Joyce Meyer is a Little God With a Big Christ Consciousness

Joyce Meyer little God with Big Christ consciousness

Joyce Meyer is a Little God With a Big Christ Consciousness

Joyce Meyer is admired by so many people, especially women, it’s actually quite ridiculous.  I think it’s mainly because she speaks like a psychologist. So watching her on TV or reading her books is like lying on that big leather sofa in a psychologists office and you get to speak you heart out all they while they tell you how to manage your life.  I also think that many women wish they could be like her.

Now lets get down to the nitty gritty.  Have you noticed how quickly Joyce Meyer speaks.  She is a bullet train.  You can’t keep up with what she is actually saying!  She mis-quotes scripture just as fast.  This is such a brilliant tactic.  She does not give you any time to take in what she is ACTUALLY saying.  Of course I can’t apply this to her books, because everyone reads at a different pace.  But she still mis-quotes scripture, and she knows no one will actually check to see if what she is quoting really lines up to the truth.  Sneaky Sneaky.

Why do false teachers always come up with such clever means of deceiving people.  Because Satan is actually very clever and knows exactly how to stop you from thinking for yourself and will always prevent you from going to the Bible to see if what he says is actually so.  Which of course it never ever will be true, for he is the father of lies.

So Joyce Meyer is a Word of Faith / Latter Rain and Emerging Church preacher (Yes Emerging, it’s a shock I know) .  She constantly preaches positive confessions.  If you speak good things into your life, then good things will happen.  If you speak positive things, then positive things will happen.  This is exactly the same as the Law of Attraction or Law of Return which IS Occult teaching.

Wiccan Rede

It works on the same principle as witchcraft’s The Wiccan Rede – “If no harm is done, do as you will”.  Or the Emergents;  The Golden Rule  – “Do unto others as you would have them do to you”.  So whatever energy a person puts out into the world, be it positive or negative, it will be returned to that person three times. But this also depends on what you believe and is not necessarily threefold. It could be more, like a hundredfold in Word of Faith teaching lol.  So what is the Eastern philosophical term for all this?  The Law of Karma!

Positive Confession is actually a spell.  You are casting a spell by ‘confessing’ what you want.  All you don’t have is a wand, but you do have a Joyce Meyer spell book.  All Joyce Meyer’s is short of is a hat and a broom.

Word of Faith doctrine

Years ago Word of Faith entered the public scene with massive revivals through the likes of William Branham et al.  The ‘religion’ of Word of Faith is a culmination of Metaphysical cult ideas mixed with Orthodox Christian teaching.   But no one knew this back then, everyone raised their hands and said, ‘Hallelujah!’  Church became exciting, the spirit was moving and people were being ‘saved’ left right and centre.  The Baptists were old school, the Methodists, well no one was really sure what they believed, but the Charismatics…well, they were genuine men and women of God.

Word of Faith teaching ±70 years ago contained 90% genuine Christian teaching.  ±30 years ago it contained 80% genuine Christian teaching.  Now they are 99% false teaching.  It’s so bad that they now openly proclaim the Little God teaching i.e.,  All is God and God is in All (Pantheism/Panentheism).  They have taken scripture in the bible and twisted it completely, with no shame what-so-ever!

So when the bible tells us that when you are genuinely saved, the Holy Spirit comes to abide in you and you are then continuously filled with the Holy Spirit as you grow in your faith and become like Christ.  They on the other hand are actually referring to the fact that you actually become a Christ.  That you can do what Jesus did, that you can now have the SAME authority as Jesus did by speaking your god faith out loud!  That as you grow in knowledge you move up the Transcendental ladder and will one day be on the same level as Jesus Christ.  Of course they did not preach this message outright ±20 years ago, and would deny that this is what they actually meant (some of them not even sure what they meant).  NOW they openly say it, but still have the audacity to deny that this is what they really mean.  How stupid do they think we are?  Well it seems most meet their expectations.

Ever wondered why Word of Faith teachers always have such lavish stage settings of gold chairs, gold ornaments and ridiculous over the top bling.  Are they trying to recreate heaven?  Are they little gods in their heaven on earth?  Just a thought.

