William Branham – False Prophet
William Branham – False Prophet
I have decided to write this article on William Branham for 2 reasons and that is this: William Branham’s influence on the church today is nothing but a vile attack on the True Body of Christ. This article will also serve as a reference to some articles that I will be writing soon on some supposed ‘men of God’ aka ‘Prophets’ in South Africa – who claim that they have William Branham’s Mantle. Any ‘pastor’ who says that William Branham was truly a man of God or says they have anything from William Branham (mantle, angel, follows his teachings, etc) should be avoided like the plague.
Who was William Branham:
William Branham was born in 6th April 1909 in Kentucky and died on 24 December 1965. His ministry was founded in May 1946. But this legacy lives on in his followers and the hundreds of sermons that were recorded or transcribed. Most people read his sermons more than they do they bible. Most people believe William Branham’s words more than the bible. This is obviously concerning, but what is more concerning is what William Branham preached and the strange signs and wonders that accompanied him.
The young William Branham:
William Branham’s mother was 15 years of age, and his father was 18 years of age. When William Branham was born something rather unusual happened on that day – a few rays of light shone into the room and a huge halo, one foot in diameter appeared above William’s mother and baby. Because of this his mother took him to a Baptist church in the local community. That was the first and the last time he went to church in years. –Carl Dyck, William Branham: The Man and His Message (Saskatoon: Western Tract Mission, 1984), page 3.
It should be noted (and keep this in your mind at all times) that Branham’s parents both believed in fortunetelling (so they were not Christian) and this of course means that William Branham was raised in an occult environment. –Kurt Koch, Between Christ and Satan (Grand Rapids: Kregal Publications, 1962), page 150
Branham’s life was influenced by numerous visions and angelic visitations. He recalled that he heard a voice at the age of seven, “Well, I started up the lane again. And I turned to look at this again. And when it did, a human Voice just as audible as mine is, said, `Don’t you never drink, smoke, or defile your body in any way. There’llbeaworkfor you to do when you get older.’ Why, it liked to scared me to death!” –Brother Branham, taped sermon transcript, p. 24
This would not be the last time Branham heard this voice, later this voice would identify itself as an angel and later he ends up receiving extra-biblical revelation concerning future events.
William’s family and Ministry:
William Branham was influenced by a few obscure people/religions before he fully established his ministry in 1948, one of these was the ‘Jesus Only’ Pentecostals. –Brother Branham, p.39
At this time William Branham was married and had a baby daughter. Many family members and other ministers warned him not to associate with the ‘Jesus Only’ cult for this group did not believe in the Trinity amongst other thing. Branham must have broken away from then for later when his Wife and baby daughter died in 1937 from Tubercular Meningitis he attributed their deaths to the fact that it was because he had not continued in fellowship with the Pentecostals and had missed God’s will. –Brother Branham, p.47
Never the less, the ‘Jesus Only’ cult was a great influence on Branham as he adopted many of their heretical doctrines into his own.
Another influential person in Branham’s ‘doctrine to be’ was Franklin Hall who wrote on the ‘Atomic Power with God through Fasting and Prayer’. Hall had a great influence on almost all the healing revival preachers of that time, of which Branham was his best disciple, in so much that Branham’s followers believed him to be the apostle of the final Church age.
In 1946 while Branham was baptising followers in the Ohio river he heard a small voice say ‘Look up!” Looking up he saw it descending toward him – it looked like a blazing Star, a Pillar of Fire. The Supernatural Pillar of Fire hovered just above his head and that voice he had been hearing since he was little spoke out of the Pillar of Fire saying, “As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the First Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, so you are sent to forerun His Second Coming.” –Brother Branham, p.71
That was that, Branham called this his ‘charge’ – that he was called by God and soon many believed him to be Elijah. In fact when Branham passed away in 1965 due to a head injury from a car accident many of his followers (and still today, believe it or not) truly believe he came in the spirit of Elijah, some believed him to be born of a virgin, some believed him to be God and most expected him to actually rise from the dead in three days. –All Things Are Possible, p.164
Not long after Branham was told by the Pillar of Fire that he was the forerunner for the Second Coming of Christ he was visited by the voice manifested in the form of an angel. This angel told him that he had been given two gifts; the gift of healing and the gift of words of knowledge / restore biblical truth. As time went by Branham also came to believe that this angel was the source of all his visions and extra-biblical revelations as well. But of course Branham was very discerning (as he claims it was also one of his gifts) and he asked the angel why he should believe the angel to be from God and the angel told him that the people in Jesus’ day called Jesus a devil, so he (Branham) should not worry about others in his family or ministry saying the same thing about the message/angel. The angel mentioned that Branham had been told by fortunetellers in impromptu meetings that he had a special gift from God and was born under a sign. The angel assured Branham that demons had confirmed that Jesus was the Christ and he should not be concerned by testimony of fortunetellers. –Brother Branham, pp. 74, 75, 79
Well I suppose that settles it then – the angel must be from God, phewww and all this time I thought otherwise. You see in 1 John it explains very clearly what Branham was supposed to ask the angel, ‘”has Jesus Christ come in the Flesh”. I guarantee this angel would have come up with every excuse in the book to say otherwise. But then, what’s the bible anyway? eh? Just useless info…not to be adhered to.
So Branham decided to test out his new ‘powers’ and found himself confronted with a women who had cancer. Just as a matter of interest the angel told Branham about this woman in a vision. So he prayed for her and she was ‘healed’. He shot to Superstardom overnight and from then on claimed his angel was with him day and night.
Two things here; Who said she had cancer? Was there any medical proof of this and secondly who could prove she was healed? Or did Branham proclaim she was healed and everyone just accepted it? So either this was one big lie or worse we have a demon (posing as an angel of light) telling Branham about a women who has cancer, i.e., this woman’s cancer was demonically inflicted. Talk about being set up, William Branham that is, and again so much for his discernment. So Branham prays for her and she is ‘healed’. What actually happened was the demonic affliction was lifted and who knows what else this woman received in its place.
From then on William Branham’s ministry was built on supernatural manifestations and was empowered by a spirit being / angel. The angel accompanied him throughout his lifetime and even directed him in every aspect of his personal life. It was the angel Branham said gave him his power – not the Holy Spirit. In fact Branham knew that if he didn’t do what the Voice told him to do he would suffer greatly.
But if that has not convinced you even slightly that there was something horribly wrong with Brenham, lets go look at his teachings and see just how much they contradict the Word of God.
