What a Tragedy ‘Prophet’ Kobus van Rensburg

Kobus Van Rensburg - Man in Gods Image - http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2p/v233/180/62/643502290/s643502290_541061_645.jpgPlease go here to read more about Kobus van Rensburg: 

[NEWS UPDATE – Kobus van Rensburg claims God healed him, and is telling all his followers this.  It has come to my attention that Kobus van Rensburg is in remission, BUT he did receive medication and Chemotherapy.  Kobus van Rensburg is still preaching Latter Rain Manifest Sons of God teaching and even more so promoting that one can be IMMORTAL on earth.  He also teaches his followers that they are Christ.  Please read the comments below (there are many of them) to see the degree of heresy and insanity taught by Kobus van Rensburg.  Also note his followers are not shy in threatening those who stand again Kobus van Rensburg.]

It’s a Tragedy

It has come to my attention that Kobus van Rensburg from Spirit Word Ministries has cancer and is very ill from what I have heard.  His wife Annalise is appearing more and more on his Spirit Word TV channel instead of Kobus as he battles to speak or is just not well enough.  There is very little information about this on the Internet.  Almost as if no one is supposed to find out.

I wrote an article on Kobus here about 2 years ago exposing him as a false prophet, who proclaimed thousands healed from cancer and HIV/AIDS, etc.  He still is a false teacher – nothing has changed, except he himself now has cancer.

So back to Kobus, and thinking about this situation of his.  The only thoughts that come to my mind is;  ‘what a tragedy’.   Here is a man who you can’t even approach and say,

“Dear Kobus, have you heard about Jesus Christ.  He is the ONLY One who can save you. Repent of your sin, repent of everything you have done.  It makes no difference what you have done, God forgives everyone who comes to Him asking for forgiveness.  Jesus Christ the Son of God gave His life so that you may receive eternal life – if you want it.  If you don’t want it and prefer to try be your own little god, you WILL fail and you WILL find yourself facing eternal punishment for doing exactly what Adam and Eve did by falling for Satan’s lie, ‘You surely will not die if you want to be like God?’  Well, yes Kobus you will.

Genesis 3:4-5

4  “The serpent said to the woman, “You surely will not die!
5  “For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

Satan wanted to like God:

Isaiah 14:14

14  ‘I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’

Satan is the father of Lies:

John 8:44

“You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

How easy it is for Satan to lead men astray:

2 Corinthians 11:3

But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.

There is a face book site dedicated to Kobus van Rensburg (having said that it does not state what’s wrong with him).  All you will find is people leaving comments praying for him to get well soon. You will see the theme of ‘immortality’ come across through the many comments left.  You see Kobus van Rensburg has reached godhood, and is therefore immortal.   Are you confused?  Don’t worry.  Me too.  Apparently in Latter Rain / Manifest Sons of God teaching you can be dead and alive all at the same time….I think.

Facebook: Kobus Van Rensburg will live and not die!!!!!

Now, it’s all very well to pray for Kobus to get well and that God heals him, but without Kobus coming to the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved all hope is lost.

Kobus went to see T B Joshua (Church of All Nations SCOAN)  in Nigeria and reported that after coming back to SA had a great anointing of power in his life.  Well Kobus, with the demonic power given to you, you were given demonic cancer as well.

“Repent Kobus, before it’s too late.  You are not immortal, you are not a god, you are a sinner in dire need of a Saviour and that Saviour is Jesus Christ the Son of God, who gave His life that you may be saved.  Through genuine repentance of your sin (everything you have done) and believing in Jesus Christ through faith you can be saved.  You might not beat this cancer Kobus, but you will beat a 2nd death and receive eternal life if only you turn from your wickedness and ask God forgiveness through His Only begotten Son Jesus Christ.  Humble yourself for once before the One and Only Living God like everyone else on this earth will have to do sooner or later.  Get on your knees Kobus, you are no better than anyone else on this earth of ours.  I repent every day of my life for the sinner that I am who needs constant saving.  What makes you think you are so special?  You are not!  Ask God for forgiveness before it’s too late”.

If anyone can find more information on Kobus’ condition, it would be appreciated.  I have contacted Spirit Word Ministries and received no reply.