So here is Joyce Meyer teaching the Little God teaching.  Notice how she first says she does not agree with the teaching and then goes on to agree with the teaching and then quotes scripture (very fast of course) to back-up the teaching.  They have to make sure you will never keep up.

Why do we not notice these oh so obvious things?  Or do we notice these things and instead of being utterly disgusted we push them aside and make like we did not hear it? All the while it’s been embedded in our subconscious.  Like subliminal messages of, “it might come as a shock, but you know you like it”.

A little god

The god with a little g that we are supposed to be as per Joyce Meyer is The Christ consciousness that the Occult teach we all have inside of us.  And Word of Faith / Latter Rain teach the exact same thing. They just speak the message differently, using different examples and different terminology.  But it’s the exact same New Age idea.   She speaks about Jesus Christ, but she is NOT speaking about the real Jesus Christ of the Bible but the Occult Christ that embodies all religions and allows us to think we are gods (big or small g it does not matter).  For all is God and God is in All.

New Age teaching is not new!

It’s ancient satanic knowledge that has been purposely made known, let out of the proverbial Pandora’s box in order to ensnare the entire world at just at the right time in history – the end times.  What once was a secret is no more.  Now you can get The Secret first hand at your local Christian book store, step by step instructions on how to ascend to god level.

I have transcribed the Joyce Meyer video, cos reading at ones own pace will hopefully help you take in what she is really saying.

Joyce Meyer teaches little god teaching:

“He and I were listening to a set of tapes by one man, he explained it like this….and I think this kinda gets the point across.  [note: wonder why she does not mention Creflo Dollars name as he proposed the little God theory quite a while back]

He said:  “you know, why do people have such a fit about God calling His creation His creation? His man, not his whole creation but His man, little gods? If He is God what’s He gonna call them?  But the god-kind! I mean if you as a human being have a baby you call it a humankind, if, if cattle have another cattle, they call it cattle kind.  So I mean, what’s God supposed to call us? Does not the bible say we are created in His image?” (Amen from the audience).

Now you understand I’m not saying you are God with a capital G.  That is not the issue here!  So don’t go trying to stone me or yell blasphemy at me.  The bible says, right here in John 10:34…let’s read this again, well lets just start again from verse 32. (Notice how she reads the Bible at Mach 1 speed)

“Jesus said to them, My Father has enabled Me to do many good deeds. [I have shown many acts of mercy in your presence.] For which of these do you mean to stone Me? The Jews replied, We are not going to stone You for a good act, but for blasphemy, because You, a mere Man, make Yourself [out to be] God. Jesus answered, Is it not written in your Law, I said, You are gods?”  (Joyce adds by saying, “little g” to the end of the verse.  Note:  This verse is taken from the Amplified bible)

So men are called gods by the law, men to whom gods message came and the scripture can not be set aside, cancelled or broken, or annulled.  Now if this is true, (Joyce is now referring to Jesus speaking) “You say of the the One whom the Father consecrated, dedicated, set apart for Himself, and sent into the world, you are blaspheming because I said I am the Son of God!  See when He began to say, “I’m the Son of God”, then they began to yell blasphemy.

Well I want you all to know that you are sons and daughters of All Mighty God. (Amen from audience). He has birthed us, we are born again, new creatures in Christ Jesus. We need to understand who we are, and what it is we’re supposed to be doing. And if we can get that revelation refreshed in us, but stay in some realm of balance, then I believe that God can use us in this last hour for many mighty acts and in the process we can give Him all the glory.

Oh I tell you I feel good about this. Don’t you feel good about it? (Amen from the audience).

I wish you had an amplified bible in front you but if you don’t then you may just have to listen here. If we study Psalm 82:

“GOD STANDS in the assembly [of the representatives] of God”  (Joyce then interrupts and says, “That’s us you know, see I’m a representative of God.  The bible says that God stands in the midst of those representatives. She then carries on with the verse). “…in the midst of the magistrates or judges He gives judgement [as] among the gods.” (She ends verse saying “little ‘g” then continues).  “…How long will you [magistrates or judges] judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked? [pause, and calmly think of that]!” Verse[sic] 3,  (Joyce adds: He might as well just add here, “this is why I’ve given you power”) “…that you can do justice to the weak (poor) and fatherless; maintain the rights of the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy; rescue them out of the hand of the wicked”.

