The General Conversation Section – If You Don’t Know Where to Say it, Say it Here!

This is the General Conversation Section.

If You Don’t Know Where to Say it, Say it Here!

Under this section you can discuss anything you want.

It can be a Q & A section or a ‘Have you heard’ section…

But please do try and stick to commenting under the relevant Article before commenting here.



Please share:

Deborah (Discerning the World)

Deborah Ellish is the author of the above article. Discerning the World is an internet Christian Ministry based in Johannesburg South Africa. Tom Lessing and Deborah Ellish both own Discerning the World. For more information see the About this Website page below the comments section.

725 Responses

  1. blank Andrew on The Incomparable Christ says:

    Extract from a sermon preached in 1965 Robert Bayer
    Nowhere in the whole wide world, but in Jesus Christ can you find:
    Beauty, that can never be marred!
    Glory, that can never be clouded !
    Happiness, that can never be interrupted!Hope, that can never be disappointed!
    Joy, that can never be diminished!
    Life, that can never die!
    Light, that can never be darkened!
    Love, that can never be fathomed!
    Peace, that can never be understood!
    Purity, that can never be defiled!
    Resources, that can never be exhausted!
    Rest, that can never be disturbed!
    Righteousness, that can never be tarnished!
    Strength, that can never be enfeebled!
    Wisdom, that can never be baffled!
    You won’t find it in Buddha,-you won’t find it in Mohamma-you won’t find it in a false god of silver or gold!
    It only dwells in Him, Jesus!

  2. blank Sharon says:

    I keep hearing this term “reformed” and I understand what is meant by it. There are Calvinists that love being called Calvinist like that gives them extra credit with God. Then there are Calvinist that don’t like to be called Calvinist so they say they are “reformed” in their theology.

    I have yet to ask someone what exactly needing “reformed” in the Lord’s True Church?
    Did John Calvin’s pulling away from Rome change Rome? No, nothing. Martin Luther and his nailing his opinions to the door at Whittenburg did that change Rome? Did he come out of Rome? No and No. So what was reformed, changed, made new…NOTHING changed the Lord’s True Church because it didn’t need to be changed. There were believers hidden in caves, in forests in the Italian Alps that never bowed the knee to the Whore system. They were persecuted both by Rome and the Calvinistic system.

    I get tired of hearing people say…I’m not a Calvinist, I am a Reformed Baptist. They are one in the same….A Calvinist by any other name is still…a…Calvinist.

    Jean wrote:

    I love and forgive. Why do you post articles that claim I don’t because I am reformed? Do you know me?

  3. blank Dan says:

    Hi All, There are so many informing articles on here but I couldn’t find one on Jesus Himself. In Isaiah 46 God says: ‘I will prove to you that I’m God by telling you what will happen before it happens…’ Bible prophecy is the proof that God is real and Israel is His clock to the nations. I was wondering if anyone here knows where I can find a sound article on prophecy that proves that Jesus is the Messiah by fulfilling ALL the prophecies about Him. Can anyone help please?

  4. Dan

    >>There are so many informing articles on here but I couldn’t find one on Jesus Himself. In Isaiah 46 God says: ‘I will prove to you that I’m God by telling you what will happen before it happens…’ Bible prophecy is the proof that God is real and Israel is His clock to the nations. I was wondering if anyone here knows where I can find a sound article on prophecy that proves that Jesus is the Messiah by fulfilling ALL the prophecies about Him. Can anyone help please?

    My goodness, that is a tall order. I will look and see what I can find for you, give me time… 🙂

  5. blank Dan says:

    LOL Indeed a very tall order. Thank you!

  6. Well there you do Dan, Sharon has provided you with your answer. What a champion she is.

    Me thinks I am going to put this as an article. Hold a second.

    There you go:

  7. blank Sharon says:

    Alex Jones is a Catholic so he doesn’t believe in the pre-trib rapture of the true church of Jesus Christ. Rumor is he is a Jesuit Coadjutor. I want nothing to do with him. He keeps people worked up over stuff we can’t do anything about. While he has the attention of some it takes the focus off what the NWO people are up to.