Please share:

Deborah (Discerning the World)

Deborah Ellish is the author of the above article. Discerning the World is an internet Christian Ministry based in Johannesburg South Africa. Tom Lessing and Deborah Ellish both own Discerning the World. For more information see the About this Website page below the comments section.

429 Responses

  1. blank collen says:

    I have had my life radically changed by the teachings of Kobus… Glory to God. It is personal and i do not expect you to agree,and yes you will find people who are quick to critisize. And i feel people confuse discernment with the spirit of critisizing. my encouragement to you Deborah is and i pray you read this –>

    “may your greatest motivation be love for others”. think about it, are you doing this because you love Kobus and there is nothing in it for your spiritual ego.

    And because i love you, my prayer is that in what ever you do (discern or critisize),may God deal with you according to His Grace.

    Love always

  2. collen

    I can just imagine how radically changed your life is now. When your life starts to fall apart because it will sooner or later and all your finances are in Kobus’ new lounge suite made out of real leopards, we will be here to help you pick up the pieces and Jesus Christ is waiting eagerly for you to turn to Him and NOT a man by the name of Kobus.

  3. blank collen says:

    Just as a matter of interest, do you think it is possible that God can use a man. If He can, please tell me who do you vouch as a man that God is using at this day and age.

  4. collen

    That is not a very smart question. Try another one. God used Nebuchadnezzar (an evil man).

  5. blank wee man says:


    I’m not writing this to try argue with you, but here’s something maybe you don’t know… “YOU SUCK”!!! And if no one has told you, now you know. You talk about how Kobus should receive the Lord Jesus Christ, but clearly you know nothing about Jesus. I think as much as you think Kobus needs Him, you need Him too. You most probably think you are doing God a favor by writing all this bull about Kobus and other men who love God. The thing is, just as i’m writing about you but I don’t know you, you write about Kobus, and you know nothing about him. Why don’t you get your facts right, then write something. And you are very confused… you vouch for Christ, but at the same time, you go against anything that represents him. And you have the nerve to criticize anyone who tries to do something for God. Do you only have bad things to say? And it seems according to you, you’re the True man/woman of God, but all the stuff you say, is crap!!!

    but, anyway, you are entitled to your own opinion… Mine is: Prophet Kobus van Rensburg is an AWESOME man of God.

    May God bless you and your family greatly, and may He fill your heart with the love and the compassion of the Holy Spirit.

    I think the zeal you have will bring great results if you used it to advance the Kingdom of God. PEACE!!!

  6. wee man

    I don’t accept blessings from people who follow false teachings and men who preach another gospel. I know for a fact you have never read your bible, if you had you would not be following Kobus van Rensburg. So you actually can’t argue with me because you don’t know what yo are speaking about. Next time come back with scripture to back up what Kobus van Rensburg preaches is correct, ok. This should be interesting. You can start by telling me why you think Roman Catholicism is Christian because Kobus thinks this abomination of a religion is.

  7. blank Momo says:

    I am shocked to hear all these bad words used against Prophet Kobus. All I want to say is that this man Kobus van Rensburg has healed me from back pains which prevented me from doing even the simpliest house chores, he laid hands on me and when he touched me i felt something happening on the inside of me. A warm feeling one has to experience to know what i am talking about. Is the devil now a healer? Or do people possess evil spirits to heal?

  8. Momo

    Well, you have busted yourself wide open.

    >> All I want to say is that this man Kobus van Rensburg has healed me from back pains

    Kobus healed you? Really, so it was not Jesus Christ, but Kobus.

    >> A warm feeling one has to experience to know what i am talking about

    Oh I know what you are speaking about. You see no where in the bible does is speak about anyone getting healed (by Jesus) having a warm feeling come over them. They were just instantly healed, no funny feelings. What Kobus does is through the power of demons, or the subconscious the the person willing to accept his power of suggestion. This is occult.

    Does the devil heal? Oh yes he does. Matthew 24:24 (NKJV) “For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.”

  9. blank Kenneth says:

    Hello every body.

