T.B. Joshua – False Miracle Man

T.B. Joshua - false prophet

T.B. Joshua a False Miracle Man

Letter by Bill Randles to the You Magazine regarding their article on T.B. Joshua (02/25/2001)

Dear Sirs,

I am writing in regard to your article (02/25/01) on the prophet T.B. Joshua entitled MIRACLE MAN. As a Christian Pastor and teacher I am concerned about some of the aspects of this prophet’s ministry which are either unreported or perhaps unappreciated for their significance.

[DTW: underlining emphasis added below]

In the light of the fact that we believe we are living in the last days before Jesus’ return, and that one of the warnings Jesus gave us was that immediately before that time there would arise “False prophets”, who would be able to perform “signs and wonders so that if possible they would be able to deceive even the very elect”, it is extremely important that we be all the more discerning.

I don’t know Pastor Joshua’s heart. Indeed, it seems to be that he is a very sincere man living a simple lifestyle. Rather than taking money constantly [DTW note:  this is not true, T.B. Joshua is extremely rich] (as a good many of the celebrated televangelists do) there are stories of T.B. Joshua’s generosity to the poor who struggle to come to him for healing. [DTW note: it is false generosity, he is using the illness’s of people and preying on their emotions to make money] Nonetheless, we are told to be discerning in our evaluation of anything which claims to be “of God”.

“Try the Spirits to see whether they be of God” (I John 4). There are several caveats I offer to those who are seeking discernment regarding these phenomena,

o    On a French television interview, Prophet Joshua said that he had received this ‘gift’ at birth. In God’s word, the true Gifts of the Spirit of God are not bestowed at birth to anyone – see 1 Cor:12-14. One must first be converted to Christ to have God’s Spirit indwelling one – and even then the gifts are distributed “as the Spirit wills“.

o   Transubstantiation – On videotape distributed by the Synagogue of all Nations, a “Blood of Jesus ” service was shown. It consisted of the Prophet Joshua blessing a huge tank of water, touching each of twelve running spigots, proclaiming them to now be “the blood of Jesus“. The congregation were then shown rushing forward, pushing and pulling among themselves, seeking to get to those spigots first, that they might drink, splash, and in some cases even shower in “the blood of Jesus”. This is perhaps the most disturbing aspect of it all as it turns the Biblical doctrine of the blood of Jesus (His vicarious death) into a sensuous, superstitious experience. No Priest or Prophet can turn any substance into the blood of Jesus – that is more akin to paganism and magic than Christianity. The blood of Jesus was shed as a sacrifice to God the Father, not as a potion to be splashed and bathed in!

o   False separation between the Sheep and the goats-  In addition to the other antics at the blasphemous “Blood of Jesus” service, as the people pushed, pulled and shoved forward to participate in the so-called blood, those who had “agents of Satan”, were put into a demonic frenzy, rolling on the ground, through the muck and mire (more on that next) screaming and moaning in agony. There is demon possession indeed, but one would look in vain anywhere in the scriptures to find any deliverance service remotely resembling this so called “Blood of Jesus” service. Joshua proclaimed this as the” separation of the sheep and the goats”, which actually takes place at Judgment Day.

o   There is also a degrading and even humiliating aspect to these healings.When Christ healed it was in a dignified manner. True man is below, God is above, but man is not “Nothing”, he is made “In the Image of God”. In the Joshua videotape, released by the Synagogue, men with rectal cancer are asked to take down their pants, before others, both before and after the healing. A woman is made to bare her breasts, one showing cancer, and stands in front of a mixed assembly in the agony of her pain. As the healing progresses, her breast is seen oozing puss onto her dress and flowing down to make a puddle on the floor.

o   People are seen “Vomiting their troubles away” on the floor. Some vomit blood, others vomit rocks, shells, large worms and live insects. There is no scripture for this. Where did Jesus or His apostles ever do any such things? Yes these stains can be seen on the floor, the very spots where people vomited blood, and where women are seen on camera passing bloody “fibroids” from between their legs! And then on this same floor, people are put into trances, laid out on that same floor, (you can see the spots) and those in trances are seen rolling about in those spots.

o    Remote control- T.B. Joshua uses a technique called “remote control“. Standing about ten feet away from “patients”, with hand motions he manipulates their motions: By scooting his hands to the left, the patient seems irresistibly drawn to the left; and to the right, the patient goes to the right; by circling his hands, Joshua sends the patient into a circle, often until they spiral out of control, falling into a dazed heap! Once again, this method is more akin to occult healing practices than it is to Biblical healing and in the compassionate manner of Jesus Christ.

o    Another similar technique is called “point of contact“. For example, the bare-breasted woman suffering in agony from cancer, before the congregation, Joshua stands about 15 feet away, and rubs his chin vigorously, This then evidently affects her cancerous breast, in some way. In contrast, the healing of the woman with the issue of blood in Luke 8:44, simply touched Jesus and was healed!

o    Calling Fire from heaven – Joshua has the power to call fire from heaven upon the body parts of sinning members of his congregation! A woman in the video is seen clutching her private parts in agony as Joshua’s fire cleanses her of the sin. This causes mild amusement of others in the audience. It does not bring fear of God! We are told in the book of Revelation that the false prophet calls fire from heaven to the amazement of those under delusion!

o    Joshua has strange beliefs. For example, he is a vegetarian : he told an interviewer that many of the people he ministers to in the area of deliverance are “Half fish and half man“. In another interview, he said that “the divine person” within him can appear to thousands simultaneously, even coming to them in their dreams! This is not Biblical or Christian!

