7 Colours of the Rainbow and the 7 Chakras
How the Rainbow, Chakras/Tree of Life have infiltrated Christianity
Energy centres of the soul. Each Chakra has it’s own function and their own unique powers.
There are actually more than 7 Chakras (a total of 13 in all),
These 7 Chakras are the most powerful (as per occult lies) and they are located along the spine.
The 7 Chakra system is the most conventional system to follow when obtaining ‘enlightenment’.
The other 6 Chakras are less powerful (as per Occult lies) but when included in the conventional system it becomes the Tree of Life →
In many grimoires and ancient texts, the code word for Chakra is GOD or GODDESS, So each centre within you is A GOD or a GODDESS.
Each Chakra is associated with a COLOUR , MANTRA and SYMBOL:
5th Chakra – I speak – Higher intuition – that allows you to connect to higher wisdom and guidance.
4th Chakra – I love – We feel connected to other beings. We receive inspiration and wisdom from higher Charas/Gods.
3rd Chakra – I do – The seat of power, control, freedom, or autonomy by opening our consciousness to the will of God and peace.
2nd Chakra – I feel – The seat of creative energy and what the body needs (sexuality/food, etc.)
1st Chakra – I am – The seat of the Goddess Kundilini our supposed ‘life force’. When we are gounded at this first level we trust the universe to provide.
The 7 colours of the Chakras vs. the 7 colours of the Rainbow
“The experience of seeing the colours of the rainbow, when the sun is shining and it has been raining, is one we all can share. The experience often has a magical quality to it as though it is stirring some deep inner response. Such is the wonder of the light that forms the colours of the rainbow.The heavenly principle is to GIVE AS WE RECEIVE. We are not intended to absorb the light of the rainbow, enlightenment, joy and happiness, rather we are intended to transmit it; and in doing so to unfold its meaning for others, and for ourselves too.” http://www.spiritualwisdom.org.uk/colours-of-the-rainbow.htm—–
“The rainbow represents the regenerate spiritual person – one who has lived out the path of enlightenment, whose potential has opened out like the lotus flower of the east, each stage represented by a new colour developing out of the one before.
The main seven colours symbolise wholeness or holiness. There are a variety of rainbows sometimes seen around those in the spiritual realms – the rainbow of the ‘aura’, as it is sometimes called, picturing the spiritual state of the person.
Yoga teaches that there are seven centers or chakras in the human body. These are spiritual centers – you will not find them described in a materialistic medical book.” http://www.spiritualwisdom.org.uk/colours-of-the-rainbow2.htm
The inside of the bow = The highest and innermost aspects of the soul = The Kingdom of Heaven
As we can see this is completely Occult / New Age / Witchcraft
If a professed Christian takes part in any of this they are playing with some serious hot fire. You may as well get an entire deck of Tarrot Cards while you are at it. Even though you might only be doing the Yoga stretching exercises you ARE following the ‘set out’ occult routine to obtain god/goddess hood. And this is an ABOMINATION unto God.
You can try come up with every excuse in the book to tell me that there is nothing wrong with doing a few stretching exercises (within a Yoga context). But these are NOT just exercises and stretching; what about the controlled breathing, relaxation techniques, finding that silent place within you, silencing your mind, and entering trance like states, etc? (to name but a few). Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with exercising, but when you start to follow Eastern religious practices and try make excuses that it’s JUST exercising then you are making excuses to follow after other gods.
But what about plain meditation you say, where there is no yoga or other funnies involved – it’s just prayer you tell me. And I answer, “No!” Unbeknown to you (and now KNOWN to you because I have told you) you are following the exact same Chakra process above. You can’t get away from this. You can’t make excuses, there are no, “ifs”, “ors”, or “buts”. The answer is still ‘no’. Meditation as mentioned in the Word of God is simple one on one normal prayer with God through Jesus Christ.
What about going to a relaxation spa or resort where they offer the most wonderful de-stressing massages. Hot stone therapy (placing hot stones on the chakra points along your spine. Bet you didn’t know that did you – no it’s not mentioned in the ‘Occult Massage Manual’ never to be located anywhere near the reception area. Take Reiki for that matter – Reiki are spirit guides – the Reiki healer will use their spirit guide to aid the so called healing process as they hover their hands over your body – you think it’s an innocent process, well no, it’s not. And guess what, yes you do feel much better after all these massages and clanging of little bells, and having pretty semi-precious stones placed strategically over your body. Evil really does come in great spa treatments with a complementary yummy desert at the end.
NOW DON’T GET ME WRONG, there is nothing wrong with a massage. In fact there is nothing wrong with breathing either, because quite frankly it’s common knowledge that if you stop breathing you die. So please let us not get all tied up in knots about what’s normal every day life exercising, stretches and breathing vs. Eastern religious practices that bring forth an awakening within you, and you end up with a new way of thinking on what the bible means or does not mean to you anymore.
You can noy call yourself a Christian if you follow and practice any form of occult teaching. A genuine born again Christian would know that this stuff is not of God because you were already warned by the Holy Spirit that abides in you. If you have accidentally been caught up into this contemplative prayer, meditation, walking labyrinths, silence, secret places, new spirituality mysticism, please stop, and ask God for forgiveness, get out of this very well disguised deception. And once you realise what this is all about, you now need to warn others you care about too.
We are living in perilous times where time itself seems to have sped up. Almost as though time is running out. The faster time seems to speed past us the faster the world is diving head first into New Age Spiritual practices as I mentioned in this article. Millions upon millions of people have reached their 6th Chakra already- they have opened their Third Eye (they can see through new eyes or new lenses).
Ron Martoia (who came to South Africa recently) harped on for quite a few minutes about taking off your old lenses and putting on new ones to see through new eyes at the world around us – that there is a new truth out there just waiting to be tapped into by you – yes you dear reader, if only you would do as they say and learn to climb that Tree of Life. Place first foot on first Chakra and then 2nd foot on 2nd Chakra and so on until you reach that top branch – the Crown Chakra – King of your own little imaginary kingdom, ruler of your own little domain – A global humanitarian mutiny to take over something they never created and will never own. And will never be able to create to call their own.
And The One and Only Living God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob stares down on you you from on high. Your personal Towel of Babel – a piddly 7 feet tall, will only go so high and no more – take a lesson from Genesis 10 & 11.
