The General Conversation Section – If You Don’t Know Where to Say it, Say it Here!

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Deborah (Discerning the World)

Deborah Ellish is the author of the above article. Discerning the World is an internet Christian Ministry based in Johannesburg South Africa. Tom Lessing and Deborah Ellish both own Discerning the World. For more information see the About this Website page below the comments section.

725 Responses

  1. Louise

    Satan comes from the abyss and possesses the anti-Christ (fully enters the anti-Christ and uses his body). As for Nimrod being the anti-Christ, this I can’t say. Quite frankly I think it’s the Pope with Obama as the False Prophet – but that’s me guessing.

  2. blank louise says:

    Thank you for that reply Deborah. Am busy doing a study on end times and will look into the Satan answer.

  3. blank Osito says:

    Hi Deborah and everyone.
    you tube; pastor rick warren prayer at barack obama s inauguration.
    At the end of his payer, he is thanking the name {isa} for making him the man he is today.
    Is this video real or edit?

  4. Osito

    The video is real. Warren promotes Chrislam (a mixture of Islam and Christianity).

  5. blank Julie Anne says:

    Dear ???,

    Jesus was never doing His own thing. He was always in submission to Father. I would like to know a little more about you and the organization that you can call on for help & confirmation. As you would know, there are many out there that would like to think that they are doing “The Father’s business.” Yet, wittingly or not; they could cause brethren to stumble. Even the fact that you want my details, yet seemingly hide your own is a bit of a conundrum

    Agape, Julie Anne

  6. Julie Anne,

    That is why you need to evaluate everything you read and hear against the Word of God. (1 John 4:1; 1 Corinthians 2:15).

  7. blank Mark Holtman says:

    There are cartoons on YouTube that are disgusting and so disturbing to the Christian faith. You can find it under dark matter.
    They rip off Bible stories in a way that is so disgusting it really makes you think this world may only have years before God’s wrath is poured out.

  8. blank Wayne Jack says:

    Hello friends, Just wanted to share this for those that have not heard or seen. Berlin to build the very first temple of Chrislam for one World religion. Ironic how they call it a Temple and the “T” in Chrislam is left out. Illuminati or Satanism symbolism is all around us. The T being left out says to me “Christ is left out” so things are moving very quickly as Satan has but a short time.

    May our Mighty Lord and Savior Jesus Christ keep all of us safe and strong in these last days.

  9. blank Edward says:

    I have been a Christian for some years, but not as knowledgeable as most.
    I have some friends that have been life long Christians. They have brought up four children of their own by way of home schooling and the youngest is now about 21, all seem very nice kids. A few years back they got into adoption and fostering as they are loving kind Christians (and also I know because it is well paid). Now they are obviously subject to the State Social Services system (U.K.) so have to comply with the regulations. They have been looking after a five year old for the last 3 1/2 years that was born into a problem family,(many of those about?)
    They are doing lots of fostering and handing children over to suitable families, which is good. However because our laws are not good, so I believe, this last child they have handed over to a couple of gay men who are apparently in “a long term loving and stable relationship”. Initially I was shocked about this, as it seems contrary to Christian ethics, yet they believe they are doing the right thing and all their Christian friends are supporting them. Can this Christian couple be true Christians, or would I be unloving and harsh to question what they have done? I say this because I don’t think it is right, yet many seem to think that you can be gay and a Christian. I am sure you know that we have gay clergy here, which is I believe wrong?
    If you have time I would like to know your views on this, if it is right or wrong, and I would like to know from the Bible where they have gone wrong if they have?
    God bless.

  10. Edward

    Oh my goodness. Well God views homosexuality as an abomination. I do not think it’s right what they have done. And you can’t be Christian and gay. Being a Christian and being an abomination to God does not go hand in hand. If however the person is homosexual and praying that God delivers him from this vile state that is another story all together. But to openly declare you are gay, Christian and proud is not biblical.

    If howwever your Christian friends were forced to hand this child over to a gay couple and they were against it that is just something one has to deal with – they can hand the child over but stress their unhapiness about it, but judging by your comment it would appear they are happy to hand the child over? This child is going to be taught by it’s gay parents that sin and homosexuality is ok, the child’s world view is tainted.

    You say other ‘Christians’ support them? Well that just shows you what this world is coming too. Where good has become evil and evil has become good.

    Leviticus 18:22 (KJV)
    22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

    Leviticus 20:13 (KJV)
    13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

    Deuteronomy 22:5 (KJV)
    5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.

