Chuck Missler and Roger Oakland Exposed
Chuck Missler and Roger Oakland Exposed: Do Not be Unequally Yoked Together with Unbelievers
It is with a very heavy heart that I re-post this article because there is a man who I looked up to that I am now going to expose – Roger Oakland.
I had previously done an article on Chuck Missler here: Dr. Chuck Missler, SWANsat and the Auricâ„¢ Currency and one on his Wife, Nancy Missler here: Nancy Missler and Henrietta Mears but the time has come to expose Roger Oakland. Unfortunately Roger Oakland is in the middle of all this. I dunno how he got there, only he knows why he is associating with such a man as Chuck Missler and Ron Matsen.
The Bible is very clear on the matter on who you associate with.
2 Corinthians 6:14 “14 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?”
UPDATED 12/5/2016 – Please read article at the very end of this article regarding William P Welty, Chuck Missler, Ron Matsen and a SHOCKING new book released in May 2016 about Mary the mother of God – the Queen of Heaven.
Note: Articles posted by DTW are not an endorsement of the author, their website, ministry or any links therein. Readers are cautioned to use discernment at all times and test everything by the Word of God.
[audio:|titles=Chuck Missler Supports Roger Oakland]Source:
Source: (New Website, old image above)
Source: (New Website, old image above)
Link to Granite History website
Justo Lacunza ante el Grupo Vasco del Club de Roma 5/9
Chuck Missler on TBN – 08/21/2008
Brian Hughes also has no problem being ECUMENICAL with Roman Catholics –
Source of article:
Please read here from more on Roger Oakland:“> Roger Oakland, an enigma revealed in these last days
Proof that Roger Oakland was contacted numerous times about Chuck Missler MONTHS before the article went live on the internet –
Response to comments on Galatians 4 blog [Warning: If you decide to go to GalationsFour blog from ephesians511blog please use discernment when entering GalationsFour website, they are vehemently anti Pre-Trib which means they hold to the Roman Catholic Post-Trib.]
UPDATED: A couple of years later Roger Oakland is STILL sharing a stage with Chuck Missler: Roger – A Fraud Perpetrated Upon Believers
NEW!! UPDATED: 5/12/2016 – Please read this SHOCKING news about William P Welty, Chuck Missler, Ron Matsen and a new book released in May 2016 about Mary the mother of God: William Welty and Koinonia House – the Adoration of Mary book.
My Responce to News 4 the Masses Blog article:
You should have contacted me first before you have gone to the trouble of publishing an article to get accurate information
I believe it is good that you are watching and checking me out as I encourage every one to do, as this helps me also, as a practice in first Plumbline we always try to contact individuals or concerned parties before we publish articles and where we are wrong we make corrections, you also need to place a check on your self in this area as it is always better to contact individuals and for me if I did not respond to your e-mail by all means write me off.
But this has not been the case as you have not made an attempt to contact me
If you read on the links page
It’s very important that you clearly understand that the inclusion of any link from anywhere within the First Plumbline Apologetics web site does not necessarily imply our endorsement of that ministry, resource, or organization featured regarding anything that it does or teaches. The only endorsement that is worthwhile is that which is in alignment with biblical truth. It’s our position that we can agree or disagree with you, you can agree or disagree with us, but only so far as it agrees or disagrees with God’s Word.
Whilst recognizing the good fruit from these linked sites, —->we cannot vouch for their every belief. As with all things in this world, the onus is upon you to check out each site and to exercise spiritual discretion,If you spot any link within this links page that is ecumenical, anti-Israel or in error please don’t hesitate to let us know…<—————-
This article on your blog gives the impression that I promote "Calvinism (Ray Comfort, John MacArthur, Jerry Vines)," defently not Ray Comfort is one big compromiser who through his distribution website promotes Joni Erikson Tada though it is tragic what happened to her she is an ecumenist amongst other heretics listed, Ray has participation also with those who promote and participate with Kenneth Copeland the read of my expose of Comfort can be found here I am very annoyed with Ray he did not answer my e-mails concerning his WOF friends, John MacArthur, he is not promoted by me the major problem is he preaching Lordship Salvation, this is legalism, I view as a erroneous teaching that teaches you can be judge, jury and executioner over someones salvation but I don't promote these Calvinists, Jerry Vines I don't believe I have come across him to my knowledge or recollection, I am not a Calvinist their are many who are from the UPC United Protestant Council organisation who have spoken out against me both in private and in public and they even had a public meeting about me without me being present because "I am not a Calvinist" so much for their friends who are so called Christians and some of them are Orange Order, Purple and Black Lodge members one of these is Malcolm Williamson, the person in Northern Ireland since the indecent with David Carson chairman for the UPC has spread nasty false roomers about me he has ordered all UPC members to keep away from me, I am defiantly not a favorite of theirs 1) because definitely I am not a Calvinist 2) I am not a KJV onlyist as I use bibles published earlier then the KJV 1611.
