Dr. Chuck Missler, SWANsat and the Auric Currency
Dr. Chuck Missler, SWANsat and the Auric Currency
I am writing this article because I do not think that Chuck Missler is being at all honest with us as to what he really believes and who he ‘works’ for. For some unknown reason Chuck Missler is ‘protected’ in that he seems to be able to get away with all sorts of false prophecy and publishing books on ‘extra biblical’ occult subjects with no one battering an eyelid.
His resume (freely available on the internet) is profound in that Chuck’s interests, companies and world plans all seem to tie in with what he himself tries to expose as evil in his books.
Chuck Missler is not an expert on prophecy, he is helping to orchestrate Biblical prophecy by aiding and abetting the One World Order.
I will let you review the below information and you can ask yourself the question; “Why is a supposed born again Christian ‘serving the people‘ by connecting the world via 3 satellites and helping to establish the African Union which is part of the New World Order?” I know I am going to get some serious slack for this article, but someone has to say something. And seeing as though I have nothing to lose, let me be that person. In my research I have noted some highly recommended pastors support Chuck Missler, some even have their their books being published on Koinonia House Europe.
There are many things that I myself have fallen prey too and sometimes it’s been difficult for me to want to believe I was fooled. I am no one special, but I do my utter best to listen to the Holy Spirit’s warnings and I ask Jesus for forgiveness of these things and rectify my errors so that I do not lead people astray. I sincerely pray that these pastors that I myself love very much, take heed of what I have written here and re-evaluate their position regarding what the Bible says about false teachers and how it’s even possible for the elect to be deceived.
It sometimes takes a donkey to come along and show us something that was so glaringly obvious.
Dr. Charles ‘Chuck’ Missler: (Information below in no particular order)
Chuck and Nancy Missler established Koinonia House in 1973
Chuck Missler also has close ties with Chuck Smith and Calvary Chapel (where he preached) which was founded by The Jesus People
Close friend to Hal Lindsey (broadcasts shows on Trinity Broadcasting Network). Hal Lindsey who had a show on TBN for years had his show removed by TBN in December 2005 because of his criticism against Islam. As of Feb 2007 he was back on TBN hosting his show, “The Hal Lindsey Report”. — http://www.religionnewsblog.com/17439/hal-lindsey
Pat Matrisciana is a director of Chuck Missler’s Koinonia House. Matrisciana also founded Campus Crusade for Christ with Bill Bright
Dr.William Welty was appointed to the board of Directors of Koinonia House on 24 October 2009, which creates, develops, and distributes materials to stimulate, encourage, and facilitate serious study of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God. Koinonia House is located in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho and was founded by Dr. Charles Missler.
Chuck Missler supporter of the Bible Code which is Gematria/Numerology – literal Qabalah. Book: Hidden Treasures – Chuck Missler highlights many of the trademark discoveries of hidden messages within the Biblical texts that will challenge and excite you! A ‘must read’ for every thinking seeker of truth and serious inquirer of reality.
On TBN’s 12/29/99 ‘Praise the Lord’ program which Hal Lindsey and Cliff Ford, hosted. One of their guests was Chuck Missler. Missler said he was there for the purpose of endorsing TBN’s movie, The Omega Code, and promoting his own new book on the Code. The Omega Code movie did NOT promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but rather gave credence to the latest big lie — that there are hidden messages in the Bible when one uses the letters as an acrostic puzzle. This is the latest blasphemy sweeping through the professing church — using the Bible as a tool for divination.” —Biblical Discernment Ministries
Occult fascination with UFO’s. Alien Encounters: This book confronts the issues surrounding the sightings of UFOs and alien abductions and offers answers to many of the most pertinent questions. — http://www.alienencounters.com
Dr. Charles W. “Chuck” Missler’s Curriculum Vitae:
Member of a globalist group since 1998, the Council For National Policy (CNP).
Established the first international industrial computer network in 1966 while working at Ford Motor Company.
