Urgent warning about Seventh Day Adventists (SDA) Evengelistic drive 2010 at the Mosaïek Theatre in Randburg from 10 November to 4 December 2010: AMAZING DISCOVERIES 2010.
The Seventh Day Adventist church currently has adverts on TV (SABC) and Radio (702) regarding a FREE presentation at the Mosaic Theatre on Egypt, Jews and Palestine, the anti-Christ, the universe, etc., and is being promoted as AMAZING DISCOVERIES. They just don’t STATE UPFRONT that this is an evangelistic outreach from the Seventh Day Adventist Church.
Beware of Amazing Discoveries: it is a website of the Seventh Day Adventists and these FREE “presentations” are part of their 2010 Evangelistic Drive by John Carter.
Professor Walter J. Veith (from the University of the Western Cape) has been their jewel in their crown for many years. He is seemingly very credible in teaching the Bible, the end times and exposing the Roman Catholic Church. But he is a deceiver because he states that the Roman Catholic Church changed the Sabbath Day from Saturday to Sunday, completely ignoring the Word of God in the book of Acts and how the apostles met on the first day of the week, the day of Jesus’ resurrection. The Lord Jesus Christ is our Sabbath.
SDA have a gospel of works as well as a false prophetess, Ellen G White. They believe that the doctrine of the Sabbath is still a law by maintaining that because it’s part of the Ten Commandments, those who do NOT keep the Saturday Sabbath are not saved and that during the Tribulation that the Mark of the Beast all those who do not keep the Sabbath. They have their own bible (Clear Word Bible) which is widely used in SDA churches, which contains serious false teachings concocted by Ellen G White.
“We believe the revelation and inspiration of both the Bible and Ellen White’s writings to be of equal quality. The superintendence of the Holy Spirit was just as careful and thorough in one case as in the other”. [Emphasis added] Ministry Magazine, Oct. 1981
The following is from the SDA Sandton website:
2. JOHN CARTER CAMPAIGN 10 November – 4 December 2010
The GRC, a group of lay evangelists from the Gauteng region, are partnering with the Carter Report and Hope Channel to present “Amazing Discoveries 2010”. From 10 November until 4 December, people living in the Johannesburg, South Africa, area can attend this campaign at the Mosaïek Theatre in Randburg. For the FIRST TIME IN SOUTH AFRICA’S HISTORY, they are planning to storm the city with television ads. The presses will soon be rolling off 500,000 colour brochures, and 100,000 homes will receive a beautiful hand addressed invitation. The campaign will be broadcast LIVE from the Mosaïek Theatre via microwave link to Sentech and then to homes and churches on the Ku-band (small dish) satellite system. The TV broadcast will start on Friday night the 12th of November from 20:00 – 21:00 on most nights until the 4th of December. Don’t miss this exciting series.
The Mosaiek church in which the Theatre is located is run by Johan Geyser, Trevor Hudson and Dr Gys du Plessis, with associates Stephan Joubert, Koos van der Merwe, Braam van der Schyff, Theo Geyser and Kola de Klerk. They are linked to the (Mosaïek Church in Los Angeles) run by Erwin McManus and the (Mosaïek Christian Church in Rocklin California) by Frank and Dyan Colacurcio. Other friends include Bill Hybels (Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago) and (Velocity Culture) Ron Martoia and (Woodmen Valley Chapel Colorado) Matt Heard. Stephan Joubert is linked to the Dutch Reformed Church, Moreleta Park Church in Pretoria.
The Mosaïek church is a dark place, filled with New Age teaching, contemplative prayer and other occult practices.
Pastor Gavin Sklar Chik who spoke at the Mosaïek church in Fairlands not so long ago taught at his Brackendowns Baptists church (in Johannesburg, Alberton) that people “are to breathing out sin and breathing in righteousness”. He still teaches at the Baptist Theological College and he is now known as the Baptist Mystic!
To answer the question regarding the Sabbath:
THIS is the Gospel Truth of the matter:
See complete article here: Jesus Christ is our Sabbath Rest
1) Jesus Christ kept the Sabbath because HE WAS THE LAW – (Jesus Christ kept the Sabbath because HE, was the Law of the Sabbath.)
2) Jesus Christ taught the Sabbath by having kept the Sabbath because he was still on earth and Lord of the Sabbath Day on earth.
