The Dominionist Faith of Angus Buchan – Faith Like Potatoes
The Dominionist Faith of Angus Buchan – Faith Like Potatoes
(ORIGINAL AND MOST UPDATED VERSION) It has taken me about 4 weeks to research Angus Buchan, author of ‘Faith like Potatoes’. (This was last year 2008 when I wrote this, I had to delete my blog soon after writing this article because of threats – This article is back online now with a few updates). It’s been a long 4 weeks for me. I’ve read his website and newsletters and a book or two, and read over a hundred people say on blogs etc., that he preaches ‘repentance and Jesus Christ’. People are flocking from all over the country to attend his conferences, the two I will mention for now is the Mighty Men Conference in Greytown where 60,000 men pitched tent on a farm and Loftus Rugby Stadium in Pretoria where an approximate 71,000 people came to hear Angus Buchan speak.
When I saw the photo’s of the Mighty Men Conference I could not believe what I was seeing – it really did tug at my heart strings and my eyes welled up with tears. However the first thing that came to my mind was ‘Promise Keepers’ and the Holy Spirit telling me something is wrong. Promise Keepers is a Masonic Word of Faith organisation that men and only men must come together and make a change for Christ. Then I received photos of Loftus and I had another heart tugging moment, but again the Holy Spirit said to me that something is not right. So off I went to research Angus Buchan. Boy was that only difficult – there is hardly any information about this man, except little excerpts on his ‘faith like potatoes’ book and movie. I put off my research for another day. Mainly because I truly wanted to believe that Angus Buchan is a genuine man of God, that he does preach true repentance and points to the Cross and Jesus Christ and NOT another gospel and another Jesus Christ. The tug on my heart strings had become a spiritual tug o’ war instead. I was reminded over and over again of what the Word of God says about the last days.
Loftus Versveld Stadium (71,000 people)
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Mighty Men Conference 2008 (60,000 thousand men)
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Absa Stadium 2008 (40,000+ people)
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![]() I took this photo – it started to rain |
Mighty Men Conference 2009 (200,000 + men showed up this year)
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![]() Blowing of the Shofar – Hebrew Roots movement |
This is going to be a very long article, please read the whole thing, then I urge you to go to your Bible and search the scriptures, study the Word of God and find yourself approved –
2 Timothy 2:15: “15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.”
Let those who love the truth hear the truth through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in your life.
First things first, before I get into anything else, I want to address the matter of Revival for this is the crux of Angus Buchan teachings.
Angus Buchan mentions revival many times:
- “Indeed we are living in a time of revival!” [1]
- “We are not praying for revival anymore, we believe that we are in revival!” [2]
- “My dear friends, we are in REVIVAL at the moment!” “and to ask Him to bring revival to our beloved Southern Africa.” [3]
- “We know that we are in revival now.” [4]
- “The good news is revival is here and we are part of this” [5]
- “We are really living in revival!” “God move in awesome miraculous ways in revival time” “Well I want to tell you that you are the revival” [6]
- “…and really trusting God for revival in their area” [7]
- “We know once again that we are in revival in South Africa!” ” We are seeing revival in South Africa” [8]
Angus Buchan mentions many times that we are indeed living in the end times:
- “Even as we see things culminating, we believe that we are living in the last days. I know that we have said that for some time, but we can see that all the signs are there now and it is very exciting, because the Bible says that if Christ be for us, who can stand against us. Rom.8:31 [2]
- “I believe that we are in the last days and God is rallying His troops for the last battle.” [3]
- “The Lord has prompted me to share His intentions for His men in these last days” [5]
So we can clearly see that Angus Buchan believes wholeheartedly that we are in revival and he believes that were are clearly living in the last days as well. Is there anything out of the ordinary with his thinking? Well…yes! I say yes because in the Word of God, Jesus spoke of the last days and gave us many warnings as to what is going to transpire. And it’s not all faith like potatoes. Jesus said there will be many false prophets rising up, deceiving many, leading many astray to a false gospel and a false Christ. Jesus warned us of three things: False Christ’s, false prophets and false signs and wonders.
Matthew 24:3-6 “3 As He was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” 4 And Jesus answered and said to them, “See to it that no one misleads you. 5 “For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will mislead many. 6 “You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end.”
- Note: ‘I am the Christ’ or “Christed”, the word Christ means anointed (one)“.
2 Thessalonians 2:3 “Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction.”
- Note: So first before the man of lawlessness is revealed we as Christians will face an apostasy, a great falling away from genuine faith in Jesus Christ to another Gospel that appears to be biblical but is not – hence the words, deceive and deception. It comes packaged in a nice pretty big box with a big ribbon on top, but inside lurks something sinister – you are being conditioned to accept the anti-Christ.
1 Timothy 4:1 “1 But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons,
- Note: Deception is just that, deception; it means you won’t be able to tell the wood from the trees UNLESS you adhere to the truth in the Bible. Anyone who says they are can’t be deceived is already deceived. People will listen to and follow men who preach a gospel that sounds so Biblical but yet at the same time their gospel is deceitful, and who is the greatest deceiver? Satan, the father of lies.
2 Timothy 3: 1,12-13 “1 But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. … 12 Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. [Adhere to the Word of God] 13 But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.
- Note: Day by day, week by week, year by year, the deception will get worse and worse. We are truly in the last days. South Africa has been very sheltered from the deception that has wrought American Christianity. I would say that 90% of South Africa has no clue as to what has been going on, yet at the same time we have been subtly introduced to false teachers over the years and the Christian book stores (CUM bookstores) are filled to the brim with books and DVDs that preach another gospel and point to another Jesus. We have been deceived and we didn’t even know it. We have been deceived because we just take for granted that what we are being taught is correct without TESTING to see if it’s true. We have slowly but surely over the years been manipulated to accept ear tickling sermons and books by well known preachers that sound Biblical but yet contains a poisonous stream of unsound teachings. This poisonous stream that has infiltrated the true Gospel of Jesus Christ is growing larger and larger each year, in so much that it’s now a strong flowing river, drowning out the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Luke 17:20-21 “Being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, he answered them, “The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed, nor will they say, “Look, here it is! or There!” for behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you.”
- This poison is as follows: Revival in the end times accompanied with signs and wonders (healings, signs in the sky etc, transferable anointings, contemplative prayer, angels, restoring of Apostles and Prophets (5 fold ministry) and the acceptance of extra Biblical revelation or new prophecy that does not come from the bible etc. They preach repentance and Jesus Christ and speak of His Blood, but the repentance is not true repentance and the Christ they speak of is not Jesus Christ for they do not adhere to the whole Truth. Isaiah 8 v 20: “To the law and to the testimony if they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.”
- We do not have to establish a Kingdom of God on this earth through revival or try usher in the Kingdom of God on this earth through ‘revival’ because the Kingdom of God is already among us. It’s Jesus Christ!! Anyone who is attempting to usher in the Kingdom of God in the last days denies the fact that Jesus Christ is the ‘Kingdom of God’ and He is already here, in the Written Word of God (Bible) for Jesus Christ is the Word. John 1 v 1; “1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 Thessalonians 2:9-11 “9 that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders, 10 and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. 11 For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false.”
- Note: The warning from God for the last days is very clear – love the Truth, the Word of God and you will not succumb to deception.
- The last days are riddled with signs and wonders that encompass healing and people supposedly raised from the dead etc. But when these ministers are asked for verifiable proof of these wondrous things that have taken place they can’t provide a single bit of solid evidence. Some of them are brazen enough to have videos on their websites showing healings that have taken place – the blind see, pain is removed, cancer cured, etc. Yet no contact details are provided for the people who were healed so that we, you or anyone else can follow-up to see if they were genuinely healed or if it was it just psychological (they thought they were but turned out later they were not), has the sickness come back, what has happened to them since? Did they receive another illness in its place, or worse – what has happened to their spiritual lives; are they now finding themselves diving head first into greater deceptive doctrines because their healing was in exchange for something far worse, a demonic affliction? Of course Satan can heal – he is not dividing his kingdom if he takes away an illness and gives you something worse instead – something that will cause you to follow him instead of Jesus Christ.
- So what’s it going to be? Illness or a good chance of losing your salvation? Which one would you rather have? No one likes to be sick, we all know this. But guess who also knows this…yes, Satan. Sickness is one of his greatest playing cards. He knows most people will accept ‘almost’ anything to be free from illness.