    Redeemed wrote:

    Louise wrote:

    It has come to my attention that many well meaning Christians are forsaking the rapture and are turning against those of us who support it. The anger and jealousy they show towards those who support it has me reeling in shock and dismay. For those of you who know Alex Jones he has a new video out on the rapture. He is very much against it and through this video it is causing harm amongst the brethren. I took the liberty in listening to it for 15 minutes and found myself getting angrier and angrier. Yes, I opted out and did not finish listening to it. The 2 Baptist preacher who ranted over the fraud beliefs of the rapture allowed me to see that we will be hated for our beliefs, even from those who call themselves Christians. We who support and believe in the rapture are under persecution from our own and its going to get worse. So hang in there and put on the armour of GOD. Its going to be a rough ride in the next few years.

    I would expect this from Alex Jones – he is a phony and a shill. All Christians should steer clear of him.

    You are right, Louise, it is even so-called discernment sites that are now anti-rapture and anti-pretrib. They don’t just disagree, they are adamant and downright nasty.

    Then there are those who promote a “partial rapture”, meaning that whether or not you are taken will depend upon your behavior, whether you are godly enough or not.

    Then there are those who just simply don’t have an interest. I call them “panners”. They will just let it all “pan out”. Que sera, Que sera.

    It is a sad state of affairs, but it is just exactly what the Word said would be the conditions in the last days.

    We have to hold fast and not let ourselves get distracted and misled by those who are deceived.

    And stay away from Alex Jones and his ilk. There are wolves both in and out of the Church. It is a dangerous time, but remember our Redemption draws near!!! Maranatha! Even so come Lord Jesus!!!

  8. blank Sharon says:

    Thanks Deb-ster. I have been up-dating all of my articles that I have stored on a Flash-Drive stick. Have a good weekend oh Heresy Buster! :o)

    Deborah (Discerning the World) wrote:

    Well there you do Dan, Sharon has provided you with your answer. What a champion she is.

    Me thinks I am going to put this as an article. Hold a second.

    There you go:

  9. Sharon

    >> Alex Jones is a Catholic so he doesn’t believe in the pre-trib rapture of the true church of Jesus Christ. Rumor is he is a Jesuit Coadjutor. I want nothing to do with him. He keeps people worked up over stuff we can’t do anything about. While he has the attention of some it takes the focus off what the NWO people are up to.

    Yes Alex Jones is indeed a special character, planted by Satan to deceive many because so many think he is a Christian they believe him to be trustworthy and this is not true. And you are right, instead of just being ‘informative’ he gets you worked up about stuff that you can’t do anything about. He goes off like a pocket rocket and gets people emotionally tangled up.

  10. blank Sharon says:

    It’s time for a good song. I love this song. It was made popular by a trio called, The Martins. As soon as I heard it on the radio and had to down load it to my computer. This really speaks to my heart especially when I am not feeling well like today. God is sooooooooooooooooooooooo very good!

    Lyrics to: The Promise
    I never said that I would give you silver or gold
    Or that you would never feel the fire or shiver in the cold
    But I did say you’d never walk thru this world alone
    And I did say don’t make this world your home

    I never said that fear wouldn’t find you in the night
    Or that loneliness was something you’d never have to fight
    But I did say I’d be right there by your side
    And I did say I’ll always help you fight

    ‘Cause you know I made a promise that I intend to keep
    My grace will be sufficient in your time of need
    My love will be the anchor that you can hold on to
    This is the promise, this is the promise I’ve made to you

    I never said that friends would never turn their backs on you
    Or that the world around you wouldn’t see you as a fool
    But I did say like me you’ll surely be despised
    And I did say My ways confound the wise

    I didn’t say you’d never taste the bitter kiss of death
    Or have to walk thru chilly Jordan to enter into rest
    But I did say I’d be waiting right on the other side
    And I did say I’ll dry every tear you’ve cried

    ‘Cause you know I made a promise that I’ve prepared a place
    And someday sooner than you think you’ll see me face to face
    And you’ll sing with the angels and a countless multitude
    This is the promise, this is the promise I’ve made to you

    So just keep on walking don’t turn to the left or right
    And in the midst of darkness let this be your light
    That hell can’t separate us and you’re gonna make it thru
    This is the promise, this is the promise I’ve made to you
    Oh, this is the promise, this is the promise I’ve made to you

  11. blank Sharon says:

    I think I missed some thing here. No, thank you to what? Because I mentioned the Martins? They were not my point. I would have liked the words concerning some of the promises if I heard one of my friends at church sing of the. God’s promises were my point and selfishly, today I needed to be reminded of His promises. You can delete it if you wish; no problem.