As for me I will be forthright, honest and transparent with you I can speak to moderates but I cannot stand hard line Calvinism for its self-righteous attitude and I definitely cannot stand hyper-Calvinism, in addition to this I had been invited to write one article on the Salvation Army and freemasonry for the English Churchman newspaper just on this issue.
As far as I am aware the calvinists are not happy that I published my brothers article refuting the calvinist stance on predestination, and so I am labeled an Armenian, even though I cannot accept the 5 points of Armenianism as I cannot accept the 5 points of Calvinism that I find creates and elitist club and also I reject the sinners prayer, so because of this the Arminians call me a Calvinist this is an insult to Calvinists as they hate me, I definitely see palagian teaching a heresy but i am outside all 3 camps.
and Latter Rain (Chuck Missler)
Chuck Missler is a dominionist compromiser I had written my first article yesterday exposing him the man is off the wall and promoting heretical and gnostic teachings for example pushing the Book of Enoch I believe I posted my weblink on your blogsite.
as for Kent Hodind who is in Prison since January 2007 and serving a ten-year prison sentence after being convicted of 58 federal counts, including 12 tax offenses, one count of obstructing federal agents, and 45 counts of structuring cash transactions
Hovind is a KJV onlyist I don't really have dealings with him nor do I promote him anywhere on the website.
then Arnold Fruchenbaum, I have exposed as an ecumenist and a compromiser long story in itself on this one I cannot accept how he can make a binding covenant that was created by the WCC and fully justify his possition with the Luasanne Movement.
Jacob Prasch, I have removed my audio archive with him on it….
As for ACT featured on that website, ACT is just a list it is not an organisation but the people who are on it are independent from each other most of them will not speak to me and I am mainly on the outside, I do not have any participation or involvement with what the others do who are listed the only person to my knowledge who contacts me is James Sandquest who I was introduced to by William Sanders from Ephesians 5:11 blog, I solely remain independent from those who are listed within ACT we have had our major rows and disputes this is still unresolved, their is allot of issues going on and I cannot speak for ACT as the person who runs that is Sandy Simpson and you would need to speak with him, I wish Mijadedios you had contacted me as I have stipulated If you spot any link within this links page that is ecumenical, anti-Israel or in error please don't hesitate to let us know..
I have removed sound doctrine from the links page as I cannot accept their promotion of Arnold Fruct as Dave is one of his greatest fans I have warned them in the past but they refused to accept the evidence I have shown them.
For a long time I have had no contact with Don but you will not find me on there website as they do not promote me.
This is why you should have contacted me and because you have not attempted to contact me and in saying this I feel you have not been open with me, as I would have given you an honest response also my name is Miguel not Michael why change my name in the writing and not in the image of the sound doctrine screen shot I find this inconsistent as some may do here, if you or anyone wants to contact me about the ACT issue I will also respond, I am not the type of person to ignore or evade these issues.
For this reason I have removed the ACT Link and those who you have mentioned, I have removed the audio's of Jacob and Bill Randles
i am sorry if posted quotations from you to expose missler offends you and if you wish I will remove that reference to you if you wish, the issue is not about as you rightly pointed out endorsing anyone nor should you the only person we should be promoting is Jesus Christ and the Bible itself.
Please I would ask if you can correct this article.
