Choo Thomas – Heaven is so Real – Is it Really?
Now if you go into your local Christian bookstore (CUM Bookstores here in South Africa for instance), chances are you will find many a book about someone who is having some weird manifestation and even here in South Africa the acceptance of these strange stories are taking the public by storm. People who read these books or attend these church gatherings and experience so called Holy Spirit manifestations, are so convinced that what they are reading or seeking or experiencing is from God because they;
Speak in tongues, sing in tongues or sing heavenly songs, dance in the spirit, have visits to heaven and hell, laugh uncontrollably (holy laughter), get drunk in the spirit, bark like a dog, roar like a lion, become paralyzed that they can’t move for hours, fall over, faint, get woken up in the middle of the night and see an angel in their room, see lights appearing that look like a cross etc, see ‘Jesus’ showing up in their room or where ever, start shaking or have convulsions, jerk, experience strange body sensations, lose control of their body, get thrown around, manifest quick hand and arm movements, or their limbs become ridged, find their hands making strange signs/symbols, feel lighter than air, noticed a wind behind their breath, automatic writing, feel powerful, feel like they have power, go into trances or meditation states and have electricity running through the body, heat, pins and needles, etc, etc, etc.,
Now people listen carefully and read closely what I have written above and written below for you will see an absolutely remarkable counterfeit at the hands of a fake ‘holy’ spirit masquerading as THE Holy Spirit.
I am going to focus on Choo Thomas’ book Heaven is So Real, firstly because it’s such a big seller and secondly because of the strange, violent and fearful things that happen to her body before, during and after a ‘Jesus’ comes to visit her. This faceless Jesus takes her to Heaven and Hell in an out of body experience. This ‘Jesus’ tells her that the book that Choo Thomas will write based on what he shows her and tells her, will transform people, because people don’t believe in the bible, but will believe this book instead.
Amazingly millions of people do believe this book instead; they say they believe in the bible as well, yet hold this book in a greater ‘light’. A New Age light.
Some characteristic Symptoms of Awakened Kundalini
An excerpt from Devatma Shakti (Kundalini): Divine Power by Swami Vishnu Tirtha.
Some characteristic symptoms of the awakened kundalini are here given below from Mahayoga Vijna, a treatise on the subject in Hindi by Shri Yognandji Mahrja, the author revered guru. They are illustrative and by no means exhaustive:-
- When throbbing of mooladhar begins, the whole body shakes, involuntary kumbhak (filling in of the lungs with air) starts beyond control, breath is forcibly exhaled out, without volition deep inhaling and exhaling of breath starts and the body gets uncontrollable, know then that Kundalini has awakened. You then should give up your assertion and sit witnessing what happens.
- When your body begins trembling, hair stands on roots, you laugh or begin to weep without your wishing, your tongue begins to utter deformed sounds, you are filled with fear or see frightening visions, semen passes out, think that the Kundalini Shakti has become active.
- When your posture becomes fixed, uddiyan, jalendhar, and moolband has come involuntarily, your tongue reverts back or rises up towards the soft palate and the whole body becomes so active that you are unable to sit still, your hands and legs stretch out forcibly, you ought to know that the Divine power of the goddess Kundalini has come into action.
- When your posture becomes fixed and sight is attracted toward the middle point of eyebrows, the eyeballs begin to revolve, you get automatic kewal-kumbhak, cessation of breath comes with no effort for inhaling or exhaling and the mind becomes vacant, void of all outward knowledge, understand that Mahmythe first born Shakti, the goddess Kundalini has come into action.
- When you feel currents of Prnarising up your cerebrum within you, automatic repetition of Aum starts and the mind experiences waves after waves of blissful beatitude, think the Universal Mother Kundalini has come into action.
- When different kinds of Nd become audible, in your spinal column you experience vibrations, feeling of bodily existence for the time being is lost, in other words you feel as if there is no body, everything looks vacant, your eyelids become closed and open not in spite of your efforts, electric-like currents seem flowing up and down the nerves and you have convulsions, know that Mahmy Kundalini has come into action.
- When with the closing of eyelids your body falls to the ground, or begins to rotate like a grinding stone and breath comes not out, the body squatted on floor cross-legged begins to jump from place to place like a frog, or moves from place to place, or lies down like one dead, hands may not be lifted even if so desired, you feel contraction of nerves, you feel as if your life is passing away, the body undergoes convulsions like a dying fish, know that Yogamaya Kundalini has come into action.
- When your mind gets influenced spiritually as if some spirit has taken possession of your body and under that influence different postures of yoga are involuntarily performed, without the least pain or fatigue and you feel increasingly buoyant, and simultaneously strange sort of breathing exercises start, think that the Divine power of Kundalini has come into action.
- When no sooner you have sat with eyes closed than in an instant the body begins to show activity of throwing out limbs forcibly, deformed sounds are loudly uttered, your speech begins to utter sounds like those of animals, birds and frogs or of a lion or like those of jackals, dogs, tigers, fear inspiring and not pleasing to hear, understand that the Great Goddess Kundalini has come into action.
- When you feel vibrations of prana at different stations inside your body and feel its flow wherever you fix your attention and nerves begin to show easy jerks like jerks of electricity as if passing through them, know that the Goddess Kundalini has come into action.