    1 Corinthians 6:9 (KJV)
    9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

    Romans 1:24 (KJV)
    24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

    Romans 1:26 (KJV)
    26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

    Romans 1:27 (KJV)
    27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

    If you stated your mind based on the FACT that God views homosexuality as an abomination, you will not be wrong or judgmental.

  11. blank Edward says:

    Thank you very much for your reply and the Bible verses. I shall study them.
    I should have added that the Christian couple who handed the child over were initially against it, but after several meetings with the gay fathers(?) they accepted them as nice, kind and caring people, and therefore suitable parents. I think, however it is the money from the government that swayed them, as if they questioned the suitability of the prospective parents, they may have been ‘struck off’ the register? Money does cloud these things?
    The other thing that I am not totally sure about, is it right, as I have heard some say, that there is a direct link between homosexuality and paedophilia?
    I think you are so right when you say “what is this world coming to”, and I believe the other Christian friends that “support them” will perhaps, from a quick look at those verses above, go into deeper error unless they come to their senses?
    God bless you.

  12. Hi Edward

    How sad, how very sad, to think this Christian couple were so easily persuaded (because of the money maybe?) into believing gay parents would be ‘good’ for a child.

    Yes it’s true that many pedophiles are homosexual men. Because homosexuality is a sin, and the father of sin is Satan who speaks nothing but lies, one must agree that homosexuals who are taken over by demonic forces will lie and live a life filled with lies. The first lie that they believe and speak is that homosexuality is not a sin. What else will they lie about? That they are truly nice caring people and are suitable to raise a child in a gay relationship. That is another lie.

    And you are 100% correct, Those ‘Christian friends’ and the Christian couple will ultimately go deeper into error because they themselves are sinning and believing in lies; that homosexuality is ok in God’s eyes, when it’s not. They have opened the door for Satan to jump in with other lies and deceive them more.

  13. blank Randomperson says:

    Hello Deborah I have a question to ask in regards to Christianity. First a bit of my background.

    I am a non Christian. I happened to stumble upon this site while I was browsing online on Christianity. I highly enjoy reading your website.

    I currently attend a Pentecostal charismatic church (Does this even matter?) that I was recommended by a friend and I am learning more about God, Jesus and the Bible.

    In my experience, I have met many people who claim they are Christians but act like people who are selfish, judgemental etc. At the same time, I have also met Christians who are very compassionate, kind, etc whom have helped me in many things.

    When I ask the pastor or Christian people about issues, it seems like a lot of people have their own opinions. For example, I ask the question on how God bless us in regards to MONEY. I notice lots of pastors or people don’t like to talk about it. I read books, go to church etc and I get lots of different opinions. I am particularly not a big fan of some famous pastors (not mentioning) that say that “the more money you give to the Pastor’s ministry, the more God will bless you with money??” That logically doesn’t make a lot of sense. I am a regular volunteer and I am blessed in my work because of the people and the community, BUT I don’t get any money. :O I am sure God blesses people in different ways besides money.

    So I have many questions to ask but I would like to ask a few:
    1. How can I discern what is from God or not? I understand humans are not perfect and we made mistakes (even pastors can preach message that doesn’t line with the Bible) Especially with media, what the Pastor preach etc.
    2. Should I be reading one version of the Bible? I currently read the Message but recently swapped to King James version because Message is very confusing and twist a lot of words that it changes the meaning (Yes, I compared Bibles).
    3. If I decided to follow God and Jesus Christ I am scared that I might turn up like so many Christians I know who are even more selfish, ignorant, uncompassionate, etc before they knew God. I want to be a good person and help others but I see many Christians who only help themselves (Ie: other christians) but not the poor, the sick etc.

    Thank you I hope u can answer my questions to the best your ability!

  14. Dear Randomperson

    Hi there 🙂 You will have biblical answers to you questions soon! Just hold on ok, don’t run away!

  15. Hello Randomperson,

    Deborah asked me to answer your questions, if that’s OK with you. I am a little tied up with other matters at the moment and I don’t want to rush things. I regard your questions with the utmost sincerity. So please bear with me and as soon as I have enough time I will respond to your questions.