He believed he was the Last Days Prophet:
This I find rather funny because since starting my blog I have come across at least 20 others who think they are too. Who’s right? Fortunately, non of them, Branham included. Anyhow let’s stick to the story shall we – so Branham said, “Now, I’m just your brother, by the grace of God. But when the Angel of the Lord moves down, it becomes then a Voice of God to you…But I am God’s Voice to you… Now, see, I can say nothing in myself. But what He shows me.” –Footprints On The Sands Of Time, p. 214
His followers believed him to be the spirit of Elijah based on Malachi 4 and the seventh angel in Revelations 10.
Unfortunately for him and his followers, William Branham has to under no uncertain terms be labelled a False Prophet for a lot of things he prophesied did not come to pass for example: He prophesied that Jesus would return in 1977 along with the destruction of America . Branham said, “Jesus did not say no man could know the year, month or week in which his coming would be completed. I sincerely believe and maintain as a private student of the Word along with divine inspiration that 1977 ought to terminate the world systems and usher in the millennium.” –7 Church Ages, p. 322.
As we can see, Jesus Christ has not come back, America is still standing and it’s the year 2008. So you the reader have 2 choices here; 1) William Branham received this information from a lying demonic source aka his angel who’s father is Satan or, 2) God lied.
The bible says, in Deuteronomy 18 v 20-22
“20 But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die. 21 And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken? 22 When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.”
Branham preached the ‘Serpent Seed’ teaching:
The Serpent Seed teaching is a belief that Cain was produced through sexual intercourse between Eve and the serpent in the garden. The curse of the Serpent’s Seed he believed is the cause of all mankind’s problems and women are to blame and it is evident in their temptation of men. –William M. Branham, My Life Story, p. 19.
Branham also believe that the Serpent Seed was the missing link between man and monkey.
Hitler also believed in the Serpent Seed teaching and this was the main reason why Jews needed to be eliminated, for the Jewish nation was of Satan. Now if Hitler believed in this and Branham believed in this, and Hitler was of Satan and Branham is of God then….we have a HUGE problem here.
It is also noted that Branham despised women and on one occasion stated, “But I remember when my father’s still up there running, I had to be out there with water and stuff, see young ladies that wasn’t over seventeen, eighteen years, up there with a man my age now, drunk. And they’d have to sober them up and give them black coffee, to get them home to cook their husband’s supper. Oh, something like that, I said, ‘I…This was my remarked [sic] then, THEY’RE NOT WORTH A GOOD CLEAN BULLET TO KILL THEM WITH IT.’ That’s right. And I hated women. That’s right. And I just have to watch every move now, to keep from still thinking the same thing.” –M. Branham, ‘My Life Story’ (Spoken Word Publications, undated), p.27.
So now we can see why he was so adamant to preach this Serpent Seed teaching for he had an immense animosity towards women. This would also explain why he preached a rigid ‘moral code’ for women with regards to dressing, hair etc, etc. Branham also had a ‘revelation’ that allowed for divorce. –All Things Are Possible, p.162.
The bible says in Genesis 4 v 11;
1 “And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.” …. not from the Serpent/Satan.
Branham believed the Zodiac and the Egyptian Pyramids are EQUAL to scripture:
So as far as Branham is concerned the Zodiac and Egyptian pyramids are equal to Scripture in the revelation of God’s Word. This might I add is also one of Franklin Halls strange beliefs that was passed onto Branham. –‘Adoption’, pp.31,104.
Now we know that the Zodiac and the Pyramids play a huge part in the occult. So how on earth can the occult be equal to Scripture? Witchcraft, Astrology and New Age all use the pyramids and the zodiac for divination i.e., predicting the future. The pyramids are an essential holiday spot for occultists, witches, magicians, necromancers and many a demon/spirit. The narrow passages through-out the pyramids allowed for occult soul travel were mummified Kings and other notable people were buried with gold, food and other worldly possessions in the belief that their soul would need these things in the after-life. Pyramids also have an occult alignment with the stars i.e., the Zodiac.
Let’s see what the bible says about this: Deuteronomy 18 v 9-12
“9 When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. 10 There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch. 11 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. 12 For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee.”
William Branham a Freemason
After Branham’s death a tombstone in the shape of a pyramid was placed on his grave. On top of the tombstone is what appears to be an eagle, but it is in fact a Pheonix.
Branham believed that ALL denominations were the Mark of the Beast:
Except for his ‘denomination’ of course which was pure. Hence if you follow anyone eles teachings and not his you are doomed. Branham believed that some humans are descended from the serpent’s seed and are destined for hell, which is not eternal, however. The seed of God, i.e., those who receive Branham’s teaching, are predestined to become the Bride of Christ. There are still others who possess free will and who may be saved out of the denominational churches, but they must suffer through the Great Tribulation. He considered denominationalism a mark of the Beast (Rev. 13:17). –Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, pp. 95,96.
Branham believed he was commissioned by God to OPEN the SEVEN SEALS in Revelations:
Branham said, “I saw seven angels in the form of a pyramid that swept down, picked me up and was brought east to open the seven seals of God” –William Branham, Standing In the Gap – 63-0623.1M.
Revelations 5 v 1-10 says;
“1 Then I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on both sides and sealed with seven seals. 2 And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming in a loud voice, “Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?” 3 But no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth could open the scroll or even look inside it. 4 I wept and wept because no one was found who was worthy to open the scroll or look inside. 5 Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.”
So, is William Branham saying he is the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David – Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of the One and Only Living God? It must be, because William Branham said it, and if William Branham said that God commissioned him to open the book and loose the seals then who are we to argue, I mean really, the bible must be wrong, completely wrong!
