The Positive and The Negative of a One World Religion

The Christ - one world religion

The Positive and The Negative of a One World Religion

They tell you its all good, they tell you it’s all about peace, love and joy.  They tell you the message they are spreading is one of change, transformation.  We have to under no uncertain terms create peace on earth – no uncertain terms.  We need to save the earth, because we as a human race are going to be living in this world for a long, long time.  And we can’t continue fighting amongst each other.  The main culprit for all the conflict is religion.  And the only way to fix this problem is to merge all the major faiths together.   But they had to find the central common denominator of each religion to be able to unite them together.  It’s Christ.

They say that the Christians await their Christ, Jews are still awaiting the Messiah, Hindus are anticipating the coming of Krishna, Muslims are expecting the Imam Mahdi and Buddhists await the Fifth (Maitreya) Buddha.  They say all these ‘Christ’s’ are actually one and the same.  Therefore ALL religions lead to the same God – So what are we fighting about?

Roman Catholicism and a One World Religion

Besides the multiple horrendus problems with the above so called brilliant concept there is one BIG factor that needs to be taken into consideration.  The Christians they speak of here are Roman Catholics who are not genuine Christians.  Their Christ is the Eucharist Christ who is permanently nailed to a cross, never coming off and being sacrificed repeatedly, the mother is Mary or Isis (Goddess of Fertility) and their God is Mithra the Sun God.   The born again Christians await Jesus Christ the Son of God – The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.   So technically yes, the Roman Catholics do await their Christ which is the same Christ as all other religions out there – EXCEPT truly born again Christians….

The genuine Christian’s Saviour is Jesus Christ the Son of God, King of Kings as written in the Bible and IS NOT the same Christ we are called to accept by the ‘new’ one world religion that is taking over this earth (or should I say has already overtaken the earth).  We are told we are in a New Age, a New Dawn, everything is Emerging and merging.  We are told that we can turn this world around.  If we come together as one global community we can make this change.  There will be peace, love and joy.  We need to understand that we are all connected.  We are brothers and sisters.  If one is suffering then we are all suffering.  If Africa is suffering then it’s a ‘measuring stick’ that the rest of the world is not in good shape.

Sharing (or service to humanity) IS all a One World Religion needs

We need to share.  But it’s not about sharing the truth, the Gospel of Jesus Christ as per what is written in the Word of God.  It’s not about saving souls for Jesus Christ anymore; it’s now ALL about sharing and giving to your brother and your sister.  We need to show love and compassion by doing good works; feeding the poor, giving blankets to all who are cold, provide housing to everyone that they may have a roof over their heads, dig wells to provide water and stop emitting carbon so as to reverse climate change.  We have to do this, because this is our world, our ‘mother’ earth.

But we can’t do this on our own, we need help.  Help from The Christ himself.  We do this through contemplative spirituality.  The message of salvation where you need to repent of your own individual sin and accept Jesus Christ the Son of God by believing that He died for us, that our souls will be saved thereby receiving eternal life no longer applies.   There is also no such thing as sin anymore, and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ which wholly includes the message of repentance of sin is now completely taboo.

This Christ comes bearing gifts for all;  knowledge, health, love, peace, joy, food, water, education, a message of hope for mankind.  A message that we can be higher than what we think we are.  We can achieve so much more than we think.  This message however is now where to be found in the Bible, unless of course you take the Word of God and twist what it says for your own ideologies.

Instead the new gospel is a one pager on how to connect with the Christ inside you.  It will tell you how to go about choosing a place where you feel content and a place where you will achieve silence.  The choosing of a mantra or sound etc., that you will repeat over and over again which will allow you to enter into a trace, the posture you will sit in so as to allow maximum energy flow between the charkas, a technique on how to breath efficiently and how to clear your mind of all thoughts, especially negative ones  – you will never be able to hear God if you are thinking, walk a labyrinth, stop thinking!

This will help you in your quest to join a One World Religion:

  • Transcend the world  (transcend human/physical boundaries and move to a higher spiritual level)
  • Experience more happiness in your life
  • Recognize the divinity within all people  (you will be able to recognize The Christ in other people – They say you will be able to recognise ‘Jesus’  in other people)
  • Remember your divine nature (meditation will help you remember that you are not really human but have a divine nature, god-like)
  • Use the business of the world to awaken (you will use earthly things and ideas to help awaken humanity to their destiny of being gods and having the power to create a Kingdom of God on earth)
  • Develop more consistency with your spiritual practices (once you connect with your inner god-self (the god in you) you will find yourself reaching higher levels of spirituality much easier with less effort.)
  • See the world through God’s eyes (you will see the world through ‘Gods’ eyes because you youself are a god)
  • Understand the connection between being and creation (You will understand that the earth, animals, plants and humans are all connected and if one of them is suffering then mankind as a whole is suffering)
  • Fulfill your life’s purpose (your life’s purpose is to help create the Kingdom of God on earth and rule as a god, you can be a king in your kingdom)
  • Experience your divine innocence (being a god means that there is no such thing as sin, for a god can’t sin.  You are therefore innocent and free)
  • Recognize your holiness  (you are holy because you are a god)
  • Discover your divine gifts (gods always come with divine gifts;  healing, compassion, love, etc.,)
  • Uncover your heart’s desire  (you will find that your heart’s desire will be entirely focused on peace and building the Kingdom of God on earth)
  • See the presence of God in all things (God is all, and all is in God – pantheism, panentheism)
  • Experience Oneness (you are a god, you are one with the universe – cosmic Elohim.  Note this ‘Elohim’ is NOT the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob)
  • Live heaven on earth (instead of being evacuated from earth as the Word of God speaks about constantly, you no longer need to believe this because earth will become your domain.  You will rule the earth as a god.)
  • Strengthen your creativity (become very creative at finding clever ways to network (using the businesses of the world) so as to help spread the message and teach employers and their staff the techniques of finding inner peace)
  • Let go of unnecessary rules on your spiritual path (let go the Word of God, throw it away for the Bible is completely unnecessary.  But you will take on the Golden Rule:  Positive connotation – do to others what you would like to be done to you, Negative connotation – do not do to others what you would not like to be done to you)
  • Develop more consistently with your meditation practice (again, the more you practice the more you get closer to hearing the voice of God. So the more you practice the more you will transform and reach higher levels of enlightenment,  like climbing a ladder.)
  • Experience Enlightenment [1] (all of the above, you progress in levels, until you reach the ultimate enlightenment, ultimate illumination)

Instead of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ we are to now to make friends with everyone and drink coffee until we are bouncing off the walls. We need to build relationships because that’s what Christ did; well that’s what the One World Religion-ers tell us.  They tell us Jesus went around building relationships.  He debated, He never rebuked anyone.  He never once asked anyone to repent of their sin.  He never once got angry and turned over the tables in the temple.  In fact there was so much love going around that they were not even sure he was crucified and if he was crucified is was not anything as bad as the Bible makes it out to be.  Some Emergent (New Age teachers) even say that Jesus’ body was eaten by dogs.  Some say that Jesus was an illegitimate child, Mary was a whore and was raped by Roman soldiers – as Jesus grew up he could not explain the fact that he did not have a father so made up a story that his father was God.

The blasphemy, the absolute disgusting, evil words that spews out of people’s mouths.

They mock and insult Jesus Christ, our King of All Kings, our Lord and Saviour, the God who will bring JUDGEMENT on mankind for their wickedness.  The people of this world will gather at Armageddon in an attempt to try show God what they are supposedly made of, but in the process are wiped out so quickly they won’t even know what hit them.

The One World Religion followers just can’t understand why we (genuine Christians) don’t want to attend their gatherings and bowling evenings.  When we don’t accept the invitations we are told we are being negative, and negativity is just not a good thing.  Negativity breeds hostility.

So my question is:  What do you call HOSTILITY towards the One and Only Living God who sent His ONLY begotten Son to save the world? 

It’s laughable! 

A One World Religion and it’s positives and negatives

It’s only positive when the One World Religion followers say it’s positive.  Otherwise it’s 100% negative.  Insulting Jesus Christ is considered positive.

Positivity as per the New Age dictionary = love all who follow a message other than the Word of God.  Reject Biblical teaching thereby denying Jesus Christ.
Negativity as per the New Age dictionary = those who cause division instead of unity and follow the Word of God and refuse to deny Jesus Christ 

James 4:4

4 You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.


Please share:

Deborah (Discerning the World)

Deborah Ellish is the author of the above article. Discerning the World is an internet Christian Ministry based in Johannesburg South Africa. Tom Lessing and Deborah Ellish both own Discerning the World. For more information see the About this Website page below the comments section.

142 Responses

  1. Kevin says:

    The defense of some sort of ‘Truth’ over and above the well-being of people is a common (and damaging) aspect of traditional Christianity. The emerging movement should be lauded for thinking outside this box.

  2. blank Discerning The World says:


    >> The defense of some sort of ‘Truth’ over and above the well-being of people is a common (and damaging) aspect of traditional Christianity.

    You mean Roman Catholocism.

    >> The emerging movement should be lauded for thinking outside this box.

    Lauded? You chose a very interesting word when it comes to the the emerging movement. The Emergent Church needs to be praised and glorified? Will be be forced to worship them soon? Sounds like the Roman Catholic church that insist on being praised, glorified and worshipped as God.

