The 3rd Lausanne Congress Opens in Cape Town – 16 Oct 2010

Lausanne Congress

Updated:  John Piper a speaker at Lausanne Congress!

The Third Lausanne Congress Opens in Cape Town

MEDIA ADVISORY, Oct. 16 /Christian Newswire/ — The Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization opens in Cape Town this weekend, Sunday 17 October 2010. It draws together 4,000 invited participants from 197 nations, and extends through GlobaLink sites to 90 countries. The Congress theme is ‘God in Christ, reconciling the world to himself’ (2 Corinthians 5:19) and how to bear witness to Jesus Christ and all his teaching in every region of the world and every sphere of society.

The Lausanne Movement, founded by Billy Graham, is uniquely placed to gather evangelicals for a common purpose. The Congress will reaffirm the primary truths of biblical Christianity, and engage with critical issues set to face the Church over the next decade. These issues have been identified through consultations around the world. Doug Birdsall, Chairman of The Lausanne Movement, said:  ‘We have worked to engage evangelical leaders on all continents. This is the first Congress of its kind in the digital age, and we’re praying it will herald a new moment for the Church.’

In this information age, traffic on the eight-language Congress website is expected to be high, and radio networks will relay programmes across Africa and Latin America, on the themes of the Congress.

The 1974 Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization produced The Lausanne Covenant, widely regarded as one of the most significant documents in recent church history. Reflecting on this, Archbishop Henry Orombi, Chair of the Africa Host Committee, declared: ‘Under God, the legacy of The Third Congress is up to us!’  The Cape Town Commitment: a statement of belief and a call to action, will be published out of the Congress. Dr Chris Wright, Director of Langham Partnership International, is the chief architect of the new statement, working in partnership with senior theologians from all continents.

Each of the six days of the Congress will begin with a study in Ephesians, led by pastor-theologians from around the world. ‘We will be studying Ephesians as a global community,’ said Blair Carson, Congress Director. ‘We want it to be a grounding for a whole new movement of communicating the gospel of Jesus Christ.’

John Stott and Billy Graham have sent personal greetings, assuring the Congress of their daily prayer. Both are now becoming frailer, but have lost none of their passion for Christ and his gospel. Billy Graham, reflecting on the huge scale of changes in the world, wrote from his home in North Carolina, ‘One of your tasks during Cape Town 2010 will be to analyze those changes, and to assess their impact on the mission to which God has called us in this generation.’

John Stott expressed his particular pleasure that the Congress is being hosted in Africa: ‘I pray that you will be able to share richly in the blessing God has poured out on the Church in that continent, as well as sharing in the pain and suffering of his people there.’

Participants in the Congress truly stand on the shoulders of giants.

For more information, or for media access to photographs, news releases and audio / video clips, email

The Lausanne Movement is a worldwide movement that mobilizes evangelical leaders to collaborate for world evangelization.


Lausanne Movement brings every Christian denomination and movement  into dialogue under the auspices of evangelising the world.  It is a smokescreen, behind which lies the One World Religion backed by a New World Order.  Billy Graham, founder of Lausanne in 1974 is a Roman Catholic trained evangelical.  Lausanne is there purely to advance the Vatical II Evangelisation program with it’s ecumenical themes for evangelicals.

“Cape Town 2010, held in collaboration with the World Evangelical Alliance, will bring together 4,000 leaders from more than 200 countries to confront the critical issues of our time – other world faiths, poverty, HIV/AIDS, persecution, among others – as they relate to the future of the Church and world evangelisation.”

“Serving the Suffering” and “Growing in Humility as We Experience Community” are just some of the topics of discussion that have taken place prior to the congress starting.  These sound wonderful, but social justice is not the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The term “World Evangelisation” might sound biblical to you, but when the Evangelisation is another gospel, what you do have is a coming together of people from all around the world forming part of the spiritual “World Tower of Babel” as they in effect are opposing God to set up their own foundations and structures.

The term Evangelization is a term coined by Vatican II, and used by all ecumenical (false) Christian movements to gain support of churches, church groups and networks, throughout the world.  The word Evengelization entails political action and social justice along with spreading a false gospel.  The saving of the ‘soul’ is not the concern of Evangelization, it’s the saving of nations and then the entire world under a New World Religion championed by a New World Order headed by the Anti-Christ.

Billy Graham has fooled millions over the years, proclaiming to be an evangelical Christian when in fact he was none other than protoge of Vatican II’s Evangelization project.

I am following this congress via the internet, I will post any names I find of importance.