    Deborah, Jesus spoke of some signs which should follow believers (Mark 16vs17); and I see them with the peple you regard as false prophets; do you think Jesus was lying?

    Just to ask a question, do you have at least one of the signs following you. I think you will do yourself a favour by stopping to accuse men of God.

  10. Hey Kenneth

    Firstly, Jesus never lies. False teachers such as Kobus produce many lying signs and wonders.

    Matthew 7:22-23
    21 Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father Who is in heaven.
    22 Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name and driven out demons in Your name and done many mighty works in Your name?
    23 And then I will say to them openly (publicly), I never knew you; depart from Me, you who act wickedly [disregarding My commands].

    Secondly. I don’t boast. If anyone has been saved from reading my blog, or come back to knowing Jesus Christ then,

    Ephesians 2:8-9
    “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”

    Kobus loves to let people know how powerful he is, but his power is not from on High.

    2 Timothy 3:1-5
    But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.

  11. blank Hannes says:

    Kodus v Rensburg is all you Christians babble about from Nov 2009. How many souls could you have reached by now by the same time and energy put into nothing. This is the devil stealing time and money from christian.


  12. Hannes

    Oh many souls. Over 40,000 page views on this article alone, so lots of people have LEARNT THE TRUTH about this false man.

  13. blank Johan Kruger says:

    See my comment at tb joshua page on this site it apply to these comments also.

  14. blank Johan Kruger says:

    Momo hear yourself: this – man- healed u not God or Christ.
    All idols have feet of clay so has anyone man who is raised onto a pedestal – we are human all of us and proned to failing, now and then. God only is perfect. I think u meant that God chose to heal u through this vessel kvr.
    God can and will use any vessel if HE need to. The vessel don’t need perfection because God is the perfect driving force behind your healing, no man or doctrine only God.Thank God everyday that He has seen your pain and healed u.

  15. Johan Kruger,

    You’d better learn how to discern between what is from God and what not.

    Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! (Isaiah 5:20)

    A woeful woe is upon you if you attribute something to God that is not from Him.

  16. Johan Kruger wrote:

    Momo hear yourself: this – man- healed u not God or Christ.
    All idols have feet of clay so has anyone man who is raised onto a pedestal – we are human all of us and proned to failing, now and then. God only is perfect. I think u meant that God chose to heal u through this vessel kvr.
    God can and will use any vessel if HE need to. The vessel don’t need perfection because God is the perfect driving force behind your healing, no man or doctrine only God.Thank God everyday that He has seen your pain and healed u.


    God uses any vessel to heal – even witch doctors, shamans, satanists, etc. etc.?

    You are playing with fire.

    Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! (Isaiah 5:20).

    Read this.

  17. blank David Quartz says:

    Understand the Word of God and the message He carries. Man was already created in the likeness of God. Man is already like God. That is what Satan sought to attain, but angels cannot be like God. Eve was deceived into thinking the fruit will make her like God because she could not see that she was already like God. When Jesus preached this, the pharisees also did the same thing, they said He was Blaspheming. And read Jesus’ reply. He is isn’t every man who has received the Word of God, also God?
    Joh 10:34 In answer, Jesus said, Is there not a saying in your law, I said, You are gods?
    Joh 10:35 If he said they were gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Writings may not be broken),
    Joh 10:36 Do you say of him whom the Father made holy and sent into the world, Your words are evil; because I said, I am God’s Son?

    Jesus did not even say He is God, even though He is. He said He is the son of God. And they people were obviously wiser than you because they understood that a son of God is also ‘a god’. Man gives birth to man. Goats give birth to goats. God gives birth to ‘gods’. This is even applicable in common sense. If you claim you are born again, born of God, and you say you are still a mere man then you commit blasphemy because you are saying God gives birth to human- who is a filthy being (according to the book of Job). The new creature is not human. Hu-man means decomposed man. Like Hu-mous which means decomposed soil. Adam was not human. He was man. Human started from the fall, and so the bible called all his decendants “Son of Man” but when it got to Adam, it referred to him as Son of God. A son of God is not Hu-man.

