Second 8th Week – Christ appears in cloud at Mosselbay

Second 8th Week

Second 8th Week – Christ appears in cloud at Mosselbay

Rosa Ellis from Second 8th Week took a photo using her cell phone while in Danabaai where she claims you can clearly see Christ holding a lamb in his arms. Rina Bekker says this is also a sign of the end times.

I did a Google Translate on the Rapport Article from Afrikaans to English below – Sorry if the translation is not great, I did a quick fix, it should suffice.

Is dit Christus in die Mosselbaai-wolke?  (English article below)

Johannes de Villiers   –  2010-02-13 23:18

Die wêreld is in beroering nadat ‘n groep Suid-Kaapse Christene glo die eerste tekens van Christus se wederkoms in die wolke bokant Mosselbaai gewaar het.

Sedert die Mosselbaaise dorpskoerant The Mossel Bay Advertiser verlede maand foto’s gepubliseer het van ‘n trompet en Christus self wat in die wolke sweef (aldus die plaaslike godsdiensgroep Second 8th Week) stroom reaksie van so ver as Saoedi-Arabiê en Washington DC in.

Apostel Rina Bekker van Second 8th Week meen die bal is aan die rol vir die wederkoms.

Second 8th Week is ‘n Christelike beweging met ‘n sterk apokaliptiese inslag. Bekker het ‘n paar jaar gelede die eerste tak in Suid-Afrika gestig. Benewens die Bybel plaas hulle ook groot klem op die apokaliptiese boek van Henog en die voorspellings van Siener van Rensburg. (Siener het volgens Bekker gesê ‘n wêreldwye herlewing gaan in Mosselbaai begin. “Hy het die wiel van hier af na die Kalahari sien rol, en van daar oor die hele wêreld.”)

Een van die beweging se volgelinge het glo al in 2006 ‘n reeks foto’s geneem van iets soos ‘n rooierige trompet wat bokant die Suid-Kaapse sonsondergang sweef.

Toe die foto’s verlede maand in The Mossel Bay Advertisergepubliseer is, het dit enorme belangstelling ontlok.

Hierna het me. Rosa Ellis vir die koerant ‘n foto gestuur wat sy in Danabaai geneem het van wolke wat lyk na Christus die Herder met ‘n lam in die waai van sy een arm.

Dié storie is ‘n paar keer deur die Advertiseropgevolg en het tot navrae uit Engeland, Amerika, Zimbabwe en elders gelei. “Ek voel al ek moet ‘n PA kry om die navrae te hanteer,” sê Lucinda Ross, verslaggewer van die koerant.

“Mense kom nou al na Mosselbaai om te sien wat volgende gaan gebeur,” vertel die apostel.

– ‘n Vrou van Groblersdal het laat weet die Here sê sy moet Mosselbaai toe kom – sy pak al haar goed.”

Second 8th Week is nie verwant aan enige hoofstroomkerk nie, sê Bekker. Hulle glo God sal in die eindtye eers sy Bruid reinig.

Die laaste ruk sien sy en lede van haar bewegings glo ook engele. “Ons sien hulle veral in Mosselbaai. Jy sien ‘n engel in ‘n ligflits. Soms is hy so klein soos ‘n koppiespeld. Soms ‘n helder lig. Soms ‘n lang streep. Jy kan sien dit is bonatuurlik.”

Een NG predikant sê egter hy is skepties oor Second 8th Week se bedrywighede. Ds. Sieg Louw, wat tot onlangs in Mosselbaai gewoon het, meen dié groep stamp gans te veel koppe met die ander kerke in die dorp.

“Dit bly vir my vreemd dat Second 8th Week sê hulle heg groot waarde aan kerkeenheid, maar in dieselfde asem sê hulle alle ander kerke is vals kerke.

“Dit is beslis nie vir my om te sê met wie God praat en wie nie. Ek is wel skepties oor die interpretasies wat aan hierdie foto’s geheg word.”

– Rapport


Is Christ in the Mosselbay clouds?

Johannes de Villiers

The world is in turmoil after a group of Southern Cape Christians believe the first signs of Christ’s coming in the clouds above Mossel Bay was noted.

Since the Mosselbay town newspaper, The Mossel Bay Advertiser last month published photos of a trumpet and Christ in the clouds floating (according to local congrecation Second 8th Week) they have had responses from as far away as Saudi Arabia and in Washington DC.