- When all day and night you feel within your body some activity of prana and whenever you concentrate your mind, your body at once begins to shake or begins tossing and your mind remains filled with joy and bliss at all times, even when at call of nature, even during sleep you feel currents of prna rising up in your sahasrrand even in dreams you experience Her presence, know that the joy-inspiring Kundalini has come into action.
- As soon as you sit for prayers your body begins to shake and in ecstasy of joy you begin to sing hymns in tones of music charming to hear and whose composition and poetry come out involuntarily, your hands giving a rhythmical clapping, and you pronounce languages you know not, but the sound ecstasizes your mind, know that the Goddess of speech, Saraswati, has awakened into action.
- When you feel intoxicated without taking any drug, while walking your steps fall majestically or like one drunk and you are unable to do any other work and you like to remain mute and dislike speaking to or hearing others and you feel like one drunk of Divinity, know that your Atma Shakti Kundalini, the power of Self, has come into action.
- While walking, when your mind is filled with an impulse to walk faster and your feet begin to move a running, you feel your body light like air and do not feel fatigued even having walked long enough, you feel buoyant and joyful, you are not unhappy even in dreams, you can keep the balance of your mind undisturbed in all ups and downs, and you acquire an inexhaustible energy for work, know that the Brahma Shakti Kundalini has come into action.
- When you are in meditation you see visions divine and fall in a dreamy state of mind, have divine smells, see divine figures, feel divine tastes, hear divine sounds and experience divine touch and receive instructions from Gods, then understand that the divine power of Kundalini has come into action.
- When you are in meditation, future unfolds its secrets to you or the hidden meaning of scriptures, Vedas and Vedntashine in your understanding, all doubts vanish, you acquire an insight into the abstruse meaning of the works on spiritual science even at their first glance, you acquire strange powers of oratory and feel not the need of approaching even Brahma, the creator himself, for knowledge and you acquire self-confidence, understand then that Kundalini the bestower of siddhis (occult powers) has come into action.
- When seated for meditation your sight becomes fixed on the mid of eyebrows, your tongue rises up for Khechari, breath stops altogether and mind plunges into the ocean of bliss, shambhavi mudr operates and you experience the pleasure of savikalpa samdhi, know that subtle power of Kundalini is in action.
- When at morning and evening hours punctually and automatically your body becomes charged with such of the divine influences, and body, mind and prnabecome overpowered by Her, know that the Goddess Kundalini is rightly functioning.
You know the Internet is an incredibly resourceful place when you are searching for information. The problem is this information is not going to jump into your lap; you’ve actually got to look for it, research it etc. The same thing applies when it comes to the Bible, the Word of God is not going to jump into your lap either, you have to pick up your Bible and look, read and study it.
I used to get a tremendous amount of hits for another article I wrote on Choo Thomas’s book – Heaven is so Real. This prompted me to write this article which compares Kundalini in its rawest form to the manifestations Choo Thomas experiences while on earth and during her trips to Heaven. Let’s have a look at some of Choo’s manifestations shall we and compare it to the above Kundalini manifestations.
But, before I start I just want to note one HUGE issue here and this is the idea of the ‘fire of the Holy Spirit’.
Choo said: “I received the fire of the Holy Spirit while I was praying at home in January 1994. About a month later, I saw the Lords presence while I was worshiping at the Neighborhood Assembly of God in Tacoma.”
Let’s have a look at this verse:
Matthew 3:11 v 12
“Indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clean out His threshing floor, and gather His wheat into the barn; but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.”
So what we have here is a verse to supposedly back up the ‘anointing by fire’ that so many pastors (Benny Hinn etc,.) like to throw out to their audience as they gleefully ‘catch the fire anointing’. But let me show you something; this ‘fire’ is seen in a bad way in the above verse. John says that Jesus will baptize you with the Holy Spirit (for believers) and fire (for non believers) NOT the Holy Spirit AND fire or the Holy Spirit IS fire. John carries on saying that Jesus will gather His wheat into the barn BUT burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.
So Choo received the ‘fire of the Holy Spirit’ did she now? There are tons of ministries out there who use the words ‘fire’ in their ‘oh so special little way’; be it in the name of their ministry or slogans or prophecies or anointing – Elijah list is an excellent example of this. Todd Bentley from the Lakeland Outpouring would have blown fire out of his nose if he could have.
Anyhow, let’s get back to the Kundalini manifestations;
Choo Thomas’ uncontrollable shaking:
Kundalini manifestation:
No.1– the whole body shakes, involuntary kumbhak,
No.6 – you have convulsions,
No.7 – the body undergoes convulsions like a dying fish,
No.11 – your body at once begins to shake or begins tossing,
No.12 – As soon as you sit for prayers your body begins to shake.