Founded a computer networking organisation later acquired by Automatic Data Processing (NYSE) to became its Network Services Division. Consultant to the Board of Directors of Rockwell International for corporate acquisitions. Pioneer in computer technologies, participation in the development of some of the most top-secret military systems, including the Stealth bomber, anti-submarine warfare, worked with William E. Simon, former Secretary of Treasury on a strategically sensitive ultraviolet laser project, partnered with Boeing on P-3 upgrade, CEO for Advanced developments for Department of Defense and other deeply classified customers, Global Positioning Satellite systems, Director of Applied Devices Corporation for data processing support services for international oil industry, state lotteries, etc.
Owner of The Phoenix Group, Inc., – 1989
Personally funded the first microchip implementation of the Data Encryption Standard (DES)
Gave false prophecy of Y2K where 2 videos were released by Chuck Missler and John Ankerberg with advertisting title: “The Coming Y2K Computer Crisis Will threaten Anyone Whose Faith is Not in God!”. This ‘false prophecy’ is very peculiar considering his unbelievable resume regarding anything computer orientated. Why would someone who is a genius in the computing field say such a stupid thing.
Partnership with company that will soon launch 3 Satellites that will connect the entire world in the year 2014.
Helping establish the African Union currency called the Auricâ Currency.
Participated in over 100 business ventures as a principal, strategic adviser, or turnaround specialist. Ford Motor Company, TRW, Western Digital Corporation, as well as U.S. and foreign governments.
Missler was Senior participant in highly classified projects serving the intelligence community and the Department of Defense.
Not so long ago Chuck Missler was at the:
God’s News Behind the News International Prophecy Conference 2000 – Orlando Florida, 5-8 April 2000
The prophets were:
- Jack and Rexella Van Impe,
- Morris Cerullo,
- Hal Lindsey,
- Grant Jeffrey,
- Perry Stone,
- John Bevere,
- Ray Brubaker,
- Joe Van Koevering,
- Zola Levitt,
- Chuck Missler,
- J.R.Church,
- Gary Kah,
- Bill Cloud.
The Quantum Leap II Conference – July 19-21 2007
- Hosted by: The Gateway Christian Fellowship with speakers from The Elijah List, etc:
- David van Koevering (The Elijah List, New Age Occultist) – As a visionary, his gift is the insight to see, and by this observation to cause, and then define and communicate what he saw to others.
- Chuck Missler (Chuck was encouraged by his close friend Hal Lindsey to pursue his long-time love of teaching the Bible on a full-time basis. Hal Lindsey regular on TBN.)
- JoAnne McFatter (The Elijah List- New Age Occultist),
- Steve Swanson – Worship and Arts Director of Extreme Prophetic run by Patricia King (both The Elijah List- New Age Occultists).
- Previous speakers at Quantum Leap I Conference included: Kansas City Prophet Bob Jones along with Mike and Kari Browning.
‘Quantum Leap’ is a popular new age idea of man’s spiritual evolution from human to divine.
“Barbara Marx Hubbard” wrote apologist Brooks Alexander, “has a similar event that she calls a planetary Pentecost. She explains to us that at this time, a ‘quantum leap’ in the evolution of mankind will occur as revealed to her by ‘the Christ’: ‘At the moment of cosmic contact, I will appear to you both through inner experience and through external communication on your mass media.’ Hubbard says, at this time when ‘the divisions of the religions would be over…We would each know that God is within us…If all who feel we are connected to each other, to nature and to God join in a planetary Pentecost, we shall be transformed in this lifetime.’ (Barbara Marx Hubbard and the Armageddon Alternative,” SCP Journal, Vol. 19:2/3, 1995, p. 49).”
Jackie Alnor from Apostasy Alert tried to contact Chuck Missler on why he attend this conference but did not receive a reply from him. http://www.apostasyalert.org/REFLECTIONS/quantum.htm
Chuck Missler of Koinonia House sponsored: The Malta Expedition – 2004, ‘Exclusive Archaeological Cruise Event’ .