In closing, I don’t pretend to know Joshua’s motivation; by all accounts he seems to be a very sincere man. However sincerity is no safeguard against deception. I am sure Edgar Cayce, Jean Dixon and countless other prophets, who by Christian, Biblical standards would have to be regarded as False, were equally sincere and unassuming. There are countless warnings in scripture  about the emergence of False Prophets and teachers who like Pharaoh’s magicians, withstood and hindered the true gospel by means of signs, wonders and miracles. Just because Joshua seems to be able to produce “results”, doesn’t make him a man of God, nor should we go there. The end does not justify the means. The very idea of having to go to Nigeria to receive a healing, or a miracle, or a Word from God, is unscriptural.

“Jesus Christ is the same, Yesterday, Today, and forever”. He is as closer to us today as our breath, for “Whosoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved”.

Sincerely, Pastor Bill Randles
(Reply to YOU magazine following an article. Note: Even Radio Pulpit is promoting him)
Source:  http://www.deceptioninthechurch.com/tbjoshua-rebuke.html

Please see all articles on T.B. Joshua

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Deborah (Discerning the World)

Deborah Ellish is the author of the above article. Discerning the World is an internet Christian Ministry based in Johannesburg South Africa. Tom Lessing and Deborah Ellish both own Discerning the World. For more information see the About this Website page below the comments section.

89 Responses

  1. Pastor Christiaan George wrote:

    Ek is van Suid Afrika gereeld kyk Imanneul TV en sien hoe
    God waarlik deur u oppereer ek luister na u leringe en dit
    is eg bybels gesproke.

    Wow Ek is bly jy is nie my Pastoor nie. As n pastoor behoort jy te weet van alle mense TBJ is n valse profeet wat mense verlei met sy vals predikings. aaaai jaaaai jaaaai

    As TBJ se leeringe eg Bybels is eet ek my hoed op. Genade ek kan nie glo wat ek sien van n pastoor af nie.

  2. blank Magda Kopp says:

    Ek laat die oordeel oor aan Jesus Christus oor TB Joshua want want ons manier van dink is nie altyd soos God dink nie. Kom ons bid dat die here Hom sal hou op die regte pad en dat God hom n gees van onderskeiding sal gee.

  3. Magda

    Do you have a Bible? In the Bible God tells us exactly how He thinks and wants us to behave. TB Joshua does the exact opposite to what God outlines for us in HIS WORD.


  5. Shawna

    I do believe you need Jesus Christ in your life, please go read this:

  6. blank dogo says:

    judge not and u will not be judged every one criticizing T B Joshua may be doing worse than ur accusation.I don’t know what power he uses but he practice practical Christianity beside he is a good teacher.as a critic what are u doing for the lord, judging?.every mans work will be tried by fire will yours survive it old boys every body is on his own as time will tell.as we pray for each others remain blessed

  7. dogo

    You know, if TB joshua was really a prophet I would be scared, but I am not scared because he is not a prophet. TB Joshua is a witchdoctor who wields some terrible occult power, but FORTUNATELY the Bible tell us not to even worry about men like this, ignore them and their blinded followers.

  8. blank Allan kalau says:

    Everyone has said what he has to say,however, criticism, hatred, and judgmental mind are not from GOD.

    How many pastors and evangelist that only ask for money and more money ; never ever help or reconcil people; all their now is money; preaching the oppression instead of the opressor, only asked for money and sell books or DVD, to make themselves rich and buy cars and houses, without caring for poor and widows, etc.

    Before you say anything wrong about the Anointed and humble servant of GOD, Prophet TB joshua, ask yoursel a question to know; how many people have ever help? financially, spritually, etc.( most of you cannot even do a simple delivrance); how many widows have looked after?

    if your answer is no; then keep quite, because the wrath of GOD will be upon you and you family for four generations.

    If TB joshua is not from God, then you can prove to us that you are really from God, not by your long Speech, but by your actions.

    God will always increase the man of God, and if you opened your church for business purposes; you will defenetly going to close down as you can see Tb Joshua, do not ask for money but give it away and he beleive really that Gold and silver belong to Jesus.

    Leave him alone! you buch of looser and fake as you are really fake and go and read your bible carefully before criticism.

    Pastor Allan kalau

  9. Pastor Allan Lalau

    >> Leave him alone! you buch of looser

    LOL, that’s a new one.

  10. Well, I can’t claim to understand everything that is written above. But one thing I do know – my faith in Christ has skyrocketed and my life has changed for the better since I started watching T.B. Joshua’s ministry on Emmanuel TV.

    And I have since heard countless people whose testimonies echo the same truth.

    Well, God is the ultimate judge.

  11. Emmanuel TV Fan

    >> my faith in Christ has skyrocketed and my life has changed for the better since I started watching T.B. Joshua’s ministry on Emmanuel TV.

    So your faith is actually reliant on TB Joshau – without him you faith in Christ is nothing. Hmm.

