Chuck Missler and Roger Oakland Exposed
Chuck Missler and Roger Oakland Exposed: Do Not be Unequally Yoked Together with Unbelievers
It is with a very heavy heart that I re-post this article because there is a man who I looked up to that I am now going to expose – Roger Oakland.
I had previously done an article on Chuck Missler here: Dr. Chuck Missler, SWANsat and the Auricâ„¢ Currency and one on his Wife, Nancy Missler here: Nancy Missler and Henrietta Mears but the time has come to expose Roger Oakland. Unfortunately Roger Oakland is in the middle of all this. I dunno how he got there, only he knows why he is associating with such a man as Chuck Missler and Ron Matsen.
The Bible is very clear on the matter on who you associate with.
2 Corinthians 6:14 “14 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?”
UPDATED 12/5/2016 – Please read article at the very end of this article regarding William P Welty, Chuck Missler, Ron Matsen and a SHOCKING new book released in May 2016 about Mary the mother of God – the Queen of Heaven.
Note: Articles posted by DTW are not an endorsement of the author, their website, ministry or any links therein. Readers are cautioned to use discernment at all times and test everything by the Word of God.
[audio:|titles=Chuck Missler Supports Roger Oakland]Source:
Source: (New Website, old image above)
Source: (New Website, old image above)
Link to Granite History website
Justo Lacunza ante el Grupo Vasco del Club de Roma 5/9
Chuck Missler on TBN – 08/21/2008
Brian Hughes also has no problem being ECUMENICAL with Roman Catholics –
Source of article:
Please read here from more on Roger Oakland:“> Roger Oakland, an enigma revealed in these last days
Proof that Roger Oakland was contacted numerous times about Chuck Missler MONTHS before the article went live on the internet –
Response to comments on Galatians 4 blog [Warning: If you decide to go to GalationsFour blog from ephesians511blog please use discernment when entering GalationsFour website, they are vehemently anti Pre-Trib which means they hold to the Roman Catholic Post-Trib.]
UPDATED: A couple of years later Roger Oakland is STILL sharing a stage with Chuck Missler: Roger – A Fraud Perpetrated Upon Believers
NEW!! UPDATED: 5/12/2016 – Please read this SHOCKING news about William P Welty, Chuck Missler, Ron Matsen and a new book released in May 2016 about Mary the mother of God: William Welty and Koinonia House – the Adoration of Mary book.
Dear Peter
Ahh look who is back.
Can I ask you a question, in your opinion ‘do you think it’s right or wrong to hack websites”?
Dear Peter
Let me ask you again…In your Calvinistic opinion do you think it is a SIN (never-mind illegal) to hack someone’s website?
Bro. Nick
You are not a Calvinist and yet you endorse a Calvinist (Charles Spurgeon) who followed a serieal killer’s (John Calvin’s) teachings? You have as yet not answered my question. Explain to me the difference between Spurgeon’s and the Pharisee’s testimonies.
Spurgeon is not here to defend himself and neither is the Pharisee.
Deborah, I don’t think we will ever hear from Peter again. He’s afraid that he may have to run the gauntlet.
Tom, here I am. What gauntlet do I have to run?
Dear Peter
I am going to tell you something because I feel I need to let you know about a very strange co-incidence that has happened twice on this website every time you comment.
The first time you came to comment – while you were questioning me, this website got hacked and the person deleted all the comments (except the last few) which where your comments. The person also deleted the ‘categories’ from most, if not all the Calvinist articles.
Now here is the co-incidence you appear again tonight and comment and out of the blue at the very same time someone tried to hack this website again.
Do you think that is a very strange co-incidence or what?
So this is what’s going to happen, I am going to forgive this person, but they must know that a security company is building a case against them because what they are doing is illegal.
I also pray that this person realises that they are sinning and no amount of believing they are ‘Elect’ is going to save them from God’s wrath on judgement day. They need to go to Jesus Christ and ask for forgiveness and then they need to ask Jesus Christ the Son of God to show them that the root of their evil deeds is the fact that they believe in a false doctrine called Calvinism. They need to realise that they are indeed lost and need salvation, and that they need to come out of this false teaching by allowing Jesus Christ to show them the gospel truth. Amen
Deborah, you are most welcome to investigate who is hacking your site. It certainly is not me since I neither have the inclination and am way to computer illiterate to do so. I have to admit that it does seem strange that every time I comment that you are hacked and would be interested in knowing who is doing it since their actions are implicating me in something I have no part in. May the Lord deal with whoever is being dishonest in this hacking incident in the manner He sees fit.