I will speak more on healings a little bit later in this article as healings seem to play a part in Angus Buchan ministry, but for now I want to get back to Angus Buchan and some other things he has said.
Angus Buchan, huge crowds and signs in the sky
So, what is it about Angus Buchan and his ‘ability’ to draw such huge crowds? What is it that Angus Buchan actually preaches? Why is there very little information about what he really preaches – everyone has to go on ‘hear say’. For instance, “someone told me that he preaches repentance and Jesus Christ” or, “I heard from someone that a sign appeared above one of his gatherings which was witnessed by thousands of people – A heart shaped 3D cloud formed in a relatively clear blue sky – only God would do that, therefore Angus Buchan is truly a man of God.” Stop…say that again? A sign appeared in the sky of a heart shaped cloud and this now validates that he is truly a man of God? Did I say stop? Yes I did. Stop and listen South Africa – listen and understand what the Word of God says to a generation who seeks after signs and wonders.
Matthew 12:39 “3 But he [Jesus] answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign…“
So off I went to research again, here is what Angus Buchan had to say in a newsletter:
“Greetings, in Jesus’s precious name. I have recently returned from the Izak Steyl Stadium in Vanderbijlpark. I really want to thank God for Jurie Cilliers and his team (too many to mention), who did an outstanding job in organising this meeting. We saw 35,000+ men, women and children come to the stadium, starting at 11am. When I started speaking at 4pm, the place was absolutely pregnant with the presence of the Holy Spirit. I just thank God for what He did. We even had a sign! The people were pointing into the sky while I was preaching and I thought maybe a microlight had flown past, but there was a heart-shaped cloud in the sky above the stadium – awesome confirmation, again, from our precious Saviour that He was there in our midst!” [Emphasis added]
Angus Buchan said, ‘again‘? I’ll get back that that one in a moment. Anyhow Angus Buchan says, ‘Awesome confirmation’ – actually no Angus, for Jesus says,
2 Thessalonians 2:9 “…the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders… “
So we can clearly see that a sign is not confirmation that it comes from God for Satan can make a heart shaped cloud as well.
How do we then tell ‘who’ made the sign appear.
Well we need to examine the words of the man Angus Buchan to see if what he says lines up with the Word of God – if it contradicts, then we know that the sign was not from God – for God will never give a sign to endorse words spoken that contradict His Word. Angus Buchan says something interesting though, in one of his newsletters he says; “May the Lord bless you as you continue to walk by faith and not by sight.” [5] (Emphasis added)
So why did you say what you said above Angus, that the sign in the sky was an ‘awesome confirmation’ when we walk by faith and not by sight? Is it because this is actually what you believe: signs and wonders?
But that was not the first sign, (hence the ‘again’ in Angus Buchan ‘s comment above) another one appeared over the Mighty Men Conference in April 2007…here is what Angus Says, “
“I was recently sent a photograph taken at the Mighty Men Conference that we held at Shalom in April 2007, which shows a white light coming down out of a dark sky, descending upon and spreading out over the tent. I can only describe it as looking like hot butter melting and spreading over the tent.
I have not yet personally met Bruno, the man who took the photograph; he comes from Phalaborwa, a town in the northern part of South Africa. He wept when he first saw the photograph and he was reluctant to send it to me because he wasn’t sure what my reaction would be. I choose to believe it was the Glory of God over the tent, which was full to capacity., numbering seven thousand men. We had been speaking about the Light of God, about the Glory of God’s presence at that time”– Angus Buchan [10] (Emphasis added)
That’s odd; the man in Phalaborwa was reluctant to send him the photo because he was not sure what Angus Buchan ‘s reaction would be? What was this man worried about? What was he expecting Angus Buchan to say; ‘Do not follow signs and wonders for they do not validate my ministry, for the Word of God spoken in truth is what validates that what I am preaching is of God?’ Nope! When Angus Buchan does see the photo, “he chooses to believe” it was the Glory of God over the tent for they had been speaking about the ‘Light of God’. Wow! He chooses to believe? No testing the spirits as per 1 John, just believe. So again Angus Buchan comment above that says “May the Lord bless you as you continue to walk by faith and not by sight“ contradicts what Angus Buchan actually believes. He expects signs and wonders to follow him where ever he goes and will never denounce them. And by printing this in his book, ‘A Mustard Seed – A Daily Devotional’, he is telling you just that, that we need to trust him, because signs and wonders accompany his teachings, therefore he is a ‘man of God’.
Dominionism / Kingdom Now theology
As per above, AngusBuchan speaks of revivalin the last days, where the Word of God says the opposite. Who do we believe? The lie of revival in the last days that will lead millions astray to false doctrine, or the Word of God that says you must hold fast to His Word and the Truth pray because things are going to get bad, really bad in the end times. And the only hope we have is to rely on Him no matter how bad it gets.
The faith that Angus Buchan speaks of is an ear tickling faith of Dominionism or Kingdom Now theology – “take South Africa back for God so that Christ can return to a world that eagerly awaits Him.” Angus Buchan doctrine states that, God wants you to be happy, He wants you to be healthy, He wants you to prosper, He wants you to have a wonderful future. Nope, I’m sorry Angus; God never promised us any of this.
Jesus said in Matthew 10:22 “And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.” and
2 Timothy 3:12 “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” and
John 16:33 ” These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. “
Being hated does not bring happiness or prosperity or allow us to take dominion of the world in preparation for Christs’s return. What happiness does God promise us? That we will have peace and be of good cheer because we are saved by the blood of the Lamb and Jesus Christ gives us the strength, Jesus gives us the strength to carry on while we live in a world of evil, no matter if we end up in jail for preaching the Gospel or being martyred because we refuse to follow another god.
Angus Buchan says, “However, things are getting so critical now, that everything else seems to be fading into insignificance when it come to talking about eternal issues, things like a man’s soul, his family, his marriage, his business and his future, not to mention his nation” [1]
Since when does family, marriage, your business, your future (while you are still alive) and this nation fall into the same critical category of individual salvation? When you die you can’t take your family, business or your money and your country you live and love so much in with you – it’s gone!
Angus Buchan says, “I would really encourage you to continue to let your expectation for your life, for your family, for your country, for your vision, to come only from God.” [4]
Confused Faith
Faith is not what God can do for you, but what you can do for Him! It’s about preaching the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Your salvation and the salvation of those around you is the only thing on this earth we need to worry about! real repentance of sin, accepting Jesus Christ as your Saviour that He died on the cross and shed His Blood so that you may be saved, the baptism of the Holy Spirit (and that does not mean speaking in tongues or having someone lay hands on you to receive the Holy Spirit), striving to live a holy life through the conviction of sin in your life by the Holy Spirit that when you do sin you repent.
Angus Buchan says, ” It is only the faithful that will overcome Rom.1:17 ‘The just (righteous) will live by faith’. As we see trouble brewing up in every area, politically, financially, morally, we know that we will succeed as the children of promise. [5] (Emphasis added)
Hebrew Roots Movement:
Another error; They attribute promises to Israel to the church. The church is not Israel and Israel is not the church. The only promise we have as spiritual children of Abraham is that of salvation (Galatians 3:11). Angus Buchan’s ministry is called Shalom Ministries and has a Tabernacle on his premises
“…We will be staging it open air because we are concerned about the seating capacity in the tabernacle [at Shalom Ministries]” [5]
Angus Buchan has an infatuation with Israel, like all Pentecostal/Charismatics/New Apostolic’s do. And once again the faith he preaches is in order to ‘get something’: success politically, financially, morally etc [Note: Dominionist’s like to substitute the word ‘morals’ with ‘Kingdom Values’]
A few months ago I bought a book by C. Peter Wagner called, “Dominion! How Kingdom Action Can Change the World”. He says;
“Christians understand that their Kingdom values should penetrate all spheres of their personal lives, their families, their businesses, their political lives and the rest” [9] (Emphasis added)
Sound familiar to what Angus Buchan says? Hmmm, familiar is not really the word, more like identical. These spheres are actually called the 7 Mountains of culture by the New Apostolic Reformation. These 7 mountains are the areas of the world they need to take control of in order to rule the world: business, government, media, arts and entertainment, education, the family and religion.