See the list below as to who is attending the Lausanne Conference and sitting on the council:

  • Dr. Billy Graham  Founder, Lausanne Movement
  • Dr. John Stott  Honorary Chairman, Lausanne Movement
  • Dr. Leighton Ford  Honorary Chairman, Lausanne Committee
  • Dr. Miriam Adeney  Professor, Seattle Pacific Seminary
  • Dr. Leith Anderson  Senior Pastor, Wooddale Church, President, US National Association of Evangelicals
  • Dr. Bryan Chappell  President, Covenant Seminary
  • Dr. Loren Cunningham  Founder, Youth with a Mission (YWAM)
  • Mr. Jim Daly  President, Focus on the Family
  • Dr. Steve Douglass  President, Campus Crusade for Christ
  • Dr. Ken Fong  Pastor, Evergreen Baptist Church
  • Dr. Timothy George  Dean, Beeson Divinity School
  • Dr. Os Guinness  Author
  • Dr. Gary Haugen  President, International Justice Mission
  • Dr. Dean Hirsch  President, World Vision International
  • Dr. Tim Keller  Pastor, Redeemer Presbyterian Church
  • Dr. Duane Litfin  President, Wheaton College
  • Mr. Hugh Maclellan  President, The Maclellan Foundation
  • Dr. Jesse Miranda  Hispanic Evangelical Leadership Alliance
  • Dr. Richard Mouw  President, Fuller Theological Seminary
  • Dr. David Neff  Editor, Christianity Today
  • Mr. Peter Ochs  President, First Fruit Foundation
  • Mrs. Jane Overstreet  President, Development Associates Int’l
  • Dr. Luis Palau  President, Luis Palau
  • Dr. John Perkins  President, John M. Perkins Foundation
  • Dr. John Piper  Pastor, Bethlehem Baptist Church
  • Mrs. Becky Pippert  President, Salt Shaker Ministries
  • Mr. Bill Pollard  Chairman of the Board, BGEA
  • Dr. Wess Stafford  President, Compassion International
  • Dr. Tite Tienou  Dean, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
  • Mr. Paul Tokunaga  Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship
  • Dr. Mike Treneer  President, The Navigators
  • Dr. Rick Warren  Pastor, Saddleback Church
  • Dr. George Wood  General Superintendent, Assembly of God

Isak Burger, world president of the Apostolic Faith Mission, from South Africa, participated in the recent Cape Town planning meetings for the Lausanne Congress.

Pastor Rick Warren  –   Senior Pastor, Saddleback Church

Member, Cape Town 2010 Advisory Council

“I invite every Christian leader, church, denomination and believer-anyone who cares about reaching the world for Christ-to join hands and band together backing the 2010 Lausanne Congress. It’s truly that important.”

* Dr. Michael Cassidy:   – Founder and International Team Leader,  African Enterprise

Chairman, Cape Town 2010 Mission Committee

“A key to successful world evangelization is embracing the richness of the entire body of Christ. Cape Town 2010 will rally the global church to advance the Great Commission.”

Mr. Steve Douglass  – President, Campus Crusade for Christ International

“A key to successful world evangelization is embracing the richness of the entire body of Christ – and then inviting its participation. The Cape Town 2010 Congress will enthusiastically rally the global church to complete the Great Commission.”

Dr. Jack W. Hayford  – President, Foursquare Church and Chancellor, Kings College and Seminary

Member, Cape Town 2010 Advisory Council

“It will be our great privilege as South African believers to host the Cape Town 2010 Congress in Cape Town. Cape Town 2010 will add enormous impetus and encouragement to the African church to fulfill its destiny in World Mission in the 21st century. I rejoice also to see this renewal and rejuvenation of the Lausanne Movement at a time when many in the church across the world are losing their nerve about evangelism in a post-modern era. The need is great and urgent to revisit our theology both of evangelism and the uniqueness of Christ, and then be motivated afresh as those at Edinburgh in 1910, into the evangelization of our world in this generation. We need to show that our changeless Gospel is more relevant than ever in these changing times.”

Rick Warren – Saddleback Church

Ralph Winter – Fontier Mission Fellowship

Paul Eshleman – Campus Crusade for Christ International

Geoff Tunnicliffe – World Evangelical Alliance


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Deborah (Discerning the World)

Deborah Ellish is the author of the above article. Discerning the World is an internet Christian Ministry based in Johannesburg South Africa. Tom Lessing and Deborah Ellish both own Discerning the World. For more information see the About this Website page below the comments section.

45 Responses

  1. blank Burning Lamp says:

    It isn’t the “environmental crisis” that should concern them – it is the “heart crisis” – things of eternal significance. Just shows how far they have drifted from their moorings – that is they ever were anchored in truth to begin with. Oh the magnitude of the deception!