Branham believes he was the ONLY Prophet:
Branham said, “There never was in the age, any two major prophets on the earth at one time. There were many minor prophets, but there were one major prophet. And Elijah was the prophet until Elisha came. Then when Elijah was taking off, a portion, double portion, of Elijah’s Spirit, Elijah’s Spirit came upon Elisha.” —Our Hope is in God, 1951 (tape #51-0929)
Now, God always uses a–a prophet, a man. If you use a bunch of men, you get different ideas (See?); each man, two men. Never did He have two major prophets on the earth at one time. He takes one, so the other one can take its place for another day, another message. He never has two; He has one at a time.” —The Evening Messenger, 1963 (tape #63-0116)
“God always deals with one individual. Two men’s got two ideas. There never was two major prophets on the earth prophesying the same time. Look back and see if there was. No, sir. Too much scrupled up. He’s got to get one man completely surrendered and use that person. He searches for that person, but there will be one sometime, somebody who’ll listen to Him word by word.” –The Fourth Seal, Revelation of the Seven Seals, 1963 (tape #63-0321)
Many historical prophets did indeed prophesy at the same time as others. Several minor prophets did as well (e.g., Hosea & Micah; Haggai & Zechariah. Ezra 5:1,2 actually says, “Now Haggai the prophet and Zechariah the prophet, a descendant of Iddo, prophesied to the Jews in Judah and Jerusalem in the name of the God of Israel, who was over them. Then Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel and Jeshua son of Jozadakset to work to rebuild the house of God in Jerusalem. And the prophets of God were with them, helping them.” See also, Numbers 11:25-29). In fact, some Minor prophets prophesied at the same time as Major prophets (e.g., Hosea & Micah were contemporary with Isaiah; Habakkuk was contemporary with Jeremiah). But Mr. Branham’s most obvious error was in saying that God never sent two Major prophets at the same time. Of the four Major prophets, Daniel, Jeremiah and Ezekiel were all contemporaries during the years 595-587 BC. –http://people.delphiforums.com/johnk63/1prophet.htm
The difference between Branham and the TRUE prophets of the bible were that the TRUE prophets of the bible were not confused, never presented two different ideas, never got their message ‘scrupled up’ and most importantly their words were God’s words hence they appear in the Word of God. Unlike Branham who preaches a DIFFERENT gospel.
Branham taught that God is NOT omnipresent:
Branham said, “Now, you cannot be omnipresent without being omniscient. God’s not even omnipresent; God’s omniscient. Omniscient which means – makes Him omnipresent (He knows all things). But in order to be a being He has to be in one being.” –The Masterpiece, 1964 (tape #64-0705)
“He’s [God]–He’s infinite, and He’s–He’s omnipresent, omniscient, therefore He knows all things. He can’t be present everywhere. By being omniscient, knowing all things, then He can be present everywhere.” –The Harvest Time, 1964 (tape #64-1212)
So because Branham believes that God is a ‘being’ and not ‘spirit’ he can’t be in more than one place at a time. He does however believe that God knows ‘all things’ hence He is omniscient, so it seems like God is everywhere, but He is not.
The bible says: Jeremiah 23:23-24
“Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God afar off? Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord.”
Branham DENIED the Deity of Jesus Christ:
Branham said; “The man, the body was not Deity, but Deity was in the body.” –God’s Gifts Always Find Their Places, December 22, 1963 (tape #63-1222)
“Jesus was not God, but He was God. He was a Man, yet He was God. He could cry, and yet He could raise the dead. He could cry for a man being dead and raise him back up again. He was Jehovah-jireh, Jehovah-rapha, Jehovah Manasses; He was Jehovah, all completely. He was Jehovah, and yet He was a Man.” –Questions and Answers #3, August 30, 1964 (tape #64-0830M)
“He was–He was Jesus when He was born. But when the Holy Ghost came upon Him after His baptism, He was anointed with God. God was in Him, ’cause He come to fulfill the Word.” –The Messiah, January 17, 1961 (tape #61-0117)
“And this little Boy, twelve-year-old Child, no wisdom at all, why, but just a twelve-year-old Boy… The Father didn’t dwell in Him at that time, because He come on the day when He baptized Him; he saw the Spirit of God coming down (See?), and went in Him.” –Paradox, February 6, 1964 (tape #64-0206B
“The Spirit left Jesus in Gethsemane and He became just a man– When God looked down upon the body… (The Spirit left Him in the Garden of Gethsemane; He had to die a man.)” –It Is the Rising of the Sun, April 18, 1965 (tape #65-0418M
Unbelievable! William Branham DENIES Jesus Christ. Anyone who says that William Branham is a man of God is deluded, deceived and follows the teachings on an anti-Christ.
The bible says, John 1 v 1-14 – The Deity of Jesus Christ:
“1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. 5 The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.”
William Branham’s unsolved mysteries:
The Seventh Seal:
Branham believed that his interpretation of the 7 seals (Revelation, chapters 5-8) was essential in preparing his followers for Christ’s soon return. He spent the week of March 18 thru the 23, 1963, “revealing” the meaning of the first 6 seals from Revelation 6. However, on the evening he was to reveal the 7th seal, he did not explain its meaning. It remains a mystery to his followers to this day.
The Seven Thunders (Revelation 10:3,4):
Likewise, Branham spoke of the 7 Thunders, but never revealed what the voices spoke.
The Third Pull:
Although not a biblical mystery, Branham created a new mystery, speaking of a future phase of his ministry which he called the Third Pull. Not only did he fail to say what this phase of his ministry would accomplish, but he never fulfilled it before his death. –http://people.delphiforums.com/johnk63/teachings.htm#unrevealed
William Branham’s terrible inconsistencies about a man who tried to prove him to be false:
William Branham sometimes warned his listeners against testing the authenticity of his gifts. Which is odd because the bible tells us to test the spirits. Never the less Branham indeed had an active imagination and most definitely liked to instill the fear of God into his follows too NOT test him. Branham would frequently tell his congregation about a man who tried to prove him to be false by writing fictitious illnesses on his prayer card, and then would stand in the prayer line expecting Branham to correctly identify his illnesses as mentioned on the prayer card. Every time Branham told this story, the outcome of what happened to his man would change:
- The man received the diseases that he wrote on his card and was still suffering from them (1953).
- The man had died from his diseases (1954).
- The man was bedfast “to this day” (1956).
- The man ran screaming from the auditorium when Mr. Branham publicly exposed his plan (1956).
- The man died a year after the incident (January 1957).
- The man was still in “serious condition” (June 1957)
- The man died 6 months after the incident from cancer (1958).
- The man was carried from the auditorium paralyzed and is still paralyzed (1958–note that in 1956 Mr. Branham said he ran screaming from the building).
- The man died on the platform sixty seconds after Mr. Branham exposed him (1961).
- The man died six weeks after the meeting (1962).
— http://people.delphiforums.com/johnk63/teachings.htm#unrevealed
So much for being man of God. This is called manipulation people, manipulation and lies belong in the same basket of rotten apples.
William Branham’s vision and the Cloud:
Once again it would seem that William Branham has a very over active imagination, or he just lied as went along to ‘prove’ himself to be a man of God. I have received a few emails over the last couple of months from people sending me images of this famous cloud as proof that Branham is a prophet. So I went and did some research and found out that this cloud appeared over Flagstaff which was 352 km / 219 miles from where Branham was having his vision on a mountain in Tucson. Now from what I have read it says this cloud was huge and could be seen from very very far away. However…
Branham says he was standing below it: “And now, the “Life” Magazine picked it up. And I have the–the article here this morning in the “Life” Magazine there, of the show… Now, here it is, the same time I was there. See the pyramid or the Cloud? I was standing just below this.” —William Branham, “Standing in the Gap,” TSW (sermon preached 6-23-63), 6:7, pp. 20-21
Hmmmm…. How could he be 219 miles from this cloud but yet at the same time be standing just below it…now that is a miracle!