As per C. Peter Wagner and his agents: Rick Joyner, John Arnott, Cindy Jacob’s, etc., they are trying to build an army of Christians (taken from a horrendous misinterpretation of Joel 2 – also called Joel’s army) who are going to take the earth back for Christ. Now most of these preachers in America who follow this idea of thinking, stem from The Vineyard Christian Fellowship who started the Toronto Blessing etc, and then came Lakeland with Todd Bentley.
Dominionism and the Roman Catholic Church
I have read a lot of South African websites that seem to preach the idea of this generation being something special and promote the raising up of army of Christians that will be mighty for God (based on Joel 2) – The youth are their greatest focus for they are the least discerning. And parents are just happy to know their kids are going to church, but don’t realise they are being indoctrinated into a very unbiblical and scary doctrine of Dominionism.
When I email the owners/pastors of these sites to find out if they believe in Kingdom Now teaching or Restoration teaching most of them say no, some of them say “not all”, that they don’t like those American preachers because most of them are heretical nuts and money grabbers but when questioned most allude to this: they say they have received a vision or prophecy from ‘God’ or someone that prophesied dover them that says the same thing that the heretical nuts and money grabbers are saying. Now we have to ask, what’s wrong with this picture? How can people who proclaim to be true Christians get visions/prophecies that are exactly the same as the people who proclaim New Age teachings?
So I need to pose this question to Angus, why are you promoting Revival based on Latter Rain / Dominionist / Kingdom Now Theology that people who delve into occult teachings have had visions of too, and are trying to do the exact same thing you are? Better yet, why are you teaching a doctrine that falls in line with the plan of the Roman Catholic Church – they too are currently taking dominion of the earth, bringing all Christian denominations under the wings of the RCC mother church in expectation of the returning Christ. They call themselves Christians and you do too, so who do we believe to be correct? Difficult question to answer Angus, since you both believe the exact same thing!
After doing a bit more research with regards to some of the other ministers who accompany Angus Buchan on some of his conferences I found the name Bennie Mostert. In March this year Angus Buchan and Bennie Mostert and a few others held a conference called the Daniel Conference at the NG Church in Morelatapark in Pretoria:
“Die Daniêlkonferensie vind plaas van 14 tot 16 Maart 2008 by NG Gemeente Moreletapark se Woodlandssentrum in Pretoria. Die sprekers is Angus Buchan, drs. Johan Smith en Bennie Mostert en di. Elza Meyer en Willem Badenhorst.” [11] [Emphasis added]
So who is Bennie Mostert? And why I am bothering to mention his name? Well, because he confirms that Angus Buchan follows Dominionist teachings and has ties to either C. Peter Wagner and his associates.
The roll of NUPSA in South Africa
by Prof Johan Malan
“An organization promoting the cause of this strange spiritual warfare in South Africa is NUPSA- Network For United Prayer in Southern Africa, with Dr. Bennie Mostert as chairman. He is a supporter of Peter Wagner’s spiritual warfare methods, promotes Wagner’s books and is affiliated to Wagner’s World Prayer Centre. He also has great admiration for George Otis and his Transformations video.
NUPSA has also become involved with the teachings of the ministry of Cleansing Stream. This comprises the new approach of spiritual warfare, but predominantly on a personal level. The principles are the same – the blame for problems are shifted from an individual to the devil and his demons that must consequently be exorcised – even from Christians! Spiritual problems are therefore not traced back to the flesh (the old sinful nature) with its passions and desires, but transferred to the devil and his demons.
Cleansing Stream found its way from America to us. Among the leading people in this ministry is Jack Hayford and Dr. Scott Bauer from The Church on the Way, and Joy Dawson of YWAM. It is claimed that the Lord will clean his church with wonders of healing and deliverance that will destroy the works of the devil. The view of Cleansing Stream is that salvation is not enough to cleanse people from demonic bindings and that other steps are required for full deliverance. They base this theory on the threefold nature of man – spirit, soul and body. According to them, only your spirit is made free at salvation; consequently demons may still hide themselves in your soul or body. You are then in need of spiritual warfare for full deliverance. According to them, you may also inherit demonic bonds, or curses, from your ancestors.
Of course, people helped by this ministry give wonderful testimonies. This is however not a valid argument to justify their ministry biblically. There are people making the same claims with regard to the blessings allegedly received from participation in the Toronto phenomenon or the Alpha course. In 2 Thessalonians 2:11 we read: “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.” That is indeed the case.
Lesson nr. 9 from Cleansing Stream teaches intercessory warfare. This includes the discovery and identification of demons with the aid of “power encounters and spiritual mapping techniques, followed by exorcising them from the people (including Christians), buildings, and even whole cities and nations.” If this technique is so efficient, why does it need to be done repeatedly?
This ministry also promotes Word of Faith teachings by suggesting that there is power in our words: “Power is released through our tongue… every word that comes from my mouth is either a blessing or a curse.” Under the heading “Words” they say:” We can learn how the mouth of the prophet [that’s you] delivers him or herself.” This is a self-redemption teaching.
NUPSA uses the error of Cleansing Stream for their approach to small groups. They are working on national strategies for the spiritual cleansing of the country and to organize worship-marches to neighbouring countries.” [12]
When I attended the Absa Stadium in 2008 when Angus Buchan spoke I managed to speak to some of the spiritual warfare intercessors that were there. They told me that before Angus Buchan or anyone else for that matter could speak they needed to cleanse the area of all demonic forces so that Angus ‘smessage would be well received by the audience and not be hindered by demonic entities blocking his message. They said they walked around the stadium 8 times and did some other mumbo jumbo to ward off evil. This is totally unscriptural. No where in the bible did the Disciples run off and prepare the place for Jesus Christ to go and speak at with spiritual warfare. Please, would someone find me a verse in the bible where the disciples walked around the grounds 8 times waving their little Jesus flags and packaged soil into a bag to spiritually ‘lay claim to the ground and make it holy’. This is occult people.
New Apostolic Reformation
C. Peter Wagner commissioned Todd Bentley (proven false prophet and heretic) and supported him wholeheartedly during the Lakeland Revival. Todd Bentley who ran the Lakeland Revival (Fresh Fire Ministries) in Florida from April to July 2008 was raised up by the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) who consists of (amongst others): C. Peter Wagner, Rick Joyner (a confessed Knight of Malta Templar aka Freemason), Patricia King, Bob Jones, Paul Cain, Che Ahn, Lou Engle, Bill Johnson, Cal Pierce, Cindy Jacobs, Rodney Howard-Browne (founder of holy laughter movement), Kim Clement, Wendy and Rory Alec (owners of God TV), Jan and Jan (Trinity Broadcasting Network, TBN) , John Arnott, John Wimber, and pretty much everyone who thinks the Elijah List and it’s owner Steve Shultz are promoting biblical teachings when in fact they are nothing more than occultists/New Ager’s disguised as Christians.
Todd Bentley has been proved false over and over and over again, and exposed for being a liar, false prophet and charlatan – he departed from Lakeland shortly after being exposed by ABC nightline in July 2008 for running a money making racket also known as a healing ministry, except there were no genuine healings. Yet even after all this, C. Peter Wagner got on stage with Todd Bentley and a host of other liars and commissioned him by prophesying and decreeing over him verses in the bible that were meant for Jesus Christ only. The blasphemy that has taken place by the hands of these people is beyond comprehension, but still they preach and teach away to the undiscerning millions upon millions of people who are falling for it – are you one of them?
Winds in all directions
One of the biggest catch phrases (at the moment) of those who promote this diabolical teaching is, ‘Winds of Change/New Beginnings/New Wineskin’. They believe that God is moving in a new way, a new direction, change is coming, there is a new wine skin and that there are ‘winds of change’ blowing over the world, i.e., revival.
“The winds of the Holy Spirit are coming, the winds of the Kingdom of God are coming, and the winds of change are coming to cities and nations around the world.” ….
“This is the day of outpouring, this is the day of revival, and this is the beginning days of revival and revivals. This revival is a fountainhead of revivals, is revival that prepares the way for other revivals to follow. This revival is a foundation of other revivals that come, the day has come that we will go from glory to glory, revival to revival and there will never be a moment without revival.”
“This is revival of divine healing, a revival of signs and wonders; this is a revival of anointing, and this is a revival of the power of God.”