  12. blank sylesa says:

    Good article. This man is a false prophet. An appearence of “sincere” could be part of the “angel of light” ruse. The scriptures make it clear that there are false teachers and false prophets that are evil men and seducers, this is not somebody simply decieved but rather there are those who’s goal it is to decieve others. There are those who are themselves decieved however, and pass along their deception to others.

    Money is not the only reason behind these false teachers but pride and influence, self-seeking. Pride and money , it will always be at the bottom of these false teachers. Satn said “…I will ascend…..” Yes, look how pompous these false teachers are! Their false humility is barely a thin veneer. Some can’t even manage that anymore. False doctrine can never sanctify, that is why.

    Pastor Allen , you do not know the scriptures at all. You have misused them in your post. The scriptures are all of one cloth, they all fit together. joshuas practices must be based in scripture in order for him to qualify as doing Gods work, God never goes against His Word, He has exalted It above His Name! And remember , the pharisees gave money to “help” others, they did their “good” works as well. What was most important to them above all else? Their position and influence over the people!Pride! In all that they did and in what they taught, they constantly added to the Word of God and twisted it for their own gain. Angel of light Pastor Allen, pure and simple. Judge ALL things by the Word of God.

    We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place….

    Always the Word over experience, over feelings, over thoughts, over impressions ect., the Word trumps all. It is by the Word that we cast down EVERY THOUGHT and IMAGINATION that rises up against THE KNOWLEDGE of GOD

    Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ 2nd Cor. 10:5

    The scriptures dictate what is truth, not our own opinions of a person or even our own experience. We open ourselves to all manner of deception when we do not place Gods Word in preeminence above all. And in the doing of this , the scriptures are not of any private interpretation, they mean what they mean and it behooves all of us to study and find out what they mean. They do not mean one thing to me , another to you and another to somebody else! Why worry about rightly dividing the Word of Truth if that was the case? There would be no wrong interpretation! No, no, no, they mean what they mean and we need to study to find that out.

    19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: 20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

    2 Peter 1:19-21 (KJV)

    15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 16 But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness. 17 And their word will eat as doth a canker: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus; 18 Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some.
    2 Tim 2:15-18 (KJV)

    Remember as well that the Pharoahs magicians did what they did but that did not make them of the Truth. Paul said that if an angel from heaven preached another gospel , let him be accursed. If you would fall for the antics of Joshua, what in the world would you do if an angel from heaven came and spoke to you?? And it did not line up with Gods Word??? I think i already know the answer, want you to think about it Pastor Allen.

  13. blank Karunakar says:

    T B Joshua is a true man of god.Jesus himself said in John 14:12 “He that believeth on me,the works that i do shall he do also and greater works than these shall he do”.Our lord Jesus cast out demons and healed all kind of deceases and raised the dead people So is TB joshua.The greater works than Jesus like healing the cancers and ulcers without touching them in the name of Jesus Christ.Jesus is same for Yesterday,Today and forever and he is the head of the church and we are body of Jesus.So Jesus works with his body(church) in these days.Jesus wants to heal and to save and to give abundant life on this earth and take to heaven afterwards.The devil wants to kill,steal and destroy people.So Prophet TB Joshua,even you,I and everyone who accepts Jesus and gets baptized in the Holy spirit can stop satan from killing,stealing and destroying people.You stop doubting Joshua and try to know the depth of the scriptures.

  14. blank Karunakar says:

    Hey Deborah,You don’t know the depth of word of god.If TB Joshua is witchdoctor he wants to do harm to people.Because as Jesus said,a devil cannot cast another devil,if they do so, their kingdom will be destroyed.The devil wants to kill,steal and destroy people not god.The same was happened in Jesus time that Israeli people told jesus that he was casting away demons with the help of Beelzebub.You should grow in the wisdom of god.

  15. blank Michael says:

    Karunakar comments…
    17 March, 2011 at 8:42 pm

    Hey Deborah,You don’t know the depth of word of god.If TB Joshua is witchdoctor he wants to do harm to people.Because as Jesus said,a devil cannot cast another devil,if they do so, their kingdom will be destroyed.The devil wants to kill,steal and destroy people not god.The same was happened in Jesus time that Israeli people told jesus that he was casting away demons with the help of Beelzebub.You should grow in the wisdom of god.

    Karunaker sadly it is you who does not know or understand the scriptures.
    Mother Theresa, Dai Lama, Budha,Mohammed, Gandhi and many others all did “good works” and were benevolent…yet were on the wrong track as far as Christ’s saving doctrine is concerned.

    2Cor:11-14.And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.

    Galatians 1:8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!

  16. blank sylesa says:

    How do you know that TB Joshua is casting out demons and healing cancer ect.? Because he puts on a show of doing so? Because he says that he is? Alot of the false teachers make these claims! They can not be verified, not a single one!! God authenticated His Word by signs following in the early church, and can do so again IF He chooses to do so , but He WILL NEVER authenticate a false teacher!!! Not ever. So what you think you are seeing is 1) a hoax 2)peoples overactive imagination who WANT to believe Joshua at ALL cost.

    Look up online and do some reading from other sources as well, you will not and i repeat , will not find any verifiable “miracle” from these false teachers! Look at Hinn for instance, why doesn’t he go empty a hospital? He has all this “gift” of healing! When jesus and the Apostles healed, there was no question! Have you personally seen a blind person recieve sight? If Joshua does all that you say, why not?