    2nd Peter 1:4 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

    Deborah (Discerning the World) wrote:


    No, thank you!

    Deborah (Discerning the World) wrote:


    No, thank you!

  12. blank Sharon says:


    Deborah (Discerning the World) wrote:


    >> I guess I’m gonna have to write my own;-)

    If you can, go for it. I sing in private for 2 reasons, 1) I suck, 2) I suck ahaha

  13. blank Dan says:

    Thanks for sharing Sharon. Both the article and the song by the Martins. Can’t stop listening to The Promise. Makes me wanna go out, buy a huge stereo system and blast it from the fourth floor across the valley! I’ve stopped listening to music a while back, because so much of it is just so depraved. So when I do find something worth listening to, it’s like hearing music for the first time! Thanks again, blessings!

  14. blank Sharon says:

    Thanks Dan. I love good Christian music.

    Yes, there is some depraved “Christian” music out there. I am very careful about what music I listen to. I also sing at church in our little choir and an occasional solo. My parents were musically inclined. They along with my grandfather, and my moms sister & brother-in-law made a couple of records way back in the 1940’s. My dad also led the singing at the church I grew up in. He had no formal training but he could get folks to wake up and sing praises to our God. I love the old hymns. But every now and then a song comes along like The Promise that really reminds me of His promises to me. I am very cautious about who I listen to.

    Some times music is about “preference.” I do not like what is called “Sacred Music.” It is what I call the “High Brow” stuff. If someone else likes it then great for them! The only music I own is Christian in genre.

    I have read articles on the web of one Christian blasting another for what type of music they sing or listen to. I’m sorry to tell this one preacher man it is what I call a nonya as in nonya business. :o) Granted I do not know the lifestyle of the person singing. But they in turn do not know the life styles of those listening. I’m 58, almost 59 years old and I’ve been saved and walked with the Lord a long time. I know what music is good and what isn’t. But I don’t go around telling that preacher man who to listen to because it’s a nonma, nonma business. :o)

    Dan wrote:

    Thanks for sharing Sharon. Both the article and the song by the Martins. Can’t stop listening to The Promise. Makes me wanna go out, buy a huge stereo system and blast it from the fourth floor across the valley! I’ve stopped listening to music a while back, because so much of it is just so depraved. So when I do find something worth listening to, it’s like hearing music for the first time! Thanks again, blessings!

  15. blank Sharon says:

    Now it’s time for some music……hopefully this one the Deb-ster will like. :o)

    My Hope is Built on Nothing Less”
    by Edward Mote, 1797-1874
    1. My Hope is built on nothing less
    Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness;
    I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
    But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
    On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
    All other ground is sinking sand.
    2. When darkness veils His lovely face,
    I rest on His unchanging grace;
    In every high and stormy gale
    My anchor holds within the veil.
    On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
    All other ground is sinking sand.
    3. His oath, His covenant, and blood
    Support me in the whelming flood;
    When every earthly prop gives way,
    He then is all my Hope and Stay.
    On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
    All other ground is sinking sand.
    4. When He shall come with trumpet sound,
    Oh, may I then in Him be found,
    Clothed in His righteousness alone,
    Faultless to stand before the throne!
    On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
    All other ground is sinking sand.

    They which have no HOPE are the poorest of all. (Sharon G.)

  16. blank Dan says:

    Sharon, I worked in the music business but it’s too much of a rotten and depraved industry. I quit once I got saved, not too long ago. There is one group that I enjoy listening to these days, an Australian group called “Sons of Korah.” Very nice.