  2. BL

    I tell you, it’s shocking.

  3. blank Christiaan says:

    Hi Deborah,

    Once again, excellent article, with lots of usefull info, and warnings on Rick Warren, and the Lausanne Conference. So Izak Burger too hey! I noticed your short, to the point reply to “Mary”? So I studied her reply again, and then realized that she is speaking the doctine of C.U.! (christian universalism) Jesus came to save eeeverybody! This false doctine denies hell, and eternal punishment, and embraces many other false teachings, like the absence of free will in man, no need for repentance, etc. May God bless you!
    Regards, J

  4. blank Hilgard Muller says:

    [EDITED: Your article has been moved to BOBS YOUR-ANCHOR NEWS DESK:

  5. blank Christiaan says:

    Doctrine! doctrine!

  6. Hilgard

    I have a special place for all news, articles etc. Under Bobs Your-Anchor News: Each month I start a new one. To find Bobs News, click on Bob’s picture on the right hand side of the website and then go to the latest month then place your comment.

    I’m gonna move your comment there for now.

    Just a quick one, the URL is broken…. or is that the way it’s supposed to be with a – at the end?

  7. Hilgard

    Ahh the URL is not broken, I just checked.

  8. blank Burning Lamp says:

    Donna, regarding BG, you like to quote Cutting Edge. The following was posted by another discernment ministry on their website.
    Saying BG is a Mason and the Rowling is a Satanist (someone else did that on this site, thinking an internet rumor was a fact) is spreading false rumors. We are to be about TRUTH.


    We have finally received a response from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association that Mr. Graham is NOT a Freemason. We totally accept this denial at face value, as we reprint this response in its entirety!!

  9. BL

    That is correct, truth is truth! Can’t have ‘maybe’s’ or ‘ifs’ or ‘guessing’.

    And LOL, of course he will deny he is a Manson, it’s a SECRET society. As a double whammy, Pastors are not supposed to be Masons either, so if he is one, we will never know.. *plays ominous scary music*

  10. Here we go… unity in diversity,

    October 22 Daily Wrapup: Celebrating Snowflakes

    Written by Jon Hirst
    Friday, 22 October 2010 18:00

    “When we freeze water, we make ice cubes. When God freezes water, he makes snowflakes – each one different.” Vaughn Roberts (via Justin Long)

    Our Lord is infinitely creative (as evidenced in the uniqueness of each snow flake) and able to bring millions of unique members of humanity together in His Global Church to accomplish His cosmic plans for the redemption of this world. Vaughn Roberts, rector at St. Ebbes Church in Oxford, England, shared from Ephesians 4 about the need for unity in the Church within a context of unique gifts and perspectives.

    With phrases like, “Unity doesn’t mean uniformity.” He challenged the Church to a standard of Truth but a posture of love and acceptance within that context. See Justin Long’s live blogging of that session for more.

    This focus on unity built on the first three days where we were challenged to see our roles in God’s cosmic plan that is based on eternal Truth and manifest in our transformed lives. Ephesians 4 was critical to setting the stage for the focus on 21st Century evangelism and the priorities of our work. Why was this so important? Because the many countries now defining the missions movement and the new generation that is preparing to lead these new efforts are going to come with new ideas, different strategies and unique perspectives. The Church as a whole must find ways to stand on the same foundation but allow for the unique outpourings of God’s Spirit as He seeks to redeem the world. READ MORE HERE:


    Notice the buzzwords, ‘unity in diversity’, ‘global church’, ‘cosmic plan’ aka God’s Dream.

    And what a load of nonsense. Stand on the same foundation but allow for unique outpourings of God’s spirit? LOL. Never have I ever heard such rubbish. ALL born again Christians have the SAME message, ALL the time, EVERY time.

  11. This is an interesting one. How to get to the point of combining the Church and State? Start at the workplace!

    Being the Whole Church: Leaders Encouraged to View the Workplace as Mission

    CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA, 24 OCTOBER 2010 — At The Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization, Willy Katiuga said he believed the workplace is the ideal setting for ‘embodying the gospel.’ Willy’s panel discussion on faith in the workplace on Monday of the week-long Congress was so popular that the ‘People at Work: Preparing to Be the Whole Church’ multiplex session was repeated on Saturday.

    According to Glenn Smith, Cape Town 2010 Programme Committee, about 1300 packed out the Monday meeting. In addition, four smaller dialogue sessions on the topic during the week were full, accommodating about 80 people each, he said.

