False Teachers – What do you do when?

Most people trapped in blatant false teaching manage to escape their captors evil clutches and then run off seeking truth in the direction of men, other men who preach false teaching but are not so blatant.
What do you do when these men preach a version of the truth; they have the gospel message down to a fine art except when it comes to the message of salvation. This is where they know they will trap the soul.
- False teachers teach the truth to a certain extent, but stop absolutely short of teaching a genuine message of salvation.
- Twist the deity of Jesus Christ just ever so slightly to make their entire message a waste of time.
- Twist the meaning of the blood of Jesus just slightly to make their message of salvation null and void.
- Twist the meaning of Jesus’ sacrifice for us on the cross that He did not die for the whole world but only for the Calvinistic elect and the message is null and void.
- Add works through Lordship salvation and they’ve destroyed it.
- Make the gospel of Jesus about men instead of God.
- Twist just the smallest bit of who Jesus IS, add too Jesus, take away just the smallest thing from Jesus, and you have destroyed everything.
Running from one false teacher to another.
What do you do when you have people running from blatantly false teachers i.e., (Kobus van Rensburg, Todd Benltey, Benny Hinn etc ) into the arms of men who are supposed to be renown in good solid teaching and therefore should be able to be trusted?
How do you now tell those people who escaped the blatantly false teacher that the person they are now entrusting their ‘learning’ too is also false.
The blatantly false came dressed in a clown suit, the real master deceiver is dressed like a banker with a polished smile. Who would have know that the banker wore clown suit underwear?
This was the plan all along! The Trinity Broadcasting Networks of the world would have their way, they would have the lime light, they would persuade the masses, they would be effective in leading millions onto another path – a Roman Catholic path.
This was the plan from the beginning…
As time would go by (a good few years at that) The TBN’s of the world would start to preach very weird things; the signs and wonders would get weirder, their lies more extreme. Then there would be the branch-offs like the New Apostolic Reformation (C. Peter Wagner’s crew) and the likes of God TV would jump on the scene. They would come in from another angle, with the same rubbish doctrine but with a different image. But sooner or later they too would be branded as ‘those who fill their pockets with money, nothing but prosperity preachers’. And this is what has happened. Then Rick Warren popped on the scene and purposefully drove million of people in to the hands of the Roman Catholic Church.
Now a shift has taken place.
Prosperity bad! Social Transformation good! Everyone is Purpose Driven. But both are bad because it’s the same rubbish doctrine as before but with a different image. You even now find the clown trying to dress up like a banker like Andrew Strom for instance.
Planned to perfection.
Discernment ministries warned about these people, and they thought no one was listening. WELL, how wrong were we, there were hundreds of thousands of people listening. Who did we recommend for them? The ‘good’ ministers dressed like a banker, because apparently we thought they preached the truth. We recommended the Calvinists for instance; because I thought the Calvinists were about as close to still being genuine as one could get. Oh how wrong I was.
Then the tide turned.
The TBN’s were now seen for what they are: FALSE TEACHERS. Benny Hinn is officially a CON-ARTIST. And the tattoos on Todd Bentley are not stick on tattoos. The whole revival was a scam. People were shook to the core after Lakeland. So what did they do? Most searched and searched, and they found the likes of Louie Giglio, John Piper, and John MacArthur
We should never at all be surprised to be told that false teachers will appear from the outside, sneaking their way in among the people of God. But we missed this part completely; where the bible warns us that false teachers will arise from “within” the people of God.
Acts 20:28-30 28 Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of Godwhich He purchased with His own blood. 29 For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. 30 Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves.
What do you do when this happens?
Well this is what I am going to do...
I am writing this because I want to publicly apologise to every person I told that John MacArthur was legit. I did not understand the doctrine of Calvinism for a short time and I told people that Calvinists were ok. How wrong I was. And I am truly sorry. If I don’t open my mouth and speak the truth, then I am no better than all the others leading people astray. I feel sick to be honest. I have learnt a big lesson here.
I side with no one but Jesus Christ the Son of God. I will never take the side of men no matter how good their ministry seems. Does this mean I don’t trust anyone? Of course not. It just means that if and when (but hopefully not) they start to preach false doctrine or their true colours are exposed, I will not hesitate to make them take a long walk off a short plank.

