read your conversation – that is what I see happening.
Rose, there are two sources of supernatural power: God [and the angels to the extent that God created abilities in them and allows them], and Satan and his demons. Satan comes as an angel of light and he is quite capable of giving you much joy. False teaching very often comes disguised with very good teaching, very necessary life principles and often with power, supernatural confirmations, ‘guidance’ from ‘God’. I prayed for many years almost every day asking God for discernment, and He had shown me so much, and constantly leads me to people who could add to it. If you are really serious about God, seeking Him more than the leaders that you love, ask Him earnestly to show you and teach you the truth. Just about all of these superstars WoF-leaders are wolves in sheep clothing. But many other leaders [such as Angus] are misled and truly believe what they have been taught, so are most of the charismatics – they are good people, believing they are in the truth and often really wants to help us. I believe you are also very sincere, but I think God is raching out to you by exposing you to the facts.
Aren wrote:
Allan wrote:
maybe Chronology would be a good place to start. The OT start with the Books of Moses, who lead Israel out of Egypt and was trained for the first part of his life in the Occult religions of Egypt. so in that purpose the verses you reference would be written after the establishment of the all seeing eye and that is only if you follow the it back to Egypt, when in fact it started before Noah and with the Sumarian Empire.
2 Corinthians 11:14
14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
Matthew 6:22-23
22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!
24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Satan is the ruler of this world, the all seeing eye of knowledge. He is the angel of light and if your eye be single you will be full of that light, and that light is the evil of the devil so you are full of his darkness.
When Christ speaks of the antichrist he references that his right eye is darkened out, another reason the all seeing eye represents satan. remember deception is a virtue in the occult, like truth is a virtue to christians and they like to slip in and show their allegiance to other luciferians, while deceiving the uniformed christians.
Leon Petersen wrote:
And if taken in context with two videos my wife showed me she was making occultist hand gestures representing here alignment with lucifer just prior to saying it twice. My wife liked her, thought she was a great motivational speaker, when I first heard her my wife was very upset because I said she acted demon possessed or influenced, her voice eyes an mannerisms. But then my wife started bringing to my attention much of her occultist and non biblical views.
I am SO glad that I am an EX christian. Just reading these comments, with people arguing over who is or isn’t “annointed,” each person thinking that THEY are the right ones, reminds me how ridiculous and unbelievable the entire bible and christian religion really are. So much delusion!!
Hi Sarah,
What would you do if I offered you two dollar bills of which one was false and I told you so; which one are you going to take? Or if I gave you two bottles of medicine, one genuine and the other filled with 0,5% strychnine and I warned you about the poisoned one. Which one are you going to take?
You say you are an ex Christian. Let me ask you; did you EVER have a close personal intimate relationship with Jesus as your personal Saviour? Did you ever acknowledge that you had a sinful nature that needed salvation and put your trust in Him for eternal forgiveness as the Son of God? Or were you simply brought up as a Christian with just some kind of head belief in God? Do you experientially know the difference between natural birth and the supernatural rebirth by the Holy Spirit living within you?
If you are NOW so opposed to Christianity, why are you even reading this blog? What set of circumstances caused you to read this article? It appears that you have some type of resentment against Christianity. What happened to cause such resentment? Maybe we can help?
Sarah, just following on from my last comment. If you state that you HAVE experienced those things, then the next logical question is “how can you say it is ridiculous and unbelievable”?
However, if you have NOT experienced those things, how can you say “it is ridiculous and unbelievable”?
The question is the same either way. On the one hand, you DO know it is true because of your experience – so your statement is invalid; on the other hand you are not an authority to make those claims because you have NOT “tasted and seen that the Lord is good” and IS REAL.
Joyce Myers is a “Silly Woman” and a heretic. Those women who follow her and all WOF false teachers are like the following (KJV) scriptures:
2nd Timothy 3:1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2nd Timothy 3:2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
2nd Timothy 3:3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
2nd Timothy 3:4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
2nd Timothy 3:5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
2nd Timothy 3:6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
2nd Timothy 3:7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
While I am a woman, I am not a “silly woman.” I’ve never watched to completion Joyce Myers on TV here in America. She throws in a little bit of scripture to catch the attention of the “silly women and men”. She and her kids are worth millions of dollars. Those dollars came from the millions of “silly women and men” who listen to her and send in money & buy her heresy filled books.
What part of “she’s a blaspheming heretic do these people not see?” They only see what they have been mesmerized into seeing. “Enjoying Everyday Life.” Isn’t that a pleasant sounding title? Silly Women feel tired, used and abused and plain worn out. So they flock to Joyce Myers conferences to get pumped up. But how long does it last? Once they’re read her heretical books, tried to put into practice her heretical suggestions then what? The “silly woman” ends up worse than before she went to the “conference.”