Tourists sailed to the islands of Patmos, Malta and Crete with excursions to Ephesus and Athens, where they visited the Acropolis, Parthenon and Mars Hill. Two days were spent on the island of Malta, where the tour visited the Palace of the Grand Master of the Knights of Malta!
At Valetta the tour will also visit an ancient Tarxien temple. ‘Tarxien’ means ‘huge stone’ which describes those used for the numerous prehistoric temples on Malta. The World Monuments Fund is trying to help protect these temples. In Lady of the Beasts: The Goddess and Her Sacred Animals, Buffie Johnson informs that Malta was renown for its temples and monuments to the Mother Goddess
Rockwell International:
A multifaceted company that worked in the manufacturing arena for defense and space industries. Rockwell International are Freemason/Illuminati.
The building that was originally built for Rockwell International was designed in the shape of a Ziggurat; a stepped pyramid in the style of ancient Babylonia. However they did not occupy the building and it became the regional branch office of the federal government, housing some National Archives material and other miscellaneous government documents.
An ancient Mesopotamian temple tower consisting of a lofty pyramidal structure built in successive stages with outside staircases and a shrine at the top. [1] Form of temple common to the Sumerians, Babylonians and Assyrians. [2]
SWANsat: The Super-Wide Area Network Satellite
“People Serving People”
SWANsat’s satellite services will begin in 2014.
The SWANsat Project will place a constellation of three high-powered satellites into operation: One spacecraft will serve Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and western Asia. One spacecraft will serve North, Central, and South America. One spacecraft will serve central and east Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and the central Pacific. When operated together, all three spacecraft will provide coverage of the entire globe, except for polar areas.” — www.swansat.com
Dr. Charles W. “Chuck” Missler is a special advisor to the SWANsatâ„¢ project. —www.swansat.com/about_us_cmissler.htm
Introducing the World’s First Inflation-Proof Gold and Silver Standard Offered as Part of SWANsat’s Modern Marshall Plan for the African Union
Learn how SWANsat can help stabilize the world’s economy through the proposed gold-backed Auricâ currency. — http://www.swansat.com/index.htm
African Union Gold Currency – Auricâ
Dr. Welty is a founding member of the Global Settlement Foundation (GSF), a Geneva-based, independent, international non-profit organization that provides finality of settlement for global trade. The GSF System includes the GSF, duly appointed prime dealers, foundation members, lawful processes, and deliverable units. These trade in a cryptographically neutral marketplace. In the Global Standardâ„¢, one Globalâ„¢ is defined as 0.1 gram of gold by mass deliverable as 0.999 or better fine gold, and includes retail delivery of 0.9999 pure gold 1 Kg bars marked 10,000 Globals, high value coins designed for circulation and low value coins and notes. All circulating physical Globals contain at least 70% of the face value amount of gold with the balance stored in the GSF vaults. Counterfeits are impossible without the gold content. GSF enables the physical and lawful processes that facilitate creation and movement of goods and services, including the necessary infrastructure to allow entrepreneurs and investors who use Globals to create and use a real-capital stock market that allows the pricing function in the marketplace to price risk. The genius of the west – lawful real-money stock markets – has now again returned to the service of mankind. –– http://www.williamwelty.com/about_us.htm
In early June 2005 we began a feasibility study regarding formation of mySWANbank, a proposed banking service for SWANsatâ„¢ users. Our mySWANbank service will be operated in conjunction with SWANsat’s affiliated Banque de Commerce Internationale. — http://swansatfoundation.com/milestones.htm
Chuck Missler is nothing but a Luciferian cleverly disguised as a Dominionist.
Other Resources: [1] www.merriam-webster.com [2] www.encyclopedia.com/html/z1/ziggurat.asp
Thank you, jlbriem
(jlbriem: 20 April, 2010 at 3:08 am)
You will probably never see these words. Yet I say them, still…
I read nearly every word of your post there, from nearly 6 years ago.
