Turn2God at the Union Buildings was…
Turn2God at the Union Buildings was…A Call to a Christian type of Shaira law
Line up:
Angus Buchan * Keke * Soweto Gospel Choir * Graham Power * Elza Meyer * Zane Maes * Retief Burger * Jackson Xhosa * Lionel Peterson * Bennie Mostert * Joe Niemand * Louis Brittz * Rhema South Worship Team * Marlon Van * Nedine Blom * Soekie and the Radikids, etc.
It was your typical Dominionist fashioned, Apostolic and Prophetic, stake your patch of kingdom earth before it’s too late, unbiblical nonsense.
Elza Meyer had a vision from God one morning to host Turn2God.
They expected 40,000 people to show up and pay +/- R100 for seats. (These things are no longer for free). But instead her god only managed to get 15,000 paying people to show up, or less.
The rest of the day there was this echo from the stage where the speakers constantly reminded us how terrible it was that people actually took their invitation to sit on the grass for free.
There also seemed to be terrible feedback from the speakers; mumbles and grumbles that said “if no one came….they would have carried on worshipping God all by themselves.” Their constant hinting at the lack of turnout and paying attendees was very sad. Bennie Mostert told the crowd much later during the day, during a ‘Give us Money’ spree that they (the pastors) were very very poor, underpaid and needed money.
Elza says of the musicians; Soweto Gospel Choir, a full orchestra along with Retief Burger, Joe Niemand and Louis Brittz who are singing praise and worship tunes, that their music will “usher us into the Holy of Holies“.
Flag bearers came walking toward the stage from the North, the South, the East and the West carrying flags from each country of the world where Dominionist missionaries operate. These flags were placed in place holders at the front of the stage. The entire process symbolised countries coming together in UNITY to ask God for mercy.
Before the Turn2God gathering took place there were little spiritual warriors that had strategically moved from each province, going through towns, praying over them, binding them using territorial spiritual warfare, by way of collecting SOIL from each town they stopped at. This symbolised their ‘capturing’ of that land and ‘reclaiming’ it for God.
Elza Meyer tells us that back in 1999 there was a prophecy about a silver trumpet that would be blown in South Africa. “The blowing of the silver trumpet will bring salvation to this nation” we were told. Well to our amazement a guy steps out on stage and starts blowing a silver trumpet. Wow, a prophecy fulfilled right in front of our eyes. How many people fell for that one?
Later a guy comes out (not sure if it was the same guy that blew the silver trumpet) and he blows a gold trumpet. I have no idea why! But I am guessing we will possibly find out at the next show that on the 6th March 2010 a gold trumpet was blown and that signified the fulfilment of a prophecy of the silver trumpet being blown. Errr….
Elza speaks about ‘cutting covenant’ with God and that it was the most fearful day of her life. I am not sure why. Because being born again is the most joyful day of ones life. But if we look at the god she serves (based on false teaching) it becomes horribly clear as to why she is so scared. Another reason why she had to continuously let us know how fearful this ‘cutting of the covenant’ was (which, by the way is totally unbiblical), was to let us know that she can be trusted, she would never lie and this covenant has her dangling from a thread – any wrong move from her would seriously damage her covenant with God.
Linda Gobodo from Vuka Africa comes on stage and tell us how ‘they’ went around and BROKE UNGODLY ALTARS across the different provinces of South Africa and then stopped in Pretoria and created a NEW ALTAR TO GOD. Linda gives a message to Elza and says, “God is going to restore Africa, Believe it!”
Up comes Bennie Mostert a pastor at the NGK Moreletapark and runs the prayer ministry Jericho Walls. He speak about corruption in this country and how bad it is and that South Africa needs to turn back to God. Just as the government has a bad rep for stealing money, the church has a bad reputation for stealing money too and this needs to stop, he says.
He then mentions Malachi 4 and says that if we don’t tithe we bring a curse on this country. How’s that for a solution to sin? These people speak about repentance of sin, but it’s only said for ‘show’. Tithing to the church, giving your money away has replace repentance. So based on what Bennie said, the model should look something like this:
- Government is corrupt
- Church is corrupt
- Church does not tithe – they rob God
- God curses land
- Church does not tithe – they rob God
- Church is corrupt
- Church tithes
- God is no longer being robed of his Old Testament LAW of tithes
- Church becomes uncorrupt
- Government becomes uncorrupt
- Church becomes uncorrupt
- God is no longer being robed of his Old Testament LAW of tithes
- God blesses land
Bennie speaks about Love and Grace. He said that if you point fingers at others you don’t have grace. How do you overcome this finger pointing problem? Well, you pray many times a day not to point fingers he says. Bennie then points fingers at the people of South Africa and at the Union Building and says “every sin we can point out in government we can point out in the church”. Sin is not paying your tithes he tries to persuade us again.
The music kicks in and one of the main musician’ Louis Brittz says, “There is a special anointing when you sing African music to the Lord.”
Graham Power steps up to the plate and tells us how Peter Pollock (who publishes ‘Prepare the Way’ magazine) led him to pray the sinner’s prayer with him one morning at a breakfast meeting. 18 months later Graham had 3 visions between 4am and 6am in the morning.
Vision 1
God told him to hire Newlands for the Global Day of Prayer where all churches of all denominations will come together, hold hands and pray and the prayer movement will roll across the world. This prayer meeting took place and approximately 320 million people around the world prayed in one massive ecumenical prayer day.
Vision 2
He awakes one morning with electricity running through his body, convulsing like nuts, and God shows him a vision of 3 waves:
- 1st wave: The prayer wave
- 2nd wave: The ethics, values and clean living wave
- 3rd wave: The revival, transformation of South Africa and Africa wave
Graham Power never went on to mention his 3rd vision. Or was it this one:
In his talk Graham again reviewed the vision that he had of transforming South Africa, Africa and eventually the whole world. He devoted much attention to an experience that he had in February 2002 when he attended a prayer breakfast for men in Stellenbosch. The speaker was a 28-year old Coloured man of Khoi descent. He was a former gangster whose whole body is tattooed. The topic that morning was “The Holy Spirit.” Afterwards, the speaker invited the men to come forward and receive the Holy Spirit. One of them ran away but most remained behind to receive the “blessing” of being slain in the Spirit.
Graham said that when he was touched on his shoulder he fell down but rose again after a short while. He fell down two more times. The third time he lay on the ground for 1½ hours. He felt an electric-like current flowing through his body while having “an amazing experience.” He also heard a voice speaking to him, saying, “I am the spine,” (six times), “I am the head of the spine” (six times), “I am the king” (six times) and “I am the king of kings” (six times).
Immediately afterwards, Graham had an experience outside his body. He saw himself lying on the floor on his back with his arms stretched out in the form of a cross. He then saw Africa forming around his body with his feet in Cape Town and his head in Egypt. His hands pointed toward East and West Africa. He felt a strange sensation of pain rising from his feet and legs through his spine to his shoulders and arms. He interpreted this as a revival and transformation movement that will spread from South Africa to central Africa, and eventually to the whole of Africa. He also saw his arms becoming longer and reaching around the globe. This indicated that the movement that has started in South Africa would ultimately encompass the whole world. PLEASE SEE HERE FOR FULL ARTICLE — Graham Power & Angus Buchan – The Transformation of Africa
The 3rd Wave is what the New Apostolic Reformation with C. Peter Wagner in the USA have been speaking about for a few years now. And I always wondered what on earth they were talking about. It was not The 3rd Wave, but 3 waves.
In between all this somewhere Turn2God uses our rugby players to help gain support for their One World Religious cause. I can’t remember who they were, but they were helping some guy promote ‘Turn2God’ rugby and soccer balls that you can guy and give to family and friends that will somehow lead them to God. (I think at this point I was trying to find food to eat – so I was not paying to much attention).
