Biblical Holy Spirit vs. Unholy Spirit of Fire
Holy Spirit vs. Filthy Spirit of Fire, the calling down of Fire from heaven over a congregation, or praying Fire over someone is the norm in the church today. It has come to resemble the early heretic Gnostic churches. Religious ecstasy (or Kundalini) was to be found in the mystery religions of the first century A.D. Back when the Corinth church seemed to be a hub of pagan Gnostic knowledge and ran rampant in unscriptural and immoral practices; the Greek mystery religions had prophets who babbled in unknown tongues which were caused by a Kundalini awakening.
Below is a table explaining the differences between The Biblical Holy Spirit compared to The Kundalini unholy spirit that masquerades as the Biblical Holy Spirit. This table is exhaustive and contains everything you need to know:
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Holy Spirit |
Kundalini Unholy Spirit of Fire |
Who is the Holy Spirit? |
Who is the Kundalini unholy spirit? |
How do we receive the Holy Spirit |
How do we get this unholy spirit? |
** Through the false ‘Baptism of the unholy Spirit’.** The calling down of Fire (Serpent Fire).
** Being filled with the Unholy Ghost by Fire.
Are there any happenings that go with the filling of the Holy Spirit? |
Are there any feelings or happenings that go with this filling of the unholy spirit? |
What does ‘Walking in the Spirit’ mean?. What does being “Filled by the Holy Spirit’ mean? |
What happens when we have opened our Third Eye? (6th Chakra) |
Evidence or Signs: |
False Signs and Wonders: |
This Kundalini spirit is found in all religions across the world just under different names:
False ‘unholy spirit fire‘ in action masquerading as Holy Spirit:
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Montanism was an early Gnostic so called Christian movement of the late 2nd century, later referred to by the name of its founder, Montanus, but originally known by its adherents as the New Prophecy (or ‘The Phyrgian Heresy’) . The heretical movement spread rapidly to other regions in the Roman Empire at a time before Christianity was generally tolerated or legal. It persisted in some isolated places into the 6th century.
It was a prophetic movement that called for a reliance on the spontaneity of the Holy Spirit and spoke extra biblical revelation. Parallels have been made between Montanism and modern day movements such as the charismatic movement, and the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). [1]
As the name “New Prophecy” implied, Montanism was a movement focused around prophecy, specifically those of the movement’s founders which were believed to contain the Holy Spirit’s revelation for the present age.[2] New Prophecy departed from Church tradition as described by Eusebius of Caesarea [3]: “And he [Montanus] became beside himself, and being suddenly in a sort of frenzy and ecstasy, he raved, and began to babble and utter strange things, prophesying in a manner contrary to the constant custom of the Church handed down by tradition from the beginning.”[4]
The Montanist prophets did not speak as messengers of God but were described as possessed by God while being unable to resist. Montanists believed that the new prophecies superseded and fulfilled the doctrines proclaimed by the Apostles.[5] Thus, they were seen as false prophets because they acted irrationally and were not in control of their senses.[6]
The Roman Catholic unholy spirit of FIRE
The church has gone so far with this unholy fire that it has literally ENGULFED the entire church. You need to be permanently on FIRE for God according to the powers that be (TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network), God TV, Rodney Howard-Browne, Kenneth Copeland, Angus Buchan, Rick Joyner, Ray McCauley, Cindy Jacobs, Deon Hockey, Kim Clement, Marc Bredenkamp, Leon du Preez, Harold Weitsz, et al.) as they spell out their incantation and throw FIRE, FIRE, and more FIRE in the congregations direction. Those in the congregation who have experienced this religious ecstasy want more, and those who have not experienced it, want to experience it because they believe this is the Holy Spirit as work.
The ‘Heart of God is now on FIRE‘ and everyone is pushed in this direction by the church to get to know ‘God’s heart‘. What they don’t tell you is that this ‘Heart of God’ is the Roman Catholic Sacred Heart of Jesus, and it is also the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
The church as it currently stands is being shoved towards pagan ROME at a rapid speed. But in order for Pentecostals and Charismatics to accept Roman Catholicism they would first have to accept the ‘spirit‘ by which it operates. Rome’s EVANGELIZATION of non-Catholics started decades ago, and their hard labour has paid off. Just as the ancient Egyptians viewed Kundalini as being ‘Ra‘ who is symbolized as the sun because the sun is the source of kundalini energy. So does the Roman Catholic Church who, worships the Sun god Mithra (incarnation of Ra).
Let’s have a look and see that the bible says about “fire called down from heaven” in the New Testament.
Revelation 13:13 “he [antichrist] doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,”
G4442 πῦρ pur (pïr’) n.
{literally or figuratively}
This fire is spiritual and literal. In the last days, the antichrist, the false Church, and it’s followers call down spiritual FIRE from heaven onto earth – this fire is satanic, it’s captures your soul with fake love and false manifestations that capture your mind. The antichrist will also bring down real fire from heaven in the sight of me to deceive them.
Was fire ever called down from heaven when Jesus walked the earth? Nope, how do we know? Well let’s go to God’s Word…look at this:
During Jesus’ earthly ministry, the disciples James and John wanted to call down fire from heaven in judgment of a Samaritan village that did not welcome the Lord Jesus Christ. What did Jesus Christ say to his disciples?