Apostle Rina Bekker of Second 8th Week believes the ball is on the role for the future.

Second 8th Week is a Christian movement with a strong apocalyptic slant. Bekker founded the first branch in South Africa a few years ago.  Besides the Bible, they also place great emphasis on the apocalyptic book of Enoch and the predictions of Siener van Rensburg. (Siener Bekker said, according to a worldwide revival will begin in Mossel Bay. “He saw the whole film from here to the Kalahari  and from there across the world.”)

One of the movement’s followers have been convinced in 2006 a series of photographs taken of something like a reddish trumpet above the South Cape sunset floats.

When the photos were published last month in The Mossel Bay Advertiser, it has provoked enormous interest.

After that Rosa Ellis sent the newspaper a photo taken in Danabaai that she took of clouds that seem to show Christ the Shepherd with a lamb in one blow of his arm.

This story has been followed up a few times by the Advertiser and since then we have had inquiries from England, America, Zimbabwe and elsewhere.  “I feel I need a PA to handle all the queries,” said Lucinda Ross, a reporter for the newspaper.

“People have already come to Mosselbay to see what will happen next,” said the apostle.

– A Woman of Groblersdal had informed us that the Lord said she should come to Mosselbay – she is currently packing all her belongings. ”

Second 8th Week is not related to any head church of some sort, says Bekker.  They believe God will in the end times harvest the Briden.

She said that members of her movement believe  in angels.  “We see it mainly in Mossel Bay. You see an angel in a split second. Sometimes he is as small as an eye of the kneedle.  Sometimes a bright light.  Sometimes a long line. You can see it is supernatural.”

An NG minister says he is skeptical about Second 8th Week’s activities. Sieg Louw, who recently lived in Mosselbay, believes that the group constantly bumps heads with the other churches in the town.

“It remains surprising to me that Second 8th Week said they attach great value to church unity, but in the same breath they say all other churches are false churches.”

“This is definitely not for me to say with whom God speaks and who does not. I’m quite skeptical about the interpretations of these photographs however. ”

–  Report


I say no more.  When people read their bibles, I might decided to comment further.


Please share:

Deborah (Discerning the World)

Deborah Ellish is the author of the above article. Discerning the World is an internet Christian Ministry based in Johannesburg South Africa. Tom Lessing and Deborah Ellish both own Discerning the World. For more information see the About this Website page below the comments section.

57 Responses

  1. blank Ali B says:

    Ek dink mense moet ‘n bietjie verder gaan dink oor wat hulle as “wederkoms tekens” voorstel aan die wêreld. Tekens in die lug van trompette en lammetjies? Dis ‘n bietjie kortsigtig. Daar is groter tekens wat julle mis mense. Aardbewings in Haiti, Chile en nou ook in Turkye, droogte, tsunamis. Snaaks dat dit alles in so ‘n kort tydjie op mekaar gevolg het. Julle haal allerhande verse uit die bybel op, maar wat van Openbaringe? Lees dit ‘n bietjie deur, kyk na die disasters wat aan die gebeur is en dink weer.

  2. blank Ali B says:

    En by the way, Christus gaan nie net homself aan een dorpie voorstel nie. Die hele wereld sal hom te sien kry.

  3. blank Hans Matthysen says:

    Jud 1:10 Maar hierdie mense belaster alles wat hulle nie ken nie; en alles wat hulle, soos die redelose diere, op natuurlike wyse verstaan, daardeur gaan hulle te gronde.

  4. blank cecilia says:

    There’s a good chart/list of earthquake statistics on:
    according to that there was in this year already 505 earthquakes with magnitude between 5.0 and 9.9.
    should make people think a bit.
    although: the population on earth has increased so dramatically that many will be killed today against very few in the past taken on the same earthquake magnitude.

  5. blank Elmarie A says:

    Hans Matthysen

    Wie spreek jy aan ?

  6. blank cecilia says:

    ek sekondeer Elmarie! sy kommentaar ‘hang’ bietjie in die lug!

  7. blank Elmarie A says:


    How do I get email to you ? don’t want to post mine for you here what to do do? Have a nice news letter from LTradio they emailed me on The Earth is Shaking . It is not avail on their site as a link. I cannot post here it is too biiiiigggggg!!