You have 2 choices. Just 2. You are either for JESUS CHRIST the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON of the ONE and ONLY LIVING GOD or you choose the world and their secret places, and secret knowledge instead, where you either get to enjoy your sin or get to hide your sin thinking that God can’t see you.
Just a few of the types of Occult Meditation out there:- Even available at Christian book stores.
Occult Meditation
There are many ways of meditating and meditation means different things to different people. Meditation is part of normal daily practice for a great number of people within some religions. Whatever the word ‘meditation’ means to you the practice can be enormously helpful as a way of calming the mind and finding your own inner peace. This place of inner peace is where we can open up to our higher self – without the ‘interference’ of the ego or intellect – where we can find our higher intelligence and knowing.
Meditation can be achieved by focusing the mind on a particular object, for example a flower, or on a simple shape, on a sound, on an image (visualization), or by focusing on the breathing. (Colour breathing exercises can be done lying down or sitting and can be a very helpful form of meditation.) There are many very helpful tapes and CD’s around to help with meditation as they will talk the listener through the stages of relaxation and some will help to build a ‘picture’ in the minds eye of tranquility. With practice, you will find it becomes easier and easier to meditate and to be able to ‘switch off’ any time, anywhere, when you are feeling the need for some peace.
Occult Breathing Meditation
Breathing is very important – and as obvious as that sounds, it is surprising how few of us actually do breathe ‘properly’. Breathing is something we all take for granted and are inclined to forget about. However, shallow breathing can often be a symptom of stress. Similarly, shallow breathing can result in fatigue and stress due to the intake of insufficient oxygen. Shallow breathing can also result in dizzy turns as insufficient oxygen is getting to the brain. Since approximately 90% of our energy is created by oxygen and nearly all the body’s actions regulated by it – it is rather important that we get enough of it!!
Go somewhere quiet and lie down or sit in a chair with good back support so that your body is straight, allowing you to breathe deeply and comfortably. Make sure you are not wearing any tight clothing. Tell yourself to relax. Work on every part of your body from the top of your head to your toes, consciously relaxing each part. Concentrate on your breathing, taking deep in-breaths, through the nose, letting the breath fill your body, relaxing and calming. Then breathe out through your nose or mouth, exhaling all negativity and stress and ridding your body of the toxins which build up there. Repeat this a number of times – if you can only manage 10 minutes that is fine. Eventually you will be able to practice this anywhere, any time, when you are feeling stressed. Try not to hunch your shoulders as you breathe in – try to consciously relax the shoulders and neck and breathe from the abdomen – watch your tummy expand as you breathe in.
There are a number of breathing techniques which are taught by practitioners of different disciplines, either on a one to one basis or in a group, such as a workshop perhaps. If you have a particular medical problem, then a good place to start is with your doctor, who will be able to advise you.
Occult Colour Breathing Meditation
A lovely and very helpful exercise is Colour Breathing – or breathing in the rainbow. The purpose of this is to heighten our awareness of colour and to encourage a balance of all the seven main chakra colours for our well being.
Stand with feet slightly apart and arms by your side, relaxed with palms turned to the front. Relax the shoulders, and concentrate on your breathing, consciously relaxing all of your body from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Breathe deeply in through the nose, holding for a few moments and then breathing out through the nose or mouth. As you breathe out, imagine expelling all the stress, negativity and toxins from your body. If you can do this exercise outside all the better, and, weather permitting, stand on grass with bare feet.
Affirmations, either spoken out loud or as a concentrated thought, can be helpful too to help us focus and avoid our minds from wandering. For example, red is the Colour of courage and strength – we could say to ourselves – the energy of red fills my body and I have the strength and courage to move forward along my life’s path. It doesn’t matter how we word our affirmations – they will be unique to each individual – but remember the positive aspects of the colours and make sure your statements are positive.
First breathe in red from the earth, imagine it rising up through your whole body giving you strength and courage. Make an affirmation to suit your situation as you breathe in and experience the colour filling your body. Allow the colour to travel up through the body and out of the top of the head and then back down again to the earth. Repeat with orange and an appropriate affirmation, then yellow. These first three colours are absorbed from the earth. Then green. This colour is absorbed horizontally through the solar plexus, let it fill your body, thinking or speaking your affirmation, and let it leave through the back. Then blue which is absorbed from the sky, through the top of the head and out again going back up to the sky, similarly with the indigo and violet.
If this exercise is done daily you will notice how your colour awareness develops and you will be able to visualize the colours much more strongly as you do this exercise regularly, balancing and enhancing your body’s energies.
Explanation of the Occult 7 Chakra Table:
Please also see important notes underlined in last column “Mind and Spirit”.