Luke 9:55- “But He turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of.“
As we can clearly see from the bible, this spirit is from Satan, and is NOT the Holy Spirit. Jesus had not come “to condemn the world, but to save the world” (John 3:17)
This ‘fire that is called down from heaven’ is from Satan, another spirit, an unholy spirit – that condemns you.
[Edited 5 Oct 2018: I’ve added this to explain the above in more detail because of this comment: 2018/10/05 at 3:17 pm:
Please note I am not saying that God did not ever use fire to destroy wickedness.
In the verses Luke 9:54-56 Jesus rebukes his disciples for trying to call down fire from heaven, why? Jesus would never rebuke Elijah for what he did in calling down fire to destroy wickedness, if He did He would be rebuking the Father Himself as God rained fire and brimstone down on Sodom and Gomorrah and surrounding towns. One needs to compare OT to NT. Different dispensations.
What do the words “You know not what manner of spirit you are of.” mean? James and John in all their faithful zeal to Jesus Christ thought they were doing a good thing by wanting to destroy the wicked town that rejected Jesus by doing as Elijah did when he called down fire under OT Law. However the Apostles in training as I call them (Peter, James, John) had just recently seen Moses and Elias speaking with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration. So James and John, thinking they could copy Elijah, where wrong in their thinking, and were in fact sinning when they wanted to call down fire, because they did not understand and they were under grace and Jesus didn’t operate like that. That is why Jesus rebuked them.
Anyone who wants to call down fire (be it physical fire or spiritual fire to destroy the soul) in this age of grace has a spirit of vengeance and it’s not from God.
This fire is a counterfeit. It’s a fire that leads to the UNITY of all religions, the joining of Protestant and Catholic, a co-reformation – into the false Christian church we have today. ]
2018: Year of the Holy Ghost and Fire by Kenneth Copeland
Please read the full comment where I give a transcript from Kenneth Copeland on what ‘burning the chaff’ means in his dictionary.
Charles Spurgeon
And if you think calling down fire is limited to only Charismatics? Think again. The so called ‘Prince of Preachers’ of Calvinism, Charles Spurgeon himself called down demonic Kunalini fire.
Holy Fire / Divine Fire / Heart of Flame
Holy Fire
Charles Spurgeon: “The church needs fire to quicken her ministers, to give zeal and energy to all her members. Having this fire, she burns her way to success! The world meets her with the fire of firewood, but she confronts the world with the fire of kindling spirits, and of souls aglow with the love of Jesus Christ. She trusts not to the wit, and eloquence, and wisdom of her preachers, but to the divine fire which clothes them with energy! She knows that men are irresistible when they are filled with hallowed enthusiasm sent from God. She trusts therefore in this, and her cry is, “Come, Holy Fire, abide upon our pastors and teachers! Rest upon every one of us!” —The Superlative Excellence of the Holy Spirit #574
Divine Fire
Charles Spurgeon: “Brothers, I beseech you keep to the old gospel, and let your souls be filled with it, and then may you be set on fire with it! When the wick is saturated, let the flame be applied. Fire from Heaven is still the necessity of the age. They call it “go”, and there is nothing which goes like it; for when fire once starts upon a vast prairie or forest, all that is dry and withered must disappear before its terrible advance. May God Himself, who is a consuming fire, ever burn in you as in the bush at Horeb! All other things being equal, that man will do most who has most of the Divine fire.” — How to Meet the Evils of the Age Chapter 4
Occult teaching on Holy fire and Divine fire
Theosophy: “In a certain sense, the task before the disciple is the evocation of the “divine fire“, Kundalini, and the infusion of the principle of Will in him by that divine fire; the golden light mingling with the red flame, to produce the colour of the mystic rose. The fiery aspiration of the disciple evokes the higher celestial fire, and the two blend in one, the holy fire which shall thereafter illumine and enkindle that disciple’s heart and life and every act.” –— The Theosophical Quarterly Volumes 17-18 1919 edited by Clement Acton Griscom pg. 226,
Heart of Flame (see Roman Catholic Heart of Fire above)
Spurgeon: “But we bless God that there are not so many of that sort, now, and we pray that the race may become quite extinct—and that every pulpit may be filled with a man who has a tongue of fire and a heart of flame and who shuns not to declare the whole counsel of God, neither seeking the smiles of men nor dreading their frowns!” — The Dumb Singing #2625
Occult teaching on Heart of Flame
Universal Brotherhood (Theosophical teachings):”Then One spoke – He of the mighty arm – He of the eye of power. And He inquired (speaking calm and low, and looking round on all the gathered throng) who would willing go into the world of flesh – to waken all the souls that now could hear, and teach to them the meaning high, sublime, of life; show them the Movement – flowing onward like a river vast, with but one source and end; teach them how to enter on that tide, and moving with Love – and for this Fire Divine in thee thou hast been called ‘The Heart of Flame.” — UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD, Volume 15, nos. 7-12, pg. 439-440
Salvation or Deliverance
If you need salvation and or deliverance from this false unholy spirit or any other demonic spirit, please read this article: Seeking Salvation or Deliverance.