“Restoration of signs and wonders has begun; the church will be covered with signs and wonders. This is a revival of anointing that church will be covered with rivers of the anointing. This revival is a restoration of revival!”
“What will follow this revival will be holiness and unity. Holiness will come by grace and of the heart, and unity of love, and unity of relationship will come.” [13] (Emphasis added)
[Note: Unity…ALL religions/faiths uniting, joining hands under a false Christ – Unity in Diversity]
This is what Angus Buchan has to say in his 7 July Newsletter:
“Lord Jesus, how can we not believe in You? How can we doubt that you have caused winds of revival and repentance to blow over the whole of our country?” (Emphasis added)
The message preached today is all about what God can do for you, your family, your business, your nation, your health etc. It’s a direct attack on the true gospel of Jesus Christ. The sermons of old, most find unacceptable now-a-days because the ‘hell fire and brimstone’ sermons are just so not cool anymore, and we really don’t want to hear about the sin in our lives. No we prefer the sermon where we only hear good, happy, positive things being preached, none of this negative stuff. God will look after you and bless your little heart till it’s content no matter how sinful you are – and the crowd goes wild – AMENNNNNN they shout out.
Well I am sorry people, SIN is what drives a big thick wedge between you and God. And the more you sin the wider the gap gets, and Satan rejoices. And I am not even talking about unbelievers here, I am taking about Christians. And if you don’t truly repent of your own individual sin through Jesus Christ, by getting on your knees in the privacy of your own bedroom then yes the day will come when you will find yourself standing before God and He says, ‘I don’t know you’! (Matthew 7:22) . We don’t like to hear this because it offends our minds and hearts, so we rather pack our pick nick baskets and go listen to someone who will tell us happy, pleasant things like how we can make our business more successful, our home life better just by having ‘faith and hope’ and if you have enough faith God will reward you with pleasantries in this life: health and wealth, and oh yes – you will take dominion of South Africa, make it a Christian country – all denominations in unity.
Hope and Faith
Oddly enough you can get similar results in your business or you home by attending motivational speaking conferences hosted by unbelievers. They speak of hope and faith too, either with the mention of a god (whichever one you follow) or they don’t mention one at all. When you walk out there you feel like you too can go climb Mt. Everest, anything seems possible. It’s called psychology and Angus Buchan knows how to talk the talk, just like Joyce Meyer. Its psychology mixed with Biblical scripture or as I call it, ‘Biblical psychology’ also known as a load of hogwash that detracts one from the truth of the Bible.
Angus Buchan seems to have this thing for group repentance and repenting on behalf of others at his gatherings where it’s more of an emotional extravaganza than anything else. Being in the presence of thousands of people is very emotional and leads one to a false sense of faith, hope and repentance. “Everyone close your eyes, lift your hands and say after me…” is NOT true repentance. I was going to quote quite a few more of his ‘group repentance’ comments, but Shalom Ministries has update their website to a new website and 90% of what I have quoted above and what I was going to use has been removed, never the less the quote below is on his new website – you will have to create a login account to see it:
“I was so excited to see close on 100 first time commitments and literally the whole crowd repented before God and made a re commitment to Jesus.” [15] [Emphasis added]
UPDATED 2016: On Gateway news it talks of Sacred Assembly – a historic gathering of 50 000 Christians at the FNB Stadium, Soweto, November 19 2016 where Angus Buchan attended, it says regarding repentance, “We respect the government, because God put them in place, but we have come here to intercede and repent on behalf of the country, which is no longer walking in God’s ways.” (Emphasis added)
How on earth can you repent of someone else’s sin? One of the biggest concerns for me and many others is the ‘argument’ that is going around that, ‘many people, thousands of people are coming to Jesus because of Angus ‘s teachings – therefore what he is preaching is of God.” The same argument was used for Todd Bentley’s revivals as well, that many were being ‘saved’ in Lakeland – yet the message Todd preached was laced in occult teaching about angels, portals, opening gates, opening the heavens, glory, false prophecies, etc. It’s all about the fruit I am told, if the fruit appears to look good then surely it must be good. Wrong.
Jesus said, in Matthew 7:16-20 16 “You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they? 17 “So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 “A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. 19 “Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 “So then, you will know them by their fruits.”
It also says in Matthew 3:8 “Therefore bear fruit in keeping with repentance…”
In other words, if the message preached by Angus Buchan or another other preacher contradicts the Word of God then the fruit that follows, the signs and wonders that follow can notbe from God – the fruit that is produced is bad fruit from a thorn tree. Looks good on the outside but rotten in the inside. The same applies to those supposedly saved at these revivals. If the message preached is one that will lead you to accept a false Christ though Christian unity no matter what your faith, then by who’s name are these people being saved? It’s certainly not the true Jesus Christ of the Bible. It’s a false salvation. And might I add that yes some people will find genuine salvation at these meetings for they seek the truth, that is Jesus Christ, their hearts are genuinely in the right place and when they repent of their sins they actually mean it ad they go home and change their ways. And you will find when the they are born again the Holy Spirit will open their eyes to the false teaching that surrounds them. But 95% of people will just follow, follow anything that sounds good, they will follow the false Christ that is presented to them for they do not care for the truth – their hearts are not really seeking Jesus Christ the Son of God, they seek worldly happiness and worldly wealth instead. They will go home and appear to be a changed man for few months to a year maybe more and then back to their old self they return.
Christian Unity
It’s all about Christian unity. Unite as Christians (no matter what you believe; be it Roman Catholic, Anglican, Latter Day Saints or Church of God (a branch off sect from 7th Day Adventists or even a Spiritualist) – (see 2nd snapshot below, then see last ‘church’ on the list). Just have faith and hope and ‘God’ will do wonderful things in this country and the rest of the world. You can witness the Christian unity first hand on Angus Buchan’s new website by going to sign up; there is a drop down list of churches of which you need to pick the one you belong too. The list is enormous. I have made snapshots of the drop down list so that it is cast in stone for all too see.
![]() SNAPSHOT 1 |
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Click here to see all the ‘Church’s’ one can select on Angus’ list. (Spiritualists, Mormons (Latter Day Saints) and British/Anglo Israelites for example are included in the list)
Unity in Diversity
So as we can see, it does not matter what church you attend, what unscriptural doctrine your church follows, just as long as we all unite under the ‘Christ’ that is being presented to the world today. The Roman Catholics call it the Eucharist Christ and they have an ‘Evangelization program’ that TBN has bought into lock, stock and barrel – In fact TBN is Roman Catholic. New Agers are awaiting their ‘Christ’ and are accepting the so called Christian revivals with open arms for it aligns to their beliefs as well. Buddhists await their ‘Christ’ and there is an astounding number of Christian Buddhists who have even been baptised in Christ’s name. Muslims are awaiting their ‘Christ’ too as more and more Muslims accept Roman Catholicism because the Virgin Mary is mentioned no less than 36 times in the Koran. Muslims revere Mary. Hindu’s await their ‘Christ’ as well, and we all know that Hindu’s will worship just about anything that comes in the form of a statue which includes the Mary The Blessed Mother of God.
These people I mentioned above (C Peter Wagner, John Wimber, et al.) belong to the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) and so does Angus Buchan. The New Apostolic Reformation is also a part of an Ecumenical (or Emergent Church) message that is New Age. – The NAR are just more sneakier and use terminology that is less Ecumenical. But there are Ecumenical tell tale signs within the Angus Buchan camp, as you will see below.
Angus Buchan recently went to Ireland and preached to Protestants and Roman Catholics:
“This Sunday I will be in Durban and next week I go to Belfast, Northern Ireland to preach to the Protestants and the Roman Catholics and the whosoevers.” [3]
“We saw many healings, salvations and re-commitments and a stirring in the hearts of the Irish people.” … [16]
“At our meetings we had Catholics and Protestants together, surrendering their lives to Jesus Christ. It was a wonderful time of reconciliation.” [16] (Emphasis added)
Re-commitments? To what? How can a Roman Catholic re-commit to Jesus Christ? I am sure the Pope is jumping with joy at this – a reconciliation of all faiths to one Christ. So we now have Protestants and Catholics accepting a false Christ or re-committing to their false Christ, going back to their respective churches, never denouncing their heretical beliefs that go against the Word of God and repenting and thinking themselves ‘saved’. Great, I feel so much more at ease now.