    And what you said about a man claiming to be Christ. Christ is God’s name. When you are born again, you now belong to the Family of God. And the Bible says we are now named after God.
    Eph 3:14-15 For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named,…

    The children of God belong to God’s family, so we have our name from Him. His name is Christ.
    Colossians 2:2
    My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the MYSTERY OF GOD, NAMELY, CHRIST.

    We belong to the Body of Christ- that is the name of the Church of the Living God. We are all members of His body.
    1Co 12:12 For as the body is one, and has a number of parts, and all the parts make one body, so is Christ.
    1Co 12:13 For through the baptism of the one Spirit we were all formed into one body, Jews or Greeks, servants or free men, and were all made full of the same Spirit.
    1Co 12:14 For the body is not one part, but a number of parts.
    1Co 12:15 If the foot says, Because I am not the hand, I am not a part of the body; it is no less a part of the body.

    1Co 12:27 Now you are the body of Christ, and every one of you the separate parts of it.
    Eph 5:29 For no man ever had hate for his flesh; but he gives it food and takes care of it, even as Christ does for the church;
    Eph 5:30 Because we are parts of his body.

    Christ is the head of the Body. Your head and your legs belong to one body. If your name is Deborah, your legs will not have a different name than your head. The church is also the wife of Jesus Christ. Just like Eve was the wife of Adam. In fact Adam and Eve were shadows of Christ and the Church.
    Adam was put deep sleep and Eve was taken out of him, even so Christ died and the church was gotten out of Him. When Adam saw Eve, He proclaimed that She was flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone. And for this reason a man will leave his father’s house and be joined with his wife.
    That is a shadow of the church being the flesh and bone of Jesus. And Jesus left His Father’s house, heaven, to come and be one with with us.
    Eph 5:24 And as the church is under Christ’s authority, so let wives be under the rule of their husbands in all things.
    Eph 5:30 For we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones.
    Eph 5:25 Husbands, have love for your wives, even as Christ had love for the church, and gave himself for it;…

    Paul further quoted what Adam said about Eve, and the people thought he was talking about Adam and Eve, but he was actually talking about Christ and the Church.
    Eph 5:31 For this cause will a man go away from his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning CHRIST AND THE CHURCH.

    If the church is really the bride of Jesus, what is the blasphemy in claiming to have the same surname as your husband? We do not say we are THE CHRIST. We say we are Christ. Like Bill Gate’s wife will say “I am Gates”, but that does not mean she is Bill Gates- Gates is her name too for Christ sake! These are things Paul preached and people like you called him heretic.

    Acts 24:14 (AMP) But this I confess to you, however, that IN ACCORDANCE with THE WAY [of the Lord], WHICH THEY CALL a [HERETICAL, division-producing] SECT, I worship (serve) the God of our fathers, still persuaded of the truth of and believing in and placing full confidence in everything laid down in the Law [of Moses] or written in the prophets;

    Acts 24:14 (NIV) However, I admit that I worship the God of our ancestors as a follower of the Way, which they call a sect. I believe everything that is in accordance with the Law and that is written in the Prophets,…

    The people like you persecuted Paul because He did not worship God the way they thought was right. He worshiped God in accordance with a certain WAY. That WAY is Jesus- He is the WAY. No wonder they persecuted him. Because they persecuted even Jesus too. They said he was a devil.

    Heck, people like you (Pharisees) called even Jesus a devil. And that is what caused Jesus to talk about the ‘unforgivable sin’. That sin is when you call the Spirit of God, a demonic spirit, like you are doing in this blog calling men of God devils out of ignorance. Look at how Jesus put it:

    Mark 3:28-30 Truly I tell you, people can be forgiven all their sins and every slander they utter, 29 but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin.” He said this because they were saying, “He has an impure spirit.”

    The problem is if you find a man claiming to be Jesus Christ. That man will be a liar.
    I think your problem is that you have not got a proper man of God who will feed you with the Truth of God for you to grow to understand things of the Spirit. We are children of God, making us already like our Father. But without Him, we are nothing. He is not one we worship. We do not worship other people…where does that idea even come from.

    Don’t be quick to judge, because it is certain that you do not even understand the message of the gospel and of godliness.