Miguel forgot to post the link
My Responce to News 4 the Masses Blog Article:
Andrea you did not post my response nor have you contacted me first before you have gone to the trouble of publishing an article to get accurate information
I believe it is good that you are watching and checking me out as I encourage every one to do, as this helps me also, as a practice in first Plumbline we always try to contact individuals or concerned parties before we publish articles and where we are wrong we make corrections, you also need to place a check on your self in this area as it is always better to contact individuals and for me if I did not respond to your e-mail by all means write me off.
But this has not been the case as you have not made an attempt to contact me
If you read on the links page
It’s very important that you clearly understand that the inclusion of any link from anywhere within the First Plumbline Apologetics web site does not necessarily imply our endorsement of that ministry, resource, or organization featured regarding anything that it does or teaches. The only endorsement that is worthwhile is that which is in alignment with biblical truth. It’s our position that we can agree or disagree with you, you can agree or disagree with us, but only so far as it agrees or disagrees with God’s Word.
Whilst recognizing the good fruit from these linked sites, —->we cannot vouch for their every belief. As with all things in this world, the onus is upon you to check out each site and to exercise spiritual discretion,If you spot any link within this links page that is ecumenical, anti-Israel or in error please don’t hesitate to let us know…<—————-
This article on your blog gives the impression that I promote "Calvinism (Ray Comfort, John MacArthur, Jerry Vines)," defently not Ray Comfort is one big compromiser who through his distribution website promotes Joni Erikson Tada though it is tragic what happened to her she is an ecumenist amongst other heretics listed, Ray has participation also with those who promote and participate with Kenneth Copeland the read of my expose of Comfort can be found here I am very annoyed with Ray he did not answer my e-mails concerning his WOF friends, John MacArthur, he is not promoted by me the major problem is he preaching Lordship Salvation, this is legalism, I view as a erroneous teaching that teaches you can be judge, jury and executioner over someones salvation but I don't promote these Calvinists, Jerry Vines I don't believe I have come across him to my knowledge or recollection, I am not a Calvinist their are many who are from the UPC United Protestant Council organisation who have spoken out against me both in private and in public and they even had a public meeting about me without me being present because "I am not a Calvinist" so much for their friends who are so called Christians and some of them are Orange Order, Purple and Black Lodge members one of these is Malcolm Williamson, the person in Northern Ireland since the indecent with David Carson chairman for the UPC has spread nasty false roomers about me he has ordered all UPC members to keep away from me, I am defiantly not a favorite of theirs 1) because definitely I am not a Calvinist 2) I am not a KJV onlyist as I use bibles published earlier then the KJV 1611.
As for me I will be forthright, honest and transparent with you I can speak to moderates but I cannot stand hard line Calvinism for its self-righteous attitude and I definitely cannot stand hyper-Calvinism, in addition to this I had been invited to write one article on the Salvation Army and freemasonry for the English Churchman newspaper just on this issue.
As far as I am aware the calvinists are not happy that I published my brothers article refuting the calvinist stance on predestination, and so I am labeled an Armenian, even though I cannot accept the 5 points of Armenianism as I cannot accept the 5 points of Calvinism that I find creates and elitist club and also I reject the sinners prayer, so because of this the Arminians call me a Calvinist this is an insult to Calvinists as they hate me, I definitely see palagian teaching a heresy but i am outside all 3 camps.
and Latter Rain (Chuck Missler)
Chuck Missler is a dominionist compromiser I had written my first article yesterday exposing him the man is off the wall and promoting heretical and gnostic teachings for example pushing the Book of Enoch I believe I posted my weblink on your blogsite.
as for Kent Hodind who is in Prison since January 2007 and serving a ten-year prison sentence after being convicted of 58 federal counts, including 12 tax offenses, one count of obstructing federal agents, and 45 counts of structuring cash transactions
Hovind is a KJV onlyist I don't really have dealings with him nor do I promote him anywhere on the website.
then Arnold Fruchenbaum, I have exposed as an ecumenist and a compromiser long story in itself on this one I cannot accept how he can make a binding covenant that was created by the WCC and fully justify his possition with the Luasanne Movement.
Jacob Prasch, I have removed my audio archive with him on it….