“Ever since my body shakes at the church during prayer time” (12)
“On Easter Sunday 1995 while attending services at Puget Sound Christian Center, my body began to shake violently, (1,6,7,11) and we had to stay for second service. I was experiencing the same phenomenon known among Quakers, Shakers and early Pentecostals. Since then, my body never stops shaking in church or during my prayer time at home” (12)
Choo Thomas grew afraid of her Godly experience:
Kundalini manifestation:
No.2 – you are filled with fear
“The shaking was unremittingly forceful, and I grew afraid” (2)
Choo Thomas loses control of her body:
Kundalini manifestation:
No.1– the whole body shakes, involuntary kumbhak,
No.8 – when your mind gets influenced spiritually as if some spirit has taken possession of your body
During the night of February 12, my body shook more violently (1) than it ever had. I was almost hurled from the bed because it was so forceful. I tried to grab the sheet to steady myself, but I couldnt because I had no control over my body.” ( 8 )
Choo Thomas hears sounds and sees the Lord:
Kundalini manifestation:
No.15a – hear divine sounds,
No.15b – see divine figures
“On January 19, 1996, I woke up at 3:00 in the morning. My body was shaking… I turned my head on the pillow to look in the direction of the sound, (15a) and there, all aglow, was a figure dressed in white garments. IT WAS THE LORD…” (15b)
“On the night of January 19, the Lords presence was so intense (15b) in my bedroom that I shook, perspired and felt very weak for more than an hour
Because of the trembling of my body (that always accompanied the Lords visits), (15b) Roger was now sleeping in the guest bedroom
Choo Thomas rocking back and forth because of stomach spasms (contractions):
Kundalini manifestation:
No.2 – whole body becomes so active that you are unable to sit still,
No.7 – you feel contraction of nerves,
No.11– when all day and night you feel within your body some activity of prana
“You see, my body is moving back and forth right now, (2,11) if I dont do this, my stomach get very tight and it feel like exploding; (7) thats why Im moving back and forth. So please dont think anything wrong with my body. Thats the Holy Spirit doing this because Im talking about Jesus, thats why”
“Some say strange things happen to their bodies, (11) like their stomach getting tight (7) and some received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.”
Choo Thomas’s book has a special anointing and her book replaces the bible as the book that will convict and transform people into ultimate believers:
Kundalini manifestation:
No.16 – you acquire strange powers of oratory and feel not the need of approaching even Brahma, the creator himself
“All these things are happening to people because it is our Lord Jesus’ book. As He has said this from the beginning, He has put a special anointing on this book so that people will be convicted and transform and He will be everything to them.” (16)
Choo Thomas manifests verbally:
Kundalini manifestation:
No.2a – you laugh or begin to weep without your wishing,
No.2b – your tongue begins to utter deformed sounds,
No.9a – deformed sounds are loudly uttered,
No.9b – and you pronounce languages you know not,
No.12 – ecstasy of joy you begin to sing hymns in tones of music charming to hear and whose composition and poetry come out involuntarily
“And then, after this, He baptized me with Holy Spirit, with new tongues, (2b,9a,9b) Heavenly songs, (12) Holy Laughter” (2a)
Choo Thomas is paralysed:
Kundalini manifestation:
No.3, 4 – when your posture becomes fixed,
No.7 – or lies down like one dead, hands may not be lifted even if so desired
“…and I was so anointed for three hours and I was on the floor, I couldn’t get up because it was too powerful,” (3,4,7)
Choo Thomas receives extra biblical revelations and knowledge:
Kundalini manifestation:
No.15a – you see visions divine and fall in a dreamy state of mind,
No.15b – and receive instructions from Gods,
No.16a – future unfolds its secrets to you,
No.16b – or the hidden meaning of scriptures,
No.16c – you acquire an insight into the abstruse meaning of the works on spiritual science even at their first glance
“After that, few months later, pastor Larry Randolf, he prophesied for me that he told me that the God wants to use me in such a special way. (15a,15b) And all his prophecy was come true , thousand times, more. And after this, January, 1996 , Lord Jesus, He was visiting me with His visual presence. (15a) And He visited me for 10 times to tell me how He going to use, (15b) and the all the things, (16a,16b) His plans (16c) and He was telling me about it, (16a) as in the book.”
…then, next visiting he showed me another sad thing. It was aborted babies. He took me to this one place it was a huge building. They looked like warehouse. When we walked in it, all I see was babies, tiny, tiny naked babies. And they were lying side by side. Humm, and I began to cry. Lord, why is so many babies. He say, they aborted babies. I said what are you going to do with them. He say If their mother be saved and they come to heaven, they will have their baby back. (15b,16a,16b) That was it.