God has given us power and authority in these last days, that we might help hurting people. Let me ask you a question;  “When He empowered the twelve and He empowered the seventy what did He tell them?  Go preach the gospel, cast out devils, heal the sick? Every where you go help, hurting people!  We’ve got to understand that when power is delegated to us it is to help hurting people! (Amen from audience). It’s not for us to go and necessarily try to help ourselves all the time. But to help hurting people! And certainly you want to take authority over the enemy when he is coming against you. But the main thing is you want to help hurting people.

“Verse 5, …[The magistrates and judges] know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in the darkness [of complacent satisfaction];  (Joyce adds: “Now this is interesting…”) …all the foundations of the earth [the fundamental principles upon which rests the administration of justice] are shaking.”

I was listening to a man teach this week and he said that because people are not taking their proper places. Because God’s people are not taking their proper places everything on the earth is out of balance. All the foundations of the earth is supposed to be built upon are shaking in this hour. Cos God’s people are not taking their proper places! We’ve let the devil have what belongs to us! (Audience responds with approval).

Verse 6;  “I said, You are gods [since you judge on My behalf, as My representatives]; indeed, all of you are children of the Most High.”

It is important that we know who we are and that we walk with that power consciousness.”

And if that does not convince you that the Christ she speaks of is NOT the Jesus Christ of the Bible but the New Age Christ.  Then have a look at this:

[DTW emphasis and notes in green below]

Are you a Joyce Meyer Ministries fan?

If you enjoy Joyce Meyer’s teachings and want to hear God’s loving Voice within you in a very clear and recognisable way, you’re in the right place!

Joyce Meyer is a true blessing to millions of people all over the world who desire to deepen their relationship and communication with God. As a leading Christian evangelical teacher, Joyce Meyers clearly demonstrates her deep and abiding relationship with Jesus Christ through the way she lives, as well as through her many inspiring and life changing books. Joyce Meyer is a testament that God speaks to each of us, regardless of our personal backgrounds or challenges in life.

But there is something important that you may not realise.

God speaks to each of us exactly where we are.

What does that mean?

It means that God speaks to us exactly where we are on our path.

Let me give you an example.

Imagine a row of seven people sitting in front of you: a 6-year-old child, a physicist, a Catholic priest, a rebellious teenager, a mother of 10 children, a Buddhist monk, and a police officer. Now imagine that each one of these people asks God the same exact question. It could be about anything…. What would be in the highest good for me to say or do as I walk past this beggar on the street? What is my true purpose in life? What message would you have me impart to this group of elementary school students on career day? How can I best serve the world? Is it my highest good to invest in the stock market? What should I say or do when someone yells at me or threatens me?

Regardless of the question, do you know what each person is going to hear when they ask God the same question as everyone else?

They’re going to hear something totally unique to them. The 6-year-old child will not receive the same answer as the rebellious teenager, the Catholic priest, or the police officer. The mother of 10 will hear something different than the physicist or Buddhist monk. Each person has their own background, education, and belief system. Each one is learning their own unique lessons in life. Therefore, God will speak to each person exactly where they are on their path. One person may be learning about kindness or compassion, while another person may be learning about forgiveness, abundance, or self-empowerment. What one person needs to hear to re-connect with God [Note: The god of all beliefs/religions, all paths lead to the same god] and their True Self  [Note: Christ consciousness] is most likely different than what another person needs to hear.

In addition, we are constantly evolving and changing in our understanding and awareness. The lessons we were learning 10 years ago are most likely different from the lessons we are learning today. [Note: God says His Word is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow].  In fact, who we are in this moment is different than who we were three months ago, three weeks ago, and even three days ago. Each time we open up to a deeper understanding and experience of Love and Peace in our lives, the fabric of our mind changes. We could probably ask God the same question every year for the rest of our lives and receive a different answer every time we asked because what we are learning and assimilating in each moment is different. [Note:  Emergent teaching that the bible can be interpreted any which way you want, depending on who you are, where you live and what mood you are in]. What we need to hear right now to restore ourselves to God is unique to this moment.

What does this have to do with Joyce Meyer?