Here is an excellent article that explains the history, characteristics and fruit of the Vatican Second Council New Evangelization initiative: The New Evangelical – Evil fit for a New Dark Age. See this article on the Roman Catholic goddess Mary (incarnation of Isis, etc) : Mary Queen of Heaven – Whore of Babylon
A collage of images taken from the internet showing an explosion of demonic FIRE. Everything now involves this unholy FIRE; from books, music, banners, posters, tattoos, t-shirts and background pictures for your pc.
[1] Robeck, Cecil M., Jr. (2010). “Montanism and Present Day ‘Prophets'”. Pneuma: the Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies 32: 413.
[2] Tabbernee, Prophets and Gravestones, p. 68.
[3] Tabbernee, Prophets and Gravestones, pp. 12, 37.
[4] Eusebius of Caesarea, Ecclesiastical History Book 5. Chapter 16. paragraph 7.
[5] a b c Chapman, John (1911). “Montanists”. The Catholic Encyclopedia. 10. Robert Appleton Company. Retrieved 27 June 2011.
[6] Epiphanius, Against Heresies, 48.3-4.
Sorry for the seconding, I felt this was important to add though.
When I say you never have to walk in darkness again and that there’s continuous grace, love, and humility, I’m not saying it’s an easy path. Indeed, it’s the hardest one I’ve known.
FAITH and the adversary (Satan)… Satan is, unfortunately, the prince of this world and the spirit of the air (until Christ’s Return). When you dive into Christ and seek to pray and grow closer to God, you’ll either be sincere or bargaining. If you’re sincerely seeking the Kingdom via the Narrow Gate, then you should notice sins falling away. You should notice that it’s gets hard quite often to do simple duties such as prayer.
If you’re following a false doctrine such as one taught by the prosperity teachers, then you’re trying to use Jesus as a bargain. If you tithe, perhaps, then God will give you fortune. Jesus never promised money, ladies and gentlemen. Abandon any teacher preaching the opposite of that.
The second you let in the slightest bit of darkness, great calamity can follow. It’s not easy being holy in this world. In fact, it’s impossible. No one is holy. You can only exert yourself for the Kingdom, thereby receiving tenfold what you sacrificed (at the Resurrection). So don’t think the Path is filled with marvel and goodness. It’s not. If it’s comfortable and pleasant then you’re probably just being complacent and are in spiritual stagnation.
If you can keep falling by humbling your perceptions and beliefs (Paul called it the constant renewal of the mind), and then humble yourself some more, you have attained the straight and narrow!
It has been said that once you accept Jesus you’ve been saved. But I say to conform to this world is damnation. The core of your being should be seeking to escape all these things. Of course I’m not hinting toward death wishing. The more you’re willing to discard for the Kingdom, the less comfortable you are with the deceptions, weariness, dissatisfaction, and sinfulness of this world, the more you’ll be pushed (or pulled?) toward Christ.
In fact, if the Holy Spirit grows strong in you, you’ll probably become lonelier regarding the common mentalities around you. You’ll realize more and more the nature of humanity, the truth of things, the darkness and whatnot, and your sins will be exposed. But you won’t be dwelling forever on the darkness.
Recall the Sermon on the Mount. Blessed are the poor in spirit. Blessed are merciful. Blessed are they who thirst for righteousness… This is interesting. When Jesus mentioned who was/is blessed, reversing the order reveals WHY they are are blessed. Thus, the poor in spirit are blessed. Yes, they have the Holy Spirit (God’s spirit). That’s why.
The more someone emulates these virtues of Christ, the less of this world they are and the more of the Kingdom they are. If someone is void of mercy, meekness, contrition, a desire for righteousness, purity of heart, and nonconformity/persecution then that person is very much a child of the Devil and the love of the Father is not in him/her.
Can you relate? I say blessed are all those who do love Jesus (as Jesus himself). Even wishing that Jesus was/is the Messiah shows you have the love of God in you.
You are promoting a works-based gospel which is false and damning.
You wrote:
Paul is not speaking to unbelievers in Romans 12. He is speaking to believers some of whom had taken a turn for the worst and had failed to present their bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is their reasonable service. Instead, they allowed themselves to be conformed to the dainties of the world. The very fact that you are promoting a works-based salvation makes you guilty of being conformed to the world.
You wrote:
The straight gate is Jesus Christ and refers to salvation which you believe you can attain by humbling yourself and by humbling your perceptions and beliefs. Here again, you are promoting a works-based salvation. You cannot attain salvation.