“When we got to the top, I looked over a brown and lifeless valley. Everywhere there was brown. The whole region seemed to be filled with dead grass. I noticed multitudes of people who were wearing sand-colored robes roaming aimlessly in the vicinity of the pits yawning mouth. Their heads were hanging low, and they looked very dejected and hopeless. Who are these people, Lord? I asked. They are disobedient Christians How long will they have to stay in this barren, lifeless place? Forever, My daughter. The only ones who will enter My kingdom are the pure of heart-My obedient children.” (15b,16a,16b)
“The only one who will come there are obedient and pure hearted and He say preaching gospel is very important and He waited for awhile and He say those who don’t tithe, they are disobedient Christians.” (15b,16b)
“Heaven is so Real is our Lord Jesus end time book. He only used my body to write this book. He wants all believers and unbelievers to read it and prepare for His coming. He said, He is giving people a chance to know what it takes to enter His Kingdom through this book. Remember, none of our salvations are secure until the end. We must do our best while we have a chance.” (15b,16b)
“He wants me to serve as living proof of the Bible and His prophecies, because many people do not believe what they read in the Bible, nor do they believe He is coming soon for His people.” (15ab,16abc)
“Every word in this book is true. (16b) The words of Jesus have been transcribed exactly as He said them to me.” (15b)
Like John, I had been called to write, and my mission was the same as his-to let people know that the marriage supper of the Lamb has already been prepared, and blessed are those who are invited to be there on the last day.” (15ab,16abc)
“Innocence, trust, purity of heart, fascination, a sense of wonder, belief, joy, happiness, present-moment living-all these are some of the magical qualities of childhood that God wants us to exhibit to get to heaven.” (15ab,16abc)
Choo Thomas’ strange hand/limb movements:
Kundalini manifestation:
No.3 – your hands and legs stretch out forcibly,
No.8 – under that influence different postures of yoga are involuntarily performed
Sometimes the power of His anointing on my hands and arms is so strong that I feel as if my hands are actually breaking apart. (3) One Sunday morning my hand touched my eyes thirty-six times, ( 8 ) and before each of these touches, my hands made seven different strange movements.” ( 3,8 )
Choo Thomas sees a frightening vision of hell:
Kundalini manifestation:
No.2a – you are filled with fear or,
No.2a – see frightening visions
“I could see fumes and dark smoke rising from a deep pit. It was like the crater of a volcano, and inside I could see flames scorching a multitude of people who were screaming and crying in the kind of agony that only the severely burned truly know.” (2a, 2b)
Choo Thomas leaves her body as she visits heaven:
Kundalini manifestation:
No.6 – feeling of bodily existence for the time being is lost, in other words you feel as if there is no body
“But He didnt tell me He was going to take me to Heaven. So, after 10 times, February 19, 96, He began to take me to Heaven with my transformed body, like His Spirit body, my body.” (6)
“…and His presence shows and His spirit body, my spirit body (6) and we go to the beach.”
Recurrence and punctuality of Choo Thomas’s manifestations:
Kundalini manifestation:
No. 18 – When at morning and evening hours punctually and automatically your body becomes charged with such of the divine influences
“Ever since, He never missed once, He bring me there every Monday with my transformed body. He wake me up about a few minutes after 12 o-clock every Monday Morning. ( 18 ) He shakes my body for 30 minutes, exactly 30 minutes; never less, never more.” ( 18 )
“Well, the end of the visitation was after I took care of the manuscript of the book. Then He brought me to the earthly beach. And we spend about a couple of hours. He told me He will bring me there every Monday. ( 18 ) That was May 27, 1996.”
Choo Thomas is content and happy during her outer body experience:
Kundalini manifestation:
No.5 – the mind experiences waves after waves of blissful beatitude,
No.11 – and your mind remains filled with joy and bliss at all times,
No.17 – and mind plunges into the ocean of bliss
“And then, when we go there, you know, He talks mostly, I listen. Then I sing, I dance with my spirit body and this is the best time of my life right now.” (5,11,17)
As we can see, Choo manifests 85% of the Kundalini ‘symptoms or manifestations’…what a coincidence! I think not! Lakeland Outpouring, The Toronto Blessing, Brownsville, Pensacola and Azusa Street etc., also manifest the same ‘symptoms’ – another coincidence? NO!
People run for your lives! Your salvation depends on you not being caught up in this vile deception. By acknowledging and accepting her book or these strange manifestations as being of God you are acknowledging and accepting a demonic spirit or two (maybe more) to come into your life and destroy you – spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally.
- When people tell you that Jesus is actually showing up or they saw Jesus in a vision etc., remember this:
Mat 24 v 23-27: “23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. 24 For there shall arise false Christ’s, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. 25 Behold, I have told you before. 26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. 27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” (i.e., we will NOT see Jesus again in ANY form (visions included) until his second coming.)
- When people tell you that God ‘told them so’ or ‘gave them the vision/prohpecy’ hence you MUST believe it, but it does not tie up 100% with scripture, remember this:
Jeremiah 14 v14: “Then the LORD said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart.”
Ezekiel 13 v 2-9: “2 Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel who are now prophesying. Say to those who prophesy out of their own imagination: ‘Hear the word of the LORD! 3 This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Woe to the foolish prophets who follow their own spirit and have seen nothing! 4 Your prophets, O Israel, are like jackals among ruins. 5 You have not gone up to the breaks in the wall to repair it for the house of Israel so that it will stand firm in the battle on the day of the LORD. 6 Their visions are false and their divinations a lie. They say, “The LORD declares,” when the LORD has not sent them; yet they expect their words to be fulfilled. 7 Have you not seen false visions and uttered lying divinations when you say, “The LORD declares,” though I have not spoken? 8 “‘Therefore this is what the Sovereign LORD says: Because of your false words and lying visions, I am against you, declares the Sovereign LORD. 9 My hand will be against the prophets who see false visions and utter lying divinations. They will not belong to the council of my people or be listed in the records of the house of Israel, nor will they enter the land of Israel. Then you will know that I am the Sovereign LORD.”