If I may, I clearly see the difference in the account of pharisee vs spurgeon (sturgeon or whatever, since I don’t care and simply read your comments for fun). In my opinion, which happens to differ with your opinion but mine is superior to me than yours, is that the difference is “heart”, I simply can’t understand how none of you can spot it in the texts; pharisee is boastful and prideful speaking from the position of supremacy in his eyes, while Sturgeon spoke from the position of grace and True gratefulness to God. Pretty simple. Just because one has a biased opinion about someone, it doesn’t mean that that opinon must be shared by everyone else (especially in your case when your opinion is obviously wrong). 🙂 Go on.:) P.S.: Lots of hate on this website and comments, almost no positive or constructive or Christian-like information. Guess you guys skipped Jesus’ interpretation of the most important commandment (you know, the one more important than any other ones). Peace, seriously feel bad for you, must be miserable to live like that.
Alex M
It’s not the way you speak that determines doctrine; it is what you say in accordance with the Word of God or not.
Read these articles, if you will
Was Charles Haddon Spurgeon a Clairvoyant?
Charles Haddon Spurgeon: The Prince of Preachers
I came across this main article while looking up some detail on Roger Oakland.
I then tried to verify your criticism of him. But I can’t find a link today (2016/10/01) that proves he has ties to KH Europe. Aso far as I can see her always was and he is still against ecumenism.
Maybe you need to edit your main article?
BTW: thanks for the elucidation on Charles Spurgeon. After reading his diatribe on the gospel of grace I think he was ignorant of who/what Calvin did. As well as the false Theology and Christology contained in his Calvanist doctrines…
Finding out he is “off” I am not inclined to read more of what he said…
Marion wrote:
This blog has been removed, many reference it, but i can’t find any substantial quotes from it. Has anyone captured it and/or know what happened to the blog?
May I Not Clang
>> This blog has been removed, many reference it, but i can’t find any substantial quotes from it. Has anyone captured it and/or know what happened to the blog?
Nope. :wonder:
This is what I have researched on Roger Oakland:
Dear May I Not Clang
I can’t access facebook page. It says:
Dear Deborah, I changed the settings, it is set for public viewing. Thanks.
William Saunders wrote:
Dear William,
Is there any way that the material you posted that day regarding the fear of Chuck Missler can be accessed?
May I Not Clang
I think his website is down completely.
[deleted by DTW]
while I find your research interesting, and perhaps even alarming, I would also suggest more balance and grace. What I mean, have you always done everyting in a perfect way? Even Chuck and Roger are sinful humans and make mistakes. Like Jesus said, “let him who has no sin cast the first stone.” What about praying more for these well known representatives of Christianity in our day, and giving them some grace when they make mistakes? Have you heard them consistently preaching heresies? If not, I suggest more grace…
I am a pastor and I know painfully well how I fall short of Biblical requirements for a pastor sometimes. I make mistakes, honest mistakes. Sometimes I even wilfully disobey. Did you never do anything like this? So, I appreciate Lord’s grace, while I try not to abuse it.
The more visible the leader, the more vicious attacks and traps he will face. And the more visible the leader, the more prayers he needs. If we shoot our own wounded, who will be left to fight?
Pastor Milan
Dear Pastor Milan
You said “What about praying more for these well known representatives of Christianity”
I have prayed for Roger Oakland, and I pray to this day he cuts ties with Chuck Missler and also Ron Matesen. Has he cut ties? If anyone can inform me that would be fantastic. I will then remove this article.
Last time Roger was with Chuck was at:
Ministry at the River Lodge: Update on New Zealand – Dr. Chuck … › Special Article
Contact Ron Matsen for more information at Also in the planning stages are RV and camping sites to supplement all the … International visitors: Roger Oakland was here 1-13 August 2013 and others have yet to be confirmed. We are encouraging other celebrity visits to “discover New Zealand,” to heal …
Now, are you saying that Chuck Missler is a suitable Christian representative for Jesus Christ and His church?
To Joetta Smith:
Dear Joetta,
I don’t know if you will read this nearly six years after posting your comment, but just in case, I am responding. Perhaps it may help others, too.