    The scripture is being misused.These false teachers are very convincing, especially if you do not know the Word. Which we all start from that place.

    Here are a few links to read up on

  17. blank Michael says:

    John 14:12 is completely misquoted out of context by false teachers that appoint themselves as healers,prophets, apostles and messengers of God.
    Here is an article written by Tom Schreiner that I believe is a thorough and well researched biblical explanation and helps clear up this false teaching.

    Tom Schreiner
    What does Jesus mean in John 14:12 when he says, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the one who
    believes in me the works I do shall he do also, and greater than these shall he do, because I go to
    the Father”? Before I suggest an interpretation a few comments will be made about the context.
    In verse 12 itself the promise cannot be limited to the apostles, for Jesus says that anyone who
    believes will do greater works. In the wider context of John 14 Jesus’ main purpose has been to
    assure his disciples that his absence from them will be even better than his personal presence. He
    is going to prepare a place for them so that they can be with him forever (John 14:3-4), and an
    eternal future with Jesus can only be secured by his atoning death. The cross is the means by
    which Jesus prepares a place for his disciples. Verse 12 on “greater works” is another assurance
    that Jesus’ absence will actually be beneficial for those who believe in him. In verses 13-14 Jesus
    promises in his absence to answer prayers uttered in his name, and verses 15-17 promise the
    Spirit to those who obey Jesus’ commandments. Thus, in Jesus’ absence the disciples will do
    greater works, their prayers in Jesus’ name will be answered, and they will have the power of the
    Holy Spirit. And one day Jesus will return to take believers home. I think the greater works
    Jesus has in mind are not greater miracles in terms of signs and wonders. Instead, the greater
    works done by those who believe in Jesus refer to the work of the Spirit in people’s hearts, a
    work of the Spirit that has greater dimensions now that Jesus has ascended to the Father. Four
    arguments support this interpretation.
    1. The “greater works” cannot refer to signs and wonders that are greater in quality than those
    done by Jesus because no believer ever has or ever will do greater miracles than Jesus. He
    raised the dead, opened the eyes of the blind, restored hearing to the deaf, cast out demons,
    healed the lame, calmed a stormy sea, etc. No miracle-worker has even come close since the
    days of the apostles, and even the apostles did not do any signs and wonders that were greater.
    2. But perhaps John means that believers will do greater works in the sense that we will do more
    signs and wonders than Jesus? But the Greek word for “greater” used here does not refer to a
    greater number of works. If John wanted to refer to a greater number of works, he probably
    would have used the Greek word polla meaning “more.” A careful study of the word “greater”
    (meizn) in John’s gospel shows that the word consistently refers to something that is greater in
    quality rather than something that is greater in number. For example, in John 19:11 Jesus says to
    Pilate “he who delivered me up to you has the greater sin.” In other words, Judas’ sin is a more
    serious sin (not greater in number!) Than Pilate because he actually betrayed Jesus.
    Some other examples:
    John 4:12 “Are you greater than Jacob?” This obviously means greater in quality, and the idea
    of greater in number doesn’t make any sense.
    5:36 “I have a testimony greater than John.” The testimony is not greater in number, but greater
    in quality, for the superior testimony comes from the Father.
    John 8:53 “Are you greater than Abraham?”
    John 10:29 “The Father is greater than all.”
    John 13:16 “The servant is not greater than his master.”
    John 14:28 “The Father is greater than I.”
    The most significant example is from John 5:20 where Jesus says, “And greater works than these
    he (the Father) shall show to him (Jesus) that you may marvel.” This verse is very close to John
    14:12 because in both verses Jesus speaks of “greater works.” Jesus is contrasting here his
    healing of the lame man on the Sabbath (John 5:1-16) with the greater works that he would do in
    the future. The greater works in the context appear to the communication of spiritual life
    (John 5:21,24-25), the judgment of all (5:22), and the future resurrection from the dead (John
    5:29). The point here is not that these works are greater in number, but they are qualitatively
    superior to the healing of a man who was lame. These works are superior because they will last
    forever, while the lame man got sick again and died.
    To conclude this second point: the greater works do not mean believers will do more works than
    Jesus, but that they will do works qualitatively better than those Jesus did in his ministry.
    These better works are due to the outpouring of the Spirit after Jesus’ ascension. [Note:
    Incidentally, there is no evidence from church history that any believer did more miracles than
    Jesus anyway, and this verse is not limited to those who have the gift of healing; it refers to all
    3. The word “works” in John’s gospel in some contexts clearly includes Jesus’ miracles (John
    7:3, 21; 9:4; 10:25,32,33,37,38). But even though the word often includes the idea of miracles,
    the word “works” cannot be limited to signs and wonders in John’s gospel. For example, John
    6:28-29 identifies the “work of God” as “believing in the one whom the Father sent.” And in
    John 8:39 Jesus exhorts the Jews to “do the works of Abraham,” and there is no record of
    Abraham doing miracles, and so Jesus must mean, “do the good deeds of Abraham.” John 14:10
    is especially interesting, for their Jesus says, “The words which I speak to you I do not speak
    From myself, but the Father abiding in me does his works.” Here the “words” of Jesus in the
    first part of the verse are defined as his “works” in the latter part of the verse. Thus, we have
    Evidence in the near context (compare also verse 11) that the word “works” should not be