Silly women do not have a faith that is grounded in the glorious truth of scripture. Silly women, like the prodical son, want to be entertained. What happens when the party is over? Silly women read her books, read watered down, filthy catholic versions of scripture so they believe Jesus went to hell. But not to worry, the “silly woman” actually believes she is a little god. There are going to be a lot of “Silly Women” in hell because they want to feel good all of the time. The true Christian life is not about feeling good. It is about an uncompromising faith. The true Christian life is not about always being happy. It is about a deeply grounded and rooted faith that is found in the Word of God.
Hey “Deb-Ster” I have a great idea for you and I. We will start our own conferences. I’ll do one here in the USA and title it, “Follow the Savior I Know and You May Have to Die for Him”. You pick a title for your conferences in South Africa. I wonder how many women will show up and listen about what they may have to suffer to follow the King? Will it be Millions of People? Thousands? Hundreds? Tens? Maybe just you and I? Will these people who don’t come to our conference want our book? If they want mine, it will be a KJV.
Joyce is a wolf in sheep’s designer, custom made clothing. All of her clothing is custom made for her. Her shoes even match the leather covering of her Bible quite often. The laborer is worthy of their hire is true. But heretics like her and all of the other WOF wolves have a reward coming that they will not forget for all of eternity. The really sad part is those “silly women and men” that followed her will be there next to her and it will be quite warm.
I think I will write a book and call it, “Silly Women and the Blasphemy They Listen To” with a subtitle, How I wound Up in Hell. (sad, very sad) He is part preacher, part conspiracy nut, He is sort of like Alex Jones in “Christian Form.” That’s all I know and care to know about Texe
[Edited: Texemarrs is far from Christian, I do not quite know what he is quite frankly. The things he believes in are way dodgy. I don’t like to promote him.]
Sarah, who are you trying to convince that the Bible and the “Christian religion” aren’t true? If your statement is trying to convince us then you’re wasting your time. If you’re trying to convince yourself well then go right ahead.
You say you are an “ex” Christian. I say you were never a Christian at all. You may have read a verse of scripture here and there. You may have even gone to church. Neither of those things will make you a Christian. I could sit in a garage all day for the next 100 years but I won’t become a car.
The word Christian has many different meanings. While I was born into a Family of Christians that still did not make me a Christian. I had to realize that I was a sinner. I realized that my sin caused a separation between God and myself. I repented of my sin and received Jesus Christ by faith in His finished work on the cross. It was then I became a Christian.
You have every right to believe or not believe. God will let you make that choice. God will say to Sarah, depart from me, you will spend an eternity in Hell because of YOUR decision. That is a very high price to pay for your misguided smugness.
I pray that you will see how desperately you need Jesus Christ. Knowing Him is not about religion. It is about a personal relationship with the One that loves you in spite of your being an “ex.”
Sarah wrote:
As an American I know her statement about the “all seeing eye” is about the same on the back of our one dollar bill. That is NOT the eye of the God of the Bible. It is the false “god” of the Illumined Ones and the Freemasons. As far as Joyce’s “past.” We ALL have a past and if God has equipped us with the ability to be transparent and talk about our past to others to give them hope then fine.
I find many times though it is as though they sensationalize their past and sound as though they miss it. Joyce’s practicality is heresy. Everything she say is contained mostly in the words, I, I, I, me, me, me. That is not the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
She makes sense? Which part makes sense? Her humor? Her “Wrath of God stuff?” If she truly preached/taught on the Wrath of God stuff, she would either repent of her heresy or she would pop off another joke. The Wrath of God is nothing to toy with. These WOF false teachers are dangerous. Dangers because they are preaching a false gospel. A false gospel is easily accepted because it appeals to our flesh. You tell us here to “Grow Up” the thing is, we are grown up. This site is not about “throwing the first stone.” It is about exposing satan and his deceptive ways. You are not understanding this because while you mention that you own many of Joyce Meyers books you do not mention God’s Word. You have saturated your mind, your spirit and soul with the heresy she teaches. You mind is so saturated with this stuff that you do not understand that Deborah and others are exposing the soul damning false teachers. You bought into Joyces lies. Here is what you let her do to you:You let her creep into your life without testing her words with the scripture: 2Timothy 3:6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
2Timothy 3:7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
You have bought many of her books, ever learning her heresy which is not truth.
2nd Peter 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
2nd Peter 2:2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.
2Peter 2:3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.
False Prophets/preachers/teachers have made merchandise of the weak, they hawk their books, CD’s etc. You fell for it. She, according to the scriptures above is bringing “swift destruction” to herself. WOF folks covet one thing. The don’t covet truth. They don’t covet wholesome things. They don’t covet a closer, intimate life with Jesus Christ. They covet and get YOUR money and your mind.