As for ACT featured on that website, ACT is just a list it is not an organisation but the people who are on it are independent from each other most of them will not speak to me and I am mainly on the outside, I do not have any participation or involvement with what the others do who are listed the only person to my knowledge who contacts me is James Sandquest who I was introduced to by William Sanders from Ephesians 5:11 blog, I solely remain independent from those who are listed within ACT we have had our major rows and disputes this is still unresolved, their is allot of issues going on and I cannot speak for ACT as the person who runs that is Sandy Simpson and you would need to speak with him, I wish Mijadedios you had contacted me as I have stipulated If you spot any link within this links page that is ecumenical, anti-Israel or in error please don't hesitate to let us know..
I have removed sound doctrine from the links page as I cannot accept their promotion of Arnold Fruct as Dave is one of his greatest fans I have warned them in the past but they refused to accept the evidence I have shown them.
For a long time I have had no contact with Don but you will not find me on there website as they do not promote me.
This is why you should have contacted me and because you have not attempted to contact me and in saying this I feel you have not been open with me, as I would have given you an honest response also my name is Miguel not Michael why change my name in the writing and not in the image of the sound doctrine screen shot I find this inconsistent as some may do here, if you or anyone wants to contact me about the ACT issue I will also respond, I am not the type of person to ignore or evade these issues.
For this reason I have removed the ACT Link and those who you have mentioned, I have removed the audio's of Jacob and Bill Randles
i am sorry if posted quotations from you to expose missler offends you and if you wish I will remove that reference to you if you wish, the issue is not about as you rightly pointed out endorsing anyone nor should you the only person we should be promoting is Jesus Christ and the Bible itself.
Please I would ask if you can correct this article.
I just want to clarify something Miguel said.
Miguel said above –
“the only person to my knowledge who contacts me is James Sandquest who I was introduced to by William Sanders from Ephesians 5:11 blog”
It was James Sundquist who contacted Miguel and myself at the same exact time in the same email string. I don’t know James Sundquist and had never received anything from James Sundquist prior to that email in August 2011.
So I didn’t introduce James Sundquist to anybody, James Sundquist introduced himself through an email to Lighthouse Trails, Roger Oakland, and Miguel. That email was forwarded to me because I was the one who wrote the Jerry Boykin article for Roger Oakland that Miguel made a video about.
Just wanted to clarify that.
Ooookieeee Dokieeee 🙂
thanks for the clarification William.
I was under the impression because of a contact I had received form you referred from the video by Roger caught attention of, this possibly for the reason we were introduced this is possibly why i had that impression, it was like you explained “at the same exact time in the same email string.” then we got in contact.
2011 is a while back so I could only state our encounter through memory.
God Bless
Since you addressed me in the above response, I assume you are expecting an apology from me for maligning you. You feel I should have contacted you personally. I would not choose to do so; just like any of the other “discernment” sites, a trip to your website, communicates quite enough; what is there, as well as what is missing.
You stated…3, I will re-ashure people that Williams articles will be published on the first Plumbline site the problem is I am an idevidual and can only do so much (this is not an avasive excuse)
reaching4truth I believe Roger has loose connections to K.House because of Matson, Matson should be ejected from UTT untill he expresses strongly calling Missler to Repentace.
Regaurdless of what I think I simply posted what e-mails I had recieved, I do not thing this protects any excuses concerning missler.
The points that I will be covering on missler is along with a backlog of the following heretics also, the work on david wilkerson is almost finished I am working on Missler next so forgive me for not working at lightning speed.
William Suanders knows my sitiation as I have been in contact with him over skpe.
my issue with missler goes back to Saturday, 3 January 2009
You indicated that you don’t have time, and are only one individual…yet, in the time it took you to send that lengthy response, all it takes to post someone’s articles is a simple “copy and paste”…surely in the past 7 months (????????)…
The above phrase… “forgive me for not working at lightning speed.” seems a sarcastic diversion to cast emotion and false judgment towards those who simply have asked…what’s taking so long?…and to move the readers toward compassion for you, “effectively” distracting them from the legitimate questions that have been put forth, and still remain unanswered, making us appear harsh and demanding…(????)
By your own account you also indicate your issue with missler goes back to Jan. 3, 2009….soooooo…
the problem with time is??????????? I believe in your words that it is (“an avasive excuse) from #3 above.
