Woman & Delightfully Deceptive New Age Ministries
There is a massive increase in Woman New Age ministries popping up all over South Africa under the disguise of Christianity.
Delightfully Divine Woman Ministries run by Luzanne Nel and Melinda du Plessis is one of them.
The name of their ministry is absolutely terrible. Delightfully Divine Women? This is completely shocking and totally unbiblical. When you become a born again Christian you grow to become more Christ-like, you DO NOT become like Christ or a Christ or anything Divine for that matter. However in New Age teaching you do, you become a god, you realise you are a god trapped in a human body part of a huge cosmos.
Delightfully Divine Woman Ministries say on their website:
Our Vision: Is to be obedient to what the Lord put in our hearts: to build a ministry that will uplift women in a practical fashion, inspiring them to live a fulfilled life in the Lord in their personal divine purpose
Our Mission: Putting our faith into action and fulfill the purpose He gave us!
Clearly they New Age Woman they have read Rick Warrens Purpose Driven Drivel books. (Please read, URGENT WARNING: Rick Warren – A New Age Prescription For Your Health). Now their vision and mission it seems is not to preach the Gospel at all, but too do and speak other unbiblical things that are not found in the bible – let’s have a look shall we…
Their next event will take place on the 15 January 2011, where all woman are requested to:
“Bring your Mother, your Daughter, your Grandmother, or even just a Friend. You will be leaving refreshed and revived ~ Mind, Body, Spirit & Soul”. There is no cost, which is the catch and ultimately draws the crowds. All you are requested to do is “bless their ministry” with an offering “should you feel the desire in your heart to do so”.
The content of the seminar contains:
“Praise, Thanks & Worship, Teaching / Testimony, Soaking, Healing Dance Ministry & One-on-One Prayer.” Dress casual as you need to “Be prepared to set your feet and spirit free to Worship and Dance before Our King”. [Emphasis added]
Soaking is another word for Meditation (the occult version, not biblical prayer). Meditation crept into the church under the disguise of being Christian many years ago and is increasing in popularity. Just because you listen to so called Christian music while practicing an occult practice does not make it Christian. Meditation trains one to clear one’s mind of wandering thoughts and focus on the absolute truth or all. This type of meditative prayer seeks to experience God’s presence through mystical practices, which is dangerously esoteric as you enter a trance like meditative or contemplative state.
While everyone at Delightfully Divine Woman Ministriesare meditating and clearing their minds, the Bible tells you that you are to:
1 Peter 5:8 8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
The title of the seminar is Give Praise and Thanks. But to whom? I find it fascinating that no where on the newsletter, nor anywhere on their website do they mention the name of Jesus Christ. But then again they are a New Age ministry disguised as Christian so I should not be that surprised.
Luzanne and Melinda are staging “Delightfully Divine Woman Ministries Healing Dance” or “spirit-led dance therapy to break loose from bondage, to restore broken hearts, to become One with THE ONE and move in the rhythm and flow as [sic] God works in your heart“. [Emphasis added]
There are 2 problems with this; 1) It’s completely unbiblical, 2) It’s completely and utterly New Age.
- No where in the bible does one find spirit led dance therapy or anything of the kind.
- You can’t set the Holy Spirit free but you certainly can freely invite other unclean spirits to enter you.
- The Holy Spirit of the Bible DOES NOT dance, nor does He lead anyone too dance. The fake ‘holy spirit’ (6th Chakra – Third Eye) found in New Age teaching however does.
- Spirit led dance therapy DOES NOT loose you from bondage. Jesus Christ and repentance of sin does.
- Spirit led dance therapy DOES NOT restore broken hearts. Jesus Christ and obedience to His commandments does.
- Dance therapy is actually a type of psychotherapy
- Spirit Led Dance Therapy is just another type of meditative practice and falls under the category of ‘Healing Arts’ within the New Age religion.
- New Age dance therapy uses dance, movement and playing to inspire the body, mind and spirit for a greater sense of wholeness, harmony, and freedom.
- This Dance Meditation engages that creative source (your inner god) supposedly inherent in all of us thereby making each session a magical experience as you connect with a higher energy bigger than yourself ; note Delightfully Divine Woman Ministries say that you, become “One with THE ONE“.
- “This understanding brings us to the most controversial concept of the New Age philosophy: the belief that God lies within, and therefore we are each part of God.” —Shirely Maclaine, Going Within, London: Bantam Books, 1994, p. 100
- New Age Dance Therapy DOES NOT help you find joy, self-acceptance, etc. It is Jesus Christ who is the One who provides ALL these things.
- God DOES NOT work in ones heart via music. ONLY first believing in Jesus Christ and through repentance of sin can God work in ones heart.
- Dancing to different rhythms especially with the purpose of Awakening ones self is actually activating the different Chakras in the body. (Read: 7 Colours of the Rainbow and the 7 Chakras – How the Chakras/Tree of Life have infiltrated Christianity)
- The New Age Tree of Life vs Biblical Tree of Life: Tree of Life – Meditation vs Prayer
- Spirit Led Dance Therapy is just another type of meditative practice and falls under the category of ‘Healing Arts’ within the New Age religion.