3) When Jesus was crucified many miraculous things took place, one of these being that Jesus Christ fulfilled the Law and it was written in our hearts (all 10 commandments)
4) Jesus became our Sabbath REST in all born again Christians – we do not need to WORK anymore to keep this commandment because the HOLY SPIRIT now abides in each and every born again believer.
Hence all truly born again believers keep all commandants of God.
See this article on the SDA church:
That was such a long comment. I can give you such a short answer.
1) Jesus Christ kept the Sabbath because HE WAS THE LAW – (Jesus Christ kept the Sabbath because HE, was the Law of the Sabbath.)
2) Jesus Christ TAUGHT the Sabbath by having KEPT the Sabbath because he was still on earth and Lord of the Sabbath Day on earth.
3) When Jesus was crucified many miraculous things took place, one of these being that Jesus Christ fulfilled the Law and it was written in our hearts (all 10 commandments)
4) Jesus became our Sabbath rest in all born again Christians – we do not need to WORK anymore to keep this commandment because the HOLY SPIRIT now abides in each and every born again believer.
You have to work for your salvation, I don’t, because Jesus Christ lives in me. I have the Holy Spirit abiding in me who gives me the most amazing REST and PEACE, He also councils me, guides me, convicts me, instructs me and brings me into all remembrance of who Jesus Christ is.
Then end.
>> That exclusivity and holier than thou attitude exists in many other Christians out there…. In fact on this article thread
I’ll take that as you are talking to me. You see, when I ask someone questions they can’t answer or REFUSE to answer, I usually get called names and stuff. So I suppose I should take this as a compliment.
>> When are people gonna realize, its not about doctrines, and denominations…???
Oh but on the contrary, IT IS ABOUT DOCTRINE. Tell me, do you view Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons as Christians?
My church was founded by Jesus Christ.
You are so deceived 🙁
Leon wrote:
GE replies:
Mrs E.g. White, in DA chapter 9, is saying the Father did not raise Christ, but an angel called him from the grave, because the Father was not there, and could not be there on the earth — and the Son only forty days after went up to the Father, and then again that he went up before Thomas could touch him, and again that he QUICKLY went up so that the OTHER women than Mary could touch him etc.. Can’t you judge what Mrs White said BY ITSELF? Why do you need others to see for you— from White herself?
How about adjuring God the Father was absent when Jesus died; that He did not revive Christ from the dead or called him from the grave, but that an angel did that in his absence; and that He stayed absent and Jesus first had to go into the air and had to refuse the worship of the heavenly hosts until He was ‘approved’ by his Father?
Does that honour God the Father or the Son?
I object to EGW and SDA church teaching Christ did not die for sins as God, and that the Father forsook the Son in his dying moment and never interacted or ‘connected’ with the Son until 40 days after the Son resurrected — to which resurrection from the dead a created being – an angel and not the Father – called Him. One of thousands of ASPECTS merely of the single, antichrist idea of the IJ.
So why did she REJECT the Word of God and spoke the word of satan, that a created being in the ABSENCE of the Father, called the Son of God forth from the grave?
The ‘work’, is EGW’s ‘Desire of Ages’ chapter 8. The ‘angel’ is the one clothed with the full armour – ‘panoply’ – of God. A creature with the power of God? Nevertheless, THAT, ‘angel’.
Now read about Jacob Lorber’s ‘work’ published about 1840-45 to the jubilance of the COG’s who ALSO DENY THE DIVINITY OF JESUS. It does not surprise that the SDAs have virtually the exact same story of Jesus’ resurrection, who deny He died, being God, or was raised BY THE FATHER, being that same Infinite FULLNESS of Divinity in Himself.
When I read this chapter in DA for the first time in my life — about three years ago just before my sister passed away — it was the beginning of my own private crusade against Seventh-day Adventism. Read the three books 6/1,2,3 [EDITED BY DTW – Please be cautious reading anything else. Thank you] At that stage — only about three years ago — I did not even know about Jacob Lorber or his visions and inspirations ….just like Mrs EG White claimed to have received from God.
Tell us all, who say you, called Jesus from death and the grave? The angel? Yes, or no, please; then shall we all know where you stand….
What do you believe, did Jesus die a mere man and not God? Yes, or no, please; then shall we all know where you stand…. WITH THE SDAs OR WITH CHRISTIANITY.
Here are the FACTS, obviously to your utter disgust:
EGW AND J Lorber wrote that an angel called Jesus from the grave and death in the Father’s absence.