Everything is ’emerging’: Roman Catholics, Hindus, Buddhists, Islam and Christians
God TV and TBN:
Angus Buchan is promoted heavily by God TV and TBN- the two biggest promoters of false prophets, liars, charlatans and blasphemers on this earth. Wendy Alec owner of God TV prophesied that Jesus was going to physically show up on Todd Bentley’s stage on the 8th June 2008 – of course this never happened. (click here for false prophecy by Wendy Alec, God TV amongst other things). And Paul Crouch and his wife Jan share an ecumenical bed with the Pope. There are hundreds of books on the TBN online bookstore that promote Roman Catholicism, Mary the Queen of Heaven, Rosaries, the Eucharist Christ, etc.
“The GOD TV channel will be broadcasting the event LIVE to all their viewers throughout the world, starting from 2.30pm SA time. They tell me that they have access to a viewership of approximately 500 million people (amazing)!” (Emphasis added)
“I’m also on TV, recorded each week here on the farm and then broadcast every week on TBN, CTV and the Rhema Channel.” (Emphasis added)
Angus Buchan and his Healing Ministry:
“On Sunday, we had a healing service at Shalom …” 2nd July 2008. [15]
Angus Buchan then spearheads this notion of signs and wonders accompanying him even further when again he writes in his book, ‘Jesus…a Farmer…and Miracles’:
“And they went out and preached everywhere the Lord working with them and confirming the Word through the accompanying signs. Amen. Mark 16. v20. People knew that Jesus was God because of the miralces [sic] He performed. However, that was not His motive for healing the sick or setting the captives free. Jesus had “compassion” for the sick and the hurting. So much so that He wept at the tomb of Lazarus when He saw the family grieving. Anyone desiring to be used by our Lord for Divine Healing must have a heart for those who suffer because Jesus uses hearts and hands and compassion to heal the sick. Mark 16 v20. [10] (Emphasis added)
So all you need is compassion and a desire to be used by the Lord….hmmm, does not matter if what you preach contradicts the Bible.
This quote above is not the first time I have heard Angus Buchan speaking about his healing ministry.
The problem with Angus Buchan’shealing ministry etc, is that these signs were only given to the Apostles. Those who had the great task of taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations, the power given to them was to confirm the message they had to deliver. They then wrote the message down, which became the Word of God to us, God’s final Word to us – with no one adding to it and no one taking away from it. These men were given great power for they had the most difficult task ahead of them – they were imprisoned, beaten, tortured and martyred in the most dreadful of ways. Does that mean healing and miracles don’t happen any more? Of course not. Go to Jesus Christ directly in prayer and if it’s His will you will be healed. God to Jesus Christ directly in prayer to be delivered from smoking, alcoholism etc. Go to Jesus Christ directly in prayer with all your problems. We go to Jesus Christ directly in prayer! So many people believe that they don’t have enough faith to be healed so they need to go find a middle man (the faith healer) who has oodles of faith and that will surely bring on a healing from God. No, my dear friends, it doesn’t work like this.
“The new message delivered by the Apostles was confirmed by these signs. Once the message was written down, the signs ceased to be the confirming agent and the Bible confirms itself.” [17]
Satan’s greatest lie is to convince you that the ‘gift of healing to a selected person’ still plays a major role in the church today, this is not true.
Does God heal? Of course He does! But not at the hands of a man who claims he has a ‘gift of healing’ or healings form part of his ministry. I know personally and have heard of people who were truly healed by God – they approached Jesus Christ in personal prayer and God chose to heal them. And yes people can pray for you to be healed but that does not mean God will heal you. It is God who makes the final decision in the end. He has His reasons for everything He does.
Ultimately ones salvation is more important that being healed. Are you so willing to take a chance on your spiritual life by going to a man who supposedly heals people in Jesus’ name just for the sake of not being ill while still on earth? I hope not.
IMPORTANT TO NOTE: The bible tells you to not allow people to lay hands on you. Demons are transferred from one person to another very easily in this manner.
1 Timothy 5:22 “Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men’s sins: keep thyself pure.”
Jesus Christ of the Bible and the Christ of the New Age
Please read and understand this verse, many people just read it, but never grasp what is actually being said – it’s like water on a ducks back to most.
Matthew 7:21-23 21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. 22 “Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?‘ 23 “And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.’
Just because someone uses the name of Jesus and perform miracles does not mean he is of God – quite the contrary.
Lastly before I end, I want to talk about prosperity. Many Christians follow the Pentecostal/Word of Faith/Apostolic Prophetic etc., movement that has over taken our churches and ultimately led us to where we are today – mass apostasy. All will agree that God wants to prosper us and will use the Bible and pull out verses to try back up their claims. I am going to now show you who this earth and its glory (riches) belongs too. Our riches are with Jesus in Heaven; in receiving eternal life, for those who accept Him as the Son of God and believe. Yes God does look after His children, He gives us what we NEED and some Christians are wealth, however our riches are not on this earth.
Luke 4:5-8 “5 And he led Him up and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. 6 And the devil said to Him, “I will give You all this domain and its glory; for it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. 7 “Therefore if You worship before me, it shall all be Yours.“ 8 Jesus answered him, “It is written, ‘YOU SHALL WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD AND SERVE HIM ONLY.'”
Satan who is god of this world owns all the wealth of this world, you wan’t wealth you get it from him. Be careful what you ask for, Satan can’t wait to help you out with all the riches in the world.
Faith like Potatoes, the book and movie:
I had actually watched the video about +/- 4 years ago at a company I worked for. We were made to watch it as part of a team building exercise. Funnily enough, everyone found the movie inspirational; from those interested in New Age Spiritualism, Hindus, right down to the last Muslim were emotionally affected by the movie – yet no one got saved.
We had a discussion afterwards on how to take the ‘principles’ given in this movie and apply them to our lives and our workplace, no mention of Jesus Christ and repentance of sin, just ‘learn and apply’, it was all about living a ‘good life’ and ‘accepting’ everyone around you no matter what they believed. I was so unimpressed with the movie that I actually forgot all about it, until years later I received an email on the Mighty Men Conference that mentioned Angus Buchan. I thought, “Who is this man, and why does ‘Faith like Potatoes’ sound so familiar?” I let the photo’s of the filled stadiums overtake my logic; as I said above, I really wanted to believe he was the real deal. But through intensive research it is clear that all is not what it appears to be.
Quotes below taken from here by Shaun Willcock ( I encourage you to go read the full article by Shaun.
“In September 2006 a new religious movie premiered in South Africa, called Faith Like Potatoes.I say a religious movie rather than a Christian movie, because although it claims to be based on the life story of South African farmer and Charismatic evangelist Angus Buchan, it is not a biblically sound Christian film.”
“According to one reviewer, “The film depicts some incredible miracles that God accomplishes through and around Angus. Perhaps, the most awe-inspiring part of the film is the point when, through the prayer of Angus Buchan, God raises to life a farm worker who had been struck dead by lightning” (Africa Christian Action film review).” (Emphasis added)
[Note: Todd Bentley claimed 32 people raised from the dead during the Lakeland Outpouring, unfortunately for him every one of these claims was proven false, and not one person came forward to help him verify his claims. Yet he continued to lie to the millions of people following him, telling them it was true. They believed his every word; Todd could not put a foot wrong with those who desperately wanted to experience God.]
Quotes continued from
“…Frank Rautenbach, the actor who plays the part of Angus Buchan and who had previously starred in a South African soap opera, said: “It was of paramount importance to me that we should make a real movie and not a “religious” one…. the most attractive thing to me about this role was the message of hope that the movie brings. Hope in spite of the difficulties of life.“
“A truly Christian movie would not simply bring a “message of hope”. It would uncompromisingly bring the message of hope in Christ!”
“When the movie premiered in South Africa, it was reported that it did so to a ‘star-studded line-up’, the who’s who of South African actors, movie-makers, entertainers, sports people, Christian leaders, and musicians.” Just one question arises here: Why? Why was this important to the movie’s producers? Why was it relevant at all? This is merely following the ways of the world, playing to the gallery, glorying in the world of showbiz.” (Emphasis added)
Mark 13:12-13; “12 Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and have them put to death. 13 “You will be hated by ALL because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.