IF I were in the “discernment ministry” and came across William’s articles, and I had my own issues with Missler, et al, since Jan. 2009…I don’t care what I was involved in or working on, I would immediately drop it and be all over this….but then again, that’s me. Oh, and by the way, when I came across all of this, that is exactly what I did! Now, I’m not saying all others need to live their lives as I choose, and if they don’t they are condemned…I’m just asking some questions of those in “discernment.” This Chuck Missler thing is the unmasking of a MAJOR wolf in sheep’s clothing…soooooo??????????? WHY THE SILENCE????? WHY THE DELAY?????…are the “discernment” folks just hoping this will all just “go away?” Apparently…because it’s the “little people” who are blowing the trumpets!! (And yes, I did read your post…my comment was drafted before you posted…I decided to go with it anyway, and just add to, to include the fact that you FINALLY did something…and after all that time, not so impressive)
I’m sorry Miguel…I am not buying what you’re selling…if the Lord should reveal to me that I am wrong, so be it…but when I look at you…I see the “caution flag” a wavin’.
The above “list” that you are working on…it’s all the same old, same old…they’ve been done and re-done…especially the charismatics of whom we could “all agree”??????
Of notice is who is not on the list, and yet ought to be…for those of us who research…the evidence is in plain site…
OH…and BTW…you have disdain for for “ecumenists” and “compromisers”? and Joni Erikson is one of them? (no kidding)….that’s good…very good…
SOOOOOOOO…the reason folks can buy her book through your site is????????? (copy and pasted – I’m computer illiterate and can’t do screen shots…oh well…hurry to site and look at “resources” before that’s cleaned up too!)
Books For Sale
The Deception of “Love Evangelism”
by Miguel Hayworth
Download £4.00 (UK)
Paperback book £6.95 (UK)
Click on the cover art to preview the book
Evangelism and Church Practice have changed dramatically over the decades. Christians around the UK have worked hard at trying new methods of evangelism and new forms of expression in order to attract the British people back to church. The evidence has shown that rather then revival the UK has witnessed a greater falling away! Why?
Preview the book at Google books
When God Weeps : Why Our Sufferings Matter to the Almighty by Joni Eareckson, 1999
Price From: $0.01 (Amazon USA)
Price From:£0.39 (Amazon UK)
Forever puts to rest the nonsense of the Word-Faith movement.(18)
You see, you can “explain away”…and “oh my goodness, I didn’t realize, but since you told me…and came to me personally…I’ve removed ‘stuff’ proving I’m really OK and one of the good guys” (REALLY? had you no discernment before folks contacted you???…REALLY???…it’s just a way to “fix” the incriminating evidence that reveals who you are…to “cover your tracks.”
Some people really are smart enough to see through your maneuverings, and the truth is, no matter how hard you’ve tried to “clean it up” and “cover your tracks”…you really can’t separate yourself from “the pack.”
PS…at the very least, Miguel – you are terribly deceived…
at the worst…??????
In the end, only God knows…but it is time to examine your life and what exactly is going on there!
“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.” (Jer. 17:9-10)
the Lord…He is gracious!
Marion their is no disagreement over Missler as for my books I do not propheteer from them, plus they can be downloaded for free online
and the other
to accuse me of marketing FPA is fictitious and false, nor have I asked anyone on here to buy anything from me..
Read into what you like Marion about me, but as i had already explained the missler articles from williams blog will go online soon.
FPA is not to everyone’s liking you can do as you please such as defamation of caractor, for example you could expose me, could say say im going to burn in hell, what ever names you want to give me you do what you like.
Missler is whom I am working to expose, I have stated to Roger that in my research of missler his name will not be omitted from missler’s expose..
Now I have said my peace and I will move on from this discussion.
Forgot to mention you will have to also level your criticism against Mike Oppenheimer who is close friends with Sandy, Mike is also an ACT Member *Let us reason ministries
To those parties that are interested I have made alterations to the Book list by removing several titles and updating the price details of Deception of Love Evangelism. I shall endeavour to be more careful as to the updating of the site. I appreciate people contacting me directly concerning anything contained on the site. In fact there a disclaimer to this effect because, as human beings, we are all infallible.
