Angus Buchan, Benny Hinn and God TV

Angus Buchan, Benny Hinn, and God TV
I recently read an article written by Prof. Johan Malan in which he expresses his concerns about Angus Buchan. He says, amongst other things, the following in his article “Spiritual Deception, Revival and Angus Buchan – Prof. Johan Malan, South Africa (May 2010)” he says:
“It is obvious that the South African revival preacher, Angus Buchan, does have a relationship with Jesus Christ as his Saviour and experiences Him as a living reality in his life. He also exhorts thousands of people to repent, and helps families to reconcile with each other, which is praiseworthy.
On the other hand, worried voices are being heard that he reveals great ignorance on various aspects of biblical doctrines – to such an extent that he has embarked on the way of kingdom theology, the ecumenical movement, and even the promotion of dubious signs and wonders. On certain occasions he has made positive comments on false prophets such as Benny Hinn and Kathryn Kuhlman. His perceived ignorance on these matters is disturbing and even bewildering. . . .
The other questions relate to the kingdom deception which Angus proclaims to the crowds. How can he, according to his own insight, promise people that South Africa and Zimbabwe will be completely restored? In this regard he acts contrary to Jesus Christ Himself, who said that in the end-time there will be great tribulation such as has never been on earth (Matthew. 24:21).
Someone who correctly understands the biblical message on the end-time would warn his followers against a time of great spiritual and moral falling away, while also mentioning the possibility of the persecution and rejection of evangelical Christians.
These matters are not part of Angus’s message. Neither does he proclaim the blessed hope of the rapture to Christians to encourage them to remain steadfast until the Lord Jesus takes us away to our heavenly home (1 Thessalonians. 4:16-18). The fact that so many people stream to the meetings of Angus is proof of the lack of leadership which the whites in South Africa experience in both the political and religious fields.
They are looking for somebody to come and lead the Boers. Even some of the Israel groups (British Israelism, or White Theology supporters) allege that Prophet Van Rensburg has referred to a leader who would lead the Boers to a Boer state where they can be free from domination by the blacks. Could this perhaps be the reason for the popularity that Angus enjoys? . . .
He cannot even remotely be mentioned in the same vein as a revival preacher such as Andrew Murray. It is in fact highly questionable whether the movement which he describes as a revival indeed qualifies to be defined as such.”
If multitudes of men stream to the revival meetings of Angus Buchan because they hanker for a leader who can lead them to their “promised land” then I must add that their meetings, in the spiritual sense of the word, was a dismal failure from the very beginning, despite the fact that hundreds of thousands of men have attended them in the past few years.
Motive plays an extremely important role in God’s economy of revivals. A wrong motive will never move God’s hand to send a revival. I doubt very strongly whether He would send a revival when the motive is to find a leader who’s able to take the South African Boers to their “promised land” of hope and glory and peace and prosperity.
In many cases in the past revivals blossomed when circumstances were very hazardous and life-threatening. The motive of the Christians who prayed for these revivals was not for God to alleviate their suffering or even restore them to a place of safety. Their only motive was for God to convict men, women, and children of their sins and their lost status, and to call them to a biblically grounded repentance and a firm faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Mark 1:15).
But isn’t that Angus Buchan’s main objective, to call a spade a spade (name the sins of his Mighty Men and those of our fellow countrymen)? That may be true but what is his motive?
To dangle a carrot of hope, love, joy, peace and a prosperous future (God’s Kingdom in this life here and now) in front of his Mighty Men’s noses and tell them that this is what God promises when you stop sleeping with your secretary, stop cheating the receiver of revenue, kneel before your wife to plead for her forgiveness, is not revival.
Neither is it when he teaches them that they are the manifest sons (and daughters) of God in Romans 8:19. It is not even the Gospel according to Jesus Christ. Repentance with the intent to improve your material and even physical welfare in this world tends to focus the eyes on self and its selfish needs.
Rory and Wendy Alec of God TV who has aired many of Angus Buchan’s Mighty Men Conferences are also constantly dangling a carrot of prosperity in front of their viewers’ noses. At the moment they are in alert mode and desperately in need of a “BREAKTHROUGH” in their finances to “break the chains” of their huge budget deficit and are pleading with their viewers to donate “sacrificially.”

To get them to put their hands even deeper into their pockets they have been using world-renown preachers such as Benny Hinn, Steve Munsey, and Cindy Jacobs to tell the viewers that their own breakthrough will only come when they give their money sacrificially.
The same old message is on their lips every time you tune into God TV: “God will honour and prosper you ONLY when you sow a seed sacrificially.”
Benny Hinn bravely asserted that God’s promises for you will only come to fruition when you sow your seed in faith.
That’s an infamous lie from the pit of hell because God says: “For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.” (2 Corinthians 1:20). These promises do not pertain to temporary things such as health, wealth (riches), prosperity and a country free from crime, corruption, and poverty.
“The promises of God which are made through Christ, relate to the pardon of sin to the penitent; the sanctification of his people: support in temptation and trial; guidance in perplexity; peace in death, and eternal glory beyond the grave. All of these are made through a Redeemer, and none of these shall fail.” (Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible)
One of their major drawing cards to get you to donate £1,000 (+- R10,000), €1,000 (+-1 R11,000), or $1,500 (+- R11,000) is to recognize your generosity by putting your name on a foundation stone in their broadcast center. When you donate £30,000 (+- R330,000) €30,000 (+- R280,000), $50,000 (+- R380,000) or more they will place a Mezuzah with your name on it in one of the seven doorways in their Broadcast Centre.
Woe to you South Africans; your European, American, and English God TV families have a much better chance than you of having their names placed on a Mezuzah in one of the seven doorways in God TV’s Broadcast Centre.
Their currencies are much stronger than your rand. Rest assured, if your name is written in the Book of Life because you have sincerely and truly repented of your sins and believe in Jesus Christ and His Gospel (as the Scriptures say and not as God TV says) your eternal life is secure.
You don’t need your name to be engraved on a plaque or foundation stone in Rory and Wendy Allen’s Broadcast Centre because you have given them R300,000 or more to allegedly help them spread the Gospel throughout the world. Moreover, you needn’t pay a single cent for your name to be written in the Book of Life because God’s salvation is free.
It is a gift to those who receive it by faith through Jesus Christ who has paid the full price for all of your sins and transgressions. If anyone teaches you otherwise and says that you must pay something in order to receive God’s blessings, they are perpetuating the abominable lie of the Roman Catholic heretic, Johann Tetzel, who said:
As soon as the gold in the casket rings; the rescued soul to heaven springs [So wie das Geld im Kasten klingt; die Seele aus dem Fegfeuer springt]
How many people who watch God TV are getting the wrong impression about the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Patti Roberts, the ex-wife of Richard Roberts, became very disillusioned with her father in law, Oral Roberts’ “seed of faith” gospel. She called Al Bush, the President of the Oral Roberts Evangelical Association to express her grave concern.
Al, in the forty shows that we taped last year, how many times did we give people the plan of salvation?
The plan of salvation? Gosh Patti, I don’t know. I’m, sure we must have given it to them at least once.
And how many times did we give them the principles of Seed-Faith?
He laughed. Patti, you know the answer to that. We give the principles of Seed-Faith on every show. What’s this all about?
Al, in the letters that you received from viewers, how many of them thought that maybe if they gave money to Oral, they had bought a little place in the Kingdom? How many may have thought that swayed God’s opinion about their eternal destiny?
He didn’t answer for a long time. When he finally replied he lowered his voice and said soberly and a bit hesitantly, A whole lot of them did Patti. (1) (Emphasis added)
Having heard again and again and again that the giving of money sacrificially or sowing a seed in abundance opens the door to God’s blessings, many of God TV’s viewers have already been led to believe that your giving opens the door to God’s salvation and his eternal heaven.
Many donors may already have their names engraved on a foundation stone or a Mezuzah in God TV’s Broadcast Centre, but how many of them have their names written in the Book of Life? Nevertheless, I was surprised to see that when Jesus (a counterfeit Jesus) sent his disciples out to preach the Gospel He told them exactly the same things I heard on God TV. Jesus said:
When you enter a city the first thing you must do, is to tell people they need a miraculous breakthrough in their lives. Some need a breakthrough in their family lives; they need their marriages to be healed, their wayward and rebellious children who have run away from their homes to return to mom and dad.
Others need breakthroughs in their dwindling businesses and finances and to take back from Satan what he had robbed them of. Still others need a desperate breakthrough in their health.
Don’t forget to blow the shofar like Steve Munsey on God TV because the shofar, as you know, opens heavens windows wide open when it is blown. Don’t feel bad about not knowing how to blow the shofar. Here is a recording of someone who is a professional shofar blower. All you need to do is to put your lips to the shofar and do some clever mimicking while you play the recording.
But here’s the punch line. Tell them I will ONLY, I repeat, ONLY grant them their breakthrough in the areas of their health, family lives and businesses when they donate huge amounts of money to you so that you may preach the Gospel. Make sure to tell them that everyone who does not donate sacrificially will receive zilch, nada, no breakthroughs form Me whatsoever. Also tell them that their names will be engraved on a foundation stone when they donate 30 000 denarii / shekels or more.
I cannot recall precisely where I read the above in the Bible but what I did find is the following:
He was telling them, "The harvest is vast, but the workers are few. So ask the Lord of the harvest to send workers out into his harvest. Get going! See, I am sending you out like lambs among wolves. Don't carry a wallet, a traveling bag, or sandals, and don't greet anyone on the way. "Whatever house you go into, first say, 'May there be peace in this house.' If a peaceful person lives there, your greeting of peace will remain with him. But if that's not the case, your greeting will come back to you. Stay with the same family, eating and drinking whatever they provide, for the worker deserves his pay. Don't move from house to house. "Whenever you go into a town and the people welcome you, eat whatever they serve you, (Luke 10:2-8 ISV) Then he said to them, "When I sent you out without a wallet, traveling bag, or sandals, you didn't lack anything, did you?" They replied, "Nothing at all." (Luke 22:35 ISV).
In the very next verse, Jesus actually commanded them to take a purse and a sword with them so that they may defend themselves on their long evangelical journeys and also fend for themselves when they needed to buy provisions.
But He never taught them to ask for money in exchange for prayers or the blowing of the shofar so that the donators may receive a so-called breakthrough in their lives. Consider the widow who cast two mites into the temple treasury and whom Jesus honoured as the biggest giver.
Now Jesus looked up and saw rich people dropping their gifts into the offering box. Then he saw a destitute widow drop in two small copper coins. He said, "Truly I tell you, this destitute widow has dropped in more than all of them. For all the others contributed to the offering out of their surplus, but she, in her poverty, dropped in everything she had to live on." (Luke 21:1-4 ISV)
She didn’t cast in all that she had into the treasury to receive a blessing, a breakthrough, a ten-fold or hundred-fold in return or whatever Word of Faith nonsense and lies. She simply obeyed God because she loved Him. What about Jesus’ warning in Matthew 6:3-5?
But when you give to the poor, don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be done in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you." "And whenever you pray, don't be like the hypocrites who love to stand in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they will be seen by people. Truly I tell you, they have their full reward! (Matthew 6:3-5 ISV)
Now, let’s refocus on Angus Buchan, known for his appearances on God TV and his messages of revival. While it is true that God has the power to transform our nation into a peaceful haven, this should not be the primary reason for seeking revival. The true motive for revival lies in reconciling with an infinitely holy God, who will neither withdraw nor revoke His righteous judgments against those who choose not to repent and believe, as outlined in the Scriptures.
As professor Malan indicated, Angus Buchan’s entire teaching is focused on the advancement of the Dominionist doctrine which promotes the idea that every single position of high ranking in politics, the economy, health, education, the media, and art must be occupied by “Christians” before Jesus can return.
This is definitely not what Jesus taught. Jesus has already given his hope, peace, and joy to his followers but it is a joy and a peace that his Holy Spirit has entrenched in their innermost beings and nothing can take it away, not even the severest circumstances and persecution.
On the other hand, the peace the world gives, of which Jesus said He does not give, is contingent upon peace treaties, compromises, and flimsy promises and we know how easy these so-called peace treaties can be broken. Yes, it is also true that something that looks like a revival may occur but the question is: from whence does it come – from God or the deceiver who disguises him as an angel of light?
God honours but a single motive when believers pray for a revival and that is “To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me. (Acts 26:18 KJV).
The word “revival” implies that there once was spiritual life, growth and dynamism but has waned or teetered to a lifeless corpse which needs to be resurrected unto a dynamic life in Jesus Christ.
To the messenger of the church in Sardis, write: The one who has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars says this: "I know your works. You are known for being alive, but you are dead." (Revelation 3:1 ISV)

Prof. Malan finds Angus Buchan’s positive comments on false prophets like Benny Hinn and Kathryn Kuhlman disturbing and even bewildering. Personally, I think that Angus Buchan fits the Word of Faith and prosperity cult like a glove.
He may have indicated in the past that he has no aspirations to make money but is quite prepared to speak highly of Benny Hinn and Rory and Wendy Alec whose doctrine of salvation is steeped in the prosperity cult.
Angus Buchan may have a relationship with Jesus Christ as his Saviour and experience Him as a living reality and exhort people to repent but then again Benny Hinn and Rory and Wendy Allen claim to have the same relationship with Jesus Christ and that they too are reaching billions with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
If Angus Buchan was so concerned about lost souls, he would at least warn Benny Hinn of his false doctrines and Rory and Wendy Allen of promoting his false doctrines on their God TV.
Angus Buchan would at least have been deeply concerned about the millions of viewers who are being misled by God TV. Let us now look at some of the heresies Benny Hinn has proclaimed in the past.
“I am a ‘little messiah’ walking on earth,” (2)
If Angus Buchan has made positive comments on Benny Hinn, as Prof. Malan says, then he is praising and revering a false Messiah. In my opinion, Angus Buchan should retract his positive testimonials of Benny Hinn in public because Hinn’s infamous claim is not only an affront to Jesus Christ but he (Buchan) is leading many people astray by encouraging them to follow a false Messiah.
The Moreleta Park DRC favours the very same kind of policy which is to mollycoddle their Hinn-followers instead of warning them against him so as not to rock the boat. Here is a few other Hinn-claims-to-fame.
God came from heaven, became a man, made man into little gods, went back to heaven as a man. He faces the Father as a man. I face devils as the son of God…. Quit your nonsense! What else are you? If you say, I am, you’re saying I’m a part of Him, right? Is he God? Are you His offspring? Are you His children? You can’t be human! You can’t! You can’t! God didn’t give birth to flesh…. You said, “Well, that’s heresy.” No, that’s your crazy brain saying that. (3)
Perhaps Angus Buchan and Rory and Wendy Alec would like to tell us whether they agree with Benny Hinn (whom they adore so much) when he blasphemously demoted Jesus Christ to a sinner (which implies that like any other sinner He was lost and needed to be born-again).
And let me add this: Had the Holy Spirit not been with Jesus, He would have sinned. That’s right, it was the Holy Spirit that was the power that kept Him pure. He was not only sent from heaven, but He was called the Son of Man and as such, He was capable of sinning . . . Without the Holy Ghost, Jesus would have never have made it . . . Can you imagine Christ headed for the grave, knowing He would remain there forever if the Holy Ghost would change His mind about raising Him from the dead? (4).
My, you know, whoosh! The Holy Ghost is just showing me some stuff. I’m getting dizzy! I’m telling you the truth-it’s, it’s just heavy right now on me…. He’s [referring to Jesus] in the underworld now. God isn’t there, the Holy Ghost isn’t there, and the Bible says He was begotten. Do you know what the word begotten means? It means reborn. Do you want another shocker?
Have you been begotten? So was He. Don’t let anyone deceive you. Jesus was reborn. You say, “What are you talking about?” . . . He was reborn. He had to be reborn…. If He was not reborn, I could not be reborn. Jesus was born again…. If He was not reborn, I would never be reborn. How can I face Jesus and say, “Jesus, you went through everything I’ve gone through, except the new birth?” (6) (Emphasis added)
Masonry declares the same heresy.
Jesus of Nazareth had attained a level of consciousness, of perfection, that has been called by various names: cosmic consciousness, soul regeneration, philosophic initiation, spiritual illumination, Brahmic splendor, Christ-consciousness. (7) (Emphasis added).
Benny Hinn’s “whooshy” extraterrestrial revelation is not only blatant blasphemy but an outright rejection of the entire Levitical sacrificial system in the Old Testament which unequivocally proves that in the sin offering and all the other offerings the animals had to be without blemish, indicating that the One who’s “once for all offering” was eventually ratified on the cross, had to be and actually was sinless.
If the priest that is anointed do sin according to the sin of the people; then let him bring for his sin, which he hath sinned, a young bullock without blemish unto the LORD for a sin offering. (Leviticus 4:3).
For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. (Hebrews 4:15)
If Jesus’ purity (sinlessness) was attributable to the Holy Spirit and not his own pure and sinless nature, it follows that every believer who has the Spirit of God indwelling his/her innermost being is also sinless. (1 John 1:8).
The title Son of Man does not mean that Jesus was capable of sinning. Had He in the very slightest been capable of sinning He would never have been able to pay the penalty for our sins. TheSon of Man simply means that He identified Himself with mankind to the very uttermost, even to the extent that His Father “made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. (2 Corinthians 5:21).
Some interpret this as Him being made a sinner for us in the real sense of the word, but again this is not what is meant here. It simply means that God made his Son to be a sin-offering for us in which His Father treated Him like a sinner. Not only mighty men like Angus Buchan are in close cahoots with Benny Hinn and his blasphemous doctrines.
What about Chuck Missler? Has he “miss-ler-ed” the boat as well? His “seed of faith” was so important that Rory and Wendy Alec made a special announcement when they received his sacrificial offering toward the “spreading of the Gospel according to Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, Joyce Meyer, Billy Graham, Peter Wagner, John Hagee, Joel Osteen and a host of other spiritual “VIP’s”.”
GOD TV’s viewers seem to be so hooked on the lie that their own “breakthrough” in the area of their finances, businesses, and families will come when they give sacrificially that they don’t care a hoot about sound biblical doctrines.
In God TV’s headquarters in Jerusalem Rory and Wendy Alec have set up a so-called uppermost room and a holy of holies chamber with a stone altar on which they place every “seed offering” they receive from their viewers in the form of a reddish colored sheet of paper.
The “altar” is also the focal point of their “prayers” which are frequently uttered in another tongue. No one ever interprets these so-called tongues which is yet another act of disobedience on the part of God TV. (1 Corinthians 14:27). What is the real purpose of the so-called “altar” in God TV’s headquarters in Jerusalem? It cannot possibly be a replica of an Old Testament altar because God forbad the Israelites to build an altar from hewn stone.
And if thou wilt make me an altar of stone, thou shalt not build it of hewn stone: for if thou lift up thy tool upon it, thou hast polluted it. (Exodus 20:25)
The so-called altar in GOD TV’s headquarters is not a prayer altar but an occult “point of contact.” The “point of contact” paraphernalia (prayer cloths, handkerchiefs, photographs, prayer sheets, hems from garments, holy oil, shofars) are used to release the power to create wealth and to receive your breakthrough.
Oral Roberts claimed that the “point of contact” was the “greatest discovery” he had ever made” (5). By sending in their prayer sheets (in this case printed reddish colored A4 sheets) the viewers establish a point of contact when each sheet is placed on the “altar” and when Rory and Wendy Alec and others lay their hands on the heap of paper sheets to release the power of affluence. Dave Hunt wrote:
Rituals are of no value. Rituals work in magic and magic [is] demonic; witch doctors have certain rituals they go through, sacramentalism is related to the rituals. The idea that a ritual has some spiritual value and power just is contrary both to common sense and to the Word of God. For example, it’s closely related to scapulars and medals. I have a scapular that I keep in the Bible to show people, on one end of it, it says, whosoever dies wearing this scapular shall not suffer eternal fire.
Well, two problems, 1) if you believe Christ paid the penalty for your sins, you don’t need a scapular. What kind of a God delivers you from eternal fire because you wear a scapular. It’s like the fetishes and so forth in the pagan world. So, a ritual to exorcise demons is the same. What is this, impress demons? Are they impressed that you go through some ritual, or does God’s power depend upon you going through some ritual? Where in the Bible does it say that God’s power can be released by some ritual?
Now you have the same idea with many of the so-called faith teachers, you know, touch my hand, this is a point of contact and even Oral Roberts had people light candles, you know, he lit the red candle while they lit the green candle, and this starts miracles flowing. What kind of a God releases his power because you go through some ritual? So we know, first of all, that the ritual isn’t right. (Emphasis added)
Millions of people are being misled and deceived by God TV. Are you one of the deceived?
Acts 8:20 But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money.
- (1) Patti Roberts, Ashes to Gold (Word Books, 1985), p. 122
- (2) Benny Hinn, “Praise-a-Thon” program on TBN, 6 November 1990.
- (3) Benny Hinn, “Our Position in Christ # 2 – The Word Made Flesh (Orlando: Orlando Christian Center 1991) videotape # 2555, emphasis added. See also Hinn’s claim that believers are “little messiahs” or “little gods” on the “Praise-a-Thon” program on TBN (6 November 1990).
- (4) Benny Hinn, Good Morning, Holy Spirit (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1990), 135-36, emphasis added. In the seventh printing, certain unannounced changes were made in the text in response to criticism from CRI so that the passage now reads (changes emphasized): “And let me add this: Had the Holy Spirit not been with Jesus, He may have likely sinned. That’s right. It was the Holy Spirit who was the power that kept Him pure. He was not only sent from heaven, but He was called the Son of Man-and as such He was capable of sinning. . . . Without the Holy Ghost, Jesus may have never made it.” The “Can you imagine.. .” sentence was deleted entirely. But even with the changes, Christ is still made out to depend on the Holy Spirit to keep Him from sinning, thus denying Christ the sinlessness that is an essential attribute of God.
- (5) Benny Hinn, “Our Position ‘In Christ,’ Part 1” (Orlando, FL: Orlando Christian Center, 1991), videotape.
- (6) Oral Roberts Best Sermons and Stories (Tulsa, OK: Oral Roberts, 1956), 46: 101
- (7) Lynn F. Perkins, The Meaning of Masonry (CSA Press, 1971), p. 32
Source: removed from the internet
>> After I left CRC a made quite a bit of statements against Pastor Att, the Lord did warn me against it I did not listen and it cost me dearly. See as soon as one do that you pick up a reproach in the heart and it blocks your heart for Spiritual growth.
Spiritual growth? You went from At Boshoff to Angus Buchan! Um…. Nathan! What part of this are you not getting? Pay attention! >> They are all from the same line of false doctrine and group of false teachers! Read it again! They are all from the same line of false doctrine and group of false teachers! Read it again! They are all from the same line of false doctrine and group of false teachers! Read it again! they are all from the same line of false doctrine and group of false teachers!
>> I was at Uncle Angus’ meating this year and I tell you that the power of God fell so wonderfully that it felt like God was going to pull me into heaven any second. And the absolute sincerity and love and compation in that man is really to be admired. One of the sermons He preached on waiting on the Lord, which as you surely know is the way of the prophets, so I am sure that which might not be pure at the moment the Lord will correct, the same I trust the Lord to do for me, for I know if I were in perfect purity I would have heaven in me right now.
Did you go read the articles yet? Why wont you read the articles? What is stopping you from reading all the articles on this website regarding Angus Buchan and his gang of false teachers? Why wont you read them Nathan?
>> Lets rather focus on truths of the way into fullness than spending our days scrutinising other people
You can’t be serious? I am trying to show you the truth and you REFUSE to see it.
>> Dont sit there day by day defending yourself, it will only grow worse and worse.
I am DEFENDING THE GOSPEL TRUTH, not myself. And yes it will grow worse and worse because people like you love false teaching and love to have your ears tickled by false teachers such as Angus Buchan.
Anyhow, I have given you the opportunity to go read those articles.
Nathan, it is common knowledge amongst genuine Christians that we are in the GREAT APOSTASY where the entire world is turning their backs on God and following false teaching (just before the anti-Christ comes) – a FALSE CHRISTIANITY is capturing the world by storm. I hope you are not going to be one of those who won’t listen to REASON.
2 Thessalonians 2
The Great Apostasy
1 Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, 2 not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. 3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.
5 Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things? 6 And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time. 7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. 9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Do you see how much God tolerates people who REFUSE to listen to the truth? He gets very impatient and hands them OVER to deception. Pray you are not that person.
Go READ the articles.
Hi Deborah
I picked up on your communication with Nathan and I would like to say that I was once a supporter of Angus until I read some of his books and carefully listened to what he says between the lines.
One example is his book called “Hardcore Christianity” where he speaks well of Katherine Khulman.
I have heard him speak well of many in the NAR movement – this is of concern due to the pull he has on people in SA. If he endorses these people the uneducated and ignorant with regards to the NAR will blindly walk into the New Age church the anti-Christ is setting up.
I have listened to many of Angus’s sermons and most of them are quite good in fact some are brilliant.
But it is as Peter said in 2 Peter 2:1 that false teachers will bring in damnable heresies – the Greek rendering means truth with error parallel to each other. So much truth and little error will grow to mislead many. Remember a little leaven leavens the whole lump.
As someone once said you will always find real cheese in a rat trap.
Unfortunately as with Nathan I find what I find in most sincere, zealous Christians regarding this type of argument – the same sincere zeal Paul found in the Israelites : Rom 10:1 Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved. Rom 10:2 For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.
Just because one felt as if the thing was right and you felt so close to God does not allow for this emotion to replace the truth.
I believe NAR is the foundation for the rule of the anti-Christ and seeing all of this draws me closer to God, because the book of Revelation tells us that the whole world will wonder (admire) after the Beast.
So where the majority of the people admire someone does not make that person sincere. This is the trap – people go where most people think things are Ok. The deception will not be deception if error is blatantly visible – people cannot be deceived if they know that they are being taken for ride.
This is typical of the last church dispensation “Laodicea.” The dispensation we are currently in. Laodicea does not know it is Laodicea. Rev 3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Rev 3:17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
To also then conclude, I read that Nathan calls At Boshoff “Pastor At” The Bible calls those who contort Scripture: 2Co 11:13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. 2Co 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 2Co 11:15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
Paul would never have had this soft approach nor did the Lord Jesus who called Pharisees a brood of vipers. Mat 3:7 But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?
Mat 12:34 O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
Mat 12:35 A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.
Mat 12:36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
Mat 23:23 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.
Mat 23:24 Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.
Now if we are to be imitators of Christ …… and the world will hate us for doing what the Lord did, I sometimes wonder about those “Christians” who hate this type of message – how far exactly are they still in the wordl??
Imagine the Lord Jesus approaching these people and calling them a pastor or honourable reverent.
Are we really following in the footsteps of the Lord Jesus?
What about love then – well Jesus said if we love him we should obey His commandments.
One only need to read the New Testament to see how many places the Lord tells us to judge and rebuke apart from the also very important salvation message and more “positive” message needed.
Deborah I encourage you to go on – our prayers are with you (and Nathan) remember what Paul wrote:
1 Cor 15 : 58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.
Thank you Chris!
All I want is for Nathan to read the PROOF, but he is resisting – can’t force people to do stuff, even if it’s for their OWN GOOD. 🙁
You know what really amazes me is that you are so quick to scrutinize a persons walk with God when you dont know me at all.
I am very much aware of the lamb with the horns who look like Jesus but is not.
As you can recall I told you that one is my teacher and that is Jesus, so no I do not submit under any mans doctrine, As Paul said eph4 If indeed you heard Him and were taught by Him as the truth is in Jesus.
I appresiate your pattion but I want to ask you one question.
Do you follow accential theoligy( seeking god by the study of scripture) or Mystical theoligy ( the seeking of God through axtended hours of prayer) ?
Sorry more than one question.
2) What is the hope of the gospel?
3) If you were to seek God where would you search for him.
Now I am not going to read through all your stuff before you answer these questions.
Carefull about false teachers you know.
[Edited by DTW: Deleted, you were asked TO NOT COME BACK]
This article will answer ALL your questions, but seeing that you are not reading articles, I am not sure how you are going to view my answers.
Run along Nathan, this ‘false teacher’ (thanks for the insult AGAIN) is tired of trying to lure you into reading some articles LOL. PS, when you realise Angus is false and belongs to the New Apostolic Reformation I don’t expect you to come back and apologise to me for the things you said. I know that you are walking around with blinkers on right now so it’s pretty normal for people like yourself to act this way. So Good luck and I hope your eyes are opened up sooner rather than later.
Anyhow, I give up. Your comments will be deleted from now on. I don’t have time for this.
I read through half the page on the front saying salvation through Christ.
If you study new testament scripture you will clearly see that salvation is the END of a obedient walk of faith.
I will quote the scriptures.
1 Pet 1 verse 9 receiving the end of your faith the salvation of your soul.
Heb9 28 so christ was offered once to bear the sins of many and to those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time apart from sin for salvation.
1Thess 3 And make you increase and abound in love towards one another just as we do to you so that He may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints
Col3 If then you were raised with Christ seek those things witch are above not the things of the earth,for if you died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life you will appear with Him in Glory.
2tim 2 10 therefore I endure All things for the sake of the elect that they also may obtain the salvation that is in Christ with eternal Glory.
I can really go on and on and on.
So the answers to my questions are simply 1)I follow mystical theology, the fellowship of the mystery as you would not find Jesus in Scripture, you will learn about Him. John5 38 and they search the scriptures thinking that in them they have ethernal life but they are not willing to come to me that they may have life. And these are those who testify of Me, sadly the love factor and the Way gets lost. 2)The hope of Salvation witch comes by Christs Glory. 3) You will never find God anywhere else than inside of You. Acts17 for in Him we move and have our being.
Simple answers if your doctine is 100 correct.
You may want to visit this site [EDITED BY DTW: THIS IS A QUAKER WEBSITE – FALSE DOCTRINE!!!!!!!]
Will learn a lot about truth.
Once again LOVE you all.
Going on holiday so wont bother you any longer.
Be blessed
Well no wonder you gave me such upheaval – you are into mysticism and a Quaker.
AND you COMPLETELY twist John 5:38 and Acts 17
Tried to send reply twice….Failed???
I have some questions:
What actually goes on during a G12 “Deliverance” or “Liberacion” as they say in Spanish?
What can you tell me about Pastor Guillermo Maldonado and his ministry (El Rey Jesus in Miami). Is his ministry still associated with Pastor Cesar Castellanos, Cash Luna, Benny Hinn and still G12? What should we make of his prosperity preaching…it seems he is insinuating that you won’t get your blessing or breakthrough from God unless you give something monetary. Also…is he still practicing G12? And how about the gold dust in bibles and on people during services?
Interesting question becauseeeeee a while ago I wrote a small article hoping someone could tell me what this G12 thing was.
i wonder if some people are still talking about the bible or persona. It seems there are some articles that were written at 500000 feet without oxygen; the Word of God is still the same yesterday, today and forever and it doesn’t matter to a boer, Aryan, black or whatever color. It is sharper than any two edged sword and to the dividing asunder….. If bro Angus wasn’t send to your dispensation fine, because at the end of the day it is God that anoints, appoint and disappoints.
God has not anointed Angus because ANOINTED MEANS CHRIST and Angus is not Christ. Having said that He has not appointed him either. Angus most defininately DISAPPOINTS God with the way he TWISTS scripture as he preaches another message, another type of Christianity and another Jesus.
Hi Debs, I browsed through this article and some concerns.
I read “Hardcore Christianity” by Angus and have to agree with you. It is as someone once said “You will always find real cheese in a rat trap” So it is with Angus.
I find it amusing that people still say that if Angus and so many other pastors are wrong then who must we listen to – well for a start read and listen to what, Peter, James, John, Matthew, Luke, Paul, etc. wrote in the Scriptures.
Debs keep it up!
[Deleted comment – Please go read your bible – you are following a false teaching who teaches a false gospel]
Regarding “faith like potatoes” Angus Buchan.
I watched the film (last night)and like most people, I found it emotional. But then I listened to the “real” Buchan speak. Either his whole story is a complete fabrication (is there any real proof that those things happened) or it happened and he has since become infected by Word Faith doctrine. Here is a testimony from someone who knew him personally:
He now (maybe always has)seems to preach faith in FAITH rather than faith in Jesus. Now, he may well have started out well and those miracles may have happened, but I would like to see the proof first.
We are to be as wise as serpents, innocent and doves – NOT gullible.
Consider, had anyone heard of Angus Buchan before his book and movie were produced? If that amazing potato crop miracle really happened, wouldn’t that story have spread like wild fire? It would have done! Here are my following observations, which tell me that something does not add up and smells fishy:
1) According to the film there were Thousands packed into a football stadium as he led farmers into prayer for their farms (is there any archive proof, btw, that this event happened?).
2) If that meeting took place, would not the name of Angus Buchan have spread?
Especially after God provided the event to take place in the first place. Surely it did, but how many people had heard of him until his book was written?
3) Angus had declared that farmers should plant potatoes in faith because God would bring the rain. Many would have known of his own act of faith of planting the potatoes in dead soil and with no rain for 4 months, yet it produced a bumper harvest. Why are there no records of this event in news archives?
4) How is it that no-one knows about him or the miracles until reading about it in his book.
Has the miracles (especially the miraculous bumper harvest) been verified? I cannot find any verification on that miracle anywhere on the internet. Does anybody have a link which has a verifiable proof of the miracle BEFORE his book was written?
Incidentally, it may help my search if I know what year that miracle took place. I cannot find a record of what year. Does anybody know?
So can anyone help me or point me in the direction (on the internet) which answers the questions I raised?
I was not saved by understanding doctrine and nore were any of you( if you were saved at all), so if some preachers get their doctrine wrong it does not make them false teachers, it merely makes them wrong in that instance, but i guess some of you learned theologans never get it wrong,so busy straining a gnat you swollow a camel.It sickens my heart to see believers fighting amongst themselves. If Angus,Rory, Ray, Reinhard,Rodney & Benny are glorifying God then its good.
Let me ask: When last have you led a non-believer to Christ? When last have you prayed for the sick or cast out demons?
The strange thing is those that do the least run around objecting the most. As for Prof. Jan Malan, what have you done for Christ?,i have never heard of you, when we see your fruit then maybe you can have our ears to hear your critisims of these great people of God.
Glen, I serve in an evangelism ministry that takes short-term teams to Central America every year. Every year God uses that ministry to lead literally THOUSANDS to Christ by using the BIBLE and sound doctrine and the uncompromised Gospel of Christ. This is ONE on ONE, not groups! This is the power of God unto salvation. By His WORD!!
Mishandling God’s Word and His truth is SERIOUS error and He takes it seriously. You wink at false doctrine and that is dangerous ground.
No, none of us are perfect on this earth, but His Word is and that is why it is so important to let His Word be the messenger. Some like those you mention twist it, and they will answer to God for it.
Also, Deborah’s ministry to the Body of Christ and exposing error is important to the strength and effectiveness of the Church. False teaching is TOXIC to the Body of Christ. I hope you come to realize this.
It depends what you mean by “doctrine”…if it the recorded saving doctrine in the bible then that is the only way to know how to get saved and yes it requires response and hearing it only without response does not save you.You are not saved subjectively by a flash of light but by objectively responding to the instructed words of the Lord Jesus Christ and the understanding of how to go about it.
However I get the impression that you are just playing with words and talking in riddles so as to confuse. I suggest kindly that you respect the written word and be mature and follow what the scriptures instruct you to do and stop trying to be a stumbling block to those who genuinely wanting to know how to get saved.
Ag BL, I didn’t bother answering Glen cos the man is as lost as a sheep encircled by a pack of wolves; “Angus,Rory, Ray, Reinhard,Rodney & Benny” I can just close my eyes to avoid watching the bloodshed as they rip him to sheds because GLEN DOES NOT KNOW THE GOSPEL, even after all this time after being saved (so he thinks)… he is still clueless. Hmmm maybe that’s why he is still CLUELESS, because he is not saved.