I can relate to the pain when you give all you have to a ministry and then someone takes it away from you. It hurts like a divorce!
Your writing is also one of so many proofs, how Christians are still imperfect, sinful creatures on this side of eternity.
For example, my marriage is unbelievably wonderful – as long as my wife and I walk in Christ. Whenever we take some steps in flesh, it can get ugly pretty quickly. Does that mean we are bad Christians? Not necessarily. It means we, like everyone else, struggle at times with our sinful nature.
And so it is in ministry. And we need to remember this verse – “Love will cover a multitude of sins” 1 Pet 4:8.
God is so Big, he can take into his Kingdom ALL KINDS of Christians – as long as they are born-again. He does not go by “one size fits all.”
So, while you may be mad at some people and them at you – that is not a fruit of the Holy Spirit. That does not mean that you all are not saved, but that you need more love and forgiveness for each other. If you all are saved, you will be stuck with each other in heaven forever, right? At some point, you will have to make it good either way. The sooner the better.
I did also pick up a couple of reasons why those folks might have wanted to split from you:
1. I quote what you wrote: “I have always taught the pastors to stand for the truth and never compromise even if it cost you everything. Well, I did stand for the truth and I refused to compromise…”
This is a contradictory statement – you really can’t stand for the truth and violate it at the same time:
See the truth that the apostle Paul wrote:
1 Tim 2:12-15:
And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.” NKJV
These are verses for all generations, not just for Pauls’ day. Why, the principle is timeless – along with other verses and qualifications for the church leadership – “husband of one wife..” 1Tim 3:2 … not “wife of one husband.”
The reason is simple: While God made man and woman equal before Him, He did give to each of them DIFFERENT ROLES with different designs. Man are and should be different from women. And as such, God gave the spiritual leadership in churches and families – to men.
Sorry, I know that in today’s crazy culture this sounds crazy, but God is not crazy and if you are willing to understand why, then you’ll have no problem with it. The problem today is that many men do not want a leadership role at church or family, while women tend to usurp that role. Both sexes of course tend to deny it. No wonder, the ruler of this world is satan, as I suppose you know.
2. If you are obsessed with “King James only” idea, you should reconsider. This attitude is simply impractical and unbiblical. While KJV is one of my favorite and most trusted versions, EVEN KJV contains translator errors! I know for sure. And so does every Bible, because “to err is human.” The original of course was flawless, but we do not have the original. We don’t even have copies. WE HAVE ENGLISH or whatever language TRANSLATIONS. And only a person who never worked with foreign languanges can not see the pitfalls of even honest attempt of acurrate translation – because different languages and cultures express different things in a different way. You cannot just translate something word by word, it may not make sense in the other language. And sometimes YOU EVEN CANNOT TRANSLATE SOMETHING WORD BY WORD, because the other language DOES NOT HAVE THE EQUIVALENT. For example, I am a missionary in Czech Republic and I always struggle how to express in Czech language the word “exhort.” They do not have any equivalent.
So, the best thing we can do is to allow the Holy Spirit to lead us to discern between good and bad translations and study SEVERAL of those good translations. That’s what I do. When I come accross a passage which I am not sure how to understand, I look at Greek or Hebrew and some 8-10 other good translations and I pray for the Holy Spirit to help me understand how HE meant it. It works.
As long as people are on this side of eternity, there is NO SUCH A THING AS A PERFECT TRANSLATION.
But Holy Spirit compensates for this shortcoming – he leads us into all truth, does He not. Of course it must be in agreement with all of the Scriptures, otherwise it would be “a truth” from “a different spirit” (2 Cor 11:4).
Hopefully it helps,
God bless you,
Pastor Milan
Deborah (Discerning the World) wrote:
I am looking at BL’s comment on Matt 7:1 Do not judge. “This is one of the most misunderstood concepts in Christianity. As a result, false teachings go unjudged and leaven is spread. Ironically, those who try to alert others about them are judged divisive, critical and unloving no matter how gently and respectfully the facts are presented”
The Bible is clear and admonishes us to righteously judge… not just judge but correct, reprove, rebuke, EXPOSE etc.