Also Branham’s account or ‘count’ of how many angels he saw appear changed from 5 to 7 over a period of time. It changed from 5 to 7 angels so he could say these angels represented the ‘The Revelation of the Seven Seals’.
5 angels in vision on the mountain: “And I, still in my … the two consciences together, I knew I was standing here, and I knew I was somewhere else. And I thought, “Now, this is a vision, and I must learn what this means.” And no more than the second group of birds came by, I looked to the west; and it looked like in the form of a pyramid—like two on each side with one in the top, came five of the mightiest angels I ever seen in my life. Such a terrific speed I never seen…. Their heads back and their pointed wings just sailing quickly.” –William Branham, “Reproach for the Word,” The Spoken Word (TSW), Spoken Word Publications (Jeffersonville, IN, sermon preached 12-23-62), 2:16, pp. 4-7
7 angels in the vision on the mountain: “In December 1962 God gave William Branham a vision of an angelic visitation which he foretold in a message “Sirs is this the Time?” On February 28, 1963, the vision and prophecy was fulfilled when a constellation of seven angels, formed as the head of Christ, met him with a commission to speak the opening of the Seven Seals of Revelation. Life Magazine (May 17th 1963) carried the photograph (left figure) of this supernatural event, describing it as a “Mystery Cloud over Arizona.” –http://www.bibleway.org/wmb
I seem to be hmmmm’ing a lot while writing this article. It’s amazing, people will believe all sorts of lies and even when presented with the truth continue to hold fast to these lies for dear life. What for? Do you like to be lied too? Do you like to be deceived? Do you like to be made a fool of by non other than William Branham? But then I suppose that’s what deception does, it blinds one to the truth.
Conclusion: 1) This cloud has absolutely nothing to do with William Branham’s vision, 2) Satan can perform wonderous signs to capture the imagination of people who pretty much believe anything, except the Word of God.
The famous Cloud![]() |
If you turn the cloud sideways you can apparently see an image of Jesus.![]() |
* I am sure if one is on some hallucinatory drug you will be able to see a face of some kind.
William Brenham denies the Trinity:
Like the ‘Jesus-Only’ Pentecostals, Branham denied the Trinity doctrine teaching a form of Modalism. Instead of three Persons in the Godhead, Branham taught that there was only one Person (Jesus) going under different titles or modes at various times in history. Branham’s teaching is a variation of a second century heresy taught by Sabellius know as Modalistic Monarchianism or Patripassianism. –Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, pp. 727-28) and www.watchman.org/prOfile/branpro.htm.
Monarchianism: View found primarily in the third century that denied the Trinity, arguing that because God’s nature is one He cannot exist eternally in three Persons. The two most popular forms of monarchianism were dynamic monarchianism and modalism. –www.watchman.org/cat95.htm#Monarchianismm
The Trinity doctrine cannot be fully comprehended by finite man. However, any other view of the Godhead will not satisfy God’s self revelation in Scripture. Modalism teaches that there is only one Person in the Godhead functioning through relational “modes.” When He is in the Father mode, the Son and Spirit modes are not functional. In Matthew 3:13-17, however, the Son is baptized, the Spirit descends and the Father speaks. Also, “in the name of” (Matthew 28:19) or in the authority of does not limit the nature of God’s unity to one Person but connotes equality of essence within the Godhead (2 Corinthians 13:14). –www.watchman.org/prOfile/branpro.htm
William Branham view on baptism:
Branham claimed that proper baptism was needed to avoid the “Mark of the Beast” of denominational churches and escape the danger of missing the rapture and entering the Tribulation. Proper baptism must be in the name of Jesus only. Baptism with the Trinitarian formula of Matthew 28:18 (“in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost”) is unacceptable to God.
If an incorrect formula was spoken during baptism, Branham felt the convert would go into darkness. “But a tritheist, triune baptism was never recognized in the Church, the New Testament… Now you know what to do, that’s right; and if you refuse to walk in Light when Light’s brought forth, you turn to darkness. Right! Amen!” –Conduct, Order, Doctrine Q and A, pp. 178, 181, 182, 184, 190).
Baptism in the name of Jesus only may have been the early practice in the Jerusalem church. However, all manuscripts of Matthew 28:19 have the Trinitarian formula as being commissioned by Jesus. One document, dating from A.D. 60, the Didache, prescribes the Matthew formula (Father, Son and Holy Ghost) for baptism within the church. Regardless of the formula, baptism is not a requirement for being raptured or avoiding the Tribulation. Full salvation is by grace though faith and not of works such as baptism (Ephesians 2:8-9). –www.watchman.org/prOfile/branpro.htm
Something interesting William Branham once said:
“167 I was talking on the Name of Jesus Christ baptism. That’s right, a revelation of that come. That’s the Truth. But what did a bunch of people do? Gathered it right out here and put a denomination out of it, made another tower of Babel, same thing, throw edit right into it. Certainly. Luther done the same thing. Wesley done the same thing; John Smith done the same thing, Alexander Campbell done the same thing. Pentecost done the same thing. God deals with individuals keeping His Word. God’s only plan to bring believers to Himself in a true oneness is receiving the Holy Ghost. Then here’s how…You say, “Well, Brother Branham, I spoke in tongues. I shouted. I did this.” If you still got that kind of a spirit and deny the Word of God, you haven’t got the Word of God in you; you haven’t got the Spirit. If you’ll set and hear the Truth preached, and look It up in the Bible, and see It’s the Truth, and then refuse to do it, that’s not the Spirit of God. I don’t care how much you spoke in tongues, how much you shouted, how much churches you belonged to, or how many times you was baptized, or anything else. The Word is truth. That’s what vindicates the truth. If you got all these other truths and then with the Word (Amen.), then you know you’re coming home.” –Oneness (62-0211)
So if we reversed this and said, “Well, William Branham, you spoke in tongues, you shouted, you did this and that, and you healed, and you prophesied, and you had visions, and you saw angels, and you had revelations and you spoke words that God supposedly told you to speak. Then surely if you’ve got that kind of a spirit but at the SAME TIME deny the Word of God / deny Jesus Christ, then you William Branham haven’t got the Word of God in you; you haven’t got the Spirit.