  17. blank Sharon says:

    There are many in Christian music that are not saved. They just view it as a way to make a living. Sad but true. But there are a few that do mean what they sing.

    I have never heard of the group you mentioned. Do they have a web site? If so then let me know.

    Dan wrote:

    Sharon, I worked in the music business but it’s too much of a rotten and depraved industry. I quit once I got saved, not too long ago. There is one group that I enjoy listening to these days, an Australian group called “Sons of Korah.” Very nice.

  18. blank Dan says:

    Sharon wrote:

    There are many in Christian music that are not saved. They just view it as a way to make a living. Sad but true. But there are a few that do mean what they sing.
    I have never heard of the group you mentioned. Do they have a web site? If so then let me know.


    They do have a website and here’s a quote from there on what they’re all about: “Sons of Korah is an Australian based band devoted to giving a fresh voice to the biblical psalms”.

  19. blank Sharon says:

    Thanks Dan, I will check them out.

    Dan wrote:

    Sharon wrote:

    There are many in Christian music that are not saved. They just view it as a way to make a living. Sad but true. But there are a few that do mean what they sing.
    I have never heard of the group you mentioned. Do they have a web site? If so then let me know.


    They do have a website and here’s a quote from there on what they’re all about: “Sons of Korah is an Australian based band devoted to giving a fresh voice to the biblical psalms”.

  20. blank Sharon says:

    It’s time for a song.
    (This was my Dad’s second most favorite song. Our family had some very stormy times, but God was faithful during each and every storm.)

    A Shelter in the Time of Storm

    The Lord’s our Rock, in Him we hide,
    A Shelter in the time of storm;
    Secure whatever ill betide,
    A Shelter in the time of storm.
    Oh, Jesus is a Rock in a weary land,
    A weary land, a weary land;
    Oh, Jesus is a Rock in a weary land,
    A Shelter in the time of storm.
    A shade by day, defense by night,
    A Shelter in the time of storm;
    No fears alarm, no foes afright,
    A Shelter in the time of storm.
    The raging storms may round us beat,
    A Shelter in the time of storm
    We’ll never leave our safe retreat,
    A Shelter in the time of storm.
    O Rock divine, O Refuge dear,
    A Shelter in the time of storm;
    Be Thou our Helper ever near,
    A Shelter in the time of storm.

  21. blank Dan says:

    I’ve been attending services at this little church for the past two or three months. Mainly for my wife’s sake, because she’s not saved yet. Unfortunately I’ve lost all confidence in churches a long time ago. I prefer to study the word by myself and come to sites like this one, as often as I can. I do miss hanging out with other believers though.

    So this morning at church, they had people come up to witness about what the Lord had done in their lives. One lady was talking about how her brother, who was an unbeliever made a deal with the Lord, that if the Lord blessed his business, he would start following Him. The next day he signed a huge contract in Kenya and as a result, is now a believer. I’m thinking to myself, is this the work of the Lord according to scripture? Would He do that to prove to you that He’s real, or would He say to you, “sell what you have and follow me”? The next lady comes up and tells of the problems she’d had with the people who rent an apartment from her. They haven’t payed the rent for some time, so she was angry and had the water and electricity cut off. The tenant however, knew how to reconnect it without paying, so he started stealing water and electricity. Next thing she gets sued by both these companies. She goes to the police station and there she goes into a rage. When she got home, she prayed and finally some politician she knows, pulled a few strings and she’s off the hook. Again I’m sitting there thinking, did the Lord help her or the politician? Then, after church one of the sisters told me that the youth pastor had won a 12 day trip to Turkey in a lucky draw that he had entered. And I’m asking myself, does the Lord provide for us by letting us win competitions?

    A dear friend told me once, as Christians, we believe in the died and risen Savior. Everything after that is growth. We need to correct each other in love. Love is the most important thing. Was I judging these people when I asked these questions to myself? Or was I being a good Berean? I’m considering not going back there again. Would I be wrong? Am I, who is a young Christian, supposed to correct them if they are indeed wrong or am I supposed to pray for them or what? This is after all part of the body of Christ, I need to be sure that I deal with this in the right manner.