    Oh by the way there was just on Enews flash another 7 mag just hit Chile couple of hours ago as their presidential inaugeration was on the go.

    yelp. to email.

  8. blank Elmarie A says:

    Thanks !!! sent emails to A, C & D

    Hey what do you know A, B, C, D & E

    Did not send email to B

    hie hie ha ha

  9. blank Hans Matthysen says:

    Elmarie, ek spreek sommer almal aan wat dinge op ‘n natuurlike wyse wil probeer verstaan.

  10. blank Elmarie A says:

    Hans Matthysen

    Brei bietjie uit as jy kan asb.

    Hoe verstaan mens dinge op n natuurlike wyse?

  11. blank Thomas Lessing says:


    Is die wokle dan juis nie daar om net die weer te voorspel en nie die wederkoms van die Here nie? Ek stem saam dat die koms van die Here baie naby is, maar ons moet baie versigtig wees om ‘n teken en wonder in elke natuurverskynsel te sien, veral wanneer dit kwansuis in die vorm van ‘n menslike figuur, ‘n engel of iets dergliks is. Sê die Here dan nie juis:

    Matteus 16:4 ‘n Slegte en owerspelige geslag soek na ‘n teken, en geen teken sal aan hom gegee word nie, behalwe die teken van Jona, die profeet.

    Dit help nogal om ook die daaropvolgende versies te lees en nie net te fokus op ‘n enkele ene nie.

    Die Bybel sê nêrens vir ons dat natuurverskynsels soos wolke in die vorm van mense en engelefigure die wederkoms van Jesus sal aankondig nie. Dit sê wel dat daar hewige natuurverskynsels sal wees soos aardbewings, maar dis al.

    As jy na tekens en wonders soek om jou geloof in die werderkoms te versterk, is jy besig om ongehoorsaam te wees aan Jesus Christus want Hy het baie duidelik gesê dat slegte en owerspelige mense (in die geestelike sin van die woord) na tekens en wonders soek.

  12. OKAYYY

    Just in case you were wondering what happened to my blog for a few hours. I was taken down by some Christians who thought it necessary to stop me.

    See I am not a change agent and wont meet for coffee and this is a BIG problem for them. My problem is I don’t drink coffee…oh and that their intentions are purely 100% false.

    I will write a small article tomorrow called ‘the coffee shop next door’. I knew this cool title would come in use sooner or later.


    If you posted any comments and it did not go through, I ask that you post them again.

    This donkey is on the move again…

  13. blank Hans Matthysen says:

    Elmarie, kyk maar na die saaier waar Jesus vir ons sê, dat die saad is die woord ens. Hy verwys nie na natuurlike saad, soos ‘n mielieput of so. Wanneer ons lees van wolke dan dink ons nie aan natuurlike wolke nie maar na die wolke soos in Heb. 1 gemeld word. Water is byvoorbeeld evangelie en dit is al wat die mens se binneste denke kan reinig.

  14. blank Hannes says:

    Daar is net 1 ding waarvan ek nie hou nie en dit is die feit dat almal altyd die eindtyd sien en voorspel. Net GOD weet wanneer die eindtyd is. Wens net die mense wil ophou met die eindtyd snot want dis amper asof hulle siek siele wil he die wereld moet eindig. Ek voel almal moet net hulself rekry en ophou bekomerd wees oor die aarde wat gan vergaan en net seker wees dat hul sake met GOD in orde is wanneer dit gebeur. En ja ek weet dit is `n baie ou post maar ek het my se gese en dis al wat tel. Dankie!

  15. A friend of mine also took a photo of this, and God spoke to her and let her know:
    The truth is Jesus says he “separates the chaff from the wheat”, but God told the ladies hearing God’s voice and working as spiritual workers under poor people about this picture:
    “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life”.
    So that is what we listed on our website
    See also the photo of Jesus’ hands as well as God’s hand (left side)
    God told the ladies: “My grace is upon South Africa” (click on “contact us”)

  16. Elizabeth

    Satan knows the bible too. He quotes scripture well doesn’t he? We have already met your nutcase apostle Eric von whatever his name is. You guys have been busted – See this article:

  17. blank Robbie says:

    Elisabeth and then their is an old saying…
    Mat 12:39… An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign;

    And then: Mat 16:1 The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired him that he would shew them a sign from heaven.