  18. I made a mistake in the last part of my comment. I originally said “He is not the one we worship”. Typo. I meant HE IS THE ONE WE WORSHIP- GOD. We don’t worship members of the body of Christ. We worship JESUS CHRIST.

  19. David Quartz,

    Your dissertation of 1358 words falls completely flat on its face (or is it on its back like people who had been slain in the spirit?) in your first two paragraphs. And by the way, if you had been slain in the spirit, as I suspect you may have been, I can understand where you got your corrupt knowledge from – not from God or the Bible but from Satan or one of his demons.

    But let us look at your voracious knowledge to see whether it harmonizes with God’s Word. To be like God and being a divine entity (God) are two different things. Adam and Eve, like all of mankind, were created in the image of God. What does it mean to be created in the image of God? Being in God’s image means that humans (saved and unsaved) share, though imperfectly and finitely, in God’s nature, that is, in His communicable attributes (life, personality, truth, wisdom, love, holiness, justice), and so have the capacity for spiritual fellowship with Him.

    Does that mean every individual human being, including the unbelievers, are divine? Was Cain who was created in the image of God divine? Was Judas who was created in the image of God divine? The fact that man (saved and unsaved) was created in His image does not make him a god (albeit with a small letter “g”). According to your corrupt knowledge both are divine because they were created in the image of God.

    First your say, “When Jesus preached this, the pharisees also did the same thing, they said He was Blaspheming.” And then you do a 180 degrees turnabout and you say, “Jesus did not even say He is God, even though He is. He said He is the son of God. And they people were obviously wiser than you because they understood that a son of God is also ‘a god’. Man gives birth to man.” First they accused Him of blasphemy for saying He was the Son of God and then they understood and believed that He was the Son of God. How does that work for you?

    Do you really think Jesus called the Pharisees gods because they were divine (God)? Have you forgotten that He once called them the children of Satan? (John 8:44). You said “. . . isn’t every man who has received the Word of God, also God?” Are you implying that the Pharisees received the Word of God (Jesus Christ in the flesh) and that this was the reason why Jesus called them gods? You must be joking.

    In any case Jesus quoted the phrase “You are gods” from Psalm 82,

    I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes. Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations. (Psalm 82:6-8)

    The context is not about divinity (not in the very least) but about judges and the responsibility of these human judges to judge righteously. What He said in effect was: “You are my appointed judges and therefore you should always judge righteously as I always do.” In fact, he rebuked the judges for judging unjustly and of being partial. Do you really think He would call them divine (God) when they did not judge righteously? Surely, if they had been divine (God themselves) they would always have judged righteously like God. Yet He says to them, “But ye shall die like men . . .” Kobus van Rensburg said, “No! that’s a lie. I am immortal.”

    You should beware of this verse,

    “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! (Isaiah5:20).

    You wrote,

    Jesus did not even say He is God, even though He is. He said He is the son of God. And they people were obviously wiser than you because they understood that a son of God is also ‘a god’. Man gives birth to man. Goats give birth to goats. God gives birth to ‘gods’.

    Jesus never said He was God? Really? Listen to this,

    And he said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world. I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins. (John 8:23-24).

    The “he” in “I am he” is not in the original. He actually said “ . . . if you believe not that I AM, ye shall die in your sins.” The I AM is the Name He gave to Moses when he asked Him, “Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them?” Then God (Jesus Christ) said, “I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.” (Exodus 8:25).

    Every Jew is familiar with the Name “I AM” and when Jesus told them that He is I AM they accused Him of blasphemy and plotted to kill Him.

    Christians who are saved do indeed belong to God and his family but that does not make the individuals in this family God or Christ. Your view – and that of the WOF cronies – echoe to perfection what Jesus said in Matthew 24:5, “For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many,” Antichrist and his followers are going to claim Christhood and Godhood, and not the true believers in Jesus Christ.

    You said,

    If the church is really the bride of Jesus, what is the blasphemy in claiming to have the same surname as your husband? We do not say we are THE CHRIST. We say we are Christ. Like Bill Gate’s wife will say “I am Gates”, but that does not mean she is Bill Gates- Gates is her name too for Christ sake! These are things Paul preached and people like you called him heretic.