  16. blank Randomperson says:

    Hi Tom

    Thats fine 🙂 I understand that everyone has priorities in life so just reply when you are ready 🙂

    Thank you

  17. Hi Randomperson

    Thomas relied to you here

    If you need more answers or clearer understanding don’t hesitate to ask:)

  18. blank Vanessa says:

    Has anyone heard of Reg Bendixon from Krugersdorp. My hubby and I have just read his new book and have serious doubts about his teachings on the “Baby” and man child in Revelation. He was murdered by a Satanic ring but after reading and listening to his Q and A I cannot hep wonder if it might not have been Sin unto death that caused his passing. If anyone knows of him and has read his book please let me know. Thank you.

  19. blank Vanessa says:

    I tread very carefully when I say Sin unto death. So please don’t wonder if I have judged him.

  20. Vanessa

    “The Baby and the Man Child” Hmm this guy sounds like a Latter Rain / Manifest Sons of God teaching believer. I will check him out asap.

    Btw, who was murdered by a Satanic ring? *confused*

  21. blank Vanessa says:

    Reg Bendixon who taught this new teaching on “The baby and the man child.” was murdered at his home. Google it. His wife gave us his book to read and we did but Hubby had to tell her he was a heretic. Was not easy but it had to be done. We personally knew Reg and was shocked at his death. They slit his throat. He had invited them to his home to share the Gospel not knowing they were a Satanic ring. The manner of his death from the enemy has left us wondering. Sometimes its better to keep silent when we suspect Sin unto Death. if you want a copy we will send you. They are saying he is a martyr. We don’t agree. His followers are few but his son has begun his own church under Jerry Savells ministries. He has a church in Witbank and Johannesburg. Take care.

  22. Vanessa

    Oh gosh how tragic. Yes if you can send me the book that would be great. The problem is the postal service is on strike…

  23. blank Vanessa says:

    Lol how silly of me i forgot. Once its over (maybe never) I shall send or I can tell you in heaven all about it. Mind you when we go home we won’t need to talk about earthly things. Take care.

  24. Vanessa

    Oh I hear the post office might end their strike…what a surprise.

  25. blank Vanessa says:

    Let me know if you want this book but I must say its ready for the fire so maybe sending will be of no worth.

    May I ask for help. I am again reading and studying the Book of Revelation. Many questions have popped up on the 7 churches. Let no man teach you is what i live by however not going to church or having fellowship with anyone besides hubby and children we find it hard at times. The 7 churches are church ages but we also feel that there are people in these churches still today. Jesus address them as churches which must mean they are his beloved. So yes once saved always saved is my belief as well. Yet, how do these churches fit into the great falling away. Does anyone have any suggestions on who I may read on this matter please. I am busy reading Dr Thomas Constable work on the Book Of Revelation but I am not happy with his take on the church of Laodicea which I think is the Charasmatic church and how bad is she yet he feels she is raptured as she is still the church but misses out on rewards. I cannot proceed further in my studies till i have settled this in my spirit. The church as a whole is not good but where does she fit into the grand scheme of things. Hope I am explaining myself well. I know that there are true believers in every church but do they miss out on rewards for reasons as mentioned in the 7 churches.

  26. Vanessa

    Throw it away me thinks.

    Will come back to you on the 7 churches in Rev.

  27. blank Vanessa says:

    Thanks Deborah.

  28. Vanessa

    You are right, the 7 churches were actually churches during the ages but they also represent the types of people/false teaching we see today – for instance Laodicea is the heath, wealth, name it claim it lot. However within each of these churches the good and and bad were mixed up. Just as in the charismatic church today there are genuine Christians still caught up in WoF teaching – they have yet to learn the truth, but the Holy Spirit is working on them. In fact I learnt today of a women who’s eyes were opened just recently by God to the false teaching of WOF and Joyce Meyer and now she is trying to warn other women.

    Regarding the falling way, the bad people who make up the 7 types of churches that Jesus Christ warned about are the ones who will fall away. The genuine Christians will be raptured. And that Dr Thomas Constable is wrong, the church of Laodicea will not be raptured – the Benny Hinn and followers of this world who are not saved will definitely not be raptured, but I will say this, there might still be genuine Christians who might still be caught up in Laodicea who will be raptured because of where their hearts lie – and Jesus knows their heart. Will they miss out on rewards, it all depends..

    Read here:

    I think Thomas might be able to answer this one better..

  29. blank Vanessa says:

    Thank you so much. Going to read that link.

  30. blank theo says:

    Anyone caring about knowing their day and time considering malachi 4:5-6 and revelation 10:7…also Rev 1:16 and Rev 1:20.

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