John MacArthur – Transformation of Grace Community Church

John MacArthurThis information has been painstakingly put together by Bob Johnson over a period of several years.  It’s shocking and I believe it’s the truth. Bob has been attacked by John MacArthur and Phil Johnson who have tried to discredit him, but the facts remain standing strong.

I am going to present this information only because I stand for the truth AT ALL COSTS.  [Edited by DTW: 31 Mar 2010 – I have made a public apology too everyone I told that MacArthur is legitimate.   I am very very sorry for this. I trusted MacArthur and I was deceived and I led others to believe he was ok. Every bit of credibility I gave John MacArthur I retract.  I did not understand the doctrine of Calvinism at the time, now I do.  Please see here for my sincerest apology:]

Now before anyone gets all carried away, I am not a Calvinist.  I am a born again Christian and my ‘denomination’ is what lies between the pages of the Word of God.  I believe in free will and I believe that repentance of sin is an ongoing essential part of your relationship with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. We are not predestined, or elected by God before the foundation of the world (for biblical predestination understanding please see What it Really Means to be Elected, Chosen, and Predestinated – The Biblical Truth);   I won’t even get onto the topic of John Calvin as that’s another story all on it’s own and Calvinism has it’s roots in Rome.

Are there people who are genuinely saved under GCC – Absolutely, when they find out the truth as to what Calvinism is all about, they will leave there sooner or later.  God knows our hearts.  He knows what we think, He knows what we believe, He knows everything about us.  I believe we are all judged on what we know up to a certain point in time.  (I am NOT talking about sin here, or using this as an excuse to say, “oh I never accepted Jesus, because I didn’t know anything, or no one told me.)  Because the Bible commands you to study to find yourself approved anyhow, so no one has any excuse.  And if you have the Holy Spirit in your life you will never get something so wrong or believe and follow something so wrong as the doctrine of Calvinism and the fruit of John MacArthur speaks for itself.Now when the Holy Spirit reveals to us what’s really going on behind the scenes, this is when we are now faced with a massive decision of “should I stay or should I go” – will you accept the false teachings that are slithering its way in, or will I stand firm on the Word of God and warn others about what is happening and get out because you will not tolerate men insulting Jesus Christ! When the Holy Spirit has warned you, you can’t ever say to Jesus one day, “I didn’t know”, because you did know, but you CHOSE (free will) TO IGNORE IT.  And in doing so you continued to stay and support ungodly doctrines.

Even if John MacArthur carried on preaching what sounded like the greatest gospel from the pulpit (which we know is not because it’s Calvinistic) – he will slowly but surely lead his congregation astray more and more astray as he turns to Rome along with every other denomination in these end times.

Will his preaching start to change?  Will it become a more emergent gospel?  It appears has as he is embracing contemplative spirituality for some time:  John MacArthur and Dallas Willard – Two Contemplating Calvinists

Does John MacArthur have to make a choice like the rest of us to follow Jesus Christ 100% or follow Satan instead? Absolutely.

We ALL sit in the same position. Jesus Christ is LORD, He is our KING, He judges ALL, NO ONE gets an ‘immunity card’ from GOD.

Ok let’s get onto the info shall we…


The Transformation of John Macarthur’s Grace Community Church

How Change Agents are Transitioning GCC into the New World Order

Introduction  –

by Bob Johnson On January 2, 2005,

John MacArthur gave a sermon to his congregation in which he described the state of his church. In that sermon John MacArthur stated, “I feel like part of the ministry I must discharge before the Lord and you is a ministry of warning about danger. Our church is not in particular danger from some dominating iniquity. It is not in particular danger from some infiltrating heresy. It is not in danger from some loss of resources financially or human. Everything you can see on the surface looks to be good. And we would have every reason to think we stand, and still be on the brink of a fall.”

John MacArthur said that his church was not in particular danger from infiltrating heresy. This paper will show that a dangerous heresy has infiltrated his church; a heresy known generally as the church growth movement. And this paper will show that this movement, being backed by globalists and being used to fulfill their one-world agenda, is now manipulating GCC into that same agenda.