Amen, glory to the Lord, and I THANK the Lord for Chuck Missler,
and my own awareness of the Lord leading me TO his teaching and ministry.
NO ONE else on earth but my own self is aware of my own particular
“life circumstances” that led to my becoming aware of Chuck, and my own
SINCERE calling and crying out to God for answers to some DIRE questions
I was having in my own life at that time. God is good. He leads, in His timing.
Part of that timing included Chuck Missler. My heart is in love with my
Creator-Redeemer Jesus Christ. HE IS the only central reason and focus of life.. period!
My heart also loves Chuck, my brother, and I shall always be thankful to God FOR
Chuck. I feel a bit sorry for people who have made it their “job” to “fault find”.
Again, Glory to You, Lord Jesus! You are Good.. always!
The Lord even led me to the “random” opportunity, out of the clear blue, to meet Chuck.
See that meeting here:
Steve Farmer
When Paul warned his brethren against errors in the church, he was not fault finding. He was protecting the sheep and the lambs against false teaching. When Jesus said “Take heed that no man deceive you” He was not fault finding. He was warning his sheep and his lambs against false teaching. To love your brethren and fellowmen is wonderful but you cannnot love their false teachings. If you do you cannot say “my heart is in love with my Creator-Redeemer.”
I am ashamed of much that I have read here and not a little amused. How convenient for many of you to pick and choose those teachings offered by Dr. Missler that fit your own worldview or feed your own ego and then condemn the man as a heretic. I have followed Chuck Missler for over 15 years now, testing each and every thing I have read or listened to – a practice shared by all contemplative, Spirit-led truth-seekers. I don’t agree with everything he teaches, nor even some of the company he keeps on occasion, but that does not diminish the light he has brought to the darkness that threatens to blot out authentic Christianity in these last days…a damnable darkness you are contributing to! God is not yours to create in your own image. Dr. Missler’s motives are unashamedly displayed for even the clumsiest observer – he wants Truth, not the pleasant or convenient fictions that yield a comfortable religion, but the reality of all-powerful God we have long ago forgotten to fear. Is Chuck wrong sometimes? You bet. That’s something most of us could learn to admit. Is he right most of the time? You bet – and I have confirmed that by thousands of hours of research – both for and against his claims. Regardless of your differences with Dr. Missler on non-essential issues and doctrines, you had better be in agreement with his presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is a faithful reflection of the Good News given once for all unto the saints. My heart is sick as I watch the Truths of Christianity torn to shreds, little by little, piece by piece, by filthy little piranha’s of subjectivism.
I’ll end by reminding most of you that the Apostles were also subject to the pride that assails most of you, petitioning Jesus to stop that terrible fellow who was sharing the Gospel though he was not one of them. Jesus explained to them that whoever was not against Him, was with Him. Chuck Missler is certainly “with” Jesus You throw stones at your great peril.
Mark Guetersloh wrote:
Don’t you think it is appropriate to warn the brethren against false teaching lest they be led astray? Surely you must know that lies (false teachings) come from the father of all lies who is a murderer from the beginning (John 8:44). Are you willing to sweep false teaching under the carpet just because, as you said, “he [is] right most of the time” and that “his presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ . . . is a faithful reflection of the Good News given once for all unto the saints.” Jesus Christ has no, I repeat, NO, affiliation with false doctrines and teachings whatsoever and as such his followers should not have any either. You said he wants Truth. Wanting Truth and preaching the Truth are two elements of Truth that cannot be separated. You cannot want Truth and then preach lies, now can you?
I find it rather odd that you should warn us of throwing stones at our great peril when you yourself are throwing stones at us. I think it is called hypocrisy.
Jesus said: “Take heed that no man deceive you.”
You say: No, no, no, Jesus. You are wrong. It’s OK to be deceived as long as you preach the Gospel.
Mark Guetersloh
Hours and hours of research you say? You must have missed this. https://www.discerningtheworld.com/2016/05/04/koinonia-house-adoration-mary/
You must be a Roman Catholic Mary worshiper along with Chuck Missler and everyone at Koinonia House.