- If someone tells you that Satan can’t make visions or prophecies come true, remember this:
Deuteronomy 13 v 1-5: “4 If a prophet, or one who foretells by dreams, appears among you and announces to you a miraculous sign or wonder, 2 and if the sign or wonder of which he has spoken takes place, and he says, “Let us follow other gods” (gods you have not known) “and let us worship them,” 3 you must not listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer. The LORD your God is testing you to find out whether you love him with all your heart and with all your soul. 4 It is the LORD your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him.”
- When people tell you that they can see Angles, or have an Angel guiding them, or have Angels imparting wisdom or biblical revelation, remember this:
John 14 v 26: Jesus said “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.”
- When people tell you that these ‘strange’ manifestations are from God, remember this:
2 Timothy 1 v 7: “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
2 Thess 2 v 9-10: “Even him who is coming after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not a love of the truth that they might be saved.”
- If people tell you that Satan can’t cast out or deliver people from demons, remember this:
Matthew 12 v 27: “Jesus said to the Pharisees: “And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? therefore they shall be your judges.”
- If people tell you that signs and wonders bring people to greater heights in their faith or lead people into a truly born again experience, remember this:
John 12 v 37: “But although He had done so many signs before them, they did not believe in Him.”
John 4 v 48: “Then Jesus said to him, “Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will by no means believe.”
John 6 v 26: “Jesus answered them and said, “Most assuredly, I say to you, you seek Me, not because you saw the signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were filled.”
(Bread = Word of God. You believed by hearing the gospel, not by seeing signs and wonders)
Matt 24 v 24: “For false Christ’s and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.”
- If someone tells you that a particular person is anointed (hence you HAVE to listen to them) but you yourself are a truly born again believer, remember this:
1 Jonn 2 v 27: “But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him.”
I John 2 v 20 v 21: “But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things. I have not written to you because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, and that no lie is of the truth.”
- If any Christian seeks or needs signs and wonders to show them who Jesus is, then something is very wrong with their spiritual lives, because the Holy Spirit brings ALL things to your remembrance for those who are truly born again, remember this:
John 14 v 26: Jesus said, “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.”
- Remember this:
2 John 1 v 9: “Whosoever transgresses and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son”
2 Thes 2 v 11: “For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they might believe what is false in order that may all may be judged who did not believe in the truth but took pleasure in wickedness”
- With regards to Trips to Heaven.
2 Corinthians 12:2-4 Paul said… 2I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago–whether in the body I do not know, or out of the body I do not know, God knows–such a man was caught up to the third heaven. 3And I know how such a man–whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, God knows– 4was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which a man is not permitted to speak.
If Paul the greatest Apostle was not permitted to speak about Heaven, then anyone else who claims they have been there and written an entire book telling the story, is either very deceived and did indeed see something but it was not from God, or they are liars – making it up as they go along. There is no in-between on this one.
References: OF CHOO THOMAS

Bob De Waay was on Jan Markel’s radio show a while back – very interesting program on claims of trips to heaven and hell.
(the mp3 audio link is there)
Rule number 1 on manifestations:
The fruit of the Holy Spirit is SELF-CONTROL. (Galations 5:22)
These manisfestions are devoid of any self-control. Because…of a lack of knowledge & understanding.
2 Peter 1:6 (New King James Version)
6 to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness,
The bible is clear.
Hi Deborah. Wow! You really did some homework! I love how you have been able to hit the nail right on the head with CT.
Thanks for letting me use your one post on her. now I have to point people to this article! You have done more studying on her than i have been able to find. Thanks, I really appreciate it. It keeps me from having to go out and buy the book!
trust me, the book = waiste of money (someone made me a photocopy, so I didn’t pay anything tho’). people think to read the book is to see heaven! no, serious! my tough job is to explain the truth to ex-Hindu’s. they LOVE this book and circulates it as far they can! this book is bad news in the circles of ex-Hindu’s!
aaawwhh well, knowledge comes from Word+Holy Spirit will quicken the right words at the right time!
But yeah, +++ 4 u Debs!
Redeemed Hippie
Yip, cos that book has trapped a person I once ‘knew’. They told me about it and I read it. When I tried to tell them there was something terrible about the book they refused to listen.
So I went all out to analyse and research Choo Thomas. And now you really don’t need to waste your money on the book, by a chocolate instead 🙂
Hi Deborah, I ‘stumbled’ upon this post and have a question – not really relevant to the heading but to ‘Scriptures to remember’ part. A friend who does missionary work in India told me that Jesus appeared to the son a chief of one of the remote villages where they had no success with bringing the gospel and told him to tell the rest of the village that He is coming soon and they have to get ready for He is going to judge everyone with fire. They came to the missionary in the area and asked him to tell them about ‘his’ Jesus. But for the fact that they asked to be told more about ‘his’ Jesus and what they have to do to accept Him as their Saviour, I was very skeptical – the people around there grow up as Hindus and their kundalinis must be awakened at an early age. Apparently this is something that is happening quite often these days and it seems as though these people are giving their lives to Christ in big numbers – with repentance and being baptized. I think it is a lot easier to simply accept these appearances as legitimate when one has no knowledge of the kundalini spirit and its effects on a person. Have you ever watched Eben Swarts’ DVD’s on the kundalini?
God bless and keep well!
Totally correct. This is not Jesus Christ.