John MacArthur said that his church is not in danger from some dominating iniquity.This paper will show that John MacArthur, being the dominant figure in his church, by disobeying the doctrine of separation, has allowed men to speak at his church and has allowed men to occupy leadership positions in his church, who, professing to be Christians, are actually dedicated to this one-world agenda.

John MacArthur  said that everything you can see on the surface of his church looks to be good. I have been to his church, and I have attended his ministries, and I didn’t have to look beyond the surface to see that everything there is not good. I didn’t have to look beyond the surface of his church in order to see the presence of the Purpose Driven Church (PDC) model or the dialectic sessions employed by that model.

Nor did I have to look beyond the surface to see that John MacArthur’s international ministry, a ministry dedicated to “training church leaders worldwide,” is a church growth organization now partnering with foreign governments.In his “state of the church” sermon, John Macarthur said that GCC could be on the brink of a fall. GCC has gone beyond that brink and has now fallen. GCC is not holy, peculiar, sanctified and set apart, but rather, is a church that has now found common ground with Satanic agents pushing the one-world agenda via the church growth movement.

Allow me, by way of introduction, to say how I became interested in the goings on at GCC. My interest in GCC began in March 2005 when a local pastor invited me to accompany him to the GCC Pastor’s Conference being held that same month. Wanting to get information about the conference, I went to the GCC website where I noticed that Dr. Albert Mohler was to be a keynote speaker. I’d never heard of Dr. Mohler.

When curiosity pressed and an internet search ended, I had discovered information about Dr. Mohler that was not in accord with his Christian profession. I had discovered that Dr. Mohler was a Founding Fellow of the “think tank” of a UN-NGO. I had discovered that a UN-NGO is a non-governmental organization that is listed with the UN and that serves the UN and its one-world agenda. And therefore, I concluded that it must necessarily follow, that Dr. Mohler, being a Founding Fellow of this UN-NGO’s “think tank” which serves the UN and its agenda, must also serve the UN agenda. (It has since been confirmed to me by a colleague of Dr. Mohler’s that all the Fellows of the “think tank” of this UN-NGO are dedicated to the principles of the charter of the UN).

Knowing that the UN agenda is satanic and knowing that this agenda includes the destruction of Biblical Christianity, I wondered why John Macarthur would invite a man dedicated to this agenda into his church and into his pulpit. Was John Macarthur aware of Dr. Mohler’s UN affiliation? (I have since learned that Dr. Mohler holds leadership positions in at least two organizations that serve the UN globalist agenda as NGO’s.)

I proceeded to write a letter to each of the members of the GCC elder board. I warned them all of Dr. Mohler’s associations. I received a reply from elder, Phil Johnson, dated March 23, 2005. Regarding Dr. Mohler’s associations, Mr. Johnson wrote, “We may not agree with all his associations, but nothing in Scripture demands that we separate from a true brother in Christ just because we may disagree with him on where he draws the circle of his own fellowship.” Is this a true statement? Is there nothing in Scripture that demands separation from a professed Christian who is affiliated with satanic evil (the UN)? Many verses in Scripture demand that Christians separate from evil and 2 Thess. 3:14 demands separation from professed Christians who are disobedient: “And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him that he may be ashamed.” Scripture does demand separation from Dr. Mohler.

Why didn’t the GCC elders seem to be alarmed by Dr. Mohler’s affiliations? Why were they willing to ignore Biblical commands in order to continue a relationship with Dr. Mohler? Being dissatisfied with the reply I’d received from the GCC elder board, I then decided to make phone calls to several other GCC pastors in order to inform them of Dr. Mohler’s UN connection. Surely, they would all be concerned. I told them all that Dr. Mohler was a Fellow of a UN-NGO. What was their response? The pastors all angrily denied this easily verifiable fact. I then decided to write letters to about ten more GCC pastors. I expressed to them my concern that Dr. Mohler was a Fellow of a UN-NGO.

I received a reply from one pastor, Rick Mclean, responding for all, who, putting himself in the position of God, told me that the information I’d given them regarding Dr. Mohler’s associations “was of no eternal consequence.” This pastor also told me to never contact them again regarding this matter. In November 2005, a member of GCC agreed to meet me for a discussion. His name was George. I had asked George during a phone conversation if he’d be willing to have a discussion with me concerning some things at GCC that I had found troubling.