Joyce Meyer is a beautiful soul and a wonderful teacher. She shares God’s Voice with millions of people all over the world in exactly the right way for them. But what if it were possible for you to hear God’s Voice just as clearly and intimately as she does?

What if you could experience God’s unconditional love for you EXACTLY AS YOU ARE?

What if you could learn to love yourself unconditionally, let go of ALL self judgement, fear, and guilt, and experience the freedom and peace of knowing that you remain exactly as God created you to be?  [Note: no such thing as sin anymore].  What if you could learn how to hear God’s Voice within you in a very clear and recognisable way so that you can receive the comfort, guidance, and healing that you seek in your life?

If your answer is YES, now is the time to take the next step and receive the unconditional love and guidance that God has to give you.

Here are the products offered by this website:  [emphasis added]

If you want to:
  • Transcend the world
  • Experience more happiness in your life
  • Recognise the divinity within all people
  • Remember your divine nature
  • Use the business of the world to awaken
  • Develop more consistency with your spiritual practises
  • See the world through God’s eyes
  • Understand the connection between being and creation
  • Fulfil your life’s purpose
  • Experience your divine innocence
  • Recognise your holiness
  • Discover your divine gifts
  • Uncover your heart’s desire
  • See the presence of God in all things
  • Experience Oneness
  • Live heaven on earth
  • Strengthen your creativity
  • Let go of unnecessary rules on your spiritual path
  • Develop more consistently with your meditation practise, and
  • Experience Enlightenment 

Close your eyes as you listen to these guided meditations and allow the words of the Holy Spirit to gently guide your awareness ever deeper into the experience of your Divine Self!


New Age Spirituality

This website is dedicated to New Age Spirituality, Mysticism and Christ Consciousness (all Occult teaching). This website also thinks Joyce Meyer is the greatest thing since someone found holes in the moon.   If Joyce Meyer was preaching genuine Christian teaching, this website would have been dedicated to someone other than her.  The reason why they pick her as a beautiful, loving soul is because they are speaking the same language – they both believe the same Christ Consciousness Occultism.

NEVER EVER will genuine Christians agree in ANY WAY with false teaching.  And genuine Christians will NEVER EVER make excuses for wicked people’s behaviour either.  If you make excuses for them, then you belittle Jesus Christ. 


Joyce Meyer is just another Oprah Winfrey.  BUT Joyce Meyer is WORSE because she tells everyone she is a Christian, reads out of the bible and preaches to Christian audiences.   Oprah is at least honest and admits she is not a Christian and refuses the Bible in every way. At least with Oprah, we know what we are dealing with.   Joyce Meyer is conniving, lethal in her message, and a liar second to none.

Here is the Joyce Meyer Youtube video that I transcribed above:



Please share:

Deborah (Discerning the World)

Deborah Ellish is the author of the above article. Discerning the World is an internet Christian Ministry based in Johannesburg South Africa. Tom Lessing and Deborah Ellish both own Discerning the World. For more information see the About this Website page below the comments section.

109 Responses

  1. blank iBecky says:

    I am soooo confused, I am not a supporter of Joyce but I was just reading John 10:34 and the bible does says that. It doesn’t feel right to think that I am a “little god” but I can’t choose what to believe in the bible is either all of it or none of it. Am I reading it wrong?

  2. iBecky

    Yip, you are reading it wrong. When you read scripture, you need to read the entire passage and also cross reference passages to find it’s EXACT meaning.

    I am going to make you do a bit of thinking here 🙂

    All these scriptures I am pasting below are all tied together…. read them and figure out what EXACTLY it means:

    John 10:29-39

    29″My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand.
    30″I and the Father are one.”
    31The Jews picked up stones again to stone Him.
    32Jesus answered them, “I showed you many good works from the Father; for which of them are you stoning Me?”
    33The Jews answered Him, “For a good work we do not stone You, but for blasphemy; and because You, being a man, (AR)make Yourself out to be God.”
    34Jesus answered them, “Has it not been written in your Law, ‘I SAID, YOU ARE GODS’?
    35″If he called them gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Scripture cannot be broken),
    36do you say of Him, whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, ‘You are blaspheming,’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’?
    37″If I do not do the works of My Father, do not believe Me;
    38but if I do them, though you do not believe Me, believe the works, so that you may know and understand that the Father is in Me, and I in the Father.”
    39Therefore they were seeking again to seize Him, and He eluded their grasp.