    Besides, did you actually read this article, were I speak about the difference between genuine Christianity and Roman Catholocism? I am hoping you come back and read this comment, because it’s short it might help you read what I say in it’s entirety:

    Who murdered, tortured, imprisoned people over the centuries because they refused to accept the Mother Church’s truth? Well Kev, you don’t even know what you are following! The same people who damaged and twisted the truth and murdered people in the name of GOD, yes their God, not MY GOD.

    It’s all a big joke…everything has been reversed and twisted to make bible beleiving Christians out to be the murderers. Pffff… what are you going to say to yourself one day when you are purifying the earth of those who refuse your so called truth that actually doesn’t exist (lol). Will you be laughing at those who are being beaten, tortured and imprisoned? Or will you stand there and think to yourself, “WHAT AM I DOING????’

    The Emergent Church is part of the Roman Catholic Church who are NOTHING BUT HATERS of the TRUTH, but used the word truth to KILL.

    And this is what the One World Religion is going to do…and you seem soooo chuffed with yourself to be part of the coming massacre.

    Congratulations Kevin…what a star you are.

  3. blank Amanda says:

    The defense of some sort of ‘Truth’ over and above the well-being of people is a common (and damaging) aspect of traditional Christianity.

    Unless, off course, it is THE Truth. Other than that you are absolutely right. Nobody should cause so much fuss about some sort of truth.

  4. blank Discerning The World says:


    >> and I still don’t see how you logically link the emerging movement with murder.

    Where did I say that? Maybe you should read what I said…a 4th time.

    But I suppose at the end of the day it’s negative for me to say that the Emergent church is LINKED with Rome and the Roman Catholic church were the cause of all inquisitions, and persecutions of people who wanted to RETURN to real biblical truth and not a fake one. etc.

    Fact (which means truth by the way): The Pope apologised in 2003 for all the murder and atrocoties they caused for the last 2000 years. Not that I am sure he can apologise, because he thinks he is God…but I suppose when you are a god you can do anything and saying anything you want.

    Is it positive for Emergents to say that Christians are the cause of the entire worlds problems?

    >> That’s two positive scores on my books for them 🙂

    Only two?

  5. blank Discerning The World says:

    >> I’ve never heard an emergent ever make a claim to some form of absolute truth

    I’ve never heard them make this claim either. Of course, there is no absolute truth for Emergents, that is why the Bible needs to be discarded.

    Thanks for helping to establish that truth LOL.

  6. Kevin says:

    >> The Emergent Church is the Roman Catholic Church who are NOTHING BUT HATERS of the TRUTH, but used the word truth to KILL.

    I’ve read the above article three times, and I still don’t see how you logically link the emerging movement with murder. Am I right that this is what you are claiming? That the emerging movement kills? My experience with emergents (I’m not one, by the way) is that they are extremely tolerant to opposing views, ideas and cultures. I would think that tolerance would discourage rather than encourage violence.

    >> Unless, off course, it is THE Truth.

    And I guess you are the one who knows what is the TRUTH. Does this mean that all the millions of people (non-‘true Christians’, that is) who have lived (and are living) are wrong? Funnily enough, I’ve never heard an emergent ever make a claim to some form of absolute truth. Not only are the emergents tolerant, but they are humble, too. That’s two positive scores on my books for them 🙂

  7. blank Amanda says:

    And I guess you are the one who knows what is the TRUTH.

    Yes. It is revealed in the Word of God for everyone:

    “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.
    (Joh 3:16-18)

    Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
    (Joh 14:6)


    Does this mean that all the millions of people (non-’true Christians’, that is) who have lived (and are living) are wrong?

    Very, very wrong.

    Funnily enough, I’ve never heard an emergent ever make a claim to some form of absolute truth.

    Except: there is no absolute truth? Including that statement? Oh, don’t be fooled. They only deny the absolute truth of the Bible and replace it with their writings, which they surely expect their readers to accept as the truth.

    Not only are the emergents tolerant, but they are humble, too.

    They are extremely tolerant of a lot of things except Christianity. You think it is humble to say we don’t have the Gospel right yet? You think it is humble to replace the Gospel with their own imaginations?

  8. … and then it ended in a novel again.

    Well said.

  9. blank Discerning The World says:

    Shame, was it too long for you to read? Awwww…. but you read Emergent Fiction? The positive of Emegent Fiction, but the Negative of genuine Christians stating fact.

    Of couse you know I used the word novel in the sense of the length…but then…again, that’s all you could find wrong with what I wrote.