As you will note it is now available as a free to download e-book and the price direct from the publisher has substantially been reduced. The price of this book is charged by the publisher Lulu, FPA has no control over this. I do not make any money from this book. Lulu simply prints copies of their publications when ordered. The price is what they charge for each copy.
Any of you budding writers out there can check out Lulu and you can have your books published also for free. If you want to earn money from publishing your books you can add whatever extra to the publishers price, if you want to make the book available at cost you can do this. You have the option of offering the book free of charge as an download.
All publications listed are not sold by FPA and the links are to either the publisher’s own site or Amazon.
I do try to contact people and ministries about concerns I have over some of the things they do or state. I have done this with Chuck Smith, CC, Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Chuck Missler, Ray Comfort and others. Most of these people have simply dismissed my points or have simply chosen to ignore. I take time before going ahead with publishing in order to give people the time to respond. I also make sure that I have documented evidence to back up any points I have made. Then, and only then, do I go ahead and publish. I believe that this is the correct way to proceed. But, as I already said, none of us are infallible and we do make mistakes.
Things change so quickly and it is often difficult to keep up with the changes. People that were once trusted eventually succumbed to temptations, either sexual, financial and/or popularity. I believe that Comfort and Missler’s compromises with TBN are part of their desire to reach as wide an audience as possible.
Thankfully I am not one who receives invitations to speak as are some, and (as far as I am aware) the two books I have had published have not made the best seller lists.
We have benefited greatly from the Misslers teachings over the years.
We love them.
Jim and Anna
jim olson
>> We have benefited greatly from the Misslers teachings over the years.
Yes they are Missler’s teachings NOT Jesus’ teachings as you so stated.
I believe there are many people involved in these ‘lists’ that are innocent and just as the church as been compromised, so the ‘Discernment Ministries’ have been compromised as well. We can’t call everyone evil now because they belong to this ACT list. Goodness. One would need much better proof other than just being on a list before I said anything.
Miguel Hayworth wrote:
Only the pope claims to be infallible……..the rest of us are just mere ” fallible” human beings……..(maybe you should correct your sentence)
lol, me thinks that was a bad typo 😉
I have received your email, I have sent you stax of emails, I dunno why you are not getting them grrrr. Email me another email address?
Debs…unfortunately, while researching persons, “ministries”, error, roots, fruits… one will come upon the same names, in various places…over and over again…funny how that happens…funny how they just also “happen” to show up on the ACT recommended speaker list (not all of them, but many)…it may or may not be an organization, with independents, but…??? I used to think that perhaps “those” people don’t know what they’ve fallen into, but after contacting several personally and directly, and either being ignored, or being led along for a while, until I put the pieces together when I couldn’t make sense of what I was hearing/seeing (as in the Hoggard example)…I realized…NO ONE innocently just falls into the “wolf pack.” They know. And so, no need to contact…just watch and beware.
About Miguel…saying… “To those parties that are interested I have made alterations to the Book list by removing several titles and …”
of course you have, I did see that coming…doesn’t that make you seem so credible…because after all, Joni Erickson, ecumenist/compromiser – in your words – was OK on your book list…until someone said something…again…REALLY???….and you are a “discernment/apologetics” “ministry”??…interesting
Yes, we are all infallible, but as one who has set himself up as a “watchman”…really?…were you napping?…that one is glaring obvious. Again I’m not buying anything the “discernment” “ministries” are selling. (and selling doesn’t just mean their “materials”…I mean “selling” themselves as something they are not…”watchmen”)
Zelda you are correct we are falible not infalible thanks for the comment just a bad typo.
I forgot to add Finite also 🙂
I thought I would also include this since andrea removed my responce. N4TM is listed through an ACT website yet she did not make a big deal of it
(169) Woe by Andrea Ahnonemous, News 4 The Masses, August 25, 2009
The Shift has Begun. The time for secrets and whispered alliances has become publicly known. The object of grievance for many who love Calvary Chapel and all that it once stood for has been affirmed. For all those who were called “Head Hunters, Heresy Sniffers, Contentious, and slanderers” they may now have some level of confirmation that their discernment wasn’t wrong, but a true child of God who has the “gift” of discernment takes no pleasure in seeing what was once ‘the warning’ come to pass. Many people who are in the camp that believe Rick Warren is doing a work of God think that all of us are simply fanatic and fearful to ‘change.’ No. I accept Change. What I do not accept is heresy, lies, and false teachers. I will start in the order of the men that are in the picture above.