It would do you well to burn her books, CD’s, DVD’s of anything Joyce Meyers. Then get into the Word of God. If you would devote even just half the time to the Word that you did listening and reading the garbage of Joyce Myers, you too just might see that she is a Wolf in Designer Sheep’s clothing.
May you find peace and truth.
Lotus Yamba wrote:
I personally liked Joyce Meyer very much I found her very inspirational but I cant go along with her beliefs as her take on the atonement. As much as I have enjoyed her at many times I wont be listening to her as Benny Hinn and the like. I won’t budge on core bible statues of scripture. I know that the faith movement have tremendous erroneous beliefs as the we are all little g Gods teaching. This belief I have been hearing with my own ears not something that may or may not be edited. I even hear Benny Hinn say that he wished he had a Holy Spirit machine gun in order to gun down all his critics. Enough said no matter how endeared we may have become with such teachers we need to be on the watch for heretical teachings and not blind ourselves based solely on the feel good moments we may have received from these individuals it’s not to others be true but to God and his holy word be true and know what your believing.
Sarah, there is no such thing as an “ex-Christian”. You were never a Christian. A Christian is one who believes in Jesus Christ as God and Savior, that Jesus died on the cross to pay for our sins, and then Jesus rose from the dead, and that Jesus is the only way to heaven (meaning that the Christian knows going away from Jesus is pointless and stupid).
You cannot be saved by works (works would be church attendance, praying x number of times a day/week/month, etc)
Sarah wrote:
Sarah, what you’ve experienced was Christendom. The very same religion that is working hard to build God’s kingdom on earth by uniting with Rome. Jesus stands separate from all of that. When He said: “I am THE way, THE truth and THE life….” He meant Him and NOT the so called Christian religion. And that is what this website and the people here, are all about. Just because you couldn’t find Jesus at the church, doesn’t mean He doesn’t exist. You should never have given up your search because remember, He wasn’t crucified by unbelievers, He was crucified by the religious leaders of His time. He didn’t come to condemn us to hell, He came to save us from it. If you’re having a hard believing this, feel free to ask your questions here. There’s a lot of loving, caring people here that will take the time to answer your questions and point you to the true Jesus Christ. I was once in your shoes, this has been my experience.
Aren wrote:
Hi Aren,
I read your comment and see your point. My question is what god is she referring to?? My wife and I have watched and recorded many of her programs back in 2008-2009 until she stated during one of crusades that if she didn’t come on stage or T.V. and (tell you people what to do Having said the above, please keep up the good work as I enjoy the articles tremendously. And accept the criticism in good spirit as it is not meant to offend in any way.
Keep Looking Up! Jesus Is Coming Soon!
Sorry for the repost my first post got cut off accidently I wanted to finish what I was getting at and shorten it too.
[Edited: No problem, I fixed your comment as well]
God sees everything. God sees all. C’mon now. Let’s pick on Joyce because we are jealous of her, her success and maybe, just maybe a little bit cause she is a WOMAN. Shame on you all for bad mouthing her. Joyce, keep it up girl! Our Almighty knows who the wolves in sheep clothing really are!!!!
Shame on you all!! Joyce I am behind you 100%. There are wolves wearing sheeps clothing here on this website.
You are welcome to follow Joyce Meyer instead of Jesus Christ. Are you prepared to bear the consequences? You seem to love it when she says that Jesus was tortured in hell and that he was the first born-again Man, that He became sin on the cross and stopped being the son of God, and that our sins are atoned for in hell and not on the cross.
Are you saved?
What kind of success are you talking about – financial success? Like Juliana, you seem to love it and it tickles your ears when you hear Joyce Meyer saying that Jesus was tortured in hell and that he was the first born-again Man, that He became sin on the cross and stopped being the son of God, and that our sins are atoned for in hell and not on the cross. That’s not the Gospel. If you believe her lies you are probably not saved. Repent of your evil and be saved before it’s too late.
“Shame on you all!! Joyce I am behind you 100%. There are wolves wearing sheeps clothing here on this website”.
Behind Joice 100% for what? Did you read the article and all the comments properly?
Lurking in the back round on this site, it is clear that a lot of people comment before they have read or put any thought into their comment.
To Deborah, Thomas and all the others who help to contribute: You guys are special indeed. I would have given up long ago.
How do you all manage to have to say the same thing over and over, like hitting your head against a brick wall. Then to have to start all over again because someone hits with a stupid one liner like the example above, all because they are too lazy to read all the arguments or refuse to see the woods for the trees?
>> How do you all manage to have to say the same thing over and over, like hitting your head against a brick wall.
It’s a gift of patience 🙂