    You agree that ALL the above Christs are one and the same then? I mean, you don’t argue such a bold statment like that? Surely as a ‘Christian’ you would stand up and say, ‘ never, my God is not the same at other religions God’.

    But then you are friends with Nic and co who believe in Emergent teaching that all religions lead to the same God…

  10. blank Amanda says:

    And he is involved with Prof. Stephan Joubert’s echurch. His reslolution:

    I want to move closer to God and want to move with God in fulfilling His purposes for the church. I will do this through all means currently at my disposal. I will investigate new ways of experiencing God where He can transform me to what He intended me to be from the start.

  11. blank Discerning The World says:

    Kev if you are searching for the truth who Jesus Christ really is, then you will hear what the Holy Spirit is telling you. If I gave you a box of Lindt chocolate with the above article, would you have agreed? Hmm…I will leave that to your heart to decide. I don’t save people Kevin. Jesus does the saving. And the Emergent church with all their hugs and respect towards you is not going t save you either.

    Christ-like characteristics is to warn people that their eternal life is in danger and preach salvation through Jesus Christ who died for you that you may be saved. But only if you accept Him as your Saviour and believe in the Word of God! And that means all of it in it’s entirity, not just here and there. Do you not think it’s important to warn people of pending doom? What do you consider love then?

    You speak about me showing love and respect. I respect and love you enough to speak the truth so that you don’t land up in a situation where you wished you had listened to the warnings which are as clear as daylight.

    I’ve always wondered why people have a nervous breakdown when you tell then that if they don’t get on their knees and humble themselves before God with genuine repentance of sin you will not receive eternal life but perish in everlasting darkness. I mean, if hell does not exist, why get so upset about something that’s not real. It’s going to become a hate crime to say this you know. People are already being take to court in Britian for this. And I am not saying you are having a nervous breakdown, just me ‘thinking’ here.

  12. blank Discerning The World says:

    Oh btw, have you read my About My Blog page? You have no idea what I have been through since last year… and back then I treaded so lightly with my comments in fear that I might offend someone’s heart, until it hit me hard that it’s not about how I said it. It made no difference how I said it…I was still threatened, and spiritually bound and cursed and called the most terrible names.

    However I must say being called a Bastard is a new one…re- my new article: Born Again Christians are Now Compared to Inquisitors of the Inquisitions –

  13. Kevin says:

    I’m in danger of misrepresenting the emerging movement here (in fact, I might have already), because, as I said before, I’m not an emergent myself. So I won’t continue defending the movement on this forum.

    But what I would like to do is provide some constructive criticism (if I may) of the way the writers on this blog have been responding to those who have commented here. I’ve seen quite a few people trying to engage with you regarding your posts, and the general response (from what I’ve seen so far) has been one of disrespect, intermingled with some degree of sarcasm. Where do the Fruits of the Spirit come in here?

    I’m not speaking as a Christian of any sort, but a person who is outside of the faith. I’m an unbeliever, so to speak, and when I came across your blog I read for a while and thought: if this is how ‘genuine Christians’ treat those who disagree with them, then I don’t want to be part of their club. The emergents I’ve interacted with have exhibited the utmost respect towards me, despite the fact I’m not a Christian. If it ever came to pass that I would ever consider Christianity, I would choose the emergening movement, simply because they seem (and again, this is from my own point of view) to exhibit the Christ-like characteristics of humbleness and respect.

    Thanks for letting me comment on your blog.


  14. Kevin,

    Thank you for being honest and open.

    May God’s goodness and mercy follow you.

  15. Deborah,

    What Kevin said made me think of how Paul admonished us to act toward outsiders in Colossians

    Colossians 4:5Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. 6Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

    and of Jesus words that we should love one another and by that all will know that we are his disciples.

    In the light of this I want to apologize for my comment (#3) on this thread. While I do not agree with everything you write or the conclusions you come to it is no reason for me to be sarcastic and therefore I ask you to forgive me.

  16. blank Discerning The World says:

    May Kevin come to know the real Jesus Christ of the scriptures and not the New Age DIY all-in-one Christ

  17. Amanda,
    thank you for taking the time to visit my blog. I am not as a prolific writer as some but I trust that you found some encouragement there (even if it was only how to make a cappuccino 🙂 ).

    I want to ask you to provide a link next time you quote me so that people can get an idea of the context of the quote. I’m writing this comment from my cell phone so I can’t copy and paste the link but anyone interested can find that quote in the article about the Learning Community of echurch and Missionet on my blog:

  18. blank Nic Paton says:

    It can get pretty confusing to get involved with matters of religion, and christianity is no exception. As an ex-Christian (Atheist?) you know this.

    The Matthew Fox believes that the persepective of “panentheism” – God is IN all, all is In God, is the one which will endure. In fact, he states it is preferable to be an atheist than a “theist”. Without unpacking it further here, that’s how I see it.