Chakra | Location | Symbol | Colour | Element | Sense | Body Parts | Mind and Spirit |
Crown![]() |
top of head | thousand-petal Lotus flower | violet | inner light | empathy | brain, nervous system,pineal gland | the Crown, or Seventh, Chakra is a source of divine energy and self-realization. It is the gateway to the other world. An open and balanced Crown Chakra allows us to experience oneness with God and unity with all beings. We surrender to Divine Will. We can experience enlightenment, inner light, higher consciousness and higher intelligence. |
Chakra | Location | Symbol | Colour | Element | Sense | BodyParts | Mind and Spirit |
Third Eye![]() 6th Chakra Ajna Chakra |
center of forehead | two-petal Lotus flower | indigo | inner sound | Sensory Perception (ESP), clairvoy-ance, clairaud-iance | forehead, temples, facial nerves, pituitary gland, endocrine system. | the Third Eye, or Sixth, Chakra belongs to the spiritual realm and vision. It ishome of the spirit and the part of consciousness that influences our actions and our life. An open and balanced Third Eye Chakra allows us to look beyond our own issues to see a more complete, “enlightened” picture of reality. We become aware of the motivation behind our actions. We may experience extra sensory perception (ESP), inner sound and clairvoyance. |
Chakra | Location | Symbol | Colour | Element | Sense | Body Parts | Mind and Spirit |
Throat ![]() |
base of throat | sixteen-petal Lotus flower | sky blue | ether (crossover between the physical and spiritual worlds) | hearing | throat, neck, arms, hands, thyroid gland | the throat is our instrument of communication, thus the Throat, or Fifth Chakra is the seat of communication and expression of all that is happening in our consciousness. An open and balanced Throat Chakra allows us to communicate truthfully and express our feelings, as well as our creativity. We will be able to receive, allowing abundance and grace to be experienced. We will listen to our intuition and connect to a higher wisdom and guidance. |
Chakra | Location | Symbol | Colour | Element | Sense | Body Parts | Mind and Spirit |
Heart ![]() |
center of chest, heart | twelve-petal Lotus flower | green | air | touch | circulatory system, lungs, chest area | the Heart, or Fourth, Chakra is the joining point between the higher and lower chakras. Here we experience perceptions of love, emotions, compassion, and balance. An open and balanced Heart Chakra will allow us to feel connected to other beings, to understand unconditional love, to accept others and not judge them or condemn them. We also experience a lightness of being that is nourished by the inspiration and wisdom of the higher chakras and strengthened by the grounding energy of the lower chakras |
Chakra | Location | Symbol | Colour | Element | Sense | Body Parts | Mind and Spirit |
Solar Plexus ![]() |
solar plexus | ten-petal Lotus flower | yellow | ï¬re (or Sun) | sight | solar plexus, muscles, skin, digestion, liver, eyes, face | the Solar Plexus, or Third, Chakra is the seat of our desire for power, control, freedom, or autonomy. A balanced Solar Plexus Chakra will enable us to be conï¬dent and comfortable with ourselves, while opening our consciousness to the will of God and peace. Our creativity and work will manifest easily. |
Chakra | Location | Symbol | Colour | Element | Sense | Body Parts | Mind and Spirit |
Sacral ![]() |
center of abdomen | six-petal Lotus flower | orange | water | taste | sexual organs, reproduc-tive system. | the Sacral, or Second, Chakra is the seat of our creative energy and is associated with what the body needs and what it ï¬nds pleasurable (sexuality/food). A balanced Sacral Chakra enables us to accept and solve the challenges of life in a creative manner; to understand and incorporate our sexuality responsibly, and to feel and express our emotions. |
Chakra | Location | Symbol | Colour | Element | Sense | Body Parts | Mind and Spirit |
Root ![]() |
base of spine | four-petal Lotus flower | red | earth | smell | lymph system, skeleton, elimination, central nervous system, nose, lower extremities | The Root, or First, Chakra is the seat of the “Kundalini” or life force.Our feelings of security, trust, and survival are rooted here, as well as our connection with the physical body and its nourishment. When our root chakra is balanced, we feel grounded, strong and secure and trust the universe to provide. |
The Bible says in Genesis 3:5 “For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
Actually, you know I didn’t see that. I did not read between the lines and took it that GS would not actually say something this threatening. You are right.
What steps are THEY GOING TO TAKE as the ‘body of Christ’ to stop us? How are THEY going to hold me accountable for telling the truth? Who are these others he is dragging into the threats he is making towards me?
So yes I take that as a serious threat. The last 2 days I was running around doing personal things and did not really pay attention to the comments.
Hmmmm….thank you for highlighting that for me. I will certainly step up my security in every way possible. This includes paying greater attention to ‘men of god within the body of christ’ who are going to personally hold me accountable. I am sure legislation does not fall into the category of the ‘body of Christ’ so ones imagination is indeed left to think that other steps will be taken to stop me.
Uh…Guilluame is not me. Sorry. Dunno where that one came from, DTW.
@Amanda: [It is an emergent thing, as you very well know. Remember scary Nic Paton and Roger Saner wanting to know where you live?] Seriously, you perceive that to be a threat against you? My goodness. And to think we were even talking about a CITY! I live in Cape Town – tell the world! Shame, it must be really hard knowing that Jesus has set you free from all fear and yet you choose to interpret another comments as threatening (as you’ve done in the past) and think that some other Christian has physically threatened violence against you, when all you’ve done is pissed them off because of your inflammatory attitudes which you somehow think is Christlike.
Seriously. People. Grow up.
I’ll speak for myself here, and I’m 100% sure Guilluame (and Nic and all other Emergents) will agree with me:
1) that your threat does not involve physical harm to me or any of my family in any way and cause me to worry for my safety?
Correct. There has never been a threat of physical harm, and nothing we will ever do will compromise your physical safety. In fact, if we were the last people alive on earth and you needed help from us, we would gladly give it – without strings.
2) Please also tell us that your threat does not involve intimidation of any kind to me or my family in any way and cause me to worry for my safety?
“Intimidate – frighten or overawe (someone), esp. in order to make them do what one wants.” Deborah, you would never something which you didn’t want to do, and no Emergent wants to force you into that. That applies to both you and your family. We have no wish to intimidate you or your family.
3) Please tell us that your threat does not include harassment of me or my family in any way that will cause me to worry for my safety?
Our only point of contact with you is online, and since you refuse to meet any of us in person we have no possibly way of knowing your real name, where you stay, what you do for a living, or what your family does. Even if we knew those things, we would confine our points of contact with you to online, knowing that you would not want to meet any of us in person. What would we benefit from harassing you? Would we even know how? I don’t – it’s been a while since I went to harassment school.
However, we can’t guarantee that you won’t worry for your safety – because that is your choice. We are convinced that no matter what we say, no matter how much we try to show you that you have nothing to fear from us, you will delude yourself into thinking that threats of physical violence have been made against you and you are in grave danger from the evil Emergents. While nothing is further from the truth, that delusion is your choice and your right, and so feel free to barricade yourself and secure yourself as best as you can. It’s not like we’re going to be visiting you anytime soon anyway.
“C-E-C-I-L-I-A, I beseech you, tell me the truth. How many times have you commented on Thomas’ blog? Or am I you or you me or are we both D-T-W?”
>>> gewoonlik hou ek my nie op met kaf van kinders nie! (how do you say that in English?). But I will answer this: if a person suffers from a stalking complex, he/she certainly DO NOT KNOW their position in Christ, therefore they are bound to always show themselves supreme, always questioning others (agterdogtig ook), always have the last say, always knows better/best, always be in control. Such a person certainly do not know the depth of being a servant or being humble … therefore they will always put/shift the blame to someone they deem lesser/more vulnerable. Amanda is “a sheep”, I am “a fish eagle”. don’t you know the difference? our writing style differs almost 90+%, unlike some critics who write in under different names but have the same style(s)… I have not commented on this said “Thomas”‘ blog, don’t have the time, maybe I must go and have a look… the emergents keep me busy on this blog… (lol) but I do read a lot of other blogs. the thing is, I give my attention 100% where I give it, I don’t just “throw a stone into the bush and look what comes out”. That’s bad manners….