    restricted to signs and wonders. Indeed, when John wants to speak of miracles, he consistently
    uses the word “sign.” “Sign” is the unambiguous word John uses to describe
    Miracles, and the word “works” is a more general term, which may include miracles, but does not
    necessarily focus on signs and wonders.
    All of this suggests that the first part of verse 12 where Jesus says, “the one who believes in me
    the works I do he shall do also” does not mean that believers will do miracles and signs and
    Wonders to the same extent as Jesus. The word “works” is a general term, and thus Jesus is
    simply saying that you will do works of the same quality as I did and more. It should also be
    Noted that Jesus’ miraculous works were unique in the sense that such “signs” manifested his
    unique glory from the Father (John 2:11), and John tells us that the signs Jesus did were
    performed so that “you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and in order that by
    believing you might have life in his name” (John 20:30-31). Thus, Jesus’ miracles were in one
    sense a unique manifestation of his glory and divinity. This is not to deny that miracles can be
    done today. The point is that Jesus’ miracles were unique, and no one in church history or in the
    Bible has ever matched Jesus in miraculous activity.
    4. The greater works, then, refer to the extended work of the Spirit, which will occur when Jesus
    ascends to the Father. This is not to deny that the Spirit was active previously in significant
    ways. But the work of the Spirit on earth was intensified with Jesus’ ascension. Note that Jesus
    specifically says that “the greater works” will occur “because I go to the Father.” Going to the
    Father, then, provides the reason or ground for the greater works. But why does Jesus’ going to
    the Father make possible greater works? The rest of John’s gospel answers that question. In
    John 16:7 Jesus says, “It is better for you that I go, for if I do not go, the paraclete will not come
    to you, but if I go I will send him to you.” This fits beautifully with John 14:12. Jesus says that
    it will be better if he goes because only when he goes will the Spirit be sent. And John 16:8-11
    makes it clear that the Spirit when he comes will convict unbelievers of sin, righteousness,
    and judgment. Such conviction of sinners is clearly another way of describing the “greater
    works” which will occur after Jesus goes. Greater than any healing is the inclusion of one’s name
    in the book of life. Jesus reminds his disciples of this when they are so excited about casting out
    demons in Luke 10:20. “Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but
    rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven.”
    John 7:37-39 is another passage, which helps us understand why greater works will be done
    when Jesus goes to the Father. In v 38 Jesus promises “rivers of living water will flow from the
    belly of the one who believes in him.” I think Jesus is saying here that life-giving water will flow
    from believers to satisfy the thirsty souls of others. The apostle John notes, however, that such
    living water is to be identified as the Holy Spirit. V 39, “But this he said of the Spirit which
    those who believed in him were about to receive, for the Spirit was not yet given because Jesus
    was not yet glorified.” Why wasn’t the Spirit given to believers yet so they could satisfy the
    thirsty souls of others? John says that it was because “Jesus was not yet
    Glorified.” In other words, Jesus had not yet gone to the Father and accomplished his work on
    the cross. He had not ascended to the right hand of God, and this outpouring of the Spirit would
    only occur after he was glorified, after he had gone to the Father. Again, the “greater works” are
    the works that are possible when the Spirit is poured out.
    John 20:21-23 also confirms this interpretation. Their Jesus breathes the Spirit on the disciples,
    which in a symbolic way anticipates Pentecost. When the Spirit comes, they will have the power
    in the name of Jesus to forgive sins and to retain them. The greatest work of all is surely for sins
    to be forgiven, and this verse hints that such a work was available to believers more extensively
    after Jesus had given his life for sinners and ascended to the right hand of God.
    The book of acts supports the interpretation that “the greater works” are possible after the
    outpouring of the Spirit as well. The Holy Spirit is not poured out until after Jesus has ascended.
    Note how Luke emphasizes Jesus’ ascension in Acts 1:9-11 as a prelude to the pouring out of the
    Spirit in Acts 2. Also, Acts 2:33 specifically says that “after Jesus was exalted to the right hand
    of God, he received the promise of the Holy Spirit, and poured out this which you both see and
    hear.” Again a direct connection is made between Jesus’ ascension and the giving of the Spirit.
    One final word: that greater works are done by believers after Jesus’ earthly ministry in no way
    diminishes the ministry of Jesus, nor does it suggest our ministry is somehow better than
    His! I have argued that the greater works refers to the work of the Spirit through believers in
    convicting unbelievers of their sin, and mediating forgiveness of sins in the name of the risen
    Lord. But such work is not our work! It is the work of the risen Lord in us and through us. The
    Lord Jesus Christ exalted and glorious works in concert with God the Father through the Holy
    Spirit. He is the one doing the work, and He is worthy of all the glory!

  18. blank Bethuel says:

    To those who are condemning TB Joshua (servant of God). If you are true Christians, then you would not be doing what you are doing. Jesus Christ says, “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For the same way you judge others, you will be judge, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Please read the Matt 7:1-6. Jesus says in verse 6, “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.” Please ask the Holy Spirit to explain what the above passages mean if you do not know. What you are doing is exactly what the Pharisees did to our Lord Jesus Christ. They even called Him devil…
    You would not have time condemning other fellow Christian brothers and sisters if you are truly busy saving souls (Great Commission.