    Thank you for being open, and engaging us – us mashup of humans who are still trying to follow the way of Jesus.

    I know there will be those who will disagree, but as I see it now, to quote an age old adage, “God is a circle whose centre is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.”

    I want you to know that the carrot and stick – the promise of heaven and the threat of hell – is not the only way of seeing the gospel.

    Ultimately, this God is a God of Grace, whose mercy endures forever. I’ve been following the teachings of Jesus for 30 years, and they have never been as alive as they are for me now, in this grace-imbued postmodern era.

  19. blank Discerning The World says:

    Oh awesome…Nic
    You know it’s sooooooooooooo nice (really, it’s very nice) when false teachers come and explain what they really mean and help to back up what I have been saying for the last 100+ comments.

    Took a while for you too to be completely honest….well done…I do applaud you.

    Now Kevin,

    I ask you to go and read what I have said to these people, and then you go and read what they have said to me and who speaks a double message. I have kept my message exaclty the same. I have not change it. One minute agreeing and then next minute on the same issue disagreeing. But if you are an ex-Christian (are you or are you not?) then technically you should know the basics of scripture. But to help you a bit. There is only ONE God, there is only ONE bible, there is only ONE way to get into the presence of God and that is through Jesus Christ His Son who died for you, that you can come before God through repentance of Sin. There is only ONE true faith that being what the Word of God says (the un-twisted version). There is only ONE Gospel, and that is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You can NOT have multiple religions all believing DIFFERNT things and then claiming they all speak the same message. 2+2 = 4 not 5 or 3.

    And Kevin please go watch that video I posted, here is the link. The message of the Bible is very very different to what Nic and friends are speaking….very very different. But at the end of the say, you need to choose. No one can make this vital choice for you. If you are listening to what God is saying to you then listen. You have free will – God gave that to manking for a reason. He wants to know who is going to stand for Him until the very end, vs those who sit on the fence, are luke warm and choose other idols and gods are the Creator of this Universe.

    Nic says: Matthew Fox believes that the persepective of “panentheism” – God is IN all, all is In God, is the one which will endure.

    — Panentheism: All (pan) is in God, yet God is transcendent over everything. (Notice the difference between panentheism and pantheism). Some would assume that as everything in the universe (positioned in God) evolves, this unbiblical God would also evolve and grow in knowledge and complextity.
    — Pantheism: Everything is God and God is all. Since God is everything and everything is God, everything is sacred and interconnected.

    Nic says: In fact, he states it is preferable to be an atheist than a “theist”.

    — Atheism: Denies the existence of any God, thought it is traditionally focused on the rejection of the Biblical God.
    — Theism: Belief that “God” exists. His identity is open to interpretation and to the breadth of the human imagination..

    That’s Emergent for you. Man is now a god, you worship creation, instead of the Creator. What a cheek. So they deny Jesus Christ by asking God to bow down to HIS creation. This is exactly why satan was kicked out of heaven in the first place.

    You worship the Creator not the creation.

    Nic this is for you too; you can thank Iggy for this: REPEAT OF PREVIOUS BIBLE SCRIPRUTE: 1 Timothy 6:1, 3-5, 11-12, 20-21

  20. Deborah,
    You asked me some questions. In my answer I will refer to the people participating in the Emergent Conversation as Emergents. Please understand that Emergent is not a denomination with a set of doctrinal statements but rather a collection of Christians who are drawn together by their desire to be worthy disciples of Jesus Christ and their love for one another. While there are a lot of common believes between emergents there are also a lot of difference, however, our love for one another is bigger than these differences. In my answers I will try to stick to the commonly held views.

    You asked:

    that’s all you could find wrong with what I wrote.

    Ok, I’ll tell you a few places of disagreement. If I wrote down everything it would be a post of novel length and I won’t hi-jack your blog for that.

    In the post you seem to hint that the emergents believe the same things as New Agers and other world religions which are not true. So, to quote you:

    We need to share. But it’s not about sharing the truth, the Gospel of Jesus Christ as per what is written in the Word of God. It’s not about saving souls for Jesus Christ anymore; it’s now ALL about saving lives on earth. We need to show love and compassion by doing good works; feeding the poor, giving blankets to all who are cold, provide housing to everyone that they may have a roof over their heads, dig wells to provide water and stop emitting carbon so as to reverse climate change. We have to do this, because this is our world, our earth.