Thank you for you comment, I am so happy that you can see the wood for the trees with it comes of JMA, sooo many people can’t – they love him and his teachings as if they were the Word of God alone…
You are in my prayers RJ! 🙂
Thanks for your answers Deb, makes a lot more sense, and after reading the article – still have to watch the videos (also a bit low, lol)… Most of this knowledge about calvanism, lordship salvation etc is new to me. It opened my eyes alright! In the article you send, the writer also did not quote ONE single scripture, which is already suspect.
I am not puffing Jason Cooley up, I just liked his sermons on Hollywood, and I am glad people are exposing television, music and the media for what it is. Believe me, I don’t listen to a lot of preachers for obvious reasons.
So basically, they are preaching repentance and believe you can loose your salvation, and if you don’t repent and change who YOU are, you are not saved? In that case, I can add a few more people to my list, ugh!
But, is it wrong to listen to other teachings of for example, Jason Cooley (or who ever) on subjects I mentioned above?
Deborah (Discerning the World) wrote:
Thanks for some awesome articles to help us keep on track.
One thing I am unable to find on your website, but that is happening in our church is “The Courts of Heaven”!
The pastor and his wife take the counselee into their office, at home the intercessors pray for the full duration of the 3 hour session. As the intercessors receive words / dreams / or whatever, they send it to the pastor and wife via WhatsApp. The pastor then writes everything received on a board and then puts it into place like a puzzle which then is supposed to revealed the problem / blockage in the counselee’s walk with Jesus. The counselee is not allowed to share anything of his / her life with the counselor’s, but must determine if what is coming through from the intercessors is accurate. They are then basically set free without any other deliverance needed.
Is this biblical or occultic?
Oh my goodness, this is divination through and through. The intercessors are acting as if they were ‘mediums’ receiving info about a person which they then send to the pastor who somehow manages to re-arrange all the messages that reveals the persons problem. This is blatant spiritualism in practice. Ok the intercessors are not communicating with the dead, they are however communicating with the demonic world.
The bad thing is the person that is being councelled is getting accurate info sent to him/her via the spirit medium ‘intercessors’ and they are getting their info from demonic spirits. It appears this ‘accurate’ info is supposedly helping people, but in fact it’s putting people into some serious demonic bondage.
You may as well go to John Edwards or that lady on TV, the Long Island Medium (yes, they speak to the dead, however as per the bible we know this is not possible, they are in fact communicating directly with demonic forces that are giving them info to pass on) so technically it’s the same thing. What this pastor and his intercessors are doing is the exact same thing.
The Bible, in fact, contains many stern warnings against spiritualism (Leviticus 19:31; Leviticus 20:6; Leviticus 21:8; Deuteronomy 18:9–13). King Saul, broke God’s commandment not to engage in the occult in his case spiritualism and ultimately he lost his kingdom because of it (1 Samuel 15:23; 1 Chronicles 10:14).
When the disciples and apostles came across people who had powers of divination from contact with demons, they cast these evil spirits out of the people (Acts 16:16–18).
The bible gives many verses that Christians should not seek contact or counsel with people who possess contact with spirits, because they are demonic and may give deceptive information to lead a person astray. (1 John 4:1).
A person who has been delivered from a problem in this manner can have one of more things go wrong in their life, 1) They believe what has happened to them is of God and will steep deeper into false teaching 2) Become demonically afflicted; illness or depression, or the problem will go away for a while and then come back even worse along with other problems.
The main reason why Satan uses false teachers to lead people astray is to get the people deeper into false teaching for it’s false teaching that drives a big wedge between people and God. Following false teaching = disobedience to God and that is a sin.
I actually went to do a google search on this new practice called ‘The Court of Heaven’ and it’s scary, very scary… No longer is prayer normal anymore, no, you now need to envision yourself in a court in heaven, almost have an out of mind experience and then plead your case aka pray to God that way in order for your prayer/case to be heard and answered. This is scary stuff.