Deborah (Discerning the World) wrote:
Amen I’ve been reading over the comments on this site it looks like you’ve guys got your work cut out for you here. It looks like you guys are trying to actually help people who have suffered some serious traumas from this false kundalini fire spirit . I was praying about a year ago and kind of clearing my mind in an unintentional way and think I was visited for lack of better terms by some type of spirit . I thought at first it was God or the Holy Spirit , but I don’t think so now . This was from doing an 11th step prayer from A.A. it says ” we sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscience contact with God” . I left this program funny it’s called “program” I am a born again Christian and so many of these steps and books in that program after awhile seemed to fly in direct opposition to the bible, it literally had a form of godliness but denied it’s power being Jesus of course all for the sake of wanting to be sober so it sounded really “Good” like communism on paper lol. This “program” now looking back seems like some sort of new age philosophy the spirit put it on me heavy to run from that place it was full of pantheist, practicing pagans, witches, polytheist, it masqueraded as an angel of light at first ,it was like something out of a demonic horror movie .They called it the AA way , I called them out on this, there is no “new way” or “other way” there is only THE WAY the truth and the light , Jesus. I’ve seen now where people have been cured of alcoholism , drug addiction or whatever ails you but this false spirit is promising you this also strange huh , and at what cost your soul your sanity ?? Jesus said for my yoke is easy and my burden is light and I’d look at these people who’ve had this yoke removed only to have ten more different ones put on , that don’t seem easy and causes a huge burden .Back to this spirit though I talked about earlier , though it only lasted a few days it scared me badly!! Because I started to realize , by what it was asking of me didn’t line up scripturally what so ever and that what they (AA) were teaching me was WRONG!! Jesus has been good to me very kind and very patient , I believe I was meant to see something there , they have this other step I think step two became willing to believe that a power greater than myself could restore my sanity ,what power ? Whos power (it never says)??? They said I’m “powerless” ,but through Christ he strengthens me ,step 3 was turning my will and my life over to the care of god what god are they talking about ? Who’s god??? It never tells you and I’d ask them and the general reply was whatever one you want as long as it’s greater than you ….ok pick a god any god here use my god .When I read the literature it has all kinds of passages from the bible, but not ONE mention of Jesus in their “official” literature (well to be fair it said the word Jesus in the forward and even then it only said he was a fine moral example and that’s it …really that’s it) .NOTHING in that program leads you to Christ NOTHING. Any mention of Jesus is quickly dismissed as “your not being respectful of the people who haven’t chosen a God ” but I would have to listen to them on their god and their garbage and it was pure garbage .I’d mention Jesus and I was alienated from the group ,eyes would roll, they would say oh no he’s allowed you can talk about him ,except I totally couldn’t .Their reasoning – Because so and so had a bad experience at such and such place and that would be disrespectful , if I mentioned this they would say “you have a resentment” lol I’m like ya duh. I cant talk about the Lord and if I say something I’m shushed and if I disagree I have a resentment and if I drank its you didn’t give your whole self to “the program” and that’s why you drank not the fact that it has a 96% failure rate which was their quote from their “home office” something that was mentioned often in meetings as a supposed scare tactic (meaning you better get on board or this could fail for you) .For me it was one red flag of many , it was like the united nations in my mind with all those flags .Needless to say I haven’t been back in long time and of course they would say its because of “a resentment” and I would say I TOTTALY AGREE LOL .I rarely if EVER drink now , once in while I mess up but the Holy Spirit is finding ways for me to not be tempted and it works 100% of the time , when I have slipped up the spirit lets me know hey James you cant be doing this and I’m like ya your right , your right , thank you for guiding me into all truths, thank you Jesus . There’s something to be said about this kundilini fire baptism or this new age spirit infecting people I had a slight taste of it , no thank you it’s wrong!!! The Lord didn’t free me and US of bondage only to put me and US back into all types of bondage again. I think what you guys are trying to do here on this site is a really good thing and unfortunately there is some bad apple comments on here that could probably use and need your experience and just don’t know it yet is all. You guys are trying to help people who have been burdened with a heavy yoke and don’t even know it. That’s tough to do , I don’t think there is a lot of people doing this ,simply because I mean where do you begin ? If you guys can bring one person back to the Lord rightly it’s all worth it . My advice to people is to stay away from this new age meditation, yoga (which literally means YOKE btw) ,kundilini feel good FIRE Baptism wave that’s infecting America , stick with the bible folks the apostle’s really new what they were doing they were regular people like us at one time tax collector, a Doctor , one of them murdered people . They are warning us because its real and it could happen ,be sober and vigilant your enemy the Devil is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour ,the meant that when they wrote it !