And why has she not asked herself about her own link with ACT ??????
Correction was a bad typo sorry it was fallible.
Here is a brand new post on Chuck Missler and his Director, Ron Matsen, who also is Roger Oakland’s UTT board Chairman –
It’s titled “Chuck Missler: Living PROOF of the DEATH of DISCERNMENT”
Nice try Miguel…REALLY??…just because Andrea’s work was used on another site, that does not constitute an “endorsement” of her; and even if they did endorse her in their links…at least that would be one “reliable” site…and CLEARLY she is not ACT “certified”…
BUT her endorsement of them would be another issue; and obviously, she does not endorse any person, group or “ministry”…if she refers to a link or a work – it is used informationally, and not an endorsement…
Now, however, when the identified “wolves” are all linked, quoted, and work shared amongst themselves…that is another issue…(even a wolf is able to put out some “good” information – that is how they lure and deceive the sheep).
You and the whole ACT crew as well as ALL the phony “discernment” “ministries” have been snagged…plain and simple, and you cannot escape your “nakedness,” try as you may, and quite honestly, I am embarrassed for you. You are grasping at straws, and it would be best for you to do what all the other phony “ministries” are doing…remain SILENT (albeit their silence betrays them)…the more you talk/write, the more you are only succeeding in looking desperate and your arguments foolish.
It is time to “cut your losses” here, and just continue to carry on your “ministry” for the many deceived who don’t read this and other sites, and won’t figure you out; or repent.
“Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.” (Prov. 17:28)
BTW…Miguel is a liar as well…his comments are posted on Andrea’s site, and she has commented…check for yourselves people…
Marion is correct.
>> just because Andrea’s work was used on another site, that does not constitute an “endorsement” of her;
There is a difference between someone using your info vs you using others into (who are CLEARLY) false teachers. However, if you find someone that is (not kosher) using your info because someone tells you or you find out by yourself, you should by biblical standards ask that person to stop using your info. If that person refuses to not remove the link or info or whatever, at least in the eyes of God you have done what is right.
So in this case Andrea is not at fault. However because you are a ‘discernment website’ you should have used discernment when it came to posting such sites as ‘Sound Doctine’ and the book by Joni Erikson.
But I now looking at your site, you have links to C.S. Lewis, John Stott and then Chuck Misslers Blue Letter Bible… Filled with off beat commentaries and changes verses.
You have this statement that says “If you spot any link within this links page that is ecumenical, anti-Israel or in error please don’t hesitate to let us know…”
BUT HOLD ON A SECOND…. You are supposed to be the WATCHMAN, not the other way around. It’s not for the people to tell you what’s right and what’s wrong, it’s for YOU TO MAKE SURE what you put on your site is correct. You are informing people as to what is correct, people are coming to your site for some reading material (and those who are confused, who are not listening to the Holy Spirit) are going to read incorrect info on your site and you are now responsible for that persons blood.
I have been praying about what is going on here BIG TIME and things are not looking good. I am not happy with this situation. I am trying to be on your side here Miguel, but the Holy Spirit keeps waving the RED flag non stop.
Hey Debs…is your comment above for Miguel?…says Martin.
My PS belonged at the bottom of my comment no at the top!…LOL…but, that’s OK, as long as it made it! 😉
[EDITED by DTW – I fixed it ]
Like I said earlier on…there SO MUCH MORE that I could have addressed on Miguel’s site. Looks like the work on Miguel we can call done…no?
AND…the Joni Erickson resource remains…games…
I just posted the latest article on Chuck Missler that should answer many questions as to WHY Chuck Missler does unbiblical things without batting an eye, disobedience to The Word Of God.
The title of the June 6th article is “Chuck Missler EXPOSES his own defying disobedience”
Here is the link –
Debs…to quote Britney Spears..’oops I did it again!’…I made a comment about Chuck Missler on another, but it was in the context of the discussion, and in my defense, I only thought to look for info on him on your site, after I had commented!