I would actually answer ‘yes’ on your question if we’re both DTW, we are indeed both Discerning The World, but we don’t look the same (thank heavens for that! – you wouldn’t have liked that Amanda…) why is this person trying to distract our focus? and that on such childish ways and plays…. my mentor would have said: mocking spirit…..
and please, I am just Cecilia (without all the goodies inbetween!).
You nailed it on the head DTW, it is all about fear! see, the “susters kerke” ‘belong’ to ‘a mother’, which is the Roman Catholic Organization (they call themselves a church). and she will kill for the cause of her sake, as history well marks … which is all about control / power, which you can trace back to the persecution in Roman days, where you dare not stood against her system of idolatry and adultery. The pope speak, the ‘children’ obey. Likewise in most churches. You can differ, but not speak out. But there’s one control most of these don’t practice: -> self-control. but again, I think these childish argumentation is to side-track DTW from its original call…
If you read GS’d articles you will see where that came from. GS insinuated that I was Amanda, Cecilia, Thomas and others…So I just asked the same question back, and used you as an example. sorry.
By Gualliume Smit
I am prepared to offer an apology. It’s address is the lady of the
website at Discerning the World. The reason is the week-long anguish I
observe she is experiencing because of my blogpost on Sunday. In my
apology I do not wish to retract any of my views, however. It is
rather based on the biblical commandment of love and the example of
Jesus showing us to rather practice the ministry of reconciliation.
Therefore, let me offer some perspective that, perhaps, could enable
interested followers of the debate to see things in another light.
When I first received the RSS-feed of DTW’s post on the Seven Chakras,
some time on Saturday morning, it really did not include the paragraph
on how these meditation techniques can destroy Christians. As she
stated herself, that paragraph was initially placed after her table
that explains the Chakras. Read like that (with the paragraph actually
missing), DTW opened herself up to serious misunderstanding about the
aim and purpose of her writing, especially as it gave no explanation
of intent (remember, presented to me as her post was without this
paragraph or any explanatory remarks).
[Ok, I don’t care if you mis-read my article and chose to not see the rest of it – the point is it was there. You also know fully well that I am a born again Christian as every article I have written on this website claims this and I always point towards Jesus Christ the Son of God for Salvation by Repentance of Sin.
You don’t need to retract anything GS. Just as I will not retract that you are still lying and when you stop lying one day and just say ‘I am sorry it as there all the time I just didn’t scroll down’ I will retract with a sincere genuine Christian apology. Until then what I have written is nothing but the truth and the whole truth. You filed this article under ‘fundamentalism’ – Not nice. Anyhow…]
I have to admit, I was intentional in my sarcasm. The saying goes: if
you live in a glass house, don’t throw stones. I am always left with
an uneasy sort of disgust when I read the posts she and her
contemporaries produce. Their intention is the destruction of the
ministries of Godly men and women (I know, DTW and the others don’t
see it that way). They literally interpret the Bible differently than
I and perhaps 90% of the rest of Christianity do. Moreover, they
present themselves as protectors of the faith and therefore feel bound
to attack the views and integrity of those persons with which they
disagree. That actually makes any fruitful discussion with them
totally impossible. All, then, that is left, is sarcasm or a total
ignoring of these petty writings.
[Nope GS you are intentionally destorying and dividing the body of Christ through allowing doctrines of demons to enter the church. Who preaches these new doctrines? Well the pastor of course. You are a wolf in a very badly made sheeps outfit. If you just take off that outfit and come clean that you want sooooo desperately to incorporate all religions into your preaching because they all have something that appeals to you. Come clean GS that the bible does not quite cut it anymore for you because we are in a New Age where things change, and the bible just does not hold all the answers anymore. Many pastors are coming clean which I consider HONESTY (not in a Christian context of course) but alteast they are no longer lying to their congregation. Their congregation now has the choice to stay and agree with thei ‘new’ Christianity or they can leave (because they are born again christians) and seek genuine gospel teaching elsewhere. Don’t worry GS your wallet will not get smaller, for there are way more people out there seeking the new false-Christ becuase he appeals to ones sinful life. You church will grow and be filled with new members all willing to rock on for Jesus, and do all sorts of weird and wonderful so called ‘godly’ creeds, ceremonies and rituals to be ONE.]
I chose the former in approaching her “Chakras-post.” It was a bit
childish of me and I actually stooped to the level of discourse with
which DTW is conducting herself.
[Oh my….]
But my true apology is this. Apparently, DTW’s post bumped into
technical difficulties of which she was unaware. She said herself that
she experienced difficulties with the spacing of that long table in
her post. It can therefore be possible that the missing paragraph only
got unmissed when she moved it up higher in her post. For an outsider,
however, at that stage, it appeared completely missing. In a sense I
actually helped her as she wouldn’t have known her posting got out
weird. Or perhaps not. Somebody else would have picked it up. Thus it
is most probably a technical glitch that seems to have created a
misunderstanding. My choice to point out the seeming flaw in the
argument, and the implications it had on her integrity, was
ill-conceived. But let God be the judge of whether it really was a
[No GS, the 6 long paragraphs were at the bottom all the time, there is solid evidence/proof of this in the comments section above here I attached 3 emails (.pdf) people received showing that paragraphs were there at the bottom of the table. Only after you wrote your article did I then move it higher. I moved it to the top of the table (just for you) and this is hen the table itseld got messed up. So again for the umpteenth time- It was there all the time. Let God be the judge on your constant attempts of twisting the truth so that you do not have to actually render a genuine apology to me.]
Unfortunately, I stand by my views on her way of handling things. I
stand by my observation that she needs to be held accountable for the
destruction her opions cause.
For clarity: when I speak of the body of Christ I mean the sum total
of all Christians, regardless of their denominational affinity or
geography. DTW is writing on the internet. It is open to all. She is
therefore subject to the scrutiny of all Christians and their agreeing
or disagreeing with her. Being held accountable in this sense
therefore means to be subject to critical enquiry on her views and
people opposing her views with different arguments. DTW is also
supposed to be part of a geographical church community. If she
conducted herself in a way that caused them to act on her misconduct,
then she should submit herself to that authority. That is how the
Bible teaches on the matter. But I doubt her church family disgrees
with her views. Let God also be the judge of that.