Matt 7:1 is the most misquoted verse in the Bible. People use it to hide their sinful lifestyles. Others keep quiet for the sake of “peace” and then calls themselves “peacemakers”
Watch what Paul did with Hymenaeus and Alexander, “whom I have handed over to Satan to be taught not to blaspheme.” 1Tim 1:20
We know Satan’s oldest trick is to mix error with truth. Like rat poison which consists of 99% good food and 1% poison. It still kills.
Hi there Pastor Milan.
I have one question for you. Jesus once said: “Take heed that no man deceive you.” It is incumbent on ourselves to make sure that we are never deceived and it is our holy duty to warn others against deception because deception consists of lies from Satan. (John 8:44). Jesus even went so far to say: “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” (Mat 18:6). The word for “offense” here is “skandalizō” and means to entice someone to general sin, apostasy (false doctrines) or displeasure. The sea is used as a metaphor for sin to be cast into. In other words, those who mislead others should also be cast into the depth of the sea where God casts sins.
Are you going to try and pacify Jesus by saying to Him: “Now please remember Jesus, love covers a multitude of sins. Please don’t throw them into the depths of the sea”?
You make a big issue about relationships. Well, what will you say to John who warned, “Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.
(2 Jn 1:9-11).
You may have a lot of Roman Catholic, Charismatic, Emergent Church and Calvinist friends but obviously, you never warn them against their dangerous heresies. I can assure you that when you begin to do your duty and warn them, they will no longer be your friends. Believe me, I have a lot of experience. Paul never beat around the bush. Listen to what he says:
Touché You said it well.
Dear Pastor Milan
Due to your comment to Joetta where you quote the verses in 1 Tim 2:12-15 which is about women being silent in a church where the head (a man) IS preaching the TRUTH, but instead you misuse these verses to insist the woman must at all costs remain silent, be led astray by remaining undiscerning and not led into all truth by the Holy Spirit because she is female, where the MEN around her are apostatizing and leading multitudes astray, including her and her family. I will therefore be quiet and let Tom Lessing and Robbie (who are genuine Christian men who are not apostatizing) speak to you on my behalf. There ya go, please speak to them. Thank you. :nod:
One last comment from me. You said “I’d be willing to drop them whenever you show me a perfect leader. Do you have a perfect Christian leader? Or is it just someone you prefer because he believes and does things like you do?”
Chuck Missler teaches the Nephilim, Bible Code, is a Dominionist, in cahoots with the United Nations and the Roman Catholic church, in partnership with William P Welty (a New Ager) and
Ron Matsen wrote a book about the adoration of Mary published by Chuck Missler…
…but hey who’s perfect. Scratch/
I have friends who are of other Christian faiths, they however do not preach the gospel to multitudes like Chuck Missler, Ron Matsen, etc, they are just normal people, however when I hear things and see things that are not biblical I speak up, I have lost most of my friends and family because of speaking up. I now have a hand full of friends who I am very very worried about and pray about, and one day soon I know, they wont be my friends anymore because there is coming a time very soon when I will have to speak up even more…
However I do have genuine Christian brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ and we look after each other, by speaking up when we see we are swaying off the narrow path, and we listen to each other because the Holy Spirit is working in our lives and He leads us into all Truth. Sometimes it takes a while for us to ‘get the message’ and sometimes we argue our case, but we listen to what has been said, we pray, we think, we repent, and then change our ways back to following biblical doctrine…and then we do our duty to warn others who might fall into the same trap.
Tom and Robbie!
To Tom:
Well, Tom, since you won’t heed a good advice, let me get to the point. Don’t you have nothing better to do than slandering people?
While you keep sin sniffing on others, make sure you don’t overlook your own sin, which I am sure would include spiritual pride and contentious personality.
I’ve known Chuck Missler for a long time and while I might have missed something, I have never heard him preach a false Gospel, which you seem to accuse him of. That is a serious accusation and if you’re wrong, don’t forget that God will deal with you accordingly.
You make the mistake by making wrong assumptions. For example, I never said I had lots of friends of different faiths. I just have some. And you asumed that I do not share the Gospel and Scriptural perspective with them. Wrong asumption! Can you actually imagine that some people can patiently discuss with the Catholic the pitfalls of Catholicism – and you love them enough to continue to be their friend DESPITE THE DIFFERENCES and they RESPECT you enough for that and continue to be your friend? But it is hard to respect people like you, who lack the mercy, are just busy with sin sniffing and NEEDLESSLY offend people. You confuse friendships with John’s warning (you quoted) – not to receive false travelling teachers. Where is your discernment?