Thanks Deborah, you have just confirmed to me what I was suspecting all along, he is heavily into the occult, but I think he is deceived and doesn’t believe it is occultic what he is teaching and practising. He also preach’s on DNA (I have read your articles on this), that you must empty your mind when listening to God’s voice (also read your articles on this), plus him and his wife “prophesy” inaccurately. Oh my! Now what? I need to seek God and see whether to confront him (but he hasn’t listened to others) or just leave!?
If you feel you must talk to him about it, then you must. Expect him to get angry with you and don’t be upset by this. It’s tough when you are trying to tell someone something so important as this and they get angry with you, it’s hurts one’s feeling. But be strong. And then yes you have to leave.
Hi Deborah
I would like to encourage you in regards to your humility to deal with the realisation about your previous endorsement of John MacArthur. I have not known a lot about him (apart from his reputation as a strong bible teacher) until his recent Strange Fire Conference & Book. I just came across the article by Bob Johnson that eventually lead me to your site.
Apart from the many serious questions raised by Bob Johnson (that will warrant some further investigation and corroboration) – For me the ‘deal breaker’ with John MacArthur is his error in substituting the word ‘blood’ for ‘death’ in the study notes of his 2006 Study Bible. Spurgeon has a great sermon about the need for the shedding of the blood for the remission of sins….. not to mention the ‘blood’ that was put on the door posts by the Jews to protect them from Death in the first Passover…. (Selah)
…. so a word of encouragement to RJ too ….. MacAthur could have some explaining to do at the judgement if he chooses to not take the blood seriously for his own salvation…. so I concur with your line of thinking on that one.
For without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins (Heb 9:22)
Thank you for your comment Bethraham. Apparently, actually no, not apparently this is for real, JMA and team have held a youth getaway where they played pagan games. Google it, it’s a shocker.
I too have an article on the blood of Jesus and it’s application in heaven and what it means for us: John MacArthur – Blood of Jesus Liquid / Never applied in Heaven
Also I ask you to please look into the doctrine of Calvinism, it’s because of the doctrine of Calvinism that JMA and other Calvinists are preaching horrible false teachings. The basis of it all is the doctrine of Calvinism. It all starts with prideful Election, thinking God Elected one to be saved before the foundations of time and then others chosen by God to go to hell.
Please read: What it Really Means to be Elected, Chosen, and Predestinated – The Biblical Truth
Much love from me 🙂
It’s difficult to read the stuff you’re selling! Deb!
Did the Holy Spirit truly convict you and instruct you to discredit some of these men, who for decades, have preached Jesus Christ and Him crucified to people like you and me?
And yeah! the Benny Hinn’s, the Creflo’s Dollar’s, the Joel’s & Joyce’s, the holy Hagin’s, and the entire spawn of Paul and Jan Crouch’s so-called ministry are certainly a given. But a few you have mentioned, and I would like to add, with love, continue to remind me that I’m still a man in need of a Savior each and everyday of my life! Who also remind me of God’s infinite agape love He has for me!
You have honestly and humbly admitted earlier that you too are capable of error in some way shape or form.
We all are! Deb!
So, before you jump on your arrogant, pompous, “know it all”, legalistic, self righteous, band wagon, and start accusing men, and! women of their dastardly deeds and then spread it all over your tabloid, maybe you should read Mathew 18 and follow Jesus’s instructions thoroughly! first. And if I was a betting man, I would bet you one hundred pennies that you will get a response from the people who, BTW, aren’t even here to defend for themselves. I’m confident that when they do respond, I’m sure you will all be able to open up with a prayer to the same Jesus, break bread with open hearts and minds, and maybe! even disagree with one another, because Christians can do that you know??
It’s difficult to read some of the stuff you’re saying DTW.
Did the Holy Spirit truly convict you and instruct you to discredit some of these men, who for decades, have preached Jesus Christ and Him crucified to people like you and me?
And yeah! the Benny Hinn’s, the Creflo’s Dollar’s, the Joel’s & Joyce’s, the holy Hagin’s, and the entire spawn of Paul and Jan Crouch’s so-called ministry are certainly a given. But a few you have mentioned, and I would like to add, with love, continue to remind me that I’m still a man in need of a Savior each and everyday of my life! Who also remind me of God’s infinite agape love He has for me! Who also have had and have the honor and privilege of leading thousands upon thousands of sinners to Christ!