[No GS, there are 2 types of Christians in the world today. Those who call themselves Christians – they have a label sown to their jackets to make people perceive they are Christian but they follow all sorts of non Biblical teachings – they too believe they belong to a ‘body of Christ’. Then we have genuine Christians who adhere to the word of God and the word of God only, these people can be anywhere around the world, sparcely seperated from one another, meeting together on sundays at eachothers home for genuine christian fellowship (you know the ones you call ‘cults’). Never the less. The one group speaks about a Christ but it’s not Jesus Christ the Son of God – but ANOTHER FAKE Christ. One that Jesus Christ himself spoke about that would pounce upon the world and deceive, blind men with spiritual blindless and lead them off on a course destined for nothing but destruction. These Christians call themselves Christians, but they preach things that are not in the Word of God. They have new ideas of how things need to be in this ‘new world’ of ours – and these ideas oppose the ones that Jesus Christ the Son of God WARNED us about CONSTANTLY.
So yes, you do belong to a body of ‘Christ’ but it’s not my Jesus Christ, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Mosy High, All Powerful, Seated at the right hand of our Heavenly father waiting to decend on this world and JUDGE mankind and their wicked ways. I belong to the true body of Christ which is SPIRITIAL and the prerequisite for this to be genuinely SAVED, believing that Jesus Christ died for our sin, that his blood washes us spotless that we can be presented before God. We are immediately filled with God’s Holy Spirit who then is our councellor and comforter and HE guides us into ALL truth ALL the time. We do not need men to teach us, we do not need creeds, ceremonies and rituals when WE have Jesus Christ. That is of course if you are truly saved. When one stuggles to understand the Word of God it is because there is no Holy Spirit for He is the interpreter of Scripture when we read it.
This is why men of this world end up having to make their own dialogue as to what scripture means because they do not understand and never will without the Holy Spirit. There is only ONE meaning to the word of God and every verse in Scripture will always point to Jesus Christ, Repentance of Sin and Salvation. Nothing else. Short, sweet and to the point. But noooo, man has to make it difficult, it can’t be that easy. Have to throw in some Simony somewhere to make it more appealing.
Genuine Repentance of Sin through Jesus Christ the Son of God who died the most horrific death that we may be saved, believe with all your heart and soul and love Jesus with every little bit of love your little human heart can muster? Is that it? The infilling of the Holy Spirit – that gentle voice who convicts you when you do wrong, that gentle whisper who convicts you that you are not pleasing God one bit through you stubborness to follow after wickedness. That horrible feeling that comes over you when you know fully well that you are slapping Jesus Christ through the face by listening to men who preach blasphemous teachings that all faiths are compatilbe and that Jesus Christ the Son of God can mix and mingle with idols!
It’s the most wonderful feeling to know you are born again!!! That I spent my days in God’s presence through Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit who comforts me. No burdons, no if’s or buts, just the peace and joy that Jesus Christ the Son of God brings into my life. Do you have the GS? Or are you burdoned, and angry?
I do not need to go and read scritpure to be reminded that we are to love. Genuine love that is. Not a fake put on love where you can say sorry and not say sorry at the same time. You know very well that I am a born again Christian. You read my previous articles before this one where I stated this clearly. But you try so hard to hide and make excuses. Why? There is no darkness in Jesus Christ. He is the way, the truth and the life. Get rid of the darkness that covers you and weighs you down and just come before Jesus Christ the Son of God and say you are sorry.
In the mean time, she must accept that other Christians will call her
to task on the heresies she is expounding through public discourse.
This is the point: Unfortunately, DTW, you do not hold the truth
alone. As Ephesians 4 teaches, we are all one body, serving one God.
If you, therefore, argue that I and the other persons you so
frequently attack, are serving another God than the One you are
serving, you are actually removing yourself from the community God
intended. There is only one God and He made Himself known through
Jesus. And I serve that God and that God alone. In this body of
Christ, people may differ in opinion. They may interpret Scripture
from different angles and speak about it. There isn’t one infallible
truth derived from the Bible that needs to be universally accepted –
although sometimes we all wish it could be the case.
[See above what I wrote again. You can’t call me to task on anything. God is who calls me to task to warn others not to be caught in lies. Only the Holy Spirit can interpret scritpure for men. If you do not have the Holy Spirit abiding in you, you will interpret scriptrue any angle you wish and it will be incorrect – Do you want to be able to hear the TRUTH straight from God’s Spirit? Accept Jesus Christ into your life GS. Be born again and then you wont need a universally accepted bible that has been adapted to suit mankinds FAILURE to understand the WORD OF GOD because it is fool proof. Only the people of this world who do not understand the Word of God would add too or take away from scripture which God commands us NOT TO DO. It also proves that when one does add to or take away that there is no Holy Spirit in that persons life for if he did, he would UNDERSTAND]
All is interpretation. Even your views are clouded by the filters of
legalism and propositional theology, being interpretations of what God
really meant when He allowed the Bible to be written. You need to
practice some humility in your approach.
[Humility when it comes to mankinds salvation? You can’t be serious? So leave and let be – don’t preach, don’t mention sin, dare not mention repentance. They are about to walk over the cliff – instead of warning them (which will just upset them all) just give them a first aid kid and hope that when they hit the bottom they are still alive to try patch themselves up? What I have written above, does that offend you? The Holy Spirit is not full of legalism and propositions. He is God. God does give you a choice though to choose Him and His Holy Spirit who leads you to understand His word correctly, or you can choose another means of approach and lead no where, except into a spiders web of occult teaching of different degrees.
My “admonishment” is therefore not meant to be understood that a hit
squad of some sort will come and smash your house’s windows or break
your legs. That stuff belongs to the mafia (and even they profess to
serve God!). My admonishment is that you should understand that the
people who disagree with your views or hold other views that make you
feel uneasy, actually are also Christians. You cannot go around
attacking them by trying to destroy their professional integrity and
then expect all and sundry to believe you.
[No, genuine Christians do NOT make genuine Christians feel uneasy. People who profess some form of Christianity that follows another Christ – this Christ is out to seek and destroy are the ones who will most definitely make genuine Christians feel uneasy. As you said, “That stuff belongs to the mafia (and even they profess to
serve God!). And even as these Mafia profess God, they will make you feel uneasy if they stepped into your presence. So it’s clear that professing God does not make one a Christian. Making threats of any kind to make another uneasy is not of God either.]