    I can tell you that I have studied the word of God just like you, and I know listening to the servant of God TB Joshua since God revealed him to me in a vision, he knows and love the word of God more than you and I put together. All you have to do is listen to his testimony and see/experience for YOURSELF what has is still doing in his life and his ministries. He live, breath, sleep, eat and everything of his life for God. Many Doctors of the Word around the world have visited SCOAN and appreciated his teachings. And the question why? Simply because they know he is not preaching the word of God, but preaching it with power. In Mark 12:24, “Jesus said to them, “Is this not the reason you are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God?’ In other words, just like in the days of Jesus Christ. He always preached, teached then followed with healings and deliverance etc…

    Then just before He assended to heaven, this was what He said to you and I in John 14:12, “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” So this statement truth clearly tells us tha you and I can do what TB Joshua is doing if we stop condemning people have the heart of love like TB Joshua. Everything that comes out of his mouth is God, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, Holy spirit,……. Jesus Christ! Remember Apostle Paul and the sons of Sceva? It means Light and darkness don’t have anything in common. Apostle Paul casted out the demon in Jesus Christ’s name, and the sons of Sceva tried it in the name of Jesus and the Bible says they were beaten badly they ended up running outside naked. You can not fake the name of Jesus Christ.

    Please for your sake, stop condeming people and focus on saving souls, in Jesus Christ. Blessings from New Zealand

  19. blank Fai says:

    discerning the world. I have read the articles from both sides. TB Joshua site is certainly more convincing.

    At least you don’t even know him, you have just heard of it and then said that it was true. That’s just wrong.

    Where is the interview that said he is a vegetarian? At least a link please? Just a “letter” written by a random guy said so make it a truth? That’s sad.

    And the video of the “blood of jesus”? Link please? No video? Then stop making false statement.

    Reading your post I notice that you’re a “Chritian” probably of CoC which doesn’t even believe in miracle. That’s ok. But don’t try to make false statement without any proof.

    Every statement TB joshua official web makes, they try their best to include a link, a picture or anything that can be proof.

    The Bible told us to see if a prophecy comes true to know if one is really a prophet. Then why do you search other kind of fake infos? Just seek for his prophecies and point out which one is a fake one. Then we shall know. But you never will do that. Because people like you will never really go and do researches of your own. You are told to do what you would do and you are used to believe what you are first told. Right?

    What a stupid world. And many noobs also.

  20. blank Hester says:

    To Bethuel, I had a friend who went to see TB Joshua with her church group. She had cancer and her pastor suggested that she goes. She lived and walked very closely to Jesus Christ. Well, Bethuel she came back and wrote the church a letter WARNING THEM about this man and I tell you that before I believed any preacher or any so called prophet I would have believed my friend. She cried many many days to a point where she locked herself up because she could not bear the thought of those many hundreds/thousands people being misled by this man. So be careful and rather search the Scriptures and pray that the Holy Spirit will open your spiritual eyes to see truth and nothing but the truth.

  21. blank Robbie says:

    You are right Fai with… “World full of noobs”.
    That is why it is so easy for the world to be fooled by false preachers like TB.

  22. blank toini says:

    I truely thing that Prophet T.B Josua is a true men of God and i believe in him,the bible clearly tells us that “touch not my annointing and do my prophets no harm….people start knowing the truth and the truth shall set as free and start learning and believing that hell is real and it exist if u thing is a joke to play with God,fine if some of u things he is a false prophet,but pray then that he get exposed soon before many belives in him,stop judging and let GOD himself Gudge…..that men is a gift to some of us,the bible says that those who have eyes let them see and those who have ears let them hear….so i do!

  23. blank Bethuel says:

    To Hester and again to all who are condemning God’s servant TB Joshua. With all due respect, all I can say by reading your comments you don’t even know the word of God period. If you read and meditate on the Word of God and ask the Holy Spirit to shine the light of God upon you, then you would not be talking and carrying on like that. I guarantee that all of you put together who are complaining and condenming the servant of God TB Joshua, have not even done any acts of love or kindness let alone anything to the level this man has done with the poor, widows, fatherless, physically challenged and many others. Remember the Word of God in James 1:27, which in fact if you understand it is the standard to measure yourself if you are a true believer. Let me write for you, “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit and look after orphans and widows in their distress…” Jeremiah 22:16, To truly know me, declares the Lord, is to defend the cause of the poor and needy…” This is what Jesus Christ meant, “…that they may see and know you by your deeds….” In other words, we can blabble on and on and on that we are believers and have faith to move mountains until we are blue in the face, but if no DEEDS to back up your faith, according to our Lord, you are speaking to the air and deceiving your self. Well I hope that before you condemned this servant of God, you would have studied and watched what he is doing to this very day, doing exactly what the Word of God says, helping the poor, the needy, the helpless the physically challenged, the fatherless and THOUSAND OTHERS…
    So, my question for you who are quick to judge, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE???