No 1. Jesus said that if anyone tells you they saw Him here and there, that they are not to be believed for the only time we will see Jesus again is when He returns and then EVERY EYE WILL SEE HIM.
No 2. “going to judge everyone with fire” This sure sounds like Satan. Judgement by fire yes for the unsaved, but not for born again Christians.
No 3. The Bible is the Word and the Word is Jesus Christ. If the people were not wanting to accept the Word by the working of the Holy Spirit then something is wrong…which leads us to this…
No 4. This Jesus that showed up did not lead the people to the Word of God.
No 5. This Jesus did tell the ‘truth’ kinda; Satan is coming as a false-Christ and he will judge everyone with nothing but death and destruction.
No 6. Of course people will be baptised under false teaching and come to some form of false repentance. Satan counterfeits everything.
No 7. So this false Christ is appearing to Hindu’s too in droves and they are coming to a false salvation? Well it’s happening with Muslims too.
Kundilini is the awakening of the serpent (Goddess Kundilini) at the base of your spine. (You feel heat, electricity, you convulse, see visions, dreams, all sorts of thing, you find god inside, and become god). To put it into western terms: the moment you start to practise contemplative spirituality you are immediately activating the Chakra’s in your body. 1st Chakra at the base of your spine all the way to the top of your head. The energy flows up and down the body as though it’s a snake (think of a spiral like DNA). As you start to activate these Chakra’s you end up opening your ‘third eye’ and you have an ‘awakening’ by a FALSE ‘holy spirit’. This can be drawn in the diagram of the tree of life. There is a ‘tree of life’ in every religion and it all ends up at the same point – where you become god and infused with the cosmic Christ and the universe and all sorts of rubbish as you reach the 7th Chakra aka Crown chakra at the top.
What used to take occultists years to practise and achieve can now happen in a few minutes, just by having someone lay hands on you, or just sitting in silence in your room ‘meditating’. Satan is running out of time, he is working super fast and he can’t wait years for people to accept the false spirit that is snatching souls at a rate of knots, so he has given people ancient knowledge on a platter to the church and they are feeding it to the flock and they are lapping it up.
I am actually doing an article on this… been working on it for a while now, but seeing that you asked this question I will try get it out sooner because what I have to say will explain exactly what is being taught and how all the 5 Christs from the 5 major religions fit into the picture.
As for the DVD, nope I have not seen it.
But sometimes God turns evil (sometimes unknown) intent into good results? I heard about similar story like above of where a chief in a very remote place in Africa received a vision of a man, calling himself Jesus, saying to gather his people together for He is sending His people to tell them more about Him. When the missionaries got there, all these people were waiting for them. There is an explosion of baptism there and of witchdocters turning to the living God. You want to say that Jesus will not appear to anyone in these days?
Well my bible says this:
Matthew 24:23-27 23 If anyone says to you then, Behold, here is the Christ (the Messiah)! or, There He is!–do not believe it. 24 For false Christs and false prophets will arise, and they will show great signs and wonders so as to deceive and lead astray, if possible, even the elect (God’s chosen ones). 25 See, I have warned you beforehand. 26 So if they say to you, Behold, He is in the wilderness (desert)–do not go out there; if they tell you, Behold, He is in the secret places or inner rooms–do not believe it. 27For just as the lightning flashes from the east and shines and [h]is seen as far as the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.
What bible do you read?
(Oh I could’t find this post – praat van verstooidgeid).
I read the Bible NKJV .
Yes, I was also thinking about the verse you quoted above (and thinking alot about this verse in general nowadays). But it’s like there is a third party involved during “misleading”. A person goes to another person and tells about an appearance of Jesus. Third party scenarios many times creates havock doesn’t it. But when Jesus directly appears to the primary person to introduce that person to salvation?
I immediately thought about the life-changing event Saul went through, this after Jesus’s resurrection right, (Acts 9:5)
-“…And he said,’Who are you, Lord?’ Then the Lord said,’I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. It is hard for you to kick against the goads.'”
Saul relives what happened before authorities in Acts 22:8, telling them – …”So I answered,’Who are You, Lord?’ And He said to me,’I am Jesus of Nazareth,whom you are persecuting.'” (Confirming there weren’t some mistranslation – it’s actually meant to say Jesus).
But certainly yes, if another person comes to me claiming anything regarding/surrounding Jesus, I have learnt to be very cautious (yet, I have been mislead a few times).
but if muslims are having visions of Jesus and they are truely repenting and turning to Jesus, then isnt Satan taking a risk that some of thesee people will really repent and come to know the Lord and be saved? Why would satan take that risk? Why wouldnt satan just turn up as a more alluring hindu god with healing power to definetly keep them from Jesus and the Gospel?
Do you believe there any miracles or signs today which are genuinely from the Lord? Ive seen a few, not many, spontaneous healings in the Lord’s name which brought about the person’s conversion to follow Jesus.
Thank you for an article well researched. ‘This kundalini evil spirit is the one which will cause the most confusion / damage in Christianity of all times’; this devine message was given to me whilst I was doing research on the same subject. I aslo came across many horror stories related to this demonic spirit.
You might have noticed the massive kundalini display (complete with chakras) with the opening of the Commonwealth Games in India recently – demonic arrogance.