Your own experience with loosing friends does not mean that everyone else is like a stubborn elephant in a china store when they discuss the theological differences with their friends. Yes, it is difficult, so it is easier for you just to make them mad and blow them off. And they continue on their way to hell, because you were too lazy to maintain a relationship with someone who believes differently. Ironically, you seem to lack the discerment to see the difference between the wolf in sheep clothing and a friend, who has been indoctrinated into a different faith, for whom you need to pray and continue to witness to. Didn’t Jesus also say, “Love your enemies?” I did not see much love in your post…
You may proud yourself that you have the “discernment ministry” while you seem to forget that every Christian who walks with the Lord gets the discernment directly from the Holy Spirit, not from you. So your site is really not needed. While I might appreciate some information someone else researched, you guys are going too far. Just because I am not so quick to condemn Chuck Missler, you are ready to throw me into the bag with the real heretics? Is Chuck Missler as bad as pope to you? Seems you can’t tell the difference.
You are hiding your obsession with sin sniffing behind the Scripture, while you conveniently overlook verses like this:
Mark 11:26: But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses.” And you laugh off verses, which do not fit your style. That is pretty foolish.
So, beware and consider that your “good intentions” void of wisdom and grace may actually warrant God’s wrath upon you for needlessly dividing the body of Christ and confusing immature believers. You can write whatever you want on your site – and believe your own imaginations, but you won’t fool God. Think about it.
All you seem to be concerned with is winning the argument and not really caring about what people are trying to say to you. That’s selfish. Nevertheless, I will not get drawn into contentious arguments – these are not honest debates. Accuse me of whatever you will, I am done here. Let God be my defense and of all those you slander. BTV, My point has nothing to do with misinterpreting Mt 7:1 (as Robbie talked about), but with rebuking an erring “discernement minister.”
Now, will you censor this or will you post it and yield to this well deserved rebuke?
Pastor Milan
Dear Pastor Milan
Whooooaaa, hold your horses and show Tom some of this GRACE YOU SPEAK ABOUT SO MUCH will you, he asked you a question in a very nice way and you go postal on him. Who is the one lacking love now? Why can’t you answer him nicely, in a civilized manner? Practice what you preach will you.
Why should we censor you? We allow people to have their say in public. Just as our words are out there in public for everyone to read and criticize.
Mind answering this question:
You said “I’d be willing to drop them whenever you show me a perfect leader. Do you have a perfect Christian leader? Or is it just someone you prefer because he believes and does things like you do?”
Chuck Missler teaches the Nephilim, Bible Code, is a Dominionist, in cahoots with the United Nations and the Roman Catholic church, in partnership with William P Welty (a New Ager) and
Ron Matsen wrote a book about the adoration of Mary published by Chuck Missler…
…but hey who’s perfect, as you stated.
Now you have come out and finally said it, “I’ve known Chuck Missler for a long time and while I might have missed something, I have never heard him preach a false Gospel”.
Ahhhh the truth, he is your BFF (that’s ‘Best Friends Forever’)
Will you drop Chuck Missler based on this info of extensive false teaching that has been presented to you? I wont be surprised if you continued to follow Missler even after all the evidence is presented. Because you and Chuck are 2 peas in a pod.
What is the meaning of slander
the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person’s reputation.
False statements, that is what slander is. Is that so Pastor Milan? By saying we are slandering you and others you are doing nothing but slandering us. You accuse us falsely.
You said “You make the mistake by making wrong assumptions. For example, I never said I had lots of friends of different faiths. I just have some. And you asumed that I do not share the Gospel and Scriptural perspective with them. Wrong asumption! Can you actually imagine that some people can patiently discuss with the Catholic the pitfalls of Catholicism – and you love them enough to continue to be their friend DESPITE THE DIFFERENCES and they RESPECT you enough for that and continue to be your friend? But it is hard to respect people like you,”
WOW…show the love will ya. We love you, we are not running away from you, we are not leaving you, you are the one making a dash for the door. There is a word that comes to my mind that explains perfectly who you are – a Hypocrite, a pretender. What you say and what you actually do are two different things.
Oh gosh, I just can’t keep quiet…hmmmm, oh well, I am not perfect after all, you should love me for that, and not condemn me. :nod: