Rick Joyner – Dressed as a Knight of Malta

Doesn’t Rick Joyner (right) look just smashing in this Freemasonry Knight of Malta outfit.

Rick Joyner -Knights Of Malta

“This Order, which at various times in the progress of its history received the names of Knights Hospitalers, Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Rhodes, and lastly, Knights of Malta, was one of the most important of the religious and military orders of knighthood which sprang into existence during the Crusades which were instituted for the recovery of the Holy Land. It owes its origin to the Hospitalers of Jerusalem, that wholly religious and charitable Order which was established at Jerusalem, in 1048, by pious merchants of Amalfi for the succor of poor and distressed Latin pilgrims…

“The Organization of the Order in its days of prosperity was very complicated, partaking of both a monarchial and a republican character. Over all presided a Grand Master, who, although invested with extensive powers, was still controlled by the legislative action of the General Chapter…”

“…There are now two bodies-one Catholic and the other Protestant, but each repudiates the other…”

“The degree of Knights of Malta is conferred in the United States as “an appendant Order” in a Commandery of Knights Templar. There is a ritual attached to the degree, but very few are in possession of it, and it is generally communicated after the candidate has been created a Knights Templar…”

Source:  An Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and Its Kindred Sciences,” etc. by Albert G. Mackey, M.D., Thirty-Third Degree, Volume I, published by the Masonic History Company, Chicago, New York, & London, 1925, Volume One, pp. 392-95


Rick Joyner is from www.morningstarministries.org who helped run the demonic Lakeland Revival with Todd Bentley as the main attraction.  He is an Apostle and Prophet in the New Apostolic Reformation with C. Peter Wagner, Cindy Jacobs, George Otis Jr, Lou Engle, Che Ahn, Patricia King, Stacy Campbell and hundreds more.

There are many more ministers/pastors who are Freemasons and/or belong to orders like the Knights of Malta,  like Benny Hinn for instance.

Who wants to play “Spot the Freemason?”


Green ArrowAngus Buchan and Rick Joyner preached together in 2012:  NAR Invasion of SA – Rick Joyner, Angus Buchan, Danie Slabbert, Nevil Norden @ Apostolic Prophetic Conference – July 2012 


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Deborah (Discerning the World)

Deborah Ellish is the author of the above article. Discerning the World is an internet Christian Ministry based in Johannesburg South Africa. Tom Lessing and Deborah Ellish both own Discerning the World. For more information see the About this Website page below the comments section.

36 Responses

  1. blank Elmarie A says:

    Arrghh man do you know all this points again to how far the One world religion and One World order has developed.

    All of them must be Freemansons!!!

    Found this link and I wonder if we will not find all of these names as being freemasons too.

    [EDITED: I don’t actually want to direct anyone to that website you linked too. That info is on another website http://www.seekgod.ca. Link to that one instead. You will just have to search their website for it.]

  2. blank Robbie says:

    Spell “freemasons” 10 X !!!

  3. blank mijadedios says:

    I don’t even know who RICK Joyner is! That’s a good thing! But I blasted this on Twitter for ya! All Christians have responsibility to at least be aware of who the wolves are! The Jesuits are coming out of the woodwork too! “coming out of the Closet” of their Cults & Pagan Organizations I guess. See, Satan knows his time is short so he’s assessing his army of demons…so we need to be at the READY! Prayer Warriors, Attention!

  4. Elmarie

    Freemansons. hahaha. That was funny. Hang on. Free ma sons. Hmmmm.

  5. Elmarie

    The reason I don’t want to direct anyone to that site you mentioned is because I used to comment there for a long time, but things were not right – the author had visions which I did not agree with, but the rest of the info there was good. Again, error and truth mixed. I refused to see the truth in this because I thought the author was genuine. Now I ask forgiveness for not obeying the God on this matter. Now the site has been given over to other people to manage and things have gone completely off the rails. I tried to comment there about a month ago to fix an error I made in another comment and they refused to post it. So I commented again and they deleted it. So I could not make amends and apologise publicly – but I will do it here and fix my error and expose the entire website.

  6. blank Elmarie A says:

    Deborah (Discerning the World)


    That is good with me.


    Hie ha ha yes that was really spelling mistake lol lol


    Thank your eyes are sharp. I did my homework xxxx40
    never again will I spell the word wrong. lol lol

  7. blank Elmarie A says:

    at least with manson one know what youre dealing with but Freemasons they are snaeaky…

  8. blank cecilia says:

    ok, a week-end off for Elmarie! “snaeaky”? now was that snaky or sneaky? lol! en ek het gedink dis net my vingers wat soms knoop! maybe we can give the blame over to our keypads?- not reacting as fast as we’re thinking….

  9. blank Elmarie A says:


    lol lol I get it.
    I’m just trying to figure out what happened ooook here doggie ooops there goes Olak’s bowl of food and now its all on the floor. Sooo I was typing and feeding my Olak and the others doggies at the same time…lol lol I suppose I was thinking about not ssssssssliping on the dog pellets while typing and just got a bit confused about all the ssssss lol lol

    And this was the dogs reaction not funny, don’t laugh

  10. blank Pete says:

    Is this photo recent? Therein lies the explanation of why Charismania has taken on an almost Kabbalistic mantle.

  11. Pete

    No this is actually an old photo. Old as in since 2000 I would say. Rick Joyner has always been suspect. You just gotta look at his website and you will notice the intense ‘I wanna be King Arthur’ theme lol. Also the name ‘morningstar’ ministries is very suspect,

  12. blank Steve says:

    I spent over a year going to Morningstar. I listened intently at Rick’s preaching and have never heard anything come out of is mouth that I would consider contrary to Gods word. However, when I found out that he was in the SMOM (sovereign military order of malta). I stopped going and started thinking about everything that I heard there, and what pops out the most is that I don’t really remember him reading the word and preaching from it, it was always preaching and using Gods word but not right from the bible. The other thing is fear mongering, if we really are the sons & daughters of the most high God, and it’s really the end times, then the church leaders need to be warning people to repent, not making people worry about a muslim takeover of the nation through The Oak Initiative.
    I just can’t, in good faith, allow this man to speak in to my life. I will be praying for him though, praying that God gets a hold of his heart and that anything done in secret would be shown in the light of our Lord Jesus the Christ!

  13. blank Burning Lamp says:

    Steve, this is so very true of many false teachers. They say one thing but do another. They mix truth and error and the truth ironically serves as a cloak for the error so the error will not be evident. That is why it is very important to examine all things, including the teacher’s activities. There are many who say “Lord, Lord” but are really representing a false Lord, a false Christ. There may be manefestations that are held up as proof of God’s blessing when they are often counterfeits of the enemy posing as an angel of light. May God be praised that He drew you out of this false teaching. When I see the multitudes of people who are caught up in this it grieves my heart. I hope thata by your testimony that others will come out of the darkness and deception.

  14. blank Ian Williams says:

    Hi Guys, greetings from Christ Church City, New Zealand. I have been getting huge amounts of revelation about the place freemasonry has played in this city, and in the Church/Circe, aka Babylon. One revelation though which overarched them all is that Jesus is or was the LAST RABBI, and that all who come before (in place of) Him are liars and thieves – Vicar, Rabbi, Minister, Father and Pope – there is none righteous – not one.

    Only Jesus is truly righteous, we share in that gift, His righteousness becomes us as we put on Christ, and as we see things from His perspective, at the right hand of Majesty on High. Paul wrote of how that the pride of Israel was like a blindness of heart, and would persist until ALL THE NATIONS come in IN THEIR ENTIRETY – and then ALL ISRAEL SHALL BE SAVED.

    Irrespective of whatever the devil’s mob do, God will have His Way – He is the Ultimate Conservative – He wastes nothing – and it is HIS WILL that all should come to KNOW – to be intimately acquainted with, HIM! His words, not mine – so take it up with Jesus – if you dare…

    But in the meantime, be wise as serpents and gentle as doves – wisdom is the principle thing, so get wisdom, and with all your getting, get understanding. Then faith becomes kinda easy because you are used to hearing God and you know His voice and you know something of Him and of His Seven Spirits – the seven facets of His character – and you trust in Him who had a Lamb Slain, as it were, from BEFORE the foundations of the worlds. God is still in control – He has the whole world in His hands – and you are His hands in the world, so do good to your neighbours by the blessing of your hands. Let those who have ears to hear, hear what the Spirit is saying to the Called Out Ones. Peace.


  15. blank M'Kayla says:

    >>Who wants to play “Spot the Freemason?”<<

    I will!!!!

    Todd Bentley –

  16. blank Hill's Own says:

    Why don’t you like the endtimespropheticwords website? What insights did you get about her errors? Why did they not accept that the changes to your post? Do you remember the topic? So many questions but I hope you will give some answers!

  17. Hill’s Own

    Yes, Miriam has visions that are unbiblical – this is clairvoyance. In the beginning I thought I would just ignore them when I first found her site. I too was caught up in her web; she sounds so biblical, yet she has these visions, maybe I’ll just ignore the visions and that will make everything ok. She wrote an article on and I fell for it and actually believed her vision and wrote comment No.2 and agreed with this ridiculous vision. Amazing what emotions can do. Later I tried to retract my comment and stated that Miriam’s visions are not of God, and my comment was deleted, I then posted a comment asking them to delete my comment No.2 and they just deleted my comment, but not No.2. Now I see she, 3 years down the line, is asking for money. (very interesting)

  18. blank Hill's Own says:

    Thanks for explaining. Her site has been inactive for a long time. I hadn’t realized that she had started asking for money. I used to follow her site religiously and left many comments there. I would agree that some of the visions were strange and would only be proved true, if what was prophesied came to pass. Well, have they?

  19. blank Hill's Own says:

    Hey, I’ve found the comment I left for that post, No.32.

    “When you are operating in the prophetic realm as you are Miriam, you too ought to be tested, even though what you write and share is insightful and helpful to many people. I am thinking that some Regulars on this site might find it hard to do so, to weigh and test your prophecies, visions and dreams, although I could be wrong.

    Be blessed in the Lord.”

    I’ve fixed one typo in the quote.

  20. Hill’s Own

    She has on many occasions said that she has a 100% track record, yet I don’t know of anything she has said that has come true. You see, we have the Bible, filled to the brim with prophecy that WILL COME TRUE and HAS COME TRUE. So we do not need prophets and prophetesses in our time telling us things that are already in the Bible.

    When I was visiting Miriams website I was confused about certain issues and this was one of them. Now I know that the Bible contains everything we need to know, and we do not need to ask outside sources for guidance and information.

    Yip, there is a donations button at the top of her site. “Donate to support this blog!”

  21. blank AJ says:

    May I ask where the information is that the Knights of Malta are freemasons? I have not found that to be true.
    And I can tell you, Beloved Deborah, that Rick Joyner is not a freemason. He is one of the most humble, kind, upfront, truth speaking people I have heard. He is like a Father to me and many. If you would come and meet the knights that have come, I think you would have a different opinion, dear one of the Lord.
    May God’s kindness and love be very real to you this day dear sister.
    Amber Joy

  22. blank Brian says:

    [deleted – do not take advertising from 7th Day Adventists]

  23. blank Alena says:

    You’re wrong about Rick Joyner being in a free masonry order. That’s utter nonsense! There are several different orders that sound similiar. There is a Sovereign military order of Malta, an Order of Malta and Knights of Malta. The org Rick Joyner is in is a lay religious order that has to do with chilvary. You critics don’t know Rick Joyner very well, if you think he’s one that is deceived spiritually. He’s a highly anointed and very reputable Prophet of God. You need to get your story straight on him. It’s also dangerous to judge a servant of the Lord, even if he was guilty of wrong. God’s Word says we are not to ever do that. I think that is very serious with God or He wouldn’t have said it. I personally think it can bring a curse. God esteems a position of delegated authority very highly. He respects the position, even if He doesn’t respect the person. King David and Saul are a great example of that. David refused to kill Saul, when it was in his power to do so. God had already repented of making Saul King. That story shows clearly that a servant of God walks in a mantle of God’s anointing. To touch them is a very great sin. David had the young man that killed Saul killed, because the man lacked conviction about taking the life of a King. Not only men and women of God walk in a mantle of God, but government leaders do as well. Saul walked in the delegated authority of God in that position. This is something the church is very ignorant of. They think nothing of handling ministers with disrespect. God is the judge. The Word is clear. If we have a fault with someone, we need to pray for them, not broadcast it to the world. What makes Christians any different than the world, who attack other believers? God doesn’t approve of that. So what makes you think you’re holy enough to judge a servant of the Lord? It’s arrogance and ignorance! All those in spiritual leadership who walk in obedience will be persecuted falsely. I know, I’ve been there, after serving God very faithfully in assignments. It goes with the territory. Jesus was persecuted and said we would be. It also preceeds spiritual promotion. The church really needs to grow in this area.

  24. blank charles says:

    My father was a Knight of Malta (Scotland)and yes, it is freemasonry.I was once tempted to get into it but the fact that it is secret put me off.

  25. Alena

    An order is an order is an order and a Templar is a Templar is a Templar and they are all part and parcel of Freemasonry. Even the Rotary Club is a Freemason offshoot. Go do your RESEARCH mkay?

  26. blank D.W. says:

    [Delete – Lou Engle is a FALSE TEACHER]

  27. blank Troy says:

    IAfter reading some of the comments here about how upstanding me is I decided I had to comment. I used to travel with a number of Morningstar ministers about 12 years ago and I can assure you Rick is a mason. His second in command at the time ,Steve Thompson is a KOM also. Steve was supposed to be my mentor while I was at the Morn. Star school of min. I have heard in private conversations as well as from the pulput that they arent known for love! My Bible says God is love so if you are not known for love are you known for God? And if not just where are all the prophecies comming from? Rick and Bob Jones said California would fall into the ocean over a decade ago…as far as I know its still there. And as for the person who said Rick is like a father to you…Im sorry but I bet he doesnt even know your name. My best friend took care of Ricks father as he was dying from cancer and lived in his “Ricks” home. He never had time to speak with him when he needed support so I seriously doubt Rick knows or cares who you are. When I compleated ministry school at morningstar I was offered a well payingposition at the ministry and all I could say was

  28. blank Troy says:

    I cant be a part of your boys club

  29. blank Carm says:

    I’ve done a lot of looking into the Knights of Malta/ Order of St Johns, as I felt this was something the Spirit was compelling me to do.

    They formed back in the middle ages, as the Pope’s personal guards. Initiates swore allegiance to the Pope with a blood oath. Joining is by invite only, in order to join you have to be a decendent of the original (as in the founding group) Knights of Malta/ St Johns… i.e. back into the occult bloodlines thing / generational occultist. Many of the top leaders/celebrities of the charismatic movement are Knights of Malta, considering that they are generational occultists it’s no wonder they can do all those tricks and things… also no wonder that they will NEVER badmouth Rome, and are actively working to allign the evangelical church with Rome.

    If you look at those 7 mountains/pillars in society, you’ll find Knights of Malta sitting on the top of each – it’s amazing where these people pop up. They seem to be key figures in executing the NWO strategy.

    The Holy Royal Order of The Garter is an inner circle of the Knights of Malta (called Knights in Malta in England / Order of St John in Europe – the names change depending on the geographical location, but it’s pretty much the same club) – like an order within an order. Everyone knows about the Templar’s, but as far as I can deduce these guys are a notch up… they’re the bad boys, the really bad boys.

    And all this info is available in publicly accessible resources, but the average christian couldn’t be bothered finding out about their favourite leaders… “’cause it just feels right”.

  30. blank Myfanwy Brown says:

    Funny this…since the founding Pastor of my church in SA was caught out cheating with two women (adultery as he was married with kids). He joined the church with Morningstar and this adultery took place a while later. Always goes back to my point.. freemasons, Catholicism and sexual sin.

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