Deborah (Discerning the World)

Deborah Ellish is the author of the above article. Discerning the World is an internet Christian Ministry based in Johannesburg South Africa. Tom Lessing and Deborah Ellish both own Discerning the World. For more information see the About this Website page below the comments section.

7 Responses

  1. Phillip says:

    An article from

    “I was talking with a doctor recently, and was saying how cancer is a demon, and he agreed that I had a good point. Medical science does not know the root cause of cancer, and one man who had cancer saw his X-rays, only to find a demonic loo…king face in his hip where the cancer was. He asked the doctor what that was about, and the doctor said that they saw it quite often with cases of cancer.”

    “Make no mistake, Satan really is a killer, and he’s using spirits of cancer to take out millions of God’s children! When is the last time you heard of a demon physically attacking a person and killing them? Yet Jesus made it very clear that one of Satan’s goals in our lives is to take us to the grave early by killing our physical bodies!See More”

  2. Phillip

    Medical science does actually know the cause of cancer they just don’t tell us because it means pharmaceutical companies will lose money.

    There is no spirit of cancer – but what Satan has done over the years he has turned mankind in a weak gene pool from the rubbish they put in our foods to the amount of carbon monoxide you breathe in from car fumes, etc, etc to people smoking. You eat MSG in everything – that stuff damages your brain. You drink Aspartame – that stuff damages your brain. The preservatives in your food is carcinogenic. Your brain can’t communicate with your body properly so cells go haywire forming cancer.

  3. blank mom4truth says:

    And fluoride. And high fructose corn syrup. And genetically modified food. There is not coming a day where they will be actively trying to kill us, it has already arrived. Satan is having a hay-day with the ignorance of the international populace (particularly in America!) You won’t find that junk in my house!

  4. blank Estelle says:

    “You eat MSG in everything – that stuff damages your brain. You drink Aspartame – that stuff damages your brain. The preservatives in your food is carcinogenic. Your brain can’t communicate with your body properly so cells go haywire forming cancer.”

    Not only cancer, my dad was diagnosed with a motor neuron disease (ALS) in the beginning of 2010, having started symptoms since 2009. Motor neuron death in your brain can be caused by the things we eat. Aspartame excites motor neurons to death. So your body can no longer function anymore. My dad is now totally paralyzed, not even able to speak or eat.

    So the food and chemicals in our food are definitely one of the reasons we get sick. He was drinking diet soda everyday and sweeteners in his coffee, breakfast etc. All with loads of aspartame.

  5. blank Martin Flanagan says:

    Hello to all,
    Nothing Happens in this world unless GOD through his son Lord Jesus Christ allows it to happen, Book of Job. There is great power in having faith in jesus , so regardless of what poision is in the food its best to bless it and thank GOD for it and have Faith, Im a sinner and i have been made aware that its entirely up to Jesus what happens in my life, while observing many things on websites , false teachings etc etc, I feel i understand why Jesus left us with one Instruction, cause he pre knows what is going to happen, his instruction is to believe in Him and Know he is Our Lord, Its Very difficult and its getting Harder for everyone and will get much worse, But hey we must pray for our persecuters for we in times to come will be slain, In my own words the sooner the s…t hits the fan in this modern age the better.GOD BLESS

  6. blank Helen says:

    Deborah (Discerning the World) wrote:

    Medical science does actually know the cause of cancer they just don’t tell us because it means pharmaceutical companies will lose money.
    There is no spirit of cancer – but what Satan has done over the years he has turned mankind in a weak gene pool from the rubbish they put in our foods to the amount of carbon monoxide you breathe in from car fumes, etc, etc to people smoking. You eat MSG in everything – that stuff damages your brain. You drink Aspartame – that stuff damages your brain. The preservatives in your food is carcinogenic. Your brain can’t communicate with your body properly so cells go haywire forming cancer.


  7. blank AW says:

    Martin, where in Job does the Bible say that nothing happens in the world except what God through Jesus allows to happen?

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