Discerning the World had this to say: “Mike Oppenheimer from Let us Reason Ministries has released an extraordinarily well researched book exposing the incredible practices and false teachings of William Branham. Branham is the father of the satanically inspired Latter Rain Movement that has completely engulfed the church with it’s ‘unholy spirit of fire’. I urge all to get this book and read it, you will not be disappointed if you are seeking the Truth – your eyes will surely be opened.”
PDF book on William Branham (over 900 pages)
A Man and His angel- A Biblical examination of William Branham’s Practices and Teachings
Click here to get book: http://www.letusreason.org/bookw.branham.htm
>> I’ve read that once W. Branham expelled an evil from someone in the name of Jesus. It proves that he couldn’t be a false prophet or just later he became a false prophet.
Matthew 7:21-23 (New King James Version)
I Never Knew You
21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
You say you ONCE READ that William Branham did this and that. How about you pick up your bible and READ IT 😉
See Hebrews 12 verse 2;
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
That’s it. The Author and Finisher of our faith. When Jesus said, ‘It is Finished’ He meant it.
i dont usually get into these type of things. but why is everyone so upset over god’s prophet? seems to me youre affraid of bro. branham. and if his teachings arent bibical then no one’s is. as far as his name being mentioned in mal it is there its eligha. thats his real name. and the scriptures say many false prophets in last days. who are these many? can you name them? anyway not trying to be mean but his message wasnt meant for everyone. its for those who have ears and hear and eyes that see. seems like you get a rush of some kind by trying to tear him down, and thats ok. but what if he’s right think of the position youve put yourself. like he said fools will thread with hobnail shoes where angels fear to thread. if it isnt for you dont try to tear it down.
mel pressley
>> i dont usually get into these type of things. but why is everyone so upset over god’s prophet?
Because he is NOT God’s prophet. Do you get it now?
the word of God is True and no one can do these things except God be with him, John 3:2 “…for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him..” Tell me in these dayz who have healed more than 10 000 people, Jesus promised the works i do shall he do also even greater because i will be in you even in you till the end of the world, so for someone to do such great works Jesus is got to be in Him, So truly speakin william Branham was a true prophet. if you say he wasn’t and yet everyone believes we are in the end times where then is the prophet of rev 10:7 “But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. ” and what then are the mystrys and who then were the 6 angels, if you can answer me then i might adimit he wasn’t but if you cant answer then He was
Yes, tell me who has healed more than 10,000 people WITH PROOF please. Not just hearsay.
>> Jesus promised the works i do shall he do also even greater because i will be in you even in you till the end of the world, so for someone to do such great works Jesus is got to be in Him, So truly speakin william Branham was a true prophet.
Wow, twist scripture why don’t ja. Jesus said we would do greater things than him (he never said WORKS (healings)). However if you read the VERSES properly you will see ray that Jesus was speaking about PREACHING THE WORD OF GOD TO ALL NATIONS. We would do greater things than He because Jesus only preached in certain areas, whereas the great commission would allow the Gospel message to go out to the entire world.
If you believe Branham to be a man of God then it’s ok – carry on being deceived. I’ve given you all the info you need in the article to help you see the truth but you reject it.
well this article is very helpful and its absolutely true that william branham WAS A FALSE PROPHET. i spent 13 years in that cult but By the grace of my loving father CHRIST JESUS i AM NOW FREED FROM THAT CULT..
Wow, amen for that Rini! Isn’t it wonderful to have a relationship with Jesus Christ and not a man instead.
all the people who follow william Branham as prophet must also listen to what does LORD GOD say about him
3 This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Woe to the FOOLISH prophets who follow their OWN spirit and have seen nothing!
6 Their VISIONS ARE FALSE and their divinations a lie. They say, “The LORD declares,” when the LORD has not sent them; yet they expect their words to be fulfilled.
7 Have you not seen false visions and uttered lying divinations when you say, “The LORD declares,” though I have not spoken?
8 ” ‘Therefore this is what the Sovereign LORD says: Because of your false words and lying visions, I am against you, declares the Sovereign LORD. 9 My hand will be against the prophets who see false visions and utter lying divinations.
13 ” In my wrath I will unleash a violent wind, and in my anger hailstones and torrents of rain will fall with destructive fury.
19 You have profaned me among my people…By lying to my people, who listen to lies, you have killed those who should not have died …”
Therefore this is what the Sovereign LORD says:
21 I will tear off your veils and save my people from your hands, and they will no longer fall prey to your power. Then you will know that I am the LORD.
i have been a member of william branham’s church{CULT in fact} for 13 years
hence i know lots of things more deeply about teachings he Used to give.
even people who are still his followers, will see that his ways of preaching,and life style bear a visible resemblance to things and habits mentioned in ezekiel 13.
-he emphasized on his visions (that proved to be vague and false)[read ezekiel 13;6]
-many and most of the times when he spoke, the phrase “thus says the Lord” preceded his sentences.[can you see what God says about this?Eze.13:6b,7] and many of his prophecies proved false and unfulfilled.
there are lot more things that proved he was not a man from god but satan.
all who follow him as prophet kindly test the spirits before you follow.
only Christ Jesus can set us free from those bondages.i pray for you all.
and people who already know the truth i would ask them to pray for them and my parents also because they are still in the bondage of those false teaching.
for surely LORD GOD will tear off the veils and bondages of false spirits and save HIS people from their hands, and HIS PEOPLE will no longer fall prey to those evil powers.
Philip, stop elevating man and focus only on God and His Son ,the Lord Jesus Christ…self appointed and deluded modern day prophets are not God appointed.No man is better than any other for we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God because He does not have favourites and is no respecter of persons. David was certainly not an example and it is wrong to raise a sword to kill any man whether it was Saul or that soldier. What David did contradicted himself.He wrongly justified himself by killing that soldier.That is not God’s will. It still amazes me how many Christians set David up as some sort of hero…David was the worse sinner, a murderer, a manipulator and an adulterer and liar…who needed to be saved just like anybody else and it was only after he repented of his wickedness when Nathan confronted him that he was forgiven and restored to God. Yes David’s genuine fear and love of God is a very good example and further clarifies God’s immense love and mercy to those who TRULY REPENT.
@ philip
i think you should consider what is written in bible with an open mind brother.
i know its written for NOT to judge people but its is specially emphasized “test the spirits..”
Ray quoted John3:2 but it was words from Nicodemus and not the Lord Jesus Christ. John3:3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”
Please notice that the Lord placed absolute priority on Jewish leaders real need to be born-again and was not side-tracked by sign and miracle seekers…although what Nicodemus said was the obvious truth.