    Psalm 82

    Unjust Judgments Rebuked.
    A Psalm of Asaph.

    1God takes His stand in His own congregation;
    He judges in the midst of the rulers.
    2How long will you judge unjustly
    And show partiality to the wicked? Selah.
    3Vindicate the weak and fatherless;
    Do justice to the afflicted and destitute.
    4Rescue the weak and needy;
    Deliver them out of the hand of the wicked.
    5They do not know nor do they understand;
    They walk about in darkness;
    All the foundations of the earth are shaken.
    6I said, “You are gods,
    And all of you are sons of the Most High.

    7″Nevertheless you will die like men
    And fall like any one of the princes.”
    8Arise, O God, judge the earth!
    For it is You who possesses all the nations.

  3. blank TB says:

    Hi there
    Since i ended up on this site a few days ago i spent quite some time praying and specifically asking God to guide me and reveal unto me what it is He wants me to learn out of all of it.
    I agree on so many things written and at the same time i have second thoughts about some. Maybe it’s simply because i wonder whether any of us have an 100% understanding of the Bible and of the Truth. It’s all in the Bible – i know and agree! What makes one of us 100% correct and someone else wrong? Most of the times i find that both qoute the Bible. Yes, i know context, spiritual maturity and other play a role, but i’m just wondering… (not pointing fingers and certainly not judging).
    After many hours i ended up with alot of questions i need to get answered (for myself) and i will study the Bible and pray for guidance and wisdom from Christ Jesus until i find them… (is’nt this exactly what you should want or hope for for any individual visiting your site in stead of them agreeing 100%…?)
    What i did realize over the past few days is that not agreeing 100% with someone does’nt mean i’m a lost soul. If i may use an example… whether water baptized or not, it does not determine my salvation. So people have different opinions based on the Word, but i can’t lable them as lost because they don’t agree on this Biblical fact (btw, i am baptized).
    Oh boy… i agree that we need to expose false teachings and at all times allow God to show and convice us where we are (mostly) unknowingly wrong.
    I strongly believe we grow in knowledge and truth of the Bible since no one can completely grasp the full truth the moment of rebirth. We simply don’t know all the Scriptures in the Bible to fully understand it all. We grow. Just as the deciples learnt and grew in their faith and in the truth.
    Thus, while someone is growing I strongly believe that we should show them the way (the truth as in the Bible) and keep on praying that veils will drop and we will not follow people but only follow the Word of God.
    Thus, exposing false teaching is 100% correct, but we have to do it in love. We have to understand that some peopl may truly love Jesus Christ and be sincere in what they do although some knowledge have simply not been shared with them. Not sure i state what i mean correctly… However, i’ve also learned that we have to constantly be open for someone to correct us. We then have the responsibility to go to the Word and to the feet of Christ so He can teach us and guide us through His word. We as people can convince no one – we can only point out and share.
    *sigh* not even sure i’m really getting accross that i have in my heart to share…
    i stand for the Truth – the full truth. Any leaven in it and i will throw it out. But i need God to convince me through His word. Therefore i agree with so many of your comments – people should read their Bibles!!
    One last thing regarding your comment:
    >>I sit here and all I can see are the millions of blindfolded eyes (these are all people) going to hell because of Joyce Meyer.>>
    not sure i understand…. i am a saved Christian and am not convinced that listening to JM (which i’m not) will have me end up in hell. or am i missing something? How do you see anyone getting to heaven?
    To end it all… what is important is for everyone to search for the truth themselves (in the Bible!!) and not whether they agree with us or not. That’s what i constantly pray when people don’t agree on what we say from a Biblical point of view “It’s fine if you don’t agree with me, but please go search for yourself and find the truth from the Word of God. Please go test whether I am correct.”
    God bless you.

  4. TB

    >> Thus, exposing false teaching is 100% correct, but we have to do it in love. We have to understand that some peopl may truly love Jesus Christ and be sincere in what they do although some knowledge have simply not been shared with them.