Kind regards
Your “filthy little piranha’s of subjectivism”
Deborah, I have a friend who swears by Chuck Missler’s teachings, i find him very boreing and have never been able to watch his dvd’s through to the end.
What is your opinion of Walter J Veith??
Hi Eric
Walter J Veith is a Seventh Day Adventist.
Dear Eric
Tom is 100% correct. He is a full blown SDA.
Now, here is a question for you, do you listen to preachers based on how ‘entertaining’ they are or based on the truth that the preach? 🙂
Walter J Veith and Amanzing Facts are very entertaining, but the doctrine that lies behind their entertaining documentaries is VERY false.
And I’m willing to say that 99% of YOU people are still asleep thinking this world is yours to take when it is not, the bible clearly states to come out of this world. Now ask your self who are YOU if all your earthly things go suddenly; DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE ?????????????????? REALLY??????????????????
Dear Jamey
99 percent? That’s a staggering guestimation. :giggle:
You ask us if we know who we are? Well I KNOW I am a child of God, born again IN Jesus Christ. I am not a ‘god’ as the people of the world today want to believe they are. If that who you believe YOU ARE?
Psalms 95: verses 4 – 5: 4. For the Lord is great, and greatly to be praised: he is to be feared above all gods. 5. For all the gods of the nations are idols: but the Lord made the heavens.
The above verses clearly indicate that there are many gods in this world. Each nation has its own god or gods. One has to note that nations refers to the gentiles\heathens. Therefore here, the Bible informs us that the gods of all the nations are idols. Arabs worship Allah, an idol. Europeans worship Jesus Christ, an idol. Indians worship Krishna, an idol. Asians worship Bhudda, an idol etc etc. Note that I have only mentioned the main gods of these nations. These nations have many more gods in their closests. There is only one nation on this earth whom their God is not an idol but God the Creator and that nation is the Hebrew nation. The children of Israel. The chosen people of God.
I am going to put more emphasis on the so called Christianity since most of the subscribers here are the so called Christians. The main architect of modern Christianity is Constantine, a pagan,, a Roman Emperor. Before Constantine, the Hebrews/Israelites were constantly being persecuted by the Romans and their Roman Catholic Christian Church.
Remember it is the same Romans that killed the Son of God. It is the same Romans that also killed the disciples of the Son of God. But despite all this persecution the Hebrew belief system continued to grow like a wildfire. This is where Constantine comes into the picture. He noticed that despite the concerted effort to destroy the Hebrews, the followers of the Son of God, the Hebrew belief system was continuing to grow exponentially. He had to find a way to quench the grow and he noticed that since they failed to destroy the belief system directly, they had to infiltrate the system and take its control from within. This is where paganism was introduced into the belief system of the Hebrews and Christianity was born. Christianity therefore is the art of masking paganism with the Bible. Outside, they pretend to believe in the Bible whilst in they are still pagan to the core inside.
To give an example: According to Europeans, who are the descendants of the Romans in one form or the other, Jesus Christ is God. We know however that the Bible constantly tells us that He is the Son of God. He constantly referred to His Father during his ministry on this earth. Now, how can he be the Father and the Son at the same time? This is what Christianity teaches and this is clearly a false doctrine because it is clearly at loggerheads with what the Bible teaches. That he is the Son of God.
Secondly, the Son of God was not a Roman. He was a Hebrew, the Son of David, a descendant of the tribe of Judah. His name in Hebrew is Yasha which means Saviour. We call Him Yashaya in Hebrew which means My Saviour. Therefore, like I said, Yashaya was not a European but a Yehudite (Judean) a Hebrew. The so called Christians/Europeans depict their God Jesus Christ as a European/Roman man which is deceptive at the core.
Remember Yashaya’s parents Joseph and Mary had to run into Egypt with Yashaya in order to save him from the wrath of Herod the Roman, who killed all the Hebrew boys 2 years and younger in an attempt to kill Yashaya as an infant.