Two days after agreeing to meet with me, I received an email from George informing me that our meeting couldn’t take place. He told me that after checking with his church’s authorities, those authorities had decided not to allow our meeting to take place. George also informed me that only one man at GCC would meet with me. This was the same pastor who had already written to tell me to never contact them again. The email that George sent me was cc’d or copied to this same pastor and George informed me that any future correspondence I might have with him would also be cc’d to this pastor. The GCC authorities were exercising strict control over this situation. If Dr. Mohler’s UN affiliation was “of no eternal consequence” according to pastors at GCC, then why were they taking such extraordinary measures in order to prevent the exposure of that affiliation? Why were they willing to go to such lengths in order to keep knowledge of that affiliation hidden from their church membership?

George was not allowed to meet me for a discussion in a local coffee shop. In not allowing one Christian to meet another, the GCC authorities had taken authority not given them in the Word of God. In not allowing one Christian to meet another, the GCC authorities were exercising a type of control that is cult-like. Believing the GCC authority’s behavior to be deceitful, and knowing they didn’t want Dr. Mohler’s UN affiliation exposed, I decided to do just that at their March 2006 Pastor’s Conference. With Dr. Mohler again invited to be a keynote speaker, I stood outside their church and handed out flyers to the arriving pastors. The flyer was titled “Al Mohler and the United Nations.”

The flyer basically contained 2 facts: Al Mohler was a Founding Fellow of the Research Institute (think tank) of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) and that the ERLC was a UN-NGO. How did the GCC officials respond to these flyers being handed out on the public sidewalk outside their church? A GCC pastor, Eric Bancroft, with the head of security in tow, approached me and angrily told me that my flyer contained “all lies”; he then warned me that if I was to set foot on GCC property, I’d be arrested.

When I left GCC that evening, some GCC officials followed me and with the head of security present, they photographed my car and wrote down my license plate number. What began as an effort to warn the saints at GCC about Dr. Mohler’s UN affiliation didn’t end with my threatened arrest. The GCC authorities had tried to keep Dr. Mohler’s UN affiliation hidden from their membership. I couldn’t help but wonder what else they may be hiding. “Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.”

So, I decided to take a closer look into their ministries. GCC has eight subministries listed on their website. Two of these subministries are singles ministries. In looking through these two ministry’s web pages, I began to notice the presence of certain “buzzwords” common to the Purpose Driven Church (PDC) model. I noticed that much of the language used to describe the activities of these ministries was identical to the language used in the PDC model. Being very familiar with both the “buzzwords” and structure of the PDC, I strongly suspected that these two ministries were run on that model. My suspicions were confirmed after I attended both of these ministry’s Friday night “Bible studies.”

It was then that I realized that the church growth movement (CGM)/PDC model had infiltrated GCC in at least their two singles ministries. Knowing that the PDC movement had already spread like wildfire across America’s churches and knowing that once this movement gets a foothold in a church it will spread like cancer throughout the entire church body, I knew that it was my Christian duty to warn the saints at GCC about this real danger within. In the summer of 2006, I wrote a letter intended for the Christian remnant at GCC in which I warned them of this dangerous church growth infiltration.

It was titled “A Wake Up Call to the Saints at Grace Community Church.” While standing on the sidewalk across the street, I handed out copies to the congregants as they left the church. I handed out this letter of warning for three consecutive Sundays. On the second Sunday, as I handed out the “Wake-up Call,” the police were called. A black and white unit stopped and an officer approached me and told me that they had received a call claiming that I was harassing the congregation. I was handing out my letter to Christians as they left the church. I never harassed anyone and no one had complained to me.

Why were the police called? On that same day, in what could be construed as another act of intimidation, a GCC official approached me and told me that the GCC authorities were considering a lawsuit against me. Since handing out this letter of warning, I have continued to look into the activities of various ministries at GCC and I have continued to find activity indicating the presence of the church growth movement. For example, I have seen that a GCC ministry called The Master’s Academy International (TMAI), which states that its mission is to “train church leaders worldwide,” is actually a church growth organization that is now partnering with foreign governments. (A goal of the church growth movement is to merge the church into a partnership with business and government. This is called Communitarianism.)