    Tell me where I have not done anything in love TB? I write the way I write, I call a spade a spade – truth is truth. In the article I wrote for DDWM I did with much prayer for Luzanne and Melinda. As I said at the end of the article, are they ignorant of what they are doing? Or are they doing it on purpose… only time will tell. But if they are ignorant and they can change and learn the Gospel truth and become a wonderful ministry for God.

    Sometimes to get the shock of your life that you are on the wrong path and to be ripped out of it onto the narrow path is the best way to realise how much God is actually watching each and every one of us and a great testimonial.

    >>I sit here and all I can see are the millions of blindfolded eyes (these are all people) going to hell because of Joyce Meyer.>>
    not sure i understand…. i am a saved Christian and am not convinced that listening to JM (which i’m not) will have me end up in hell. or am i missing something? How do you see anyone getting to heaven?

    You are missing the point completely. Many women have gotten ‘saved’ under Joyce Meyer’s false Word of Faith Doctrine. And if you tell them the truth about Joyce Meyer they would rather die and protect her than open their bibles just an inch and check to see if what I am saying is true. Some women have gone so far as to study the Joyce Meyer way and have been indoctrinated with FALSE bible studies – so when you explain to them what a verse means, the just can’t see the truth because they have been taught the Joyce Meyer way. Therefore unless God rips these women out of the false church they are in, yes, they are going to hell.

  5. TB

    I am happy to see you are reading my blog more and taking these things to scripture and prayer. It’s the only way TB.

  6. blank Burning Lamp says:

    TB, there are certain fundamentals that cannot be compromised. You mentioned water baptism. Some believe you must be baptized to be saved – this is called baptismal regeneration. This is a false teaching and destroys the Gospel of grace which is not of works. If one is depending upon their baptism to save them, it is quite possible that they are not saved. I have seen this in people I know very well. There is just as much emphasis placed upon the act of baptism as there is on the faith. That is a very serious error – false teaching. The Bible teaches that salvation is a free gift and that baptism is a demonstration of what has taken place in the heart. It is called believer’s baptism – an outward sign of an inward change.

    The Bible is 100% truth but must be rightly divided.

    Also, the Lord can use a false teacher to lead someone to Christ, but it is His Word that does the work. The danger comes, as Deb says, when the person continues to follow the false teacher and does not get properly discipled in the Word. New believers are babes and must be given the true milk of the Word and then the meat when they are ready.

  7. TB

    Yip, I would recommend that book.

  8. blank TB says:

    BL, we’re saying the same thing – i agree 100% with what u have said.
    May we continue to show people the truth in love and remember that we are not there to convince them but point them to the truth. Convincing is the work of the Holy Spirit. That’s why i don’t mind if people don’t agree with me, because it’s not about me it’s about the truth of the gospel which they will eventually find if they search for it in the Word of God. Years ago I found it, they will to. Let’s keep on praying more than anything else.
    Keep well & God bless.

  9. TB

    You didn’t answer my question. Where have I said anything that is not in love?

  10. blank Burlning Lamp says:

    Thanks TB, glad we are on the same page. I didn’t get from your comment that you meant that Debs didn’t speak the truth in love – but maybe I missed something. Anyway, she has a spunky style and some may interpret it as unloving, but the motivation behind this blog is love, love for God’s truth and love for sheep that are being led to the slaughter. She has little patience with wolves who promote false teaching,those who support them and neither do I. She rips off their masks with no apologies necessary. Jesus was no namby-pamby – He cleansed the temple and lit into the self-righteous legalists.

    Grace and peace to you also and may the Lord lead and guide you into all truth.

  11. blank Jenny says:

    I am filled with doubt about the accuracy of this whole article. Surely someone who believed they can discern a false teacher would know the Golden Rule is not pagan, but the words of Jesus Christ himself.

    Luke 6:31
    31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.

  12. Jenny

    You can be filled with doubt until the cows come home, the truth still remains the truth. Those are HER WORDS, “I am a little God”.

    And pagans use the Golden rule as well. So your point is? You want to be a god too but don’t want anyone to point fingers at you? WHAT DID SATAN say to EVE in the garden of Eden?