Graham Power introduces us to Steve Johnson who pops onto the stage and speaks about an initiative called Unashamedly Ethical who’s logo is the shape of a little rainbow. He challenges the people into signing a pledge that states they are unashamedly Christian by submitting themselves to a new set of 10 commandments. You will then be governed by a Christian Ombudsman (the Christian version of Muslim Shira law). Graham Power says it only takes 3 to 4% of the countries population to make a huge impact.
Bennie Mostert comes back on and then in typical contradictory fashion says that Chrisitians never challenge each other. But Steve Johnson challenged the people to sign the form. He even asked the crowd to stand if they are willing to sign. Of course 99% stood, what ever are they to do? Keep sitting? They are all Christians after all.
Bennie Mostert held a ‘Give us Money’ campaign. He shared that they needed R1.1 million to cover their costs. But does not mention what costs they need to cover. A bit of transparency would have been nice.
‘Who will give us R25,000?’ he said. ‘Please put your hand up. That’s R25,000. Thank you sir, in the back. Who can give us R25,000? Thank you mam. Thank you. Please just stand up. Thank you over there…. Ok who can give us R10,000…. *hands go up*, who can gives us R5000…. *more hands go up*, who can give us R1000? *even more hands go up*. Who can spare just R500!” he says. By now 70% of the 15,000 crowd are standing.
If you don’t have cash with you, don’t worry, there are ATM’s available as mentioned earlier on in the day.
Soekie (Sandra) Schoeman led a group of little kids onto the stage; they had been practising their ‘onward little Christians soldiers’ song for ages now and wanted to perform it to the crowd.
These children are none the wiser as to the false Christian movement they have been forced into. They really do believe in Jesus. Soekie and her Joel’s Army band of brothers on that other hand know EXACTLY what they are following and it’s not the Jesus Christ as mentioned in the Bible. They are trying to create a ‘New Breed’ of Christian and are using your children to do it. These children came from orphanages, they are well looked after I am sure, but are being led into something they know nothing about.
After this, a lot of talk went into how ‘Children are the future’ and that children are going to play a BIG part in the end time Latter Rain Manifest Sons of God harvest.
All politicians are called onto the stage. You would expect the likes of Julius Dilemma to show up (after all he needs the most prayer). But nope, surprise; Democratic Alliance leader Helen Zille shows up and Freedom Front Plus leader Pieter Mulder. Elza makes a very quick apology to the crowd; there were supposed to be more politicians appearing on stage, but they did not show up.
Angus, Jackson Xhoza, Graham, Elza, Bennie and the some others start praying over Helen Zulle. It was a huge display of interfaith in action.
Zille told Rapport she shared the crowd’s belief in the importance of love. Mulder said the Christian faith had to be lived voluntarily and not enforced by law, as some speakers at the event called for. —
Thank you Pieter Milder for having 2 open eyes. I hope.
Then Angus Buchan finally comes onto the stage. My potatoe chips are now really crispy after having to sit in the sun all day long. So what does Angus have to say to us? Nothing. It’s the same mumbo jumbo as before. I must say that he definitely has a fixation with clouds. As he knelt down to pray he pointed to a cloud gently flying by, being pushed by a normal breeze, that naturally moved in front of the sun for all of 10 seconds. He declared that ‘sign’ as the presence of God! Incredible. Then a gentle cool breeze blew (like it did throughout the day), and he likened that to the Holy Spirit moving over the people. Oh boy.
Anyhow, to cut a big potatoe really smaller – Angus, near the end of his performance shouts out at the top of his voice, ‘The time is NOW, for the MANIFESTATIONS OF THE SONS OF GOD!!!”
So when the event is finally nearing its end the Apostles and Prophets have gotta do it in style. A Beautiful white horse is led between the crowd (down the isles) from the front of the stage toward the Union Buildings at the back. The flag bearers pick up their flags again and follow the horse out of the crowd and move in their designated compass directions as before.
We were told by Elza that if you look really closely you will see Jesus riding the white horse. No really. That’s what she said! He is there, you just can’t see him.
I had to do some serious ducking and diving to get these ‘ACTION’ photos.