Also remember that the land of Egypt/Mizraim is named after the Son of Ham who was called Mizraim. Also, the Zondervan Bible Dictionary tells us that Ham was an African Black man. Therefore Mizraim his son, was also a black man too. We should notice therefore that the original Egyptians more particularly during Yashaya’s ministry on this earth were black people. You can also see that in their tombs and pyramids where they depicted themselves as black people.
Now the question is, if Yashaya was a white man as depicted by Christians/Europeans, why was He hidden in the land of black people? Would he have not stuck out like a sore thumb and defeat the very same purpose why He had to be hidden in the first place? How do you hide white people in the masses of black people? That would not make any sense at all. The only conclusion you can reach therefore, out of this narrative is that Yashaya was a black man, from the tribe of Judah.
One does not need to make his own logical conclusions though, since the Bible itself describes how the Father Ahaya and the Son Yashaya looks like physically. Do your own research to convince yourself that the Father our Creator and His Son are black people.
This goes to show that Yashaya and Jesus Christ are 2 different people. Firstly, Jesus Christ is a white man, a white God, an idol like I said previously. Whilst Yashaya is the Son of God our Creator a black man from the tribe of Judah. Christians worship a white God whilst the Hebrews worship the God of the Bible, a black God.!Therefore Christians are idolatrous which is a great sin in the Law.
Also, Christians worship on a Sunday whilst the law instructs us to worship on the Sabbath, the 7th day. Here again going head on against the Creator’s law. Willfully committing sin. And as we know, the wages of sin is death.
In the nutshell, you have to know the right God to worship since there are many gods on this earth. The only God that has to be worshipped is Ahaya, the God of the Hebrews, a black God. And the only name through which we can be saved under the sun is Yashaya, the Son of our God Ahaya. The black Son of our black God Ahaya. Jesus is not going to save Christians. To be saved from the coming hell fire, Christians should ditch their paganism and worship the black God Ahaya through his Son Yashaya. This is the only way to our new Kingdom. The Kingdom of Heaven on this earth.
You are the one who worships a pagan god, an idol. The names Ahaya and Yashaya never once appear in the Bible, let alone the assumption that the father is black, who, in the Bible, is described as “spirit.” Unless you have developed new, New Age X-rays eyes, which enable you to see spirits, you must have your eye-site checked before it’s too late. By that, I mean you should repent of your evil and receive the true Saviour of the Bible, Yeshua Hamashiach, the Son of the Living God. According to Wikipedia Ahaya Secoffee (Mikasuki) (ca. 1710 – 1783) was the first recorded chief of the Alachua band of the Seminole tribe. European-Americans called him Cowkeeper, as he held a very large herd of cattle.
You can worship on a Saturday until Ahaya’s cows come home, it cannot save you. The cows are stampeding you ever deeper into hell.
Good day. I am looking to have more information about Jacob Prash and his Moriel Ministry please. Do you have any on your website?
Hi Chrissie
Please look at our Jacob Prasch Category
I note with some concern your attempt to smear Chuck Missler for being involved with bringing an Africa wide currency into being.
On reading the information you post yourself in the article concerning this currency it seems it will be a gold backed currency. I can only assume you are completely ignorant of all matters concerning money, debt and usury. If you were not ignorant of these facts you would perhaps realise that a gold backed currency is inestimably preferable to a fiat based debt money system. When I say inestimably preferable what I mean is the one system is based on honest money and the other is based on enslaving those who use it.
Many books have been written on this subject which you appear to be completely ignorant about. On this basis I can only assume your other accusations. almost all of which seem to be based on guilt by association, are based on an equal measure of ignorance.
Your entire article reeks of ego and self-righteousness.
You can be the wisest person on earth concerning money, debt, and usury and still be heavily deceived concerning spiritual matters like you are. I know black Christians in Africa who are so poor that they do not know from whence their next meal will come but I can assure you they are spiritually more mature than what you are.