EGW and JL wrote during the same time in the nineteenth century.
I do not say EGW copied from Lorber; I ask, who copied from whom? Implying the two of them must have shared some common source, inevitably.
I reject BOTH for having been FALSE prophets because of the SAME evidence.
You do with them what you like, whoever you may be.
Plagiarism….. there’s one passage from DA, Chapter 9, where it tells of the angel that called the Son of God from the dead and grave, virtually IDENTICAL with Jacob Lorber’s ‘New Revelation of John’. I have been wondering about WHO PLAGIARISED FROM WHOM because two people during the same period in history JUST CANNOT write SO IDENTICAL.
Can you explain to me, better? SDA?
E.G. White is a false prophet. This shows that she was. Try deny it….
EGW said an angel called the Son of God from the grave while the Father was NOT THERE.
EGW says the guards SAW the resurrection HAPPEN.
EGW says the women SAW the resurrection HAPPEN.
EGW says the guard were the first proclaimers of the Good News of Jesus’ resurrection.
EGW says Jesus went to heaven and came back in between after He appeared to Mary Magdalene and before He appeared to the other women or the other disciples.
EGW declared the First Day of the week was a day of rejoicing and to be remembered for the whole universe.
EGW prophesied the Adventist Church would proclaim the Sabbath more fully, which never happened.
If one read E.G. White EVERYTHING she wrote takes on that phony look and feel, the holier the more. It’s SO apparent from these ‘visions’ and ‘revelations’ and ‘inspirations’.
It’s the strangest thing SDAs are totally UNABLE to get that ‘feel’; they are completely mesmerized by E.G. White’s LEGALISTIC and CONDEMNING, INCESSANT ‘outpouring’ of works, works, works.
Blame anyone for not trusting her or the SDAs in any situation? Not me. Thank God He made me a too great sinner to fall for salvation by works.
The Truth:
1. A belief that Jesus Christ died, was resurrected on the third day after his death, and ascended to Heaven 40 days later.
2. A belief in the Holy Trinity; that although the Trinity comprises three individuals, they are at one in purpose, existing as complete, equal members of the Godhead.
3. A belief that the Bible is the only, ultimate source of doctrinal instruction; the final word of authority regarding principles or doctrine and belief.
4. A belief that acceptance of what Jesus Christ did For us in his Atonement is our only source of salvation. (justification through faith) Our works are only results of our conversion (sanctification), and have nothing to do with our salvation.
SDA lies: Ellen G Whites beliefs
1. Christ’s death, resurrection, and assention to Heaven:
— SDA’s believe that Jesus did not die as God but as a mere man, God the Father was absent during Christ’s death, that He did not revive Christ from the dead or called him from the grave, but that an angel instead; God remained absent and Jesus first had to go into the air and had to refuse the worship of the heavenly hosts until He was ‘approved’ by his Father.
2. A belief in the Godhead of the Holy Trinity.
— Adventists claim to believe fully in the trinity But Adventists also believe that Christ is Michael the Archangel. They are greatly taken aback when they learn that Christianity cannot accept this belief that in fact it is anathema to Christianity. This destroys the doctrine of the Holy Trinity.
3. A belief in the final authority of the Bible as doctrinal instructor-
— “The Bible and the Bible only”. Adventists will readily assure the inquiring Christian that their beliefs are based on the Bible alone but the Adventist Church has gone on official record a number of times to demonstrate that Ellen White is the final arbiter, the infallible interpreter of the Bible; and this has commonly been taught from the pulpit to Adventist believers. To my knowledge, not once has Adventism ever taken any position that contradicts Ellen White’s teachings. Adventism must stand or fall on her word.
4. A belief in Justification through Faith.
— Here Adventism vehemently proclaims that it believes in justification through faith. This doctrine, however, has caused and continues to cause more confusion in the Adventist Church than any other doctrine the “Justification/sanctification” interpretations from the pen of Ellen White not only contradict the Bible but contradict each other. This leaves the SDA reader who follows Mrs White completely confused on the subject.
By far the most appalling of Ellen White’s “Justification through Sanctification” heretical statements are these from her most widely-circulated book, The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan:
“Those who are living upon the earth when the intercession of Christ shall cease in the sanctuary above, are to stand in the sight of a holy God without a mediator. Their robes must be spotless, their characters must be purified from sin by the blood of sprinkling. Through the grace of God and their own diligent effort, they must be conquerors in the battle with evil “. (p 425)
“In that fearful time the righteousness must live in the sight of a holy God without an intercessor” (p. 614)
SDA teaches at best a contradictory doctrine of Justification through Faith, in which perfectionism is stressed over faith.