    I don’t know where you get it from that emergents deny that salvation of the individual is by Jesus Christ alone or that we should not share the Gospel but that is just not true. What emergents do say is that there has been an over emphasis on this at the cost of the need of communities. Jesus himself said that we must not turn a blind eye to the need of others. When He talked about judgement He said in Matthew 25:34-40

    “Then the King shall say to those on His right hand, Come, blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry, and you gave me food; I was thirsty, and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger, and you took Me in; I was naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me. Then the righteous shall answer Him, saying, Lord, when did we see You hungry, and fed You? Or thirsty, and gave You drink? When did we see You a stranger, and took You in? Or naked, and clothed You? Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and came to You? And the King shall answer and say to them, Truly I say to you, Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brothers, you have done it to Me.”

    And James gives us his perspective in James 1:27

    “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit orphans and widows in their afflictions, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.”

    Emergents hold the whole of Scripture as authoritive, even those commands by God from the very beginning that has been grossly neglected by modern Christianity and in specific the command to take care of our environment Genesis 1:28 and 2:15.

    And no the earth is not ours…
    1Co 10:26 “for the earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness of it.” and so we have to take care of it. With as much enthusiasm as being obedient to all of God’s commands.

    You said:

    But we can’t do this on our own, we need help.

    You are right we can’t but as Scripture says:

    Isa 40:31 but those who wait on Jehovah shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

    That is what centering prayer is – waiting on the Lord, resting in His power. It is NOT some way to achieve godly status. Though there might be outward similarities to Eastern meditation it is totally different in practice and goal. If you are really interested to know what centering prayer is and how it works, stop reading what Lighthouse Trails says about it and ask those who have experienced it.

    As for sin… There was one sacrifice that is sufficient to forgive us all our trespasses. Emergents still sin but when we do we know that we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. (1 John 2:1) So, do emergents say that:

    There is also no such thing as sin anymore,


    My dear sister, you totally misrepresent Christians from the Emergent Conversation. You create a caricature of it and then attack that. To offer critique is one thing (and definitely not a bad thing) but then make sure you understand what those people believe and say whom you critique before you do.

    I will pray for you that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that you may know what is the hope of His calling, and what is the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us, the ones believing according to the working of His mighty strength which He worked in Christ in raising Him from the dead, and He seated Him at His right hand in the heavenlies, far above all principality and authority and power and dominion, and every name being named, not only in this world, but also in the coming age. (Eph. 1:17-21) Please do the same for me.

  21. blank Amanda says:

    Please understand that Emergent is not a denomination with a set of doctrinal statements but rather a collection of Christians who are drawn together by their desire to be worthy disciples of Jesus Christ and their love for one another.

    Agreed. Emergents = way of life. Christianity = doctrine. Emergents have one law: love your neighbour as you love yourself. Christians are free from the Law.

    If I wrote down everything it would be a post of novel length and I won’t hi-jack your blog for that.

    Yes, Christians and emergents disagree. Why is this still an issue? After all, the emergents are emerging from Christianity. Why should fundamentalists not point out what is happening? Why are the emergents so coy here about what they are doing? Christians are breaking your law by discerning the heretical teaching that they were supposed to lovingly overlook like you do.

    I don’t know where you get it from that emergents deny that salvation of the individual is by Jesus Christ alone or that we should not share the Gospel but that is just not true.

    What you call gospel is in fact Law. Love your neighbour as you love yourself. So then, is the good Muslim saved or not?

    What emergents do say is that there has been an over emphasis on this at the cost of the need of communities.

    You resonate with Maitreya. You will love the guy.

    “Then the King shall say to those on His right hand,

    How do goats turn into sheep? By Law or by Gospel? Will the Jew who has done good works go to heaven or will the German soldier who believe the Gospel?

    Emergents hold the whole of Scripture as authoritive

    No, they don’t. They only hold to those parts that suit their social agenda, which is a camouflage for their goal to destroy Christianity and move to higher things.

    even those commands by God from the very beginning that has been grossly neglected by modern Christianity

    Proof that modern Christianity grossly neglected God’s commands.

    Though there might be outward similarities to Eastern meditation it is totally different in practice and goal.

    What is your mantra?

    stop reading what Lighthouse Trails says about it and …

    read what Jesus Christ said?

    …ask those who have experienced it.

    Oh, dear.


    But they do redefine it, don’t they?

    My dear sister, you totally misrepresent Christians from the Emergent Conversation. You create a caricature of it and then attack that. To offer critique is one thing (and definitely not a bad thing) but then make sure you understand what those people believe and say whom you critique before you do.