Elza Meyer, Helen Zulle and Bennie Mostert (Left to right)

Angus Buchan praying over Helen Zulle and for all politicians

Graham Power and Steve Johnson from Unashamedly Ethical (Right to Left)

Angus Buchan declaring “The time is NOW for the MANIFESTATION of the SONS OF GOD”

Little Christian Soldiers – Children recruited for Joel’s Army

Flag bearers walking North, South, East and West (Spiritual Warfare)

Union Building with Flag bearers at North point

Imaginary Jesus sitting on the white horse – If you look closely you won’t see Him

Close up of White Horse and you still can’t see Jesus

Emergent/Ecumenical Minister ‘Deon Forster’ enjoying the Turn2God Praise and Worship Music
And what da ya know, Mr Rick Warren in South Africa Capetown 2010, noooo not to watch soccer. His name listed as number 23 on list below as part of advisory council.
We are going to be hit by an enormous tsunami.
The start of the Lausanne movement.
Read on further here.
Deborah (Discerning the World)
You will see by my posts it forms a much bigger picture of what is really going on and has been for years. So Rick Warren follows in Billy Graham’s footsteps. Question Could Graham Power become the African continents Rick Warren?
I was on a bit of a roll here, there is so much more info but I think I have congested things enough for tonite. lol
Nah, I think there is someone one else in South Africa pulling the strings and his name is Michael Cassidy.
Deborah (Discerning the World)
I see……Don’t know much about MC.
[EDITED: Check under my categories for Michael Cassidy]
Deborah (Discerning the World)
Will do so. Thanks
Some Youtube clips on
Cape Town 2010: The Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization
Do I hear New Age in what GT is saying? Need second opinion here please!!
Aricle with Albert Mohler and Geof Tunnicliffe’s names mentioned.
Evangelicalism needs to be centered on faith, not politics.
June 26, 2008
This carpet is so interwoven, we cannot even begin to imagine!!
Letter of praise??
Read more here:
I am sorry but I laughted at the white horse and said “Sorry Lord but you gave me this sense of humour” Lol that was funny.I think God smiled at it as well.
Update MMC : Sorry I could not find the english version.
I am simply going to ask it straight out. Who has picked up Tammie Trents cry act 10 years after her husband died, mysteriously. I have groaned and have tried ignoring what I think and it wont go away. Who knows about that small quiet voice. I battle to believe a word she says and i am no police man, just a turned on child of GOD. I would appreciate any in put if anyone knows where I am coming from. I keep seeing an oxygen bottle smashed over his head. Why?
Nope, I can’t say anyone would know where you are coming from on this one. Does it have anything to do with the Turn2God event?
Dear Deborah,
I have just come across this website.
I am one of the ombudsman of UE.
I confess I am not really able to make out at all times what points the various parties are trying to make. Suffice to say that there might be some misconceptions about the role of the ombudsman in the UE campaign.
As a lawyer my task is to adjudicate on whether any member of UE has breached the constitution of UE. As in all voluntary associations, there is a constitution and members are obliged to comply with such a constitution if they want to remain members of such voluntary association.
You will note from the Code of Conduct, (which for your convenience I have attached below), that there is no faith requirement. Thus an atheist who is able and willing to commit himself to honest and ethical conduct in his business dealings is able to be a member. On closer scrutiny of the Code you will note that there are no innovations there. The conduct required is virtually identical to the conduct which sound governance business practices have required for many years. In this regard a possible innovation is the focus on the dignity of the employee, which of course is at the heart of all monotheistic world religions, secular humanism and the South African constitution.
Dealing with my role/capacity – to ensure my independence (and that of my co-ombudsman, Graeme Dorrington) I am not a member of UE (neither is Graeme Dorrington) and Graeme and I receive a modest monthly retainer, which we share, for professional services rendered. Our appointments are for a fixed period and we can only be removed for exceptional reasons as set out in the constitution. This security of tenure is vital to ensure our independence, especially if faced with a complaint against an influential member of UE.