Other things:
Ellen G Whites beliefs:
— Hell is not eternal torment (Unscriptural!)
— Baptismal regeneration (Unscriptural!)
— Investigative Judgment (Unscriptural!)
— Salvation by Works (Unscriptural!)
— Satan is the joint sin bearer (Unscriptural!)
— Soul sleep (Unscriptural!)
Hi everyone, I did not have much time to elaborate on keeping of the law,this will require a series of lessons for you to understand why its important to follow God’s LAW. But this is simple if you love God you will NATURALLY obey all His commandments that He has given to us for our salavation and sanctification. and YES we are saved by JESUS’S BLOOD but it requires us to change and follow HIS LAWS. Following God is holistic, meaning we are saved by JESUS,then HIS WORD to guide us, then HIS health messages which are in the Bible and our deeds and you can add to the list etc..
On the other hand we are setting a bad example to our fellow muslims,hundis,buddist,jews and even satanists when we are debating about God’s word. How will they ever believe in this GOSPEL when we are confusing ourselves and mis – representing who God is and trying to add our our connotations to His WORD. This has to stop cause you see in the end there will only be two groups left and that would be those who are sealed by the Holy Spirit before the coming of Jesus and those that are the anti -Christ. Also note that bible is both literal and figurative and if you are led by the TRUE SPIRIT OF GOD HE will lead you into all Truth of HIS WORD.
We will all oneday be united by God’s word and HIS WORD alone. We can learn much from each but we need to stop being critical about this topic, God has never lied in HIS WORD and HE wants the best for us and that’s why HE has given us a set of rules to obey. The TEN COMMANDMENTS IS ON THE MERCY SEAT IN HEAVEN and that is proof that the LAW will always stand. My question to you ALL how will you respond when you see JESUS on the clouds of heaven holding the TEN COMMANDMENT LAWS IN HIS HANDS??? DO THE RIGHT THING AND FOLLOW HIS LAW COMBINED WITH HIS BLOOD THAT SAVES US….
We do not need lessons. If the SDA are going to TWIST SCRIPTURE then all your lessons are incorrect. I stated to Lee already the following, this is the Gospel Truth of the matter:
1) Jesus Christ kept the Sabbath because HE WAS THE LAW – (Jesus Christ kept the Sabbath because HE, was the Law of the Sabbath.)
2) Jesus Christ TAUGHT the Sabbath by having KEPT the Sabbath because he was still on earth and Lord of the Sabbath Day on earth.
3) When Jesus was crucified many miraculous things took place, one of these being that Jesus Christ fulfilled the Law and it was written in our hearts (all 10 commandments)
4) Jesus became our Sabbath rest in all born again Christians – we do not need to WORK anymore to keep this commandment because the HOLY SPIRIT now abides in each and every born again believer.
You on the other hand Nerfititi have to work for your salvation, I don’t, because Jesus Christ lives in me. I have the Holy Spirit abiding in me who gives me the most amazing REST and PEACE, He also councils me, guides me, convicts me, instructs me and brings me into all remembrance of who Jesus Christ is.
Then end.
Deborah you are totally confused.I have studied many religions before and you are totally wrong about the SDA’S as matter of fact you all are wrong about the SDA’S. You need to re -check the information you have or you will be lost forever….this is said in real concern and love for you ALL. Pray and let God guide you…..
>> On the other hand we are setting a bad example to our fellow muslims,hundis,buddist,jews and even satanists when we are debating about God’s word. How will they ever believe in this GOSPEL when we are confusing ourselves and mis – representing who God is and trying to add our our connotations to His WORD. This has to stop cause you see in the end there will only be two groups left and that would be those who are sealed by the Holy Spirit before the coming of Jesus and those that are the anti -Christ. Also note that bible is both literal and figurative and if you are led by the TRUE SPIRIT OF GOD HE will lead you into all Truth of HIS WORD.
Oh please, I am not debating God’s Word. I know fully well the Truth. It’s the SDA who is confused and needs to be rectified like the muslim, hindu, buddhist, jew and even satanist. You are no better than they… Just because you hold a bible in your hands and speak the name of Jesus means nothing. Your church is laden with blasphemies and you lap them up- Scroll further up for SDA lies:
Nope, but good luck to you and all your hard working for your Salvation that you wont attain because God offered you Grace and you throw it right back in Jesus’ face.