These words above are Jesus’ words. The real Jesus Christ that you barely hear preached today is hated, the counterfeit Jesus preached today…everyone loves. This is why ‘faith like potatoes’ is nota Christian movie, because everyone finds it acceptable!!!
New Apostolic Reformation…and it’s obsession with the Hebrew Calendar and Numbers (part of the Hebrew Roots Movement)
Taken from here – Die Erdekruik/The Vessel newspaper
“Die Erdekruik/The Vessel newspaper believes with thousands of others, that the year 2008 (the number ‘8’ has the significance of New Beginnings in the Bible) is a turning point for South Africa. With Angus Buchan, we proclaim in the Name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, that there is hope for our country.” (Emphasis added)
[Update: Die Erdekruik/The Vessel newspaper printed the 2 page newspaper at the Absa 2008 gathering in which Kobus Van Rensburg received quite a bit of advertising space.]
Taken here from the Elijah List – a prophecy by C. Peter Wagner, Cindy Jacobs, and many others: Word of the Lord for 2008 and Beyond
“2008: The Year to Possess the Gates…This year the Holy Spirit keyed off of the number “8” to us. The number 8 represents new beginnings. God wants us to go through new doors (or gates) to go to a new level in everything we do. The Lord cautioned us that while many want to experience the new wine (i.e., new moves of God), there are some who want to “wear their old robes,” or that which is comfortable to them, into this new season of time. This will not work. It is critical that we all are willing to give up old practices, structures, and the influence of relationships that tie us to the old if they refuse to allow us to move into the new things.” (Emphasis added)
[Note: These people that C. Peter Wagner is referring too, who wear old robes and refuse to give up old practices, are those who hold onto scripture for dear life and refuse to follow their New Age Spiritual utterances.]
So once again we have South Africans speaking the same message that false prophets like C. Peter Wagner and his diabolical agents Rick Joyner et al. are promoting…how is this possible? Because it’s not biblical!
I truly pray that after reading this article, that the Holy Spirit is speaking to you and your eyes are opened as to what is going on in South Africa and the deception that has risen is not something to be taken lightly. This has been planned I believe…planned by the New Apostolic Reformation, through visions and prophecy given by none other than Satan himself. Why do I say so? Here is why…
“There is great prophetic interest in South Africa and its southern coastline from international circles. The major reason for this is because of the many prophecies that have gone out about the latter rain move of God that is to erupt from South Africa and spread into the nations.
The well-known prophet, Rick Joyner, visited Cape Town, South Africa in July 2004, and during a powerful prophetic conference on 22 July 2004, said that God is about to reveal powerful hidden ministries that are centered along the southern coastline of South Africa.” [Emphasis added] –link no longer on internet
Angus Buchan’s ministry fits their prophecy perfectly, however Angus Buchan is notthe only one, he is only the start of what is yet to come. He is just a puppet on a string.
- Rick Joyner (Morning Star Ministries) is an Occultist who calls himself a Christian. He is a Knight of Malta Templar, promotes civil war within the church, and is successfully aiding the rise of Joel’s Army. See article: Rick Joyner – Dressed as a Knight of Malta
- URGENT SEE ARTICLE: NAR Invasion of SA – Rick Joyner, Angus, Danie Slabbert, Nevil Norden @ Apostolic Prophetic Conference – July 2012
We are truly in the LAST DAYS. Watch and Pray! Be on Guard at all times, adhere to the Word of God at all times – question, test and weight all things to the Word of God before you deem it to be correct. Do not be swindled into accepting things just because we need to believe by faith and accept every message that comes our way no matter how Biblical it may seem – test it first! And remember experience and emotions do not validate that what is spoken or what manifests (signs and wonders) are from God.
The number of Wolves out number the Sheep.
While I am at it here is the correct interpretation of 2 Chronicles 7:14 seeing as though this is the verse so miss-used by these people to do nothing but deceive.
2 Chronicles 7:14 “14 and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
This verse is for Israel and Israel only. If they humbled themselves and sought after God through prayer, longing for Him and repenting of their wicked ways, God would forgive them of their sin and heal their land. However! Every verse in the Bible applies to every individual person who has a personal spiritual relationship with God through Jesus Christ His Son and the conviction of sin by the Holy Spirit which leads to repentance of sin in our own lives – of which repentance is an ongoing part of one’s relationship with Jesus.
You do not repent on behalf of others lives, or your next door neighbor, the government, or an entire nation for that matter. The ‘heal their land’ in this verse means that if you personally seeks after God, humble yourself, genuinely repent of your sin (wicked ways) and actually change your ways; God will hear you, forgive you and He will save you, and bring you back into a relationship with Him. As for “physical land” – this applies to ancient and modern day Israel only.
For God to heal an entire nation in this day and age because a few thousand people got together and repented on behalf of others in this country is ludicrous to say the least. The Bible clearly states that in the last days everyone will follow a false Christ and turn away from genuine teaching. And it’s happening right before your own eyes.. It also clearly states that when the world seeks peace and reconciliation, it’s all a lie. It’s a false peace and false reconciliation to a false Christ. The Bible says:
1 Thessalonians 5:2-4 2 For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night. 3 While they are saying, “Peace and safety!” then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape. 4 But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief;
So when the world cries for peace and unity and being one global community, so then starts the beginnings of the coming of the Tribulation. It will overcome those who are unbelievers, who refuse the truth. But the brethren (those who are truly born again) can see what is clearly taking place for they love the truth of God’s Word and we will notbe surprised when the lies of world peace and the lies of the anti-Christ turns into death and destruction. I am not one bit surprised right now and I know that many other genuine Christians out there are not one bit surprised either, and we can’t be silent and need to warn with long-suffering.
But the message for us (the true Body of Christ) in God’s Word is too not worry, too not fear, for He will look after us – Jesus is coming to Rapture His bride before the Tribulation starts. He also tells us to watch and pray and be prepared spiritually at all times. And being prepared does not mean growing organic food, or climbing to the tops of mountains to seek spiritual refuge.
- 28 August 2008
- 9 May 2009: Absa Stadium, Mighty Men Conference 2009, Image of Mustard Seed – A Daily Devotional book
- 28 May 2009: Correction in formatting and typo’s plus extra Biblical verses with explanations.
- 9 April 2010: Link added to list of ‘denominations’ one can select on Shalom Ministries website.
- 30 April 2010: Heading “A strange comment by Angus Buchan on his website” should have said “A strange verse by Angus on his website” with explanation.
- 19 August 2012 – NAR Invasion of SA – Rick Joyner, Angus Buchan, Danie Slabbert, Nevil Norden @ Apostolic Prophetic Conference – July 2012
- 18 December 2016 – added new quote from Gateway magazine regarding praying for others sins.
- [Please note that [1-8] do no longer work as Shalom Trust Ministries website was revamped and most of the newsletters posted by Angus Buchan have been removed]
- [10-11] url removed from the internet
- [13-17] url removed from the internet
- [9] C. Peter Wager – Dominion! How Kingdom Action Can Change the World, 2008. pg 16.
- [12]
- [13]
Repeat, answer to your question, here is more info for you:
National Initiative for the Reformation of South Africa (NIRSA)
Graham Power & Angus Buchan -Transformation Africa
Repeat, now answer my question:
Do you you AGREE and applaud someone who impersonates someone else and writes disgusting things to others using their name, or do you DISAGREE and rebuke these people who do things like this?
Identity of Discerning The World Stolen
You said in a comment above “Go research NIRSA.” I am doing that… Why the “Read what you want to read Eugene, whatever appeals your your beliefs.”?
You asked me to research NIRSA. Im doing that. Do you have something else on your mind relating to my question: “Can you please elaborate on how you came to this knowledge?”?
Understood. But I am a naive optimist 🙂 (Not refering to me being pregnant, lol.)
You might imagine you are only chatting to some charming people, but emergent is a movement and it has moved a lot. See what is accepted as Christian teaching: Rob Bell, Shane Hipps, Peter Rollins teaching Arts and Crafts? No, Never, Cant be!
You said:
Jesus Christ said:
Of course you wouldn’t…
REPEAT: Do you you AGREE and applaud someone who impersonates someone else and writes disgusting things to others using their name or do you DISAGREE and rebuke these people who do things like this?