Trust this clarifies things.
Kind regards,
Keith Matthee
Members shall be honest and ethical in all their business dealings, including but not limited to:
That members refuse to elicit, accept or pay any bribes, and to report those who do.
That members negotiate and award all contracts with integrity.
That members take no part in price fixing, collusion, fronting or misrepresentation of their business credentials and/or contributions to transformation.
That members pay their taxes.
That members pay reasonable salaries and wages, and pay them on time.
That members treat their employees with dignity.
Oh I am so thankful you came to speak to me. Can I ask you a very important question. And I understand now that you are completely separate from the UE. Thanks for the clarification.
This idea sounds all very well and good, but this is being promoted as a Christian thing. I understand that one can be any religion as long as you obey the code of conduct. My worry is this:
This is an organisation thats ultimate goal is to create a ‘Christian’ OK let’s call it the ‘The godly’ yellow pages where you would want to support or render services from someone who has the same moral code as you. Now who does not want that? It’s good right? Of course yes. Not going to argue that point. And a very clever idea it is.
What bothers me is what happens when this organisation gets so large (and it will) that it begins to control who can buy and sell. As I understand in the future there will be ‘benefits’ to those who belong, like massive discounts on purchases (if you can identify yourself as a member), even a card (like a debit card of sorts) to the point of the opening of a bank.
Can you imagine one day not being able to buy or sell because someone insists you were not truthful and you are removed from the organisation. You see my concern here? What about this organisation getting so big that it controls the lives of people and those who start to fear and want to remove themselves will no longer be able buy or sell?
Is this the start of people being thrown into a position that when the implantable microchip comes out that people already have their money tied up in an organisation/bank and will lose everything in the blink of an eye.
Just my thoughts (based on some well researched information).
Deborah (Discerning the World)
Wow i’m still reading the above post Debs. Well done. Yikes I see what you are saying. I know about all this but Yikes is about how close we are getting.
I eco your thoughts here too.
After I saw “Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barak Obama dvd that I told you about? This makes so much more sense to me now. The Laussanne movement are also linked here. I’m pretty sure we will find a link. In fact there must be a link.
That is how close we are… it’s right on top of us infact and no one even sees it.
Is Julius Dilemma a well placed and timely trigger to get people to sign up for a moral country?
Yes indeed!!!!
Man oh man. I’m actually half speechless here.
You know what I mean??
I should be a political analyst. These other guys out there are useless. lol
keith matthee
I Eco Deborah’s words here
Thank You !!
Yes you should and You won’t be useless lol lol
[Edited by DTW: Haha. That’s more like the cool look]
Can you watch the E TV NEWS Program with Angus in ten minutes??
If not. I will update you 🙂
I can’t I don’t have DSTV. Ah wait, let me ask the ones with money who can afford sattelite, they are called my parents. haha.
Well hmmmm you know the demon of Fear is there! In the people who are afraid. Talking about the blind who are being led astray.
Mission complete.
Deborah (Discerning the World)
Ok just watched it and yes, what he says has nothing to do with true christianity. He said that “All the people must come to MCC” and that means “everybody” muslim, hindu, aspro, disprin, and look to God. Now I just want to know which god? There are sooooo many god’s and idols.
I will find video clip and maybe you can add it to article above as follow up.
You kidding? That’s all? I thought it was going to be something serious. My parents are going to kill me for wasting their time. Jussstttttt kiddingggggg 😉
Keith Matthee
Are you saying that this is true in Islam? Could you please give a chapter and verse reference from the Koran to back it up?
Etienne Piek: Calling South Africans to prayer