    In a paper posted online prior to the Congress to stimulate global discussion, Willy Katiuga said, ‘We live in a secular-sacred paradigm that separates the Church from what happens in the workplace. [However,] the workplace is ideal for embodying the Gospel, living a life that reflects grace and truth. There are very few evangelistic outlets where this is possible.’

    He urged that this must change to make the most of this mission field.

    ‘The church has to become alive at the workplace by making the workplace sacred,’ he wrote. ‘We need to rethink globally the role of the church in supporting our workplace emissaries and to rethink the role of work in motivating emissaries.’

    In essence, Willy says, the Church needs to move from ‘working for a living’ to ‘breathing God’s life into work.’ He describes his company scenario in which he has built a work culture that values accountability, responsibility, excellence, teamwork, discussions in a learning environment, risk-taking, forgiveness, support and celebration……… read more:

  12. John Piper who was out during those 8 months making best friends with Rick Warren who is NOW doing this: WARNING!!!

  13. blank Paul says:

    Hello Deborah,
    This post is related to Donna’s post of Oct 17, 2010 (one of the first posts).
    I’ve read Peter Whyte book “Come Out of Her, My People”. It touches me a lot. It almost describes exactly what I am going through in my life right now. I have lived in deception for almost the past 19 years of my christian life, in religion. The Lord Jesus in His grace is openning my eyes to get out of this deception and religion. But I’m just afraid I might get deceived again. I’m so cautious now. So I was reading this book with a lot of suspicion. What do you know about this Peter Whyte? Is he genuine? What do you think of his book? Does he have anything to do with New Age philosophies? Is he commendable?
    What about his other book “The King and His Kingdom”? If he is commendable, is there any way I can get a pdf copy of that other book?

  14. blank Paul says:

    The reason of my question about New Age in my post above is because the site (by Joshua Guild) where I downloaded the book “Come out of her my people” is obviously a New Age philosophy,

  15. blank James Sunduist says:

    Dear Lausanne Covenant Members,

    I just wanted to update you on Rick Warren and his partner John Piper.

    Rick Warren clamored for his Global Peace Plan and touted it to included Muslims. He even changed the P from Plant Churches to Promote Reconciliation in order diffuse any chance of offending Muslims. Even tried to invoked Scripture to justify it including Muslims…long before the recent uproar in the OC Register. What does he take us all for…fools? Who does he think he is kidding? And as you both point out he signed the Christian Response long before the OC uproars. This is beyond the pale!



    “Rick Warren Caught Fibbing?” World Net Daily


    Islamic Jesus vs. Biblical Jesus video online Methodist Church defiles its sanctuary and defies founder John Wesley on Islam

    “Ever since the religion of Islam appeared in the world, the espousers of it…have been as wolves and tigers to all other nations, rending and tearing all that fell into their merciless paws, and grinding them with their iron teeth; that numberless cities are raised from the foundation, and only their name remaining; that many countries, which were once as the garden of God, are now a desolate wilderness; and that so many once numerous and powerful nations are vanished from the earth! Such was, and is at this day, the rage, the fury, the revenge, of these destroyers of human kind.” Doctrine of Original Sin, Works (1841), ix. 205.

    ► 59:44► 59:44 minutes 25, 2011 – 60 min – Uploaded by BereanBeacon
    Shariah Law Being Used in U.S. Courts to Decide Cases …
    Muslim Jesus vs. Biblical Jesus in Arabic Language: مسلم يسوع ……/muslim-jesus-vs-biblical-jesus-in-arabi...
    May 18, 2011 – ISLAMIC JESUS vs. BIBLICAL JESUS IN ARABIC LANGUAGE يسوع مسلم مقابل يسوع الكتاب المقدس عشرين سببا ديني لماذا أنهم ليسوا يسوع …


    MAKING MERCHANDISE OF MEN’S SOULS film documentary documents Islamic confiscation of the promised land and ultimate boundaries of Greater Israel trailer can be viewed at


    On Feb 26, 2012, at 11:58 PM, Paula Coyle wrote:


    James Sundquist
    Director Rock Salt Publishing

    DISCLAIMER: Rock Salt Publishing was founded by author James Sundquist as a voluntary discernment ministry to assist those who have been affected by the abuse of ecclesiastical power or false doctrine. The contents of all of the emails, articles, blogs, books and broadcasts have been researched very thoroughly and carefully. Where applicable, both documentation and supportive Scripture references are provided. It is a very serious matter to bring charges against any organization or individual, and therefore if anyone reading these charges is able to substantiate that they are false, please bring this to our attention.

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