    And for you Hester my brother in the Lord, Jesus Christ tells us that His Word must abides in us and we abide in His Word, as God also told the children of Israel in Joshus 1, to read and meditate on His law day and night… Why? Because not only for our good, but also so that you will know for sure and not be deceived or be surprised when things happen or don’t happen. You mentioned about the lady with a cancer who went to SCOAN to TB Joshua but did not get healed… As I said before with all due respect, if you know the Word of God, you would not be talking like that.
    The manner in which God executes His will, purpose and plan in our lives differs, and it is up to God not TB Joshua to heal or not to heal. In Proverbs 21:19 says, “Many are the plans in a mans heart but it is the Lord’s purpose that will prevail.” In other words, God Almighty will act or not act as He chooses….amen amen amen… 2 Corinthians 12:9 tells us Apostle Paul prayed three times to God to remove a thorn in his flesh, and God said, “My grace is sufficient for you and my power is made perfect in weaknesses.” In other words, God did answer His prayer by not taking that thorn away for a reason, ‘to him humble…’

    I never heard TB Joshua claim it was his power that are healing and setting people free. In fact this servant of God TB Joshua love the Lord so much that every word that comes out of his mouth EVERYDAY is God God God… Lord Jesus… Jesus Jesus..Holy Spirit…

    Even if he is not the person he makes it out to be, if you are BELIEVER then Jesus Christ’s Word and commandment of God for us is crystal clear, “Do NOT JUDGE OR YOU WILL JUDGED…THE MEASURE YOU USE WILL BE MEASURED BACK TO YOU… So, please remember, God is the only JUDGE, and we were never given the mandate to judge…. amen.

    If we are true Christians and we have plenty of free times to condemn and say bad things about our fellow Christian brothers and sisters, then I suggest perhaps we should use those times WISELY by helping the fatherless, widows and others JUST LIKE what this Man of God TB Joshua is doing, and fulfiling God’s great commission…. preaching the good news to the ends of the earth for the salvation of souls…

    I pray that God will enlighten you with His Word so that we no longer walk in darkness but in the light of God which is Jesus Christ the Almighty King.
    Blessings from Auckland,New Zealand.

  24. blank Israel Mussali, from Arusha -Tanzania. says:

    I’m not surprised to hear people claiming that the Prophet is not from God. That’s what exactly the Bible says. Those of this world will not acknowledge Christ Jesus so likewise to His anointed servant Prophet TB Joshua. I argue the believers to dwell in the word of God and honour God and His sent servants. We should not extol Satan to that extent as if God is tired and old. Remember, Jesus said that; “Whomever believes in me, the works I do he shall also do them and more than I do” The wonders and miracles at the SCOAN are just the fulfilment of the prophecy.
    God bless you prophet TB Joshua and He may give you more anointing and wisdom.

  25. blank Arthur says:

    I have never ever seen or heard of anyone in my ex church being cured of cancer. Even though thousands prayed for one particular person, he still died. Who does this Joshua think he is preying on the weakness of people to gather riches. Just like Benny Hinn. Show me one person still healed after the euphoria has worn off. Then i might believe.

  26. blank Michael says:

    Debs…I posted a comment but it never registered??

  27. blank Tayara says:

    Jer.1:5 is strickly for Prophet Jeremiah you cannot claim it as your own you will be out of context. I am wondering how come T.B Joshua appoint some of his staff to be a prophet? Is he God to do that? Another thing,Mr Bola…the reason why Apostle Paul writes that women should be silent in the church because if you are going to see it culturally and traditionally in those times, women are not allowed to speak in public forum (Greek & Roman Culture). In Jewish traditions, it is only the men who has proper traing and schooling because it is only the men are allowed to enter synagogue.That is why in the Deut.6:7-9 says that trainings should be done at home. What Apostle Paul is trying to point out is to avoid embarassment in the side of the fathers and husbands when the wives is asking about doctrine and about faith in the public and they fail to answer correctly.The husbands or fathers resposibility is to teach the family at home and wives should ask their husband only at home to save face.I used the word “wives” because Paul is referring to the wives in his letters to the Corinthians not the word “women” It would totally contradict if Paul is referring to the women because God is not respecter of persons.

    Bola wrote:

    I have never read the interview where TB Joshua says he was baptised in the womb (if he ever indeed said it). But I am reminded of Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”
    So what is really the problem? He is confessing God’s Word over his situation. As a child of God, this is God’s spoken word to us even today. God knew you in your mother’s womb. I honestly don’t think people read their bibles today.
    Concerning “vomiting their troubles away” where were you during the early 80′s charismatic pentecostal movement in northern california and throughout the us? Many popular pastors were just beginning to understand that what was not planted in our systems, spirit soul and body must come out at the command of Jesus Christ. God heals as He wills.
    “He is a vegetarian”. Said who? Have you ever visited him? Have you seen him eat?
    Most of your claims are baseless gossip that has been transferred from one jealous pastor to the next.
    You have discerned nothing. You have simply given in to the common female gossip so common in churches around the world today. Perhaps this is why Paul said women should be silent in the church.
    Please, let us return to the truth of the Gospel and our responsibilities as children of God – to tell the sweet story of Jesus Christ, of His love for us. And leave the verbal attacks we like to launch from our pulpits, tv stations and private jets.
    If he is not a man of God, he will fail. But if he is from God, there is Nothing you can do to stop the work of God through him.