[Edited by DTW: Your rambling about how evil this blog is a waste of time – If you follow William Branham, then you are the one that’s deceived]
[Edited by DTW: Gary STILL has nothing nice to say in his comments except nastiness – so they will be deleted. Will he get the message this time? Gary, stop commenting – they will be deleted!]
william branham molested my dad in the 1950’s my dad told me this on his death bed.wb was a false prophet and anyone who believes in him is a molester too
My goodness! Um, I dunno what to say. I would not say that people who believe in William Branham are molesters because they did not do the deed, but if it is true which quite frankly would not surprise me then oh my word.
Any false doctrine will lead to immorality at some point. Look at the scandal in Roman Catholicism that is nothing new and has been going on for centuries. There is report after report of all kinds of wickedness that has been going on in the cults but has been covered up. If man’s heart has not been changed, his actions will be ungodly.
It is a shame that this man didn’t say anything until he was on his death bed – who knows how many others were molested and damaged.
>> It is a shame that this man didn’t say anything until he was on his death bed – who knows how many others were molested and damaged
Exactly, how many more are there?
I think we have to be careful when saying that “Any false doctrine will lead to immorality at some point” – there have been sex scandals amongst sound Bible-believing christians as well. Maybe not as many as with Romand Catholics, but then there’s a lot more catholics in the world. It’s hard to come up with any definite conclusions.
Oh please Anastasis, no sound Bible-believing Christian would commit such heinous crimes such as molestation, etc. You obviously don’t know what a sound Bible-believing Christian is. There have been people POSING as sound, Bible-believing Christians who do such things. Too bad you can’t tell the difference. That is just plain silly.
Just in case I am wrong, please give me a name as an example.
What amazes me most is the manifold and infinite Wisdom of God which is Jesus Christ, surely His Ways are higher than our’s and are past finding out. As the heavens are higher than the earth so are His ways higher than our ways and His Thought than our thoughts. I would that men were quick to hear and quick to desern but slow to speak.
Speak what God (The Holy Spirit) speaks and be quiet were He is quiet. But our tongue is a wild fire that cannot be controlled. The Light (Jesus Christ) shines in darkness and darkness cannot comprehend it. Jesus Christ revealed God the Father. What is this controvesy about? From Penticost to Now(the begining of the Fullness), The Holy Ghost revealing the Son of God to the Fullness. This controvesy has nothing to do with Branham who has been falsely accused of so many grievous things even more than his mistakes as every corruptible man of us have made. At the first the issue was the same Jesus Christ said, “I and My Father are One”. Now in the last day’s the Holy Ghost is re-emphasizing “God and Christ are One”. Our Lord promised that He would do that and glorify Him. Can all remember the prophecy given before Branham was officially declared a false or backslidden prophet? If you don’t, he it is from “When love projects”
Brother Branham had just finished preaching the sermon “We Would See Jesus,” and the audience was in profound silence‐‐nay, not one moved, nor a whisper heard. When God is about to speak He calls a holy hush! Even Brother Branham who had been speaking softly suddenly stopped! Then all of a sudden a voice was heard from the far balcony. There was no need of a microphone for God opened each ear as it seemed! The air waves carried it plainly to ear and heart of all present. Let me quote it exactly‐‐word for word as recorded on my tape recorder:
“Yea saith the Lord to this my people, that my servant whom I have sent, even unto thee, even unto this generation, he must speak boldly even as Paul, to convince these that I have sent him to.
The Eleventh Commandment ‐ 22
“Yea for I have sent him my servant Branham. I have put My words in his mouth. Even as I have sent my Son to die, and my people rejected Him‐‐even so have I sent my son Branham, even in this thy day‐‐unto these he hath come.
“Yea they have assembled together, they have met in their secret chambers. The leaders of my people have counseled together. They have passed judgment even upon him. They have said in their secret chambers,‐‐’We shall reject him‐‐we shall seek a fault with him. We shall find many faults with him, and we shall teach our people. We shall tell them that this also is Beelzebub. Yea, it is not the Spirit of the Lord that has sent him.’
“So I will judge them even by my servant Branham whom I have sent unto thee.
“For I will put my Spirit in my servants and if thou doth not yield to my Spirit thou shalt be broken. But if it shall fall upon thee, if the Word of the Lord shall fall upon thee, thou shalt be crushed, and thy house left unto thee desolate. This is the rock, yea if thou shalt fall upon it thou shalt be broken. But if it doth fall upon thee it will grind thee to powder.
“And thus saith the Lord even unto those who have assembled together, thus saith the Lord unto those that call themselves by those who have been filled with my Spirit: For ye have been my people‐‐I have blessed thee, I have anointed thee, but thou hast gathered together and hast rejected the servant of the Lord God that I have sent unto thee. And even by sending him will I judge thee, and thy house shall be desolate‐‐even in this day, and in this hour. For thou shalt call for revival but the ear of the Lord shall not hearken unto thee, for when I did call unto thee thou didst not know me. Thou wouldst be a strange people unto me when I would speak unto thee. Yea thou hast become even as my people when I stood and cast out devils, and healed the sick, and broke bread and multiplied it in thine eyes, thou said ‘he has a devil.’
The Eleventh Commandment ‐ 23
“But unto him that hath an ear let him hear what saith the Spirit unto the churches, for I will speak unto thee. I will send my servants unto thee and they shall bless thee and thou shalt be gathered unto me. Thou shalt be blessed mightily as thou hast never been. Cast from thee the thinking of men and the ways of men and turn to the Lord.”
This mighty prophecy speaks for itself! And at this time I shall let the analysis be yours. God speaking by prophecy to us, warning us I’m sure, of danger present as well as danger ahead.
Dearly beloved Deborah, I have great grieve in the Lord Jesus Christ continually in my spirit and pray earnestly trusting God for you and many beloved ones like you who are too quick to speak but very slow to hear (or even sometimes you deliberately stop your ears, close eyes and block the understanding of the heart), slow to study and learn and to truly discern the Knowledge of the Son of God (the Truth), (being instant in season) but rather a lot of you devote your God given time, resources, strength and zeal meant for the Lord Jesus Christ to fight against Him. The same costly mistake the Jews made when they said “away with Him” and when Saul persecuted the Church.
As one of God’s children of Wisdom, I entreat you in love, to give yourself a good time of being truly Born Again of His Spirit and His Word first, then learn how to obtain grace to die to self, reed yourself of every guile and dishonesty in your spirit and just allow the Fullness of the Word of God to abide in you before you can have grace to see from God’s eye. Branham is not the issue of contentions it is the Revelation of Jesus Christ. The condition of the church of this age is terrible in the sight of the Lord Jesus (Rev 3:15). This put anyone that has eyes in tears for you brethren.