  13. blank Steve says:

    I renounced a deep occult and new age life for the sake of Christ. I needed to cause it nearly took my life. Having fallen for so many false teachings when into the new age/occult I can smell them a mile off. I have heard them all before and Joyce Meyer is blatantly new age and self-help in her philosophy. It jumped out at me where she said how we can “give God glory in the process.” I am sorry Joyce, but God’s glory is the ONLY reason we should do anything, not just give Him glory in a process we are happening to go through. She blatantly twists scripture. Saying we are all Gods, whether with a little or captiaal G is something that I heard numerous times in the new age/occult. We are humans and God’s children. We are supposed to depend on HIM for all our needs, not conjure them up by the power of our positive thoguths. As the article said, and I speak from past practice, this is an essential practice in witch craft. To be honest, since I left that balloney behind I do not need to think myself into a better life, because God is quite capable of providing what we need. And where in the Bible say that we are to expect happiness and no problems? Yes, we get joy in the Lord, but we are told to expect troubles and persecutions. If she cannot cope with being accused of false teaching and has to lash out against it, then that just shows she is not living for Christ who told us we would be persecuted. In fact He told us to rejoice when we are, not kick against it as she does.

    With regard to taking planks out of eyes. We are told to love everyone, but to HATE SIN. We are instruicted to expose the deeds of darkness. And after learning for myself the sheer dangers of teachings such as Joyce Meyers I would not be faithful to the Lord if I turned a blind eye, none of us would. It is our duty as Christians to speak against the evils of this world, even at the cost of ourselves being given a hard time. Those on here who have spoken against this evil, for the right reasons – ie. exposing the truth, they have clear consciences. We are to spread the true word of God, not suppress it with people pleasing philosophies.

  14. blank Michael says:

    You are spot on Steve…I started to see the falseness in these charlatans too…Joyce Meyer is way off and belongs to the lying brigade…I was worshipping in one of these word faith set-ups…it was all about money…big money…one of the deacons is one of the top 28 billionaires in SA…these people are obsessed by money…okay it is not a sin to be rich but to love and worship money, materialism and comfort is…I was castigated by the pastor for denouncing Benny Hinn as a false prophet…he actually told me to repent as I was speaking against God’s annointed even though Benny Hinn is a liar and yes so are most of the gang. When I started to read the lies and statements these imposters made it was my saving grace…I fled and today I realise that we must pray for God’s mercy on these people and that He brings them to a place where they can and want to repent.

    It is a deep and dark sinister thing happening in the church today…it has a very big stronghold on people because people love pleasure,power, indulgence and ego…no different to the world…prosperity is a very evil cult. Yes God does supply your needs if you trust Him but never your greed…when I see people prospering and claiming it from the Lord I often ask the question…is it God or is it the devil…God supplies your needs but the devil spoils us??

  15. blank Dave Sharp says:

    Joyce has been off the track for quite some time, pity, she is a powerful speaker. I used to listen to her everyday when I first became a Christian but found from an apologist how she so eloquently twisted the word. I will still pray for her, she serves the wrong master and needs saving…

  16. blank Paul says:

    Hi Deborah,
    I sent this article to a good friend of mine who is a big fan of Meyer, hoping and praying her eyes will be openned.
    She replied to me that she read the article and couldn’t discern what the author found wrong with Meyer (what the author is reproaching Meyer). She says the article is very superficial and is very lacking in depth. She says her answer to the author are the following 2 passages:
    Matthew 12:24-28 and Philippians 1:12-18

    She could have commented directly on the blog, but she chose to reply to me instead. I don’t know if there is any use for me asking her to send her reply as a comment on the blog.

    I’m very saddened and will continue praying for her.

    Please keep on the good work, and the Lord Jesus Christ will continue using this blog to open the eyes of a few. Yes, saddly, only a few.


  17. Paul

    That’s the usual response from Joyce Meyer fans

  18. blank Michael says:

    You cannot reason or debate with WOF followers…no objectivity or logic can be seen by these people…they are spiritually blind…they are people followers and experience believers…some of them do read the bible but manipulate words and meaning to fall in line with their worldly desires and lusts…prayer and the mercy of God’s intervention are the only hope.