    What on earth is the difference between THE CHRIST and CHRIST? These names are used interchangeably for Jesus Christ and never once for believers. Are you saying when the word “Christ” is used it refers not to THE CHRIST but all the believers in his body? The body of Christ is another way of saying that all believers are part and parcel of every aspect of his redemptive work on the cross and in heaven. It does not mean they have become CHRIST in contrast to THE CHRIST. A body of employers are called a corporation. Does that mean that every individual in the corporation has become the corporation? That’s ridiculous.

    You wrote,

    Man gives birth to man. Goats give birth to goats. God gives birth to ‘gods’. This is even applicable in common sense. If you claim you are born again, born of God, and you say you are still a mere man then you commit blasphemy because you are saying God gives birth to human- who is a filthy being (according to the book of Job). The new creature is not human. Hu-man means decomposed man. Like Hu-mous which means decomposed soil. Adam was not human. He was man. Human started from the fall, and so the bible called all his decendants “Son of Man” but when it got to Adam, it referred to him as Son of God. A son of God is not Hu-man.

    Do you realize what you are doing when you say “If you claim you are born again, born of God, and you say you are still a mere man then you commit blasphemy because you are saying God gives birth to human- who is a filthy being (according to the book of Job). The new creature is not human”? You are denying the incarnation of Jesus Christ. If God had not incarnated his Son to be fully human, He could never have paid the full ransom for our sins.

  20. David Quartz,

    Your mistake is that you are worhsiping another Jesus Christ.

    For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him. (2 Co 11:4)

  21. David Quartz

    We grow in the likeness of Christ we are not THE CHRIST OR CHRIST. And you blaspheme God when you say, “but that does not mean she is Bill Gates- Gates is her name too for Christ sake!” I don’t know what spirit lies in you (actually I do see John 8:44) that you think you are a little god, because it is blasphemous and you speak blasphemy. You may as well drop the idea of being a Christian right now and just join the New Age movement who think just like you do.

    You say “Jesus never said He was God?” Really? The bible says:

    John 10:30 “I and my Father are one.”

    John 14:9 “Jesus replied, “Have I been with you for so long, and you have not known me, Philip? The person who has seen me has seen the Father! How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?”

  22. blank love your neighbour says:

    GWT: Remind believers about these things, and warn them in the sight of God not to quarrel over words. Quarreling doesn’t do any good but only destroys those who are listening. (GWT)
    KJV: Of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers

  23. love your neighbour

    So I suggest you don’t quarrel with us and listen to what the Word of God has to say on this issue.

  24. blank HELEN ASMUND says:

    [Deleted by DTW – this website is not here for you to advertise TB Joshua.]

  25. blank Charles says:

    I read your article with interest – I found it while looking for information about spirit word life, which I believe to have questionable ideas.

    You mentioned an incident where Kobus ate grass on a grave in an attempt to receive the dead man’s mantle. I’ve looked for references to this elsewhere, but this website offers the only results I can find – do you have any sources I can check?

    Many thanks

  26. Charles

    It was on Spirit Word TV on Satellite a few years ago, I saw it but unfortunately did not record it.

  27. blank Charles says:

    Thanks for the reply.

    I haven’t found anything about that incident. I’ve read enough about them, and my opinion hasn’t changed. If anyone has any sources they could site for this, or other equally worrying incidents, I think it would be a good resource for others trying to decide about this institution.

  28. Charles,

    Deborah has already told you that she personally saw it on Spirit World TV. Why do you mistrust her as a witness?

  29. Charles

    In fact I know of another person Sarel van der Merwe (Tom knows him as well) who also saw it on Spirit Word TV and we actually discussed it in person one afternoon a few years ago and came to the conclusion the guy was demon possessed. I’m not going to give you Sarel’s contact details because I am not in contact with him anymore. What I am saying is that another person other than me saw it. If you don’t want to believe me that is fine.

  30. blank Charles says:


    I was not picking an argument, nor do I mistrust her as a witness. I was sharing an opinion that I thought could be helpful for your site, and it’s credibility among people who may need more convincing about the organisation in question. It would appear that you don’t think my opinion was helpful, and I have no interest in arguing. Good luck in the future.

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