  28. blank Tayara says:

    To Bethuel: when you say that “Even if he is not the person he makes it out to be” does it mean that we should swallow everything and we should not make right discernment? The word of God says,”we should be wise as a serpent and humble as dove” Everytime Apostle Paul preach the gospel the Bereans search the scriptures themselves to check whether Paul was inline with the word of God and Paul commend those Berean believers because of their practice and that they will not be easily swayed by strange gospel.

    Bethuel wrote:

    To Hester and again to all who are condemning God’s servant TB Joshua. With all due respect, all I can say by reading your comments you don’t even know the word of God period. If you read and meditate on the Word of God and ask the Holy Spirit to shine the light of God upon you, then you would not be talking and carrying on like that. I guarantee that all of you put together who are complaining and condenming the servant of God TB Joshua, have not even done any acts of love or kindness let alone anything to the level this man has done with the poor, widows, fatherless, physically challenged and many others. Remember the Word of God in James 1:27, which in fact if you understand it is the standard to measure yourself if you are a true believer. Let me write for you, “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit and look after orphans and widows in their distress…” Jeremiah 22:16, To truly know me, declares the Lord, is to defend the cause of the poor and needy…” This is what Jesus Christ meant, “…that they may see and know you by your deeds….” In other words, we can blabble on and on and on that we are believers and have faith to move mountains until we are blue in the face, but if no DEEDS to back up your faith, according to our Lord, you are speaking to the air and deceiving your self. Well I hope that before you condemned this servant of God, you would have studied and watched what he is doing to this very day, doing exactly what the Word of God says, helping the poor, the needy, the helpless the physically challenged, the fatherless and THOUSAND OTHERS…
    So, my question for you who are quick to judge, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE???
    And for you Hester my brother in the Lord, Jesus Christ tells us that His Word must abides in us and we abide in His Word, as God also told the children of Israel in Joshus 1, to read and meditate on His law day and night… Why? Because not only for our good, but also so that you will know for sure and not be deceived or be surprised when things happen or don’t happen. You mentioned about the lady with a cancer who went to SCOAN to TB Joshua but did not get healed… As I said before with all due respect, if you know the Word of God, you would not be talking like that.
    The manner in which God executes His will, purpose and plan in our lives differs, and it is up to God not TB Joshua to heal or not to heal. In Proverbs 21:19 says, “Many are the plans in a mans heart but it is the Lord’s purpose that will prevail.” In other words, God Almighty will act or not act as He chooses….amen amen amen… 2 Corinthians 12:9 tells us Apostle Paul prayed three times to God to remove a thorn in his flesh, and God said, “My grace is sufficient for you and my power is made perfect in weaknesses.” In other words, God did answer His prayer by not taking that thorn away for a reason, ‘to him humble…’
    I never heard TB Joshua claim it was his power that are healing and setting people free. In fact this servant of God TB Joshua love the Lord so much that every word that comes out of his mouth EVERYDAY is God God God… Lord Jesus… Jesus Jesus..Holy Spirit…
    Even if he is not the person he makes it out to be, if you are BELIEVER then Jesus Christ’s Word and commandment of God for us is crystal clear, “Do NOT JUDGE OR YOU WILL JUDGED…THE MEASURE YOU USE WILL BE MEASURED BACK TO YOU… So, please remember, God is the only JUDGE, and we were never given the mandate to judge…. amen.
    If we are true Christians and we have plenty of free times to condemn and say bad things about our fellow Christian brothers and sisters, then I suggest perhaps we should use those times WISELY by helping the fatherless, widows and others JUST LIKE what this Man of God TB Joshua is doing, and fulfiling God’s great commission…. preaching the good news to the ends of the earth for the salvation of souls…
    I pray that God will enlighten you with His Word so that we no longer walk in darkness but in the light of God which is Jesus Christ the Almighty King.
    Blessings from Auckland,New Zealand.

  29. blank Kate Akele says:

    T.B Joshua is NOT from God.An investigative reporter in Nigeria that questioned Joshua’s dubious spiritual antecedents was FIRED from his job. the chap died three years ago. Tunde Bakare and Chris Okotie got ROASTED verbally and in print ten years ago when they pointed out the link between Joshua and Oyakhilome Chris, WARNING the church about those two. Just thought I should share this.*grin*

  30. blank Willem says:

    Me and my mother went to a church once where they showed a video
    Of tb joshua. Me and my mother are very sensitive spiritually and my
    Mother especially is a person that would never critisize men of God.
    We both looked at each other with shock and her look said everything.
    I’ll say it clearly: I don’t dicern the Holy spirit in this man Tb joshua.
    I’ve come from an occultic background with my father that was involved in
    Occult and I’m sensitive to that sort of thing. Tb joshua makes me feel
    Like I’m in the presence of demons, not Jesus. You cannot be born again
    When you are still in your mothers womb. That’s nonsense. The pentecostal
    Church network in nigeria has rejected any connection with joshua. Joshua
    In my opinion is an occultist. Also the bible said God made all food to be
    Enjoyed if it is received with thanks giving. The dude is false and I’d chase him
    Away if he ever got close to me unless God commisioned me to deliver him.
    In the occult a person can do many miracles, even raise the dead.

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