  19. blank Starlight says:

    We were exposed to the WoF between 2007-2009. What a roller coaster experience. My hubby got out of church and taught sunday school just not to sit under their teaching. The HS dealt with me then. It was an experience I am glad for as it opened my eyes to so much error being preached in churches who once held to sound doctrine. I am a Baptist from birth and grew up in a time when we received sound Biblical teachings and solid foundations were set early in our lives and after salvation. That kept me from being totally deceived by the WoF teachings. Today, I no longer can make the claim that the Baptist church preaches a sound doctrine – they have embraced Calvinism. I weep.

  20. blank Teri Johnson says:

    Just wanted to leave this link here for you all.

  21. blank Suzanne Enos says:

    The very first line of your article tells me simply this…you are very jealous of Joyce Meyers. You fear her power..which she doesn’t own, but gives all credit to God. The fact that you are judging her tells me that you neither read the scriptures or follow them. There is no need for all of this discussion; a person will be revealed by their fruits ! All of the time spent ripping apart another person could be time spent doing God’s work…so God speed to you all !

  22. Suzanne

    >> you are very jealous of Joyce Meyers

      Yes, that must be it….. not

    >> The fact that you are judging her tells me that you neither read the scriptures or follow them

      I’m not judging her, the words she speaks JUDGES her, if she blasphemes Jesus Christ and speaks occult terminology, then she judges herself in God’s eyes. Matt 12:37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

    >> a person will be revealed by their fruits

      Yes, her fruit is the unbiblical WORDS that come out of her mouth and the subsequent false salvation that people fall under thereafter.
  23. blank Redeemed says:

    Suzanne, Deborah IS doing the Lord’s work by laboring on this website, by doing research which is a labor of love for the Lord’s sheep who are being ravaged by wolves who speak lies and appear as angels of light. They are the ones who are doing the “ripping”, and they need to be exposed. The Bible says this is what should be done.

    It offends people when their favorite “ox” gets gored, but those who fail to listen do so at their peril. I have listened to Joyce Meyer and she is quite convincing in many ways. This is because she speaks truth but cleverly weaves in error so it will less likely be detected. That is why there is a great need for a ministry like DTW. i hope you come to realize this.

  24. blank Kitty says:

    I live in Houston and recently JM came to town to visit. I had been listening to her site occasionally for uplifting messages. It was held in the Lakewood Church. I arrived early. What proceeded really changed my opinion of her ministry. She and three people took an hour and half to barrage the audience with pleas for money and book sales. Each time a different speaker would get up and talk about a new book, calender or study guide. When she got up, she sounded almost bitter than she had to preach the good word and that “paying” for this was a service. She actually put a guilt trip on the audience, about how she was doing this good work and somebody has to pay. She actually caught herself when she realized how she sounded. None of this is on her website, only the messages. I have read Battle field of the mind and it is good. I have seen some uplifting messages that have helped me. Whenever she got up to preach she ran out of time, and complained about it. She began her message with how she thought the padded heated toilet seat in her hotel room was luxurious, and as an anecdote during about how she was sad about a fur coat her friend bought instead of she. I at the moment am poor, living off charity. This entire thing just made me feel bad. I came because I needed a word of encouragement to make it through another day. Instead I was cajoled for money for an hour and half, then made to feel like she lived a lavish out of touch lifestyle. The service was mostly about as I remember being nice to your employers and not talking bad about them. Unfortunately what I believe is that it is pride. I do believe JM is a christian who does good with her charities. However, I believe that her money, power, and ego can corrupt even the best person. The service was more about Joyce than anything else and her payday. I think that she is living a lifestyle that is extremely expensive for how desperate they seem. I heard on a radio interview she won’t fly first class but own a 16 million dollar jet. She thinks she is owed these things, all I can say is how many churches or orphanages in Africa would 16 million dollars fund? how many people would that feed? How many churches could it start in missions? Yes God blesses us, but we are supposed to bless others more.

  25. blank Rebecca says:

    [delete – no insults welcome]

  26. blank Rebecca says:

    @ Rebecca:
    My intention was not to insult you, I was merely commenting on how I feel your attitude may affect people in a negative manner. I will pray for you as I hope you pray for those you feel are misguided.

  27. Rebecca

    No please not pray for me, thank you. You ‘feelings’ were totally incorrect..

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