>> Following God is holistic, meaning we are saved by JESUS,then HIS WORD to guide us, then HIS health messages which are in the Bible and our deeds and you can add to the list etc..
LOL, I was waiting for that to come into the picture…
Deborah- You are judgemental and it’s clear you need much prayer.I also do not affiliate myself with churches as they will never get me into heaven. For me God is ever present and its a deep connection to have Him close to me every moment that I breath His air in and out.He is alive to me all day and not only on a Sabbath or Sunday but everyday EVERY MOMEMENT. I don’t need a church to tell me about Him,I only need His WORD AND HOLY SPIRIT to draw me closer to Him and then which ultimately will lead me to His TRUE REMNANT CHRUCH which He talks about in REVELATION.
You are if not then what do you call it? Quoting the Bible to justify a wrong thing is an abomination in the eyes of God and you have mis – represented Him and the SDA’S
Maybe you should try them and see for yourself than just down loading info from websites that are error and misleading you…. After all its not about the SDA’S its about God’s WORD. If God was against the SDA’S He would of ended their church which has been exisiting for about 100 years, unlike may other faiths who constantly dissolve….
So funny, when you are trapped in a corner the first thing you do is start calling me names. Nice 😉 Never the less, the truth remains. Did you read the SDA list of LIES? Would you mind commenting on each one. They are all damnable heresies. No point keeping your Sabbath yet the church you belong too DENIES THE DIVINITY OF JESUS CHRIST!
>> You are if not then what do you call it? Quoting the Bible to justify a wrong thing is an abomination in the eyes of God and you have mis – represented Him and the SDA’S
LOL, misrepresent God and the SDA’s? (that’s funny…very funny) Fortunately your god and my God are not the same. So let him be as mad as can be, he is the father of twisting scripture anyhow.
Yes I know….For more than 130 years SDAs have practiced a vegetarian dietary lifestyle because of their belief in the holistic nature of humankind. Whatever is done in eating or drinking should honor and glorify God and preserve the health of the body, mind and spirit…
Under the NEW COVENANT, the Bible says EVERYTHING is good for us to eat.
Again… you want to live under the law.
You wont look at the list because you agree with these things and this is why SDAs are NOT CHRISTIANS.
And so what if you have studied many religions, so have I. So what. Big deal.
Look at the list and tell me if you agree with those things? If you know your church/religion so well, it should be a simple YES or NO.
My dear Deborah, I truly pray for you. You are the one who is deceived. I know exactly what I am believing in, everything you say is out of the air so fague. It seems to me you are “not really into scripture”. Everything you say is just based on your own opinion. But as I say from now on you will definitly be in my prayers, so that the true Holy Spirit will speak and guide you.
Proudly SDA
No do not pray for me. I do not accept prayers from other gods.
Well it seems Nerfititi won’t answer those vital SDA questions and has run away. I wonder why. Because the proof is in the pudding – the lies of the SDA church.
Those SDA heresies are Ellen G Whites beliefs my dear. Please tell us if you AGREE with Ellen G White’s heresies? You are the one in the church with the prophetess who thought those satanic lies, not me.
I can see you are very upset. Maybe you need to take some time out and go find out what YOUR CHURCH REALLY BELIEVES, and then leave.
Deborah I think you have a problem you are contradicting yourself. I can see you have an agenda and for now let me leave you but you haven’t proven to me that the Sabbath was changed to Sunday. You are lost my sister. I rest my case
You are talking utter rubbish. I have not contradicted myself anywhere. And I do not need to prove what day the Sabbath falls on because I do not keep the Sabbath day.
Tell me Tee, do you agree with those SDA heresies? Nerfititi refuses to answer, maybe you have the guts to.
Oh it seems Tee is running away as well. She wont answer to the list of SDA heresies either. What a surprise…
Deborah (Discerning the World) wrote:
GE responds:
Deborah, it is so characteristic of one who KNOWS he or she is WRONG, to use the presupposed / presumed / AFFECTED, for fact and proof, to prove for fact and truth his presupposed / presumed / AFFECTED— it’s called ‘circular thinking’. Like you have done:
“1) Jesus Christ kept the Sabbath because he was still on earth and under Jewish Law.”