Hi Everyone,
I don’t know what it is but from the very beginning something just “felt” wrong about Angus Buchan. My hubby is on a MMC right now even though I cannot get him to go to church with me – funny hey? What bothers me the most is that he seems to think that woman in SA doe not need preaching or deliverance…did he ever think about the “secretary” he keeps referring to? Is she not as guilty as the married man committing adultery?
One problem I have with most preachers and churches is the fact that the very first thing they speak about is money (or the lack thereof) they need to do this and that in the name of God. I am of the opinion that if God wants you to do something you need money for, He himself will press on the hearts of givers to help you attain His goals. In fact I have seen this in my own life in times I was destitute and totally broke He did deliver me not the church or any preacher.
I do think there is place in our country for true faith and that the lack of faith is a huge problem everywhere. But I agree with Deborah, it is written in the Bible that YOU must preach the gospel to your children at home whilst travelling and basically everywhere you go. I do not believe that being part of a (money seeking) congregation will get me into heaven. Church and Sunday school teaches our children that they are worthless whilst in fact they are Gods greatest creation and should be guided and LOVED with all their mistakes. God accepts them as they are who is a human being to say they are not good enough?
Well now Ive also had my 2 cents I will report back on Hubby’s experience after the weekend.
God Bless!
What next… posing as a Christian mentor in SA…little do people know…
Angus Buchan film starts shooting
Tue, 12 Apr 2011 10:53
SCREEN AFRICA EXCLUSIVE: Linda Krige writes… Principal photography commences this week in Greytown, KwaZulu-Natal, on a new feature film about evangelist and former Zambian farmer, Angus Buchan, and three true stories of people affected by his ministry.
Buchan’s life was first depicted on the big screen in Regardt van den Bergh’s 2006 film Faith Like Potatoes. Frank Rautenback played Buchan in the film.
At a press conference held at OR Tambo on 11 April, details of the new film, Ordinary People, were revealed. It stars Buchan as himself with Anrich Herbst, known for roles in Orkney Snork Nie, Egoli and Villa Rosa, as the younger Buchan.
The film is written and directed by F.C Hamman and produced by F.C Hamman Films International and Spotlight Entertainment The supporting cast includes Anton Dekker, Jaco Muller, Lucky Koza, Robin Smith, Norman Anstey, and Hannes Muller.
Hamman stated at the press conference that he felt as if the film chose him, and not the other way around.
A preview of the film shows Herbst as Buchan in 1979 preaching to an empty field of maize, with Buchan as himself years later preaching to over 300,000 men at a Mighty Men Conference held on the same spot, his farm near Greytown.
Despite the Christian theme and message, Buchan insisted that the story of Ordinary People was not only for the church or the Christian community. “The film must touch the nation, not a select group, but the whole nation,” said Buchan. “The gist of the whole thing is that God has no favourites.”
Ordinary People will be shot on location in Limpopo, Greytown and Johannesburg over the next eight weeks, and will be distributed in South Africa by Indigenous Film Distribution. The film is scheduled for release in April 2012.
For more on Ordinary People read the May issue of Screen Africa.
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Dear Deborah, people will always throw stones..sometimes bricks..when they are confused. Please carry on with what you are doing! I am so grateful for this website, because I do not feel so ALONE any more. I started to think there must be something wrong with me because so many of these preachers made me nauseous to listen to. Many years ago when I opened my mouth to give my opinion, I was told I am a rebel.
May God grant you strength for every fiery dart from the enemy, the blind and the confused.
I have never read any books from “uncle” Angus. Never had the desire because something felt not kosher.Heard interviews with him on the radio and his repetitive “saying” and cliches put me off!!(Between you and me, I would climb the walls if I had to listen to him “preaching”)! Another “preacher” on the bandwagon! When will this wagon topple with all these “preachers” on it☺☺ I heard on the radio that “uncle” has a new preacher in tow..a son, nephew? Another money making scheme in progress. Another man taking Jesus’ place. Another doctrine instead of the Word. All these so-called saved men -what happens to them when they get back home and back to normality? Are they left to carry on as before?Any follow up? Because I have been told that many of them came back changed and after a space of time they are back to their old ways. That is very sad. All the money spent to attend these meetings, hyped up and boom, swoosh, gone! A while ago I read that this “uncle” was told by God not to use stadiums for his meetings until ?? Why? Another question, why is it that people in Greytown (my late parents had a farm there)cannot recall this miracle that people talk about.Oh dear, I must first find out the miracle, because I am ignorant about the truth and the whole truth.
Please please keep on exposing the falseness. Pity it has limited exposure! When will someone eg a woman start her “mighty women”?? lol God bless you!
Thank you Ria, I guarantee you, I ain’t going no where :))
There are many many things that Angus says that are blatant lies, but he spins the story so well you honestly think he is telling the truth. People look at him and think that there is no ways this ‘loving’ man can lie to your face just like that and not batter and eyelid. Well he does, day in and day out and on TV. People raised from the dead (including himself), people paralyzed now walking yet there is no proof. Quotes the same verses over and over and over again because he knows that people out there are mindless and will fall for his repetition – he knows that people wont go to the Word of God themselves and take everything he has said and weigh it up against scripture. I think Angus must laugh himself to sleep at night.
Ria, often people think when one becomes a “silver saint” that we have lost our usefulness, but really God has brought us through many things and we have much to contribute to the Body. I am sure Debs appreciates your encouragement so much because this ministry can really get to a person, especially in these times of falling away from sound doctrine. It is good to know that folks like you are out there!
May the Lord richly bless you!!
Deborah (Discerning the World) wrote:
Oh, you mean the GOSPEL truth according to Deborah!Your comments do not convince me at all! Seams you are pretending to be the only one with knowledge.Your arguments about Paul Washer are so lame, its laughable.
Heb 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
Isa 8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.
Rev 22:14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
If tested by these 3 quotes from scripture alone 99% of all preachers will be found to be false teachers….
Just ask them about the Sabbath (Saturday)….. And before you freak out on me just read Hebrews 4 (whole chapter)written after the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Christ.
Case Closed..
Hi everyone,
I am amazed at how the perfect and beautiful Holy Spirit can use anyone and anything to advance his own powerful ministry. I didnt expect much spiritually when I started reading this article, but at a point (while reading quotes from Pastor Benny Hinn) I got so raptured with joy in the spirit that I burst into tongues!