Later, I will describe both the leadership and the activities of TMAI in detail. Grace Community Church (GCC) [], pastored by John MacArthur is being subverted and transformed by the church growth movement (CGM). This paper will give a description of the CGM, how it manifests itself at GCC, and how it has infiltrated GCC.

Part I
What is the Church Growth Movement?
How the Church Growth Movement Manifests Itself at GCC (The Guild and The Foundry)
Part II
The Master’s Academy International (TMAI) Leadership
TMAI Leader’s Transformational Language
Part III
TMAI Training Centers
TMAI Brazil
TMAI Honduras
TMAI South Africa
TMAI New Zealand
TMAI Mexico
TMAI Russia
The TMAI Leadership Community
Part IV
The Money Trail-Who Finances TMAI
How the Church Growth Movement Infiltrated GCC
John Macarthur’s Ecumenical Roots

Please continue here:

Please share:

Deborah (Discerning the World)

Deborah Ellish is the author of the above article. Discerning the World is an internet Christian Ministry based in Johannesburg South Africa. Tom Lessing and Deborah Ellish both own Discerning the World. For more information see the About this Website page below the comments section.

259 Responses

  1. goeff

    Yes, what you say is babble. Because if you read the comments it’s explained very clearly. So until you read everything, you will continue to ask rhetorical questions that have been answered already.

  2. geoff

    I can’t make you see the truth, I can’t save you geoff. But there is Jesus Christ the Son of God who can save you and will save you if you want to know him. Humble yourself before Him, come before Jesus Christ and repent of your sin, say you are sorry to Jesus for everything in your life that is wicked. Ask Jesus to come into your life, ask Him to take over your life. Tell Him that you genuinely want a relationship with Him, because you love Him. Pick up your Bible and start reading it and studying it. Show God that you are indeed interested to know the truth.

    You know your heart geoff, you come here and say that all you see is bashing. Well if you are happy that I leave false teaching alone and don’t warn so that people can go to hell, then you will have a lot of answering to do one day SOON when you stand before God.

  3. blank ItsHellWithoutJESUS says:



  4. blank ItsHellWithoutJESUS says:

    well according to John macarthur, the blood of Jesus is meaningless, and we know that the bible says, the blood of Jesus is foolishness to those who are perishing…
    so i guess according to him, he is not covered by the blood of Jesus because its worthless to him.
    his followers on youtube come barking at you like a bulldog if you try to point out the error of their ‘perfect’ teacher macarthur.

  5. blank Amanda says:

    Hi Mark

    Have you opened An uncommon spiritual path – the quest to find Jesus beyond conventional Christianity yet?

  6. blank Burning Lamp says:

    This is HUGE. Thank you Deborah for posting this. To cite an old saying, “You have more guts than a government mule.” Said with all admiration and appreciation reserving all glory to the Lord of course. The adoration of man for man is sickening – respect should stop at the door of holiness and sound doctrine. A true friend of MacArthur would try to reason with him and show him his error. This is so very serious. The man on the video is speaking the truth in love and his manner is not harsh.

  7. blank Thomas Lessing says:

    Geoff said:

    Since when are you the judge or the Sherif of the church?
    It seems so clear that all you do is NOT “preach the gospel’, all you do is bash!!!!

    Have you ever figured out why the apostle Jude was guilty of the very same thing you are accusing Deborah of?

    Jude 3-5 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not.

    I know I don’t understand the bigger picture, but by reading the article are we now to discard teachings of people purely because some-one is keeping company with some-one working in the UN? (Please note again this is not criticism but a rhetoric question).

    Have you never figured out why Paul wrote the following?

    2 Corinthians 6:14-17 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.

    The UN is working toward a one world government and religion and for the destruction of biblical Christianity and you dare to ask such a silly rhetorical question?

  8. blank Bloomie says:


    Do you know anything about the AWANA programs that are now so popular in many churches?


    Just in case you were wondering what happened to my blog for a few hours. I was taken down by some Christians who thought it necessary to stop me.