    Emergents do not get to make law for those who hold to the fundamentals of the faith. And how can somebody who is under the Law be a brother? You proclaim your righteousness attained by keeping your law. Christians do not:

    Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith–
    (Phi 3:8-9)

  22. blank Discerning The World says:


    All we ask is that you double check the teaching you are following. Desmond Tutu at Amahoro said you need silence to hear the God though contemplative prayer, and there are many ways of meditation all leading to the same result somehow we have to hear God’s voice and this is emergents teach. Repeating mantras is just one of them. Which I am glad you do not do, for you do not need to do rituals to hear the voice of God. The Holy Spirit that abides in you is a gentle whisper and He leads you into all truth and what is the truth, it’s the unchanged, untwisted Words of God in the bible. Jesus is the Word, if they insist on trying to changing the Word of God they in fact are trying to change who Jesus Christ IS.

    I do not for one second agree with anything thing that Iggy said. And I never lumped you into the same category as him as much as he said I did, he went and attributed what I said to him to you.

    These are a list of Emergent teachers. Go and read what they have to say slowly and understand through the guidance of the Holy Spirit that abides in you what they are ‘really’ saying and it’s not what you think it is or what Emergents would love you to believe.

    McKnight, Richard Forster, Brian McLaren, Leonard Sweet, Rick Warren, Nelus Niemand, Stephan Joubert, Rob Bell, Thomas Bandy, Bob Buford, Ken Blanchard, Martin Buber, Tony Campolo, Chuck Colson, Mark Driscoll, Peter Drucker, Eddie Gibbs, Tony Jones, Dan Kimball, Thomas Keating, Erwin McManus, Thomas Merton, Donald Miller, Henri Nouwen, Doug Pagitt, Robert Webber

    Is is possible you have already read some of their writings and agree with people? You have the ineternet at your disposal, it’s very easy to go and search for these peoples books, order them and research exactly what they are saying, or better yet, other people out there who love Jesus with all their heart have done and hard work and read these books and taken quotes out for you which are in most cases horrific and deny Jesus Christ. I will make a list of their quotes later. You need to make a decision. You either follow these people’s teaching or you follow God’s teaching.

    All we ask is that you test what you are following, just as all born again christians are commanded to my the Word of God. Test everything to His word. If it does not tie up then there is something wrong. If someone says they have new knowledge and can add to what the Bible has to say then there is something wrong, if someone says one can take away from the scriptures then there is something wrong, if someone changes what the Bible actually teaches by taking a verse here and there and using it out of context to promote a new theology then there is something wrong.

    It’s you choice at the end of the day to what teaching you choose to follow. Just like it’s our choice to choose the teaching we want to follow and no man has the right to hurt any one physically because they choose to follow another faith – and no this does NOT mean that all faiths are correct. All it means is that we are comissioned by Jesus to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If people want to hear the truth they will hear it, otherwise they wont and that is their choice. Judgement is God’s only.

    Born again Christians as per the article Steve wrote and I posted with my writings has gone and lumped you (?, this question mark is there, because I don’t know your heart, only God does) and all other born again Christians into the same category of Roman Catholics who worship Mary the goddess of Fertility presented as an Idol and their God is Mathea the Sun God. Genuine Christians are not murders and if you are happy to be lumped into this category then I dunno…there is something wrong.

    See here on the 5 False Christs of the major religions in this sinful world of ours. If you have not read this already: The Positive and The Negative of a One World Religion: Oh wait you did reply and you still somehow managed to skip over this part…hmmm. Oh well…

    And you are right works does not make us righteous, there is nothing we can do that can make us pleasing or look good before God. Genuine born again fruit is Holy Spirit inspired. When you are born again you do not want to hurt someone, you care, you love, and you have conviction by the Holy Spirit in your life when you do something that does not represent Jesus Christ (like false works that come packaged with Jesus name) etc. Unbelievers do the exact same things too, they love, they feed the poor, they adopt children from Africa.

    You can only distinguish unrighteous works from Holy Spirit inspired work by comparing if the message preached lines up to the Bible. If it does not the fruit is not good fruit and not of Jesus Christ.

  23. blank Discerning The World says:

    I’m tired of this… I can’t make myself more clearer. You have the Word of God, go read it.

    Stop making excuses for false teaching by trying to justify it. Emergent ‘Leaders’ have said the most terrible things about Jesus Christ and you WANT to agree with them. Go ahead…really… I however choose to Love Jesus Christ and will never accept these teachings as long as I am alive on this earth.

    >> Nic said; “Matthew Fox believes that the persepective of “panentheism” – God is IN all, all is In God, is the one which will endure. In fact, he states it is preferable to be an atheist than a “theist”.

    The wrong definition by either Nic making a typo or Matthew Fox getting is wrong is not my problem…

    And I gave a clear definition of panentheism/pantehism under the thread of comments 17:

    — Panentheism: All (pan) is in God, yet God is transcendent over everything. (Notice the difference between panentheism and pantheism). Some would assume that as everything in the universe (positioned in God) evolves, this unbiblical God would also evolve and grow in knowledge and complexity.
    — Pantheism: Everything is God and God is all. Since God is everything and everything is God, everything is sacred and interconnected.