You guessed it! nearly everything he said is absolutely CORRECT and scriptural! And I’ll prove it in a second. First let me say that I love Benny Hinn, (before anyone starts biting me, know that I love Jesus Christ, MY LORD, much more) and I wonder how we who aspire to heaven can be so, uhm, harsh, when writing about God’s other children. The fruits of the Spirit include patience (I like the KJV which translates LONGSUFFERING, as in suffering fools for long). Jesus himself cautioned his overzealous apostles by saying no one who uses my name one minute can in the next say anything bad about me. True? (Mark 9:39) So let us be Longsuffering.
Let me start with what I dont approve of. I dont approve of “Dominionism”, as explained here, and probably anywhere else. It might also strike you to know that I dont “tithe”, nor think its robbing God not to. I do believe in giving “generously and with a cheerful heart”. That Jesus expressly commanded. I dont know what New Age Religion or whatever NAR stands for means, and I dont care! I just want to see more people preaching life through faith in Jesus Christ!
Having said that, I agree TOTALY, that Jesus was capable of commiting sin. I dont agree with you when you say:
“The title Son of Man does not mean that Jesus was capable of sinning. Had He in the very slightest been capable of sinning He would never have been able to pay the penalty for our sins. The Son of Man simply means that He identified Himself with man to the very uttermost,…”
Question: would the devil had tempted him if he was not capable of committing sin? What would have been the use? Was he tempted only three times, or did the devil leave him “until an opportune time”? (Lk 4:13 NIV) This tells us that even while filled with the Spirit (this was after the baptism) the Devil tempted him, and kept coming back.
You must understand that the devil did this because Jesus had taken the nature of man. What nature, you ask? The SINFUL nature, thus: Son of Man. SON OF MAN MEANS BORN OF MAN, in the same way Son of God means Born of God (See Jn 3:6 “Flesh gives birth to flesh…”)
“For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are,” (Heb 4:15). Can a person who cannot experience temptation be “tempted like as we are”?
Consider this and meditate on it: why did Jesus have to be baptised by John the Baptist, and why did the Holy Spirit come upon him IMMEDIATELY after that? What was the PURPOSE of the baptism?
Scripture answers that. (John 1:30,31) “This is the one I meant when I said, A man that comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me. I myself did not know him, but the reason I came baptising with water was that he might be revealed to Isreal.” Reread and chew on that for a minute and you will realise that Jesus, being in the sinful nature and form of man, needed to be cleansed by baptism by an annointed prophet, and then immediately adopted by the Spirit, to begin his work.
Am I saying that Jesus was a sinner before his baptism? I dont think so, but it is written in Mark 1:4 -“And so John came, baptising in the desert region and preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.” Secondly, I am curious about what effect being born under the Mosaic law, under which no one was justified (Rom 3:20) would have on Jesus’s worthiness to be the sinless, atoning sacrifice for mankind. Think about it!
On the anguish and suffering Jesus felt before going to the cross (which B.Hinn alluded to) read the following Psalms (18, 22, 30 and 31), and bear in mind, “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” (Rev 19:10). Transliterate that to say: The essence of prophecy is the story of Jesus, and you’ll better understand it.
Now, on “blasphemy” about being Gods, little gods, little Messiahs, (LOL like crazy) you might not like Benny’s style and choice of words, but neither did the Pharasees like Jesus in that manner. Jesus called himself a God severally, and they tried to lynch him many times:
“We are not stoning you for any of these,” replied the Jews, “but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.” (Jn 10:33). To this he promptly replied: “is it not written in your law, ‘I have said you are gods’ (note: little ‘g’). If he called them gods to whom the Word of God came-and the Scripture cannot be broken-what about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, ‘I am God’s Son’?” (John 10:34-36)
Praise the Lord. What he was saying is, if God said to those to whom he sends his Word (ie, who recieve Christ) ‘You are Gods!’ (see Ps 82:6), how much more his very own son?
So you see, its not Benny Hinn that took it on himself to become a ‘god’, its God whodunnit first, and Jesus REAFFIRMED it! God gave him that right! And all he needs to do is step into it in faith, and whoosh, voila! Halleluia!
You quote 1 John 1:8 in showing that having the Holy Spirit doesnt make us sinless, but you must understand that none of us recieved the “measure” of annointing that Christ recieved. Indeed no one can, for the simple reason that you will see and know things that would take you out of this world. Literally. Remember when Jesus told Niccodemus I tell you of earthly things and you dont understand, how then will you understand heavenly things? Man was not designed to be given the Spirit “without limit”. Isn’t that obvoius? If you got the measure of the Spirit Jesus had, there would no longer be a Trinity. There’d be a Holy Quintet. Not the Divine plan, I think. Do you?
Now if Christ, the Messiah, had the annointing and did God’s work, dont we, having the same annointing (but not in the same measure) and being “God’s fellow workers” (2 Cor 6:1) with the job of winning souls for God (which is God’s work), thus become “little Messiahs”? Doesn’t Romans 6 (v1-4) say we died with Him, and were raised with Him? Doesnt that make us participators (by faith) in his nature and glory?
The Holy Spirit has shown me through the Scriptures, that you can spend just a few weeks (like I did), praying for revelation of deeper meaning, and suddenly, whoosh, the light is shining IN YOU. I write these things to encourage those who seek truth and knowledge, that if you rely on the Spirit he will show you every answer you seek. Every single bit of it. Just ask him, in audible words (something, I confess, I learned from “Benny”). Try it and see.
If you dont like a particular doctrine someone preaches, dont let it stop you from listening to the rest of his message. My church collects tithes every service, but that doesnt stop me going there. Why? coz I DO give to God’s work, just not according to their directives and calculations! And they preach God’s word powerfully. And what does that word say on such doctrinal divisions?
“One man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind.” (Romans 14:5)
God bless you all!
PS, Deborah, You’ve taken on a great responsibility, so let the criticisms that people spray at you slide off like water off the back of a duck. You publish a website that criticises people, certainly you didnt expect everyone that came here to want to give you a hug? Dont give fire for fire, but bless those who curse you. In so doing you will prove that Jesus Christ lives in you. Do you believe this? God bless you.