  22. Dan

    The short answer to your question, The Holy Spirit was informing you that those ‘testimonies’ are FALSE. God does not work like that. You have every right to TEST THE SPIRIT behind these testimonies according to scripture – this is not judging, this is making sure you don’t follow after false teaching! If you feel the Holy Spirit is pressing you to inform these people that their testimonies are not of God, then do so. You can also speak to the pastor of the church and tell him your thoughts about this little event and how as per scripture God does not work like this! Unfortunately Dan you might find yourself excommunicated, but at least you spoke the gospel truth to these people and let them know, maybe one of them listens 🙂

  23. blank Carolyn says:

    Dan, perfect examples of “Christians” living on the broad road contrary to the teachings of Christ and thinking that they are being blessed by God. Pragmatism is no proof that you are being led by the Holy Spirit. Holy living is proof that you are being led by the Holy Spirit.
    1.character or conduct that emphasizes practicality.
    2.a philosophical movement or system having various forms, but generally stressing practical consequences as constituting the essential criterion in determining meaning, truth, or value.

    BTW, Glenn Beck’s phone started ringing and his successful career took off immediately after he made his commitment to the Mormon faith. This, in turn validated the truth of Mormonism for him. Pragmatism blinded him, setting him on a path of false teaching. Satan also uses pragmatism to endorse his own agenda….for sure.

    Will those who gave testimonials listen to you? Probably not since they don’t even understand the basics of Christ’s commands.
    Ephesians 4:23-25
    23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;
    24 And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
    25 Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another.

  24. blank Sharon says:

    Time for a song. This was my Dad’s Favorite hymn. My momma and dad went home to live forever with Jesus in 2008 and I miss them very much. When I really miss them a lot I stop and think that they see Jesus in person! Their faith became sight the moment they stepped into heaven. Wow!


    There is coming a day,
    When no heart aches shall come;
    No more clouds in the sky,
    No more tears to dim the eye;
    All is peace forever more,
    On that happy golden shore;
    What a day, glorious day that will be.

    What a day that will be,
    When my Jesus I shall see;
    And I look upon his face,
    The One who saved me by His grace;
    When He takes me by the hand,
    And leads me through the Promised Land;
    What a day, glorious day that will be.

    There’ll be no sorrow there,
    No more burdens to bear;
    No more sickness, and no more pain,
    And no more parting over there;
    And forever I will be,
    With the One who died for me;
    What a day, glorious day that will be.

    What a day that will be,
    When my Jesus I shall see;
    And I look upon His face,
    The One who saved me by his grace;
    When He takes me by the hand,
    And leads me through the Promised Land;
    What a day, glorious day that will be.

    Oh I’ve got a longing, I’m homesick to go,
    To a land without heartache no sorrow no woe;
    There’s nothing can hold me in this world below,
    I’m homesick for Heaven, I’ve got a longing to go.

    What a day that will be,
    When my Jesus I shall see;
    And I look upon his face,
    The One who saved me by His grace;
    When He takes me by the hand,
    And leads me through the Promised Land;
    What a day, glorious day that will be.

  25. blank Sharon says:

    Deb and I will probably disagree with how you should handle these things you heard these people say. If I were to say something about this it would only be to the Pastor. Unless you know these folks well enough to talk with them about these things. I don’t understand why a Pastor would let people talk like this but then I’m not, nor could I ever be a Pastor.

    I am a woman that really believes in mentorship. Normally there are very, very few people that I care what they think of me. But there are three very good friends that I have that if they saw something wrong in my life I would want them to tell me so. If they did this, it would really make me stop and do some soul searching. While it may hurt I trust them enough and know they would be chastising me for my good. Thankfully so far, none of them have had to do this.

    If you know the man well enough perhaps you could ask him to tell you this testimony again. I don’t suggest you ask any women unless she is your wife. You would most definitely be out of line asking a woman anything about what she shared with the church.

    The very best thing…pray for the Pastor and that the Lord will lead him to stop permitting this. Other than that I suggest you be very careful because things like this have a way of ruining your testimony rather than theirs.