  24. Amanda,
    I think we will argue in circles of “no, we don’t” and “yes, you do” and I am not up for that. I have no desire to just win an argument. I see you and Deborah as fellow believers, not because I think all faiths lead to God but because you believe in the salvation brought to us by Jesus Christ as you quoted it in Phil 3:8-9. Works can never lead to righteousness but faith without the resulting works is no faith at all.

    James 2:14-17 My brothers, what profit is it if a man says he has faith and does not have works? Can faith save him? If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and if one of you says to them, Go in peace, be warmed and filled, but you do not give them those things which are needful to the body, what good is it? Even so, if it does not have works, faith is dead, being by itself.

    Works does not make us righteous, but because we have been made righteous(by Jesus Christ) we do the good works God has prepared for us out of obedience.

    Eph 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them.

    What is your mantra?

    I don’t have one and I don’t need one to be still and know that He is God (Ps. 46:10).

    May God’s goodness and mercy follow you today and may His grace and peace keep you.

  25. I’m tired of this… I can’t make myself more clearer. You have the Word of God, go read it.

    Deborah, I feel the same.

    I already do what you asked:

    All we ask is that you double check the teaching you are following.

    I don’t have a problem if you critique what certain emergents (or anybody for that matter) write and say but please represent what they write and say truthfully and not your interpretation of it and then assign that to all emergents. You did not like how Steve represented you (though I think you misinterpreted him) I and Iggy, Nic, Cobus, etc. don’t like to be misrepresented as well.

    As I said in my other comment I will pray for you.

    May God’s favour be with you.

  26. blank Discerning The World says:


    You said: The way you are dealing with my comments, the absolute willful misinterpretation of my freely offered thoughts, the stubborn refusal to converse, your gleeful burning down of your own straw man arguments, the ongoing infantile sarcasm, the complete lack of credit given to anyone who you disgree with, your deeply flawed misunderstanding of philosophy and theology, and your rote bible bashing, is to me, a travesty of Christian witness.

    ** Ahh I guess that Iggy asking ‘God’ to do His will if necessary and blind me is something you consider to be good? But it’s cool Nic, you stick to what you think is good fruit, and I’ll stick to the Word of God. And see, I did credit Iggy, even though I disagree with him. Iggy said: “If so I ask God to do as He will be it blind you completely or open your eyes so you can see the damage you are doing.” comment 18.

    You said: I’m trying to believe the best, but at the moment, I’m just not seeing the Jesus you boast about being so in love with in these words.

    ** Well I can clearly see the ‘Christ’ you boast off and believe me it’s not my Lord and Saviour, King of all Kings, Only Son of God who died as a sacrifice, washed clean by His Blood for those be believe in Him. This is why you can’t see ‘your’ New Age Christ in me, for he is not in me. But I do have JESUS CHRIST IN ME the one you deny.

    And the only thing irritating me now is this constant use of the word ‘straw man’.

    Now run along and go have coffee with your emerging buddies so you can contemplate what your next plan for world domination will be as you try to erdicate capitalism and replace it with slavery. And that was not sarcastic, because that is exactly what socialsim is which is what the New Religion is going to be and is implementing right now.

  27. blank Chad says:

    Wow. So capitalism is the Christian way, huh? Where do you get that from the Bible you claim to be so true to?

    I have posted a few comments and won’t say anything more here until I see those up. Not gonna waste my time if you are only deleting my remarks.

  28. blank nic paton says:

    The way you are dealing with my comments, the absolute willful misinterpretation of my freely offered thoughts, the stubborn refusal to converse, your gleeful burning down of your own straw man arguments, the ongoing infantile sarcasm, the complete lack of credit given to anyone who you disgree with, your deeply flawed misunderstanding of philosophy and theology, and your rote bible bashing, is to me, a travesty of Christian witness.

    I’m trying, Deborah, to find the God in all this, I’m trying to believe the best, but at the moment, I’m just not seeing the Jesus you boast about being so in love with in these words.

  29. blank Discerning The World says:


    You said: Wow. So capitalism is the Christian way, huh? Where do you get that from the Bible…

    Um…we are born into a sinful world??? Nothing mankind has produced is godly and neither will the coming One World Religion.

    But please, please do let us know soon when you find socialism in the Bible. All born again Christians wait in baited breath for this NEW knowledge.

  30. blank Discerning The World says:


    READ the ‘About this Blog’ page to understand how commenting on this blog work. And if you are gonna come in here making ‘trickster’ comments then don’t waste my time either.

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