Rev 3:15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
Rev 3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
Rev 3:17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
Rev 3:18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
Rev 3:19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
Rev 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
I have gone through your write up and with all due respect, it is childish in the Lord, you are making arguments without the sound wisdom and knowledge of the Son of God talk less of approaching the Fullness of it which is the most essential part for the Church at this time and is the main theme of the End time Message (The Revelation of Jesus Christ). I also persive that you are using worldly politics in trying to ensnare bro. Branham by his words which you probably know his real intentions and meanings but you legally wish to paint him nasty Beware! God is not a man, He judgest from the intents and purpose of the heart and spirit of all men without respect of persons. You should not bring tactics of world politics into the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The sad part of the matter is that even though Brother Branham prayed for the church that God should be merciful to him and the church that his multitudes of mistakes should not be a stumbling block to the church yet still although God had answered that prayer, it is only effective on those who are truly looking for the Lord Jesus Christ and His glorious appearing but to all others on both sides who turned their eyes from Jesus Christ and looked upon the man (Branham), failed on all sides one side idolizing him and other looking at the mistakes are blinded from the gold tried with fire but the Bride of Jesus Christ moves unto the Full Revelation of Jesus Christ by personal encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Beloved, Note: Jesus Christ took over from Branham a long time ago so look away from man to Jesus Christ the Light of the world and you will be enlightened. The Evening Light is here the darkness is gone for him that hath an ear to hear what the Spirit says to the Churches.
The End Time Message is the Revelation of Jesus Christ as promised. The Holy Spirit has change the glory of His Presence to the Spirit of the Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. This transforms the Bride to the image of Christ Jesus. Be wise.
First of all those who believe that William Branham is a prophet of God while making false claims, prophecies and vindicating himself to be a “Messenger Of God” is simply putrid and not to mention ludicrous. Branham believed in Modalism(MonarchianismPatripassianism)utterly denying the triune nature of the interrelationship in the Godhead. Three distinct persons that are co-eternal, co-existent and co-equal yet unified in essence substance and deity and having a relationship between man and God(Elohim). Branham also believed in Serpent Seed which is also false scripturally because it supports Gnosticism, Jewish Kabbalism with claims of racial superiority and intermingling having produced an offspring from contamination which is also incorrect.
Perfect Living Wisdom – that is a strange name you have chosen for yourself. You embrace a form of godliness but deny the truth of God. You sound like one of those who subscribe to “touch not my anointed”. That is how cults gain ground – don’t examine the leader.
PLW, you think you have the wisdom when in fact you are deceived. Deborah is not your beloved, she is only the beloved of the Lord Who bought her with a price. Unlike you, she does not look to earthly men, but to God and His Word.
I pray you will come out of your deception before it is too late.
Rev 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
Dear Burning Lamp – Jesus Christ is the Wisdom and Power of God (1 Cor 1:24). I am only one of His dear children that justifies Him (The Fullness of the Word of God) in my day. I do not confer with flesh and blood but I ask God for the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. It is the Spirit that quickeneth, flesh and blood profits nothing.
I know no man after the flesh but the Revelation of Jesus Christ is the Rock upon which the Church is built and I stand. Ye are relying on what the theology of men teach you but I depend on the promise of the Father (The Holy Ghost) that teaches us of all things. Jesus Christ is the Light and in Him is no darkness at all, He shines in darkness and darkness cannot comprehend Him. Same Christ Jesus in Paul is in me He is PerfectLivingWisdom (not I) and I am one of his many children (Matt 11:19, Mark 7:35).
I do not have a form of godliness, it is Christ in me the hope of glory.
Learn the fruits of true wisdom and keep your mouth from evil. (James 3:17). Be quick to hear and slow to speak, examine all things by the Word of God and hold to what is true. Do not pay people to study the Bible for you, do it yourself with the help of the Holy Spirit of God who only knows the deep things of God and compares spiritual with spiritual.
I do not condemn you, for I know you might be more zealous for the Lord than I but let your zeal be with knowledge and I know you do not have an idea of what perfect understanding of the Son of God come out perfectly clear when we learn to live believe every Word of God that proceeds out of the mouth of God and is in the Bible without trying to help God by putting private interpretations to them. so that you may have the Fullness of the Word of God dwelling in you but by God’s grace we will be there one day, by then you will not be ignorant of the promise for your day. I love you in Christ Jesus and for His sake. God bless you.
About the Mysterious Cloud:(Corrected version; please discard the former).
Sad that so many are too dull of hearing, too lazy to study, too slow to understand and discern the Word and Way of God Almighty but are very quick to speak carelessly and arrogantly and blasphemously about what they know nothing about (God be merciful to all). The trouble is, they never wait to ask the Lord God Himself about the matter but depend on what others say and teach and what seems right in the eyes of the multitude. However, the End Time Message is the Full Revelation of Jesus Christ (Christ is the Mystery of God Revealed) this brings the Headstone upon the Gentile Church and makes Her ready to receive Christ the Head and to leave together on the Rapture. Not by power nor by might but by the grace of God can one fully comprehend and receive it, it is a very narrow, hard, précised and perfect Way. When you do not confer with flesh and blood you will understand the matter even in apparent mistakes of the messenger or prophet that causes confusion, misunderstanding and a stumbling block to many. If you are a true follower of Christ Jesus Himself, you will obtain grace to be able to differentiate the purpose of the Lord Jesus Christ and separate them from the mistakes of the prophet.
When I learnt about the cloud controversy in about 2009 and 2010, in relation to the Thor rocket launching on February 28, 1963. Certainly I was extremely disarrayed and discouraged about that part of the End Time Message. When I also read the article “Branham lied” by Reckart challenging End time Message believers to give an accurate account about the discrepancy, I cried to God quoting 1John2:21 I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth. And I began to say Father you are the True Light and in you there is no darkness at all and no lie is of the truth. I said “I hate every false way, I hereby dissociate myself from any lie and lies whatsoever.” I further said, God, you are not the author of confusion to thy children (remembering that God Himself promised my family and thereafter gave us the End Time or Last Day Message). So I had God to hold upon His Faithfulness. So before I could conclude anything fraudulent about the cloud, the Holy Ghost restrained me strongly from within remembering me that it was Himself that gave me and my family the End Time Message. He prompted me to go into study to find out the scriptural Truth about the Cloud. After my extensive study, prayer, meditation and waiting on the Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit, and having carefully listened and considered all the writings and reports from both pros, cons and neutral writers, and being very familiar with the fact that Branham speaks or reports events carelessly but not dishonestly, I totally rule out a willful lie of this context from even any born again Christian who is a baby in Christ talk less of a man of God who loved Jesus Christ so much and was ready to give his life for His Name and who was teaching mainly about Perfection in Christ Jesus. With all these considerations, this is my version of the Cloud story and what I think can be reconstructed from all the bits of the story to clear the mystery that caused the controversy:
Many visions had been given to the prophet concerning the coming of the Seven Angels.