    Unless you truly feel lead of the Lord, keep quiet for now. Then talk to the Pastor only, in confidence.

    Dan wrote:

    I’ve been attending services at this little church for the past two or three months. Mainly for my wife’s sake, because she’s not saved yet. Unfortunately I’ve lost all confidence in churches a long time ago. I prefer to study the word by myself and come to sites like this one, as often as I can. I do miss hanging out with other believers though.

    So this morning at church, they had people come up to witness about what the Lord had done in their lives. One lady was talking about how her brother, who was an unbeliever made a deal with the Lord, that if the Lord blessed his business, he would start following Him. The next day he signed a huge contract in Kenya and as a result, is now a believer. I’m thinking to myself, is this the work of the Lord according to scripture? Would He do that to prove to you that He’s real, or would He say to you, “sell what you have and follow me”? The next lady comes up and tells of the problems she’d had with the people who rent an apartment from her. They haven’t payed the rent for some time, so she was angry and had the water and electricity cut off. The tenant however, knew how to reconnect it without paying, so he started stealing water and electricity. Next thing she gets sued by both these companies. She goes to the police station and there she goes into a rage. When she got home, she prayed and finally some politician she knows, pulled a few strings and she’s off the hook. Again I’m sitting there thinking, did the Lord help her or the politician? Then, after church one of the sisters told me that the youth pastor had won a 12 day trip to Turkey in a lucky draw that he had entered. And I’m asking myself, does the Lord provide for us by letting us win competitions?

    A dear friend told me once, as Christians, we believe in the died and risen Savior. Everything after that is growth. We need to correct each other in love. Love is the most important thing. Was I judging these people when I asked these questions to myself? Or was I being a good Berean? I’m considering not going back there again. Would I be wrong? Am I, who is a young Christian, supposed to correct them if they are indeed wrong or am I supposed to pray for them or what? This is after all part of the body of Christ, I need to be sure that I deal with this in the right manner.

  26. blank Dan says:

    Thanks Sharon, I think I’m going to wait a bit, get my ducks in a row and then go talk to the pastor. Yesterday he sent me an e-mail to recommend Lee Strobel’s book ‘The Case of Christ”. I don’t know much about the book but I know that Strobel was a teacher at apostate Bill Hybels’ Willow Creek mega Church and is currently a board member of Willow Creek Association. Enough said.

    I need some practical advice please. How is a Christian supposed to love the people who are in the world, without becoming part of the world? How can I befriend unsaved coworkers, without becoming a “friend” so to speak? Also, if they tell me they are not interested in hearing the gospel, I’ll stop. But does that also mean I’m supposed to end the relationship? Please advice.

  27. blank Redeemed says:

    Dan, if you and your wife were visiting someone’s home and discovered a bomb about to go off you would vacate the premises immediately would you not? If your wife refused to leave the danger, you would make every effort to convince her there was clear and present danger.

    This church you describe is a most dangerous place! You are the spiritual leader in your home. You must gently but firmly explain to your wife why you cannot remain there. Don’t waste your time going to talk to the pastor unless you think it will serve to convince your wife that you have taken steps and that there is no recourse except to leave. The pastor will most likely see you as a trouble maker and label you as such. And after you leave you can expect the backbiters to go into action.

    Pray that the Lord will open your wife’s eyes to the danger in this church.

    Regarding the book the pastor gave you, it has no credibility as you point out. I believe that Strobel is now at Rick Warren’s church. False teachers speak truth which serves to better deceive.

    Regarding witnessing and sharing the Gospel, there is some support for “friendship evangelismn”, but the power is in the Word of God and not in our own words. But the person has to know that the speaker is coming from a heart of concern and with a humble spirit. Often an opportunity will arise on the airplane, or in a restuarant to share the Gospel, having never seen the person before. One has to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit as to what to say and when to say it and what verses to share. The Holy Spirit draws and gives us wisdom for the moment. It may be an opportunity to plant a tiny seed or it could be the rare opportunity to share the full Gospel with the person.

    The Bible says to be ready both in and out of season because we never know when a divine appointment will occur.