You actually are exposing yourself to valid criticism. Eventually this
can lead to the public rejection of your own credibility if you
continue to constantly harper on the same tune in the same way. People
will just stop reading your blog, as I am henceforth going to do.
[Nope, people wont stop reading this blog, for I speak the truth and I warn and stand up for the gospel of Jesus Christ – This is God’s blog, not mine. And as He directs me to write I will write and as He directs those to come and read what I have written they will come. I do not save people. Jesus Christ saves people, if they care to want to know Him and love Him. If you want to stop, then stop. You ultimately make all your own choices.]
Finally, your emotional reactions over the past week demonstrated to
me how damaging this way of discourse actually can become. It doesn’t
belong in the church. We must not participate in such behaviour.
[No, false teaching does not belong in the church and fighting the good fight for the truth is expected by God. God does not appreaciate the wickedness you run after]
When you humble yourself before God and repent of all things you have done in your life, of all the things and evil teachings you have been following, when you ask for forgiveness for all the people you have led astray with this new one world faith – when you change your ways and make a concious decision to serve Jesus Christ the Son of God and only HIM. When you get behind your pulpit and sob your heart out before your congregation that you have made the most horrendus of mistakes and repent before them and correct the errors you have been teaching them. Saying sorry and asking for forgiveness is the hard part. Jesus Christ forgives immediately.
So GS, don’t apologise to me. You have God looking down at you or worse turning away from you and you need to apologise to HIM. The creator of this earth. The one who created you. The one who can and will discard you into everlasting fire for following after Satan and his hords. What kind of love has been stored up in your heart? Love to hate Jesus Christ and His saints or a Love to Love Jesus Christ with all your heart and soul where you spend most of your days crying before His feet that He saved you, but there was a long time where you rejected Him.]
ek kan amper nie glo dat GS homself so vasspin in sy eie leuens nie! dis ‘n klad op die naam van geestelike leiers. dis nooit te laat om sonder ‘n hengse lange verdoeselings verduideliking, net bloot te sê ‘jammer’ nie. maar dan, dit sal vir hierdie persoon ‘vernederend’ wees, en hoe gaan “sy” gemeente dan nog kan opkyk na hom? die goeie nuus is, meeste mense kry meer respek en agting vir ‘n leier wat kan erken dat hy/sy fouteer het. anders is dit bloot manipulasie deur vrees wat mense laat stilbly.
elke blogger het sy/haar eie manier van reageer op kommentare op sy/haar blog. waarom hammer op DTW se manier van doen? dis tog DTW se blog, en verleen DTW die volste reg om op eie manier te reageer… dit sal hartseer wees as leiers begin om hul volgelinge te manipuleer om in te skryf na blogs wat na hul mening, dinge verkeerd doen/hanteer. cecilia
Chris Rosebrough writes at Extreme Theology:
This Could Have Been Written Today
May I add:
7. They embrace and promote the New Age.
DTW wrote: “If you read GS’d articles you will see where that came from. GS insinuated that I was Amanda, Cecilia, Thomas and others…So I just asked the same doff question back.”
Ah, thanks – I’d missed that.
@Amanda, I was going to respond to something you’d written to me, but it seems your comment got deleted. Doh!
Hi Roger
Yes, Amanda asked that it be deleted. I am sure she will explain why.
Hi Roger
All that I should have said, was that Nic said:
And that Jesus Christ warned us:
Is that what you wanted to respond to?
By the way, thank you for the feedback in your previous comment to me. That is far more helpful than the usual emergent “bless you”.
Now, I have a question for you. Do you think that, in order to remain true to the gospel they preach that emergents should sell their churches and feed the poor?
@AdMo: thanks for the explanation 🙂
@Amanda: yes, indeed Nic did say that – him and I are still confused as to how such a question is interpreted as threatening (even though we respect DTW’s request for us to not ask it again). That’s not a question which is looking for a home address (and no-one should be giving out their home address online anyway) but rather a general location, whether “South Africa” or “Joburg” or “Cape Town” or whatever. The purpose of the question was to see if doing coffee with the person is possible – as far as Nic and I are concerned, when serious criticism comes up against us, we hope to meet with the person concerned (this has happened in the past with Stephen Murray, a student at George Whitfield Seminary in Cape Town – both Nic and I have met with him on different occasions, and in my case with Tim Cantrell, a Baptist pastor who hosted a seminar at his church a few years back on why Emergents have it all wrong, and also wrote an article in Today Magazine and said I’d be happy to meet with him in person – with no throwing of vegetables!).
Of course, this question was before DTW made it clear that she finds any requests for location to be threatening, and will never meet in person with anyone with whom she differs.
re: Matthew 10:16 – no, that’s not what I wanted to respond to. You called me a liar based on comments on this post, and I was going to respond to that, but you asked for your comment to be deleted, so I won’t respond (I only bring that up because you asked – I wouldn’t have mentioned it otherwise).
I’m glad my feedback in my previous comment was helpful to you. I’m not sure why – I thought I was going to be rapped over the knuckles for using bad language and thought that comment would probably be deleted – so I was kinda surprised to see it go through.
You ask, “Do you think that, in order to remain true to the gospel they preach that emergents should sell their churches and feed the poor?” No, I don’t.
@Amanda: to expand slightly on that last comment (I don’t want to hijack this thread, but am happy to keep writing if this is helpful), I’m not uncritical of what some Emergents are saying. Some are anti-institutional, and think the institution of the church is fundamentally opposed to God, and should be immediately disbanded. I think that’s a rather naive position which falls into “Old = bad, New = good” and of course, “New” is what we say it is, and of course we’re right, so everyone else is wrong and just listen to us, who only now, for the first time in 2000 years understands what the Bible is truly saying…blah blah blah.
Again, I think that’s rather naive and reactionary.
Luke 4:18, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind..”
Amanda, can you explain why this verse emphasizes preaching the gospel to the poor?
Pooh Bear
PREACHING the gospel to the poor, not FEEDING the poor. Two different things. HEAL the brokenhearted by PREACHING the GOSPLE OF JESUS CHRIST that they will repent and receive SALVATION, PREACH the gospel (repentance and salvation) to the captives (those who are NOT SAVED) that they may be set FREE (SALVATION) and SEEING the TRUTH, JESUS is the LIGHT in the DARKNESS. THE BLIND WILL SEE once SAVED.
Ok, I see Amanda answered, asking how you define the gospel? That’s a good question.
Pooh Bear
Sure. First tell how do you define the gospel? I just want to make sure that we are talking about the same thing.
>> and will never meet in person with anyone with whom she differs.
Dude, I don’t even meet with people I agree with, so really… move on, the subtle sarcasim is not funny anymore – it was – but not anymore. As of last night I have a broken ‘w’ key on my keyboard (hich I need to press like 20 times before it orks) so this means I have to leave my house and go out into the big ide orld to get it fixed. I recently sat in a room filled ith pro-emergent and I alked out alive. Being asked over and over and over again ‘hat is your name and here do you live’ is not considered a friendly invitation – especially hen suddenly your blog and internet ‘name’ is stolen. Anyho, shall e move on? I moved on already…i’m aiting for you to catch up 🙂
And I think throing vegetables is completely going against the “Netork of Earthkeeping Christian Communities in South Africa (NECCSA).” here all churches in South Africa are going to be asked to participate in creating earthkeeping ministries! Article coming soon to a DT blog near you.
This W key is going to be a problem today.
Sorry about that broken “w” key, DT – I’ve had that before and used copy/paste to much good effect 🙂
>the subtle sarcasim is not funny anymore – it was – but not anymore.
Um – I wasn’t being sarcastic or ironic – I thought you’d made it clear that you’d reject any invitation for coffee with someone with whom you differ. Did I misunderstand you?
Yes, I’ve moved on from the invitations to coffee a few months back already – I brought it up here again in the context of you finding an interaction with Guillaume threatening (incidentally, if he – or anyone else – threatens you with physical harm I’ll be the first to stand up against that. That has no place amongst Christians).
In terms of your blog being “stolen” – I thought you of all people would understand satire? Now, when you’re google’d, that blog comes up too – which is the same method you use to promote this blog (so when people google someone you’ve “discerned” (is that the right verb?) they end up here).
I think NECCSA would be all for throwing vegetables – it creates more exposure for them! I wonder what their logo is?
Hi Roger
Sorry for the delay in answering you. It is a little hard to know where to start.
I withdrew my comment, because I could have made my point without an “inflammatory attitude.” My point was that you lied on this thread and therefore your word on our safety is meaningless. If you want me elaborate so that you can have the opportunity to defend yourself, I will do so.
When I warned DTW not to take a threat lightly, I was not referring to Rev. Giullaume Smit’s complaint that our details are not on the net, but to the clear threat that I quoted in my comment. You said:
I did not choose to interpret Rev. Guilaume Smit’s comment as threatening. He clearly stated it. Fear, Roger? Then why would I voluntarily provide him with my e-mail address? Being cautious is not the same as being afraid.
Roger, the real problem in this ‘conversation’ is that emergents are prepared to sacrifice truth in favour of relationships and emotions, and Christians are not. It is like sheep and coffee mugs trying to converse.
We are warning those that still can be saved against the emerging church. Our problem is not that you have created your own religion. You are free to do so. Our problem is that you call yourself by our name, Christian, and that you are spreading your religion in the church. In fact you have taken over the church and as a Christian I am deeply ashamed that we have allowed this to happen. I am only vaguely interested to see what you are going to do with my inheritance, but I do care about the people who blindly follow and so do not get to hear the Gospel preached.
Does this answer your questions or should I try again? Your thoughts?
I don’t know, but the “Climate Change A Challenge to the Churches in South Africa” published by the South African Council of Churches has a map of South Africa in the rainbow colours and a coiled serpent. [It could also have been a cyclone if it coiled in a clockwise direction, not so?]
@Amanda wrote: “My point was that you lied on this thread and therefore your word on our safety is meaningless. If you want me elaborate so that you can have the opportunity to defend yourself, I will do so.” Yes, let’s start there. You say I lied on this thread, I say I didn’t. Please lay out the case for my lie so I can respond.
So are you saying that in the context of this verse, “the poor” refers to those who are spiritually poor?
I don’t see how my understanding of the Gospel has any bearing on you being able to answer the question. But I will if you like: Gospel = life, True Life, found in Jesus Christ! Will you give me your definition (if it differs)?
Poor Bear
Yes, what’s the point of feeding someone bread to give them life on earth but they die a spiritual death because they were not given spiritual bread. That’s the entire point of a false gospel vs the real Gospel found in Jesus Christ.
Do you gather up your treasure here on earth or do you want to be with Jesus Christ in the afterlife?
Do you think genuine Christians don’t actually care about the well being of people here and now on earth just because where you will spend eternity (that means forever) is actually more important?
Do you think your afterlife will be shorter than your one here on earth?
Where do you think you are going to go after you die? Come back here? Rotated like re-incarnation.
And yeah I really do want you to answer the above questions…
Tell me what you interpret this verse to mean and believe me there is only 1 meaning and there are no catches. It’s straight forward understanding. No mystical hidden meanings attached.
Matthew 18:8
Jesus said: 8 “If your hand or your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it from you; it is better for you to enter life crippled or lame, than to have two hands or two feet and be cast into the eternal fire.”
And then another 2 times in Matthew 18:8 and Mark 9:43.
Notice that everything in the Bible is mentioned more than once. Jesus KNEW because HE IS GOD that there will be many who will choose to try change what He said. So He said it more than ones just to make sure they ‘get it’. But yet, they still don’t get it. BECAUSE they choose not too – they want it their way instead.
One more question, if we are both Christian, both serve the same Jesus Christ – why do we differ on the gospel? Think about this. You mentioned in a previous comment on another article that I was dis-connected and basically do not think like the ‘new world/age’ Christian. Then in another comment you insisted we both belong to the same body of Christ.
I know who my Father is and I know who Jesus Christ is. And I know that this new age Christian ‘gospel’ is NOT the gospel that Jesus Christ told the disciples too spread to the nations and it’s NOT the gospel that Jesus Christ spoke when He was walking on earth and gave His life for and it’s NOT what it written in the Word of God – God’s writing through simple men. God’s Word.
You told me you you are not New Age and I said that even though you say you are not, you speak exactly like they do. Your thinking is in the exact same direction as them. And by saying that you don’t see how your understanding of the Gospel has any bearing on you being able to answer the question” makes it very clear that you do not understand what you are saying because if you did you would be able to answer this question. There is ONLY 1 answer not multiple ones.
And if you can’t answer the question…if I was you that is, which I am not, but I myself would be worried and go find out why I can’t answer a simple question like this great detail I might add. Your answer and you know this is not a good one. God knows your heart Poor Bear.
If you are seeking the Truth in all this world wide mess, I really really suggest you start seeking Jesus Christ in earnest. Going around feeding the poor and digging wells in Africa is not going to help anyone. Yes it looks great on earth and everyone thinks you are just super loving and so kind and don’t get me wrong, YES it’s wonderful to help people, it’s Christ like to help people (genuine Holy Spirit inspired love). But when you are doing it for the wrong religion, in the wrong religion then…I fail to understand why you even bother to feed them.
And I am not saying you actually go around feeding the poor I am using examples here that will apply to you and to everyone else reading this comment.
Remember this: unbelievers feed the poor too.
Pooh Bear
Are you talking about the abundant life? Is it possible to have ‘True Life’ and remain dirt poor all your life?
The Bible defines the Gospel in 1 Corinthians 15:1-8:
The mission of the church is to proclaim repentance and the forgiveness of sins in Jesus Christ’s name to all nations. Luke 24:47
There is Good News:
And there is bad news:
If we can agree on this, then I will go back to Luk 4:18.
Hi Roger.
1. Dr. Guilluame Smit wrote:
You said:
You claim:
No, it does not. It proofs his claim to be false.
2. You wrote:
No, you were not. Nic asked:
You also said:
I agree! That is why that question, in the middle of a heated debate and without the clarifying remarks, deserved the red flag. How about, in stead of trying to rewrite it, you acknowledge that the question was out of line and then we move on?
Roger, it would appear your friend was Disceramentalist Mafia is at it again. We have discussed the issues as hand regarding your previous engagements on this website, along with others you associate with and we have decided to call it a day for you on this blog. We thank you for your massive input and exposure of what the Emergent Church believes and how they intimidate born again Christians which means they insult the one who they believe in, Jesus Christ the Son of God.
We request you send Graeme Codrington to dialogue with us from your website futurechurch.co.za, we sit here with bated breath wondering if he is going to expose the Emergent Church even more. So far he has written some excellent articles on how to go against the scripture and ignore God’s Word in every way possible. We will be looking at these shortly especially the one on homosexuality “Homosexuality is ‘natural”
And we just love the ‘blackslider’ username that automatically gets filled out for your visitors in the comments section. Two thumbs up for a great welcome, we recommend you keep it there.
AdMo – Approval based on Amanda’s question:
Thanks for laying out in detail your argument, Amanda. Let me respond bit by bit.
1. Of course Guillaume’s claim of DTW deleting all dissenting voices is false. I’m a dissenting voice, most of my comments are published, ergo DTW does not publish only those people who strengthen her views.
What I said is that:
I followed up with:
This is correct logically – Guillaume’s has some credibility, because some of my comments (and comments from other dissenting voices) have been deleted. DTW deletes some comments, and they’re only from people who have dissenting voices. Where is this logically incorrect?
2. I wrote:
You wrote,
I say, Yes we were! If you really like, go and find previous conversations between Nic and me and others online, say Linda or Cori or Cobus or Arthur or Bryan or Peter or Sean…on EmergingAfrica.info and elsewhere, where that request has always been in the context of a city. It’d be really weird if someone responded with a street address to that request anyway!
Still, I can see why you though that was threatening, as you seem to believe that Emergents will stop at nothing, even arriving un-announced and uninvited to someone’s house with the express purpose of intimidating them. This is, was, and never will be our intention.
Based on this irrational fear of yours, I acknowledge that our question was out of line. If we’d know earlier you were afraid of us, no-one would’ve asked that question.
3. Amanda wrote,
I’m waiting for you to elaborate and lay out the argument as to where I lied on this thread. That’s what your comment was supposed to be about, but you haven’t even brought up the charge of my lying! So far, all you’ve done is claim that I’m employed some incorrect logic, and dispute that Nic and I were talking about a city. No sniff of lying yet. At best, if you end up winning this little exchange, you’ll prove that I can’t think too straight and that I like threatening people for the fun of it. But I can’t see, by your response, where you’re accusing me of lying?
Again, I write the same thing:
AdMo wrote:
Ok AdMo, I’ll respect your wishes – this will be my last comment on this blog. I only ask that you either publish my previous comment or send it to Amanda, because she asked for the right to lay out a certain argument and I think she’d appreciate my reply.
Re: the Disceramentalist Mafia – I don’t know who that is and I don’t even follow that blog, but I’ll go and check it out and see what they’re up to.
As for Graeme, he usually responds to comments on FutureChurch, so feel free to write there. So far I haven’t felt the need to moderate comments there – I hope to keep it that way.
I’m sorry to hear that people here feel intimidated by Emergent Christians. I’ve tried my best to show that this is not that case, that I would be the first to stand up for Amanda and Deborah if they were in any way physically threatened by anyone. If that’s not good enough, well, I can’t do more than that.
I’ve spent a lot of time in rural areas, working with orphans, praying for AIDS victims on their deathbeds, and trying to bring love and light where possible. One of the most amazing things I’ve seen is a man saying that his body is not well but his spirit is alive because of Jesus Christ… and a month later he died!!
Far be it from preaching a False/New-Age gospel, we emphasize to these people that they need Jesus and that he died for them. But what frustrates me is when people come in for a week, get all the kids to play some games and then finish off with an alter call, where they rack up their “salvations” count so they can report back to their home churches on their success!!
I don’t think that’s the kind of discipleship Jesus was talking about. To really make an impact in the lives of the poor, it involves helping them first (and concurrently) with their physical plight. But that doesn’t mean we should just go and dig wells just so that we have an inroad to preach to them so that we can offer them their “ticket to heaven”. I’m saying the Gospel involves all of it – it’s a holistic view of the body, the soul, the spirit, the community and life! It’s not New Age, it’s just a bigger, more complete, view of what Jesus came to bring us.
Do you have any problem with that?
AdMo – Deleted comment, answers been supplied to your questions.