This is a simple question Eugene. This has nothing to do with being Christian or not. This is about values, principles, morals – you know those thing that you are trying so hard to follow but not doing a good job at.
But you don’t have to answer Eugene, your dodging of this question speaks volumes. You and your little friends have been exposed, in more ways than just one. You are no longer welcome here.
Psalm 50:17-19
17 You hate my instruction and cast my words behind you.
18 When you see a thief, you join with him; you throw in your lot with adulterers.
19 You use your mouth for evil and harness your tongue to deceit.
Jeremiah 2:26-27
26 “As a thief is disgraced when he is caught, so the house of Israel is disgraced they, their kings and their officials, their priests and their prophets
27 They say to wood, ‘You are my father,’ and to stone, ‘You gave me birth.’ They have turned their backs to me and not their faces; yet when they are in trouble, they say, ‘Come and save us!’
John 10:9-11
9 I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture.
10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
11″I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
I can find no “link” between Angus and the Emergent Conversation in the things I have read so far published by NIRSA members themselves. There is no mention of either. I just wanted to verify a link that you made between Angus and the Emergent but you made my question into much more. It seems that you have this conspiracy theory about this “link” culminating in a One World Religion and what is disturbing about it is this “if you don’t agree with me you are not a truly born again Christian”. I am not going to play your AGREE/DISAGREE game.
Sorry for the inconvenience of that question. You can ignore it now
Grace and peace to you
Please check out this statement of fatih by brother Angus Buchan:
He is a man of God, and I had no trouble finding this information on the internet.
Judge not that you be not judged; with whatsoever judgement you judge you shall be judge likewise…
Accuse not the brethren…
Yes, statements of faith are all over the place, even seventh day adventists churches and anglican churches have statements of faith. Your point is? The point is you can make a list of 20 thing you want your congregation to believe and they will? That’s right…believe it.
Ek is eg Afrikaans, so Afrikaans as kan kom. My groot groot (ens) oues was Boeregeneraals. Tussen die spulletjie was ‘n “hensopper” (deserter) ook! ouch! Hans, DTW’s D het niks teen Afrikaners nie! ook nie teen Afrikaans-sprekendes nie, ek weet, want ons kommunikeer gereeld en het al een keer gekuier (afstand probleem). Ek myself moet erken dat ek self baie keer die Engelssprekendes se manier van iets sê of skryf verkeerd verstaan het, omdat die Engelse taal ‘n ander manier van uitdrukking het. In DTW se “comment” kan ek niks fout sien nie en ek verstaan nie waarom jy aanhou verwys daarna nie? Haal dan woorde aan sodat mens kan sien wat jy bedoel asb? vrede, cecilia
D, I just had 2 go +c why u edited this comment; and whaau girlfriend, all I can say is – those who throw words at u must go read THESE discussions! thanks 4 all ur research, much appreciated! cecilia
I’ve seen (and still am on a regular basis) a lot of people “giving their lives to the Lord”, “repent” etc. whilst in a (big) gathering. Follow-up reveal that in a big percentage of these lives, it lasts only from about 2 weeks to 2 months, then the “emotion” and the “structure to hold unto” is gone and so the “decisions” made. same goes for healings in (big) gatherings. people are prayed 4, they “receive healing”, but some time later they are standing in line for prayer again, again with the same problem. the danger of such big gatherings is: follow-up. teaching. disciplining.
Example: my friend’s husband went 2 the ’08 gathering. Had such an upliftment and experience. Came back with sparkling eyes, just telling everyone who wants 2 listen of what it was and what-all happened there! Two weeks after that he got into an adulterous relationship and wanted to divorce his wife. She’s fighting daily 4 their marriage, carrying the guilt of “it’s my fault”.
again, many writers on this blog is correct when they ask where are the fruit? cecilia
Lorraine: “Who wrote this article? I cant find an authors name anywhere. The only hint is a comment Im not angry, ever! Except when my husband uses all the hot water in the middle of winter. Is it written by a woman?”
duuuuu! now I’ve seen it all! cecilia
It is so sad when Christians find it worth their while to find fault with each other instead of working with our Lord in his kingdom to make disciples of all nations as He ordered us to do.
Could you be so kind as to articulate what exactly it is you have a problem with.
Ironically you are guilty of finding fault – with Christians finding fault with each other – as well. Sad hey?
Christians don’t fight with one another because we are born again and children of God. On the other end of the scale sit those who call themselves christian but are not. So it’s not about Christians fighting Christians. It’s about genuine Christians standing up/defending for the Gospel of Jesus Christ against those false christians who’s sole purpose is to destroy it.
Get it? Got it? Great.
Hi Guys,
It’ not strictly true that Christians don’t, nor shouldn’t, disagree, even vehemently, with each other regarding Scripture, Theology or doctrine.
One example is Peter and Paul in Galatians 2:11 – 14, “11 But when Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned. For prior to the coming of certain men from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles; but when they came, he {began} to withdraw and hold himself aloof, fearing the party of the circumcision. The rest of the Jews joined him in hypocrisy, with the result that even Barnabas was carried away by their hypocrisy. But when I saw that they were not straightforward about the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas in the presence of all, “If you, being a Jew, live like the Gentiles and not like the Jews, how {is it that} you compel the Gentiles to live like Jews?”
There are plenty more examples.
In Christ,
Ah but of course yes, Christians can disagree on issues. BUT the issues that genuine Christians would disagree on or argue about will be minor issues regarding scripture. When an entire doctrine is incorrect and you have 2 people arguing; one speaks the truth the other lies then this is another matter all together.
In this instance, Rita, could not be bothered if Angus Buchan preaches Dominionist teaching which is a false doctrine that leads people astray. Everyone should just get along, unite, even though one preaches their false gospel using the name of Jesus and the other preaches the genuine gospel of Jesus. For the ‘unity in diversity’ group just cos the name of Jesus was used in both cases then hey presto we are all doing the same work for the same God.
Rita can’t tell the difference between what is true or not so she thinks that we are just fighting among ourselves as.
John B
You contradict yourself.
You say your children love Jesus yet want to leave church.
They hate hypocrisy yet have a father who insults others calls them names in the name of ‘Jesus’ when they preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and warn of false teachers who lead children astray.
You say that these supposed men of God like Angus save thousands yet your children are confused and can’t tell the truth from what is false.
You speak of prosperity yet your household is spiritually poor.
I think you need to just give your kids the bible John and tell them they can find Jesus Christ on every page and leave the world to the wicked.
PS: if you have not noticed Angus was proved false ages ago, you are behind the times. Just like TBN was proved false, God TV (Latter Rain Manifest Sons of God teaching) and End Times peace and prosperity instead of God’s plan of judgement on the world.
The world is worse, have you not noticed?
The world is NOT going to get better so start praying.
The church is spiritual not a physical building.
When one is born again you are made a new creature in Jesus Christ and become a child of God, you are no longer part of the world, even though we live in it.
Every born again Christian belongs to the body of Christ.
It’s NOT a denomination. How ever there are many many false denominations who call themselves Christian.
The church is NOT Israel unless you think you are a Jew?
You are a gentile saved by GRACE.
Hold long is a generation? Please do check your timing on this one, it does involve you being in the right place at the right time)
Do you follow Joel 2 to the letter but leave out the end of the prophecy because it suits you?
Are you in Israel right now? If not get there quickly, Joel 2 ends where your children will dream dreams and prophecy just before the GREAT Day of the Lord where the sky literally falls in on itself.
Please quote more scripture to support your views.
I must say your insults are the worst so far, well done on that one, you must be so proud.
Will your children be reading this? Your comment I mean.
If not at least print the below articles out and let them decided who is telling the truth. The Word of God or Angus. Would be terrible to think that you led your kids astray by hiding the truth from them.
People like you look for blood, not truth. Self appointed “purity of the word and purity of other’s motives” sheriffs like you are the reason my kids want to leave the church. They love Jesus, they hate the hypocrisy of you who claim to “hear from the Holy Spirit” but do nothing but tear good people down. I think what you hear is your own doubt, your own pride, your own shovel digging a grave for a Christianity that completely misses the word GRACE. Sounds more like the devil than the Holy Spirit to me. You would have convicted Paul, King David, Solomon, Peter, James, John, and everyone else after them based on their human foibles. God calls them his friends and David a man after his own heart. You chose only the scriptures that seem to support your view, but ignore the myriad of ones that contradict it. The scripture is full of a holy tension between two ideas – God wants all good things for us and at the same time promises difficulties. They are not mutually exclusive thoughts. Pull your head out of your rear end and stop worrying about other people teaching Christ. You sound like the whiny little kids as Jesus described – (Matthew 11:16 -19) 16″To what can I compare this generation? They are like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling out to others:
17″ ‘We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge
and you did not mourn.’ 18For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, ‘He has a demon.’ 19The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and “sinners.” ‘ But wisdom is proved right by her actions.”