    I hope this helps and I hope that you seek the Lord as to the best way to exit this apostate church that is a danger to yours and your wife’s spiritual health.

    Don’t make a stir, just leave quietly and respectfully. Pray if you are to meet with the pastor and inform him why you are leaving or send him a letter. Don’t be critical, just share your heart and be clear but kind.

    I truly hope this helps. If others don’t agree they may wish to chime in.

  28. blank Sharon says:

    I do not know Lee Strobel nor book. Ask Deborah. Bill Hybels I have heard of and he has done much harm to a churche in Florida where I was once a member. This church had about 2,000 active members. In the summer we have twice that amount. Any way the Pastor decided to change things regardless of what the majority of the member-ship wanted. If he could convince the Deacon Board and the Head of all of the Sunday School classes then they passed what would happen without a vote of the whole church. A lot of people, good godly people began to leave. I was one of them. I still have friends there and pray they would leave. There is a time to leave and a time to stay.

    We live in a world where the majority of people are lost. Yes, it is possible to be a “friend” of a lost person especially at work. But with that said, it doesn’t mean you always to with them to places that you know that it would be wrong for you to go to. We are to be witnesses, but that doesn’t mean that we try to FORCE SALVATION on them. You are NOT responsible to “save” them. You plant the seed. They will most likely not want to hear it. Not because of you but because of the Savior, Jesus Christ, you represent. Remember too the gospel message is offensive to the lost man.

    When at work you do your very best to do your job better than anyone else. You don’t do it for your own ego but rather because you belong to the Lord. We have a couple at my church that work with the youth of our church. He is a civilian worker at the Air Force Base here. He made friends with a very young Airman. He began to slowly witness to this young man. It took two years to show this man who Jesus was and what Jesus had done for him. He led the man to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. This young man was raised Catholic and knew nothing about Jesus Christ. A couple of weeks later our Pastor baptized him. We clapped and shouted Praise God. When this young man came up out of the water he said, YESSSSSSSSSSSS! It was a glorious time. But it took a long while for the planted seed to be watered, and cultivated. God gave the increase….in His time.

    Some times being a witness to a co-worker is just listening when they are having a crisis in their life. You can gently say, I will be praying for you, your family or situation…etc.

    As Christians we know time is short and hell is real. We get impatient and want them saved right now! :o) One on one witnessing takes time. Even Jesus didn’t convince everyone he interacted with.

    Be kind, be gentle. Be ready to tell of the hope that is in you, but hope doesn’t konk people over the head. When you are having a crisis, or a hard time with something in your life or at work, what do your co-workers see? It doesn’t mean that you won’t show that you’re up set. You are a human being with human needs and emotions. Be real and genuine. Be loving.

    Most of all pray for the strength to love people as Jesus does…just as they are. Pray that the light of Jesus Christ will show in all you say and do. Pray for the folks you work with. You will be rejected. You will be made fun of. But I gurantee someone is listening. When they reject, make fun and even get mad at you. Pray for them and yourself. The only time you would have to end talking with them if they put you in danger of some sort.

    Pray that God will give you wisdom of when to witness and when to remain quiet. Let them see Jesus in you.

    Dan wrote:

    Thanks Sharon, I think I’m going to wait a bit, get my ducks in a row and then go talk to the pastor. Yesterday he sent me an e-mail to recommend Lee Strobel’s book ‘The Case of Christ”. I don’t know much about the book but I know that Strobel was a teacher at apostate Bill Hybels’ Willow Creek mega Church and is currently a board member of Willow Creek Association. Enough said.

    I need some practical advice please. How is a Christian supposed to love the people who are in the world, without becoming part of the world? How can I befriend unsaved coworkers, without becoming a “friend” so to speak? Also, if they tell me they are not interested in hearing the gospel, I’ll stop. But does that also mean I’m supposed to end the relationship? Please advice.

  29. blank Dan says:

    Thank you very much Sharon and Redeemed for kind, loving and practical advice. The thing that bothers me most is, my wife isn’t saved yet and I think I might be Bible bashing her right now because I know that time is running out. She certainly wouldn’t have a problem with us leaving that church.

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