    See I am not a change agent and wont meet for coffee and this is a BIG problem for them. My problem is I don’t drink coffee…oh and that their intentions are purely 100% false.

    I will write a small article tomorrow called ‘the coffee shop next door’. I knew this cool title would come in use sooner or later.


    If you posted any comments and it did not go through, I ask that you post them again.

    This donkey is on the move again…

  10. Hi Deborah,

    I came across this very interesting John Macarthur quote relating to the blood of Christ and salvation,

    “Peter calls His blood “precious” and I agree . . . but Peter’s reference there is to the sacrificial nature of His death. . . . The phrase “Christ died for our sin” (Romans 5:8; 1 Corinthians 15:3) expresses the truth that death was the penalty, not blood. . . I Peter 2:24 is not saying we are saved by his wounds. . . . If we say that it is the blood that saves . . . what are we saying? His actual blood, physically, saves us? Or perhaps we are stuck with the Roman Catholic Church “perpetual offering” view that some hold. This view says that Christ perpetually sacrifices Himself. He took His blood into heaven and keeps offering it. Hebrews 10:12-14 forbids such a view.
    Clearly it was His death . . . once for all. His shed blood was part of the violence of it, and speaks of it as sacrifice, but we are saved by His substitutionary death for us, not by the chemicals in His blood.”

    Seems this isn’t an open and shut case. There’s more well researched content here: .

  11. Oops,

    I quoted the wrong paragraph. Meant to quote,

    Scripture plainly teaches that only a blood sacrifice can atone for sin and appease the wrath of God against the sinner. God told Old Testament Israel, “The life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul” (KJV). Hebrews 9:22 states it succinctly: “Without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.”
    So atonement by shedding of blood is absolutely essential to the forgiveness of sins. Forgiveness is impossible without a propitiatory sacrifice. Scripture teaches this plainly. The wrath and justice of God must not be downplayed in our understanding of His forgiveness. [(Wheaton: Crossway, 1998), 22.]

  12. blank geoff says:

    [EDITED: geoff, if you keep challenging me to delete your comments after you write comments full of unbiblical nonsence, I will delete them. Now go post somewhere else where they tolerate ‘babble’]

  13. blank geoff says:

    [EDITED: geoff, if you keep challenging me to delete your comments after you write comments full of unbiblical nonsence, I will. Look, it’s gone? Don’t complain you asked me too.]

  14. Mark

    Got me an answer yet on the difference between meditation and prayer? No? It’s been a few weeks now Mark. I will keep asking you, because it seems that if I don’t Dion Forser wont either.

  15. Mark

    No problem… BUT:

    Got me an answer yet on the difference between meditation and prayer? No? It’s been a few weeks now Mark. I will keep asking you, because it seems that if I don’t Dion Forser wont either.

  16. blank Elmarie A says:


    read this article maybe you can find the answer here and give us the answer.

    NEW AGE Pathways in the church.
    Mediation and other methods are a very quick way to be introduced to a new world view and it will certainly not be a Christian one. In fact one new age practice leads to another as one pursues spiritual growth by these methods. That is my personal experience, you see it has to, for one to go deeper and to the next level of intimacy.

  17. Elmarie

    He knows the answer, he just refuses to follow the Word of God.

  18. Hi Deborah and Elmarie,

    It’s not that I’m ignoring you it’s just that I spent a great deal of time writting my thoughts on the differences between prayer and meditation down on paper. I posted them here ( Is there something Biblically incorrect with what I wrote?

  19. blank Elmarie A says:

    Deborah (Discerning the World)

    We can only pray for Mark.

    Mark you are in our prayers.

    The New Age web is huge and so deceiving because
    as someone said :

    The most dangerous threat to true Christianity is not the Lie but the ” NEAR TRUTH” of the latter, the world overflows like a Tsunami!!!

    very true words said Oom Christo, thanks!! To understand we must read:

    Ezekiel 33: 6 & 8 (Amplified Bible)
    6But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any one of them, he is taken away in and for his perversity and iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.
    8When I say to the wicked, O wicked man, you shall surely die, and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his perversity and iniquity, but his blood will I require at your hand.

    It is for this reason we have to sound the trumpet, he goes on saying.