Today you would say like a spoiled child stompping their feet…”Oh he does not preach the way I like or say things exactly the way I want them said. He’s a bad man. Bu the thousands being saved will prove him right and not you. Your article is infamous because of how stupid it is.
Dear John B
– When you write a scathing rebuke to anybody, try and use things like wit and sarcasm (Paul was a master at this), it helps. Otherwise it sounds like you had some really bad pepperoni pizza and you have just kicked the dog…and no one will actually take you seriously except prescribe you a valium.
– If you are a brother in Christ try and make a case for your views, you will find that the owner of this site is actually very open to intellectual and well reasoned arguments. Sending down the fires of hell? Nah, bad strategy.
– You say the writer of the article misses GRACE, well your flaming masterpiece is devoid of it.
– I did not know there was a ‘myriad’ of scriptures, I am only aware of 66 books written by 40 authors. I am outlining your unbridled exaggerations which seem to have no brakes…
– You have ripped Matthew 11 completely out of context, in fact you mangled it so bad I there is not anything we can salvage from the verse. You also have to realise that the owner of the website is absolutely 100% Puritan – By GRACE alone, Through FAITH alone through Jesus Christ’s WORK alone. Is that a demon? Dude, why are you insinuating the work of God of rightly dividing the word of truth to be the work of demons?
– Thousands saved? Are you aware that the modern version of ‘accepting Jesus into your heart’ is sending thousands to hell? Biblical salvation is REPENTANCE and putting FAITH in Jesus Christ’s work alone. Repentance means a complete turnaround. Thousands in a stadium does not equal = thousands saved. That is a logical fallacy.
But I am prepared to hear why you think that Angus is a true man of God, I personally have heard very good things of the man and have quite a respect for the man. The problem is that I also see a lot of WOF and Dominionism creeping in here so I am prepared to listen to the whole story.
[ edited ]
– Lastly, please remember that you judge the fruit, NOT THE MOTIVE. You have it backwards.
Hi there,
Could you please tell me if there is anybody preaching in the world that meets your exacting standards?
Nobody sets the standards but GOD through his Word.Once you get to know the Word of God this becomes clear as daylight. We are to study the word of God as true Christians.
We are heeded to urgent warnings about False prophets in the Word of God. Do you know that?
Matthew 7:15 (New King James Version)
15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.
2 Peter 2:1 (New King James Version)
1 But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction.
You don’t seem to know the term Discernment?
>>> John B – “Your article is infamous ……”
actually, JB, it doesn’t seem to be “stupid” or “infamous” if one find it on other discernment sites that are available, e.g.:
I think I’m actually going to copy this here, and the reader(s) can go and read the letter themselves at the applicable website.
“Open Letter to Angus Buchan, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 2008, Posted by: Grace Unlimited
Very close to my heart is the honour of Christ in a world where there is no discernment. In this Open Letter to Angus Buchan, I have made an appeal to a very prominent stadium preacher in South Africa to preach a bigger, God-honouring Gospel. It is my urgent prayer that the Lord will use this letter to win him over to the beauty of the Gospel of the Bible, which is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.
Tens of thousands pack into stadiums around the country. They hear a powerful speaker speaking about God and what He can do for them. They return home fired up to reform their lives and to live for Christ. Yet they have never been confronted with the glorious gospel of the blessed God. They are dead in sin but are trying to act as if they are alive. I grieve over this sad waste of opportunity and the giving of false hope. In the end, those who leave these events, fired up with moralistic zeal, must eventually slump into weariness and conclude that Christ may not actually be able to save them at all.
This letter is not an attack, it is a gracious appeal. It is written from a heart that desires to see Angus Buchan, and many world evangelists like him, use the opportunities God has given them, to preach a magnificent Gospel that honours the magnificent God.
Read my Open Letter to Angus Buchan on SermonAudio
Read or download my Open Letter to Angus Buchan at my website: graceunlimited “
also Have a look at:
Im so glad you added the open letter to Angus Buchan.
This is so real and true that so many will disagree on and about the Holy Word of God Father Creator and they will never come to the knowledge of God and Jesus Christ. For this reason I will not qoute any scriptures but may the grace and love of God Father (Jahwe) and Jesus Christ His only begotten Son (Jehoshua) save all to repent from sin, accept that Jesus Christ is the ONLY BEGOTTEN Son of God and receive Him as your personel Saviour, Redeemer and start living a Holy Life where no one will see God because God says in His Word that :Be ye holy; for I am holy.
The tribulation is close and there will be no prosperity and Gods Grace and Love will never ever safe anybody, unless we repent from sin and get covered under His Love and Grace and yes, then we shall be hated of all men for my (Jesus Christ)name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
Forget the miltitudes now covered under the umbrella of New Wine, New Life, because they are renewed and their preachers also preach love and light with a renewed gospel of prosperity and wealth so to keep people in control for mammons sake. Yes it is true and our Heavenly Father know its true, because their father did renew himself as the father of love and light and his name is SATAN and this will be the way he and his workers of love and light will deceive the whole world to accept the mark of the beast and bow their knees before Satan as the god of this new world, under the rule and control of the New World Order.
Many thanks Deborah that you is so obedient unto God Father Creator Jahwe and Jesus Christ our beloved Saviour and Redeemer.
Let we stand strong in His service to blow the trumpet and spread the WORD of TRUTH according to His strict Word (Bible)if just one extra soul can or may be saved. What a joy in heaven!!!!!!!
The truth will set us free and Jesus Christ is the truth.
Whoa! I’m not sure what to think of this. I’m hesitant to believe this author. She seems to have set out to find any little nit-picky thing she could against Angus Buchan and she obviously doesn’t know the book of Hebrews (which Mr. Buchan was quoting) very well…
“A strange comment by Angus on his website:
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside the weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and run the race that is set before us” [3] [Emphasis added]… See more… See more
So you just lay it aside? Sweep it under the carpet? Make like it does not exist? So much for teaching genuine repentance of sin.”
I can’t say whether this woman is right or not as I know very little of Mr. Buchan, (and even less of Deborah) but that one comment alone really makes me wonder if I should trust this author…
You said… “I know very little of Mr. Buchan”
Well go find out. You don’t even live in South Africa. And you dismiss the entire article on that one comment. If you scoll up and read the other comments you will see that I have explained this already. But if you want to ignore this artile, you are more than welcome.
I was also fooled by Angus- I also attended the MMC ’09 where he fell gravely ill and was part of the 300 000 who prayed for him at the conference. The next day he stated that he had died and was resurrected- my hair stood up then… I also heard numerous testimonies and saw the changes in people after attending his conferences- good changes. His passion and genuine tears also fooled me. He also replied to a letter from my dying mother where he responded in a very WoF manner. We invited him to Welkom (a dying city) but the reply was that it is not big enough. Size matters you see…
Deborah, you have guts. Exposing false preachers, especially ones with such a huge local following takes real guts. The Afrikaner is looking for a leader and we tend to cling to anything that is prepared to stand up- even a song called De La Rey… Why not just follow Jesus and stop putting our faith in mere mortals. You will find Jesus in the pages of the Bible- stop looking for and following regurgitated versions of Jesus from people and denominations/ churches, who gladly take your money in return. Angus at the last MMC quoted repeatedly the scripture from John 21:16 & 17- “feed my sheep” This has since become a revelation to me. False preachers capitalise on the fact that we do not apply discernment and we would eat any rubbish we are fed, including rat poison that kills us spiritually. Hitler, inspired by the spirit of antichrist said: “How fortunate for governments that people do not think” He knew about the mediocrity of the masses. Critics- stop your wailing and go to the Book of truth- Be good Bereans like those who would even confirm the words of Paul through scripture (Act 17:11). Deborah, I am with you on this one. EXPOSE!