The Bible clearly tells us that mankind’s problems DO NOT stem from their ignorance that they are gods but rather that we all have a sinful nature (Romans 3:23). Human beings are not gods. God and humanity stand realms apart in nature and attributes.
But many people will say, but the bible says in John 10:34 “Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, “You are gods”‘?
Let me explain:
Jesus was in dialogue with the Jews of His day and quoting from the Old Testament Psalms, saying: “Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, “You are gods”‘? The Jews wanted to stone Jesus for calling God His Father and making Himself equal with God. So Jesus quotes Pslam 82 to them to show the distinction between himself and those in Pslam 82 who were called ‘gods’. Pslam 82 was written AGAINST certain unjust rulers in Israel’s history. Men of high distinction (Judges/Rulers) were almost seen as gods because of the power they wielded over the nation. The problem is these men were UNJUST. Verse 82:2 says: “How long will you judge unjustly, And show partiality to the wicked? and verses 6-7 say, 6 “I said, “You are gods, And all of you are children of the Most High.” 7 But you shall die like men, And fall like one of the princes.” So these rulers are not gods, they were given this name by mere men, but were they still children of God? Yes. But they will die like everyone else. So the point Jesus was making was that if unjust rulers can be called gods (by men), how can the Jews who wanted to stone Him object to Him saying that he was the Son of God?
Can you see how easily scripture gets twisted and the next minute you have women running around teaching New Age teachings under the banner of Christianity.
Beware! Delightfully Divine Woman Ministries promote the following books:
- Battlefield of the Mind – Joyce Meyer (See article on Joyce Meyer: Joyce Meyer is a Little God With a Big Christ Consciousness and Joyce Meyer – “Look at Her Fruit”)
- Heaven is So Real – Choo Thomas (See article on Choo Thomas: Choo Thomas – Heaven is so Real – Is it Really?)
- The Shack – William P Young (Please read: THE SHACK – William Paul Young (Part 1) and THE SHACK – William Paul Young (Part 2)
- A Message of Faith – Retha McPherson (Please read: Retha McPherson’s Message from Another God – (Part 1) and Retha McPherson’s Message from Another God – (Part 2))
- The Jesus I never Knew – Philip Yancey (See article: Philip Yancey supports homosexuality – Turning the grace of God into lasciviousness)
Philip Yancey on Unity Between All Religions says; “Perhaps our day calls for a new kind of ecumenical movement: not of doctrine, nor even of religious unity, but one that builds on what Jews, Christians, and Muslims hold in common…. Indeed, Jews, Christians, and Muslims have much in common.” — http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2004/011/18.120.html
On the following webpage it appears Luzunne is receiving extra biblical revelation from another source. A spirit called ‘Wisdom’ says:
“Yes daughter, I am wisdom. Come to Me and seek Me frequently. I will teach you.”
The Holy Spirit of the Bible DOES NOT speak to Christians like this. This is completely demonic.
Again this is what ‘Wisdom’ had to say to Luzanne:
“Daughter, I remind you again today to remain in the flow of My Spirit. Remain in My stream of Living Water.
Allow yourself to float in the gentle stream of life.
Moses was just a baby boy floating down My River of Grace, and the gentle flow of My stream took him to ultimate purpose and destiny.
Moses remained faithful and obedient to my instruction almost until the end. He became weary and impatient. He denied divine destiny & instruction.
He chose to follow self. I had to withdrew my hand of blessing and reward.” [Emphasis added]
‘Wisdom’ (another name for her is goddess Sophia) is not very wise and a downright demonic liar because no where in the Bible do I find that Moses denied God in any way and no where did God remove His hand from him. Once again, just the slight twisting of scripture; Moses never entered the promise land, but he most certainly entered Heaven.
This is what the Bible says:
The appearance of Moses and Elijah when Jesus Christ is Transfigured
Matthew 17:1-4
1 Now after six days Jesus took Peter, James, and John his brother, led them up on a high mountain by themselves; 2 and He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light. 3 And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Him. 4 Then Peter answered and said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here; if You wish, let us make here three tabernacles: one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”
Now I do not know if Luxanne and Melinda are ignorant too what they are doing, or they know fully well what they are doing by pushing this New Age rubbish onto unsuspecting people. We will find out soon enough. They have 2 choices, carry on in error or learn the Gospel truth and stop leading others astray – and possibly change their little ministry into something truly special for God.
In the mean time it is my duty to warn women and children out there as to what this New Age ministry is all about.
Notes and Updates:
25 Jan 2011 – It would appear after all the warnings, DDWM is still continuing in error with even more conferences.
Wow i found this site at 9am and still reading it blow my mind I believe in Show me Chapter and verse!! and Deborah and team has done that i just can’t get my mouse to move away from this coz all is Chapter and verse I simply Love it. I came across something that will change my walk forever. A KIND OF LOVE THAT WILL SEND YOU TO HELL.OOOOOOOH I really enjoyed that article I am soooo blessed. I always knew the church is in a mess but a never saw it exposed like this. Jesus says if they hated me they will hate you as well!!! Thanks for great work you guys are doing!! Will surely be reading and following this site daily……please email me the latest stuff I believe as long as its Chapter and verse.
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