    Oh, the tempting of the Pharisees.

  18. blank Malherbe says:

    Aijajai, wanneer ek so na al die kommentaar hierbo lees, kan ek nie help om met dankbaarheid vervul te wees dat ek nie meer in hierdie twak glo nie. Genugtig mense, lees jul eie kommentaar. Mense in wolke? Die eindtye? Dit is tog oneindig meer waarskynlik dat dit doodeenvoudig ‘n wolk is toevallig in die vorm van ‘n mens … en ook net indien jy jou verbeelding bietjie teuels gee.

  19. Malherbe

    Unfortunately we are dealing with an actual CULT here,

  20. blank tom jensen says:

    Thanks for a nice picture and a great blog.
    I will refer to it from my website
    God Bless You

  21. blank Carm says:

    Looks like a Blue Beam / HAARP experiment. This kinda stuff is popping up all over the internet – hands, faces, crosses in the sky…

    Nice to see “god” caters for the Eastern Orhtodox community as well:

    And these sky signs are not limited to christian taste buds:

    Sky signs?
    We should not be ignorant of Satan’s devices…

  22. blank Geert De Decker says:

    [delete – no swearing allowed]

  23. blank Abe says:

    As far as I understand a little bit of the Bible – it says that people must not look for signs of Jesus’ return – and for those who are on their christian pedastills think that they can judge others, no matter what your belief the Bible teaches that you should not judge lest be judged. The Bible also says that those who think they are first will be last.

  24. Abe

    >> As far as I understand a little bit of the Bible

    I am sorry to say but there is your first problem. How can you come on here and tell us what the bible says when you know so little of what the bible actually says?

    The bible commands us to judge Abe, we are to judge the words that others speak and test them according to the bible to see if what they say is true. See the following articles to help you get some biblical insight on what Christian judging is all about.

    As Christians We Must Judge Righteously
    Do Not Tolerate Wicked People
    Mark Them Which Cause Division

    As for the verse you quote, “that those who think they are first will be last.”

    My goodness Abe, try read the all the verses around this verse to get an understanding of what this actually means. You can’t just pick out little sentences in the bible and quote them as you please believing what you are now saying is the truth.

    Jesus said the following “many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first” in His reply to his disciples’ asking what reward they would receive for giving up everything on earth to follow Jesus (Matthew 19:27-30; Mark 10:28-31). Jesus told his disciples they would be greatly rewarded in heaven for giving up everything to follow Him. Jesus was making a contrast between the rich young ruler, who was unwilling to give up pretty much nothing for Jesus (Matthew 16-22). So Jesus tells His disciples that the LAST in this world (that being the disciples who gave up everything to follow Jesus) would be FIRST in the kingdom of heaven. However, the FIRST in this world (the rich refusing to give up anything for Jesus) would be the LAST TO FIND the kingdom of heaven.

  25. blank Dan says:

    Deborah (Discerning the World) wrote:

    As Christians We Must Judge Righteously
    Do Not Tolerate Wicked People
    Mark Them Which Cause Division

    Deborah, of the three links you provided, the last two relate to the same article. Could you post those three links again plz. I would also like to check them out. Thank you!

    [Edited by DTW: Oops sorry, I have fixed the last one to the correct url]

  26. Goeiedag…

    My naam is Connie van Wyk en ek is die persoon wat die trompetfotos oor Mosselbaai geneem het. Om dinge eenvoudig te hou gaan ek nie in diep gesprek ingaan oor alles wat hierbo geskryf en op geantwoord is nie, maar gaan alleenlik die link hier pos waar moontlike belangstellendes dieper insig sal kan kry en die ware konneksies sal kan maak tussen die trompetfoto, en die eindtyd werk wat God reeds hier op aarde begin het nou in hierdie laaste dae.

    Die naam van die link is “What Is Covenant?” ~ [url removed] Dit is my gebed dat die wat werklik soekend is, die tyd sal maak om te lees en bereid sal wees om te hoor wat die Gees nou in hierdie laaste dae vir die kerke se.

    (Ek wil ook noem dat daar sekere punte in die artikel hierbo is wat nie heeltemal feitelik is nie)

    Groete Connie

  27. Connie

    Your s8Wministries and it’s leader has been exposed as a cult.

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