The Star of David is not a Star of God it is the star of Moloch and Rephan as is written in the Bible. It is used heavily in witchcraft and it is the 666 star. However, pentegrams are also used in witchcraft and there are fifty one of them in our national flag that I love and being from Texas we have a big fat one in our state flag. And I love our state flag and national flag, because of this I don’t get involved in flags anymore. But still, we need to know what is what and what to stay away from. And the Star of David is a six within a six within a six = 666. It may the sign the anti Christ uses as the sign written in Revelation as the symbol planted on our arms or our heads so we can eat and do business. The anti Christ shown on the internet — Baphomet uses a pentegram on its forehead and the witchcraft uses a hexogram as its symbol. Witches and the occult have used hexograms for thousands of years. You will see these two symbols used in anything not of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. It was the True Eternal Holy Trinity that created Satan origionally called Lucifer. THe Holy TRinity is written about in Isaiah 48:16 When our Savior announced He was coming to us 700 years early, He said, “Come close to me and listen to this; Since the beginning I have not spoken in secret, Since the beginning I have been there. Now The Eternal Father is sending Me and His Holy Spirit. The True Trinity right there. There are those who say the trinity does not exist and that the trinity came from Satan, or the Kabbalah –which is New Age Judiasm–totally occult. However, Satan did give out one of God’s secrets — the Numbers which are of God. However it is the only good thing in the Kaballah — Stay away from it — See Dr. ChucK Missler’s two hour discussion about the Kabbalah on UTube. The first hour he tells all the good and then sets up for the second part that is all about the coming of the antiChrist. Like freemasonry it tells everyone you can get to heaven through ‘good works’ We all know that is a lie. We can only be saved by faith through grace in our Lord Jesus Christ and what He occomplished on the Cross. Period!. Understand this ,brothers and sisters of Christ that Satan is a counterfit of God the Eternal Father; he is a copy cat what ever the Eternal Trinity does he will also do in order to set up the earth for his son of Perdition, written about in Dr. Lakes’ book, “The Shinar Directive: Preparing the way for the son of perdition.” On the back cover he states, “It is time for the Remnant to wake up, discern the times, and be infused with Heaven’s Power to withstand the Shinar Directive.” We are in the end of the end of times and Satan is coming around as the true God as is written in “I will exhault my throne above the stars and I will be just like the most high God . . . ” I believe that is in Isaiah. I’m going to write a book about this whole mess Satan, the false light, the deceiver of the world is doing to protect us Christians. I probably won’t write much on this blog. I really like the way you guys think. I am a ordained minister of the Gospel and do a lot of volunteer work mostly at retirement homes where our Savior is needed so badly for those who will be meeting our Beloved Savior soon. I’m a horrible speller and this print is so small it is hard to edit for me. THe Name I have chosen for God’s message to be delivered, the book will be called “My people are destroyed from lack of Knowledge.” A quote from from our Savior in the Old Testament. TAke care all of yourselves and God Bless in His Blessed Name, the Name above all Names, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Carol A. Knaak
ordained minister of the Gospel
I was an Atheist, so you guys had better listen up to what I have to say.
Raised in baptist church, it was boring and uneventful. Experienced the world and everything it had to offer. Money, women, power, all of it. Something was missing, and since I didn’t know what it was I figured I try to search out to see if God was real or not. Told myself, if He is real, I’ll find him, cause I never did find him in church. I got so desperate for my search that it nearly drove me mad. I finally came to a point, to where I repented of every sin by name out loud that I could think of, and then I forgave anyone and everyone who had ever wronged me…I was at the end of my rope from searching. I felt death creeping up on me, if you can imagine the feeling of death. I was weak, and bones dry…streached out prostrate in my bedroom floor. The only thought that came to my mind was that I needed a savior to save me right then. I remembered a nursery rhyme about Jesus. So with my last breath, and last ounce of energy I called out his name…BOOOOOM! The Son of Man explodes in my body, breaking death’s grip on my neck. Holy Spirit Fire comes out of no where to burn the sin off of me. It was awesome! Now I’m seeing things I’ve never seen. Feeling power I’ve never felt. Have a knowledge now that ALL THINGS are now possible because I’ve got the H.S. on me an within me. You will never ever mistake the real Holy Spirt for anything else, it brings all the evidence with him when He comes of who He is!!!!! He teaches you within about 5 minutes of everything that is TRUE and everything that is FALSE. Doctrines of devils is real…they use the pull pit..get it? There is a serious battle going on right now for Truth, and if you are in a church with no supernatural things happening, you are in the WRONG church. If you are in a church that thinks toungues have ceased YOU HAVE BEEN DECEIVED by doctrines of devils that Jesus warned us about. Run from that church and run fast! Here is another one for you. If you have not yet received the HS, you may have been talked in to saying the “sinner’s prayer” The sinner’s prayer is straight from Satan, and it will not save you. Only a true, personal repentence of all known sin, and forgiving others, and then confessing and believing in your heart about Jesus will save you. When a man gets saved, it is a supernatural event!! I thank God everyday for the Lord Jesus and the precious Holy Spirit that brings the Fire that I love!
PS. The Kingdom of God is here and in the NOW. All the benefits and powers are available here and now for this life on earth…you just have’t found them yet.
PSS. There is a real “yoke” that is removed from your neck and shoulders…and then after about 2 seconds, a teeny tiny little yoke gets put back on your neck…just like Jesus said.
Know thyself and the hidden will be revealed.
Richard B
There are a few things you wrote that bothers me. You wrote:
Where in Scripture do we find that it is the Holy Spirit that burns away sin? The Holy Spirit wasn’t crucified for our sins. A spirit cannot be crucified and neither can it shed blood. Jesus Christ shed his blood on the cross and it is his blood alone that cleanses sinners of their sins, and not the Holy Spirit who allegedly burns sins away.
Well, I think it’s just the other way around. If you are in a church where supernatural things happen, (miracles, speaking in tongues etc. etc.) I suggest t that you start runing from it as fast as you can. Why?
John the Baptist never performed a single miracle and never spoke in tongues. Yet, Jesus called him the greatest prophet who ever lived. (Matthew 11:11).
I suggest that you leave your miracle seeking, tongues speaking church as soon as possible. You have been deceived.