    You just keep asking Mark that question DTW endure!

  20. blank cecilia says:

    Bloomie, March 19th

    Awana (derived from the first letters of Approved workmen are not ashamed as taken from 2 Timothy 2:15) is an international evangelical nonprofit organization founded in 1950, headquartered in Streamwood, Illinois. The mission of Awana is to help “churches and parents worldwide raise children and youth to know, love and serve Christ.”[1]

    Streamwood is home to nine Christian churches:
    • Faith Missionary Baptist Church
    • Immanuel United Church of Christ
    • Grace Bible Church
    • Grace Lutheran Church
    • Mercy Community Church
    • New Hope Community
    • St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
    • The Church in Streamwood
    • Truelight Lutheran Church,_Illinois

    >>> my feelings: this is a perfect example of the new (world) evangelical / missionary branch, handling differences by concentrating on mutual shared and “agree to disagree” aspects. And yes, the children, the youth, the young hearts and minds are chosen to work on.
    When we look at the NINE churches involved in this, it could spell out tolerance, compromising, love and mutual acceptance.
    Bloomie, You have lots of reading to do @ websites provided, where you will be pointed to different links about this vast subject.

  21. Mark

    We’ve had this discussion and what you ‘think’ vs what the bible says are two different things. You play the field. You are friends with all sorts. You agree with them and mock me and then you come here and act like a saint.

    I was actually thinking about you last night and I thought, ‘why do I even give this guy my time, he is a trickster like the rest of them. He knows the gospel, he has a Bible, he can read, he has a brain, so I don’t need to waste any more of my time on him. He has no excuse.’

    So, go away Mark.

    And just to let you know, you are the worst Change Agent I have ever come across. I think you need to go on more courses.

  22. Elmarie

    very true words said Oom Christo, thanks!! To understand we must read:

    Ezekiel 33: 6 & 8 (Amplified Bible)
    6But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any one of them, he is taken away in and for his perversity and iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.
    8When I say to the wicked, O wicked man, you shall surely die, and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his perversity and iniquity, but his blood will I require at your hand.

    It is for this reason we have to sound the trumpet, he goes on saying.

    I think I missed something here. Who is oom Christo?

  23. blank geoff says:

    I am saving all my comments of your page (snapshot & in Internet explorer to prove you are a liar by deleting what you cannot back up biblically.

    [EDITED: That’s fine. Snap shot this one too – rules and regulations IN FACT SNAPSHOT MY ENTIRE BLOG and then go and speak to someone who cares about your insulting comments being deleted on my blog. Your first few comments on this topic spell out exactly the type of person who lands in my blacklist section. Please do me a favour and email John MacArthur’s ministry this article and all your snapshot comments too. Let’s make sure he gets it.

    In fact if you can get any one of them to come and comment on this article that would be a miracle.]

  24. blank Elmarie A says:

    Deborah (Discerning the World)

    I think I missed something here. Who is oom Christo?

    He is also a watchmen on the wall I made contact with in the past week. Will mail you the details. He wrote me a letter about his ministry and also share the very same views as ourselves and DTW. Words in his letter just came to mind while I did the post. Copy of his letter to you will explain more. Sorry for the confusion caused. lol

  25. blank cecilia says:

    we went 2 the movies – saw “The Book of Eli”. mmmmmmm…. I’ve been telling people for some time now to learn Scripture by heart; the day the Word is gonna be taken away (forcefully) and all burned up, is nearing… and how many will be able to quote correctly from the Bible as it is written, not as is added…

  26. What’s the Holy Spirit for C? He is the one that guides us. They can throw bibles away and yet when the time comes you will be able to say what you need to say because the Holy Spirit abides in you.

    Or you can have people quote scripture to you until the cows come home who are still not saved…

  27. Elmarie

    >> He wrote me a letter about his ministry and also share the very same views as ourselves and DTW

    I’ll check it out before I agree, or not…

  28. Elmarie

    Ok, I know who he is. Thank you!

  29. blank Elmarie A says:

    Deborah (Discerning the World)

    Okie dokie. 🙂

  30. blank cecilia says:

    agree Debs! thanks for saying that! totally Agree!

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