In “Sirs is this the Time” and other messages prior to that time, he talk extensively about it.
Close to that time, he actually started moving west.
Dreams and interpretations were given to others concerning the Third Pull (the Revelation of Jesus Christ).
A prophecy said “Come up to the mountain and I will speak to you there as I did with Moses”
Exo 24:16 And the glory of the LORD abode upon mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days: and the seventh day he called unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud.
Note the number Seven is very significant about the Revelation of Jesus Christ, so almost everything is in the sevens. Seven Days, Seven Angels, Seven Thunders, Seven Mysteries, Seven Spirits of God.
The number 28 has four sevens in it. February 28, 1963 was a significant day of the leap year 1963. That the Cloud also stayed light for 28 minutes after sunset is similarly significant.
The Revelation of Jesus Christ in the sky actually appear on that Thursday February 28, 1963. The sky was seriously physically charged with the Presence of the Lord Jesus Christ with the Seven Angels. This Presence by the way might have even caused the malfunctioning of those rockets far away in California which when exploded scattered and dispersed under wind turbulence, eddy current, churning and diffusion within 30 or 45 minutes at most. Under no air fluid dynamic circumstances was Flagstar Cloud a result of that explosion 500 miles away and in that shape. This was a rare cloud as was generally reported, no such had ever been reported before or thereafter or have there never more been any such explosions anywhere again? The Presence of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Seven Angels hath charged the western sky so strongly from Thursday February 28 onwards. He needed Seven Days to touch down and to utter His Voice on the Seventh Day (Ex 24:16). He had already sent His word calling His prophet to come up to the mountain, but Bro. Branham knew not that His Presence hath already descended but he only felt a very strong attraction towards the mountain. The cameras, reporters and observers saw and captured the Arrival on February 28, 1963 but only Branham and those with him saw the departure after the seventh day counted from March 1 to March 7. Bro. Branham arrived Tucson Arizona and preached on March 4, they started hunting on the March 5 which is day one of the hunting. Three Days (a perfect number) was needed before God speaks to him.
The Third day is the Seventh Day where Seven and Three intersect that was when the Blast happened. The Thunder is The Voice of God (John 12:29).
God spoke to him on the Seventh Day of the arrival of the Angels which was their Third Day of hunting.
Branham knew not about the Arrival but he and his companions only saw the Returning into the sky after speaking to Branham. Also Branham had no idea that the Picture on the Science Magazine had anything to do with his Message until the Holy Spirit told him to turn the picture to the right and carefully look at it. The facial profile of the face of Jesus Christ was not manmade but what the cameras took just as in other pictures of the supernatural. The interpretations followed (Rev 1:14, Dan 7:9) He honestly did not know what happened few days before he was in the mountain the “Parousia” is associated with Arrivals. But before that time he was emphasizing “Watch out something is fixing to happen” and during the preaching of the Seals he said “that was why I had to go west to connect with those Seven Angels”. Note also that within this time, no other event or phenomenon of such magnitude of peculiarity, attention and wonder to both science and the general public happened. Branham did not call for the meetings for the Seals after seeing the publication which came out in May 17, 1963. The meetings were held right in the heart of March after February 28, 1963. The cameras and many people in all directions saw the Arrival of ” the sign of His Coming ” (The Revelation of Jesus Christ), (The Fullness of the Word), (The Fullness of the Knowledge of the Son of God to Perfect the Bride) (The Spirit of His Coming). Indeed great Grace and Faith has been release to us by the Revelation of Jesus Christ (1Pet 1:13, Rev 1:1). The same Grace that brings down the Head Stone (Zech 4:7). Great Grace for the Resurrection (Phil 3:10) and Rapture (Heb 11: 5). Branham knew nothing about the arrival but honestly thought that what he and others saw which was the departure was actually what the Science magazine carried. But the science magazine carried the Arrival not the returning into the sky after speaking to Branham. The Presence of the Lord Jesus Christ remains with us to prepare the Bride for the rapture, since then He took over from the messenger as He did from John the Baptist. Notice Bro. Branham said both of us cannot be here at the same time therefore He must increase and I must decrease referring to the Fullness of Christ Jesus in His Church. After the revelation of the Seven Seals God was almost done with the ministry of the forerunner and like John his end time was close and definitely as he himself prayed to God asking that as soon as God was done with him, he himself was done with life and in April 1965 “I see my end time as fifty six years old”. God was done with him as with John. God then permitted Satan to destroy his flesh just as John the Baptist was given over to Herodias but the Revelation of Jesus Christ which is Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever remains to perfect the saints till we all come to the full measure of the stature of Christ Jesus (Eph 4: 11-13).
I therefore emphasize that it is very important to look, focus and follow the Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit than to carnally follow a man or any of the messengers who are men with many mistakes and errors. Following man instead of the Holy Ghost is what Bro. Branham called denominationalism and religion which is man’s we of seeking and serving God and not God’s provided Way which is Christ Jesus this has been proven to be the truth in all ages.
Like in most of his mistakes Branham was careless about date precisions otherwise he would have discovered that it was not the departure into the sky that was recorded by science magazine and seen by others. But the Holy Ghost sorts and separates the mistakes and filters out all things for the Bride (His elects). Let him that hath an ear hear what the Spirit says to the Churches.
Rev 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
People must not quote THE MESSAGE out of context nor misinterpret THE MESSAGE THAT BROTHER BRANHAM PREACHED.
BROTHER BRANHAM was mightily used by God and pointed people to the WORD OF GOD.
A true servant of God always points people to the TRUTH, TO THE WORD OF GOD, TO THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.
John the Baptist pointed people to the LORD JESUS CHRIST. John the Baptist said “…He must increase , but I must increase…”. ( John 3 verse 30 ).
We know that the SERPENT in the garden of Eden misrepresented the Truth and COATED the Word of God, and MISQUOTED THE WORD OF GOD to bring about SPIRITUAL DEATH TO THE HUMAN RACE IN GENESIS CHAPTER 3.
Thank God for faithful preachers and faithful prophets and faithful believers that do not compromise with ONE IOTA OF THE BIBLE.