What the remedy for having the Kundalini spirit?
Help !
kristee wrote:
I am understanding what you said because my spirit would not let me onto this page. Deborah you need to let go and let God direct your knowledge not your personal feelings on the topic because of some of past experience.
Most of my experience like some of what these ppl say not talking in tongues or laughing… I have not experienced but the fire of the Holy SPIRIT.. is real. Scripture does talk of it.. I don’t understand your argument about the fire part.
Yes Richard B it is real the Holy Spirit you cannot confuse he does teach you as soon as he come upon you… He lets you see the world around you with spiritual eyes.
Now as you walk with God he increases his mystery upon you if you will. That is what I learned. You came from the world how are you supposed to understand some of the workings like the fire of the HS that he brings unless you experienced it. YOU really cannot confuse it. NOW on others thats a different story. Thats where the HS helps you to see the falseness of others. When you around error he warns you, but that is not on everything. It still is what GOD is teaching you at that moment.
Praying and fasting and staying out of things you shouldn’t be in growing in the word and the Lord keeps your spiritual eyes ears open.
Was John the Baptist called to lay hands on people or to spread that word. HE was not called to lay hands an heal because there was one who was coming that was greater to do so. That still does not say that miracles wont happen. Even after John, Jesus gave his disciples the authority to do so.
SO what makes you think he wouldnt do so today. Once again the HS is with you to let you know hey thats error and hey study this. God is going to do alot of things, but also discern what is of GOd he will also let you know.
YOU JUST havent found it yet. That is true what RICHARD B is saying. With some people they get it like that and with others it does not come so easily to feel. Tho everything is not always going to be aboout feeling. You will learn that to.
But we should be careful… thats why the bible says to test every spirit.
I am reading this and Deborah is saying something but that fire of the Holy Spirit is real and should not be confused as false because it is not. I responded because the title got my attention the unholy spirit of fire that is just not true you spirit should being giving off warning signs becuase you have to be careful of what is being called out and said because that is not true. That fire the HS brings when he comes upon you is of God. It is not unholy but HOLY.
Please tell us how you know the fire is from the Holy Spirit. Do you experience anything?
Indeed, we should test every spirit. What bothers me about your comment is your statement, “Now as you walk with God he increases his mystery upon you if you will. That is what I learned. You came from the world how are you supposed to understand some of the workings like the fire of the HS that he brings unless you experienced it.”
You cannot discern whether something is of God or not by experiencing it. That’s fertile ground for deep deception. That’s the problem with all the WOF churches. Faith to them is an experiential phenomenon which is not faith AT ALL. It is ground for deception.
he man,
There are about 79 instances of the use of the word “fire” in the New Testament and all of them have to do with judgment and not blessing.
The man,
What do you personally mean when you say God is sovereign? Does it mean that we do not have a free-will?
Ron Stachewicz, Hi there, Thank you for comment.
The Bible says:
If the Son (Jesus Christ) therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. (Joh 8:36).
If you are not saved yet, the very first thing for you to do is to call upon his Name and confess that you are a lost sinner who desperately needs to be saved.
Note carefully, the verse does not say “you may be saved” or there is a possibility that you will be saved.” It say “You SHALL be saved. In most cases, when you do that, He will also deliver you from all occult activities, like the Kundalini spirit. Please write to us again.
It makes me sad when the body of Christ argues among each other. I used to be one who was at the forefront of debates. It made me even sad reading through the comments when Tom (I’m guessing an author on this website) with no gentle correction of error called someone we all have no idea about –the state of his heart, his walk with God, whether he/she be a babe still on milk– a “devil” (MD was his name, and he wasn’t explicitly called a devil but the verse Tom used and his comment under it hinted towards it).
It’s also sad that anyone with a common lack of knowledge in scripture i.e. babe in Christ, would not know the full context to James 2:19. That Tom’s choice of scripture to correct error was off topic to MD’s comment bar 3 words which he replied to.
This is a reminder to all of us, the bible explicitly states our faith is dead if no works are produced. As James says, show me your faith without works and I’ll show you my faith by my works. Jesus commanded us to love one another so that the world may know were are his disciples, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit being lead to truth at different times as no two man is the same. All this is done in God’s timing in each and everyone’s life. We need to humble ourselves and acknowledge that God’s ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts.
First and foremost, we must love God with all our heart, then love our neighbour. The spirit which some comments exhibit on this post is not love but pride. Just a revelation which I received which has humbled and steered me away from debate is that no one walking this earth has FULL revelation of God. Ask yourself, do you know every intricate mystery of God? God has mysteries we can’t comprehend and has only revealed what He has chosen to reveal.
Off topic, seek God now more that ever before. Gather in solemn assemblies, fast, pray never ceasing, repent if you have to. Those who follow the small still voice will know that the birthing pangs have intensified. The great deceiver, true to his name, will convince people otherwise and make them complacent. Arguments do nothing but take our eyes off Jesus Christ. Those who seek earnestly will find God as Richard has demonstrated.
God cannot work with the proud so let’s humble ourselves not only toward God but also toward our brethren. Humility is key before God. Remember, the heart is deceitful and can deceive you into thinking you are humble. Pray that God exposes pride and humbles you before Him, for it is only God who sees our hearts to its full extent.
Blessings to those who read my comment and may the Peace of God which surpasses all understanding be with you and comfort you. (Remember, Jesus said plainly, Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and is hall be opened unto you).
Jordan wrote:
Yes, and it makes me very sad to see that some Christians have no discernment whatsoever to know what the difference is between “arguing” and “earnestly contending for the faith.” (Jude 1:3).
Do you have a problem when someone quotes Scripture (James 2:19)?
You wrote:
Would you say these passages from Scripture ooze humility?
And this?
I really think you have a warped idea of what humility is. Beware of something called a false humility which is nothing but hidden pride.
This is my testimony. This is my truth.
In this age of deception where man worships man I was lost in myself. Like so many I lied about pain I did not have to get a marijuana card. Definitely not of sober mind I indulged in smoking pot everyday all day and idolized video games. So bad that I neglected spending time with my family. I would smoke in the garage embarrassed of being a loser in the eyes of my children. Ignoring the voice that ached in my soul this continued for quite some time. Depressed I knew I needed God in my life. With no guidence I started researching myself everything I could. (11:11 and 1:11 was everywhere prior for about 3 years before this). I sifted back and forth reading the Bible, Dead sea scrolls, and even new age stuff like the “emerald tablets of Thoth” (fallen angel stuff). I had a urge to seek more and more knowledge like a spunge. Out of nowhere when I would play video games I started getting knots in my shoulders and neck painful and oddly persistent. Ive always been physically active and not involved working a hard labor type of job so I couldn’t figure out what was going on until…
… One random day on September 18th 2016 I was driving to work listening to a reggae song about getting high just jamming out. Suddenly overwhelmed at my wits end I break down in tears asking God to forgive me. I sobbed like a baby in my car as I headed to work pleading for mercy in all my ignorance and desperation. I hurt deep inside. Suddenly like a switch that had turned on inside me I felt a relief. I instantly felt a presence consume me undeniably strong. I felt like everything was going to be okay. I have felt the Holy Spirit before as a child and this was different. I felt like I was supercharged inside. I felt like I had a light inside me that burned so powerful I could shoot a beam across the universe. This feeling consumed me. It was demanding of my love. I would multiple times go to my car at work and cry to it, pleading with it how much I loved it. I prayed to God the “creator”. Twice I found myself drift off into this tunnel vision like daze. At work a random Christian lady couldn’t help but notice how “on fire” I was for the lord after three days of being born again. How she reacted to me bothered me along with how aggressive this was, and I knew something was off. When she kept asking me when I got saved for some reason I couldn’t remember. After three days of this circus ride and worried about how “on fire” the way this lady had expressed herself to me I got very scared. That very night driving home a voice inside me told me reminding me of something I never forgot as a child “the only way to the father is through the son”. When I got home I ran straight to my bathroom dropped to me knees and started praying to Jesus. Except… there was conflict going on inside me. I’ve never been one that had problems with authority at work wanting to be better then my bosses but this thing gave me a feeling of jealousy towards Jesus and wanting to be greater then him. I knew right then and there this was not the Holy Spirit/helper Spirit from god. I was so scared I didn’t know what to do. I told my wife and she was freaking out because she didn’t know what to do. I started thinking I was possessed and needed to contact a preacher like from the movie poltergeist and have a exorcism done. Then out of nowhere the word kundalini popped in my head. I googled it and came across this web page. I then lied down and started praying. In the name of Jesus I rebuke thee.. ect.. ect.. I said you are not welcome inside me and to leave immediately. I then felt a bubbly feeling in my stomach and drifted off to sleep. The next morning I felt so drained and exhausted. My legs and whole body felt shaky. Yet a felt a calming peace inside me completely absent of that aggressive “thing”!!
Fast forward to today and I’m proud to say I am officially born again. The spirit I feel now is gentle and sweet. It never demands me to pray. I don’t sob uncontrollably for no reason at all. I quit smoking pot of course and my family and I attend a great church that is all about Jesus. Not many people know about what happened to me because they don’t believe me. They think I’m nuts or look at me weird. I officially put all my trust in Jesus in 100% of everything I do. I desire to build my relationship with him daily and lean on him for all things I do. I want nothing more then spread Gods word and share with people what happened to me but it’s just awkward when you know how people will respond especially atheist types. That and I don’t know the Bible like some of you and will not go around preaching a false tongue. I instead if given the opportunity want to just warn people of the reality of times we are in. It’s truly mind blowing what’s going on in our world today. I try not to dwell on the negative but instead focus and lean in Jesus Christ the true king of kings. The Jesus Christ I can proudly say that I am a servent too with every ounce of my being.
To the ones who started this website/post. Thank you so much for your efforts and time. This world needs the discernment.
Tom (Discerning the World) wrote:
Does contending the faith include belittling someone? Is love thrown out the window when we affirm the faith?
Again you miss the context of those verses. Was MD a hypocrite? Did he deserve to be called a “devil”? What was your point of those quoted scriptures? Are you suggesting Jesus Christ is proud? Or are you suggesting you have pride under control and in check like Jesus? I’m well aware of false Humility, hence why I said the heart is deceitful and no man knows it better than God. We are to humble ourselves daily before God, asking him for His grace to face the challenges of the day. We are to make sure the we are always humble, if pride rises we seek God for forgiveness.
There’s a problem when someone uses scripture to accuse or tear them down without taking to account that the person may be ignorant and sincere towards a matter. (Let alone we have no idea the state of their heart). There is a correct way of “contending the faith” which can be found in 2 Timothy 2:23-26. And what a coincidence, verse 25 says we are to instruct in meekness. Pay close attention to verse 22 as well. You speak of discernment, use it. If you know a conversion will only garner strife, bid your farewell. Also we are to build people up Ephesians 4:29, not tear them down. If they continue in their error. Leave them be as God will have the last say.
If you think my idea of humility is warped then you can take it to God yourself. Ask him if he made a mistake with Philippians 2:3. Better yet ask Him if Proverbs 15:1 is out of place in the bible. My definition of humility is not a worldly one but straight out of the bible.
Also if you didn’t know better and were sincere, would you rather a stranger on a public forum correct you gently in love or humiliate you?
I feel this will end up being a back and forth so I’ll leave it at that.
I meant to add, “there’s a problem when someone uses scripture OUT of context to accuse and tear down people….”
Jordan wrote:
Will you please give me some examples where I belittled people?
Please show me some examples where I used Scripture out of context?
Jordan wrote
You’re lying, I never called MD a devil. You owe me an apology. I suppose the Pharisees also did not deserve to be called a “den of vipers.” The context is as clear as day light.
OK, You seem to be the context fundi. What is the context of James 2:19?
So, you weill never quote James 2:19 and Galatians 1:8-9 to anyone because it allegedly belittles people. Let me remind you that MD’s view that there is no Trinity and that God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are just three different manifestations of the same Person – i.e. Jesus Christ in whose Name – and not in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost – we should be baptized. Would you say that his view of the Trinity is heresy and therefore another Gospel? If so, you would do well to quote Galatians 1:8-9 to him – in context of course, as you said.
Jordan wrote:
Please don’t accuse me falsely and then bless me. I reminds me of a hypocrite.
Jordan wrote:
I don’t regard correction, especially when it is backed up with suitable quotes frorm the Bible, as humility. The Word of God is a two-edged sword and not a blunt little pen knife you can use at will just because you don’t want to offend people. And by the way, your quote from 2 Timothy 2:23-26 is way out of context. The context is to avoid “unlearned and foolish (stupid) questions.” The Greeks and the Jews often disputed among themselves about trifles and matters of little importance, leadiing everyone nowhere. The only thing it did was to invoke harsh contention. MD never aked a question. He made a doctrinal statement which is not biblical in the very least. In fact, as I said before, it is another Gospel and as such deserves to be put down (not he himself but his doctrines) by the sharp two-edged sword of God. If you don’t like that, it’s best for you to take it to God yourself, as you said so sweetly and with pure humility.
Whoever wrote this please read all of Acts two.
Here is just a couple of verses from Acts:
Acts 2:4
And they were all filled with the holy ghost, and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance.
Now that verse right there is what you have called “gibberish”.
Acts 2:17
And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall phrophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
Acts 2:18
And on my servant and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my spirit; and they shall prophesy;
Acts 2:19
And I will shew wonders from heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire and vapour of smoke:
Now THIS is what the bible says. Not me. Hope everyone the best and peace with this. Being filled with the holy spirit, witnessing the speaking and tongues, being healed, and seeing healing, has made me very curious about God and the holy spirit. Once I realized all these things are ok, I became at peace and finnally understood Gods love.I mean jesus healed others! And I know that the healing cannot have come from satan. After his resurrection (John 20:22) HE breathed in his deciples the holy spirit. And now they can breathe it in others. How awsome is that! And now we may receive healing in Jesus name!
Pentecost was the fulfillment of the prophecy in Joel 2. When the disciples were accused of being drunk, Peter reminded them of this prophecy. The clause does not mean, “This is like that”; it means Pentecost fulfilled what Joel had described. However, the prophecies of Joel quoted in Acts 2:19-20 were not fulfilled. The implication was that the remainder of the prophecies would be fulfilled if Israel would repent, which of course they didn’t, the result being that they were not fulfilled.
You said,
I am concerned about your reason for finally understanding God’s love because it is contrary to what Jesus once said:-
The reason why it is so dangerous to build your faith in God on signs and wonders, is because it diverts the attention from the real reason why you should love Him, and that is the sign of Jonah – the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in your behalf.
May I ask, did someone breath on you and now you have the Holy Spirit?
Satan can’t heal. Who told you that? Here is a link to a site proving that Satan can do miracles and often does.
HALLELUJAH!!!! You had a terrible scary experience, but Jesus Christ the Son of God saved you and delivered you. AMEN. I am soooo happy!!!!
Use this experience to tell others how to get genuinely saved Chris. There are millions of people in this world that need your help on this specific matter. Start a blog!
The man
you said “Deborah you need to let go and let God direct your knowledge not your personal feelings on the topic because of some of past experience.”
[Deleted by DTW]