David writes:
I went to Lakeland 3 times. I was so drawn to go there. I really thought it was of God… I had so many supernatural experiences – to seeing a mystical Jesus with a third eye, angels talking to me, visions, being transported. ……I had one experience with my daughter being in the room and her experiencing it too. I was roaring like a lion, had gold dust and many other experiences. The worst thing that happened to me is that it got sexual. This false Jesus was approaching me sexually and I fell into it. I still to this day do not understand how I could have been so decieved. I have been a Christian since the age of 16. I am 49 now… I fell right in… hook,
line and sinker. When I came home that last visit I became aware it was demonic, and I was surrounded and covered with demons literally, it was so horrible, all that I went through, you cannot imagine… I was seeing demons and being touched sexually and tormented constantly.. it has been 1 1/2 years and I am still battling these demonic spirits. I cry out to the Lord everyday for total deliverance. It has been horrible. I have renounced and repented, but still fighting.
Oh my word, that is such a tragic testimony 🙁
Yes I saw the opening ceremony for the Common Wealth games and oh boy how bad was that? Now people who didn’t know anything would go and research to find out what it’s all about.
I started reading the book two days ago. My aunt recommended it to me. Right now I wished I had never some across it.last night I read the part where her body was contoured and transformed so many times. The pain and agony she went through. Couldn’t understand what she was talking about most of the time. I went to sleep and all through the night my body hurt me. I woke up thinking I hurt so little and marvelled at what CT had been through.
Got my senses back. Went online to research cause I knew something was really wrong with me. I’m in shock! Iv prayed rejecting the book and whatever I got from it. My body hurts a little now (its no coincidence-this has never happend to me before!)
I wont be opening another page.
Sorry!! So many errors :)..should have read it after typing. Oh my
Dear Daugher of Zion
Thank the Lord Jesus Christ that you shut that book closed as fast as your opened it. Now just ask Jesus forgiveness for reading it and all will be 100% back to normal. In future, first do research on the book 😉
Done! I will definately do a research. Nothing is worth seperating me from the Love of the Lord! Stay blessed.
Hello all. I have been reading some of the blogs. The condition of the “church” is very frightening. So much deception, the scriptures are being spiritualized and allogorized and twisted by so many false teachers and false prophets and false apostles , so called and self appointed.I pray that the Lord will give me and all of you out there that are searching to know the truth, the discernment we all need to overcome the myriad of false doctrines that are out ther today.
I read this book and recommended to many people. 🙁
Can I tell you something, I was reading it and finished it in two days… It’s how fast I rad all books. Anyways, I hate the fact that she always made it sound like she was so perfect and always obedient, and always goody goody. It annoyed me, because as human we’re all sinners. She always seems to reiterate how she was the “chosen” one and that annoyed me too. So what you’re more special than me? God’s love is never ending and never changing but most of all he loves us all the same whether we’re super obedient or not. Good works and his approval does nott make one better.
So, after I read that books, there was a fear in me that was instilled. I stayed up all night, crying and asked Jesus, will i get to go to heaven? I’m nit as obedient as her, but will I get to go to heaven? Will I get to see you? I am doing all I can Jesus to be good. And for days I tried to do everything perfect, I felt like I wasn’t good enough, I cried. I rebuke this stupid book because it instilled fear, hate, rejection in me all because she made it like she was so much more “special” than I was. Jesus chose her.
I believe that was a spirit of evil. On her website there was some people she quoted and took articles and reposted them – a lady when to he’ll with Jesus and saw Christians in hell because a lady did not pay her debt like credit cards, then another that was in hell because she did fraud and didn’t repent, another was in hell because she did not forgive! Really? Where is the grace and love of God here. I don’t know what this choo thomas,as is trying to do but she is trying to instill fear into people, but we are to only fear God with love.
Thank you Sylesa!
I know exactly how you feel. When I read her book I felt the same way. I thought, why is she so special and I am not. What did she do to become to special and what must I do to become as special as her? I cried. I felt terrible. I was only on page 20. The holy Spirit told me to throw the book away. I threw it away and the bondage that was over me left.
As born again children of God we are ALL EQUAL. :))
i have come to realize that the written word is our only anchor for our soul and for our faith. The scriptures say that god has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness in the Word of God.Every feeling, every thought, and yes every EXPERIENCE must be measured by the Word of God.How else to protect ourselves from lying signs and wonders? For instance, the scriptures say {Paul speaking}…if i or an angel from heaven preach to you any other gospel than that which you have recieved, let him be accursed! AN angel speaking from heaven would be quite an experience, however , a deceptive one! NOTHING trumps the written Word of God, not even our experiences, let alone our subjective thoughts and feelings! We are fallen and our hearts are desperatly wicked and deceitful and we all would do well to trust Gods Word and not all the unbiblical ideas and “experiences” that people are having. If we search for these “experiences” , i am sure that Satan would aide our own corropt nature and happily ablige.