What is the presupposed / presumed / AFFECTED? One simple word, that cannot be quoted from the Scriptures, and which is made the foundation of the presupposed / presumed / AFFECTED …the word, “Jewish”. Take out YOUR little word with its BIG meaning, and see what you really wrote, and see if what you really wrote was the TRUTH and what you supplied, converted truth into LIE:
“1) Jesus Christ kept the Sabbath because he was still on earth and under …Law.” AMAZING!
Allow me to make a small little ‘improvement’ to your statement, because I would like to say it like this:
‘1) Jesus Christ kept the Sabbath because he was still on earth and WAS THE LAW.’
And a second, if I may:
“1) Jesus Christ kept the Sabbath because HE, was the Law of the Sabbath.”
And a third, please:
“1) Jesus Christ TAUGHT the Sabbath by having KEPT the Sabbath because he was still on earth and Lord of the Sabbath Day on earth.”
And so we could go on with innumerable variations on the same THEME because the THEME is genuinely Christian and Scriptural. You could go on ad infinitum and NEVER go contrary the Word of God, because you stayed with the Scriptures. But add just that one little concept CONTRARY the Scriptures, and in one stroke of the pen, you have ‘thought of changing the law and times of God’— like the ‘little horn’ of Daniel. One ‘li-i-i-tle horn’ that thought he’d utter BIG WORDS against the Most High.
How does one solve this problem of one’s own making? We have seen, by staying with what “is written”. But there is something better, which is, to look more closely at what God had done through Jesus Christ the faithful and true Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God, Revelation 3:14,
that He went that low to come to earth
and become a Man of the earth,
“in the flesh”,
and died,
and rose,
from the dead,
IN the grave,
in the EARTH,
in the earth’s TIME:
“in the SABBATH’S-time”,
“as day began inclining ON THE SABBATH DAY”,
“SABBATH’S towards the First Day of the week”.
Matthew 28:1.
—every word, every thought, ‘WRITTEN’!—
Isn’t that wonderful?! So absolutely earthly really, God in his faithfulness in Christ, as He of old by His Word of Oath Promised, “The LORD on the Seventh Day … was REVIVED” FROM THE GRAVE IN THE EARTH. Exodus 31:17.
The “Jewish Sabbath”? Never! Divine Sabbath Day even in and under the New Testament, “The Lord’s Day”— The Lord JESUS’ Day! Yes!
Yes! Not ‘Sunday’; “The LORD’S”, “Day”!
“Therefore the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath Day” …BECAUSE He “Sabbath’s”, “rose from the dead again”!
Hebrews 13:20, “Now the God of PEACE (the “peace” of God’s, ‘rest’), that brought again FROM THE DEAD our Lord JESUS, that Great Shepherd of the sheep : THROUGH THE BLOOD OF THE EVERLASTING COVENANT” of grace “waved before the LORD”, “SABBATH’S!
“The Jewish Sabbath”?! Do not speak so irresponsibly! It is not respectful to “the Sabbath Day”, not to mention to the “Lord of Sabbath Day”.
Gerhard Ebersöhn
AHHHH seeeee, I will fix it. Thank you.
Deborah let me tell you this straight. I am an Adventist and will remain one for the rest of my life. I believe everything that the SDA church upholds and will stand for it scripturally. There is only one thing here. How can you say I am talking utter rubbish. Why are you being so emotional. The truth will remain the truth. It is surprising to me that yoiu did not have the guts to respond to my very long comment instead you just give some three lines. You amaze me my sister. And point of correction I am not a she I am a he. God bless you my dear.Now in conclusion I say read Revelations 14:12 and you will know that the commandments were never abolished. Just realise one thing of all the other people who were writing you are the only one who is still being hard headed. God bless you and I am praying for you
I find the comments on this page quite shocking. The Christian attitude is missing in your comments. Some of the SDA comments made very valid points, and most of them supported what they said with scripture. You just listed a bunch of ‘herecies’ which you claim are herecies, but you are not able to oppose them with scripture. You just assume your way of thinking is correct, and that the way ‘most Christians believe’ is the right way. An open mind is much better in discovering truth. If you stick to other people’s opinions on these subjects instead of going to source material you cannot really have a water tight argument on anything. Maybe you should have told people you will be attending the Carter meetings, and report back after the whole event instead of sending out ‘warnings’ without the needed information.