You have honestly and humbly admitted earlier that you too are capable of error in some way shape or form. We all are. I raised my hand first!
So please, guilty or not, before you accuse these men and! women, maybe you can read Mathew 18 and follow Jesus’ instructions first. And if I was a betting man, I would bet you one hundred pennies that you will get a response from the people who, BTW, aren’t even here to defend for themselves. I’m confident that when they do respond, I’m sure you will all be able to open up with a prayer to the same Jesus, break bread with open hearts and minds, and maybe! even disagree with one another, because Christians can do that.
I was a little miffed earlier when I read a few of your posts earlier tonight about false teaching.
I’m sorry for the cruel words on my first post. They are offensive and hurtful words, and I am truly sorry for writing them the way I did.
I obviously, cannot literally take them back, but I can change them.
Please read my second post.
I toned it down quite a bit!
We all have convictions, some are more passionate than others!
I too hate false teachers!
As true brothers and sisters in Christ, we want to protect and defend the infallibility of God’s Word. I think that it is pleasing to a Sovereign God who is infinitely far more above and beyond man’s comprehension.
Here’s the thing though. God doesn’t need our help. His thoughts and ways are not ours.
And whatever these preachers are preaching, if its not in line with the sound doctrine we’ve been taught, then we are called by God to not only correct and rebuke, but to restore reconcile with love.
Much love!
Again, please forgive my offensive words in my first post, and please read my second post with open arms, because it is with much love and conviction that I write them.
Thank you,
Deje Glassburn
Apology accepted. Thanks.
Deje Glassburn
For starters. Matthew 18 has nothing to do with correcting false teaching and erroneous doctrine. It concerns brothers who have sinned against one another in some way or another. We are exhorted to “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” Jude 1:3. The contention is not to try and find common ground because we all believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Many Jews, among them the historian Josephus, believed in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ but remained unsaved. Roman Catholics believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Are they truly saved?
Deje Glassburn
You wrote
It’s difficult to read some of the stuff you’re saying DTW.
Did the Holy Spirit truly convict you and instruct you to discredit some of these men, who for decades, have preached Jesus Christ and Him crucified to people like you and me?
And yeah! the Benny Hinn’s, the Creflo’s Dollar’s, the Joel’s & Joyce’s, the holy Hagin’s, and the entire spawn of Paul and Jan Crouch’s so-called ministry are certainly a given. But a few you have mentioned, and I would like to add, with love, continue to remind me that I’m still a man in need of a Savior each and everyday of my life! Who also remind me of God’s infinite agape love He has for me! Who also have had and have the honor and privilege of leading thousands upon thousands of sinners to Christ!
The Holy Spirit will never convict you and instruct you to discredit some of these false teachers when they have already discredited themselves.
Brothers and sisters, together follow my example and observe those who live by the pattern we gave you. For there are many, of whom I have often told you, and now tell you even with tears, who live as enemies of the cross of Christ [rejecting and opposing His way of salvation], whose fate is destruction, whose god is their belly [their worldly appetite, their sensuality, their vanity], and whose glory is in their shame—who focus their mind on earthly and temporal things. (Philippians 3:17-19 AMP)
Indeed, God’s love is an infinite agape. That’s why He sends people to warn them of the path they have taken (Proverbs 14:12). It is when you withhold your warnings to them when you DO NOT mirror God’s infinite love.
You wrote:
I’m confident that when they do respond, I’m sure you will all be able to open up with a prayer to the same Jesus, break bread with open hearts and minds, and maybe! even disagree with one another, because Christians can do that.
This is what God says:
These men are hidden reefs [elements of great danger to others] in your [a]love feasts when they feast together with you without fear, looking after [only] themselves; [they are like] clouds without water, swept along by the winds; autumn trees without fruit, doubly dead, uprooted and lifeless; 13 wild waves of the sea, flinging up their own shame like foam; wandering stars, for whom the gloom of deep darkness has been reserved forever. (Jude 1:12-13).
[a] Jude 1:12 The early church frequently met together for a communal meal followed by the Lord’s Supper.
You are free and wewlcome to break bread with elements of great danger as much as you want. Remember, however, you will have to give an account of yourself to God for doing so.