Yeah, I was in a bad place when I read this book and it scared me so badly that I literally had fear in the pit of my belly…I tried to get my act together after reading this book. In hindsight, given where I was at the time, I supposed God used to it to REALLY shake me up–and believe me, I had a total spiritual meltdown over the whole experience. But I had the fear, the feeling of hopelessness of ever seeing Heaven, the panicked, fearful attempts to clean up my act—constant worry, sometimes so bad that only the Spirit could calm me down…I spent days trying to figure out how I could ever make it past the “valleys” of Heaven–and even decided a valley was better than hell.
Took me a loooooong time to get away from this book, and sometimes it still haunts me. Took a number of people talking about it with me (some of whom got a bad feeling from the book or her site) and even a deacon friend of mine who went over, point by point, with me how what Choo said was off and how it was demonic while he sent me a number of researched articles about her.
But yes, it’s BAD–and there are STILL a LOT of people being taken in by the book. It’s an 80%/20% lie where a lot of what is said SEEMS to line up with the bible, but it just has that 10-20% TWIST that makes it a lie….ex:the book goes on about obedience, so I would freak out when I read about obedience in the NT…so it SEEMS to line up, but it discounts the context of the NT etc…she is INSIDIOUS…
She’s also deceived—she’s had this big light show sprung on her, the “angel of light” experience, and that might throw anybody–especially in her case as she was so worried about still going to hell even after whatever initial conversion experience she had.
Thank the Lord you saw the light and got away from this book. Many can’t see anything wrong with this book and the more the read the more they get sucked into it’s satanic power. This book is possibly the most horrendous book I have ever come across.
“That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ.” Ephesians 4: 14-15
I found this book to be a troubling mix of fact and fiction; Biblical fact and man-made doctrine (1 Timothy 6: 3). Although the writer states in her introduction that she does not present this book as doctrine, the young or undiscerning Christian will read and accept all of this material as such. Ms. Thomas is correct in making this statement about her book not being a basis of doctrine as a ‘disclaimer’ but at the same time she has a responsibility before God to make sure what she is presenting in written form as an evangelist is doctrinally sound (2 Timothy 4: 1-5). Unfortunately, I found most of this book to be doctrinally unsound.
For example, references to saints in a wilderness holding place prior to the Judgment Seat of Christ at which time they will be cast into Hell is totally unscriptural. You are either saved or lost; there is no in between before or after physical death! Jesus declared to the repentant thief on the cross in Luke 23: 43, “This day you will be with me in paradise.” Her visions of saints in sand colored robes, and gray robes are also unscriptural. The only Biblical description of saints in robes is found in Revelations and they are all white: Revelations 6: 11 (martyrs) ; Revelations 7: 9-14 (those that came out of the Great Tribulation).
Unfortunately, I believe what is being ‘preached’ in this book is a gospel other than what Christ preached (see Galatians 1: 8-9). What we cannot validate from scripture must be tossed aside as unsound doctrine.
I can truly believe someone being ‘caught up into heaven’ as Paul was but not 17 times. I don’t believe Ms. Thomas or any of us can stack ourselves up to equal the life, call and ministry of the Apostle Paul and all that he suffered for answering the Master’s call. He only spoke of being caught up into paradise one time. Elisha, Elijah and Jesus himself, was taken up once. Also, the many references to Jesus calling her His “special child” is suspect. Are not each one of us special to the Lord? Is He not a respecter of persons? To as many as received Him to them gave He the power to become and be called the sons of God. The inference is that since this person is so ‘special ‘she has a special message from God that everyone needs to hear. Aren’t the warnings and teachings in scripture enough or do we need a ‘new message’ that deviates from the tenant of scripture to warn us?
Yes, we need prophets today to warn the lost and lukewarm saints, but not ‘extra biblically’. Be careful saints of God! We must take heed to what we hear and measure everything against scripture. We live in perilous, deceptive times. This was prophesied of a truth from Jesus himself and his Apostles reiterated it. (Matthew 24: 11 & 24) Please note that miracles and signs does not validate a prophet or minister. What they teach is what validates him or her. It MUST measure up to the scriptures or THROW it OUT no matter how much the truth may be minced in!!!
The intent of this post is not to be hateful or ugly, but rather to prove all things and present what deviates from scripture for what it is. Each one of us has a responsibility to be a good steward of the Word of God entrusted to us as believers. I Thess 5: 21
Isaiah 8:20 (KJV)
20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.
(a) the law: teaching -or- doctrine.
(b) testimony: sharing a personal experience.
(c) light: Truth – God’s Word (John 17:17 “..thy word is truth.)
Ever since I have read this book, I have had persistant headaches,severe depression etc… so i decided to go online to see what other people thought about this book and NOW I am going to repent and burn the book. Thank you Jesus for this blog! 🙂
Oh my word, Maria, my dear sister, you go girl, you will be free and listen to the Holy Spirit with regards to other areas in your life as well ok? Jesus is calling you out of the false Christianity in this world, listen to Him.
.. and many I talked to started doubting their salvation too Debs. The book makes a nice fire tho…
Well I can tell you that when I as just saved I read this book and I tell you I nearly went mad. The bondage was horrific. And when I finally listened to the Holy Spirit literally shouting at me ‘throw the book away!!!’ I tore the book up and through it in the bin, I was immediately free. What I relief. And to think I actually cried because I could not understand why Choo was such a ‘special daughter’ to God and I was not. My word, what a fool I was… thank goodness we learn from our mistakes.